Newspaper Page Text
Any e&rsapari’la is sarrapa
rilla. True. So any tea is tea.
So any flour is flour. Pat grades
differ. You want iJ:c best. It’s
so with sarsaparilla. There are
grades. You want the best. If
you understood sarsaparilla as
well as you do tea and flour it
would be easy to determine.
Put you don’t. How should
you? When you are going to
buy a commodity whose value
you don't know, you pick out
an old established house to
trade with, and trust their ex
perience and reputation. Do so
when buying sarsaparilla.
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has been
on the market jo years. Your
grandfather used Ayer's. It is
a reputable medicine. T here
are many Sarsaparillas —
but only one Ayer’s. It
« rpsaa / gJKCJ
aen. iu Hangs gBBB a Isiaya mam feutsa ej
Citizen ami (hrbtahi Patriot.
Everywhere t;> show sample page; and
, ,. o
Extraorhunrih * "«• Terms.
Money can be made rapidly, and a vast
auionm or good ■: ;• i circ tn ng
one 11 f i he no: nest historical works
pub qSL
Active Agents ave now Heaping a Rick
gome of our ’ >t worl ■••• are ^e-lung
o visit a iiux t«i;o books a week.
Mr. A- G. William.-;, Jackson county,
JSSJJEh tSS iT hhk Rk*;J
almost every man ho meets. Di. j.J.
Mason, c coum i. Gw., cold 150
S??sKiSW and iiN l(i copit mostly
worked a fevv hours .
Bdfftrocco binding-. J. II. Hana. Gaston
countv, N. C., made a momirs wages m
three days canvassing tor this nook. S.
Jl. White. Calkimn touidy, T<-r-i« sell
M,rr3"Tl“':Td'RL:|;“ m' ‘A >'
of Historical Matter, and a large uumbet
of Beautiful Full-Pago I imrirations. It
Isagraud Ixiok, nnd!Mie> a.u-egeutwnten
■wbo can give eh o> twj P !lt ’■ make U!, , n L
to tbo'caw. are bouiui to nn
mehsesums of money in tailing it.
An Ei^ant
■ .CLhfuy
to work whin wi'l be ■ n n>. ,-ipriof 50
cents. Tim nwruifieU-m ga:yry oi
traits alone, -F; in Die ,'osto’. D;'; Ny v' ^
loss tbaii I: I .'i.-unc. quickly, ; ; ;
we would advise you tc older
and gen ezTumn- control of the ueri
fcts icu tn ■ i; i ' '•
Ci tat a V 1A D
G EGKGIA. Talk'd :
Whiere It.
Chapman 5 Court iu
man dec. >il(3
their pet bio: on
record, time y hav ■ a I in nn iso red
Jame Pa. ( : Ths
therefore t ci concerned.
kindled tn :\v cause f
any they can sa enters should
not, br di ig.ion -
tion, and !v* five on
(be first Moiu - -
liber 1st iHJi.
GEO . q MITCHELL. Ordbary.
A I O eotrxs - n
ia k 2 B
WatcLmaker & d swe isr »
Rieharu’i Store , Crnwlonlvillc, Ga,
Repair Work a Sp-.ieialty.
lUiililiUni/, Ai i DAgn
,r* rn i
Purs Heme Matters [Picked Up by Our
Local Eepcrters.
What Our People Are lloing: and Saying
Things Our Friends Tell I s.
—Some of the boys have been
fishing already.
Wool Dress Goods for 5 c. at
Miller & Johnson.
—Mr. T. C. Holden, of the
Plains, was here Sunday,
Miller & .1 ohnson are head
uarters for Ladies’ Dress Goods
and Capes.
—Mrs. J. N. Chapman visited
White Plains this -week.
Miller & Johnson's new store
at Washington is the store for
big bargains.
—Mr. J. W. Johnson, of Win
der, was down here Wednesday.
Miller & Johnson, Washing
ton, sell good checks ot 3 Tc. that’s
more than any house in town
-—Wednesday Avas one of those
days characteristic of Junuary.
—Mrs. U. S. Gunn returned
from a visit to Penfield Tuesday.
■—Mr. Barnes, of Madison, is
clerking for Mr. J. P. Chambers.
—Mr. P. R. G. Clarke’s aunt
from Atlanta is visiting him in
this county.
—Mr. U. S. Gunn has had his
back - lot fenced in with high
-—Mr. Henry Martin, of Wash
ington, Avas here Wednesday on
—Col. M. P. Reese, of Wash
ington, was here Tuesday on
—People are coming to this
P lace h ' om adjoining counties to
buy Stock,
— The prophets who predicted
this month as such a bad one
should be stoned.
—Hugh Wheeler is building
himself a nice house out near
his father’s in this county,
— Miss Kittie Beazley, of Union
p 0 j u t. has taken charge of the
school at Combs, in tins county,
—jvliss Elia Norton Avas elect
^ teacher of the Jenning's
school and took charge Monday,
— The lot for the City Hall
^ auditoriun 1 has not been
seiOCie^vgr .
y <~
foimnend Physicians end Hair scientists Renewer re
tor ^apnd thin hair,
—Judge Geo. efficient, H. MltCpell Superitl- IS
ma ki n g a very
d ^ Me thodiSt Suil
, school. , ,
—Marshal Tucker has been
keeping a tight watch on the
incoming trains to see who comes
that might have small-pox.
— rp be Advocate-Democrat has
a surplus of new forest lumber
that will be disposed of at a low
p r i ce . Call at OI1CO.
_. Miss Mamie M<^>re, of school White
Plains, has opened up her
at Margaret’s Grove inthis coun
—Mrs. Arthur Dickinson, of
Virginia, is visiting her mother
and sister, Mrs. Gee and Mrs.
w. E. Reid, of this place.
—The congregation was un
usaliy large at each service Sun
dav last and Rev. L. P. Winter
reached two excellent sermons.
—Mrs. Vi. P. Hubert went up
: oBnckhead Tuesday where Will
has charge of the telegraph of
x-.p They will make their home
lj C ; ^choot -u i Boarw o
A.-gl .77 elect ;' enumerators ior tawing
tne seboo. censna ox tno conn .-y
te mm e-vi uieeang, first rues
uay rn r ebruary.
—The Advo-Democrat is _ get
ting orders irom several of the
counties for job juintieg.
They know what good work is at
reasonable prices.
—Court convenes here on i,.
)auary which is
l twoLLL"
4 ft AM if / l
fc- *•
1898 has arrived. My hi- store is packed nifck »« immense stock, covering
1(5,000square feet, three floors. Every department ls complete. bou.^u a
right prices and just received the following:
1 Car White Hickory Wagons, ’3. o Keg’s Nails,
15000 lbs. Plow Hose, i 5 o Plow Stocks,
icopr. Starr Harness and Traces, 250 Plow Bridles,
11 5 Cooking- and Heating Stoves, 25 Dozen Axes,
my mammoth Give me a store, call when and stock. in Washington. You arei^'^ly Invited to come and see
W. ''X 3 .
Washington, G»-
Sac Thought Like BUI Arp.
One day last tveek a Craw
ville gentleman bought two
opossums, Ave do not know
whether he bought them to
up a small opossum caucus of his
own or not. The oppossum
vender told the gentlemen to
not let the little animals get wet
before he killed them. A little
girl of the house heard this and
that afternoon the rain began
to fall and the little girl forgot
what the animals were and .she
ran into the house excitedly and
said “Q, mama, the buzzards are
getting Avet. y y
Indeed you would be cruel to
let your sweet helpless baby
fer with Colic or Pain in Stom
ach or Bowels when there is
such a pleasant, safe and
ble Remedy to be obtained SO
easily. Your Druggist will sell
you a bottle of Dr. Tichenor’s
Antiseptic for 50 c.
Our Thanks Continued.
'the following kind patrons hay© paid
their subscription since our last mention,
If. M. Harrison, 50c to Feb. 25, ’.-‘8.
13. S. Ellington, SI to June S, ’98.
A. Oglotrce, 25c to Feb. 25 ’98.
V, r . A. Ave:y. 25 to April 6 ’93.
Many People Are Afflicted
AYith severe headaches,
Caused by toroldity of
Tim liver. Hood’s PH!.-,
By invigorating the liver,
Quickly overcome the headache,
the blood to circulate naturally m.d
about <• .mplots . i’ief. IT:>< <!'• Li’D
directly upon the liver ai d bowels.
a-6 prompt ami re'itble and yet gentle
a ition. Tnoy tout and strengthen instead
of weakening the system.
It Was Jear.
An editor has been inspired,
after looking oyer his list of de
linquent subscribers, to compose
the following: 4 . How dear to
our heart is the old silver dollar,
when some kind subscriber i>re
sents it -to view. The liberty head
without nectie or collar, and a;l
the strange things which to us
seem so new; the wide-sjrreading
e .gle, the | arrows below it the
stars and the words with the
strange things they tell; the coin
of our fathers, we’re glad that
wo know' it. for some time or
e;Uer 'twill come in right well;
We spread-eagle dollar,, the star
spun'/ :.;d dollar, the old silver
G-liar we all love so well.”—
Troy Times.
Orleans, Jan. 12 , 77 .
Having used Dr. Tichenor’s
^jjjiseptie in my family and
j cnown c f its use for a number of
, /oars< j take pleasure in rec
ommending it as a valuable
fioasehold medicine. Itsefiicacy
as a dressing for wounds, burns,
Is real ly wonderful; pre
serving the flesh and allowing
i n g p to heal v. ithout infiamalion
or suppuration. It is very popu
lav wherever well known.
J. P. Purser,
or first Baptist church,
j i
*• ST
i - J 5 \ f
n'i, E * 11' ■-> l e~ a
'■ % SJ f ,1JL/ n
.. XI \ * iw' ^ kj jl t -e 4
At less PRICE than any
vVL’s Ney iC-il IS 3 • XXM 1 L ^ M0 s r : HZ
,, i ,, , , Raison. t .
luo r e< T c <.l a° uuson *u».
prepaifog to build a senool Murden nous 0
at that place. Mr. W. D.
was here Saturday soliciting
subscriptions for that purpose.
Mr. W- t\ Carlton of Union
Point d sawing the lumber and
it is said that Miss Lucy Beazley
has.bee# tendered the position
as toacW 1 ’
Yick’s Raitiblers.
Last anti y.V* novelties brought li ambler a pure
white hal'e als0 » yellow rose,
which Proved perfectly hardy and
quite os strong bloomers as the crimson.
No climbing plant will giye better sal is.
f a( th m f,ii' the piazza and they can be
trained ;< make a wonderfully beautiful
|, ec jg e or screen. Last season one of f hr so
tor fifty cents, but tbts year
j au1 p, yp'k’s Sons of Rochester,/N. V..
t>ffor-one tlu ‘ wWt#, v v *' ,! it »w and
(«ri.!«on if fablers for only forty cents,
vicit (•■■■On ind Floral Guide, an
eicmc t. -y : ot 120 Urge paacs. the best
e.‘eflient pniby this house, \\ill be mail
ed free tfSHi application to all interested
in a gooilL'nrden. C
yyater-row< r For Lights.
The novembnt to get up elec
limits for Crawford ville is
y et bei i.£? pushed. A good idea
is suggfcstedf that of getting the
power 1 from Moore’s mill, 3
in tics If Gin town. This would
gret.Jyldiminish the cost of run
niir; Ut B lights. If the lights
could b 1 run as cheaply as kero
sene, ;.. ost every family in town
CO i l; ftoi’d to, use them and
t it reL '/l Be plant CQuld be made
a suecuy 8 Every one show -1 be
willing- !o use electricity at an
advance of the oil lights. It is
so much better.
j Hen ’s This I
We offer One Hundred Dollar.",
Rewa r d' for any case of Catai ■ :
that cannot be cured by Hair
Catarrh Cure.
F j Cheney & Co., Props.. O.
We the undersigned, have
known E- J- Cheney for tno la»-.t
15 years, and believe him per
fectly hpaomble in all business
transactions and financially able
to carr y out any obligations made
by thoh- hrni.
WEfiT' & Truax, Wholesal*
Drpggi^' f: > Toledo, O.
Waldt’-g, Kinnan & Marvin,
W holes ie Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hail ’* Gatarrh Cure is taken
irttmtJ.r, acting directly surfaces up' oi >n
the and mucous
the svsa m. Price 75 c. per bot
tie. add hy all Druggists. Tee
timoni »free.
Hairs Family Pills are the
lyj y Tbom'ht to be Ibtnh
Mr. Jco Perkins receive I a
letter this week from Mr. GJas.
L. Hillm in who was thought to
be drad. Mr. Hillman is a for
mer citiz ' n of this county and
has been: for several ye-ar
incr *-‘ x rp> coi Viet at Burxnalter s
camps a| Savannaii w li
\>j . - resit es. Ho has relatives
News from Stephens High School
One cf the I'npils.
Pro*,,*. of o»« «r the Best
tions of le arning: in tbo State.
News of ,* chool.
Wo were too late in
our notes for the press last week,
but hope it will not prove so
School opened a week
to Monday last with seventy pu
pils. Our number is now
live. Clarence Bonner,
Edwards, Mattie and
Tucker came in this week.
Clarence Wimberly and
p helps o[ y v ayuONbo ;,, , lilV0 r ,_
| Uril0L p an( j Vk , 0 assure them
are Uld to gQe thom with us
A Now Y our and a now term
await our endeavor to improve
the time allotted to school.
“Time is a grateful friend, use it
Avell. ”
While many of.our old pupils
have not returned, yet there are
others to li 11 their places. Our
new pupils are William and Rus
sell Reid, Tommie Seals, Alvin
and Ralph Golucke, .Julius Bon
ner, Lorema Alford ond Miss
N ’ilio Tucker.
Wo extend a hearty and cor
dial welcome to one and ail
our new pupils.
The young huuesoi our scliool ,
deserve special praise for the
neat condition oi the schoolroom
floor at all times.
Our pupils all seem well and
happy and while we are enjoying
life, we are trying to store our
minds with knowledge.
Dues'nt our future Avelfare
depend upon our present actions?
Then let us strive to make ira
provement in every Wlty, not
only to ho leiu-nod Out, correct in
our deportment. The girl or
boy who is continually carrying
on in school, does not carry Off
much when the honors urn
i 4 Pluck energy and aqtermina
tion win every battle” luck wins
Miss Ella Jane Norton wo learn
has taken charge of the school at
Jennings. Wo are indeed sorry
to give tier up. She was oco
OUl’most faithful and
cions pupil last term. Air,-. WO h t ow
that site will be the faithful anti
. . . instructor , 4
conscioncious as »»o
AVUS pjjrjiJ. 1 1
Brc L. P. Winter made a
s ] 1()1 .f, visit to our school or Mon
, He conducted our
_ exercises, ant gave
s 1 ’
some < icouraging words.
Wo wifi i' npils and parents a
oar, frought • 4 J
1 \ ■;si ngs.
Leo Chap;.
G i.enn Leg wen, Eds.
children make
better nn o i : •
‘ r -\ ' •* / “ run
before bo h) «s oi'/'n i.r r
anythiry f.r mother’;;
be done after. (Ji
health and strong!
life and the ftnur (j cm
dren. A wen oi ;uy
cannot bear •• i ron. 4 .; td healt h v
children. Most of 1 io wcaKness
Proper care .and .*o: ,cr tnedicine
will cure almost a iy disorder of
1 -[ 10 io,u! "'" t.
'icrce s
KaHroad Engineer
Testifies to Benefits Received From
Dr. Miles’ Remedies.
Hr" <. *•/
r M
- ffs
jJ’W&HEEE is no more responsible position
M on earth than that of a railroad engin
eer. On his steady nerves; clear brain,
ln'.;ht eye and perfect self command, de
pend the safety of the train and the lives
of its passengers. Dr. Miles' Nervine and
other remedies are especially adapted to
keeping the nerves steady, tbo brain clear
and the mental faculties unimpaired.
Engineer F. W. McCoy, formerly of 1323
Broadway, Council Bluffs, but now residing
at 8(11 Humboldt St., Denver writes that he
'‘suffered for years from constipation, caus
ing sick, nervous and bilious headaches and
was fully restored to health by Dr. Miles'
Nerve & Liver Pills. I heartily recommend.
Dr. Dr. Milt.-’ Miles’ Remedies." Remedies RCJH gjwjHJ
sold by all drug- EgO Dr.
are ,
gists under a positive g|>. sv.nes
guarantee, first bottle JJ
benefits or money re- Restoro
funded. Book on dia-tj. and|f ,. vAjHI
ease:, of the heart J ^
nerves free. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. lud.
February Sheriff Sales.
AVill be sold in front, of the door of
Court House of Taliaferro County Geor
ria on the first Tuesday in February next.
within the legal hours of sale for cash.
1u die highest bidder, all that tract ,1
land situated in the town ot Lrawlordville,
Taliaferro Conntv, Georgia, •A’ containing
, - 2 acr f s ;" ,ore d n ' 1 ™ 11 as „! ! ‘ e
lleazley , lot. fronting the Stephens High
School building lot, bounded oil the
North by Public Street, on East by Pub
of lic Street, seperatirtg and said land from lands
?drs. by L. right, Stephens of of W. R, Gunn, Railroad on
Sonlb way Ga.
and on West by lands of J. '1'. Harrison.
ALSO, all that tract of land situated in
said town and County, containing one
acre, more or less, known as the Nancy
iVfeCoumiock lot, bounded on Norlii by
right of way of Ga. Railroad: on Hast by
Public Street, separating said land from
of J. i). I fanimack and on West by lands
of 2SaaU thaft'iact or lot of land, sit
Iiated in the fV.7lh. Dist. G. ,M. said Conn
J"ve,T %'n"«^ >>f
Jno. F. Holden; on Kast by lands R. j.
Reid' and on R:. itb lands if A f rs tn
lins Jordan: which trail or) of (and is
known as ibe Dowi r ’and- i Air: Nfnncv
Reid in which site took dower, which
tract of land was levied upon and sold
subject to the life estate of said Airs Reid
in and to the sa ire,
Said properly levied upon and describ
ed above, levied upon as the property ot
T. E. Bristow under and by virtue of and
‘c.m!? S
County against raid Bristow ill favor of
A anuerson & Flcmtnitig; G. T. Dodd &
s . T> j.-iemmimr N Son: T. W. & K. C.
Atkins: W. A. R:!:.m- 11: Simon, Scivanl
Go., ^ I. I.copold ' It Co; li. j. Wolf &
SoJJ . Tl os< - L (& Co: ji„i,bs, Wvy
A Co., and Executions issued from the
Superior Court of said County m/ainst. said
Bristow iu favor of S. C. Dobl Landrum
$ Butler; Beck A OltEg and Hardware Gree c
Slingluff Disney & Co., Isaac
btmm A Co.
A i.S <) at same time and place will nr
sold for cash to the highest iidder, all
that tract of land, bounded on
lot of Mrs. I/. Stephens; 04
street, leading from public Farmer South due
South to lands of Jos. on
by lands of: ud I'.inner and on W ,t by
Public Street leading fron ford villi
mill, ,:or ■ crc or b ,s. kno vii as the Frown Hous
.SO, all I Mat
in itie acre, more >ouncl on
\V St
ins a id on South by !;t allll
p v and t reel rumn
in. Rautonn iii'l on V. by la.ud
ot Wav. ud Street r from
t.'o ' t hf
n iinty, and
vied on ; is tile pror, rtv of Titus Rich
nms, lcfi-ndmtt in <
aud 1 virttte of snu
from the Superior Court < iid Countv
in favor of Prucilk Edwards, ; idministra
trix of estate of William C . Eduards
dec sed. against said Richard
Written notices of said levi given
ired by law.
Ibis the 6tb, day of Jan., i
/' n r»/J j«
nd G
VV ya
Mfid b