Newspaper Page Text
The advocat Tli -Democrat
SlOO Per Year.
f lie ladder was created for one pur
pose, and namely, a receptacle for the mine
as such it is not liable to any form o]
disease except by one of two ways. Th<
first way is from Imperfect apton of th<
local kidneys. The second way is from careless
treatment of other diseases.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid
aeys is the chief on use of bladder troubles.
So the womb, like the bladder, was creat
ed for one purpose, and if not doctored too
much is not liable to weakness or disease,
except in rare crises. It is situated hack
of and Very close to the bladder, therefore
any pain, disease or inconvenience mani
fested in the kidneys, back, bladder or
urinary passage is often, by mistake, at
tributed to female weakness or womb
trouble of some sort. The error is To easily
made and may be easily avoided. find
out correctly, set your urine aside for
twenty four hours; a sediment or fettling
indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The
mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney,
and bladder remedy is soon realized, It
you need a medicine you should have the
best, At druggists fifty cents and one dol
lar. You may have a sample bottle and
phaznplet, both sent free by' mail. Men
tion the Advocate-Democrat and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co,, Bing
hamton, N. Y. Tiie proprietors of this
paper guarantee the genuineness of this
/ zm/£\ JV J If A Are G G A fuily R I>'S restored HPJE- (i
p, VJ/ by f 3
H C I FI V TA RI. RTS. 1 box, H
i Bri’i'Y $1-00; .......... 8 boxes $2.50, by tji
srpra ■'Atlanta, s mpeeme o.,
Fiill particulars sent by
mail on applioatiort.
$2.50 Reward
The Haggard Specific Go.
Will give three boxes of tlieir Specific
Tablets, worth §2.50 to any one who may
have used as much as one box of their
la lets without decided benefit. We have
never heard of a single case where the
tablets have failed to give satisfactory re
sults, and if there is a person to he found
who lias used them without benefit we
want to know who Ire is and where to find
hin». They never fail to cure kidney and
blaudei troubles and affections of the
organs and overcome all debility
M weakness in both men and women.
vne .7 jnidrove the appetite, arid digestion
r «e Itifatioa and < vverconmTonslip*
, "rtThe e y ] iitVe vita' v ect on all of the
se'i'LSWy organs and e .ablish and gland a healthy
condition of he mucous secre
tions In every part of the body; capillaries overcome and
all torpid cm, iitlons of the
secure perfect circulation of the blood, so
that every organ is supplied and every
function is normal and healthy. Being
the only remedy ever compounded that
fully meets theological physiological is con
ditions of the human system, it no won
der that they give results unknown to
medical science. No matter if the doc
tors and all remedies have failed, try the
Tablets and be convinced that they Their are
superior to all known remedies.
effect on the nerve centres is a complete
surprise to physicians who have used
them. Cases that have baffled the skill
of best physicians and no remedies seemed
to benefit, have been promptly controlled
and permanently cured by the Tablets.
Cases where injections cf morphine have
been resorted to as the only means promptly of even
temporary relief have been con
trolled by the Tablets and the trouble
completely overcome by their Three use. Boxes
Price One Box §1.00, cr
§2.50. If not oil sale in your locality, At- or
der direct from Haggard Specific Co.,
lanta, Ga.
T HE discom
forts and I / 4^
dangers of 1
child-birth can
tirely be almost avoided. en-f/Vyfi
Wine of C ardui - % W?.
relieves ex
pectant It motn- gives i 1 •i
tonetothegen- ____
italorgans.and in
puts them
condition to do their work
perfectly. That makes preg
nancy less painful, shortens
labor and hastens recovery after
child-birth. It helps a woman
bear strong healthy children.
% M c ELREE)
has also brought happiness to
thousands o i homes barren for
years. joy A few doses often brings
to loving hearts that long
for a darling baby. No woman
should neglect to try it for this
trouble. I t cures nine cases out
cf ten. All druggists sell bottle. Wine
of Cardui. $ 1.00 per
Far sd-rtes in cares re cvftrj spec’s!
directions, address. g:v;ny symptoms,
the "Ladies' Advisory Department.
The Chxttancoca Co.. Chatta
ccoga, Tean.
Krs. VT3A lit to.
cf j8.T»-scn, G*., tsyt:
“When I first took - rVir,o cf
w# haj been married three years, but
ceulo not here sny ei.iiaisn. Vine
cjoEihd later i had a Cue girl baiiy.”
What the People of that Thriving
Town Are Doing,
15V C. L. BAGI5T.
Mrs. OootElliott visited the Jacksonville
section last week.
Mrs. Love Meadows of Warren was on
a visit in Sharon last week.
Paul Carey and Joe Clemmons were on
a trip to Barnett lasr week.
Religious services at Sharon Methodist
church next Saturday.
A good heating stove to scl! at low price
byO. L. Bagby, the tinner, Sharon, Ga.
Mr. John Furgerson is visiting his
mother and sister in this section.
I linve a nice piece of laud to rent. C.
L. Bagby.
Mr- G. W. Brown has been visiting in
South Carolina the past week.
Mrs. J. A. Kendrick has returned home
from her visit to Milledgeville.
Mrs. Sally Jackson who has been in
such bad health is Improving very much.
Preaching at Salem Baptist church,
Barnett, next Saturday and Sunday.
We are sorry to see that Cousin Billy
N orton has been uuite sick
Religious services at Raytown Baptist
church next Saturday and Sunday.
Col. J. F. Reid was down last week on
business and shaking hands with his old
Our town is always alive with business
men but a heap of them you can’t tell
what their business is.
Mrs. Bottle Moore went up to Craw
ford ville last week to fix up her pension
Planters NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep
sia, Constipation and indi
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
Mr. Jim Burke, of Augusta, is visiting
his parents here and representing life
A FRICANA .will cure Syphilis and Old
xk Sores to Stay Cured.
Send in your advertisements and sub
scribtions to Advc-Democrat office for
1888. They will be attended to at once.
To Cure Constipation‘ Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c 1 or 25c
if C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists rctaad^noncy
Hfc iwvo Ltd 4! wig.p.'ecv’-'' wiw+w o-jd
fall so far but we would not be surprised
if we did not catch it in February, March
and April.
Educate Tour ISowels With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure eonstipattou forever.
lOe, 25c. If c. c. C. fall, druggists refund money.
Dr. Thomas the dentist from Warren
county, was here last week. He had one
of his little grand sons with him, Prof.
A. B Jarrel’s son.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Talre Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Its: or 25c.
tf C. G. C. fail to cure, druggists refund rnvricr
Mr. Ned Keating has been hauling
lumber the past week from L. A. Barkes
null at Barnett. It looks like our people
can’t get lumber enough.
Educate Your IJowuls With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure druggists constipation ref and forever.
lCc. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, money.
Mr. J. S. Chapman, of this county near
Carter’s Bridge, is preparing to saw lum
ber for every body in the county from
what he says. It is all forest oak and
Tie fie- If 09
tiails every
Signature wrapper.
Mrs. Etta Brown, of Atlanta, is stopping
with her parents, near Sharon, Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Brown. We learn she has
been quite sick but is much improved in
health we are glad to state.
l\. jur E E P your blood pure, your appe
tite good, your digestion perfect which
by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla,
has power to keep you WELL.
It seems that the Pea Ridge people have
on a big carouse about the school. They
have two aud one would lie a plenty.
Sorry that neighborhood of good people
are not working in harmony.
Don’t Tubaeco Spit and Si^oha i«ar Ufe ivrity. j
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netie. lull or life, ccrve and vigor, take
line, t’je wriKlf, ftat Djak^s vrc:il: men
strong. All drut2is’3,sOeorti. Curajruaran
teec ilooklct and *aai;.ie tree. A iriress j !
Sterling r.emedy Go.. or New York,
Mr. Shed Cosby, a former cilizon of
this county is in quite feeble health at his
son Charlie’s in Washington. Mr. Cosby
had a wen on his head, and it effected his
mind and health generally.
Xo-To-n»c for Fifty Ct-nts.
Guaranteed tobacco hairit ertre. inake? weak
men strong. tlood pure, All are, ,ost&
Mr. Henry Avery was married to Miss
Pinkev Williams at Mr. and Sirs. I'; atus
Taylor’s residence on the 16th i . ant.
Dr. A. C. Davidson officiating. We wish
them much juy and pleasure.
Everybody Says fio.
Cascarets Candv Cathartic, tee meat vroa
dart .i u:, uical discovery of ti;« r.~e. n eas
SLt nnd r&rresbiLg to th® tasty, r -"\.
and i-ositiv^Jy on kidaej*. !lrcr and ho’.ve.8,
clean sin' <!io entire systcai, dispel ro’ds,
cars t *>a». ..ehe, lever, haeitual cons’-ipo - or
and LLli' - -n<s*s. Pitas* buy and try a box
,,{ (J. c. O. to-day 5 30. 25 . 50 vent*. Hoid aaM
jj'.araEteod Vo cure tjr ail craggist*.
E asy aSy J tO to Take Operat© ~
Are features peculiar to Hood’s Pills. Small in
size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man
s blood’s
said: “ You never know you Pells
have taken a pill till It is all
over.” 25c. C. I. Hood & Co.,
Proprietors. Lowell, Mass.
The only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla,
Lum Caldwell was in town last week
horse trading.
Mr. J. W. Fallen ginned several bales
of cotton last week.
Drummers in our town last week.
Same as a drove of black birds.
Mr. R. 11. Jackson was assistant at the
temple of industry part of last week.
Eggs are plentiful in Sharon at 12 1-2
cents per dozen.
Mrs. Jesse Taylor, son and grand
daughter, visited Norwood last week.
The Ga. R. R. pay train passed last
Friday much to the delight of its em
Mr. Ed. Keating is preparing to put move
improvements on his plantation near
Mr. A. D. Moore lias been seriously
sick the past week but is better at this
Frank Gilbert, working with his uncle
John Hill, of Washington, was in our
town last week.
It makes some people very mad to tell
them that they don’t love to work and
they know it is true too.
Mr. Silas Meadows lias been suffeiing
considerable with neuralgia and rhcumiv
tism for some time.
Mrs. Ebizabeth Elliott and Miss M. T,
Bagby returned from a visit to Williams
sect! n last Monday.
Mr. Walter Pittman has Frank Pittman,
cousin, clerking for him now in his
market and grocery business.
We have been stove up with rheuma
neuralgia ect., for several days and
able to do anything in the way of
If you want a hose drove get Elis*’"
Moore behind liim IT 1—’
hind sights off at once and ne - , er crack a
Mr. Bob Hill, of Hancock county, has
been visiting his many friends and rela
tives in this and Warren county the past
Mr. Lewis T. Moore, one of Sharon’s
best young men will retire from business
for the present. Ilis embarrassment now
is on account of his good heartedness and
failing to make collections. We sympa
thize with him. The people who got his
goods haye not treated him right from
what we can learn.
OncUlen’g Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Outs,
Bruises, Sores, dicers, Salt Rheum, Fjv
er, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Erupt.ons, and posi
tive y cures riles, or no 'pay fas:aired. It
is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refnudo,.!.^ Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Dr. E. J. Reid.
Wc see a heap of darkies have a half
dozen dogs and flee around them and
they ain’t able to feed one good dog, con
sequently the poor old things have to
pilfer around, suck all the eggs, eat all
the little chickens, go into soap greese
kegs, eat up the soap and cause our wives
to loose all their religion.
“How to Cure all Skin Digoafte/’
Simply apply “SWayne’s Ointment ”
No internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the
face, white hands, nose, Joe., leaving Its the skin
clear, and healtity. great heal
ing and curative powers are possessed by
no other remedy. Ask Druggist for
SWayne’s Ointment.
We were up at Crawfordville last week
and was called over to Liberty Hall on
i )U8i);esg . We met with Mr . M. A. Sanford,
Prof. Jordan Sanford and our old Capt.
D, B. Sanford’s daughter of Miliedgeville,
a i s0 MI;-s Della Sanford the accomplished
lions,! keeper and r.uperintendant of
Liberty Hall. Miss Della is quite a plea;
ant ,ady and knows her buJD--.
Planters CUBAN OIL cures
Cuts, Burns, Braises, Rheu
matism and Bores. Price, 25 cents.
It is strange that our people will turn
their stock out and let them tn--pa‘ on
their neighbors and friend’s oa - , wheat
gardens, etc. They know it is against liiu
law. Let the law be bad or good it is on
us and wo should abide by it Stock run
ning at large a great many times causes a
heap of bitter feelings among our people
and sometimes there are serious troubles
about it. If I had stock and could not
take care of them I would let some body
have them that would.
2*v-v«Y* Colic, .N.-ural-iaaud tootbache
B V m fu . e m i nuU;3 Sour -touiacU
1u ■ "tS:
Life Saved.
Marv us cures of throat and lung
*ffectioi are made daily by Dr.full’s
Cough »Miss Annie Swan,
Petersb - A, writes: “My brother
was att: 4y a bad cough and cold,
and it w /tight lie had consump
tion. All’s Cough Syrup was
used, an jur great surprise it made
him w (1 hearty. There i3 no
better in the world than this
Syrup.’ v. Bull’s Cough Syrup is
sold ev ere for 25 coats
Mr. Jo TKeeffo got cut n little last
week by horse running into his wire
fence in A, >wn. Those barb wire fences
are dangers.
Mr. J, . Fallen sold out the stock he
bought of T. Moore & Go. last week to
{,. S. Jacl We don’t think that Joe
wants to i rchandise much.
Mr, He? v Flynt is still among us doing
his best t iase all and every body.
Henry is a in of the “Horse marines.’’
When i on call on us if you need
any tin or iron work done, C. L.
Bagby, tin er.
Our mer are still hauling seed oats
for the spi 'ing. Wo do hope that
our farme ,li put in a heavy crop.
The only ... to prosperity is in raising
homo sup]lil‘H.
• Surprise of All.
Mr. Ji : ?s Jones, of the drug
firm of J os & Son, Cowden,
Ill., in s. thing of Dr. King’s
New Di. t >very, says that last
winter l wife was attacked
with L rippe, and her case
grew t vrious that physicians could do
tit Cow i and Pana
nothin; »r her. It seemed [to
develop : ! o Hasty Consumption.
Having King’s New Discov
ery in stjrc, and selling lots of
it, be tocH R bottle home, and to
the suvp’iso of all she began to
get bettUl from first dose, and
half sound doz? 4 dollar bottles cured
her and well. Dr. King’s
New Diwpvery for Consumption.
Cough’ cl Colds is guaranteed
lo do mod work. Try it.
m R J.
A sma. x case was reported at Bar
nett las„ Friday or at least a passenger
was put off there said to have it.
It v as s fifuriJU' - day with Jesse Brown
last Friday. We think Jeesc intends do
ing some o her business besides keeping
the post ofii ,c
Mr. M, Ji She ban has become a partner
with Gharh Zaekory in the green meat
market afle!J roecry business in Sharon.
They arc airy ing on business at the old
Croak stit tl.
We li(f( of several of our fanners
hunting ers'to till their lauds. Labor
is leaving .his section very fast going to
the railronu and turpentine stills in South,
He’s the W: re. Fence Man, of Atlanta, Ga., and
sells the bos i and cheapest fencing in existence
tor all pur,, ises. Catalogue froe. Write for it.
You hoar a Leal) of people talking pro
hibition. You follow them in tlieir secret
services and you will find they buy and
drink about as much as tire anti-prohibi
tionists. We have seen so much of this
that we are compelled to speak but if
there was,lobe an election on the whiskey
question in this county we would vote
against whiskey, and we loye dram as
well as any body.
If ' have coughed and
coughed until the lining mem
brane of your throat and lungs
is inflamed/
Sea it’s Emulsion
of Cod-liver Oil will soothe,
strengthen . ,t and a probably << < core,
The cod-liver oil feeds and
strer.j thens the v/eakened tis
saci . The glycerine soothes
< j , < t TUr t
**<*•« «iem. i no uypo- ,
pho. v ci .... e or.,, s. -
tone and vigor. Don't
neglect these co writs* One
bcttl; of / 'he ‘ Emulsion may do
tnan .< ,
mart. .o. you now en
can a * later on, Be sure you
get SCOTT’S Emulsion.
AU druggists ; 50c. and «,.co.
SCOT - & EOWNE, Chemists, New York.
Correspondents' Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
the Ifnpiioning’g in Their Kespeetlve Lo
calltles. All the News.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dorough is
visiting the latter’s mother.
Mrs. S. J. Reid is visiting rel
atives in and around this place.
Mr. B. C. Lenard and son will
soon begin work oil his dwelling.
Mrs. M. N. Seals and Mrs. W.
T. Johnson visited their fathers
family Friday.
Mr. B. H. Herndon and two
little daughters visited relatives
at this place lately.
It has been a good while since
we have written, but will try to
do better in the future.
Mrs. R. A. Chapman and chil
dren visited the family of Prof.
S. N. Chapman recently.
Little Louise, daughter of Mr.
W. A. Burnley, has been quite
sick but is much better at this
Prof. S. M. Chapman and
daughter Mera visited Mr. ,T. A.
Chapman at Camak Saturday
and Sunday.
Mrs. M. A. Hightower has re
turned after a few weeks stay
in Sparta, with her son Mr. M.
B. Hightower.
Some of our friends thought it
great fun last Saturday night,
by blockading the road and
street with huge logs and rocks;
we could see no fun in it.
Free Pills.
Send your address to H E.
Bticklen & Co., Chicago, and get
a fre A sn.mi>le box of D” 'FingV
con UuGi
These pills are easy . tctioil
and are particularly effective and Sick in
the cure of Constipation Malaria and
Headache. For
Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They tire
guaranteed to be perfectly free
from every deleterious substance
and to be purely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their
action, but by giying tone to
stomach and bowels greatly in
vigorate the system. Regular
size 25c. per box Sold by Dr.
R. J. Reid Druggist.
—Capt. J. A. Rider gave a
stereopticon lecture at the Meth
odist church here Tuesday night,
on Bon Hur. The weather was
threatening and only it small
audience attended. None were
overly enthused with the enter
Persons who are troubled with
indigestion will be interested in
the experience of Wrn. H. Penn,
chief clerk in the railway mail
service at DesMoins, Iowa, who
writes; “It gives me pleasure
to testify to the merits of Cham
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. For two
years I have suffered from indi
gestion, and am subject to fre
quent severe attacks of pain in
the stomach and bowels. One
or two doses ol this remedy,
never fails to gixe perfect soldi a I
lief. Price 25 and 50 cent;
by Dr. R. J. Reid.
—Our readers are wondering
what tins become of Crawford-!
ville merchants these offer? days, j
Have they no bargain; to
progressi ladies . -. of -I
The ve
Westfield, Ind., issued a “Worn
an’s Edition" of Westfield
^ S ’ Sf. arinff ^ °! filled With
1896. Th6 paj.*or is |
matter of inte rest ’, o women, and |
we notice the iohoy. ing fiom a
correspondent, realizing which that the it editors treats
printed, of vital importance i
upon a matter
to their sex : “The best remedy
for croU p f C ol<l;s and bronchitis
that I have been able to find is
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.'
For family use it has no equal. I
giadiy recommend it. ” 25 and
50 cent bottles for sale by Dr. K. I
Zxx Advance-
NO. 48.
Royal makes the food pure,
•- wholesome and delicious.
&AKIN* IfiG PO 1
Absolutely Pure
Tom Pate says winter and blizzards will
commence Monday this week, lie ad
vises everybody not to learn tlieir children
to he cotton farmers; it they do they
will always in debt.
Judge M. J. Taylor takes a great inter
est in getting widows and old soldiers pen
sion papers fixed up. The old Judge is
making Himself useful in his declining
Mf. 1). A. Perkins brought in a two
horse wagon load of collards last week
and sold them to A. I). Moore, Dave
said it did not look like there was much
meat at His house.
Valiinbte to Women.
Especially valuable to women is Browns’
Iron Bitters. Backache vanishes, headache
disappears, weakness, and strength the takes health the place readily of
pallid glow cheek of
comes to the when this won
derful remedy is taken. For sickly children
or overworked men it, litis no equal. No home
should he without this famous remedy.
Browns’Iron Bitters is sold by nil dealers.
Dally and Weekly.
Daily Wit a Year-Weekly .10 Cent* a Tear.
The Weekly Journal is a large paper,
containing ten pages of ■'•mug
i tne day, noth dome urvn
Owning its own leased telegraphic wires, but
which are used for no other purpose
to bring the latest news to its editorial
rooms, The Journal is prepared to get att
the news up to the moment.
In addition to the news, It contains more
special features than any other southern
weekly. Among other things it lias a
weekly letter or sermon from lb - v. Sam
Jones, a contribution from Hon. John
Temple Graves, letters of travel, bi
ographies of distinguished men, and many
other attractive features.
The Weekly Journal is beautifully il
lustrated by its own artist. In fact
neither energy nor money SOUTHERN is spared to
make it, the GREAT
Calendar Free.
And the price is only FIFTY CENTS
A YEAR. To every subscriber sending
fifty cents fora year’s subscription and a
two-cent postage stamp extra (to pay
postage) a beautiful lithographed calendar
for 1897 will lie sent free.
Specimen copies free.
Atlanta, Ga.
Are the joy and sunlight of our
homes. Use all care to keep the.
little ones in health. Do not give
t jj em nauseous doses, You can
overcome their troubles with Dr.
Royal Germetuor.
They all like to take it because it
does not taste like a medicine,
but like a lemonade. It cures colic
in young children, overcomes all
bowel troubles, gives good digestion,
and quiet, i healthful sleep, *
As a tonic for weak children and
as a remedy for use in teething, it is
the . tne ,
greatest m .\onu.
®*Soldby, iiets, new package,
large bottle, 108 3o«es, One Dollar.
Manufactured ®nly by
The Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta,
Write for 18>?ife Book, Halted Im,