Newspaper Page Text
AN OPEN LEI tzx rzrz zsrpfa: fc jpaaa K
II i~
1, DR/ SAMUEL PITCHER, c ' Hyannis, Massachusetts,
teas the originator of “PITCHE. 3 CASTOrilA,” the saw*#
that has borne and decs now , f — on every
bear the facsimile sign ture of G. wrapper.
This is the original “ PITCHER’S ' .ASTORIA,' which has been
used in the homed of the Mothers f America for ever thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have always bough t cm , rm0 J1/ the
pta./yyf7<dccnu'ii . *■)
and has the signature Cj ■ wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex
dept The Centaur Company of inch Chas. II. Fletcher is
President. C/, 2 dfh.'/c^rL
March 8,1887. * r - . JD<
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on ip), the in¬
gredients of which even he does net know.
“The Kind You Have Always Bought”
■JHttil *0
/ f
PZ v
Insist on Having Failed You.
The Kind That Never
1H( CtNTAUN COIMrA .77 MlirttAV »r«e*7, NIlM TOUK CITY.
2 y/ \
e *> A «
«o jTK 1 '. ALL
25 50 ------ S hi _ . 1<v
T 1 Uvt. tn curo unr.rnsfj'. iT.ntip.'ilion. f>tit f».',r.irpts miteralresults. nr«.(lie Mi ni I.nxn- 8nm
»Mfr imp or came «•«*?
t»lc tii(l booklet froo. Ad. STKUMV PJtKt.llV .to.. CUicaeo, Montreal. Can., or New Vork. aiL
M going i
you t
# ® ® ® ®
Use “Southern Rome Paint.”
Guarjitifeed Ww-WA Paint’made. No adulLYa
tlbn. it is sir icily .pure add goods...... will cover more
surface than any adulterated
iliuk>‘ in 30 HoautiAil Colors!
F. J. Cooled 2‘8 & Bro ■ 9
• xmF*
Paint mid Vaviil-ili Makers'
Savannati <jc JLtiaxi ta,.
— BY
P. B.Tobir; Cotton Co.
No. 5 Warden Block.
U'tH STA. GA . fVJob’r 11.1-^'.
’lit!’ FIRM t.1 HI M. & TrtRI ‘n I ills GU\ vlissolvtsf by HiulartTchBscm, P. !;.
robin Imviug sohl out In'- ' 1 * 1 lo ] tu'll. Each portsrv will trjinsAcr bu-i
i|» on his ti\\ u nj toiinl .V!l s ht; ussils of ’lit lute linn arc Ike pmin rS of > -bnrv
, VSBl’UV 1! f.K,
itiT . VV";vs'ii;'i‘';i i i /'«' !>.tb;;iltvs. P. 15. TOftt X
AIXU STA (' A , October Aisf, 1897
fl Toli.ii utiriounccs tliai he has sMtl ltfs iiiteresf jn the Au
;r,sta Cotton atul C 5 in |^vss Co.. retired 'iron the tinn diP'Hu'J & Tol>ii».
,;, u i .mi co th- 1’. Ii 1'obin Gotti - C . -'f ,w hidV he will 1 h? Presulent.
H.ivim thus dispo-ed of all his otln ■ • tt m'ntc*rcscs his entire time and
utvnt’ n will ha- devoted to that o' h's \l frlends, ami planters and mer
-ham ;uk;’ uhomav favi-i I’lm Uth th e i”p-lr^c.
TVu fum havc.anipi. uk ir 1 :. aciht t - lor aev.nicn^ f A- D up
on crops dui'.ft.i; tlu -’/’in/.u' "' i”uv nuf'o-c Aton i»store, a; reason
able rates* at.*’',
> r i Tobin’s eiglutvtv tcarecxpi iertCtf «s a Cottfwi farto? y
parter ; a‘ guarantee of \ cry l>est results u» his patrons.
Setting 03 ins Lfifet
i, 5> in the thiok ivf the bt battle^ careful is
. \csi ;; v\an
iOl essrrect dressing. First
- nipt 1. xlf the victor Who
r/Y^ has . ’ ,lei’ chance, cvrrv i» kioVibg for
IJ V i i L / .« A \ sit son. aa'-V/.-:;-.; til' 1 1 ' tfce / toife.tfcribsad uus whose.
9 ygg- - .-.ttirc i of
>1?; * judgtr ;i7 y.wtflg men who w'sli to
k T'ikA. prospc s.n/1 order their *»»»* end
Ortrv s from
■ H . t. BORN 6c CO,.
k . .n e ife • Tpi Ml 3g> treat GhkagO u bv ft suited. Vjpryhanf -Nta -V*: c. Tadbi A? Trixie. and A,
C -K<p ■t 1 work: WOTliVA -AgsUip • lo are gBarnltood. f the *n*terial.
.it'-• a s
iK en*i is si~*|B TicMcgtEconunical.
Hoirfen Co., OravC/frtidvine. 0 ^.
of local Interest.
Bj -ghtest Items from Near by
: 1 ) tbc Credit of the Excellent (tamiL
Jburtials from Which We Get
tin' Creamy Sew«.
—Washington is lo have’ a' new
and modern hotel.
Horses are dying of “blind
staggers" in Greene county.
Mr. R. W. Brandi lias been
A])])ointed postmaster at Green
— ('.nui'dates ;*iv plentiful in
Hancock- -7 already
for county offices.
Miss Rita Young and Mr.
Marshal Ivey were married in
Warren on Jan. i!i.
Mr. Clarence .Munfort, of
Greenesboro. has a hog that
said will vveigii TtHKlbs.
—Miss Ltdir. Moore is on a
visit tb her mother's about four
miles norl I least of Crawford ville.
Sparta Islitnaelifte.
Mi's. Mary Poped, of Sharon,
was the g !.-st of Col. and Mrs.
N. C. Edwards for several days
i 1 Warren 1 on last week.
People are going ahead with
their preparations-for another
large crop of five cent cotton in
the neighboring counties.
- The people of Penfield are
now connected with the outside
world by telephone, a line hav¬
ing been constructed to' Wood
v i lie.—Herald- Journal.
Benton, K,y., August 2A ‘90.
All of my customers whom I
have heard say anything about
it are well pleased with Dr.
Tichenor's Antiseptic Sharks, ■ M.
R. H D.
—Dr. Carter, 'of Winterville,
killed a' hog and found a 10
penny nail in its jaw. Also Mrs.
Winter had one killed that would
not fatten and it had a ten penny
nail in its stomach.
—The death of Mr. James
Little in Wilkes county last week
removed from life, one of the
oldest printers in this country.
He worked in Washington over
50 years ago.—Reporter.
— A young boy, Ed -><011 Kim awn y/’-e CC" no .‘U I
boro recently and Went to Allan'
ta, tramping. After an excitin
search for him lie was found i
the city, cold, hungry and glad
to return home,
Recti, Ky., August 20, 90.
I have handled Dr. TichenorY
Antiseptic with splendid results
and all who have tried it praise
it highly. One man used it for a
sprained ankle and was* relieved
when ;ilI other remedies useci
had failed. Geoijhe Kekricic.
—Mr. Jim McCo-mmons, of
Bainlstown. will: sue the Geov
gi;i Riiilroad next Saturday for
killing three horses for him hist
Thanksgiving {fajf. TTiff ho 'se
were struck by the engine u j
Greel/* county, and it is said,
knocked them over the line into
Honesty and Virtue.
There is more honesty ami virtue
Contained in a hottw of Salvation Oil,
than in any ether liniment Mown.
. AK M-"’ ■. A. A ’Firtill.o' I letllWr 'V't! 1 .Utllmrp boi-n St M.,
luiilauoljiliia, Pa., comirm-s this fiuth:
s'» '«»■< » on tw » «.
vcllnrt fCMH'Jr or IietimaCfSnr, still
>'!«». »»•*, »«■' twrt. it
stioiili ahvavs lie kept in the liouse."
Ac v \ ,/s usten . A t*» the .-water s arguments ,
ip favor of;; snhstitnte. Insist ml get
Smg Salwatio^ . , Dll, .... iteost* only ... ets.
—It is fa.shiouablv? to say
“prohibitiou doesn't)
And yet sv blind man could 1 , 11
the vast inq lovement of the
people in soSnurty. in' Spurts.
s\ov tl- Imrrtppm-r wore closed
l he eimnge 1 u- ' he better ‘vu
bee-.i simply woudertuL—-Is!
umelite. .
File*: Files' f tifU*C W ** 1
Symptoms—Mia ire. iuiens» bit
and itiaglng; mo- :u r.ighi; >v e hr
scratchin j #.l;al!,v t>-cmtini • t m -d
form, which often . -cd nnu ulc .ee. be
eomiog very sow. Sw awe's !; ;eni
stops the and itching uud blewiine, ii* ul
in most cases ic? ves iLe
turners. At (IruggUt, »r bv ina
cent®. Dr. Swwbs & bon, Pk idi-ki •
It is claimed now tha* he la.
days session of Che Georgia
.slatnre was unlawful a the T
duv > allotted had expir •
For Infant i entt’CEi * * ’TO 'T
A.y 7 —t
_ .» nr G T
% 3
/i _ 15
1./ m a
.1 m
1 kS
rp II*. ft i I’ *! t \ ■ I ; •a- ii r f;
has been for sixty years the popular medicine for colds, coughs,, find all
diseases of the throat and lungs. It cures Asthma and Bronchitis/and so
soothes the irritated tissues that a refreshing sleep invariably follows its
use. No mother fears an attack of Croup or Whooping Cough for her
children, with Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral in the house, It is a specific for
that modern malady, La Grippe. It prevents Pneumonia, and has &e*
quently cured severe cases of lung trouble marked by all thd symptoms 1
of Consumption/ It is
i 1
'i.w/ L^’
9 $ i r*M7ZX$ &
“At'tfce age of twenty, after a severe sickness, I was left with weak had lungs, ho hope a terrible of
cough, and nearly all the symptoms of consumption. My doctor my
recovery; but having read the advertisements of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, I determined to
try that preparation. I did so, and since that time, I have used no other dough medicine.
I am now seventy-tw* 0 'years old, and I know that at least fifty years have been added to'
my life by this imcomparable preparation.” A. W. SPERRY, Plainfield; N. J.
'•* I have used AycrM Cherry Pectoral for nearly fifty years andfound it to‘be anestcellenS
remedy for ail brohchial and throat diseases.”
E. II. MATIIKW.S, Editor Ntwi-Dispatck, Oneonta, Ala.
« My first re’mdmbrance of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral dates back thirty-six years, when nr/
mother vised it for colds, coughs, croup, and sore throat. She used no oilier medic ine iti
attacks of that start among her children, and it never failed to bring prompt relief and cure.
I always keep this medicine in the house, and a few doses quickly check all colds',’coughs;
or any inflammation of the throat and lungs. j. O’DOSfNEI.L, idealtle, Wash.
•• t have sold Ayer’s Medicines for forty five) ears. I know of no preparatioudiat pToVnpf equals
Ayer's Clierry Pectoral for the cure of bronchitis. It never fails to give relief. ’
C. L. SHERWOOD, Druggist, Dowagiac, Mich.
« I have used Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Troth in my family and practice, and consider it one
of.the*BtSt of its class for la grippe, colds, coughs, bronchitis, ami consumption in its e .rly
stages.” :, 4 V W. A. NVRIGHT,. M. Di, Barnesville, Ga.'
“ Some yeafs-ngo. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cured me of tfie astfvmfr after the best medical’
skill had failed to give me relief/' ¥. Sv HASSLE K, Editor Argus, Table Rock, Neb.
3 r 5 kd :,.-.vAe
1 jfl»" L>s / ©
Full Size, $1.00; Half Size, 50 cts.
Gf Weakness In Men They Trent and
Fail to Cure.
An Omaha Company pieces for th* flrsV
time before tbs pubth- a Magical Tkeat
ubxt for the cure of Lost Vitality, Nervous of
and SSexvml Weakness, aud Restoration
Life Force in old end young men. Nc
tvorn-out Fi'iuich remedy. contains nc
Phosphorrus or otiie r h- nful drugs. It is
a Wondlxfoi. Tkk at mi; xt— magical in its
.*• £.7^1*
blights 1 .ife, cau.-ing that mental and
ftSS Neb., asd they will
COMPA. ;., Omaha.
send tv J c/oselutely FRED, a valuable
paper® these diseases, Vrsatu and posttive Tbous* proofs
of their Macugat ^st.
ands ©£■ u*h<* hare lest dll hope of n
enre< sr -g restored by then? to a per
foot cot .U n. ,
This ■ it Tvsatmex-T may be taker
at hom . r their directions, or they wib
payra fans and hotel mf!- Wall whe
pi-Aor j .‘here for treatment. ,fthey
have* 1 - .rie, bre® They
Free! or c. 6 '. d: fakd
^ ‘re^“?rSSdevSvdX‘
or d charges may be deposited in
t^them whea * ernre it
Y“^ lift pi BO H S P- G=> 0
I H 't'Lu 1
‘ ’ vv X k 1
.... ......— »■=“
Sins and Presses,
, ._' , p1 , ?rP ^
1 i v iw t uiv r..
onmli'i* t’ottor Saw. Grist.
K ,ili/< r Mill - ntflts; als-' Cfin Pre^s.
M ’ and Sliit.jr’e outfit s.
laild'r.-. 3diig? F.a tor. Parr
r iiroad ttastings: H;tilro.i<i M/l. ‘ : -
is 'and Factory tSiyplics.
BcTChu Packing Inireto*'. ; ! M ’i
(’ gs Sum’s, V'ih'v 1 Oil ■*t s.
I AtEKilroHWii ... (• $i$jh
AC. Gt STA. t+j-< '-A
i Ma. Ufm- UasltAjGe.n .V
dep a? Trompt.V .’lone.
* ;v- y ■ ” a-
5TOVES '"%£ 200,01 y
They are mr.iTecf SowKiertt Iroa by Sv-ulhetn Wcrkaien,
Who a .'.I sustained hy tlvs products of Southern i'.Vrmera.
They last lonrvsf aad A-vafte s&ora homes happy than any
ctbe* Atvyva cu earth. The hacks £ruarr.nteed for 15 years.' :
H your Dealer doc/ not horf/lc them, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE.^
'I-: Mk
h ■■ : ;^r ■ wW^gSggX-l L* ^ I
% Z r s’
fe . 1 am
few 1 ~W
I wm ..
Y I u
Phillips k Euitorff Mff. Co.
Nashville, temn/
I-*.?.\DTACTuaE.Tu C?
Mantels gr.d_Gr.-:r;v. y/irwir- Etc.
CEM.& 1 S IK
China, Crockery and GLnsware, Cutlery,^
Everything edsv-r-nkni; i BiGYOL.ES i
nrecg— mu i
fcr the irffcMn, Dlaiasr Soms, !
Laundry ami bain’. / specialty.
.. t- ’ 1
Let us do your Job