Newspaper Page Text
STfesr V~* — ; SK
XVege table iheToodandRegula Preparation for As
simitating Stomachs and Bowels of
ling ilie
T _________ 1 ffiS _____■ fCmwKtim* _______= r
-mm —
Promotes andItest.Contains Digestion,Cheerful neither
ness Mineral.
Opium.Morphine nor
Not Nahc otic.
J’lmtfJxm Se4il~
Alx.Smrtft *
JtochttU SJu -
jiru jc Semi *■
JbpfKt Jt\ Card Ant anotk - Soda.>
jlirmSt.rrJ Suyrtr -
Clan/iod -
hinJvyn*n florin
Apcrfect Remedy for Constipa¬
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish¬
ness and LOSS OF SLUEI’.
■Facsimile Signature of
w. *^AI.^rno«k«h:i :oItl
exact copy of wrapper.
ft v
i •v
.* .t »‘b ,.xti y mgP
10* 1 'si i ,v ALL
25* 50 ♦ 1 y\ DRUGGISTS
GUARANTEED to rtirti :i«f fiiKeof roustipntIon. Cnsrarots nre the Ideal Laxa¬
tive. never arrip or irripe.liut cause cany natural reaultB, JSam
and booklet free. Ad. STKtUJNO liKMl .»V t’O., rhlcniro, Montreal. Can., or New lork. 217.
-Ly w- » » ■ <j*- O T> €> <► <****■%»■
n / 0
wad r raiaa m ] CP^, rA t* B
< * (g) (*) ® (f)
Use “Southern Home Paint.”
Guaranteed the best Paint made. No adultera¬
tion. I! is strictly pure and will cover more
surface than anv adulterated goods
Mmle in 30 Itenutil ul Colors!
F. J.Cooledge & i ■ 7
Paint and Varnish Makers,
Savannaii < 5 c -A_tl 3 -xit 3 .
R, a n fJ R r\ S rr** Rk F- r*“ 8 -Tr
No. 5 Warren Block.
AUGUSTA. GA., October 11, 1897.
TIU' FIRM OF HI LL & TOBIN is this duy dissolved by mutual consent. 1\ B.
Tobin having sold out his interest to Asburv Hull. Each partner will transact busi
ount VII (he issets ol the late firm are the property of lil^LL, A*buiy
Hull, whmissuuu' ail the liabilities. ASl.l uV
1*. It. 10B1N.
AUGUSTA, GA., October 21st. 1897.
Mr. P. IJ. Tobin announces that he has sold his interest in the Au
jyusla Cotton and Uompress Co., retired from the firm of Hull & Tobin,
Sind organized the P. 1! Tobin Cotton Co., of which he will be President.
Bavin.; thus disposed ot all his other cotton interests, his entire time and
attention will be devoted, to that of his old friends, and planters and mer¬
chants generally, who may favor him with their patronage.
The firm have ample means and facilities for advancing CASH up¬
on crops during the spring and. summer, and On cotton in store, at reason¬
able rates. HH
Mr. levun's eighteen years experience as a Cotton Factor and 1'< X
porter is a guarantee of verv best results to his patrons.
T*\ EE i I AG VV 11 H DESTiNV.
I B No man can tell w hen it will ^ *5
A 1 *“■ B corae along. Often it starts p. Ws2$t>
up tefore us m uuevpected ' gtA i
i.-.nes ac t places Kven an U
afternoon introduction stroll *v.ih >hajw a friend an the .v.ul cour-. ; cv of V T '3
nay \ I >«**, \
on. saturate To be always at yonr vest \ Vte ■ ■ iV
and x:ot ashamed of your gentleman. desttnjr yon must „ | v Vg. f p j
*iro*» like a true T!. -n /-\ 8 L
be done by orJerir ^ your Salts end Overvooti of v-, ! V z h'L / \ V
M. BORN A GO., jn IT
The Great Chicago Merchant Tailors it!#m J * t
Who are nnrh slleit Master-o:~
the Tatlortna Art. IS!
taaosUip. Fit. 300 New NEW Stock- Thrifty I aaet: L-.test - Trices. 1 -uie-t Styles Mate:: El. : l Wort- erfeet iiJ m
A Cheary Guaruutea With Ail.
CbU »n
Holden &i Co., Crawfordville, Ga.
•7 S
i.::at.tyz 3
it. css
Castorla is ptit tip in ono-siio hottloa only. It
ft not Bold In bulk. Don't allow anyono to Bell
you anything else on the plea or proiniao that it
is “jnst as good" and "will answer every pnr
pose." ^Sco that you got C-A-S-T-O-K-I.A.
Th« (44
tlnU« !s os
lip It VC •V017
c! ■wrappoT.
Brightest Items from Near by
To the Credit of the Excellent County
Journals from Which We (jet
the Creamy Neves.
—Some farmers in Oglethorpe
county are sowing some January
—Vaccivation has caused sex -
oral to be quite sick at Lexing -
—Messrs. Jas. Johnson and
R. P. McKee have moved from
Greenesboro to Winder.
—Dr. J. IJ. Bailey, school professor
of the Union Point was
married on Dec. 29.
A 493 pound hog was killed by
William Johnson in Wfirren
county this season.
—Miss Mary Willis and Mr.
M. L. Andrews were happily
married in Wilkes last week.
—Miss Clyde Little was mar¬
ried Wednesday last in Hancock
county to Mr. Harry Culver.
—Miss Lillie Belle Jackson
was married to Mr. John Dick
son on the 11th Inst., in Warren.
—Washington merchants who
were burned out last week are
pushing ahead, will rebuild and
push things along.
—Miss Nora Brake was mar¬
ried to Mr. E. G. Brantly, at
Coleman’s Academy, on Tuesday
evening, Dec. 28th, in Hancock.
—The Lexington Baptist
church has abolished Saturday
conferences and will hold those
meetings on Sunday after regu¬
lar services.
—Washington, Greenesboro
and several other towns has it
rumored that small pox was in
their midsts last week, but later
reports say it is ail untrue.
—Warrenton people in connec¬
tion with their bank will build a
large warehouse. Good idea
and Crawfordville people will
lose lots if they do not do the
s une thing.
Benton, Ky., August 22, ’90.
All of my customers whom I
have heard say anything about
it are well pleased with Dr.
Tichenor’s Antiseptic.
R. H. Starks, M. d.
SHARON ITEMS fro- 1st page.
Meu that you can’t Cc money out
o{ should not be allow,* Meet money
out of you. They shoul he allowed
to h do under their wives* ,ti coats and
defy you.
Sharon community has some as pretty
girls and young ladies as you will find
anywhere and just as smartaml inte’igent.
They are all full (f life, when it coruos to
M r e sco some of the Indigent soldiers
arc trying to <i( t a pension according to
their dictation. You liavo g<u to foil, w
the laws as t hey were made if you expect
to go through.
Save The Children.
When children are attacked witli
cough, cold aud croup, Dr. Bull’s
Cough Syrup will prove a quick and
sure cure. Mr. Elmer E. Baker,
Blandon, Pa., writes: “We have
used Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup for cough,
cold aud croup, and found it the best
cough medicine and cure for these
affections. We never run out of it,
but always keep it on hand.’’ Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup is sold everywhere
for 25 cents. Insist on having it.
As peop'o move out others come in so
w ;iiu’, loosing mud;. A prominent citi¬
zen of our county said sometime since that
some who had left our county could very
well be spared.
Sl» f«e- il 9B
jiaiia trtijr
Mr. J. S. Chapman expects his Mr. Love in
Brake with his saw mill cm land
Miidrajon Grove section soon and if you
want -o ne good forest oak or pine lumber
you had better send in for it.
FUeal Files! Itching Pitt*.
Symptoms—Moisture; iaiensa tforse t oots#
and stincinii; most at n^btf continue by
scratchim •hlf allowed »» tuBMl
form, which often bleed and ulcerate,
coming very sore. Swaytie'a uiu'.meat
The Public School question seems to be
varv exciting now davs. especially among school
the colored people. They all go to
from fou r to forty veurs of age. There is
a school near here that they sav has as
high as eighty scholars at a time and
on vjm teacher and we know some that
went to that school that was 21 years of
For Infants and Children.
TV. fi- is
Si niffm.
Dr. Miles’ Nervine
Will Not Perform Miracles But It Will
Cure Nervous Prostration.
) . ’V . c ' Emmm -
3 Ly !
Q Qi
£ 9
..■o y
ml ,:c m mm "ifll
v^ » m% s yi 3
m. m. hi th
/tv .v
,r'Vi sfO*
IW ,| ^
MRS. ADDIE REED, Delta, Iowa.
MILES' Restorative Nervine Restores Health,
B not by any miraculous instantaneous process, but in accordance
with science, which is the practical, common-sense way of first re*
•oceeo moving the germs of disease, and then supplying nutritious, healthy
ME ■11 nerve food, that gradually starts into new, vigorous growth, strong
f healthy nerve tissue, increases the appetite, helps digestion in ton
| lng the stomach and entire system; and strengthens the brain and
f 1 J will power to control the nerves, that induce sleep and rest with-
1 out stupefying or paralyzing the senses.
f j The case of Mrs. M. B. Reed, the estimable wife of the leading
merchant in Delta, Iowa, interestingly shows that desperate cases
require prolonged treatment. Mrs. Reed writes
“ I had been troubled with nervousness and occasional spells of prostra¬
tion. In July 1891,1 was stunned by a stroke of lightning striking the house,
and became much worse. My limbs would all draw up, and my left arm and
hand was in a cramped condition, and the chords in my neck would lie out
prominently. One physician pronounced it a light stroke of paralysis. I
would have throbbings in my chest that seemed unendurable. For three
months I could not sleep, and for three weeks I did not close my eyes in sleep.
I thought I could not stand it. I just prayed for sleep, and felt that if relief
did not come I would soon be dead or insane. My physicians (two from
What Cheer, one from Springfield, and one from Sigourney), all agreed there
was no help for me; that I was incurable. January 1892: Catching at a last
straw as I thought, I tried Dr. Miles’ Nervine, and it helped me from the very
first bottle. The second night I slept two hours, and from that time on my
sleep kept increasing and my health improved; slowly at first, but steadily
and surely. I have taken in all forty bottles, but that first bottle was worth
$600.00 to me. No words can express my sufferings, and I can’t explain in
words how grateful I feel towards Dr. Miles for wonderful Restorative
Nervine. I am now perfectly well and have not taken the medicine for over
four months." Mrs. Addib Reed.
Dr. Miles’ Nervine is sold by all druggists on the positive guarantee that
the first bottle will benefit, or money will be refuuded.
Book on Heart and Nerves Free By The Dr. Miles' Medical Co., Elkhart, Indiana.
Dr . Miles ’ Nervine Restores health.
A PW( ills
l M o of
Ot YTcskaocs ia Men They Treat and
Fall to Caro.
An Omaha Company places for the first
time before the public a Magical Treat,
meet for the cure of Lost Vitality, Nervous
and Sexual Weakness, and Restoration ol
Life Force in old and young men. Nc
Worn-out French remedy; contains nc
Phosphorous or other harmful drugs. It is
a Wonderful Treatment— magical All in its
effects—positive in its cure. readers,
Who are suffering from a weakness that
blights their life, causing that mental and
physical suffering peculiar to Lost Man.
hood, should write to the STATE MEDICAL
COMPANY, Omaha. Neb., and they will
send you absolutely FREE, a valuably
paper on these diseases, and positive Thous- proofs
of their truly Magical Treatment.
ands of men, who have lost all hope of a
cure, are being restored by them to a per
feet condition. taken
This Magical Treatment may be
at home under their directions, or they will
pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all whq
prefer to go there for treatment, if they
fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable;
have no Free Prescriptions, Free Cure,
Free Sample, or C. O. D. fake. They bar,
6250.000 capital, and guarantee to curs
every case t hey treat or refund every dollar;
or their charges may be deposited in 0
bank to be paid to them when a cure U
effected. Write them today.
E ngines & B oiled J
Gins and Presses.
Complete Cotton, Saw. Grist. Oil and
Fertilizer Mill outfits; also Gin Press. Cane
Mill and Shingle outfits.
Building, Bridge. Factory Furnace and
Railroad Casting-.: Railroad Mil!. Machin¬
ists’ and Factory Supplies.
Belting. Packing, Injectors. Pipe Fit¬
tings. Saws. Fiu-s. Oilers. Ere. CAST
Lombard Iron YTks & Supply Co.
Foundry, Machine. Boiler and Gin Yorks.
Repairs Promptly Done.
fri„ tT our new Lithogravure note and
1 ry letter heads. They are stylish.
This is the Man
^4? ■ir & £ %%
$ S4
How? FREE!
& 9
ray ft., ^3 1 fcv . a 0 <
I«i|l VI mga §4 « i
1: |llei»g 1 0 i B o n*5
Sgo^fto 0“ ’
i £ (si jfaar
•“ipnft+jS '
«?8Sg3 inii. i 3o£s«.i;®
a®2| > So fl s ° 5 i H*Ci&
*§gS-fl ™ *
h|&S8 I Pay ^ 2
»0 ■ rf 5i5 «
the Freight.
By giving them bent Fencing (and cheapest
superior Steel Wire for all
purposes how at special little factory how price. No
matter or much 37011
need, or headquarters for what purpoge, for sen to
a .mva" 11:.
n. A A 4. A A - -
1 CD pom^ *
And vicinity, will consult tlieir
interest by wrrting to
Standard Manufacturing Co.,
For Prices on SAS1T, POORS,
BER, LATH or anything in
■ jjfekjS ?h
i V
Trade Marks
w Designs
Copyrights &c.
sent free. Oldest agency for securing parents.
Patents taken through Munn & C a. receive
special notice , without charge, in. the
f^llNN Offlco, & Co. 625 36101 F St., *- Washington. Kew D. York C.
New Secret Remedy AbsfU’toly JTnkno wn to tbo
profession. Permanent 0, Tr p* in lh to do days. Wo
refund money If we do not cjmam. You cau~oe
home forth 9 same price and the same cm arnn
teee; with those who ra H CP n prefer to come he re wo of
will contract to cure them or pay expense
coming, railroad
and Make hotel 53 Pf it H Ml S3 Sj wi *f. ^ Charge, lB ’ an if -i
no If
we fail to SCicury, potash cure. and
yon /'ave taken mer- iodide
still have aches and P*-iR8. Mucous l*ateho®
in od month, Spots, Ulocrs Sore Throat, ^^Pimplee,Coi»pei tZT part of theboay.IIciror -Coior
on any
Eyebrowa falling on*, is this Primary,
Booondary or Tertiary Blood Poison that wo
guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obtain
ate ooae« and challenge the world for a case baffled wo
cannot cure* This dis- kV ease has always
the «km of the moat gk made eminent specialty physician*. of
Formouy years disease we have with bub CYPHILENE a ana w-e
treatln,? have 0500(000 this capital our behind our unconditional
firuarantee. write us for lOO-nage book and absolute
proof)*. Address COOK REMEDY CO..
1385 Masonic Temple, Chicago, Illinois*
5 p»i
MaaHtii j.jai.'E.'l I cat. I
- - A ESC.
i ■
They are made of Sonthem Iron Dy Southern Workmen,'
who are sustained by the product:} of Southern Farmers.
They last longer and make more homes happy than any (,
4 other Stove on earth. Fire back;! guaranteed for 15 years.
If your Dealer does not handle thee. ,'WRITE FOR CATALOGUE.
/m Bn L —*
V v«aE ' \
l «• ■ \
m. 1
4 a r8r i
JSm m sag . at3T
( - \M &
\ , .
f ev A
man Jm & i.
- I ■
Phillips & Buttorff Mg. Co.
Mantels axl Crates, Eollcvrwere, Tinware, Etc.
China, Crockery and Glassware, Cutlery, -v.
Everything necessary and convenient f OV j C
for the Kitchen, Dining' Room, 8 w ■<— V.
Laundry and Dairy. A SPEOl aLT y.
us do your Job Profiting
xllustratxons of a1 styles .of fenc
ing with hunglreds of
from all sectmns. Address
70 The Wire Fence ATLAfi’TA, Man
s. Forszth 8t.