Newspaper Page Text
s»g | aagsgaas
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In fmtL
Retiring • • • • •1
take Ayer’s Pills, and you will
sleep better and wake in better
condition for the day’s work.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills have no
equal as a pleasant and effect¬
ual remedy for constipation,
biliousness, sick headache, and
all liver troubles. They are
sugar-coated, and so perfectly
prepared, that they cure with¬
out the annoyances experienced
in the use of so many of the
pills on the market. Ask your
druggist for Ayer’s Cathartic
Pills. When other pills won’t
help you, Ayer’s is
—Dr. Cicero Lucas, of Wash¬
ington, was over Sunday.
says the fire injured their stock,
not by burning but by
out and in.
“My daughter .when
ing from an attack of fever,
a great sufferer from pain in
back and hips,” writes
Grover, of Sardis. Ky.
using quite a number of
without any benefit she tried
bottle of Chamberlain’s
Balm, and it has given
relief. ” Chamberlain’s Pain
Balm is also a certain cure
rheumatism. Sold by R. J.
Mothers whose children are
troubled with bad colds,
or whooping cough will do well
to read what Dr. R. E. Robey,
Olney. Mo., says on this subject.
He writes: ( i For years we have
used Chamberlain’s Cough Rem¬
edy, and n|ways keep it in the
house. It is regarded in ‘our
family as a specific for all kinds
of colds and coughs. The 25
and 50 cent bottios for sale by
Dr. R. J. Reid.
—Dr. Tim Berggren, the
man from Sweden, who has been
stopping with Mr. C. Bergstrom
some time at this place, left yes¬
terday for New York and from
there he will go to Germany.
Mr. A. H. Crausby, of 158 Kerr
Memphis, Tenn., says that his
paid no attention to a small lump
appeared in her breast, but it soon
veloped into a cancer of the worst
and notwithstanding the treatment
the best physicians, it continued
Bpread and grow rapidly, eating
boles in her breast. The
her incurable.
mm agg§$>*Q£s celebrated New
r - specialist then
m ed her, but she
tinued to grow
and when
that both her
v; MG and died grandmother
from cancer
w w hopeless. gave Someone the case then up
and though little hope remained,
begun it, and an improvement commenced to heal xvas
ticed. The cancer several bottles
when she had taken
disappeared entirely, and although
eral years have elapsed, returned. not a sign
the disease has ever
A Real Blood Remedy,
S S.S. ’guarantied purely vegetable
is a red! blood remedy, and never
to cure Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism
Scrofula, or any other blood disease.
Our books fl ^ fj*
will be mailed
free to any ad
dress, Svrift
Specific Co.
Atlanta Ga.
QEGRGIA. Whei an •T. S.
na Ty ‘O iv. a
•J 2nd er
iivIIELL, J: dL ary
C/3 1 m. ' A T7 c:J> CM
Pure Home Matters ‘Picked Tip by Our
Local Reporters.
What Our People Are I>oing and
Tilings Our Friends Tell Us.
—Water in some wells is lower
now than in the summer.
§2!—Some of our gardeners have
been buying seeds already.
—January has given us some
nice weather up to this week.
—There is considerable cotton
coming in to the gins this week
—Stephens High School open
edMonday with 80 odd scholors.
—We return thanks for several
new subscribei’s to begin this
—Remember our clubbing
rates with most any paper are
very low.
Miller & Johnson are head¬
quarters for Ladies’ Dress Goods
and Capes.
—Stockholders of the Alliance
Store held a business meeting
Miller & Johnson’s uew store
at Washington is the store for
big bargains.
—It is said a warm January
brings colder weather in the fol¬
lowing months.
—Will Hubert, operator at
Buckhead, spent Sunday with
his family here.
—Correspondents, please give
us the news. We want all the
news of the comity.
—Mrs. F. L. Stephens and
Miss Maude went over to Wash¬
ington yesterday.
—Col. Jim Kendrick, of
Sharon, was up here Sunday
last among his friends.
—Miss Lizzie Sanford, of Mil
ledgeville, is visiting her aunt
at Liberty Hall, this week.
—Mr. Jesse Portwood has
bought the A. G. Evans place
and moved thereto this week.
—Many people are coming
from adjoining counties to trade
with Crawfordville merchants.
—Good many of our people
have been vaccinated. No sick
ners reported from the effects.
—Angus Richards is now with
Messrs. Edwards, Caldwell & Co.
Angus makes a good salesman.
—Paul G. Lucas , and liis
mother moved to the Bristow lot
near the High School building.
Miller & Johnson, Washing¬
ton, sell good checks ot 31c. that’s
more than any house in town
—Fitzhugh Fiynt returned to
Atlanta Monday to resume his
studies at the Technological
—Atlanta, drummers have been
scarce in Crawfordville the past
few weeks—the quarantine cut
them off*.
—Messrs. Rhodes, Dolvin and
Edmonson shipped a car of cattle
this week from this place to Cin¬
—We are making arrangements
whereby we will be able to make
a big clubbing offer to our sub¬
—Mr. E. A. Rozier will open
a bank at Sparta. It is getting
time one was opened up in Craw¬
—Mrs. Maltbie and family
have moved to Crawfordville
from Wilkes. We welcome them
among us.
—Mrs. A. J. Melton and fami¬
ly arrived Friday from Augusta.
One of her children has been
quite sick.
—Mrs. U. S. Gunn went up to
Greenesboro Tuesday and from
there to Penfield where she went
to visit relatives.
—Missess Bessie Walker, and
Lizzie Lou Moore, of White
Plains, were visiting relatives
here first of the week.
—The town authorities are al
o drummers to come in
by their swearing 1 1 } c .
Hu not been exposed to small
j --Mi'. L yle.y T Hill, of Wilkes
.y, returned ho liiG
; reil iniLii’SL'hSie
; —Col. Frank Mitchell and his
1 lady, and the latter's mother,
1 ire. Coleman, of Swainesboro.
isiting relatives
lie y have enquired wny
s .not an announcement
ciiool opening
e will say it was not
0 wtor 'Norton and fo C
,vil! so* h ■i
so c om pi on 4-1
corner. A
i: more city like
1898 has arrived. Mv bid store is packed with an immense stock,
10,900 square feet, three floors. Every department is complete. Have bought
right prices and just received the following:
i Car White Hickory Wagons, 300 Kegs Nails,
15000 lbs. Plow Hose, i5o Plow Stocks,
100 pr. Starr Harness and Traces, 250 Plow Bridles,
11 5 Cooking and Heating Stoves, 25 Dozeu Axes,
Give me a call when in Washington. You are cordially invited to come and
my mammoth store and stock.
W. T. JOHUSOlir,
To Erect a Town Iiall.
There is a movement on foot
erect a town hall building con¬
taining offices and auditorium.
Our city council is at the
of the matter and it is a
step in the right direction.
It is a building that has al¬
ways been needed in Crawford
ville. Many shows and enter¬
tainments would stop over here
if there was a place to rent suit¬
able for such, and a nice income
would be taken in each year.
By all means erect the town
hall and tlx up a nice auditorium
public gatherings, speeches,
etc, that will be an ornament and
honor to the town. The progress
our town demands it.
A Case of Systemic Catarrh in Its Worst
Form Cured.
Invalids would- do well to read
the following letter recently
written to Dr. Hartman by Mr.
Miller, of Stilesville, In¬
diana. Not only read it,, but
on it. Not only ponder
it, but act upon it. He writes:
A word of praise to your medi¬
cines. I be
Hi II gan taking
Pe-ru-na the
A 20th of Feb.
fir ruary, 11
1 was n
if ' FsKplrPv '*■ My weight
gfr was 134
pounds. I was weak and almost
to go to bed. I had catarrh
asthma;and kidney trouble. I
have taken ten bottles of Pe-ru
na arid I weigh 161 pounds. I
feel as if I could do as much
work as any man on earth. I
had tried seven doctors; some of
them as good as there were in
the state. But none of them did
me any good. At last I saw Pe
ru-na advertised. Then I began
taking it and it has cured me. So
I recommend it to my neighbor,
it is doing the work for him.
He has gained four pounds from
use of three bottles.” ‘
Send to The Pe-ru na Drug
Manufacturing Company, Colum¬
Ohio, for a free book on
written by Dr. Hartman.
Ask your druggist for a free
Pe-ru-na Almanac for 1898.
Wool Dress Goods for 5c. at
Miller & Johnson.
Brothers’ Newspaper Man¬
uel, 1898.
We liaye received the Tenth issue of
the Newspaper Manual of Remington
Bros., of New York, N. Y., and Chicago,
Iii. The contents include complete lists
of all newspapers in the United States and
Canada, with their days of issue, politics
and circulations, and properly classified
lists of the principal Dailies and Religious, Weeklies,
rmd the best Agricultural,
Scientific and Trade publicationsandlead
.Taga/.ines. All the lists are catalogu
eu by town- in alphabetical order, and in
the general list the population is given of
Oc.'-h town and of the county in which it
is located. As-a hook of reference it mast
invaluable in every b. sines* office.
The New Store
of Miller d. Johnson
Washington, Ga. ® ® ® ®
At less PRICE than any house in Middle Ga.
for same money than NEW STYES,
Any House in R\idd!e Georgia. ; NEW METHODS.
Floyd’s New Buildings.
It Went Down.
The old town bridge across
gully near the railroad, in
of Liberty Hall collapsed
day, carrying down the
mule and a load of rock with it.
The old bridge has been stand¬
ing some time but the
rock broke it down. There
no serious damage.
Wanted:—F ive or six
loads of grazing cattle.
exchange horses and mules
pay cask.for same. Bring
to this place at once. We
horses and mules on haud
year around that wo will sell
cash or;good paper. Stock
be as represented.
Rhodes & Dolvin,
Crawfordville, Ga.
—The many friends of Mr.
Paul H. Chapman will be
to know that Mrs. Chapman has
returned from Mexico and
all differences have been settled.
Paul has accepted a telegraph
office „at Covington. We wish
them well.
Indeed you would be cruel
let your sweet helpless baby
fer with Colic or Pain in
ach or Bowels when there
such ble Rl’huisdy J, pleasant, to be safe obtained and relia¬
easRiJ. pottle liTour Druggist will
you Antistatic al of, Dr.
for 50c.
1 m
ft-Ky., August 20, 96.
I li| pfnandled Dr. Tichenor’s
Antiseptic aadfaJl wh0 with have splendid tried results praise
it highly. One man used it for a
sprained ankle and was relieved
when all other remedies used
had failed. George Kerkick.
—Mr. Frank . Rhodes, of
Rhodes & Dolvin says that ad
vertising surely pays. He has
been trying the columns of the
Advo-Democrat and he finds
it pays to let people know what
you want.
New Orleans, Jan. 12, ’77.
Having used Dr. Tichenor’s
Antiseptic in my family and
known of its use for a number of
years, I take pleasure in rec¬
ommending it as a valuable
household medicine. Its efficacy
as a dressing for wounds, burns,
etc., is really wonderful; pre¬
serving the flesh and allowing
ing it to bedl without inhumation
or suppuration. It is very popu¬
lar wherever well known.
J. F. Purser,
Pastor: first Baptist church,
New Orleans, La.
—Mr. R. B. Rhodes and fami¬
ly are moving from this county
to Mathew Station on the Au¬
gusta and’Sandersville railroad.
We yvish them well in their new
Our Thanks Continued.
The following kind patrons have pa d
their subscription sioce our last mention.
W. H. Allen, Si to.Jan. 7 ’98.
J. T. Harris jn Si to Jan. 7 ’98,
W. T. Hill, 50c to July l i, ’38.
E. H. Meadows, 25c to Agril7 ’98.
Tcaeliors’ Examination.
County School
Fiynt will hold a special
nation, of applicants fox 1
to teach, on Saturday, loth lust
at the Court House at 9
a. m.
A Big Stock.
Mr. W. T. Johnson has a
store in Washington,
16,000 square feet and it is
to overnowing with nice
cheap. See his notice in
column and call on him for
you want.
Life I ni irisonmcnt.
Sim Thomas, the negro
killed Alex McCauley in
on Dec. 11, was tried in
ington Monday and was
guilty of manslaughter and
sentenced to life imprisonment.
It was feared that he would
lynched if kept at
and lie was carried to
Tuesday for safekeeping.
Disappeared Suddenly.
Mr. W. V. Birdsong, a
business man and merchant ol
Mayfield, on the Georgia
road, a few miles cast of
ha., mysteriously disappeared.
He was heavily in debt and
unable to pay out.
told a friend several days
lie left that he was going
Texas. He left a wife and
eral children behind him.
It has been hold thatconsunrp
lion is hereditary, and the
that one person of a family
died with consumption was
sidered a sure sign that
of that family could not
it. This is partly true and
ly untrue. A mau with
lungs is likely to transmit
weakness to his children.
there is no reason in the world
why the weakness should be
lowed to develoD. rich,'" Keep
lungs full of red, whole
some blood, and the
will disappear. Decaying
will be thrown off, and new
terial will bo added until
lung’s are well and
strong again. This is the
that Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical
Discovery does- This is what
makes it cure 99 per cent. of. all
cases of according consumption to directions.
taken disease
It searches out
wherever they may be in
body and forces them, out ol
system. It supplies the
with rich, life-giving properties. good,
It makes the appetite
gestion perfect. Send 21
in one-cent stamps to
Dispensary Medical Association,
Buffalo, N. Y-. and receive Dr.
Pierce’s 1008 page
Sense Medical Advisor, 1 » pro
fusely illustrated.
No New Canes.
Wednesday’s Echo says
nearro who has small-j ox
Crawford is almost well and
none of those who were with
have broken out with the disease.
His mother and father will
be confined several days. It
been fifteen days since this
was declared small-pox.
are no new cases reported
Madison, It is now
that the small-pox will soon be
thing of the past. The
papers say it is dying out in
Jiow’s This 1
We offer One Hundred Dollars
lie ward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall’s
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props.,
Toledo, O.
We tho undersigned, have
known F. J. Cheney for the last
15 years, and believe him per¬
fectly honorable in all business
transactions-and financially able
to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & TkUAX, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Warding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces
the system Price 75c. per hot
tie. d by all Druggists. Tea
timers is, free.
Hall’ Family Pills are tho
J’t 'A t Z'onr L re r.
Liver ieklv rc
com plications, a m roan who neglect
? ^ v *!th. cV b
of Browns to n nc 7 aim then
rii] t n perfect •. if th
i, Brow
literal ia cal P* aiers.
A Shattered Nervous System;
Restored to Health by Or, Mile*’ Nervine,
m 1 wsi 1
: v
i/m ifjmLm mmm 1 /».
mm ^ >'
kM ip/
! j w
* ' w
M K. EDWARD HARDY, the jolly man¬
ager of Sheppard Co’s, great store at
Braceville, Ill., writes: “I had never
been sick a day in my life until in 1890. T
got so bad with nervous prostration that I
had to give u o and commence to doctor. I
tried our local physicians and one in Joliet,
but none gav., mo any relief and I thought
I was going t die. I became despondent
und suffered untold agony. I could not eat,
sleep nor root, and It seemed as If I could
net exist. At tho end of six mouths I was
reduced to but a shadow of myself, and at
last my heart became affected and I was
truly miserable. I took six or eight bottles
of Dr. Miles’ Nervine. It gave mo roller
Dr. Miles* Remedies Q r f
guarantee, first bottle i>|i6rVinS -5
of the heart and V*E*TM
dr. miles medical oo., Elkhart, ind.
February Sheriff Sales.
Will be sold in front, of the door of
Court House of Taliaferro Count v Geor¬
gia on the first Tuesday in February next ,
within tile legal hours of sale for cash,
to the highest bidder, all that tract of
land situated itt the town of Crawfordville.
Taliaferro County, Georgia, containing
3 i-2 acres, more or less, known as the
School Ileazjey lot, building fronting the bounded Stephens High
lot, on the
North by Public Street, on Iv. -thy Pub
lie Street, separating said land from lands
of Mrs. L. Stephens and W. R. Gunn, on
South by right of way of (la. Railroad
and on West by lands of J. T. Harrison.
ALSO, all that tract of land situated in
said town and County, containing one
acre, more or less, known as the Nanc>
McCommock lot, bounded on North by
right of way of Ga. Railroad: on East by
Public Street,, separating said land from
Masonic Lodge lot; on South by Public
Street, separating sa*d land from lands
of J. D. lliitnmack and on West by lands
of ALSO.all King Star that Society. lot of lend, sit¬
tract or
uated in the 607th, Dish G. .M. said Coun¬
ty containing 167 acres more or less,
bounded on North and V,' ** by lands of
i-. r.r«H. « on n, rf* > '- of r. j.
Reid; and on South by lands of Mrs Ju¬
lius Jordan: which tract or lot of land is
known as the Dower lauds of Mrs, Nancy
Reid, in which she took dower, which
tract of land was levied upon and sold
subject in and to the the life estate of said Mrs Reid
to same.
Said property levied upon and describ¬
ed above, levied upon as the properly of
T. E. Bristow under and by virtue of and
to satisfy executions issued from the Jus¬
tice Court of the 6orst, Dist, G. M., said
County against said Bristow in favor of
Vannersoh & Flemming; G. T. Dodd Si
Son; 'J'. Flemming & Son: |. W. & K. C.
Atkins: W. A. Russell: Simon, Seward
& Co.. J. Leopold & Co; It. J. Wolf &
SonyThos. M. Clarke & Co: Dobbs, Wey
& Co..and Executions issued from the
Superior Court of said County against said
Bristow ill favor of S. C. Dobbs; Landrum
& Butler; Heck & Gregg Hardware Co.;
Slinghiff Disney & Co., and Isaac Gree
bauiii Si Co.
A LSO at same time and place will be
sold for cash to the highest bidder, al 1
that tract of land, bounded on North by
lot of Mrs. L- Stephens: on Fast by
Street, leading from public square due
South to lands of Jos. Fanner: on South
b.v lands of said Farmer and on Wcsl by
Public Street leading from Crawfordville
towards Moore’s mill, containing }{ acres
more or less, known as the Brown House
ALSO, all that tract of land, contain¬
ing one acre, more or less, bounded 011
North by lands of W. J. Norton; on Last
by lands of Genie Morris and Mi • Ro¬
berta Akins and on South by lands of A.
G. Beazleyand Street and running parallel Linds
v.ith Ga. Railroad on West by
of said Beazlev and Street running from
Ga. Railroad depot towards Hall place.
Said two tracts of land situated in the
town of Crawfordville, said County, and
levied on as the properly of Titus Rich
aids, the defendant in execution, under
and by virtue of said execution issued
from die Superior Court of said County,
in favor of Frucilla Edwards, administra¬
trix of estate of William C. Edwards,
deceased, against said Richards.
Written notices of said levies given as
required by 1 aw.
This the 6th, day of Jan., 1898.
Sheriff of Taliaferro County.
Guardian Sale.
U GEORGIA, Taliaferro County.
Will be sold in front o the
- urt ■ House of Ktici Countv on
T . lay in February 11V.I . lie
f.'r i'ndMdf 1'or bidder,
than vm i
ut( , (l ja thec^h. Dist. g. M., Taliafer
County, Georgia, .nt a jL’o 1-2
. res, more or less, lands of
iima Si< phenson Nt lm Hands
fai s Moore and onrv jo. on
j la 1 lauds of Lena Get h.
:, I under a;\! by virtue
t; Ordinary Washing
■oruia. baid eity sold
he pro] n •; Irene
V, iillaui Wynhe am I George
Wvr !iue«
the Gill, day f R9
WILUA-V. r.»
Guardian of the i cr<oiH a l piopeity
of (Taude, Irene, ANi iiuni ihd George
ynne, minors.
\l ro I
B. -t Cough Syrnp. Tf T. G(
b y tiroggJ^s.