Newspaper Page Text
rcrmustnco every Friday
Offlcitl O.'Han Taliaferro C*.
CRAWFOftPVILLE, FK15. 1. 1808.
tr tss- r
A Paper Free.
We have made a trade where-
1)V wo arc enabled to offer a lim¬
ited number of subscriptions to
Farin' Trade in connection
with our paper, and we have
concluded to give each, subscri¬
ber to the Advocate Ereraocrat,
new or old. who pays up'one year
in advance (and all bade dues, if
an y) until this small number of
subscriptions to Farid 1 A Trade
have been disposed of. This of¬
fer commences with this publica¬
tion date, Jan. 28, 1808 and will
when all Hie Farm <t Trade
subscriptions are taken; no
Farm & Trade is a 16 page
paper published at Chattanooga,
Tenn,. and Is dc'votod fo the
farms and to the bjtildingup Of
the South. office.' Hamate copy can be
seen at th.s
\Ve will continue to make the
Ad v ocat e -1 )e uioc r;rt the best
county paper we can and if you
renew your subscription now for
i you will get an agribul-
1 nral papor Uee one year.
Don’t, wait until all the gift
subscriptions are gone.
The People’s Party Pal >er
offers an Eagle ( Jfaphophoue as
a prethhiftv.
ericksto^m M<u"was 'troubled
with ehfonic diarrhoea fof over
thirty years. He had become
fully satisfie(f that it was only »
boon treated by some of tho best
physicians in Europe and Ameri
ca but got no permanent relief.
One day he picked up a news
cmr T’hblera and Diarrhoea
Remedy R got a bottfo of it,
the first dose'helped him and its
continued use cured him. . For
sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
It is said tliAti Hon. Thos. E.
Wat son ’s'l'rieuds are still urging
hin to run for Governor.
A few months ago, Mr. R>Ton
Every, of Woodstock, Mich..
was badly afflicted with rheunm
tisin. IIi8 right leg was swollen
the full length, causing him great
suffering. He was advised to
try Chamberlain's Fain Balm
The first bottle of it helped him
considerably and the second bot
tie effectptl a cure. The 2,> and
.60 cent sizes are for sale by Dr.
H J. Reid.
The February Number of
Woman’s Home C-ompaffiott is
excellent, filled with good read
ing for ladies
* » *
* • •
fftaay llorsfv,
1 have two hvirse- in my lob- one is a
largo black tior-c wifii two while spots in
face and whit*' hind foot, the other is a
xmall bar with -folio hind foot.
*-an cel them bv paun/f expenses. adver
Mseinent, etc. A. .T. I'll ADMAN,
('rawfoniville, ’.l.i. Fcl>.3, isos
The ladder w»s created for one
itewe, namely, a re ( Pliiele for the Ulin-*.
and m» hit I- not liable to any form of
disca- 1 l»v omv of two wavs. I hv
’ of
first way is fi*» * nu Tleot act on
kidneys. Tnv s -olid wax i-from careless
LkhI treat uk nt * i>t!ier di-'-a-cs.
I mu CAPS!:.
rnh^alrb) unue frxun uitfioallh' ;J(1
iievs is f ( i i i-y .is-.- of bladder tnuiblr*
KO the wont >. Ilk*' the b.adder. was crc '.t
r<t for ouepuvpoM*. and i not doctor* 1 *! t*'*>
tnuch i" Ikiti’lu to r<fisea?*.
except m wu" * .*->- , It is situated hack
Am • to the bladder, therefore
nnv peiu. *tis *-* ,ir i qt\ctiieiK*- m»tw
tested m the is biuk. Waitacr o~
unnarv jAas-a; e is of leu. lo mistake, at
tribut«*d to tviua’** wakucs.-- or womb
trouble of serin- -ort. The error is To **.-«sily
made and may ca sil\ avoidini. find
but correctlv. -, t your tifiiu a^id*' for
twentv h ur Ik n s; a se*linic:rt or^ s*'t ■’ i«g
indicate* i.idtu'\ or Madder trouble, T “”
mild xnd i he oAto;;, »r> u - so ry t Dr.
Kilmer’* Sw.-u-w^i- t the great koinoy,
und bladder rst edy * --*oi r*:: .zd 1. It
you need a n died' yon should o;ve the
i*?!. At dn Agist* fifty cent * nn<! >tic dol
IftT. You nu' v;h ,\ w ft sarapto it *ii and
pbainplet, Lv * -S.wt tree b_t ma,i Mit
tion the A(l-’ a* .1 * -i>ih rjit ti.- tld
yfur./nlitn’s* * J j r. Kilmer & t *»., Bin.
Ittwfim, N. nroprietuns of tin*
)U'D‘'U » of this
Proof SnlHHent.
som!!of ? !ir , "l«
p] (>) j u talking banking facilities
for our town and the need of
, ... . f . S K u
suc i , , t 1 7 * foiiovvin.r’
I" ' Cl ' ! 'uh^ h( i-T.'rs'< from
f m m ( f t ] 1( .
second bank in our sister city.
It seems that the success of
one brought on another and now
tin* success of the second is
bringing on another. What has
" "
been . doue m WM.hinrrlnn Washington r-in can he D<
done ill Crawfordvilie to a cer
tum “ Xl “
“It, is being whispered on the
streets that Washington
have another bank by the time
the cotton season opens again.
This is good. More banking
facilities means more trade for
our merchants, more cotton for
our warehouses, and more money
for our farmers and our people
in general. Ten years ago
Washington, one of the best
towns in the state, had no bank.
About that time one of our plain
farmers cairn* to town, and on
$200 borrowed commenced a lit
li,, „xdtanze and b»„ki.g Susi
ness. People laughed at him.
and said the town could not
afford anything of the kind. He
kept pegging away however, and
wo see our present fine Washing¬
ton Exchange bank, the outcome
of his labors. Our splendid
Dublin warehouse and the oil
mill were natural consequences.
Five years later we see the
Washington Loan <& Hanking
Co. spring up under adverse cir
cum stances and has grown to be
ono of Hie leading banks in this
section of the state, People
hooted at the idea of two banks
in Washington. Still, the, good j
work went on, and the outcome
was the Fortson warehouse for
Washington, stopping thousands
went to Augusta, Atlieus and
“Let the new bank come on.
Washington, if she ever expects
TachTtTbs sufffflieWr to
control the cotfon crop of Wilkes,
and also 1© roach out and bring,
in business from surrounding
lion. O. R Stevens, of Terrell
county, is in the race for Com¬
missioner of Agriculture.
United States pensions are
getting so enormous that ., . even
the Northern papers and the
pi'ople in that st 't'tiou are getting:
tired of carrying the burden.
Miller tt Johnson, Washing¬
ton. st>l I good checks ot -He. t hat s ;
more than any house in town
* * *
• * *
The Experiment Station at
Exj;erimout, Ga., has just issutd
an interesting bulletin No. -b,
sieving how to plant and raise
corn. Any of our farmer
readers can get a copy by writ
ing for it to the director of the
New Orleans. Jan. 12. .7.
Having used Dr. Tiehenor s
Antiseptic in my family and
known of its use for n number
veal's, 1 take pleasure in
oinmending it as a valuable
hmistdiold medicine. Its efficacy
as a drossingj for wounds, burns.
etc., is resell y wonderful:
serving the. Ib'sll and allowing
j n v, \\ Le;ll without inilamation
r SUppur.ltlqn. . It is very
Uir wherever well Known.
J. I \ PtTKsKR.
Pastor first Baptist church,
New Orleans. La.
Tlu v Illinois Steel ( ouijKtny.
of the hwirest concerns in
l he world, lias sent us oue of
thetr catalogues huntlsomely
showing up tltx'ir mammoth
Tie hr- /? . !« M
An OH Ule«.
Every da- strengthens the belief of emi¬
nent pbysi lu. that impure idsksl is tiie
■anso of the majority of out diseases.
Tiveoty-five years this theory n i'- UmsI
e* a bus’s for the formula of 1'twims I r.ui
Bitters. Tin many . ix imlrkauiDour* i i • -v a . i
by tms IaUHOCs »I«i h**usA'hol<l ruin^ly an
u» TToro.iUiU thi* iheorv
linnim* 1 Ir<>a Hitters s*>}d bv all ibaiors.
Writ <‘" of Dr * H » rt Free Home
,s t-. U H A ___Qtn XT ...
‘ ' * ' 1
slreef ’ Hnoxvilh*, . Venn., u rit ,x
a ietter for publication, which
she desires all her
sisters to read. She writes;
“When I. was 10 years old, I
suffered with female
of the worst kind and spent all I
lwl trying,to
get cured, ,
* M Tl ts* x*- I? I tried several
»< thf b • »
^ y J ' physician s,
■k: + . Vilsbut they all
/j Cm J failed
j % to cure
- ill-' wrao. I gave
up * all hope of
Finally ur. na-. tt ,
recovery. recommend
man's treatment was
ed to me by my teacher,
also lent me the money to
the medicine which Dr. Hartman
prescribed. I took the treatment
and it cured me. I am now a
healthy woman, weighing 194
pounds, and I owe it all to Dr.
Hartm.u'.s U^tment. lamsure
1 would not be living ^ now
had not been for his treatment.
I cannot help recommending it
to all sufferers, and will answer
all inquiring letters.”
Any woman wishing to apply
for Dr. Hartman’s free home
t eat nent has only to send age,
symptoms, duration of disease,
when the doctor will prescribe
the proper treatment, The
medicine can be obtained by
each patient at the nearest drug
store). Each woman should have
a copy of Dr. Hartman s latest
book on tho diseases peculiar lo
women, called “Health and
Beauty.’’ Sent free to any wo
man by the Pe-ru-na Drug Man¬
ufacturing Company, Columbus,
For all diseases peculiar to women and girls.
It Tone* up the Nerves, Improves the Ap
petite. Enriches the Blood, and gives ufe.
health and Strength. It Is the
mrr rnttl I a bottle of " Monthly ” Regulating
■ Bills with each bottle. For sale by
all dealers or sent direct upon receipt of price by
New Spencer Med. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
partment. Advice and book on Female
Diseases, with testimonials, free.
For Sole and Recommended by
Paul G. Luca* Crawfordv ! "° Ga.
'T'housands troubled vals shoulders,sides hips monthly back, But not in the women suffer. with and they breasts, head, limbs. inter¬ pains need are of at 4
These pains are symptoms of
dangerous corrected, derangements that
can be The men
strual function should operate
makes menstruation painless, delb
atul regular. It puts the
cate menstrual organs in condi¬
tion to do their work properly.
And that stops all this pain.
Why will any woman suffer
month after month when Wine
of Cardtti will relieve her? It
costs Jb.oo at the drug store.
Why don’t you get a bottle
For advice, in cases requiring
special directions, address, giv¬
ing symptoms, “The Ladies’
Advisory Department,” The
Chattanooga Medicine Co.,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Mrs ROaENA LEWIS. lf*«.
of OenaviHe. sarsr
“ ! was traufcled at monthlr Inter.als
with tertiftle pains in m* head and back,
but ha*e been entirol) re*iev»fl b» VVIa*
ot Cardui.''
dutekty ao-urot rrr rir week rAtnrr ojTAinr
Ss*n*i «Js'*d9i sxr ilFtrli » plftBftlfi rvpswt %s
UtbtLlT. 4$-’al'E BOOK. FHEF O * reS?r»r
mu i«iS»naa-^. f r SPECIAL OPTtl
H. B. YVILCSOn & CO ; L ‘*- vc *
L» pvt U».i*im GT6N, O. C
The Senate passed the
Teller resolution by a vote of 47
to 32, and which is as follows:
“That all the bonds of the Unit
ed States issued, or authorized
to be issued, under the said acts
Qf con g rftss hereinbefore recited.
are payab i 0 , principal and inter
es t t a t the option of the govern
inent of the United States in
ilver dollars or the coin of the
United States . . 41
each of standard
that to restore to it coinage
V| coins .,<• as a .. -„<•
tender in payment of said bonds,
und Interest, is not in
of the public faith noi
'it derogation of the rights of
the public creditor.”
The resolution was lost in the
house by a vote of 1112 to 182.
the Republicans remember
v , ult there are llot t ; mes CO ming
fall and in 1!100.
The Washington Reporter
that from *800 to *1.000 are
' potSs^TlfaT 1
M g w . ue of vVilkes brought
i n some fine seed Irish potatoes
that he is selling for $1 per
11 years, and bought his
see j only once, viz: the first
year he st’rted.
------ - - ■
V knob Too
The use of the surgeon’s knife is be¬
coming so general, resulting fatally
in such a laige number of cases, as to
occasion general Walpole, alarm. of Walshtown,
. Mr. William
South Dakota, -writes; “About
three years ago, there came under
my left eye a little blotch about the
size of a small pea.
It grew rapidly, and
r [ shooting pains ran
ii\ every direction.
I became alarmed
§ and consulted a
good doctor, who
|i||k Hn^cer, pronounced and said it that can- it
I^Brmust ^ ISfbifeggwgJoulU be cut out. not
^^ -,.ttlc faith in the
indiscriminate use of the knife. Read¬
ing of the many cures made by S. S.
S., I determined to give that medicine
a trial, and after I had taken it a few
days, the cancer became irritated and
began to discharge. This after awhile
ceased, leaving a small scab, which
finally dropped off, and only a healthy
little scar remained to mark the place
where the destroyer had held full sway.
A Real Blood Remedy.
Cancer is in the blood and it is folly
toexpect guaranteed an operation purely vegetable to cure ) it. is S.S.S^ a real
t for
remedy blood. every sss
disease of the
Books mailed free;
address Swift Atlanta, spe¬
cific Co.,
* i 'f
^v) L '#1
mm; w
1? IN
he Iwelrwl Tv aHhrihcr *^vrrff«^D'rr'tc rn <J
thiak joa caa get the best made, finest finish and
for * mer* «>ng* Buy from rcHable wiannfaoturers
that hftre Then* gainevk ftrermtation hv honest and pqv.ari*
dcaltng. n.*m*;r> the world that run renal
la weoliftnical eonatruction. iYtrahiJITy working
part*. flmsh. beauty in. att*%ara nee, or has
ft* many impraramentsas the NEW HOME
The Kew Horae Sewing Machine Co,
QbaSos. Mass. III. Besros.Miss. 5to. astrsrosSqrjmK.x.v. Dallas.
cmciOO, Euacnco, St, Lons, Ga. Tex.a.
SAf Cal. Atlasia,
Read This.
For FlrtuLms
Pyssniiery, --j.™., .
ytansea,Coughs, .
lug ciuldren, Choler s WvSrwL
Morbus, Caaaturcl Drains
from the Eowsis. Pairs, 4
Grtphss Loss of AppeUte. Indigestion,
and aiv Diioases Of tbe Stcsmcb SEd
in.! ca
y\ii ft • j ^
^ v3nnifi3lfVC
ta the standard, Tr carries rttlWhen-aver
the eriUeat f>ert, of teett'.i’..c r,i i, rec¬
>rauMud>'*i for t'h*rs»e an- ; - the frVnd
vL'rCmt' n: 1 • '* : f*.
rive sat »fv i ■ " »esy,t.. ie- ,11
-tie its suet : v.: . < ots
•fr Kutie. 1 . - lie 1*> -irt— . ti.
Had to Jump.
TilC CATS flp j| ___ PROMIHfetiT
MABIIIE KfiRIIlC flflflPFRtTMfiM SfiOutKlIftflllr
P. H. Monahan, one of Detroit’s Oldest and Best Known Merchants
Meets with a Serious Experience.
From the Evening IVewt, Detroit, Mich.
amonff tlic business men of
Detroit. Midi., is i’atrick II. Monahan, who
re.tde. at 199 Baker street.
He ha* been actively erased in thegro
ccry business for the past forty-seven years,
gtarted into business at the corner of Second
falo his name as an honorable, hone#t boat
supply man was well known to all boatmen.
No matter what time of day or night, the
Monahan Marine Grocery was kept open (or
the convenience of the like hoots. He js
•the best known and oldest retail grocery
dealer in Detroit. He has been successful
in business by his square dealings, and is vet
to be found behind the counter any ilav tit
his large store, corner of Twelfth and Baker
Streets. To a reporter, he recently said :
“ When we first opened the Jefferson Avenue
store we had to work supplies, day and night. The
vessels that needed wanted them
right off and we had to jump all the time.
The reason vessel men patronized us, was be¬
cause we filled their orders at once. Every
hour counts with them and we had a double
set of clerks that worked day and night. I
have been hustling all my life. No man
ran succeed in business without hustling.
Some people hustle too much, and I was one
of them.
“About four years ago I had to give up
on account of my hack giving out. It had
bothered me for years. For a week ! sat
around the house and then had to go to bed.
The family physician said that I had worn
mvself out by hard work. I did not do
Walton Guano S F OO
Green’s Formula,
Green's Special Guano,
Walton Acid,
y t J l t iiR Sl lLjtV RUl s of fertilizer*
"* l
made by the Walton Guano Co.
The Best on the Market,
—For Sale by—
Crawfordville, Ga.
AFRICAN, The Wonderful’
Blood Purifier,..,
Cures absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Old
Sores, Constipation, Gout, and All Diseases caused by
impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED..........
Africana Has Never Failed
Iu a single instance oat of the hundreds treated. Therefore, we offijr it?
to the puWic with entire confidence, and are willing to undertake
the most desperate case on which other so-called infallible cure*
have failed. Africana is made altogether from herbs, remedy is perfectly dis¬
harmless and yet is the named' most diseases. powerful Write and purest for further particulars; ever
covered for the above
testimonials, etc.
Africana Co 63M Atlanta. S. BBOAD Ga. ST.
te&scribe far rne ' O ASTITI TION;
Advocate-Democrat Jtl
The t
. . , • *-•«
And send your guess with it, afic we will forward all for you and thus?
o0 Give You a Chance to Make Good Money;
J ----- ‘
The Advo r>n \J CL) te-DemocratV
Crawfordville. Ga*
Will make U magnificent hedge, beat; he I s’.ade for the piazza, era charming bed. Constant .
bloomers, perfectly hardy. Chte plant will province l,coo 'lowers. Only JfCe. delivered.
yjrjriq I It.a 0 ,;irrtfn »nd /IfTinr UUUlU. The Baer Han’s Catalan* and iht l adioC Ga-.?en»r and )lL ! Ti«.r.
Hot»| so^omrrehen«iYe. J #00 .v one ,-c#ia;0!Rf is&xetJ -V.l Tvsc.ivtioss&a4 Di4'ccdo«srorptaaliiig UMl
cultiirp cordeMed. cla»;5et! end that
He Who Rea* May Itend. 5Tftay inuFrr 2 :;.tns from nature Cclorfu p'atcsof Beautifully BwFetreaji. Kasturtimn*.
Tfit<ro*Ts Bveoriift.-*, Go et I>«v Lur. t * ;s Asters. covtr;
^ 1 ^ ***** c °c:ple:c;y filled wiUi bc :»t lUu^LTtLoas- KREK upon sppltcat.oB
THEE! _ (^) M’s mustrated Monthly Magazine Th« ciiinyyiyo'
], , ■ at ot mfernatinn aeotit Flowers Vop-cib »s sod Frniia, and bow torrow anft rare
. ',»fn v A ’»■ ?» b-uso .-aa, -o - f \* :r; exsen-- and rne -rour is mad- attracti-e ’ A t
bars *- Th, rr:o» o' v;cx s ILLCSTKATES UCXtHLT MASAZIXE i« I itty C-n!a for i f '
.SO win rnurn till. Coupon with «ix t warrenr «tomn« tk- maonw <rirt t>* rartilw .1 »a corr-pniarty '
Jdi an isoouia tot mat. Wnwaioneek. VI1K PIHIISHI S(; CHL. ttool-o.ter, N. V,
much for nearly two years, and doctored fo
my kiilneys. My friends advised me to try
remedies that they had faith in, and I tried,
nearly ail of them. J was ready for any,
remedy that would relieve nte, hut 1 uni
not receive any benefit.
“ I read considerable during my sickness
and in my daily paper I noticed frequently made
articles regarding the wonderful cures
by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for lie People,
and how the pills contained, in condensed
form, all the elements necessary to give new
life and richness to the blood and restore
shattered nerves. One day I read of a ease
like mine, in which a complete cure had
been effected. That convinced me that the
pills had merit and I decided to try them as
they cost only 50 cents a box (never in loose
form) or six boxes for $2.50, and could be bad
at anv druggist’s, or by mail from the Dr.
Williams’ gdivine Company, Schenectady,
X.Y. The next day I asked the druggist re.
garding them. He said,‘U e sell large quan¬
tities of the pills ami they are well recom¬
mended by the purchasers.' They build up
the blood, and restore the glow of health to
pale and sallow cheeks, and effect a radical
cure in all cases arising from mental worry,
overwork or excesses of whatever nature. I
bought a box and took it borne, nmi commenced
to take the pills. Before I had taken oue box
that intense pain which for fifteen year*
iiad nearly killed me was gone. had I take® con¬
tinued using the pills until I
four boxes, which made me feel as well as E
had for years previous to my sickness. My
friends noticed the change at once and were;
more than pleased to sec me out again. thao, I
continued using the pills, and in less
sixty days I was so much improved that *
was able to attend to business.”