Newspaper Page Text
tnr^^Sm Wk <U& fbMjJ!
m W* fc t- ■ m I
w A
Fifty Years Ago.
This is the stnmp that the letter bore
Which carried the story far and wide,
Of certain cure for the loathsome sore
That bubbled up from the tainted tide
Of the blood below. And’twas Ayer’s name
And his sarsaparilla, that all now, ow,
That -vras just beginning its fi^ht of fame
With its cures of 50 years e^o.
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
is the original sarsaparilla. It
has behind it a record for cures
unequalled by any blood puri¬
fying compound. It is the only
sarsaparilla, honored by a
medal at the World’s Fair of
1893. Others imitate tho
remedy; they can’t imitate the
record :
FQ Years of Cures.
Mothers if sap
Read This. m
Ccli«,'DiarrH®a, ror tfiatwlont J r
Dyson ter y,
ftsujso;-,coupAo, o’.:. '$w^k«A .....
C; •
ins C-Vcren, CUc 1 ara
SIw--s.VAxm;.;osclDraias mjlfflM
fS*»m V-.e Bo-.voIs, ?als9,
GrioP i Bor: of Appetite, Indigestion,
and a i Diseases c£ the Stomach and
Kk a Carmafave
is tt:-? : tan V.-L,". It carries children over
cn.-'Ai of feoibing, mid is rec
aosnii- .del v (.fivsiciau* as the friend
«f Mother'. A'drh-s and Children. fails It is
oieasru to t,!e taste, and never to
give sr.!is.V..‘-:on. A few doses will demon
Ki -it,- its su> - rialiv • virt-ies. Price, 26cts.
v«r bottle. For rale by druggists.
1^1 Female
\Hf5 Regulator
For all diseases peculiar to women and the girls, Ap
It Tones i:j> the Nerves, improves gives Life,
petite, Enriches the Blood, and
Health and Strength. It is the
5* S A bottle of " Monthly ” Regulating by
a Pills with each bottle. For sale
ad dealers or sent direct upon receipt of price by
Netv Spencer Med. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
part merit. Advice and book on Female
L.ceases, with testimonials, free.
For Site and Recommended by
Paul G. Lucas Crawfordv*"** Ga.
For in*:; ruction ns to ltoutos, schedules
and Kates, both
Passenger and Frei ers x, M
write to either cf the undersigned.
You will receive ; >mpt reply and
reliable iiif .r.. * ,
T. F. A. a. r-- a.
Augusta, Ga.
C. F. F. A. G. A.
Atlanta Athens.
Vf. W KAKDV. i il, S. V- MAGILE,
S. A. C. F. A.
M.icoii, Ga.
JI. K. Ki DSOS, r. V. . COFFIN
S. F. A. S. F. a- F. A.
JliiledgevUlc. Augusta.
Zacir. br '%T 77 n -yz. JL
V j C A*k
D<‘->r - p. Outcry, FDh
and Oyiti ■> an eating
iaioen ;
\V. r. v
the mil t l.rv wices
W.- w. mm
ar.d l» btr at
Mark ' prii
A. !• X> E- v>
WatcLmake? .Z ts L/ wt-ior,
.ILcbarc s ?! >re. Cra
R?j;air \V t rk a Sj
Pure Rome Matters,(Picked Up by
Local Reporters.
what Our People Are Doing and Saying.
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
—Will Barnett was in C raw -
fordville Monday.
—Court is in session at
Greenesboro this week.
Buy your garden seed and
onion sets at Alliance Store.
-—The dry weather is remarka¬
ble for this time of year.
—Mr. Vivien Richards, of
Washington, was here Sunday.
-—Mr. G. T. Edwards’ black¬
smith shop burned up Tuesday.
The Alliance Store's cloth¬
ing department is full of bar¬
—W. R. Reid is happy—a new
young lady boarder at the
Big lot of genuine eastern
seed Irish potatoes at Alliance
—Miss Mabel Nelson has been
visiting her home-folks in this
-—Guano agents are more anx¬
ious to sell this season than
Try the Washington Mfg.
Co. on nails and builders’ hard¬
—Mr. Sam Rhodes, of Wilkes
county was here this week sell¬
Miller & Johnson are head¬
quarters for Ladies’ Dress Goods
and Capes.
-—St. Valentine’s day, Monday
last was not much observed’ in
tais vicinity.
Nice home raised hams
sale cheap. T. 0 . Gunn, Craw
fordville, Ga."
Miller & Johnson’
at Washington is the store
big bargains.
—Workmen are putting doors
with glass lights in them in Mr.
Seab Jones store.
—Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Holden,
of White Plains, spent Sunday
last-in Crawfordville.
Sawed brackets any style or
shape gotten out by the Wash¬
ington Mfg. Co.
—Citizens are not traveling
nuch these days, but the drum¬
mers are as busy as bees.
Best shingles at lowest liv¬
ing prices can be bought of
Washington Mfg. Co.
— We welcome our Helena
coi respondent. Let us
from all other sections, friends.
The neatest and best prepara¬
tion to color the whiskers
Buckingham r s Dye.
—Editor Jim Williams,
the Washington Reporter, was
over here a short while
Ashley & Denham, of White
Plains, are buying cows and
paying Highest Market
for them.
—The road.; are reported in
go: d condition,, and the
hauling has a luxury the
past week or iso. ■
m V n '”!' . UL , + i *°
i,r u
, ,l '" l( v , 1,5 ]) u
down .' j soon the walls will be ,
going up rapidly.
Get our prices on laths and
and bncit nefore you begin your
hoitae. I ■ asnin.ijton ->'Ifg. Co.
—Miss Stella Rhodes returned
to her home in Wilkes Tuesday
after spending several days with
friends in this place.
— I) .n’t nut te obituary notices
over to or fib lines, if you want
t; mblished, without- paying
iDi a a lines over 20.
—Forest Tins were many and
very destrucD ve in this section
Tuesday • Y -it and the high
m d made it serious.
Miller A Johnson, Washing
L “ n - sen good •, o.
ore tnan any house in town
—Mr. J. T. Evans repaired and
re-hung the chandalier at the
Baptist church and it looks now
like it had never fallen.
—Col. IL . . Holden has had a
fancy step put in front a his
O ; big in and o j o
1 earria ATS.
—Hr. J. L. Heste & Co. are
f\ >n ma ii 05
r- Ul -
r~* Fatnbro.
Cl X. L. As-
1 } SOI >partner
i 1 ore
K ..1 go Hh
their home
fi avp
7 C- ’’y
b ■ ■ ill ll \(\ y l pare Fasti
\* EM V
1888 has arrived. Mv big stor® is packed with un immense stock,
1^,000 square feet, three floors. Every department is complete. Have bought
ri<;ht prices and just received l lie following:
i Car White Hickory Wagons, 300 Kegs Nails,
15000 lbs. Plow Hose, i 5 o Plow Stocks,
100 pr. Starr Harness and Traces, 250 Plow bridles,
11 5 Cooking and Heating Stoves, 25 Dozen Axes,
Give me a cad when in Washington. You are cordially invited to conic and
my mammoth store and stock.
Washington, Ga.
—A large crowd from here
went to Greenesboro last night
to hear Chas. Lane lecture.
—Mr. 0 . P. Bonner brought
uk a lot of nice strawberry plants
this week. He is resetting his
beds and has a surplus of plants.
They are tine too.
—All lengthy articles for pub
lication in this paper, must reach
this office by luesdayja. V 1 ’. 01
we will not guarantee their in
sertion the same week.
When you want hardware,
stoves, forgetW.T. paints and buggeis
Johnson at Wash
mg ton.
I he ladies of iiio , ,,
church will meet at the church
to-day to have cushions made
the church pews, especially
those in the front of the building,
—Dr. O. S. Lucas, of Washing¬
ton, was here Friday and also
came over Sunday. Aside from
his old home and old friends,
other attractions brought the
genial Doctor to see us.
It preserves tho llesli
lacerated or wounded in any
way. Stops the bleeding, stops
the pain and heals quicker than
anything. That is what Dr.
Tichenor’s Antiseptic does. Try
it when you get hurt.
tramping grounds m Oconee
county. He was looking up
proof to secure his mother it
state pension, which he readily
A few months ago, Mr. By
Every, of Woodstock,
was badly afflicted with rheum
tism. His right leg- was
the fulllengt h, causing him
suffering: flfr was advised
try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm,
The tirst bottle of it helped
considerably and the second bot
tie effected a cure. The 2 a and
50 cent sizes are for sale by Dr.
P T Y Reid ’
-Our town authorities ., ... are
m a king enquiries as to ^
artesian well. This ,samovom
ne right direction It Warren
ton had a good artesian well
would be a ooom to the town.
Mr. Ward L. Smith, <4
erickstown. Mo., was troubled
with chronic diarrhoea-for over
thirty years. He had become
fully satisfied ! hat it was only <:
question of a snort time until he
would have to give up. He had
been treated by some oi the be®.
physicians in Europe and Amen
c-i but got no permanent ruhei.
One day he picked up a m-.’AS
paper and chanced to read
advertisement of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. He got a bottle , ,, of . it,
the tirjst dose helpc d him and its
continued use cured bin>. *’Oi
s;^lb by Dr R. J. Reid,
speaking of Richard
Richards visit to Woodville last
week, -the Herald-Journal cor¬
respondent says: “Mr. Richard
is bright and clever, and we
trust he may soon again smile
upon our little village.”
A Wonderful Bis -j vs-vy.
The last quarter cf a century records
many wonderful discoveries in medi -iae,
but none that have accomplished more for
humanity than fliatst riing old household
t; „. very t , iemeilts of g0(H j , U|
and neither man, woman or child «.«»• fake
it without deriving the great : benefit.
Browns’iron Bitters is sold by all dealers.
SJ.*"ZSS3% 10 & k ■ • - ew Store
01 ’■ Mi RySlMM ;■ w & Johnson Vb -
Wash i n, c * * Hh * i, Ga. ® ® ® ®
jJ pjo i v ± rn , SHOES AND HATS
At isss F CE ;han any house in Middle Ga.
wore or bet: er goods ci ,'JEW IDEAS,
i a same q.cne than uj MEW STYES,
Any House in M dcile Teorgia-. NEW METHODS.
Floyd’s Now Bindings.
Is It Marked!-'
Wo mark many of our slib¬
bers' papers this week, most of
them expire this week, some
have been run over a short time.
Ail who can do so will please re¬
new by or during court week
and many of those who renew
2V;l ] sooa w ili bo given gratis a
year's ■' subscription to Farm and
iac , e ^
The City Hah.
<3nr town council did not ae
tho . offer made by Mr. Hoi
den to build the City Hall over
^ be new brick store, and now the
Comicii . . out the . , hunt , of ■ .
is on a
suitable site on wlncn to build,
the Hall. Those who have
lots and have the good of the
town at heart should put reason
ubH figures on their dirt and
let’s have a nice City Hall We
need it.
Wauletl to Pat it Out.
Tuesday night while the wind
was blowing at a fearful rate, a
£ re i^]it F train passing dropped
f those lari red signals
il-iLu Homy
htM and excitedly gath
e tets of wafer and
ted or r put out the tire
J [as they were about to call
[help and give a general
In-they found ouL they were
,ice n.
kr B auko f Taliaferro,
(^•errt^r t>eop] © ar# g.-.t t in •;
in earnest about organizing fi
bilnk for this place. It will be
f tho best th w T- f5 over did
^° „ ’ Gvoi-y mdi\ ideal m xl toe eoun
t,y.. Let every mail who can spare
Sail J, or $100 subscribe for that
n h st0 ck and let’s have a bank
j| d Tho Bank of Taliaferro
„ work fo3 . its buildinff " U|) ^
ono ^ u sor , y th(
{ ut lheir luoney Iu it —It will r«
UTn a nice divldeiui and wiI1 te
a great convenience. Let some
{m( , sbir t the subscription lists at
on(i0 and get it up .
I)eafness Cannot be Cared
b ; ] oca j applications diseased as they
reach the por
t ioa of the ear. There is only
0U( , v> . ay to cufe deafness, and
tha jf} by constitutional reme
d ; 03> Deafness is caused by an
j n j :tr ,ied condition of the mucous
lining of the Eustachin Tube.
Whefi this tube is inflamed you
have a rumbling sound or im
perfect bearing, and when if i.s
entirely closed, deafness is the
result,-and unless the inllamation
call be talced out and this tube
restored to its normal condition,
hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out often are
cased by Catarrh, which is noth¬
ing but an inflamed condition of
the mucous surface.
We will give One Hundred
Dollars for any case of Deafness
(caused by catarrh) Hall’s Catarrh that cannot Cure,
by cured by
for circulars; free. 1
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggist. 75 c.
Hall’s Family Pills are the
Sfskrs His Ov.:i Siijrar.
Mr. J. T. Cox of Wilkes
ty showed a correspondent a
sample of brown sugar of bis
manufacture. Mr. Co:: made
about 300 pounds of sugar last
year from common came. He
bone.-; to.make enough next year
to last- him through the your.
Mr. (Sox used to live in Taliafer¬
ro and his friends here are proud
of his successful experiment;-;.
Come too huh for tier Good'.
Mrs. Fannie Humphrey, tv no
died in this county recently, we. .
receiving a state pension and the
check for her pension reached
hero the same day site died,
There was a question as to
whether her heirs were entitled
to the money. The pension an
t , hori .,. ies Stlin . , US the dlCCX , was
made out before she died t
heirs were entitled .,,1 to the money
and they received same.
was justice WO tllUliC, ,, . its All*. , , •Jtm
Humphrey 1 had the burial ox
•- '
pOUSes to meet and lie should
have tho pension.
A foul breath is one of the
greatest afflictions that a man.or
woman can have. An affliction
not onlv to .themselves, but,
those with whom they come hi
contact. A foul breath is a great
discourager of affection, tt
woqld probably be more so if
people only realized just what
bad breath means. Bad breath
is one of the symptoms of con¬
stipation. Some of the other
symptoms are sour stomach, loss
of appetite, side and billions
headache, dizziness, heartburn
and distress after ( ■tiling.
Those things mean indigo,si ion.
They lead to dyspepsia and
worse things. They all start
with constipation, and constipa
lion is inexcusable because itqpi
be cured -cured easily, quickly
and permanently, by the use of
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
They give to nature just tho lit¬
tle help that she needs. There
is no case of billiousness, const!
pation, indigestion, “heartburn,”
or any of the rest of the night¬
mare breeding brood, that these
little ‘-Pellets” will not cure.
S ‘tul .21. cents in one-cent
stamps to World’s Dispensary
Medical Association, Buffalo.
N-. Y., and receive Dr. Pierce’s
10U8 page common souse medical
advisir, illustrated.
Old Timers.
Mr. Buford Bird showed us
this week an old lightwood knot
tiiat has been used for a socket
for the bottom of a gate for
about 100 years and it is per¬
fectly sound yet. He says old
Mr. Jim Edge, Mr. Bob Edge’s
father, used it as long as he
I ivod.
Mr. Bird also brought along
stone he found in. an old field
near his home that had W. 1 >.
Billiugslea’s name cut in it and
dated LAO. it had grown black
with age.
a Goon urn i:it
From I he Clerk of (br Circuit Caiirl.
Fe.i i.andilia, Hi., Feb. 28 , Ob. ,
Mr. J. George Suhnir, Druggist,
D.-ar Gcorq-e: iffease send u
bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy. 1 would not feel easy |
if 1 knew there was none of this I
valuable Remedy in the house, i
. ba : given it a Jail test ■ui,,!
consider it ono of the very best I
retnedies for croup that I have I
ever rand. One dose has al-l
ways - oeen sufficient, although li
use :t freely. .Any cold my chil-j
drru contract yields very rapidly j
to this medicine. I can oonseion
tion-dy recommend P for croup
aa<i cold.; in children,
^ ours respectf ally,
(h/). . w oi li..
Sold by Dr. R. .1
The, first Quarterly Meeting
for 1 he Crawford viife charge
Vie held at Crawfordville next
Saturday and Sunday the 19
and 20 th, the Quarterly Confer¬
ence being held on Saturday.
Dr. J. B. Ro „ -n . , prcsiamg elder , ,
of the Athens district,
tch both Saturday and Sun
day al 11 a. m. Dr. Robins
recoginized as one of the strong
es prea tors of his
1 tion iu the State, and who
remain av, a from 1 services
will miss a rel LOUS Uui 1 intel
lectual feast.
* CURE Ml! Ifc-J
1. 'L vt FA-VS.
. Use
oyr up. : ''hitidi A
i hv flriizi', -t
[9r. Mifes 9 Heart Cure ;
Curas a Prominent Attorney.
mk J
assp/ n
\ ^
w v/|\ ar U. It. C. P HELPS, the leading pension’
/A . 11 attorney of rvdfast, N. Y., writes:
v j wag discharged from tho army on
recount of ill health, and suffered from
heart trouble ever since. I frequently had
minting and smothering spells. My form
vas bent as a man of GO. I mnstanUy wore
; -y overcoat, even in summer, for fear of
< 'kiagcoid. i could not attend to my busi
ness, My ~ rest was broken by severe pains
: .. ut tl 0 boart ttnd j e rt shoulder. Tbreo
--a ago i commenced'using Dr. Miles*
Heart Cure, notwithstanding I had used sg
rulc h patent medicine and taken drugs from
for years without being helped Dr,
lilies' Heart Cure restored me to health. It
; yi v; jy a wonderful mcdlclco and it affords'
i '.o much pleasure to recommend this rom
ciy to everyone.” 'Wj?
Dr. Miles’ Itemed las BSS-V ''Of, ’ 'YjgjEM
I'Ll i "unde/ a positive rE L-rgS liOi!ES! M 3 j
; u.iranteo, first bottle 3 Jr
l )ni : ut f °, r “ oney .Restores*
^“ot end WmHHmiMhWBiMI
nerves free. Address,
DU. MII.K 3 MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Inti.
March Sheriff Sales.
Will I.:! sold In front of 1hn door of
Court IToum; of Taliaferro County Geor¬
gia on the first, Tuesday in March next,
within tlio legal hours of sale for cash, to
the 1 highest bidder, nil flint tract of hind
situated in said town andCounty, contain¬
ing one acre more or less, known as tho
Nancy MeCommoek lot, bounded on
North byri vht of way of (In. KJlroad; on
East he Public Street, seimval.iii’f said
land from Masonic Lodge h>t,;on South by
Public Street, separating said land from
lands of,I. I). Mammock and on West by
lands of King Star Society
ALSO, fill that tract or lot of land, sll
uated in the (i()7th, Gist, (J. Af., said
County containing Norti; lf!7 acres more or less
bounded on and West by lands of
.Iiio, F. Holden; on East by lands of K. ,1.
iteid; and on South by lands of Mrs. ,1 fi¬
lms .Ionian: which tract or lot of land is
Imown ns the Dower lands of Mrs. Nancy
Reid, i i which she took (lower, which
tract of land was levied upon and sold
subject to the life estate o( said Mrs. Reid’
In and to the same.
Said property levied upon and describ¬
ed above, levied upon as the. property of
T. 11, Bristow under and by virtue of and
to satisfy executions issued from the Jus¬
tice Court of tho (Milst., Hist. ({-. M., said
County against said Bristow in favor of
VunnersOM & Flemming; G. T. Todd &
) .,m T. Flemming it Snn W. J£. C.
Atkins: W. A. linssoll: Simon, Seward »V
Co., .!. Leopold A, Co: Dobbs, 15, J. Wolf Wcv & & Sons; Co.,
Tims, M. Clark A <!.»;
and Fxcculfoils issued from the Superior
Court of said County against said Bristow
in favor of S. C. Doblm; Landrum & But¬
ler; Been & Gregg Hardware Co., Sling
luff Disney iV, Co., and Isaac Greehaum A
Written notices of snid levies given as
required by "111, law. of Felt., 1M)H.
'I his the 'lay
D. P. HKNR1,
Bherilt of TaJittforro (louuty.
(Trade Mark UeyisL'tod Nov. 24, ’!)(>
The New Lile-Giver.
Pi-omofes V’igoroiis Health liy instilling
OXYGKN from tlin air into tin: system,
ami cures all forms of < 11 -ense Without.
Mcdieino or Electrieity. It i.s aa simple as
Prices if OX V DO NO its »really ro
cinecri. Get the /rimiiitie, mach: by tho
lUficnv/twr ami inventor, Dr, Hercules
of pjirfJciihirs and ju-ice list free.
Addr,** Dr. ji. Sunche. 2 d Fifth Avc
nun, New York,
yj p || i)i vl W.'. fmrnm CD
m 0 ■ CD wtaMle
And vicinity, will consult their
interest by wrrting to
Standard Mannfaclaring Co M
For Prices ou HASH, DOCKS,
BEK, LATH or anything in
i Ogeechee Bricx Co
i •9
j Union Point, Ga.
BuiIding\A;k of best Qua.ity.
Reliable Kinds of\ ’actoi^orall Work.
For Adv.cute-Democ: priqy* and inX, v.. apiy ibe to
Office .