Newspaper Page Text
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Fifty Years Ago.
president Polk in the White House chela,
<7hile in Lowell was Doctor Ayer;
Both were busy for human weal
One to govern and one to heal.
And, as a president’s power of will
Sometimes depends on a liver-pill.
Sir. Polk took Ayer’s Pills I trow
For his liver, SO years ago.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills
Were designed to supply a
model purgative to people who
had so long injured themselves
with griping medicines, feeing
carefully prepared and their in¬
gredients adjusted to the exact
necessities of the bowels and
liver, their popularity was in¬
stantaneous. That this popu¬
larity has been maintained is
well marked in the medal
awarded these pills at the
World's Pair 1893.
50 Years of Cures.
If early candidate “buds”have
anything to do with it next year
will be a red hot political year.
How to Prevent Pneumonia.
At this time of the year a cold
is very easily contracted, and if
left to run its course without the
aid of some reliable cough medi¬
cine is liable to result in that
dread disease, pneumonia. We
know of no better remedy to cure
a cough or cold than Chamber¬
lain’s Cough Remedy. We have
used it quite extensively and it
has always given entire satisfac¬
tion.—Olagah, Ind. Ter. Chief.
This is the only remedy that
is known to be a certain preven¬
tative of pneumonia. Among
the many thousands who have
used it for colds and la grippe,
we have never yet learned of a
single case having resulted in
pneumonia. Persons who have
w T e ak lu ngs or have reason to
fear an attack of pneumonia, hand.
should keep the remedy at sale
The 25 and 50 cent sizes for
by Dr. R. J- Reid.
'The wagons, hobby horses,
wheelbarrows, etc. at C. Berg¬
strom's is splendid; come and see
For ILui.
The lands of Mrs. Anna C.
Hall deceased, are for rent. 200
acres, partly' within in corpora
tion. If you want a bargain in
good farm come at. once to,
Dr. R. J. Reid.
Crawfordville, Ga
Probably Another Trial.
It seems that the legislature is
going to try Judge Reese again
on the charge of getting too full
on the bench at Oglethorpe and
Hart courts, It is said, that
another trial will be had unless
the Judge resigns and we under¬
stand the Judge says he will not
T. A. Slocum, H. C„ the Great Chemist
Scientist. Will Send Free, to the Afflict¬
ed, Three Bottles of His Newly Dis¬
covered Remedies to Cure Con¬
sumption and All Lung
Confident that he has discovered a relia
ble cure for consumption and all bron¬
chial, throat and lung diseases, general
decline and weakness, loss of flesh and all
conditions of wasting, and to make its
iTeat merits known, he will send, free,
three bottles to any reader of The Advo
cate-Democrat who may be suffering.
Already this “new scientific course of
medietne” has permanently cured thou
sands of apparently hopeless cases.
The doctor considers it his religious
da‘,y—-a duty which he owes to humanity
—to donate his infallible cure. .
lleVtas proved the dreaded consump
,iot to be a curable disease beyond any
doubt. and has on file in his American and
European laboratories testimonials of ex
peritnee from those benefited and cured,
»1S parts of the world,
gfcn’t delay until it is too late. Con
Kimption, uninterrupted means speedy
and certain death, Address T. A- No
cum. M. C„ 98 Pine street. New York,
and when writing the Doctor, please give
express and postoffic address, and also
aientioB reading this arttcie in The Ad
Pure Home Matters Picked Up by Our
Local Bepcrters.
What Our People Are Oolnt and Saying,
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
—iDrummers are working up
the spritig' trade already.
Lamp and lamp chimneys at
C. Bergstrom.
—Milton Gilbert takes a trip
to .Sharon nearly every Sunday.
—The Populist have called a
State Convention to meet March
3, 1898.
—The convict bill passed the
flower house of the legislature
Special price on rrisins in
box lots at Alliance Store.
—There was another big rush
of cotton seed and cotton to our
market Saturday.
Miller & Johnson are head¬
quarters for Ladies’ Dress Goods
and Capes.
—Mrs. H. M. Holden and chil¬
dren are visiting Mrs. Weaver,
in Macon, this week.
Candy, crackers, raisins,
candles and flour at C. Berg¬
Wool Dress Goods for 5c. at
Miller & Johnson.
—The tail-end of a western
blizzard struck us (Sunday last.
It did not last long, however.
Buy all your Xmas goods at
Alliance Store and be happy.
—Tuesday was the first sale
day in many months that any¬
thing was offered at public sale.
Nice line of quadruple plate
silver ware at Alliance Store.
—Mrs. Jane Hammack has
been quite sick during the past
week but is reported as improv¬
If you want extra nice fancy
candy at 15c per lb. go to Al¬
liance Store.
—Taliaferro land was bid in
here Tuesday as high as $6.00
per acre at public sale,- That is
pretty good.
Dolls all sizes and prices, at
Alliance Store.
—We hear of some farmers
speaking of planting another big
cotton crop. What will convince
such people?
Cocoanut candy 10c lb. at
Alliance Store.
—Rev. J. F. Edens, was here
Tuesday looking after the inter¬
est of the Index and craking
jokes with his old friends.
Mixed nuts 10c lb. at Al¬
liance Store. Make your family
happy by getting your Christ¬
mas goods at Alliance Store.
—Paul Lucas has a big stock
of Christmas Goods. Look over
his stock. He will tell you about
them in next weeks Advocate
—Mr. W. R. Reid is having
the Bristow house, which he re¬
cently purchased, overhauled
and will make it a comfortable
home for his mother.
Miller & Johnson, Washing¬
ton, sell good checks ot 3£e- that’s
more than any house in town
A small sum of money will
buy a very large pile of Xmas
goods and confectioneries at
Alliance Store.
Our city council reaped anoth¬
er harvest last Monday. Some
of the boys will have fun on
Saturday if they- have to pay
the . fiddler , on onday.
If anybody IS going to get
married and JOU have to
them a present, you will find
something very nice at Alliance
Store. j
—We are told that Messrs. J.
C. Jordan and R. B. Rhodes and
their families left Wednesday
Jefferson county to make
their future home.
Bring sample Ol the needle and
you want to G. Bergstrom .
avoid going second time to ex
change them..
— Mr. E. J. Lankford, an ex- i
p er i ence d workman, of Wood-'
yill s dowa this wee k Jook
mg aft r some plastering . , <* % ‘
new home of the Advocate-Dem
—A considerable bicycle meet
® ^ ^ ^ ^ [a town
aa<1 Photographer ,___ c . ,, 1 -
eus made a photograph of
14 riders and their wheels in one
Steel MCS j With Fire Lining. Asbestos Proof
Buggfjes $35 to $ 100 . ■
Oak Bedroom Sifts, $ I 1.50 and up. | i
Cook Stoves and Ware, $7.50 and upward.
Rubber Belting;, Hardware, Paints, Christ
mas Presents, Etc., Etc.
w. T.rcrosiisrsoisr,
Washington, Ga.
Don’t worry aboutfcvhat kind
of present to get for year friend,
but go to the Alliance Store and
you can easily And something
that will suit.
, ,
cheap, shoddy stuff, guarsjntee. bit is sold
under a ten year
—Rev. L. P. Wintei^ Cotifefence returned
Saturday from and
has rented a house on Reynold’s
street, for another /ear. His
friends are glad he t* with us
for one more year at 11 ast.
Don’t be persuaded into buy
ing liniments without reputation
or merit—-ShamberJrgi 's ,P:qu
Balm costs no mor<|, and its
merits have been proven by a.
test of many years. Such letters
as the following, from L. G.
Bagley, Hueneme, Cal., are
constantly being r received:
< I The best remedy Chimberlain’s for pain I
have ever used is
Pain Balm, and I say so after
having used it in my iamily for
several years.” It cures rheu
matism, Ipene back, strains and
swellings. For sale * by Dr. R.
J. Reid'.
—Mr. W. T. Parker and family
left Wednesday morning for
Stellaville, Ga., where they t^Y go
to make their future tom- . 0
wish them success in i ir new
home, but think old Taliaferro
the best place yet.
Mr. C. M. Dixon, aweil known
merchant of Pleastnt Ridge,
Fulton Co., Pa., has t little girl
who is frequently (threatened
with croup, bul) whei the first
symptoms Chamberlain's appe ''b'.W’fe gives
her Cough Reme¬
dy, which always affords prompt
relief. The 2ff> and 50 cent sizes
for sale by D^. R. J. Reid.
—Mr. W. l/*. Huber'., who has the
been working as operator at
Northeaster^ depot fin Athens
recently, has receivec the night
operator’s office at Bulkhead and
has taken charge thmte.
Raisins, nu ts, apjles, cocoa
nuts and candy iln larjfe quanti¬
ties, at Alliance for the
Christmas. i
—If our readers find theAdvo
Democrat shorter than usual this
week, please attribute it to our
absence from the office We had
to turn carpenter andi'look after
some very necessary)- work on
our home, and we promise to do
better when we get straight.
—Mr. J. A. Woodall was here
Tuesda ’ 11s us that he has
just r£ 1 froitx a ■ frit South
as fa', as Florida. under
star Is South Georgia and has
p. ^mised to tell us something
about that section through this
There is no use to kick ftv these stoves
are made at South PitsbuTg arU are the
best OH the market also a l.wge ‘took of
Pots, Kettles, Spiders, Lids, tove Pipes
an q Polish. For explanation call at once
on Q' Bergstrom. Also two large stores
full of goods for your inspe tion. Will
sell cheap for cash Cash is „ ha i I want,
y ou j^y bring eggs say ioo.wo, 000 , 000 ,
000,000 dozen in exchange if inoney is
The Nfcv/ Store
of Miller & Johnson,
At less PRICE than any house in Middle Ga.
for Same lTlOneV ' 0^11
House . Middle _
Any in Georgia
FlOyfl ji S NOW Mam RnilHi'iD’Q DUllQin^gS.
Mrs. ( aid well Dead.
Mrs. Jno. A. Caldwell died at
q er j lorn0 } a this county Wednes
day and was buried yesterday •
She was a good woman and has
extend ouv sympathies to the
bereaved family,
The Surprise of Ail.
Mr . Jamo8 Jones, of the drug
q rm t) f j ones & Son Covvden
III., in speaking of Dr. King's
New Discovery, says that last
winter his wife was attacked
v, i h La Grippe, and her case
crew so serious that physicians
at Cowden and Pan i could do
nothing for her. It seemed to
develop into Hasty Consumption,
Having Dr. King’s New Discov
ery in store, and selling lots of
it, he took a bottle home, and to
ft'ie surprise of all she began to
get better from first dose, and
half dozen dollar bottles cured
her sound and well. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, guaranteed
Coughs and Colds is
to do this good work. Try it.
Free trial bottles at Dr. R. J.
Reid's Drug Store.
Will Sent! A Box.
The 1 idles of the Baptist
church wish to prepare a Mis
sionary Box to be sent to the
frontier. They most earnestly
beg that each sister send in a
Contributions from the coun¬
try may be left at the post office,
on the eighteenth instant
those from town can be sent to
church on Monday
the twentieth of December
the 4th Sabbath as the box will
be packed at the church on that'
day (20th inst.) These boxes
are a blessing to the faithful
Missionaries. They are Christ’s
embassadors. Let all contribute
something for the box.
$100 Reward. $100.
The readers of this pape r will
be “pleased to learn that there is
at least one dreaded disease that
science has been able bo cure in
allitastages, and that is Catarrh.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the omy
positive cure known to the medi
cal fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires Hall’s a
constitutional treatment.
Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the sys¬
tem, rthereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and
giving the [ patient strengbt by
building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing it*
work. The proprietors curative have so
much faith in its powers,
that, they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any ease that it fails
to cure, Send for list of testi
menials. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggist, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the
Don’t Neglect Tour tlwr.
Liver troubles quickly result in serious
complications, and the man who neglects his
liver has little regard for health. A boftle
of Browns’ Iron Bitters taken now and then
will keep the liver in perfect order. If the
disease has developed, Browns’ Iron Bitters
will care it permanently. Strength and
•vitality will always follow its use.
Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers.
Still Improving.
Marshal Tucker has been do¬
ing some needed work on Com
Street this week, grading
down and widening the side
walk on the hill near the Masonic j
Hall. The improvement along 1
that section is great and wo are j
proud to see the good work go-1
in - on.
A Christmas Tree Wanted.
We have not heard of anything
being prepared for the children's
entertainment Christmas. There
should be a Christmas tree ar¬
ranged. It is old time fun for
tiro little ones (and some big ones,
as to that matter) and such en¬
joyment should not be denied
them. Who will move in this
Should del it Up.
Some of our young people are
desirous of organizing a literary
and social club. It is a good
idea and everybody should give
such organizations their hearty
approval. It has been some
months since anything of the
kind was had in Crawfordt ille.
Such meetings would be quite
entertaining these winter nights.
The doctor may be a good old
man, but even so, medical ex¬
aminations and the “local-ap¬
plication” treatment are abhor¬
rent to every modest woman.
They are embai rasing—often
useless. They should not be
submitted to until everything
else has been tried. In nine
cases out of ten, there is no rea¬
son for them. In nine cases out
ten, the doctor in general
practice isn’t competent to treat
female diseases. They make a
branch of medicine by them¬
selves. They are distinct from
other ailments. They can be
properly understood and treated
only by one who has had years
of actual practice and experience
in this particular line. This is
true of Dr. R. V, Pierce, chief
consulting physician of the In¬
valids’ Hotel and Surgical Insti¬
tute, at Buffalo, N. Y. Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite fori Prescription,
it remedy reprotj all derangements of
of the ictive organs
women, has 2n in actual use
for more than), thirty years. It
cures every form. of “female
weakness. ' *
(jot His Horse.
Adam Pierson, colored, who
had his horse stolen from the
rack here Saturday nigh*' week
has found the animal, It was
taken up in Greene county by
Carter Robinson and turned over
to Ordinary McWhorter and
through a notice in the papers,
Adam was notified. He went up
to Greenesboro for the horse
and on his way home a negro ran
into his buggy and broke one of
the wheels down. He Wets in
hard luck. Some one took the
horse and rode it off from here
on the night it was missing and
turned it loose up in Greene
To My Friends and Patrons.
I desire to Increase ray trade in my old
home county (Taliaferro) and adjoining
counties. 1 have the large stock and the
low pi ices to command your attention.
To induce you to see for yo.urself, I offer. 1
1st. To pay freight on all orders over
2nd, I pay yourrallroftd fare and freight
on orders over 325,00,
You can easily get the benefit of above
offers as we have liere a large stock of
Dry Goods, (Miller & Johnson), that will
interest you, in addition to my varied stock
of Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Furniture,
Wagons, Buggies, Toys, &.c.
Washington, Ga.
Will Close Their Stores.
We the undersich merchants agree to
close up our places of business on Satur¬
day the 25th day of D; camber 1897,
8. E. GUNN,
11. L. BERMAN, I
____, '
Our Thanks Continued.
The following kind patrons have paid j
their subscription since our last, mention. :
W. T. Paikei, 81, to Dec, 12,1898. ! i
L. J. Harris, 25c to Mcli. 10 1898.
m«M MU* ItoblM -M»
wad Symptoms—Moittaw; stfbzinm uttebiv. _
moM ftt watte
iwatcbin* *Jf allowed to aad cuntla'ie turn
fotta, which often bleed uietroto, 1
coming very sore. Swgyna’s Olotmi
elope ceittioa. the Mid itching is mg* aad Heeding, heals M
x «t eaaw a imam
Railroad Engineer
Testifies to Benefits Received From
Dr. Miles' Remedies.
ML a W
£ m &
i 'VJj
WV- t If
ifFT^HEIlE is no more responsible posltiqp
0 on earth than that of a railroad engin
eor. On his steady nerves, clear brain,
brlpbt eye and perfect self command, de¬
pend the safety of the train and the lives
of its passengers. Dr. Miles' Nervine and
oilier remedies are especially adapted to
keeping the nerves steady, tho brain clear
and the mental faculties unimpaired.
Engineer F. W. McCoy, formerly of 1323
Broadway, Council Bluffs, but now residing
at 34il Humboldt St., Denver writes that be
‘‘suffered for years from constipation, caus¬
ing sick, nervous and bilious headaches and
was fully restored to health by Dr. Miles'
Nerve Sc Liver rills. I heartily recommend
Dr, Milos’ Eemedlea." I
Dr. Miles’ Remedies Dr.
are sold by all drug¬ Miles’ '
gists under a positive
benefits guarantee, first bottle re-! Remedies
or money Restore ^
funded. Boole on dis¬ Health ^
and •
eases of tlio heart
nerves free. Address,
DU. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, lud.
Tax Collectors Notice
From this dule, Nov. 32pd, 1897, State
and County taxes will lie collected by S.
11. Rhodes, who J,u.s been employed Including by
me to do this workup to and
the 20 th dav of Dec., next,, after which
lie tax hooks will close, and ti. fas. w'l
Dates and Places of Appoint¬
ments are as Follows:
Combs, Fluker List,, Tueday, Nov.
30th, 1898.
Raytown, 172nd Dial., Thursday, Dec.
2nd, 1897.
Combs, Flutter Bis*., Wednesday, Dec.
8th, isur.
Khar: n, 172nd Fist, Fitday Dec. filth
1 M 7.
Coin’s, Fluker I 1st,, Tuesday, Dec.
14th, 1897.
lb y < w >, 17ind List., Tl urfda/ Fee,
10th, 18»7.
Court louse la Crnwfordvtlle all other
days up to and includl ig the fOth, of
Decern be".
Tax-payers will please give attention to
Chi nolfte, and t» y th ir texts to Mr. K.
H. Rhodes, wk i will receipt tor sa w.
G. T„ EDWARDS, T. C. T. C,
Nov. 22nd, 1897.
p ^ EGRGTA, Taliaferro County.
Whereas, W. T. Chapman and .T. S.
Chapman Executors of James R. Chap¬
man deceased, represents to the Court in
their petition, duly filed awl entered on
record, that tney have fully administered
James R. Chapman’s estate: Th s is
therefore to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, cause, if
any thev can, why said Executors should
not b s discharged from their administra¬
tion, and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in February 1898,
Tb'S November 1st 1897.
GEO H. MITCHELL, Ordinary.
■VJfjriLL b© sold, in front of tb« door of
” tin Court House of Taliaferro
County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in
next, for cash, within the legal all
hours of sale, to the highest bidder,
that tract or lot of lurid, situated in the
Dist. U. M„ of s tid <ounty, on
which A. G. Evan# resided at the time of
“fjliaWlSi^of amis of k! LAndemm Golatt the on
t | ( ,, Kortli; I ./esse the on South
East;lands of .). H. Luneeford Ogletree, on and Martha
lands of Alex
on West.
Said property sold ns the property ot
estate of said A. G. Evans deceased,
and by virtue of an order of the
of Ordinary of said County.
This the 7th, day of Dee. 1897.
Administrator of said estate..
January Sheriff Sales.
EORGIA. Taliaferro County. court
Will be sold in front of door of
of Taliaferro county, on first Toes'
in .January next, within the H'ga
of sale, to the highest bidder lor
an undivided one-fifth interest In
to tho following All described tracts lot or
of’.and to-wlt: that tract or
land situated in the town of Crawford*
said State and County, containing all
acre, more or Jess, together with
situated thereon, consist*
of dwelling house, etc., bounded 00
North by Public Street leading out of
ville towards F. Reid-, Gn Lyneville the F,ast and by by
of James
Public Street; On South by K.ght of
Way of Ga, Railroad and on West by lands
Wash Williams and Jas. F. Reid, on
which tract or lot ol land Primus Lawson
resided sit the time of his death.
ALSO, all that tract or lot of land lv
|„g j n «olst, Dist., Q M. said State and
county, containing 80 acres more or less,
bounded on the North and West by Pub
lie Road leading from Crawfordville to
White Plains; on East by lands of Mrs. 8.
N Chapman and W. W. Bird; and on the
South by lands of C. H. Goiucke, A. T.
Chapman and Mrs. S. N. Chapman,
Said undivided one-fifth interest in and to
«aid two described tracts ol land, levied
on sthe property of Emma Lawson, to
satisfy two executions issued from Justice
court of said District in favor of U. II.
Goiucke against William Lawson ami
Emma Lawson. T- C.
D. P. HENRY, Sheriff