Newspaper Page Text
r ,,r
T4t1 N : :^J 9 m mi
1 V
<*&,. •
Fifty Years Ago*
Who could imagine that this should b«
The place where, in eighteen ninety-three
flat white world-wonder of arch and
suld shadow the nations, polychrome...
I|re at the Fair wfi3 the prize conferred
In Ayer’s Pill*, by 1 Ihe world preferred,
hicago-like, they k record show,
ince they started-so years eg®.
er’s Cathartic Pills
have, from the time of their'
preparation, been a continuous'
with the public. And 1
that means that Ayer’s Pills^ 1
accomplish what is promised
for them; they cure where'
others fail. It was fitting,
'therefore, that the world-wide
popularity of these pills should
be recognized by the World's
( fact
FaP medal of 1893 —a
Toilet emphasizes the record 1 :'
5 0 Years of Cures'll
ehV J
Citizen and ( Itrisfiiin Patriot.
1 cdiiPY new nook fob the peoi’ie
Everywhere to siiow sample pages and
Set up ( iib?/
Extraerdinarily Liberal Terms.
Money can lie made rapidly, circulating ami a vast
amount of good done in
0 mc of the noblest historical works
published during the past
quarter of a century.
lActive 4ent3 are Harvest. now Reaping a Rich
Some of our best workers are selling
Mr. A. G. Williams, Jackson county,
. and
Mo., worked four days and a half
(secured ill orders. lie He meets. sells the Dr. book J, J. to
ahnpst-every man
P® on, Muscogee county, Ga., sold 120
fcon ss the first live days he tan passed.
Hi. ?. Sheets, Palo Pinto county, Tex,,
wotted a few hours and 1 U copies, mostly
«i.-i binding. J. H. liana, Gaston
i ,’.v„, N. made a month’s wages in
Cv.-s m,- , t i,\ s <-»ufviisfi:ig canvas.-rag for for this litis book. book. S. S.
M idle, C'ttttalutn county. Tex., is sell
fcj. 1 s at the rate of 144 copies a week.
ThdfVoi-U Contains BioKiaphical Sketches
: ! of .lithe lending Generals, a large large vast numbei numbei amount
of Hi lorical Matter, and and a a
of 1* autifivl Full-P Page Illustrations. It
js iip-iiml book, and ladies and gentlemen
who ran give all or any part of their time
to*the canvass ate bound to make iui
mehse-sxmspjf money inuidling it.
An Elesant Prospectus,
shewiny the ditferent styles of binding,
s&rcjA pages, and all mateiiaa necessary
to wi fk with, will be sent on receijit ot 50
cetvw, Tiie magniticient gallery of woitli por¬
trait aloti*. in the prospectus is
. far
{foul e 1 he money, We furnish it at
less J*»n actual cost of miinuhietuie. and
we »ld advise you to order quickly,
t exclusive control of the best
WjMfLrv. igA'ABprnr.LSHiXG Address company.
.Tnirauil .Main Sts., Riclnnoiicl. \ a.
Zfckery I & Stewart
riders in Pork, Beef. Mutton. Fr-di
and Oysters. \V« also keep an eats ig
salnbi at odr place of tmsiness.
Wi respoclfuily solicit l,h° patronage of
; the ijblio.
W( guarantee satisfaction, Vnv uii-.-es
and 1)1 ite attention.
lilAtet price [raid for aVi Raw Hide :
w ‘ TE WA RT.
Sharon. Ga ;
f . i STROM
WJtehmaker & Jeweler,
Sclnird’.' Store,, Ur m ford ville, Ga,
Repilr Work a 8j ct ia-lty.
: --AND- -•
for ilfurmailon as to Routts,- S.-be-.;ivies
and Rates, Noth
PassTter and Freight.
write 6 * of the undersigned,
A oujr will receive prompt reply and
reli blfi afiirmion.
H S’. A. G. P. A.
Auguitta, Oa.
8. lV.;,h( ,, 11, k. NICHOLSON,
C.1.&P. A. G. A.
Atlanta Athens.
W. Vr I irtTICH, S. K. 'TAG I El
C. E. A.
Sla-.on, Ga.
t. i
m. i: a r. XV. COFFIN
' i s. r. & p. a.
]h : .le ille. Augn*tx.
J AS and Wh tekey Habits
9H jl cured outpaia, ut home &> ■: o' vviiti- p)'
SIP' ____ - _ (1 ticulars' FRfcE.
Pure Home Matters {Picked Up by (WP
Local Reporters.
What Our People Ave Doing and SrVviW*.
Things Our Friend) Tell l ] s.
Fresh onion sets at Ruttei
Store for 10 c qt.
from —Mrs. Augusta B. E. Saturday. Smith came up j
—The little rise in cotton the
past week has beneiited slime.'.
—The early gardeners are I
somewhat set back by the freeze.
—Richard Richards went up t°
Woodville Wednesday on a visit
—Representative John John-
son spent Tuesday ill Crawford
Miller &r,lohhson are head¬
quarters for Ladies’ Dress Goods
and Capes.
— Louie B. Mann speaks of go¬
ing to' Charlotte, N. C. in the
paper business.
' Miller & Johnson'snew store
at Washington is the store for
big bargains.
—Still the cotton seed come to
this market. Very few kept on
the farms for manure.
Use the best preparation to
cure gray hail and baldness,—
Hall's Hair Renewer.
—Mr. .James K. Sanford, of
Augusta, visited his mother's
family here Sunday.
—Cold breath from the Klon
dike this week struck this part |
of Georgia broadside.
—Messrs. Aaron Kendrick and
L. S. Jackson, of Sharon
here yesterday on business.
—Mr. W. H. Wynne, of San
dersville, has been here several
days this week on business,
—Mrs. L. P. Winter and chil
dren went up to Robinson Satur
dav daytoMsitieutucsana to visit relatives and friends iiienas.
Mr. W. J. Norton has been
arranging this week to go to
work on the Holden brick build
Johnsons, the hardware
dealer, at Washington will save
you money on all goods in his
—Charlie Golucke has a big
contract for grinding meal at his
mill here, idle makes excellent
meal,______ 1
—Some of the property
was to have been sold
Tuesday is readvertised this
"VV. T. Johnson’s store in
Washington is the place to get
goods to please you at lowest
—Mrs. Sheilds. nee Miss Ava
Edmonson, of Thomson, visited
relatives in Crawfordville Wed
When you want hardware,
stoves, paints and buggeis don t
forget W. T. Johnson at Wash
Ashley & Denham, of Wiite
Plains, are buying cows aud
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
—The county Commissioners
could not get enough of
body together Tuesday to hold a
.—Messrs. Ashley & Denham
shipped a car of cattle from here !
Monday to Augusta. They are
gathering them up.
—A gentleman in this county
says he has eaten so many rab- i
bits this winter he jumps up as ,
he hears a dog barks.
—Bob. Hadaway, Dr. Dead
w - yler , MUton Gilbert and e. c.
Gunn went up to Greenesboro
Sunday on a pleasure trip.
—On the 26 th of Jan. Mr.
Nash and Miss Mamie
Calawav were married over in
the edge of Wilkes county.
-Dr. C.S. Lucas and Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Fran kin son. of
Washington, came over Sunday
to visit the formers relatives
-Mrs. Dr. W. A. Moore re
turned to her home at Milledge
ville Saturday last after spend-
11 some time with relatives
—Our correspondents will
sect,ouof ,,ie
Wednesday morning. It went
down that low on the xnG day of
—Some entertain the idea that
the small grain crop was injured
Tuesday by the freeze, especial¬
ly spring oats that were sown
t mon th.
_Crawfordville colored popu¬
lation has been in a stir this
week about their school 1
Frieudnhii) cb' rch. 1 hey nav
had some fist aud cuff lights.
5 *
¥ K vV &
1898 lias arrived. Mv bi- store is packed with 1111 immense stock, covering
square feet, three lloors. Every department is complete. Have bought at
right prices and just received ihe following:
1 Car White Hickory Wagons, 306 Kegs Naibsy
15000 lbs. Plow Hose, iito Plow Stocks,
100 pr. Starr Harness and Traces, 250 Plow Bridles,
1 ifi Cooking and Heating Stoves, 25 Dozen Axes,
Give me a call when iu Washington. You are cordially invited to bkhc and see
my mammoth store and stock.
w. t. joHiisrsoisr,
Washington, Ga,
Fresh lot of garden seed at
Racket Store.
—Miss Dolvin, of the Union
Point Review says she is sorry
she helped to circulate the ru¬
mor that Crawford ville had
small-pox. She is excusable.
—Those special offer subscrip¬
tions to Farm & Trade given to
paid up in advance subscribers
to Advo-Democrat are going.
Send m your dollar before
are all gone.
—Seab Jones, Jr., has began
manufacturing ax handles at his
establishment on the square.
There could be a profitable
ness run hero making such
articles for the market,
—Dr. Hill, of Washington,
whipped a negro editor of his
town a few days ago and run
him, paper and till out of town.
The negro had written some
obnoxious articles about the
doctor’s practice.
—The committee appointed to
l°°k into the workings of the
uew roa d laws in adjoining conn
«« are «»*»* tho “*•
!“« Sood reports ( ot the work
1U - S " Many of our people are
ed tQ th(J new lttW and
that the old law is not at
fault, but that the trouble is with
the commissioners and over¬
seers. The Grand Jury will
li Rely make some recommenda¬
tions this month concerning th'6'
Extending His Trade.
Speaking of the trade of our
town, we are told tn 4 t Mr! J.
N. Chapman has sold and sfiip
p e q two buggies to Florida,
several wagons ’ to ’ parties in
Wilkes, Hancock and Warren
counties. He sold a wagon Sat
urday to Mr. Barksdale m War
ran county. Our business
houses are reaching out. Peo
pie know whbie to get good
goods cheap.'
She is Well.
The friends of Rezzie Richard
son in this section will be glad to
r( , a q the following from the
Conyer’s Banner:
‘- r rhe many friends of Mrs.
Hezekiah Richardson, who has
been in the asylum for some
months, will be glad to know
that she has been restored to her
family sound in mind,
Our Honor (toll.
'i'H e following kind patrons have paid
their subscriptions since our last issue:
!.. A. McLaughlin, fide to Feb. 2-1 ’98.
Miss Susan Gunn Si to l-’eli. 8.
.1 M. Denham, $1 to Feb. 1 ’99.
Jas ]>. Asliurv. 81 to Sept. 1 I ’9S.
E H OHelree/-! 3~> to Juue 2-'» 'J-.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters remain in tiiepusl
at Crawfordville, first of this niontli
Mr. Joe ( oon Moore or Soil Brown,
Mi-? Mary Culvcrson, Mr. F. E. C liiid
r,-s<. Ncad Williams, Air. T. M. Tom
Indeed you would be cruel to
your sweet helpless oaby sut
fer with Colic or Pain in Stom
ach or Bowel- when there
such a pleasant sate and
b.e Remedy to be obtained
easily \our Druggist will sell
t ou a bo.tie ot_ Di.
Antiseptic for uOc.
The ^ New Store
of Miller d Johnson 5
Washington, Ga. ® ® ®
At less PRICE than any house in Middle Ga.
for same money than NEW STYES,
Any House in Middle Georgia.! NEW METHODS,
Floyd’s New Buildings- it.-mrtlm '*■
To Monument Contributors.
The Ladies’ Memorial Associa¬
tion request all who have con
tributed to have the Confederate
Monument erected at Crawford
ville, but have not, puul, to pay
between now and Feb. 4> 8 IMPS
Money Will be received a • 1 by the
following ladies: Mrs. 2 V. G.
Beazl M rs. L. F. Stephens, 1
and . Mrs. W. O. _ TT Holden. , .
Mrs. H. F. White, Sec'ty.
Mrs. A. G. Beazley, Pres.
People’s Party Mass Meeting.
The Populists of Taliaferro
county are requested to meet at
the Court House in Crawford
ville, on Saturday, Feb. 19 th,
next, at 10 a. m. to elect a new
Executive Committee and dele¬
gates to the rftate Convention,
and to transact such other busi¬
ness as may be of interest to the
party. Maj. McGregor will be
asked to be with us, and you
know, an interesting meeting we
will have. We earnestly solicit,
not only our old party friends,
but all who are friendly to our
principles, to meet- with us.
S. H. Rhodes. Chun
W'. C Chapman, .Sect'y.
In It Again.
F. A. Mullen, the horse trader,
is in jail again. He hired a
horse and cart from Mr. C. C.
Caldwell eff tjtis place a short
time agio arfu ttioVe off towards"
AthenV He went to that city,
sold the horse for part cash aud
a note for the balance, and then
went down in Oglethorpe
aud took charge of a school
the and began teaching
young, negroes to—trade wo
suppose. As soon as Mr. Cald¬
well learned where the horse was
lie ordered Mullen arrested. He
was sent for by the purchaser
of the horse aud as soon as he
arrived was arrested and jailed
in Athens. His case will be
heard in the Superior Court of
Clarke county in April. It
seems that Mullen is itching to
go to the ch a ingang and the
courts should accomodate him.
y-IO.) He ward. $100.
The readers of this paper v;J"
be pleased to learn that there it
at least one dreaded diabase tha
science has been able to cure in
all its stages, and that is Catarrh
Hall s Catarrh Cure is the onp
positive cure known Catarrh to the modi
cal fraternity. being it
constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hallh
Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the sys
tern, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and
giving the patient strenght by
building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so
faith jn itscurat ive powers,
th ^ offer One Hundred
f r J case that it fails
to curfJ _ Se for }ist 0 f testi
irjonials> Address. foledo,
F f Chexey & Co O.
Sold by Druggist, 75 c.
Hall's Family Pills are the
.MJhumeut rnv<?i)fnsr.
The Lanies’ Memorial Asso
sociation have invited General
Clement A. Evans, of Atlanta,
to deliverffi-n address at the un¬
veiling of the Confederate Mon¬
ument, which is to take place at
Craw ford ville on
March 2 . The invitation
been accepted.
B ill Be Here February
The ladies in charge of the
Co t soon to
be erected in this place, inform
us Unit the monument will be
hern by Fob. 2 S and that very
soon thereafter there will bo un
veiling ceremonies and
good speeches on that, occasion.
, 1 n , Iiey arc i1 tlianlcilll to Ml’. E T *■
Anderson for *."),()() " ’ and Mrs.
Enos Moore tor $ 1 Let all who ,
can help 1 them finish up 1 t lie
amount necessary to pay tor
t , Htl . nctaro , j t is a worthy
and should , , , have every
hod VS ‘ aid
31 r. Stephens Bill Nol l.ove Her.
In sneaking of the late Dr.
Love _ , death - and . .., Ins . .
s 01 marriage
in this county the Atlanta Con¬
stitution says;
‘Tn Lueust Grove be began
his lifelong friendship with
Alexander H. Stephens. It was
at the home of Miss Darden that
Alexander H. Stephens met t lib
young woman to wiiom he be
came engaged and whom
would have married liad not
death , i bi ought , , ail end 1 ... l 1 , • .
brilliant career. ”
Mr. U U Ve:izey of this
Says t he latter is a mistake thllt
Mr. Stephens ne\u met a j oiui n
woman that he loved sufficient
to marry.
Seems US if all the things we
like disagree with us, and all
tlio the tilings tliin.rc we we don’t non i like inte, a'rree a„ico
Wlth us. Dyspepsia lurics in
most of the good tilings we eat,
and indigestion follows the grat
l ... heat .. ion Oi , , uppiitUe Af/ Oicomse,
it isn t Nature s lault. Nature
does the best shQ can, and if a
man will only hell) her a little
... bit at , the , i lght • turn., he 1 -,. ...... may cat ,, n i
what he likes and as much as lie
likes. Dr. Pierce's, Pleasant
Pellets are for people who are
troubled . vi i with ii indi r , J . <
ticularly for those in whom it
manifests itself in the form of
constipation. They are in per
feet harmony with Nat .. J ,\
effect a permanent cure. You
need take t hem regularly only a
little while. After that,
them occasionally when you
need them—when you,have eaten
anything that disagrees
you. They may ho taken just us
i'reely as you wouid necessity take water of life, or
a,iy other
Once usea they are always m
l*i-oi>erl v Sold Tuesday
Sale day here Tuesday was
cold and not many people were
in town. Three jiieces of land
were sold. Mr. T. i;l. Bristow
bid in the McCoinmock lot near
the depot for s22fi.00. Mi’. H.
M. Holden bid in the Bristow
next to the academy l'or * 45 p .«0
Mr. F. T. Cain and Mr. Pope
bought the Ii,. Will Wynne lands in
AT- tllis county, l><l,y , in * 7 ^,,-»(,« r,,,..
From the Clerk of the Circuit Cuutt.
Fernandina. Fla., Feb. ’ 90 .
Mr. J. George S11 brer, Druggist.
Dear George. Please' s^nd a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. 1 would not lo'bl easy
if I knew there was none' of this
valuable Remedy in the house.
I have given it a fair test and
consider it one of the very best
remedies for croup that I have
ever found. One dose has al¬
ways been sufficient, although f
to this’medicine. I canconscion
tious!^ recommend it for croup
and. colds in children.
Yours respectfully, Wolle.
. Geo. E.
Sold by Dr. R. J. Reid.
He Got the Mink.
Mr. Newt. Chapman succeeded kill
us that he has in
ing the mink that, has been kill¬
ing so many of his chickens.
He put out poison for the in
in his wood pile near the house.
It had about killed all the chick
ens Mr. Chapman had.
fleet Cough Syrup. Ta*tet Good. .
25 in time. by druggists. * irr _
Miraculous Benefit
RffiW New Heart Cfim~
, *»'r ffs-Nw*
■ /
|jf m 'p
<7 W Ifl ‘
m y
' * *< ■
E LI P. BABCOCK, of Avoca, N. Y„ 8
veteran of the 3rd N. Y. Artillery and •
for thirty years of the Babcock A'
Munscl Carriage Co., of says: “1
v.- r ito to express wy grutltudipf&rthemirr.c-- -
Ions benefit received from PE Milas* near!
Cure. I Huflorod for years, >#r, insult of army
lUe% fromsetaticawhich'aftbe'tttd tonn.ail-limte my heart
In tho wor*» swelled from
the ankles up. I bloAtfeawvtH I was unable
to i, ut ton my clotWtfjfJl hail sharp pains
about the hearv spells and
shortness of briMlM Fbr three months I
was unable to lie down, and all pie sleep I*
got was In an armchair. I was treated by
the best doctors WR, gradually grew worse.
Atiout a ycunijNfiv commenced taking Or.
Miles’ Now Heart Cure and It saved m y life
as if by a miracle."
Br. Mll«e Remedies Dr.
arc sold all drus . "WHIaa’ 1
gists uiidfeT* a p*wltlve hkadtCHtt,
guarantee!; Ilrst bottle
beiielitlt-or funded. Book money dis¬ re¬ "Raetoroa 3
on L Hvalth M
eases of the heart and
nervbs free, Address.
I)U. MILES MKDICAL00., Elkhart, Ind.
Mkreh Sheriff Sales.
Will lx: sold ii front <J’ tlu- door of
(’oiirt House of Te.llttfeiio Coniil v Geo: 1 -
gi-i on the first Tuo.sdny In March next.,*'
within tho legal hours of sale for task, to
tlio bisrhost, bidder, all that tract of land
situati-d in siiid- town and Gcmityrcontaln
ing one acre more or hiss, know'll as
East by Putille street, separating said'
p,,,,),,. street,, snwi land from -
lands of I). tTaininaeft and oil West, by
lands of King Star Society
ALSO, all that tractor lot of land', si I •
tinted in tiie ( 16 -Tth, Dist, <}. M., said
County eontninhig 107 acres more or less
bounded on North and; West by lands ol
F - h<'ld.-n;- 0 f» East by lands of R. .1.
K) , i( ,. Ull(1((ll SouUl i, y | lllU ls „r Mrs. ,lu
in,* Jordan; which, tract, «r lot of land is
Imoivn as Ihe Wnvcr hinds of Mrs. Nancy
Held, la which Nile took dower, winch
tract of land was levied'upon iaid and sold
l0 Hie )if« eiKtote of .Mrs. Rdd
j n llll( | t«> tii»» same,
said nruptn’ty levied upon ami dcserlt-
ed uboviMevied upon ns the property of
T..JB. Bristow under and by virtue of and
t()Slltisfy CX(>( . ul i j)11H j ssu< .,i f rom t i l( . j U s
u,.,, (ii,nrt of the (i01st„])ist. G. M., said
County against said Bristow In favor of
VamnWoo & Flemming; (R. T. Todd &
iSon; 1 . b lcmmui" tSon; J. \\ . «V: h. (
Atkins; \V. A. Itnswll; Simon. Seward Ai
c 0l) j. Leopold A Co; R. J. Wolf Wev A Sons; Co.,
Tbos, M. Flark & Co; Dobbs, A
-m-i Exmaions issued from the superior
. |( f UV()l . () f ^ c Hbbbs;.[.antiriHn A liui
ler: Bcck ifc Gregg Hardware Co., Sling
luff: Disney As Co., and Isaac (treehaiun A
( 'm
Written notices of said levies giycti as
required 'ibis by imjv. Feb., 1898.
I lie, 2tliyiiay of HENRY,
I). P.
Sheriff of Titljilforro County.
: i Oxydonor!
vrradc Mark Registered Nov. 24, ’9b
1 The New Life-Giver.
Piarttotes Vigorous Health by instilling
OXYGEN from the air into the system,
ami quo* all forms of without
h!«ctricity. It 1, as simple n,
; "' 1 un "'
Pli es of OXVDONORS ercatly re
dnccd. Get, the frenuine,, made by the
discovi-rer and invent rW,- Dr, Hercules
Book of.particulars and prilist free.
Addiess Hr. if. 8 am be, 2bl J'tflii Are
New York.
And vicinity, will consult thei.'
by wrrting to
Standard Manufacturing Co,
For Prices on SASH, DOORS,
BER, LATH or anything in
Ogeechee Brick Co •V
Union Point, Ga.
Building Brick of best Quaity.
Reliable Confractors for all
Kmdsof Brick Work.
For price? anti information apply to
Office Advocate- Democrat; of writ*# W