Newspaper Page Text
$1-00 Per Year,
Baby j ne V
Every mother
feels an i n d e -
,9* scribable dread
or the pain and
V danger attend¬
ant upon the
most critical pe¬
riod of her life.
Becoming a
mother should be
a source of joy
to all, but the
suffering and
danger of the ordeal make
jts anticipation one of misery.
is the remedy which relieves
women of the great pain and suf¬
fering incident to maternity; this
hour which is dreaded as woman’s
severest trial is not only made
painless, but all the danger is re
,moved by its use. Those who use
this remedy are no longer de¬
spondent or gloomy; nervousness
nausea and other distressing con¬
ditions are avoided, the system is
made ready for the coming event,
and the serious accidents so com¬
mon to the critical hour are
dbviated by the use of Mother’s
Friend. It is a blessing to woman.
$1.00 PEE BOTTLE at all Drug Stores,
or seat by mail on receipt of price.
COOKS Containing interest invaluable all information will lie of
Tirltt (Tore to women, sent
, to any address, upon application, by
*■ 0*
---- -----;---------
fjt&n m Wt..
t IN ® W Ar# futtv^restored
r-X-tly HAOOAitn’S TABl.l TS. WK- 1 box, H ft
<1FTV fH|vll
i.TTir *!•'«; 8 b
(lty IV Hi Hamm’s all. AtMi-e&a, Sir-illc Co„ Y 1 Y. ]/. U
lijj V ifa Full ^Atlanta, particulars GA. sent by jljl,
, X ,
* mall OTf-vppIlcalt-Jn.
The Haggard Specific Co.
Tablets', Will give three boxes of their Specific
worth 52.50 to any one who may
have used as much as one box of their
tablets without decided benefit. We have
never heard of a single case where the
tablets have failed to give satisfactory re¬
sults, and if there is a person to he found
who has used them without benefit we
want to know who he is and where to find
him. They never fail to cure kidney and
bladder troubles and affections of the
genital organs and overcome all debility
and weakness in botli men and women.
They improve the appetite, aid digestion
and assimilation and overcome constipa
tion. Thcy have vital effect, on all of the
secretory organs and establish a healthy
condition of the mucous and gland secre¬
tions in every part of the body: capillaries overcome and
all torpid conditions of the
secure perfect circulation of the blood, so
that every organ is and supplied healthy. and Being every
function is normal
the only lemcdy ever compounded that
fully meets the logical physiological is COll
ditions of the human system, it no won¬
der that they give results unknown to
medical science. No matter it the, doc¬
tors and all remedies have failed, try the
Tablets and be convinced that they I’lieir arc
superior to all known remedies,
effect on the nerve centres is a complete
surprise to physicians who have used
them. Oases that have baffled the skill
of best ph vsicians and no remedies seemed
to benefit, have ’men promptly controlled
and permanently cured by the I ablets.
Cases where injections cf morphine have
been resorted to as the only means of even
temporarv relief have been promptly trouble con
trolled by the Tablets and the
complete!v overcome bv their use.
Price Due Box SI.00, cr Three Boxes
$2.50. If not on sale in your loealily, .or¬ At¬
der direct from Haggard Specific Co.,
lanta, Ga.
m m 4- i
ii m 1*^
a iW
* Si,is < . S
m 2%
0^ not be deeoire<l by allurlncf advertl*e»nfT.te atid
thin* you can jret the beat made, finest finish and
for fcmere son?, Buy unyrrora from reliable reliable manufacturero ■a
that have pained a rimitation bv hoc eat ar, square
deallnc. mechanical There is none-n the e VrOrld World- that ran eocal
in construction, durability dura of work intr
P-c rts. fineness of finish, beauty tuty in in appearorice, t or has
&£ many improvements as the NEW HOME.
The New Horae Sewing Machine fr.
Os.-M-.S5. CHiC-iuo.Itt. Boston,KabS. Mo. SSr-noi*9-5V.4i>.», Y.Y.
St, Louis, DAttiS. Ttx&i
SaS laiSCISCO, CAt. Atlasix, 6a.
J.T.iAfcUTON & CO.,
What the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
BY C. r.. BAGBY.
We novel have seen such a mild winter
s i far.
Mrs. VV. O. Wright was visiting in our
section last week.
Mr. James Maher left for his home in
Augusta last week.
Mr. Joe Fallen went to Augusta last
week on business.
Mr. A. T. Gilbert has about recovered
with his crippled leg.
Mrs. It. W. Taylor and children visited
our family last Friday.
Mr. A. D. Moore made a business tiip
to Crawfordyille last week.
Call on us and have your tin work done.
C L. J layby, the tinner, Sharon, Ga.
The Orphans Homo in Washington wa s
a big loss to the Catholic denomination.
Mr. Joe Ellhu-ton’s family are much
improved in health, we are glad to state.
Mr. Thomas E. Bristow, of Crawford -
yilie, was in Sharon last wyek on business.
Miss M. T. Bagby is spending some
time with her brother at Mildrajou Grove.
Eggs are plentiful in our market for
this season of the year and sell for a fair
.Mrs. A. M. Bagby and -sister Coot
Elliott were out visiting last week near
Of all things that is disgusting is a
woman cooking with an old pipe, stuck in
her mouth.
We have very few loafers on our streets
now. Wt think the people have made a
start to wot k. •
Mr. R. H. Jackson has been doing some
painting the past week on Mr. Ed, Keat¬
ing's residence
Prof. E. B. Moore has a patent plow on
hand. We don’t think '.he Professor will
use it much himselfi
W. L.and K. M. Jackson were out on a
hunt in the <i02nd district. They claim
poor luck in the way of game. N
Our hotel Jackson lias a pretty fare
trade at present. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson
know’ ■j bow to entertain their guests.
Mevshort v . r has ... got . back from h'-»
good time but Love has a good time any¬
We see so-ne of our farmers have com¬
menced to pull the bell cords over their
mules and horses breaking ’ their corn
Horse traders were plentiful in our
town last week. Mr. J. W. Fallon’s lot and
-tables were full of thorn pretty well all
the time.
A FRICANA will cure SypAllia and Old
Sores to Stay Cured.
Mr. J- W. Fallen has been at homesick
for several days the past, week. Mr. G.
T. Moore attended to his business in the
bar room.
To Car© Constipation Forever*
>c Cascarets Cund.v Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
\f T\ C. C. fail to cure, drutf«i«ts refund nun v
Mr. Bob Jackson lias been doing some
house work at the convent the past week.
Bro. Bob will do anything you want done
—or will try.
Educate Tour Dowels With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever
tOe. Coe. If C. C. C. fail, drusrffists refund n-ioney.
Maj. Taylor will come to Sharon every
dav or two. He comes in a road cart no .
driving one of the finest mules in the
country, so lie says.
Educate Your Dowels YTifli Cascaretn.
Cnfitly Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c. If O. C, C. fail, druy"gists refund money.
Mr. W. B. Kendrick is in possession of
a counterpin 75 years old also a newspaper
that was published in 181S1. It is called
iiie Augusta Gazette.
P CON O NS Y in taking Hood’s Sar
E« saparilla, because “ 100 doses one
dollar” is peculiar to and true only of
the One True BLOOD Purifier.
The Masonic order had a cleaning up
ast Friday and made the arrangements for
the dedication of tln-ir hall which takes
place to day the 18th.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Tnke Cas carets Candy Cathartic, luc cr 25c
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggiata refund money
Mr. W. R. Reid was in our town hist
week. He brought down a load of drum
mers with him. They arc as numerous as
the lice were in Egypt.
Plantm NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep¬
sia, Constipation and Indi¬
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Frice, 25 cts.
Sheriff Henry was down amon^ us last
week warning hi- men to meet him in
Crawfordyille the 28th instant at the court
house to attend to business.
<r~i a ^TOH-IA..
bz- —■' IS 93
Kaila «vs:y
ftf •g wxajftr.
Our Masonic Hal! will he dedHated to
day the 18th. -Mr. Kenney, the grand
mustei of the order for the Augusta dis¬
trict. was up here la-t week.
Col. L. T. Moore, of Hillrnsn. was with
im last week shaking hands with his many
friends. Lewis is a good man and we
wish him much good luck.
' A DP. LU ZX’
,, -
1 f.>-i(-ir,t-in*'\'lF r, rnc€
aw i : «u. VV rite lor it,
Much in Little
Is especially true of Hood’s Pills, for no modi
cine ever contained so great curative power in
so small space. TUey are a whole medicine
chest, always ready, al¬ Pills
ways efficient, always sat¬
isfactory; prevent a cold
or fever, cure all liver ills,
sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 25e
The only Pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Miss Katie Lee Moore, of Pea Ridge,
was visiting her grand-mother, Mrs.
Betsie Moore last week. Mrs. Moore has
been quite sick for some time.
People don’t work enough In this cornu
try. They lie in bed to long in tire morn¬
ing anil go to bed too soon. You can’t do
a full days work in half a day.
Some people are very keen to see others
faults but can’t see any mistakes they
make themselves and iust such people
ain’t much good in this country.
Mrs, Jesse Taylor is having some im¬
provements done on her place near
Barnett. People will improve some if
the times are hard and money scarce.
Drummers can’t keep away from
Sharon. They always sell g ods there
when they come and get good fare which
they all loye as it don’t cost tiu-ni any¬
Little Jimmie, infant son of Mr. and
Mrs J. R. Pittman, of Fairplay died
last Friday night aged three
Though a sweet little, flower, too pure for
earth the Reaper gently, approached and
placed tiie seat of eternity Tipon numbered his young
face and he fell asleep to be
among the angels in heaven.
JZucfclen'* Arnica Salve*
The Best, Salve in the world tor Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum , Fdf
er, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi¬
tively cures Piles. or aoJiBy tsouired, It
is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refundt-J^' Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Dr. R. ,T. Reid- ‘ •
.Mr. G. W. Brown is going to bent
Uncle Filins Allen at his mil), lie bought
-a stove for the business and we don’t
leckon Mr. Allen wiJJ object to it,'as it
a cold plaee.dowm " re.
W. ;
btx- r-t -r 'w v. w w w- with t ' «■ ;p - vmmr fr-** ■****+*/' , ,
are stopping Mrs. John B. 'Flynt,
Mrs. Bacon’s ,, mother, , near „ Raytown. ,
Mrs. Bacon is in wry had health and has
come to her old home to recuperate. \V e
hope she may soon regain hei good health
and have a pleasant sojourn with licr
friends and relatives.
"How to Cur© all Skin Disease.”
Simply apply medicine “Swayne’s Ointment”
No internal itch, all required. bn Cures
tetter, hands, eczema, <fec.. eruptions leaving the
face, nose, the skin
clear, white and healthy. Its great heal¬
ing and Amative powers are possessed by
no other remedy. Ask Druggist for
Swayne’s Ointment.
Judge Pittman is in town nearly every
day. He has bid family and friends adieu
and is fixing up to go to the Klondike
gold regions. With no bad luck we
think Ire will get off soon.
Everybody Says So.
Casearets Candy Cathartic, the most won¬
derful medical discovery of the age, p'eas
ant and refreshing to the tasle, act geiitl.v
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels
cleansing fho entire system, habitual dispel i-onsiipatior colds,
cure bcadneiie. fever,
and biliousness, Please buy and try a bo:
of C. C. C. to-day; 10,1 fi, 50 cents. Sold am
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Old man Henry McWhorter, the vet¬
eran drayman of Sharon says lie don’t see
how people can farm now days did without
using guano but lie says they 85 years
ago and made more and had plenty and
heap to spare.
Han't Tobacco Spit anil S/i ,K-- your J ire Aunj".
To puit tobacco easily and forever, lie rriasr
netic. lull of life, nerve ar.d viyor, take i-VTo
Hac. the wonder-work- r, t" tat makes weak men
strong. All druysisth, net or SI. Cure guaran¬
teed li-joklct and t-ylo free. Address
.Sterling Jfemcviy Co., CU ca^o er New York
Negroes are going to school sure as you
are horn. We hear of some going that
are nursing their children. Some years
ago an old darkey and his wife went, to
school in this county. The old man was
eighty years old and the wife was forty.
Planters CUBAN OIL cures
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu¬
matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents.
Capt. Hunter, the clever and nice
proprietor of Hillman Hotel was in our
town last week—exchanging jokes with
our hoys. lie made many friends since
he has been in this section and he never
forgot C. L. Bagby. the tinner, with his
work in that line.
, < a he, .Seuruigi«aii'l "1 outiaudie
jji live minutes. Seure totauch
a mi .- 1 luiiucr Complain w. Price, 25 Cents.
All above goods for sale by P. G Lucas.
The reason we give for tlie peop'e buy¬
ing guano is because liiey can buy it on
credit and arc too lazy to make it. You
»et them put the cost of one ton of com¬
mercial guano or manure and they will
have about two or three times its value,
We hear a heap of men say that they are
just waiting for time lm-dness to open
then they are going to work and they
could he making manure all the time they
arc doing nothing.
Tit .»£■- —“ !s ex
unite er try
Cyii-.t-e g •»«??».
Without A Rival.
As§ positive cure for sprains,bruises,
pains of all kinds, Salvation Oil
* has J* equal. % Mrs. Flank Juif, Tnif MR ->1S
Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich., writes :
“I u#d Salvation Oil in my family
and eaii say it has no rival as a lini
mentf it certainly cures pains. I
sprained my ankle and it cured me
and shjce then I have always used it
for mf pains and bruises. ” Salvation
Oil is sold for only 25 cents. No other
remedy will do the work as promptly.
'From the Phiey Woods,
gcrli.-ps some of the readers of the
Advo-Democrat would like to read a few
lines front the wiregrass regions of Geor¬
gia. To one unaccustomed to the sceiion
of this section it’s anything but enth jug at
first—wfc refer to the original woods
covered hi forest pine and wire grass
The grass at tins season of the year pi t
seats » very 1111 favorable scene In
genpnusfftppearance it very much rcsein
Diet* o .-iiold “hen nest grass” (some vail
it pbvewy grass.J It is as tough as swamp
rie-h aririts roots are alike, nothing about
it very Attractive. Whatever may be said
of thhA’tioifef country by the writer horn is
of IsmJks from observation and not
pcrienco, but it is our purpose
t«,d6irtasome r<matntf|, actual knowledge of this
tasriapu -ftfo deal lies of well it is for improvement under very
now a
pfiilp. Tim soil is very
Wjimieli Which has pebbles produces in
A sand
tfii p ft-has a better clay sub
arnevin this county (Enutu
g ™'tced 4 bales of pot ton
J Spfcifl|produced |f to the* between acre.
•s corn
MM successfully
i of th Some
ui h as a bale pci
ingtng glftijjtds about produce Jo 1-2
y gjjP ij| i V planted
jdl Pflleijdpii. ar, fcspecial
iy dfjyVM m lySoo .ground
is . sue
iP*R seu
IS » held oL6«
irrefr E-yanm. A Iniy.
0\ Ijj.vmi
JO soverat
lf;t e| my. ’A
. My
I ioe.Uc* tenvud,* J
i v- rrv-w* . «e hroira aim <
Jhe people ‘ especially of this section of
0( . itt h »veoften been woefully niisieu
often by people coding in and
jtlJ _ 0|lt httve they been reported its
wiregrass liooziers, uncivilized,
e , ( . jt’s a fake generally arid clever speaking—we
( fa n j Ce as wc ever
meet; of course there is here like every
where else, some that are indolent, illiter¬
ate, immoral mid unrespeciuble but
are small in number.
The school facilities of this section
have not been in the past what it should
have been or even what it was in other
counties in the state, but to day Enfltnuel
county's school fiu ilities as shown laitii
from the state school commisioner’s
annual repott and from the manifested in¬
terest of her people as well merit, a fair
and creditable endorsement. The public
roads of this county are kept up by the
4 day law—work 4 days or pity $2. You
work 2 days in spring and 2 days in t be¬
fall. All bridges across water-courses toll
here with but few exceptions are
bridges, kept up by private individuals.
The people here truly live at home; (hey
make almost all they consume, almost
every man's smoke house and corn crib is
on his own for rented) premises. No
corn and meat to be bought from the
stores and seldom fils said) a piece The of
meat can be found in small towns
pure home raised and keltic made Ubbon
curie syrup sells here by the barrel for 2de
a gallon. My letter is taking up too much
space 1 fear. OLD “JACK SPRAT.”
Sidney, Ga.
I & fl f H ^8 1 0 If! i ij I i ai li
cure consumption ? Yes and
no. Will it cure every case?
Nor What cases will it cure
thcv .< - ? -k Those -r-f m , their . earher f .
stages, especially in young
people. We make no exag
gerated claims, but we have
positive evidence that the
early Ot .
Scott ’s E mulsion
of Cod-liver oil with Hypo
phosphites of Lime and Soda
in these cases results in a
pos tivc cure to a large nutn
her. In advanced cases, how
. , •
ever, Witcre a cure is tmpossi
tie, this well-known remedy
should be relied upon to pr>
lor.c- life surprisingly.
50c. and $i.oo, all druggists.
SCOTT & SOWNE, Chemists, New York.
Correspondents' Keports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
the Happenings InTUelr Respective 3Lo
calltiefi. All the News.
BY I. N. C.
Mr. Jim Taylor, ot White Plains, wa¬
in Helena Friday trading horses.
Miss Manuk: Bentley, of Pen ridge, has
been visiting friends and relatives in
Mr. mid Mrs. K. L. Boatwright and
their little son Johnnie, visited their
parents Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. \V. I). I’ittard have a fine
girl baby. Mrs. pi Hard was very low but
is improving fast,.
Mr. lames V. Garrett, of Barnett, was
the guest of Mr. Sunimio Caldwell’s fami
I- Thursday night.
We arc having some pretty weather.
Miss ltosa Boatwright, of Helena, visit¬
ed her sister Mrs. J. D. Coffer in the
Bethel neighborhood.
Mr. ami Mrs. Bob Thaxtop, of Ogle¬
thorpe, visited their grand mother Sunday
also Miss Annie Short, of Oglethorpe,
visited her grandmother of Helena.
A Clever Trick.
It certainly looks like it, but there is
really no trick ubqut it, Anybody can
try it who has Largo Back and Weak
Kidneys, Malaria or Nervous Trouble.-.
We mean he can cure himself right away
by taking Electric Bitters. This mediein
tones up the whole system, nets as a
stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a
blood purifier and nerve tonic. It, cures
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells
Sleeplessness and Melancholy, (t is
purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and
restores the system to its natural vigor.
Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that
they are a mirlcle worker. Every bottle
guaranteed. Only 50c ^ boltlo at Dr. It.
•lr I{eid ’ !i 8<- orc -
% ‘■j’
mm llY X
f 'Dvv weather jj.khapi- Ipr F' bniary. 'mveTjonY
Mrs. 8, , 'n 3s
quite low yet.
Fighting fire was quite popular witli
many Bcrmudaltes Monday.
Mr. Jesse McKinney visited bis father
arid mother near Barnett Sunday.
Miss Mabel Nelson acted as postmistress
at the valentine party Monday night-.
Several from mid near Powell on attend¬
ed the party at Henry Gocgci’s Monday
Mr. Martin, of Washington, was in our
neighborhood last week ticking machines
to Uermiuhiites.
Messrs. I). 8. 8 to watt and E. W. .Torn*
tye still in Augusta on tlie United States
jury, at this writing.
Farmers of Bermuda are making good
time of this dry weather in preparing
their lands for a crop.
The Valentine party at Mr. Henry
Googer’s was a success, The young peo¬
ple enjoyed it very jnueli.
Mrs. E. J. Coopof, of Powelton, is
spending this week with the family of her
sen, J. T. Cooper, of Bermuda.
Mr. .1. E. l’ate lias the contract for a
new bridge over Powel’s creek on the
road known as the Stewart road.
Misses Fannie Googer and Claud Jones,
of Crawfordyille, returned to their homes
Tuesday, after spending a few days with
Mr, Henry Googer.
Miss Mabel Nelson, of Crawfordville, is
spending tins week with her parents and
friends ill our in-ighliorliond. V,'e areal
Mrs. Nannie J. Johnson, of Powelton,
and Miss SaiPe S. Heals, of near Powol
toil, spent the day Sunday with their
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Jones.
Wlmt has become of John Akins? II
used to be a frequent visitor to our neigli
[)Orho0(I> but of 1:iU , , ie „ akes himsc-if
scarce on the other side of the rivor.
Bermuda Sunday school is in a more
flourishing condition than it has been
s ™ ! months - A ” h°iv ; ihe,i,-oplc ;
keep up tliPir interest in this noble
Some old time darkies- prodiet a siiort
corn crop this year. They say there was
not rain enough in January to wet
clay. We hope they are false prophets
this time.
Mr. B- F. Wynne is opposed to the
new system of working roads adopted bv
Hancock and other counties. Frank
says our old laws art- good enough if en
^ law, it fully ^ executed, hi but , !, ‘, :W f lew t0 of 0 ,"! us
W j s j, J ( , ph,,.,. ourselves iin<ler the censure
and to the ridicule of our friends and
neighbors and hence our road 1 iv, «s arc not
enforced as they should he.
S.J3.4S f
In. Advance-
NO- 52.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
! hg
Absolutely Pure
Tho annual report of the
Athens dispensary shows that
during jfcho year the purchases
were $36,370.30; the sales, $53,-
585; the gross profits $17,574.96:
the net profits, $9,598.59.
Wool Dress (loods for 5c. at
Miller A .Johnson.
Are Hie joy and Sunlight of our
homes. Use all care to keep the
little ones in health. Do not give
them nauseous doses. You can
overcome tfyeir troubles with Dr.
Royal Germetuer.
... J!hey ail like to, take it because it,
does not ta^e like a medicine,
but like a lemonade! «!lt cures colic
in young children, overcomes all
bowel troubles, gives good digestion,
and quiet, healthful sleep.
As a tonic for weak children and
as a remedy for use in teething, it is
the greatest i» the world.
ESPSold by . jifith, new package,
large bottle, 108 5oee «,, Ono Dollar.
Manufactured only by,
The Atlanta Chemical'Co;, Atlanta, «£
Writo for 48-Pago Book, 31aU6diFfe©«.
This is the Man f
fir &
& -I & x It V!K
to j.
How? FREE!
f $
is « O
, \\
ssi.gsi si! sj,
mu |IRg»g iW
5® c-g 6*5 a— Si “ o ii £.2gs
f” Is* B ; . a S>> •
WRi, *chi tf $
I Pty ^ a
a an 6 the Freijhi.
Write for our intcrestiiiK books “ Invent
or’s Help ’’ and “ sketch How you are swindled.”
H end us a rough or model of your
invention or improvement and wc will tell
yon freo our opiniou as to whether it ia
probably patentable. rejected We in make other a specialty hands.
of appli references alions furnished.
Civil A Mechanical Engineers. Graduates of the
Polytechnic School of Bngiuceriug. Bachelors in
Applied Sciences. Laval University. Member*
Patent Law Association, American ‘fTatNr Works
Association, w Kngland W’ater tt vrks Assoc.
P. Q- Surveyors Association, Assoc. Member Csn.
Society of Civil £n^tnc«rs.
Offices: j WABntSGTOS, C CA