Newspaper Page Text
The •
flOO Per Year.
MOTHER! tender and
and about which such
holy recollections cluster as that
of “ Mother "—she who watched :
over our helpless infancy and guid¬ Yet
ed our first tottering step.
the life of every Expectant Moth¬
er is beset with danger and all ef
fort should be made to- avoid it.
Mother’s so assists nature
in the change tak
ing place that
Friend the Expectant
M other is ena
bled to look* for
ward without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore¬
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Motln. rand Child, and she
is found strom er after than- before
confinement—in short, it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy,” be as
so many have said, D o n’t
persuaded to use anything but
“My wife suffered more in ten mi ti¬
des with either of her other two chil¬
dren than she did altogether With her
last, having previously used four bot¬
tles of ‘Mother’s Friend.’ It is a
blessing to any one expecting to be¬
come a MOTHER,” says a customer,
Hen’Dekson Dale, Carmi, Illinois.
f)f priceTWrite Dm 0 -"-isls at St . bn, or sent by mail on receipt
of for book containing testimonials
and valuable information for all Mothers, fret,.
The Bralfleld Kcsclator Co., Atlanta, Ga
^ 'Q Are futlr restored
—12.1 < % Try 5 -QO^f FI IIAGGAKD’S V 3 T'A boxes 15!. ETS. $2.6C, SPE- 1 \)OX, by’
i——-A i 1
wail. Address,
fiaffpra’s SBsaific Cg., i
ATLANTA, 0.4. ... J |/lj[,
Full particulars sent b7
mail on ui>pIieaUoii.
$2.50 Reward
lift Haggard Specific Go.
- Will give three,boxis of their Specific
Tabl'ets, worth ,§2«50 to any one yvho tl\eir may
Have tfsed as ifmch as one box of -
tablets without deckled benefit. AV’e have
never heard of ti’ single case where the
tablets Inive failed to give satisfactory re¬
sults, and if tlfcre is a person to lie found
who has used them’’ without benefit we
want to know who be is and where to find
hittv. They never fail to cure kidney and
bladder troubles and affection’s of the
ginvital organs and overcome all debility
nod weakness ih both men and women.
Tliey improve the appetite, aid digestion
and assimilation and overcome constipa¬
tion; Tltev have vital effect on all of the
secretory organs and establish a healthy
• ondition of the mucous and gland secre¬
tions in every conditions part of the body; cnpillaties overcome and
ail torpid of the tilood.,iierfect seen circulation of the so
tiujt every pt-gjitt. U stmptied and every
fi!notion is norjii&l aju. tiiv. I>rin^
!ihk,s , h,t only lemytlv .ever eotnpoundvcl that
of'dte himm'iworn ft
der tiled that leal science. they'give >u irnltc:’ stilts tsnkncyvn^ if l}"\ to
tors and nil rer.tedics have'f>ul.*t..t^ he
l ahlefs and be eonvmeed that they are
superior to’t.H known remedies Their
effect orktlm nci’ve centres is a complete
surprise to physiciana who have used
- > (;(-,(.•hfr VM» l- mjijsly ummnsx
•lb it pcnmneutlv cured I bv tl-.e tubk-is.
t ! Cn^;Wd akes whore iPieetions (t morphine ha\e
toastie uly means of even
"empoi-ary n-idd ........... promptly <’<m
milled in- tins Tablets He
eoutpiebd’''d'VereoiCi bv their use.
’.pj ice (fee Box ^< r TI loea re I/O’CCS
f-2.5b. If not'or-’sale to yottr ftv, or
ler direct fnmM laeganl :-p : till ’ Co.. AC
’jfnta, Ga-
i- VVi-afc h>t (s.-r.set yo.-.i g hooka
\ Vi--’ I ;•(.:■- ” ?:,( ••Jitl-.v -o ore nvindlcu. <
sod n v ;s.? 3 ’(JgA or BBOflel o. join*-'
i inve-itiog or ;■ u<ry\ 'ne >e«r -'te -v:il l*d
y you li’eo’o ;' oT'Oij-.-a ’-■■ ■> to vhetiiiv ) .
S probably c.-n-ut,.’•••-*-• ’ emaken spwnaliy Sands.
> of aopli Atiune 1 -/Meted in *Aicr
X i'c/cvt. torn bed.
*’ "
C- 7 -ATUNT COirCITraS A *X'r Z21TZ ;
nil.; *-r ♦till '
(. nv-ftyNv!: ‘•'ic ScIk*o i of KY TI* « t t its. iii ’
\ GV>ji}a d Sci‘-r^'( i r. ■'irfvor-ifi :-r. n
J’i.teTfl • • • ■
« fiUJV V’ijyTH* : i- :r - •
Association. 3i-% .-G-jlar* W.itrT *rk? A
!'■ urvpVors ti* :*C**b*:t -:l».
Y^vXictr of- r *,
1- OrricE3: w - -t'a-. . *
x < Mo.vtk?: ai , ( .
a;*- io %
rbOF. P AfHITfifi 5 - I * '
to r
SiVCu ‘hi: CY£-TS
S' % Ah
'VvNT-s U.e ,,
^EE .*- r Z
wi>ut the People of llirtt Till iviner °
Town Are Doing,
isv c. i.. tfAcnV
Jlrf, Botsie Moure fs >tfiJ on (he im
Willie Bartlett was visiting home folks
lust week.
Beef cat tie is in "good demand now if
they ate fat.
Mrs. Rosa Taylor had a'quilling at her
home last week,
Mr. O ven liickersoti, otAVarreu county,
was with us last week.
Mr.' .1. V.' Garrett and son Clarence,
were with us last week.
Mr.- Elisha Moore is making Itis home
in Washington, at present.'
alts. Reese and daughter were visiting
in Barnett section last Sunday.
Mr. Beck worth, of \\ ilkes county, was
over last week visiting relatives.
Mr. Henry Crenshaw was up from Au¬
gusta visiting home folks last week.
Mrs. Ben Sturdivant was on a visit tc
Mrs. A. 1). Moore’s family last week.
Mr. C. C. Caldwell and A\ J. Melton
were in Sharon last week talking horses.
Mr. L. T. Moore is making his home at
Hillman with bis fathers family at present.
Small-pox i.t Washington and the
Sharon people are a little scared up about
Mr. \V. L. Jackson lost a fine cow last
week from that fatal disease called mur¬
Miss Missouri Baghv returned home last
week after several days visit to relatives
ifi the cOivuty.
Hr. Thomas was i.i car town last week.
The Doctor is always welcomed by
Sharon peop.c. -
Cousin Billy Norton said Hie report of
small-pox in Crawfordville was a small
lie of somebodys.
Mr. A. D. Moore has had Ids residence
painted. Sidney Foueln: and brothers
doing the .work,
Lawrence Battle lias set out Jys big
Orchard; it will be situ.) time before lie
get».ii\U(di , >.V -
'Mikir, A. l'efktsoiL oft Augnsta, is on
a visit to his parents Dr, atul Mrs. DayicD’
Son of this place.
We received a copy of the Washington
Reporter; a nt w paper published in that
city; it is a good paper.
Send your job- printing to us. Wc will
have it fixed up at the Democrat office
as cheap as the cheapest
Miss May O’Brjim lias eighteen scholars
at her school at Barnett. A right nice
little school for that place.
Mr. Edwin MeAlpine is at home now
with his fnmilv, lie having been suspend
edfromth:.- Ga. i J . R. service.
D ggETTSR than cure Sarsaparilla is prevention.
By taking Hood’s you
j n ay keep well, with pure blood-,strong '
uem; s U Rd » good APPETITE.
Mr. E.lwin S. O’Brien, Jr., has bt*u
<1 * w “ >° m « tiuU!
trailing <- t hot- r»< 1,1,1 '“■•
cnmJSypitfh* (( ■ f
A FRiCANA '.ill «r.d Old
Soru3 -> 0 3 iay Cured.
Georg Marohmap is . bjtppy , fn „
, r!l)| .y JI , < n anoDier girl a
mun t . j.p s^wi-heart tip here.
y 1 ;; , ‘ feinSKf
1 heavy (reign, .
' _ lfirtst c a passing
0V( , r jg.. <■<.,_ ;>_ j; fmi ., th- number „f
btl-’ fraH ...... , - ,, at ft piling through.
*C57^-N. - .j.
Ti: 5i 53
t'.as. tirrf
Tb" Adit week was wry Hindi
needed. (/1 t-r wells an dnfng.up and
the « : ig row all over tls* I Mid.
!’ ’ v Tl llh rHHCHTCtS.
: • ♦ ;■•••• I . c t:i“ t'OHAiip?ilid'! 1 er.
10c. . .t; j. driiu'L-is: -s V' ;<i money.
( . C. I ; s :■ J|, of i'ca IE, ’
ty c in ■wi l l;, t i was
- .vt)S4v**n
! ,.-ntf-sd’ini-,' lor.rcy.
:K- r.r 2nc.
i. ;-.-r a- - ■
\ YYD an i- • • * iiir>th(*r
t Of it H t li nmr
r (KTYT CitJl ( ■' l ( TC if).
• ( Mtbfti rir can* < or
IfC.C.C UlU ' o,, °
e r* </T
It ad Mrs. .i» - Tf
T hvit WOI-; of il
’Tf3 ©v* NUBIAN TEA a. • -”P
>nstij,alien an . 1-rtdi
’ •.he J-.ivt.-r. I’ric--. ?5cts.
CX3 L!l nv
......: ■'n t Ga.,anti
: f. n- en in*’xist«B«t
.it* It*
is caused by torpid liver, which prevents digest
tion and permits food to ferment and putrifv in
the stomaeli. Then follow dizziness, headache,
insomnia, nervousness, and, Pills
if not relieved, bilious fever
or blood poisoning. Hood’s
Pills stimulate the’ stomach,
rouse the ItVor, etire headache, db" i/ss, eon
sMpatlon. etc. ‘.Vi cents. Sold by all ersists.
phe only Pills to tako with Hood's Sa. jparilla.
Our farmers have done v ry little
towards lfxing for the coming crop.
Some have planted out fruit tress and
sovfed some oak .'
Wr learn that Mrs, Sis Klim r!*m and
n*i hitigo , .
laugiiict - ea at< s.u, m ’ l *
health, " 'Haw have been sick a. ^>°‘l
while. We hope they will get well soon.
Don’t Tcihano' ait mat '.’iiiotii! lour i ,■ Away.
To tobacco easily and foicv 1 c mug
nctie. lull of li.a. nerve ami vigor, 1. .e ......'lo¬
iter. the wonder-work. that male- .oak tnen
strong. All driunrists, or or Cl. Cn,v guaran¬
teed Booklet and ramiilo free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co , Chicago or aw York.
Cousin Billy Norton with his ijuatl of
workmen left our town hist week for
Crawfordville. The.ylpul linislual their
work ill Sharon. ’
itnrktcn’a Arnica S.-tTv*.
The Best Salve in the world far" 'Cuts',’
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Itln ktn, Fev¬
er, Tetter, Chapped Hands. ( ilbLims
Corns, and all Skin Erupt ons. ml posi¬
tive y cures Riles or no pa - ' (ns. tired. If
is guaranteed to give sa!;sfa.\ion or
money refund;- \f Price 25 cents per boar.
For sale by Dr. K. J. Reid.
Mr. \V J. Ellington's family was quiui
sick Iasi week hut we learn they are betlyr dAl
at tiiis writing. Bro. Joe has a good
of sicknessitt his family and it goes pretty
lull’d with a poor man.’
"IIow to Cure all Skin lJim .-r e.' v
No Simply apply medicine “Swaytie's require.i. (> iitment Cures ”
tetter, eczema, itch, all^eruptio s cit the
face, Hands, nose, (tc., feavin- the skin
(dear, white and healthy Its ut heal-’
ing apd.eurativi; %r no- •>»•' '
t (j ^ ,, y r .
Dr. B. E. Darden is behind lit coimters
of Mr. John O’Keeffe’! store for the
present year, Emmett is in a dry place;
,np.w lie can’t talk as big and laugh as loud
as bn did before, but we think 11m change
is much the better for Emmett:; health.
Mr. Darden is one of our best men and
nobody will ever regret having him in
their employ.
Evcrvliody Sa.vs .So.
derful Ca®«aretHCandy (Jatbartie. ti., .lost won¬
medical diseov erv of the ; e, |> oas
atifc and refreshing to the las e,. act gen tty
and positively 011 kidneys. >. A-in d bowels,
cleansing the, entire system, dis.xd ,adds,
cure headache, fever, lmbit.uaI cor uipation
and biliousness. J’lease buy and try a. box
guaranteed ofC. (’,. O. to-day; 10, 2a, ail alt< drnegists. "ids. /Sold uni!
to cure by
... . < II . j, irri ., t WvnlM . „ n ; ,hfV“
oflicui . .. . . ..
>at \ s, js a u p un ''
’ «*•« is “ vcr a hundred years chi .-0111 from
a )| a 'C’.onnts lias l)ien it f; irlifuI o cl
^. rv:mU w «- suppose her ; biff! Am. 'grand
children, great grand ehJhlrm and their
children would amount to seventy fivt
a hundred. Slit’* raised- older
1U1(1 -- m Battk.
.. ...
a IWillvi * Ciits, Burns, Bmises, Rheti
W, m, iral • MM fn.m tm*. Sprm
j„ t 'i„. Glorv Land hist week, lie still
■ -
speaks v-vy toabb eA , (on,
He says itis „ go, hJ far.rtr-r eoim.ry
and the per.pic down tiiere are Imi<’ worx
ing indOstrioti.r people. 5 on can’t te I if
rich ni:m from «*t poor man. 'i bey flH
,)re el'U” iiet.or int/» (fr/’he '■ lands
aie’ttn easily crJtfvated. l ’c*
low dfor.ttds are not as iutrii * V H '
our ..]) land red. sod up .) i:* c g:
li" 1 h!>nk- '■•e vv-Mt Is’i-Nj to ptl! >nea -
1 < tc;-dl it'Gloey I.und. ! suppo I y that
IBs comjianv is got tot) large to ll 1 .’Si¬
pen-*-! witlfoi.i eintigli y b- er i r >
f('tv nfji-ro^ ?cAv» it: that s'-- tern ‘b
\v Is:j»‘*opN*v .‘-;ick 1 ;
P< Mr$’;r . C’aban rniTr e’irt.
8 ;; 111*-» </A r • 1 t :• jo?-i .'l« -ftttii-U ‘fti'ho
£in«i > ililGlcr Ahjil
A M o’ ' V 1 '''('ids for sa Loea-.
Mr, Rid Hirpc? ti
Clory Land \x r *l‘\i W * h;
up iimon^ </fUm t!:-ls
-tax a;-’:;? front ofd Toliver fi..ig nt
tb -1 :r>tation is to*) pp a*. '1
c-’A^T'OTLXii. -
r- c - i-, e- H < l
\)» * oil.
r r j>:t
T.'J. *A\]t
.T*' ?*
‘ V ,,
i A F|ag of Warning.
if w.’ewar^f rnuiglough, the dry, tickling, hacking, that
for it warns you
vO vgumptiou lurks near. The famous
.'Bull's Cough Syrup will cure it.
had a very bad cough. One doctor'
pfejUOUIlCcd it consumption. was'obm- T used
A. Bull's Cougli Syrup and
pi‘; tely cured ; the cough left me and
ha * never come hack. Simon Sma»a],
.I'D 31st Street, Chicago, Ills.” Dr.
i i's Cough Syrup costs hut 2!i cent*.’
‘ lor Bull's, taitft Only Bull's.'
tea Liilitin Arnett, who has been in
less making business in Atlanta for
ih h seasons, is making a specialty of
work in that line here.
What has become of our Doctor Farmery
lie never made bis appeitranc'e in our
, 0WI- m0 ,,th; maybe fie has got tnar
ril! ^ a , ld eoultl not i tnive home.
.(fb people here and at Ijaytown have
bet.f. having themselves and families
t .teir.’fnft Sl so it seems 1>> that we are a
little seared of.the suinlbpox anyway.
\W nudefstand that Mr. B, S. O’Brien
wil rot leave i’-.\rne,lt as was reported
sometime batik. We don’t see how Mr.
O’ilfieti tioukl leave Barnett, he lias beut
thei*; «< long*.
thCKn'jf' MM;?,lurry Taylor looking wifi remain bis at mothers lifting
nit year after
farrt^ng Interest. \Vo jhink Murry bus
goVj|mV of sowing wild oats , and settled
dowii to iwe-ija'ess. " j .
Several gftPl hfrgA hogs were killed
lairyweok in wft con#ilunity, aj*d there
ari stvyi’til niore to kfll Inter. afify There
yemfe has'l|ii%a .a heap of meat raised, il’nj past
fhis section. T
9 ' I£. B. Moore litis fifty odd scirolfas
■ichobl at Sharon. They had a 4
mef ling of the patrons last Saturday for
the purpose of enlarging tin: school room.
lie nisMiot room enough
Lbtle J.ettie Mnv Monrocame very
getlipg killed lafl Friday, She was sit
Ungluder a pile of wood th%t had been
corded up and it fell oyer on her ho?"hurt
)y : lmr up'. She’ was
' i W^-To-i-'dw Kir I illy CciiTii.
^inm^tecd -obacco habit cntVr. Atl makes druggists, weak
mbw.s^roug, blood pure. Stic,$1.
Drnjvn lo Serve February Term I s'.is.
W C Bristow \V J Norton
S T Ogletitee' A H- (Stewart
U S Gunn M' N Gunn
11 S Mnnien U I Mann
I! T Kriidrick W () Wright
A I. Hilliumt A H Mathis
T (I Wallace W T GhtVpnuu)
W C Cluipmant A G Bcar/.ley
D I’VLuneefonl \V E Wall
Titos O Gunn Geo S Rhodes
R 'P Jones jeilin I) Moore
Thos E Bristow -I $ Chapman
B F W\ ntn- I) A Ssggus
B II MeCaailey' .1 (! M'H’den
.1 T Cooper Jtolm F Holden
.1 1' Jolinson J T Echols
.1 T H d id ricks K W Meadows
TlmsA-kin JK I) Hilda way
j W MrKhm«y, U 0 V faieef
(['n (g?|«|' > Charlie Roth
1 ee‘ '/.T Craw
j B.pjtu, W r A Leg wen
-las A hb-ndrkdc S D Gbapman
»' 1 Intkoen Join? Johnson
T E-Kendrick v; C Rhodes
{y S l.urx;. f(Ad W 11 ,fow-s
jHiotles W E Dorsey
II T Beck worth
J, Jno T Heard
T W V Hwalies
J J» IVfkfns W i, Kendrick
‘Hf , ir «..! V B-Griffith
Titus I whal'd a
fhat are fi<5f Very tobtssl fiied a
warming;, buitdincr and fat forming
food—something to ht used for two
three montfis in the fall--that
they may not suffer from cold.
;f CcFLi*t£? CM tvlth Hypophos
phites of Lffne and Soda supplies
exactly' vfchat they want, They
will thrive> OfroW strong; and be
well ail Winter on this splendid food
ionic. Nearly all of them become
very fond oi :U For adults whe
are riot very strong;, with a
m of treatment
! the Emulsion for a couple
of months in the fall will
\ f' put them through the
\ winter fn fnst-class con-
1 dition. Ask doctor
j l your
about this.
f!« you lift t SCOTT’S Emult -. et tl-.a! lh»
T2»*: »rvi :.: 1 ( are on the v.-rapper.
All druggi, 1 ; yjc. ar.,J $
aff.TT & BoWNt, ChtmiiB, Nee Vcru.
In Advance.
N( , v . s ^ ^ S(> ,...... , )y
Otic of the Pupils.
(>r ....... ot llrBt , B . utll .
tluun or t earning In the state.
%>«•.< ois.-iioot.
MV arf glatl to welcome Miss Blanche
Bolden from White Plains to our school.
\vff are pained to learn of the injury
sustained hy .lames Overton. It is
potted that ins horse rnii'away on Satur¬
day and Broke his shoulder.
Sim IMielps and ('handler Wimberly
Were •.•litertinned on Tuesday hist by
Glenn Leg wen.
Pupils and teachers are suffering so
lliucli from colds that we fear we shall not
be able to put any clocuiionarv work be
fore the people for a week or two yet. It,
was our intention to celebrate Mr.
Slephc.i's hirthtlav outlie lltli but for
t ., M> ahoyjl w . asoa U is thought U» be advi
sable not to d > so.
.Mercer Bruce lias returned to school
cvi vyhotly is glad.
A Pic a for one Session a I)»y.
IVe wish to place briefly before tlie
patrons and friends of Supheus High
School it few row mis for a proposal to
aiRvpl the phut of having but one session
per day.
In t ho fii’jd place it will cut off the op¬
portunity a noon recess for
free mhtgling together of pupils which
constitutes the most serious objection that
^ K! ut'gtai against mixed schools. In
the next place the lime thus served would
b, ‘ devoted stijd.tT Then ,the pupils
, inane
whose servlets arojne&ied at would
ha\ e cpiii.) as much titthv in the utoining'
,l,wl tll( ' atteynoon lor hqm'e duties
and (jl lH,r to ptep^ilfts^His l ' 1 Pi^,$ompkiin tor that next- tliey day. cannot Some
8tu ( | J' M 'IV music pupils must
l>«*'»’nU will be throw
U # tlml mol,( T ‘ m ^ nmsie.
45,1 M M,ne M> J>mcUcp duritfg
... ff-r ... hi' f “r*fP • ‘Sa» ftomhayj ft§;*v
nt 1 W
ST) rnl'cas sonic pupils are tVgtihir ul morn
sesi i m and let a very trivial matter keep
them away iu the afternoon. It, is u
seriotts matter for pupils to utteud irregu¬
More than all it vvotihl wvoid that stis
p -iision *>l mental effort by which six
hours of study are in many iusiant-ies re¬
duced to live.
These are some of I he reasons why the
one session plan has been adopted in most
high schools and why we urge its adoption
Tiiis arraugenw-iit. would allow the
children from tI k- eou-iitty to get home,
before night. Which under t he two ses¬
sions system they are not always able to
do. Ollier t'ea-sons might be given but
these will Sttllice.
Kt'om evcrywhei’t! conn; words
of praise for Chamberlain ’k
C ouj'h fieirtedy. "Allow me to
congratulate you on t lm merits
of your liemedy, f-teurt'd me of
chronic bronchitis when the
doctor could do nothin# for mo.
CilAs. ft 1 . Jf km KG, Toledo, O.
For stile* by Dr. I J. lipid. ■
11V BI-MOXt u;r
We arc having spine bad •ve.-dicT at
this wi i t tg.
It seen t a* if farmer’ ure going to
plant ai <> 1 lu-r big 1 ropof liveoi-nts cotton.
Rev. Jim II-II till,' 1 bis appointment
Cartel’s 0»i\ r last Si.HmKv and Sviuiin’.v.
it seen..! as if all of our ycutig peo] le
ate going to 1 merry '-M s"j'<;fjn
limeir id.efcd
,\l;i riel at C » brafe- 1-orr ■ ■ • 1 • n i
(fDe'. Vtr. D. M Tf.
Aebsali Young, Ret
fi 1 it in; .
Mar ie I at tlie bi d’ nr* on -lie
of hcfvM**. I on*v; ird ' \ .Miss
Clara f umcffo kcv. y *. Fi .ikcr offii ;
1 ; •
Mari ied on ■T;t ’ I. Jan, at the
bride’s home Mr -W*. J.. ,'ijlii-byo lb
Emma C« nfii’s, l!» •*•. )I •• I Jra;. •*-•*<,flic inf in g.
Mrv. >'*. C. L’-l o li-,. recovered
after a Severe Mines
> r . W. () 1.ultra 'ot’A 1,
pc t. in !hr* t. Strict,
and (1‘K-Tgood sr-r- V-*.
HT can t soo bow irn *■* 1 * il'v’D u
(’hrisiain and l«- >0 -d
.Mis- Kit tv RcaA-v Ol
it < al !i-l
Mi le' >1f ^ v . nu r nt ar
Cniwfonlviilf. will soon
it* turn
AGENT' t > * • -r > 11
map o'' ll-b -* re -
color-, on hie ti iin nt
tojian' l towns on
b trder ; v • pop
Sation i*rae
Sent ,>(| , i terms
for eji
t y'’ { ()
Kdyal nulcei the food cure, - r :
wholesome and dellciouC,
POWDER Absolutely Pure
... F
Mrs. Mary Richardson, a
crazy woman,' who , was being 1
earned to the asylum t\i Milledge
ville, by her husband.- Wednes¬
day evening;, eluded his vigi¬
lance and leaped ’from the rapid¬
ly running huipand train near Sparta.
Her jumped after he?,
and Strange haa his leg; badly broken.
to say, with the excep¬
tion of a few bruises,-, the woman
was uninj ured,—Ishmaelite.
Wool Dress (foods for 5c. at
Miller & Johnson.
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TVror.c, * i ■_§, I PImcIc^O WTti- ...iffr-Color* a I'ate te*
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19 3. Forum: 8t. G;