Newspaper Page Text
Advocate-D etuocrat.
$100 Per Tear.
The ladder was created for one pur¬
pose, namely, a receptacle for the urine,
and as such it is not liable to any form of
disease except by one of two ways. The
first way is from imperfect acton of the
kidneys. The second way is from careless
local treatment of other diseases.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid
neys is the chief cause of bladder troubles.
So”the womb, like the bladder, doctored was creat¬
ed for one purpose, and if not too
much is not liable to weakness or disease,
except in rare cases, It. is situated back
of and very close to the bladder, therefore
any pain, disease or inconvenience mani¬
fested in the kidneys, back, bladaer or
urinarv passage is often, by mistake, at¬
tributed to female weakness or womb
trouble of some sort. The error is easily
made and may be easily avoided, To find
out correctly, set your urine aside for
twenty four hours; a sediment or fettling
indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The
mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney,
and bladder remedy is soon realized. 11
you need a medicine you should have the
best. At druggists fifty cents and one dol¬
lar. You may have a sample bottle and
phamplet, both sent free by mail. Men¬
tion the Advocate-Democrat and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer <& Co.,
hamton, N. Y. The proprietors of
paper guarantee tlm genuineness of
m by II AGO Alt?>’S e SPE- ffgj m
1 1 mail. Hapra’s mall Full 'ATLANTA, particulars Address, application. Specific GA. sont Co., try mYit M |l IJ r j
$2.50 Reward
The Haggard Specific Co,
Will give three boxes of their
Tablets, worth @2.f>0 to any one who
have used as much as of t.heit
tablets without decided benefit. W e
never heard of a single case where
tablets have failed to give satisfactory
sults, and if there is a person to be
who has used them without benefit
want to know who he is and where to find
him. They never fail to dire kidney and
bladder troubles and affections of
genital organs and overcome all
and weakness in both men and women
They improve the appetite, aid digestion
and assimilation and overcome
tion. They have vital effect on all of
v organs ,:IVV- ,'riwL and
condition of the mucous g.w... ......
lions in everv part 'of the body; capillaries overcome and
all torpid conditions of the
secure perfect circulation of the blood, so
that every organ is supplied healthy. and Being every
function is normal and
the only remedy ever compounded
fully meets the logical physiological is
ditions of the human system, it no won¬
der that they give results unknown to
medical science. No matter if the doc
"tors and all remedies have failed, try
Tablets and be convinced that they arc
superior to all known remedies.
effect on the nerve centres is a complete
surprise to physicians who have used
them. Oases that have baffled the skill
of best physicians and no remedies seemed
to benefit, have been promptly controlled
and permanently cured by the Tablets.
Cases where injections of morphine
been resorted to as the only means of
temporary relief have been promptly
trolled by the Tablets and the
completely overcome by their use.
Price One Box SI.OO, cr Three
$2.50. If not on sale i:n your locality,
der direct from Haggard Specific Co.,
lanta, Ga.
—■* T'*- 'f** '•-'T> re
^ ■r jr* .V— »*.*U * Otaf & X aS
i ; - Mothers
K Read T! his.
f" ij Tor Flatulent £^J J
P j CoP.cfOiirrhraa, |f.'
|; Dysentery, ^
i{ Nausea,Coughs, GhcIeralnfantmn.Teette-N
| i U'.g CS.iidren, Cholera Dr3 ins
.2 1 ’ Morbus, Unnatural
< from the bowels. Pains, m
l) c -ipiuK, Loss ofAppet'.te, of U-e Stomach Indigestion, and
•y Kowslt, »& ari Diseases
U Ij Pitt’s Carminative
t I j ’ ; 5 tte f£and/;rd. It carries children over
tlie critical period of teething, and is rec
' <i'niae'idcd hv physicieDS a* the friend
<>f itoihsrr, Adults and Children. It u
„ the taste, and never fails to
-pleasant to will demon
r, tive sr.tisfRC'ion. A lew Coses
y ilrate its superlative virtues. Price, 2 oct».
1 < per bottle. For sale by druggists.
259 7th 5t.. Augusta, Ga.,
GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects
tight, grinds the proper glasses and W
KANIS them.
Lenses cut into rour frame while you
FREE OF CHARGE tell* if you
9 mtciciac or
a Stt/m re and cured Whiskey home Habits
at with
kWa ont pain. Bock of bcj
SwI ticaiansent FREE.
tea. Office lot H. Pryor St,
What the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
Several foot Pedd’ars in our town la6t
Uncle Jesse Dai do w is with 11s again
this week.
Preaching at Jennings next Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. Thomas Moore will occupy J. A.
Kendrick’s old residence.
Prof. E. B. Moore’s school at Sharon
opened up last Monday.
Mr, Wihiani Gunn returned to his home
last Friday gt Garfield, Ga.
Mrs. Will Harris and brother, Oscar,
visited our family last week.
A FRICANA will cure Syphili. and Old
r\ Sores to 5tay Cured.
Mr, Dub Stewart will farm with Mr. J.
W, McKinny, Sr., this year.
Walter Pittman had quite a number of
young clerks on hand last week,
Mr. L. A. Brake is making things hum
with his saw mill near Barnett.
We hear of very little sickness in our
community or the surrounding county.
Mrs. A. M. Bagby and daughter visited
Mrs. Rosa W- Taylor’s family last week.
Mr. Arcli Harper has returned from a
visit to the glory land, Emanuel coun’y
Mr. Jess Taylor and son Albcrtus made
a business trip to Crawfordville lust Fri¬
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cases rt-:s Candy Cathartic. 10c or 35c.
[f C. C. fail K' cure, druggists refund tnoaev.
Mr. J. L. Taylor returned from the
glory land last week much improved in
Mr. T. F. Kendrick has got up again
and at his plnpe of business we are glad
to state.
Mrs. W. P. McKeon and children have
returned from a visit to her mother in
Educate Vonr Ilnwols With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c. 25c. If C. C- O. rail, druggists rotund money.
fjUollard greens and old fashion pone
corn bread goes well now days with the
pot liquor throwhlin.
Mr. A. T. Gilbert has moyed into
new residence recently built by J- A.
drick near the cam vent.
T-> CBrt t-'wti^tion Forever.
Capt: bam f. PTirf/wUe rM da,nght ^
are all teaching school. They are educat¬
ed for (hat profession.
Jim Kendrick has been a widower for
several dry» back but we reckon he will
get all right again soon.
So-To-Hac for Fifty Conts.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 50c, ft. All drUKfOSts.
Jolly old Charley Caldwell was with us
last week talking horse talk as usual. He
passed on to Washington.
HI^AAffoi^NUBIAN I iwalivlv TEA cures Dyspep
B i a Constipation and Indi¬
, 25
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, cts.
Mr. G. W. Howard is still in our section
at this writing. We think Bro. Howard
better move back among us.
Some marriages are booked for near
Barnett but we can’t report untill further
orders from headquarters.
Educate Your IJotvels With Casrnretr,.
Candy Cathartic, cure eonstipation refund forever.
10c, 25c. If C. C- C. fail, druKKists money.
Prof. E. B. Moore will occupy the Ulus
Moore lot and Mrs. Ulus Moore and son
will board with his family,
Tis fu? — — it n
hails L 6V8T7
tigsxtuis wrftjpefc
Mr. Oscar Thompson and wife and Mr.
Edgar Thompson wore up last week from
the happy land Emanuel county.
We hear that the grain crop is not hurt
so far. Several of our farmers intend
putting in a big crop of spring oate.
Mr. Paul Lucas has a superb stock of
goods on hand at the lowest prices. Call
and see him when in Crawfordville.
\#OU NEED Hood’s
■ If your blood is impure, your
tite gone, your health impaired.
in^ builds up health like
All in ne-.d of tin work made or rej
ed would do us a favor by giving us a
C. L. Bagby, the tinner, Sharon, Ga.
We only had thirty in attendance at
Stephens Camp of veterans last week and
there are over eighty names on the roll.
Don't TobMeo Spit and Smoke Yocr I.ire Away.
To qatt tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic, lull of fife, nerve and vigor, take
Bao, the wonder corker, that makes weak
strong. All druggists, 50c or *1. Cure
teed. Booklet and sample free.
Sterling Remedy Co , Chicago or New York.
Mr. Pilcher Brake was in our
recent’y. Pilcher is flying around
ally. We think he is looking up a
Everybody Says So.
Cascarets C&ndv Cathartic, the anost
darful medical dfs< ovorv of the age
ant and rafresbm^ to the taste, ac
and positively on kHirers. liver arid
cleansing the entire system, dispel co :
cure headache, fover, habitusl
and bilioutnefs. Please buy and try a
of C. C. C. to-day; 10. 35. bp cents,
guaranteed to cur# by ah c.r*jrgists.
I iverliiS
cured by Hood's rills. They do their work
_ j
^ ink _ ■ W j
easily and thoroughly. ■ m j !
Best after dinner pills.
IS cents. All druggists.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Howell, Mass.
The only P1U to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
A good many hogs were butchered in
our section duvin; the cold spell last week.
It looks like there is some life in old Toli
Our people have generally got settled
down for the present year. Some are sat
isfled and others aint; that is the way the
world goes.
A ill and John Taylor with the Major
and family have moved to the Rocker
place where they will run a two horse
farm this year.
Mr. Thomas Beclnvorth’s little boy,
Loyd, who got hurt from a lick with a
rock aecideully ia the h ind of Ulus Grif¬
fiths, has got well.
Westopped over in Mildrajon Grove last
week; people seemed to be satbfiedin tnat
section. Mrs. Dr. Beazley has a fine
school over there.
Bttcttlen’* Arnlcft SEflve,
The Best Salve in the w<md ter Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rboum, Fev.
ex, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi¬
tively cures Piles, or »® ft
Is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded.^ 1 Price 25 cents pet box.
For sale by Dr. If. J. Reid
Mr, Tass Perkins has returned to his
farm in the corn try. He his boon assist¬
ing Mr. John O’Kieffe in his store during
the fall and winter.
We had a half dozen cooking range
wagons in our towa last week. It looks
like they are g« 1 :g to take *he country as
a cooking ma:hiue. $jja| people raised
The most of the .young
now days have very little t respect foi; old
people. They are grand Fa ut tea years
of age aniS kudw it all.
Cow killing ou tho du.’Tl. ft. is the or.
der of Hub day- Mr. J,. R. Gregory lost*
the lair ofip he had Is- 1 week and Mr
; ; * * ' • **
"How to Cure all Sign Disease."
Simply internal apply medicine “SWayne's required. Ointment' Cures 1
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the
fug and ourative powers are possessed by
no other Ointment. remedy. Ask Druggist for
It is strange to see that our Railroad
tra :k bosses will put certain portions of
their sccli m in parlor oidw and leave
other parts wilh no dressing at all.
Mr. A. D. Me ore, received as Clnist
mas presents a combination pocket knife
and a nice silver watch. lie also received
a nice badge from the Gate City Coffin Co.
Planters CUBAN OIL cures
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu¬
matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents.
Colie, Neuralgia and Toothache
in five minutes. Sour Stomach
and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents.
All above goods for sale by P. G Lucas.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henry, of Sparta,
have been visiting relatives in Toliver
recently. They were raised here and
were gladly welcomed by their many
T. A. Slocum, M. C., the Great Chemist
Scientist. Will Send Free, to the Afflict
ed, Three Bottles of Ills Newly Vis
covered Remedies to Cure Con
sumption and aii long
Confident that he has discovered a roll a
ble cure for consumption and all bron
diial, throat and lung diseases, general
decline and weakness, loss of flesh and all
conditions of wasting, and to make its
great merits known, he will send, fr ‘ e >
three bottles to any reader of The Adro
cate-Democrat who may be suffering.
Already this “new scientific course of
medicine” has permanently cured thou
sands of apparently hopeless cases.
The doctor considers it his religious
duty—a duty which he owes to humanity
—to donate his infallible cure,
He has proved the dreaded consump
tion to be a curable disease beyond any
doubt, and has on file in his American and
European laboratories testimonials of <
perience from those benefited and cured,
all parts of the world.
Don’t delay until it is too late. Con
gumption, uninterrupted, means speedy
d Certain dftat h. Address T. A. Sio
cum, ... M. r C. , ? J , > jj. I me s,rj*t, . ]tfew V>rk,
and when writing the Doctor, plea‘s give
I express and postoffic address, and also
I m p D tioo reading: this article in The Ad
* .DewocnU.
Without A Rival.
As a positive cure for sprains,bruises,
and pains of all kinds, Salvation Oil
jr Gratiot » t ire.. 1 - Detroit, Mich., writes ;
“I used Sah ation Oil in my family
and can say it, has no rival as a lini
ment; it certainly cures pains. I
sprained my ankle and it cured me
and since then I have always used it
for an,v pains and bruises.” Salvation
Oil is t r Jd for only 25 cents. No other
remedy do the work as promptly.
Mr, * .ephens, the Crawfordville
pho'.ogr \ was in our town hist Fri
day deli i; work and making more.
John is S clever man and we wish
h' m .'k in his profession.
M# P Taylor did not go to Ala
bama reported by us some timo ago.
Wa t * ttrry will pull the bell cord
over ' {; or mule near Barnett the
pres b&Rr. We don’t think he wants
to g Vil d no how.
F | Ml> Valuable valuable to Women. Browns’
to women is
Ire v ers Backache vanishes, headache
discip wefk u . ad Vtrongth the glow takes of heakh the. iflace readily of
come Idy e pallid cheek wheMthis siclTy won
derfu iwotlea , is taken. For children
or ov, men it has no equal. No home
shorn! be without this famous remedy.
Broths’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers.
Ms Toe Perkins, of Saudy Cross, was
in twrit lust week and she hauled tis over
abo 1 <Jk.* ■ ‘ho^V! jewing us down to halrijirice
for ft e did not Intend it for Mrs.
Peril :,a for we have done very little for
her nd she has always paid us up.
M, A. D. Kendrick, of Sharon, has
some * the finest turnips we have seen
this t They are of the seven top
var. ill measure from eight to
test* across the top. He says his
fath raised them to weigh 85 pounds,
A Clever Trick.
it 1 ly looks like it, 'but * there is
ri-alb nut it.’ Anybody can
trySf vmo Back and - Weak
lit \u or Nervous Troubles,
Wf ?• mm himself right away
by Ritters. Tliis medicine
ale system, acts as a
stilt, Iyer and Kidneys, la a
HP Hfa 1 nerve tonic. It cures
( f tfr
W : an
a; j timers an that
n tuiricle wbrker* Eycry bottle
b ‘ r Only oOc a bottle ut Dr. K.
-Iff | UK Store.
? has been predicted by one of our
n<f-Vel^K’fs th?fitj,Gbf that we would die about
April next. Well if it is the
Lq ! i will wc will go out that day and
lefvi; ibis wicked world behind. How
evt-r.we trust nothing to man’s prophesies
iir-;e days; in ancient times the old
p’ophdts when they said somethings It
mant something.
When vou hear a fellow say he don’t
whnt an office nine times out of ten they
say a 1—-i—e. Wo know a Justice that
s-.ti 1 hist before the last election that, lie
wnild not have it again. He still has it
awl would not take a thousand dollars for
it and President McKinley’s overcoat
w<t'd not make him a thumb stall of
flf,shy speaking.
Mr. E. £. Darden quit the. Sharon. bar room Mr.
bfc,'me* J..HV*, last Saturday in his bar busi¬
Fallen will attend to
ngs Simself this year. We understand
y|-. Darden will help him when he needs
hini Mr. Darden will run a farm the
pil it year. We expect this change will
b<| ’ neficial to business his health asree.d as with we him. don’t
it Him bar
Where the Blood loses its
^*** , . rtt^-gWJWS j t-Ui*. thin and -mA
watery, as in anemia, there is
a constant feeling of exhaos
tion, a lack of energy—vitality depressed.
and the spirits
oCOlt S Fmirlrlnn L fll UlSiOfl
°f | r«4 Cod-hver t' e HI Otl w*th v. Hvoo- x/p -
phosphites of Lime and boda
1S this . peculiarly condition. adapted 1 he to cod-liver correct
oil, emulsified to an exquisite
fineness, enters the blood direct
and feeds its every corpuscle, and
restoring the natural color
giving Vitality to the whole
system. The hypophosphites
reach the brain and nerve
centres and add beneficial their strength- effect.
ening and
If the roses have left your
cheeks, if exhausted you are growing
thin and from over
work, or if age ts beginning
to tell, use SCOTTY Emu!
siOH ^ f .
SCOTT S Emwsion .
Be sur, you get
All druggists; 50c. and Si.oo.
SCOTT & bowse. Chemists, New York,
Correspondents’ Eeports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
the Happenings in Their Respective I.o
ealittes. All the News.
Pleasant weather for January.
We had a large crowd at Sunday school
W. F. Cooper is with Mr. L. A. Brakes
saw mill.
Mr. J. W. Farmer was around to see us
last week.
A great deal of building going on in
our neighborhood.
Bermuda school opened Monday with a
good attendance.
There was a large crow d in attendance
at Justice court Saturday.
Mr. Battle Hearley, of Sparta, attended
Justice court Saturday on legal business.
W. T. Johnson and lady, of Powelton,
attended Sabbath school Sunday.
Mr, Wylcy Hill will return to Wilkes
county and make lii.s home there this year.
Mr. M. N. Seal and lady was at Sabbath
school Sunday.
Prof. S. N. Chapman’s school opened in
Powelton Monday,
Preaching at Powelton Methodist church
Sunday, by the pastor Rev. I,. P. Winter.
Mr:’ Jesso-MeKlnny expect* to move to
our neighborhood this week.
Edwards & Caldwell moved their saw
mill from Mr. j W^Faituo 's place to Mr.
J. I) Moore’s last we'ok.
Wo have heard of 11O tax li. fas. as yet.
Hope our people all paid Gicir taxes,
saving our officers much trouble.
Mr, F- Wynne killed eighteen nice
porkers last week, Frank is otroof our
farmers who believe in raising his hog and
homeny at home.
The Greatest Discovery Yet,
W. M. Repjae, editor Tiskllwa, Ill,,
“Chief^v says: “We won’t keep house
without Dr. King’s New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, Expe¬
rimented with many others, but never got
the true remedy until we u*ec! Dr. King’s
NowDiscove- -r Jk remedy c«p
tetri' pi - Ur
t, n ,......
Gn%UWb.fbrftbKd:ii.i f -«
te> MtzAiv
if they afl: urged on you as just a m m
l)r. King’s New Discovery. They are not
as good, because this remedy lias a record
of cures and besides is guaranteed. It
navo.r fails to satisfy. Trial bottles fiee at
Dr. R. J. Reid’s Drug Store.
South Georgia Trip.
For the Advo-Democrai
In traveling over the B ib W road one
can but see liow rapidly the noted pine
forest timber is disappearing. On both
sides of the road, extending out several
miles the land is almost bare of the once
fine timber it contained, now and then,
you can see a fine body of timber untouch¬
ed by tbesawjfiill and turpentine indus
tries. The owners having in mind,
doubtless, sometime in the future it will
be in greater demand, and command
better prices than now. We predict, in
twenty years, if the same course is pur¬
sued in destroying the timber as now,
the lower country will be in e jually as
bad condition, or worse, than we of Mid
die Georgia for suitable timber for keep¬
ing up the farm. While looking at these
proud monarchs of the forest fall before
the woodmans axe, we could but exclaim
“woodman, spare that tree.” It is a
well known fact that the pine lands of
this southern section does not grow tim¬
ber as rapidly, not by half, as the lands
of Middle Georgia, Many towns you see
on the road are in adilapidated condition;
having grown up u* -
turpentine and sawmill business, that
trade having moved to other parts, the
trade from the rural districts is not suf¬
ficient to sustain, much less, to continue
their growth. Ail such towns are of the
mushroon variety, soon up, soon down.
Towns that grow and thrive: must certain
ly be backed by a good agricultural sec
tion, cultivated and managed by m clli
ge i,t thoughtful people: otherwise there
can be hut liu j c growth. And, just here,
I might say a few words concerning the
p ar t county papers render in endeavoring
to build up both town and county.
0 ne more richly merits the esteem and
pra Ls< of his fellow citizens than the
tor of the county paper. All should
ilvra n yto hi s support, strengthen
finds that he may be belter able
form the onorous duties devolving
j L,, :,j n] i rem'-mber reading when a boy
ip i et like this:
I-Tis to the pen and press we mortals owe,
All we believe and almost all we
I have never forgotten it. and it is
Jte'stbe Wire Peace Man, of Atlanta, Ga., ^
In Advance.
NO. 47.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and
Absolutely Pure
near to the truth.
Coming to the little town of Acree
made a stop over for a few days. Here
we found some of our Taliaferro county
folks. Out of a dozen families or more,
who moved to this county (Dougherty)
some thirty years ago, I could find but
one left: a few decendants of the others.
It is true, two or three families moved to
other counties, but when we visited the
cemetery at old Pinebluff church, we
saw what had become of them. If space
permitted we would speak of some, of
them, ns they were noted families in
Taliaferro county, and doubtless would
be interesting to many living here now
to know something concerning them.
In traveling over a section about 300
miles south of Macon wc did not see a
single drunken man, which speaks well
for the lower country, we were in a small
town where the majority of but the refused town
council were sold whiskey while they men, had the
to allow it power
to grant the privilege, surely this is
commendable in a body of men who feel
that they are responsible in a large de¬
gree for the morals of the young.
►i Female
U Regulator
f>e Blood imd g t« -aw.
and Sir nYlh. it I* the
I A bottle of •• Monthly " Resutatlng by
• Bills with each bottle. For sale
dealers or sent direct upon receipt of price by
New Spencer Med. Co., Chattanooga, 1 « n "'
partment. Advice and book on Female
Diseases, with testimonials, free.
For Sale and Recommended bjf
Paul G. Lucas Crawfordy 1 ”" Ga.
There is a difference between medi¬
and medicines. rule, differ from
Those of to-day, as a respects.
those of the past in many difference be¬
Fully as great is the
tween Dr. King’s
and the ordinary medicines of to-day.
It ia unlike them in
_ THMtri»6 u _ c - _, vp THINGS l
1. It does not taste 11
-sj; .>■„ ifiTSk-JS£
drink. the most
2. It never nauseates
delicate stomach. dls-
3. It does not swap off one
gage for another. It does not setup
one form of disease in order to relieve
Mother * atmsiso'^ C ” coho , or
um Jn any fom and is always
harmIess fi7en wbeI1 given to a babe
one d old>
R u does not patch simply, it
cures. It reaches as nothing else
does to the hidden sources of disease
in the blood and removes the cause. It
does this with an ease an power
bavo never been equa e .
jOd'ac js'ifna Nerves, »nd pra lor ‘* *11 m forms
^ by oruceuta. »»w w*»»e. tore* hoe.
u«, loenose*. o D »Doii*r. M»ui«turodoniyb»
weiti poe «-I>aoe book. «AAKD rm.
qniekiv t*ctire<i. FEE DC
b^nd nM«i or sketch wiA ixyriwist-on for.r*e rtportM to
£2’Dwi* nLdiat, WASHINGTON,. D. c.