Newspaper Page Text
J *
Official O.tan Taliaferro Co
It Always Pay 0.
Evidences are daily
that adv(*rt'sintr la^t pays well.
short notice week of Mr. O.
1 Conner's lionner S excellent exc< U« ni fruit
he was giving away Ht 0
brought an order by mail on Sat.
urday for ton ti'pvs, saying they
saw 1 he notice Friday niyriit. p
will ]iay you e V( ■ry time if you
let pooplo know wliat you wan I
and what you want to soil.
A gentleman from Thomson
says lie knows that Mon. 'j'hos.
K. Watson will not run
governor of < ieorgia.
The Cordele Herald isoffeirin;
for sale cheap 1000 acres of land
near that place and says it is
forming a f’opulis! colony.
Aitpearauces are often deceil
ful. There’s many m> empty
stomach hidden hy ti starched
shii t front. Sparta. Ishmaelite.
Gov. Atkinson has ix-en run
almost to death tins week'
candidates wanting: to >> . St-cre
fury of state for (Jaiuller’s unox
pirial Jerm.
1 ’ltc U. S. steam- hip Adam vvtts
bluv.jubo pioc •sTiicMl.-ty niyht til
UuAlUIU. Otthtt, and killed near*
Jy i !00 of our sohliei's Mol
many If 1144 ^ what caused the
troulde, ^ituLius the vessel was
prowling (Wound in ShatiHli pas
t ure;, it, is friends juftUfi*l oi to that thinly country KOtne
of the
know how it liappenetl.
There ras been a sensation
sprung «orti\w in tl)F vitmpitiu'u for gul >■
( r r by a private
letter <*. dr. Lamll- t ■*' -e< ting
0.1 ll„- „M hoJ-H OS........... I HI. I
t-iu-o. Mr. ClttMiluV htw I*, u-li -
Vw r‘sn fa „ ,,,. , -• ,n'i oi,,. ,
*« d Lo1 *P e n H M ' V- in "i T-'■ M
the t aw gtunsl . n - 1 tUldlei lo
ofOVVITtOf. The hot times hit
coil) i Bp.
Jl’ii V LIST
J)rawn S,<> Srrm Fi-Vmmrv Tmn
\V <’ Biist<uv W .1 Norton
S 1' Oglcims A 11 Stew,iri.
U S Gunn W G unit
K S Mutd.m U Matin
H T Ken ti • k \V O \V right
A L lliilmtui A 11 Mathis
T C Waiiaic \V '1' t IhApUMM!
W (' Outpm iu A G Battzley
D E Lmiceiard W R Wall
Tims (• (Innn (;<-<) s lihotics
U I' ! »i,ch , t - >1111 1 • Moore
T hus i! Bristow J S Chapman
fl F Wvmi: DA SaegiiM
H H Met' i Icy .1 (! Mttrdnn
JT( x.pcr John F Holden
,1 P Johns-:! .1 T Echols
J i’Hfiidii-its It YV Meatloifn
'Hm-H Akin K D Utuliiway
I \\ McKinney, Jr C P Lacey'
J M Humphrey ( Imrlie Rot It
M H < )g!etit-e 7 , T Grant
i E Palo W A Legwmr
J is A Kendrick S D Clmpnian
\\ I, i. lison Joint Johnaon
T l Kendrick i‘ C Hhotles
A Liitin fertl W II Jones
\S Rhode* If K Dorsey
t, W l.uneeford ii T Becku orth
]no 11 St: ne Jn ' T Hprjrd
M I' NX vmie W F II unlit's
J P Pel" tV L Iventirick
.1 15 V. us C R Grittith
YV r I,: er Titus Richards
i in* .filer wa* created tor em> pur
n . (-! , ;; ri‘epp?:t Jo for the mine,
Ht h i) is not linbK- to any form ot
coin l*v one i ■7 two \\:t\s Tin
firs! h o Ida nnj'eri .* ct acton f the
kit It icys. I'*.. - on,| tia,' is from careless
ItK’lii 111 ’C 1 tit! ! other diseases.
<’iiu:r <’At si'.
fiv mine from unto tilth ! fd
ID'Vs . h ea - of filatld. r t r |v
M- til. h id r. s ir -U
ed tor pH* i M1 ' - .1 too
much oi liabH- t s t r c- .st .
t \it XH rr.ic -'a -e u
rv t tin Id: ic fOe
[111 V 1 ir.«, 1 <? maiti
t fit* V , hiaduor or
urituo J! roi;t'tke, rt.
tritmt \v k\T womb
tnniti is e asily
111:1, V S l. I O tllul
out A
• v
i \\ t
ir HI
1! 1)
i\ ll a
v«m n ili !
Lit Y *>,
S» M (M
tion t
your I ; <
F a till'
Y&l r
U* j: vo 1 ti
ir.s iron 15 sjJ J by iv** depicts*
(‘alnri-li ( an Be iVnnat; fitly Cured.
C. \V. Knanor, of Sheldon, Itl-t
was troubled with catarrh for
over twrt years so that lie. could
, at , time. . -
ouly ivor/ a few oays a
tried variant; doe! //.; without re
ltef. IV-ru-na cured him per
manently. Mrs. Thomas Walz,
V ( ,-V ij.riiton. Pa., suffered with
ed i sore , uitot^ ,
aygrava /
the doctors co o i not cure.
Three ’oolites oil iA; t t ea cured
her. liwu.rd fGhg. faXUiml
Military -i Menu. Britf tel worth,
Iv.iu., U ( "-'le< <■ a < x > >
whirl) developed chroniceatan t.
Tried every thing he saw adver
Used to no avail. Pe l’d-na not
only cured the catarrh, but tin
old case of bronchitis. A.
< arisen, rom, Minn., 00 ,
a course of treatment with Pe
i-ii-na for catarrh of llle head and
V was Cured. £{(.
r»; W 5, delayed monllis i o r r bevel ill order a . .
A tO see if cure wu
■ --o
permanent; 11
ymptorns retip
peavmg. he ha;
concluded that the cure is
mane. t. H. Cox was troubled
with ct.tarrh of head and bowels,
Six If ttles of Pe-rn-na cured
enforced „ .
hi ter M ol „
n, a years
It » S.
A ii.-page jKimplet containing
sc v r 11 hundrod testimonials,
acc >1 11 pained by a pen portrait
of trie writer, covering cures of
cat rrli itt till forms and stages
by Pe-ru-ua, will be sent free to
any who desire it by Tao Pe-ru*
I lit, Drug Manufacturing Compa¬
ny^ Goiun.bus, Oltio.
Mr. Editor:
. . . ^ short modest
far.* . - S S some
1 » * -JO - I ■ ”“X“ ■ ’ i
should have session per clay. I 1,1 |„
one lost cob’s issue, -c tio-.t-e »huc
has n,-u,o. uve-nd ur,,n..ri
««fmcaged logo -<m the , other , . stdc ., „
From the u-.ior oi tlu- avticic, wc should
judge tha. th< w.ier got ite-other
;,.i sin,ply for. .he sake of getrin^hec .
reason. wt.hotU a-i c«eptu>n, h.m
1 k-. ii t rgeil in behalf (I the one session
sriteu.c. Vs - hope the brother is easy,
his cousUtutioiml , A*ny , , ot ( oppomw l
has been nu (riled. A e will i ugly' adinu
lhat the brother is slum* and with
, . hk iicrformod ..... ... ar *icle in cues
ri m its appointed mission.
We do not eat e to en.e. into any con
'ti*ov\»isv, mul shall th*1 ho vSo: but vsUcu
i,u YT U ; ..... , : ,i'
woult. in- u-allv cruel no. to\ V ll
.-raving. 11 is" nut mu purpose to uuu
.lone u-iele. \ li.lle --use. a little
lho ; ,glU " : “ l iC ,' V ; S '; S ;;‘ U 't :
.TlA'TA 1„,ri,
Mos all of them would keep their mentai
Cumin 1 nun. Some t ew m.glu go under,
, ,mi d ‘ ml " C, , “ SS UU e,,,.. .... ,
now it would not be the leusl bindranc.
to housebohlwork. All litis. atKiut let
ling the. mothers ha, their regular
day me.d is liosh. No one for one in
sunt desires die cloUlrcn to remain at
their duties .ill lwo o’clock without any
dinner ami then uo borne where a huimei -
mad daddy is waiving to heal the life cu
them and wneiethe tMiv-woru face o»
Jie mother is* sndicent tv' make ntih
pujiptes weep. Oh. no, brother you are
oil. The children; oh leaving lioui^ for
school in the morning, \\,vtsiu carry ..
little lunch basket with a wholesome cole
pjueh; vthicU .bo doett is much
better OH digestion 1. a warm meats,
That digestion was a re at hit fearful
argument So ; t l <>I .suce'inca s and
nickU s. 1 )on’ et scared brother. It
would be a vei\ >.>1 . i» nary
cat .tdecent.coum-.o-a, cold iuuc’tatu M
%v b en A s !ii>rt h .tll hour recess would be
TV YOU. I S no nickies,
t:s an 1 meat
. N\ mic a an ua
over the cup
joaiYt not any more
dren wiii < that any a v,
a would not be
uhti v \Y I1C b - hindered from
to be
Save The Children.
When MuLiren a -- attacked wttli
court. ' aud etoup. Dr. Bull's
Cour' ruo will prove a quick and
sure a i ' lr. Erincr E. Baker.
B.’illli! • l’a v.T’fCS: “Wo have
used D T! h?UF 1 Ps Cou h Syrup for cough.
cold and croup, and tcuud ii. the best
COUgH 1, medicine aud cure for these
affections. Y\ e ue\ run out of it,
but always keep it mi hand.” Dr.
Bui"'. Gough Syrup is sold everywhere
for 25 cents. Insist oa having it.
mother’s son to remain ill Iris seat for
five and a half long hoars without baiting
his eve. If the brother h s ever attend
e d school, no doubt he will
that the children may go out now and
them and under this one session plan, the
teacher would be capable <>f recognizing
lhat a lerf ortift ,,, niim „es walk
wouW „ otbe a serious i jury to a poor
worn out pupil. The tired hungry oh
jecricm won’t %vorli
Studying in : the afternoon being
As to
‘rin ilie eye.” It is possible for such tieem i
thing to be in the head I$doe#n*t
,j iat anv of it got any farther than the
brother’s ey^. We are thoroughly con
vinced tha he is .conversing throngh b»
derby. It s-cms that the children could
get enough teacher’s instruction v.i 5 h
Jl0urs We think so. Then, from 2 K.
tjll „jght could be consumed in any pur
sid > s ( -h osan bv the pareks-study#
music, needle work,'! willing house¬
hold duties. anything that goes to make
ujia true man or woman As i. is, the
day is broken tip and no system is or c*n
i, e p Urj?ue ,i. There are ohtr tilings
sides books requisite to gtpd education,
just as needful. These things should be
attended to Tltere Is notv no opportuni
D’’ IS f° r 1; the ‘ ck oi t f me pupils! * Thumping . on
t mttstc
a pj ano r vVo'nder if the btjotber can hear
good? Suppose lie don’t catcli Uie
only in high places and that is where the
thumping comes in. Seriously, about
half of a young lady'sacconiplislinient in
diis day consists in thum; ing on a pianb’,
and one who can’t thump ought to leant
how to thump, or she will ,;;-t thump-d,
sooner or later. But we will not discuss
tins. The other objectim i mploded,
this one falls.
As to one continuous mjnlal effort.,
that lias been touched upof) . As l:as been, tliere will l>e plev ;> J of oppovt.uni
tics for recreation by abowtug, at the
proper time, those jvlio nr. not engaged
in reciting, to go out ‘for sjxo or 15 nrin-
11.0s walk. No, i-is not tee comiuous
wearing aw ay of braili ce!S an :
after anothej. If one ses ’on will cause
them to strain their brain-# a little more
than they do at present; vt by by all tin ar.s
let’s have it, for it is vei 'j stMom that j
they becopie invalids fro over use of
Uie gray-matter. MenUil Ant aides mo’ e
frequelul^resttU f|ou* Ik of menial
(-ff Uriah an oihcrwiset
■ Ottier schools ktue and when
do; mhe c Vit” The
children lean# trive made a
> .tless of 1ie'vie,\ s of
I;.-- I'.tn-.l H-at.- prop., .... . ..
hindth-ti .
” - '*
i' . ■ ^ <| j
-‘Now for what iE most,
seriouf . objectioll J - ^ & of the j
• ;
*f«s. rhelaCp:,JM» f,. f P r f
tily hete ba-»
..... ‘ :iT *Mo, lic.T'
and boys maile foo.s , ot . Uwms^ , !
1 ‘ e
Aktught.v never intended tlmt h« should
act the fool. Bui she did. the Al
T ^ myvr j , emled lhat * ycar ol(1
Stris and boy: should act the toon. Up ,, ,
they do. The teacher herseM advanced
this argument and we tak<*k for granted
th .« -he i, eapiile of knOn yig and appre
cniting the tacts. These are not onl v
facts, but. reasonable ones. Of all tin
neiculow. (ipeculiat animals in tins
yearoal .
world, .^Uvn .
with their mutualities »-d veeiproctties
«ith-vou«- eves”' wayof getting at the
la.igut.-i die o \vt> ;: ,at r i sg • • *£*
-ire not to blame, hut such a hindrance to
Stud V and good common sense should be
w-ducedso a mlmnmnt. But we have
said to much.
We hope the good people of Crawtora ^
ville v. ill eive the one sc sion a fair trial,
cndsictciessfrom 3
'vhwh women
suffar is caused
l-y weakness
derangement ir /SP$ 1
the organs
menstruation. Lfa XA w • s
Nearly always 1®®®*“ -
when a woman is not well these
organs are affected, But v.-hen
they are strong and health,/ a
woman is very seldom sick.
My EibJEE'5
Is raT arc’s provision for the regu
! . of the menstrual function.
It cores a!l “ female troubles." It
•« ccuahy effective for the girl in
her teens, the young wife with do
.: sac end maternal cares, end
the woman approaching the period
K own as the *' Change cf Life.”
-y all need it. Tfcsy are all
benclitted by it.
address* rlvinr symptoms.
the “Li. C'.”.'---naot*K«iicinaOx. rs’ AFis-ry CafUttMit. Chua
DOOra. Teru.
T'- '2.1. C.C-OF'Ea, Tu?eVa, Kits.. szy$ 4 .
* 81 ; s’f'.ersofferc,: from very l.-rr-?:; »
a, nai—.ii menstruation a«tt c: ;:ors
Ci . c-.jheu Wins of Carts*
,-•-..1 cu.-M her and also hetoeh af
rtoer iJitou;’. iae -« Ww.*
Then, if it goes under, the Pat rort has
our permission to tear his hair and crow
until Gabriel calls him home.
Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic
smells like pepperment candy
* . ‘ J ust good , but , for » a
different purposo fry n
fcmo yon hurtor bare a colic .
Only dO cents.
Waiting For ’Iail.
Three times a ciav I
G ) to the post office
To get mail—perhaps
A letter, perhaps a dun,
Perhaps a circular, l.u: that
Ain’t What l go for
Mainly. It’s to stand
And talk with the boys
About the inatln r crap y
Ftc. Dog gone! Ain’t 1
Happy then? And when
1 hear the post-mistress
Stampin’ the 11 ail I am
In my glory. Yes, brother!
In tt few minutes after
That she opens the
Door; and I view
This with mingled
Pleasure and adne-s:
For if means that
Then: may be some
Mail for me, hut
Ai>o that the fellows
That I have been
Talking to will soon
Leave, and this makes
Me sad. But dad
Fetch it. don’t f
Have a good time
Bofore t tic mail
Is put up? bo long!
Eig stock of diamond dyes
at Alliance Store.
Our Houar Roll.
The following kind patrons have paid
their subscriptions since our last issue:
Jordan H. Eanford. .TO:- to Feb. 20,’J8.
T. O. Gunn, ! 0 •, t) Fcb.2o ’99.
It. (.’. Binnr, $ t> Feb 2 ,’JA
jj. o. Ev.ui.- , SI.25 to A-- g. 25th ’98.
Macon is rejoicing over the ar¬
rival in that city of a steam boat
load of {goods from Brunswick
brougllt all the way by water,
a n< J over a low water at that,
Nelson, of Marshfield, .. .. Mo., ».
Mr T iucoln ykrs been
‘‘For six I have a
sufferer from a scrofulous affection of
the glands of my neck, and all efforts
of physicians in Washington, D. C„
Springfield, BE, and St. Bonis failed to
the enlargement. After six
months’ constant treatment 1here, my
oTthe^anl? a re
At this critical mo
ment a friend recommended S.S.S.,
aud lay ing aside a deep-rooted medicines, preju- I be
dice against all pateht had used hot
gau fie its use. Before I one
the enlargement began to disappear,
and now it is entirely gone, though I am
^ th h with my second bottle yet.
Had r onl ltS ed your S.S.S. long ago,
I would have escaped, years of misery
™d “ved of all who
^ that
suffer deep-seated blood troubles.
*fj, e doctors ca n do no kn% good, and even
their resorts to the prove either
fruitless Xd or fatal. S.S.S. gets%t is the only oi
re medy; it the root
^ digease an d forces it out perma
S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegetable')
Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism,
etc>> wh j ch other so-called blodrenie
d { es f a ,l to touch. S.S.S. gets at the
root of the disease and forces it out per
be^Tent' Valuable books will
free _
to alI y address BP*
by’ the Swift Tv NmYj.
Specific Co., At
lanta, Ga
A' %?Sr h:
; -
4^ ^ 1 -;o -". f ■' « y
, . ..
•ji:j 't.. Augusta, Ga.,
F.i A FEE: -■ 'Z TESTS fcfall defects of
;rmc the proper glasses a Ill WAK
BAN •:- «1
Genres c_; .1 i your frame while you wait
f*?e - cr l;apqf • ■ ma GX yii gb.Src DctC -N
3 . v' -5. and Wj-rirr- ifsbitr
\\ cr.vcd a- hc:r.o v.-.-u
* ! iC-?- outryaia. Boolicfunr
& * i. Ur sent r31E3.
_____ i. MJY C:s-o rir r - 1C 4 N. Pryor Si.
.ictt. . £....
a r
‘It 1 .*
M. B ■-tK.j's D. C
U Hr wad:
. i
ri. A A
**• a?
prr» aRr:
,‘5? ■ ■vt
QdBfi S : j *'■ I *01 f
rs Op tarvr.1 :oal
a! -*< - -a
» n" ^a.npw.;; %*■ 4
SlpffS ® i
I hw W visJit : -2 f y t$B§34aa® I
Was OrawabRIoas sai West! Bsysnd Ser SSrengih.
Cossiani Fain and misery—Her GrHicai OantSiiion.
In one ' of the .main streets of Shelbyville, and
Oidinna resides Mrs. Emily Edwards
her seventeen year old daughter. Cora. The
.mm" liulv is one of the charming misses of
the city she being known for her beauty,
ami * nerfect health health now.”
‘ Although enjoying pood recently, "she
said her mother to a reporter J
has not ahravs been so fortunate. suppose
Cora until two yean ago last March, was as
healthy and strong as any girl of her age.
glic was attending school and was studying
hard. Perhaps she was too studious, for we
noticed that the healthy color in her cheek was
rapidly disappearing, and she was becoming
rale and sallow. Dark, swollen circles
gan to appear under her eves, and she Franklin, rapidly
became worse. We were living in
Indiana at the time, and Cora would have
graduated that Spring. She stopped attend
in'’’ school and endeavored to get a rest, but
her health kept failing. Her blood was color
ess and impure. She would also have sick
headache, could scarcely cat or sleep, and
was almost continually in pain. Nothin*
which we did for her seemed to do and any good,
“Diflerent physicians treated pre
scribed for her, hut she. kept, getting worse.
She had formerly weighed 109 pounds, but
during her illness her weight had-dwindled
down to 79 pounds. We began to think
there was nothing we could do for her bene
fit when I happened to notice an article in
4 paper regarding the merits of Dr.
pink Pills' for Pale People. I thought that
ff there was ever a pale person it was box ot
tainlv Fora, so I decided to buy a
th.- pills and let her try them. It was the
fiDit of last May when she began, and near
the middle of June when ska stopped using
Be nrogressiyc and Keep up with tiie age. Typewriters are now a necessity
in every duo of business.
Bcmingtons, Smith-Prenjicrs, Mew Franklins, Densmores, Williams C di¬
graphs, and all
At Astonishing Prices. Largest Exclusive Typewriter House in the South
Pet Equipped TYPEWRITER REPAIR PLANT in the South.
TheS75.00 Anti-Trust Machine. SEND FOE CATALOGUE.
r-r c/v L J -Vi i ^.4 UdilifU ai. C'r
41 A Poactree St., Atlanta, Ga,
i-V, twer.-T* 1 :
bcaand n 5
f !1 mam liiliii Ci
reen 3 s Formula, 1 1 Hess’s special
rtfCHBftifc. I! po IsaifJ fa tos P*a*ifc I A • 4
J . V
And all tlle splendid brands of fertilizers;
made by tlie Walton Guano Co.
TM isgsl h K Gif ■ijr “Ijj jh n B MfM, a fh wlr a F
, r
--—For Sale by— %>
v Sr3*l p Cl .v WJ v v iH A P s \ flQ LJ w 5
a e v- f
Crawf t ii’d rille, Ga.
Whsn You Need
Mi-k /■*. w.»Latliy, r T^ Lime,
Fliingh MonWii Sash, Biin Cement, Pester Paris, Plastering
Hair. Sew v Pipe i r your well or ditch •: :.v.- for. urEard, Jugs for your
Syrup, etc..
BoltSr Hinges, and Screws' £ / Year Doors or Blinds,
LLti ' 1 .< < • < ’oat Fat Ilo« k-. ! c. nr'yihwg t-tee yen may
lit-ui u) a v OM Hi J : iliKGl’, c.-nfer
Wasnicgfon lairaLaetufing Go*,
They will give you i :es every time you call on them
■5 The Wonderful
Ti, LI Blgod Purifier....
Cures absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofuls, Syphilis T
Sores, Constipation, Gout, and All Diseases caus"ri T
impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED.......• ' A € y tt l & Mas Never FaiB^
In asi-’.g:; if tacce out c: the hundreds treated. Therefore, we c, N ;
th- pubi wirit entire confidence, and wiliing unri- "
to c are to
the ci"-: desperate case cn which other so-called infallible
have fa:; i. Africans is made altogether from herbs, is rer
harmless ml yet is the tn->t powerful and surest remedy e
cover*: - the above named diseases. Write for further psat: X 9
testicle-: ,1s. etc.
Afnc 1 I via Co S « 63H Atlanta, S. BRGA" Os S.
the pills. Too first (lose helped her, she and
after the firs: box had been taken, was
a dliferent girl. Kite continued with tbij
medicine and when sue had taken ejght
boxes a complete cure had been ejected
She is now stronger, can than cat she more did befora sleep*
better, and weighs more 1 mud
she was u.:en sick. am sure o
cannot be1 said about I>). Williams link
fills tor Pate People tn her case, as they (
undoubtedly saved her hie. Wo hare je
commended turmto a number of sufferers,
The young lady, said a word of approval,
and that sue feit very grateful for ihe bene-,
fit received ^through Hr. VJ .iams Pink
Pills for 1 a.a I 'ople- I agiee ‘An my
mother ’ raid she, tnat I wou <1 not be ltv
mg to-day bad I not used these the pills. truthfulness
To leave mo doubt as to eheorlully
of her story -dr-. Ldwajda made
the following affidavit:
This in to certify that the above story con
cermug the illness and, subsequent and recovery truth
of my daughter, Cora, is an e .ast
ful representation of the facta in teew.
Mss. LMU-Y FPWArbs.
PilELBTV ILI-r., I>D., May 13, U9?
Subsen'ed and sworn to before mo this
lotii ciay ci -laj , luJi. .Notary Public.
L, C. May
Dr. Wiihams . Pink 1 iks lor 1 ale People
eotifrm ail tue elements neewsary to sue
new life and richness to the blood and re
store roStmrod nerves. They are sold «*
boxes (net ir in loose term, l>y the doien on
hundred) at CO cems a bow or six boxes for¬
?A. and may be had ot ! ' n .ri ,r ' l ^f 1/
hy mail Pr. . M imams Mccua
on.....Py ^ tram
cine Company, oehcneetauy, JV. I.