The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, February 25, 1898, Image 1

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$1,00 For Tear I
to which the Expectant Mother is
exposed and the foreboding and
dread with'which she looks for¬
ward to' s the hour of woman’s
severest trial is appreciated by but
few. All effort should be made
to smooth these rugged places she
in life’s pathway for her, ere
presses to her bosom her babe.
allays Nervousness, and so assists
Nature that the change goes for¬
ward in an easy manner, without
Such violent protest in the way of
Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy
forebodings yield to cheerful and
hopeful anticipations—she quickly passes and
through the ordeal
withput pain—is left strong and
vigorous and enabled to joyously
perform the high and holy duties
now devolved upon her. Safety
to life of both is assured by the
use of “Mother’s Friend,” and
the time of recovery shortened.
“I know one lady, the mother of three
children, who suffered greatly in the
‘birth of each, who obtained a bottle of
‘Mother’s Friend’ of me before her
fourth confinement, and was relieved
quickly and easily. All agree that their
labor was shorter and less painful.” Ga.
John G. Polhill, Macon,
$1.00 PER BOTTLE at all Drug of Stores,
or sent by mail on receipt price.
RfiflXS Containing invaluable information of
ui/unu interest to all women, will be sent to
FREE any address upon application, by
Tjie bsadfield regulator CO., atlant*. Ga.
f JEM vTfl nlt& ...
//STFVyUy L iJ Are futly restored
CIFIC tA BtbfS. 1 bos, jh
Jrti ^ ii Of $1.00; 8 boxes $2.50, b fc!
Ill IV mail. Address, C-J t
ljU nautilioiiucuio GA. J
Full particulars sont by
mall on application.
k » P3
Tils Haggard Specific Specific Co.
Will give three boxes of their
Tablets, worth ¥2.50 to aDy one who mn\
have used as much as one box of theb
tali lets without decider! benefit. We have
never heard of a single case, wk<;re t)?-'
tablets have failed to give satisfactory re
sulta. and'if there is a person to he found
who has used them without lieuefit we
want to kuow who he is and whereto find
Rim. They never fail to cure kidney and
bladder troubles and affections of the
genital organs and overcome all debility
nml weakness in both men and women.
They improve the appetite, aid digestion
and assimilation and overcome constipa¬
tion. They have vital effect on all of the
secretory organs and establish a healthy
condition of the mucous and gland secre¬
tions iu every part of the body; capillaries overcome and
all torpid conditions of the
secure perfect circulation of the blood, so
that every organ is supplied healthy. and Being every
function is normal and
the only remedy ever compounded thai
fully meets tlie human logical physiological it is won¬ eon
ditions of the system, results unknown no to
der that they give, No matter if the doc¬
medical science. failed, the
tors and all remedies have try
Tablets and be convinced that they 1 are
all remedies, ^ heii
superior to known
effect on the nerve centres is a complete
surprise to physicians who have used
them. Gases that have baffled the skill
of best physicians and no remedies seemed
to, have h een prompily controlled
and permanently cured by the 1 ablets.
Cases where injections cf morphine have
been resorted to as tlie only means of even
temporary relief have been promptly trouble con
trolled by the Tablets and the
completely overcome by their use.
Price One Box 81.00, cr Three Boxes
$2.50. If not on sale in your locality, At- or
d r direct from Haggard Specific Co.,
ianta, Ga. ________
This is the Man
S ^ VE M HE PBop lB
& +% % -4
ctj P %
A-' 5 i
How? Freei
f 'A 9
'!?« jl«!!l a* xNv enc- JB o
tx** 5 Is oil rr’j is mT
m is «: 2 j .1
tj3t UnH g®2p . £ >4
hnw ^ 0=1 k I 3?-.” g,
te2 S ws
r I Pay N O'
c s. c tbe Freight.
gSBESSSas ' -:.w< •.•: let.m.0.
Adaata, %tu. IA S. ITyar Si
What the People of that Thriving
Town Are Doing,
11Y Ci L. BAG BY v
We stiff arc having nice Lccf in our
The sick in this section have all about
got well. , a
A great many have sown garden seed
in tills section.
Mrs. Coot Elliott visited relatives in
Warren county last week.
Mrs. Belsie Moore is still very fetb e.
Cau sit up' a little at times.
John Taylor lias accepted a job on the
farm with J. T. Taylor near Barnett.
Our road overseers are having their
work doue better this year than usual.
Chickens are very scarce in our market.
I reckon it is on account of (he price.
Several of the Sharon people attended
the Peoples Party meeting last Saturday.
Mr. L. A. Brake Is delivering lumber
at Barnett depot for shipment to Augusta.
Mr, A. D. core’s little daughter
that got her fingers chopped is about
An old horse fell down the railroad cut
at Jess Taylor’s last week and killed him¬
Mr. George T. Moore had a horse and
mile to get badly cut in a wire fence last
The ladies made some splendid music at
the dedication of the Masonic Hall last
Mr.. B. L, Battle has been wilh ns for
■everal days past looking-after his farm
There were several visitors from other
lodges attended the dedication at Sharon
iast Friday.
Mr. J. L, Turner our near neighl or,
iias been suffering with boils and break¬
ing-outs, etc.
I esse Borwnsays we are mistaken about
his being in love. He belongs on tlio old
bachelors list.
Jli.-s Emma Bagby was on a visit to
her sister Mrs. G. 1L Gregory last Safur
day and Sunday-.
Judge M. J. Taylor got a severe lick
below his eye iast week while plowing up
•some rough land.
Miss Muriy Taylor has returned to her
dome near Barnett after a six weeks vis t.
ui Wilkcs county. . .. ,
VCIey.w 'Tod FS1 great of the boys
Fridav and it cut a many
off. It was right.
Rond working has been the order fo
the day for the last week or two. Pre¬
paring for court week.
A FRICANA will cure Sypnilia and Old
■f* Sores to Stay Cured.
Mrs. A. T. Gilbert’s uncle, Mr. Hill
from Hancock, was to see her last week.
He was on his way to Hillman.
r jC o tur© Conati gallon Fo?oypt.
T:iUe O.scarets Candy Cathartic. 10u orSfic
? C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money
Big lawsuit in 603rd district last Satur¬
day, Joe Stokes and Dr. C. S. Kendrick
estate case dismissed, out of date.
JSdncat.e Tour Hovels With Cusearets.
Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever.
!0c.25c. It C. C. C. fail, drussists refund money.
It looks like the horse traders have
given Sharon a rest for awhile. We have
not had any with us iu several da; s.
Ediicsito Your liowels Wit h Citscr.rcta.
Cnndy Cathartic, cure, eonstipation forever.
10c, 25c. If C. C. C, fail, drucxists refund money.
Macie and Concie McGinty have left
Barnett and gone over on little river on
ihe line of W ilkes. They left happy.
|l||ERiT ^ what has given Hood's
awl Sarsaparilla the largest sales in
the world and enables it to accomplish
thousands of wonderful CURES.
Mr. VV. L. Kendrick, of Sharon has a
line stock of game chickens and lie gets
*i fancy price for them when he makes a
To Cure Coantipsvtlcv! Voravvt.
Tal.a Cascurets Candy Cathartic. 10? cr 25c
:r C. C. C. fail to cure, drug,rials refund moacj
Messrs. Hester and Furgerson are trav¬
eling through the country now taking
pictures. They were iu Sharon iast
NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep-
1 sia, Constipation and Indi¬
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 eta.
People have been putting in full time
ia ibis section on their farms for sometime
by the way they have done a good
deal of work.
m is cs
aZ- ere 17
Dr. A. A. Davidson, of Alien-1a, was
with, us iast week, also Rev. A. M . Mer
.i Emorv College. They both
verc looking well.
v Cuts, Barns, Bruises, Rheu
matiem and Sores. Price, 25 cents.
Messrs. Flvnt and Moore have moved
their saw mill over to the old Randolph
olantation where thev expect to saw a
arge amount of limiter.
Vi HD'S SffSLHOSa ? r.tid
Tfe"* the T .‘ irv Fence Man. ot At i-.nta, Ga.,
■ . - kc ho-t v.ndcUeriv. -f : V ‘ Xi - 1 V- <•
. Wnicfcari.
Uk po: ie*- ,« 4 . CcMiosobirou.
Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, conati
pation. sour stomaeh. indigestion are promptly
cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work
3L | 9
25 easily Best cents. after and AU dinner thoroughly. druggists. pills. i Is
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Pill to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Sharon merchants aie getting a good
deal of trade now from Warren couritv
Mr. J. W. Fa!lei. also gets his shareo! it
in the whiskey line.
Mr. L. 8 . Jackson started a four room
addition f o '.he Hotel Jackson fast Monday.
Oh, I tell you Lint is going to get there if
you just let him alone.
Last Friday was not a very pretty day
for the dedication but there was a good
crowd on hand and plenty to eat and we
think everybody enjoyed it.
Mr. W. E. Arnett has been elected
night watchman of Bhnton. The town
council pays him half of his salary and
the merchants the other half.
Messrs. Brown brother have been doing
some nice sign painting for Mr. John
O’Keeffe. They formerly lived in this
section and are no strangers here.
Mr. J. V. Garrett made a trip recently
to South Carolina after a little <> months
old motherless hajiy, a grand child of his
set t, Mrs. lillic Evans of Wilkes.
Mr. E. S. O’Brien and family left last
week for Atlanta. Mr. ,T. V. Garrett has
rented his residence at Barnett for the
present year and has moved into it.
Mr, J. A. Kendrick has had his new
building painted on Convent street, Air;
George Fouchc and sons doing the work.
Mr. A.,T. Gilbeit occupies the residence.
Mr. Jesse Taylor left last week for
Milledgeville where he is expecting a sit¬
uation which it he gets he will remain, if
not lie will return home again in a few
Several attended preaching at Jennings
fnfet Sunday. That church seems to be a
very popular house of worship especially
with the young people. A great*many go
there,. *.*"•
Bruises, 8 ores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fev¬
er, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains.
Corns, and all Skin Erupt.ons, and posi¬
tively cures Pilca. or f»auired. It
Is guaranteed <o give satisfaction or
money refunded® Price 25 cents per box.
Fox sale by Dr. E. J. Reid.
Mr. Ruben Dozier is assisting Mr. A.
T. Gilbei t in ids blacksmith work on ac¬
count of Mr. Gilbert’s game leg with
which lie has suffered a great deal
All the talk now is about the warship
Maine that was destroyed. Some think
ihey will have to go to war sure enough
now but they will get tired wiicn they
get. into it.
lioa't Toimeco Spit and Smoke Your Mfc Array.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mac
netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take Na-To
IJac. the wonder-worker, that makes weal: men
strong. All drugclsts, 50c or 81. Cure guaran¬
teed Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Itemady Co, Chicago or New York.
We are still at the same old place and
would be glad doing to serve you kind in job repairing work
your tin and any of
in the tin line. 0. L. Bagby, the tinner,
Sharon, Ga.
Everybody Says So.
Carcnrct.s Gandy Cathartic, the most won¬
derful nt-xlical discoverv o( the ape. p ecs
ant and refreshing to the Ever taste, and act bowels, gently
and positively tho on entire kidneys, dispel eoliis.
cleansing system, constipation
cure headnciie, fever, linliitual
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of (J. C. fJ. to-dny; JO, M) cents, bold and
guaranteed to cure by nil drurgists.
People are coming in and buying will cotton
seed to ulant and we expect pay
double the price they sold their own at.
That is prosperity ain’t it. And they will
do the same next year.
“How to Car* Skin T>l(ea*e.'’
Simply apply medicine “Swayne’s Ointment"
No iRternal required, Cures
tetter, qczema, itch, all eruptions on tbe
race, hands, nose, &c.. leaving the skin
clear, white and healthy. Its great heal¬
ing and curative powers are possessed by
no other remedy. Ask Druggist for
Swayne’s Ointment.
It looks like it is a craze among people
nowdays to mint most any color but
white. VY hen I go into Graivforlville 't
looks like the town is painted yeliow
mosilv, or some color of that kind, but it
. ,,tok! "„“"SB
Plasters CUBAN RELIEF cures
Colic, Near^i^ia. *t:i4 'j oothachc
Hi live minutes. Sour Stomach
Mild cr Coj&piaintM. Price, 2 5 Cents.
All above goods for sale by P. G Lucas.
simron and Crawfordvillc have taken on
new life it seems in the last six monih* 11
the way of improvements. busines This always
increases the of any town and
(,fi n g K money to it which otherwise
wou j ( j n<Jt
Tit ht- !s
lizuii sZ at
*i Squirt t»nr
4 Ttipja.
A Timely Friend.
With perfect propriety may we call
that o.\'Oelleut remedy, Salvation Oil,
a timely friend. This liniment rapidly
cures rheumatism, neuralgia and pains,
when Igher remedies fail. Mr. Juo.
M. Hall, Ashland, Va., writes : “I
suffered with rheumatism in the ankle
and the muscles connected therewith.
Alvatkn Oil at onc&relieved the sore¬
ness, reduced the swelling, and cured
the pain. No other liniment that I ever
used did me so much good.”
#rcit:itl is getting hard in many places
and rai *s needed. Our wells are"', slill
low in, . 'lev: Some are taking the walls
out of their wells and digging them
Guano is still rolling out to the country.
Some people say it is not lb,t fault of
farmery,i-ho, are getting it, but because the
roads at and have been so good.
will all s *e next fall when they have to
settle for it.
Mr. iflpve Merslion is the new marshal
filed f# Sharon the present year. Mr.
Marsh®-is a young man raised in this sec¬
tion aud|vonipf tent to attend to all the
duties pefuquing to the marshalshlp of
SJiaronff lg|*p£ili attend to his business.
There,idjPilorc people by the names of
“Moo: •■‘Taylor’’ than Carter had
outs aa<! i families nearly uff are re
lated orS kin any way. We know
some k iu this comity that are kin
and if it up they are about 21 st
Vriip we notice art? clearing up a
great d, tggf fresh land this- year. Our
oid tiiiibe® lhjj rmld be improved "and save our
•ere is a vast amount of good
timbqt.^jiwn gronfid.Mi, away in clearing up new
wot.’t be many years before
wood ldjK'is all gone.
We j«d over with Mr. R. J. Jackson
last Fr|j kJ Land enjoyed ourself hugely.
Bob |t got strait- to work yet as ho
has not,! bMs Shop cofnpleted. lie is
lilm Ilffi VK&vans, of ttrawfordviilc,
he jvilr ^piost llrom anything in the to' me
ciiami^ a knituig needle a
Ferris’- I,Util '■.■'St
UJio Kendrick gave her
little it associates a nice entev
tainme* lonjic oil Thursday even
jug of * H .■truiw, tilt h.
j^ u
rvemmritr SwFiwy tiuu
opportunities, and is smart.
Our correspondent from Bermuda makes
the inquiry of us as tliero are so many
widows in Sharon “what about the men?”
We would answer that the men are all
married hut one widower tiud four or five
bachelors and about the samo number of
young men who think we suppose that it
is too much expense or they are not able
to take them a wife.
Sharon’s new town council was elected
on the 14th Instant: Dr. A. C. Davidson,
L. 8 . Jackson, G. T. Moore, Jobn
O’Keeffe, Emmett Darden. All of the
old coudcil were elected wiOi the excep¬
tion of J. A. Kendrick and A D. Moore.
.John O’Keeffe and Emmett Darden were
put in their p.aecs. There was a good
deal of interest taken in the election.
Vegetables are getting scarce iu tin's
section- When you wantto “bile” dinner
you have topuy for it. As for ourselves
vve have been giving corn field peas down
the country and we do not cure how black
they ate. Our people are two careless
about raising turnips for this season of the
year. You can raise and hank them up
as same as sweet potatoes and they wilt
keep all the winter. Yet we have to buy
turnips and cabbage from Florida.
“Just as
as Scott's and \ e sell it much
cheaper," is a stat meat sometimes
made by the drug* st when Scott’s
Emulsion is called or. This shows
that the druggists t emselves regard
■Ems&l won
Of Cod-Lfve? T> Oil _ With . < Llypopnos- -lx l
phltes of Lime and Seda as the
standard, and the purchaser Y/ho
. nrncxire. the ahi ** standard n
untold Benefit, should not for one
instant think .__® of taking the risk of
usmg some untried preya
ration. The substitution
of something said to be
.. “just as good” for a stand¬
k ■ ard preparation twenty-
4 S i five years on the mark ct
I should not be permitted by
i,Ay the intelligent purchaser.
$5 sure you get SCOTT’S Emulsior. See
that the .-ran and fish are on the -svrappes
Sco. and #!.-», ail druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Cheir.ists, New York.
In Advance-
Correspondents' Eeports of Wliat Their
Neighbors Talk
tli© Happenings In Their Respective L.o
o*lit ice. All the News.
BY i: N. C.
Mrs. M. E. Boatwright lias been on the
sick list this week.
Mr. Henry flilvey, of Wilkes, was
married to Miss Mary Walker of Ogle¬
thorpe, on February, 19th.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. 8 . Richardson is happy
—it is another girl baby,
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Stewart visited
their aunt, Mrs. Joel Taylor, Sunday.
Mr. S. A. Caldwell and Billie Boat
wright went up in Ogicthoipe Sunday
visiting Mr> Bob Thaxlon’s family,
Mrs. 8 . A. Ciiidwo.ll visited her mother
Mrs M. E. Boatwright Sunday.
.Mr, Griffith and Miss Julia, visited their
son and daughter Sunday in Helena.
Airs. Ah. Perkins of Greene county has
returned home after slaying some few
weeks with her grand daughter, Mrs. P.
G. Stewart, of Helena.
Your Photograph Free.
Send 10 cents in stamps for sample cubi
net photograph, which will be made for
you. and four recent copies of Ul* TO
DATE. Each issue is printed In colors
and contains from forty to fifty pictures
by the famous humorous artists of lho
country, and reading enough to last the
family a whole month. Send today to UP
TO DATE, Chicago, Ill.
We have had a very dry winter so far.
Mr. G. 1. Ogletree has the roads worked
nice now.
Oscar and Lula Moore spent Sunday
witli their sister Nellie.
We were glad to welcome Miss Lula
Moore In our school Monday.
I tell you lire was raging Tuesday night
oi last week 1 u various sections.
Mrs. Nellie Weeek-r spent a while with
her parents last Saturday afternoon.
Miss Pearl Lunecford spent iast Thurs
day night with her cousin, Ella and Luey
/The Valentine [iarty at Air. and Mrs.
Wlieelos was enjoyed very much
Aliases Elia and Lucy Liincef'rd spent
Saturday night and Sunday with Misses
Lillian and Rachel Chapman.
Don’t you forget the minks tire doing
tiie chickens up around here, but Mr. J.
I). Moore is rough on them; he lias killed
It don’t look as disgusting to see a
woman cooking with a pipe in her mouth
as it does to always hear a man praising
Miss Mary Ogletree spent Tuesday of
last week with Miss Leila Lunceferd and
also her mother and Mrs, John Ogletree
spent the day there.
Frco rills.
Send your address to IT E
Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and go.
a free cample box of JL>i‘. Kmg u
New Lil'o Pills. A trial will
convince you of their merits.
These pills are easy Iu action
cud are particularly effective in
the cure ofCouHlipatlon autl Side
Headache, For Malaria and
Li vor troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are
/guarar.lcod to bo perfectly free
iYcitti every deleterious substance
mid to bo purely vegetable,
Tiioy do not -weaken by Hum
action, but by bowels giving greatly tone im to
stomach and
vigor ate the system. Regular
nb;e 25c. pel 1 bok Hold by Dr,
Li. J. Reid Druggist.
by A. B. C.
Farmers are now preparing their land
for another crop.
Mr. VV. A. Hill had quite a small crowd
at his log rolling on Wednesday evening
Miss Missouri Bagby, of near Burnett, j
is now on a visit to her brother Mr. J! li.
, ,
J,l B >*
(> ness what j'oung lady say:; that she is j
going a visaing to get her name in the!
papen' P -l-.o„,o„™„ Look out next week.
Lest girl on Sunday last.
We have been informed that a certajn
man has eat three cbicKens a aav.
he is f , t i
Mr. W. J KHingh n hr:; had the wall j
taken . .. g. . ms w.*d ,. w i 1 un j,,,, a..., letjK* ...
account of water being scarce.
Our Sunday school is now on a boom
tauirhtby Mr, J. h. Turner.
The young people had a sociable at
the resident of Mr. Will Agee on Satur¬
day night.
Ifo-To-Uac for fifty entr.
Guaranteed .oSacco bain v n.>, Mato weak
men strong, blood pu;o- Cc ti. AU drugg stsx
NO. 1.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Pf§L 111 !
Absolutely Pure
Drawn to Serve February Term 1898.
W G Bristow W J Norton
S ' 1 ' Ogletree tl Stewart
U 8 Gunn W N Gunn
11 8 Mm den U J Mann
K T Kendrick W O Wright
A L Hillman A II Mathis
T G Wallace \V T Chapman
\V 0 Ghapman A G lleazley 1
1 ) E Luncefonl W E Wall
//oiu-.s*” Geo S Rhodes
jolin 1> Moore
Thus E Bristow .( S Chapman
B l 1 ' Wynne D A Saugus
E II McCauley J, C M union
J T Cooper John F Holden
,T P Johnson J 'I' Echols
J T Hendricks R W Meadows
Thos Akin E l> Hndnway
I W McKinney, Jr C I* Lacey
] M Humphrey Charlie Roth
M II Ogletree Z T Grant
I E Pato vV A Legwert
.las A Kendrick S D Chapman
W L Jackson John Johnson
T E Kendrick i) c Rhodes
A 8 Lunceford W H Jones
W G Rhodes W E Dorsey
W W Lunceford II T Beekworth
Jno II Slone Jno T Heard
MT Wynne W F Hughes
J P Perkins \V L Kendrick
J R Akins G E Griffith
W T Parker Titus Richards
The verdict of tho people is
that Hall's Hair Renewer cures'
grayness and baldness.
For lino tobacco and cigars
get them at Paul G. Lucas’,
Wool Dress Goods for 5c. at
Miller & Johnson.
Tired and broken down women
will find that DR* KING’S ROYAL
GERMETUER is a priceless boon and
blessing to them. It gives appetite,
brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids
digestion, tones the nerves, builds up
the strength and puts disease and
pain to flight. For
Including all menstrual and womb
difficulties, it has no superior—used
both locally and internally. It is
Pleasant to take as lemonade, and
harmless at all times. New package,
large bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar.
Sold by druggists. Manufactured
only by
_j Jjp wf b.
,.h: SECURE!]
tVrite for our interesting hooks " Invent
or’s ffelfi ” and “How you are swindled.*
1 Send us a rough sketch or model will of your
invention or improvement and we tell
l yo>: frea our opinion as to whether it is
probably patentable. VVe make a apt; xlty
of appliationa rejected furcished. in other hands,
Highedt references
Civil Jt Mechunleal Engineer*. Qrftdustrs of the
Polytechnic School of Bnfftneerinff. Bschclora in
\ Applied Sciences. I>aval University. Members
Patent Law Association, American Water Works
C Aseociation, New Kngland Water Works Axeo.
f P. Surveyor* AwocUtion, A*soc. Member Can.
f Society ot Civil Engineer*.
««—= {