Newspaper Page Text
Official O.tan Taliaferro C*.
With this issue the Advocate
Democrat begins a new year. For
22 years the old paper has been
visiting' the homes of the people
and recording events of its time.
Give it your support for the
next 22 years and ire happy.
The so-called Soldiers' Home
in Atlanta is 1o bo sold April 5.
An ostrich’s egg weighs about
four pounds equal to forty ben's
Mr. Will Sanford will have in
charge the new football team of
You can scarcely count the
gubernatorial candidates on your
lingers of hot 1) ltaiuls.
The Slate Democratic Execu
(ive Committee is called to meet
in Atlanta on March 17.
Miss Julia IL Reed began a
caret T mi t lit 1 st age as elocution
ist at Ealonton 1 his week".
Mi’-s Carrie }’under died al
Rome Sunday from Ihcelleels of
a snakebite received several
years ago.
The.-e old fai offices are very
eagerly sought after—-yet they
say our high officers h re not
paid enough for their work”.
The Danielsville Argus, a new
and bright paper from
“Free Stiite, is welcomed
our exchange .
Tne Omaha exposition com¬
missioners have returned to At
janla, feeling greatly encourag¬
ed about u Georgia display.
The activity about the forts
and const defences of the United
States make people believe that
somebody is expecting war.
A prominent guano manufa"
turer said a few days agt i that
there would be 27 per cent, less
guano used this year than last.
It present's the lies It will'll
lacerated or wouuoed m a.i\
\v a y. Steps the ble \ b ling, stops
tin 1 pain and heals quicker t han
an vt liiug. what l)r.
TU'henor’s Anliseptie does. Try
it when t ou get hurt.
R v. Sam .Tone ,S raised tv
sat,ion last Saturday by saying
he \\; going t<>bo in the race
for Governor of tieorgia.
d that be was in
> ter Allen iL l 'andlor as
common peo
OH 0!' IV. 0 WAVS.
tiller m- nvritc.i for one pur
r tv, a vc.t s in 1 Jc for the uthie.
s.frh it is nut iitiMc to any form cf
mm cpt tlV Ol ut tw o \\ ir s. The
• an iniptu iiH". act n o
9T im I iK‘ Sv'G »lV* \\ MY 'Jig
l v .urine fi - kivi
l! Uuttv - C
< :■ a >
Wt'lhb A r. Vi A' g L a'
n -
R Jill 4U
n* j
>1 C A
<•<•1 !t ip.
It will bo seen in our report
of the meeting here Tuesday
jpcrjlt that O VT cit izOIlS ai’.'J aliVC
to the ini -r. >t of the county at
l- ir .rp Thev have awakened to
„ t *»***■*«. «».
will help all.
The request to the towns of
Sharon and GVawfordville, and
t ] K . (; r:uu l J to raise a fund to
< ‘ . *
commendable fp , ueor , ,
move. 1 ne
gia commission for the . ilixposl
tion failed to call on our county
and now it is the spirit of our
citizens to not be left out in the
To place US properly before
the thousands of citizens in the
frozen Northwest will insure the
of - of r those ,i people i
moving many
from that section to our sunny
clime. fhoy will bring their
money licre and will help us to
build up our towns, enhance the
real estate in the county and
givo prolituble employment to
ni: . iy of our citizens who now
cfitti [),ain that V times are dull.
No shoulu lie lor a momem
oppose this move. *• I -
- <
al 1 to have more people
Willi more money
r J'iie State will have an exhibit
of hhv m o.lueis at the Expos!
tionanh ; 1 1 1 ! o It l
w.‘ 1 1 1 • ‘
< .
should be with them. We should
worlc from now until (he crops
are ma I ■ with a view of getting
in, a m-iali "o i e <bsplay r i ot out
'I 1 ,
products, both 1 com the iarms,
woods and earth. Ce have
plenty of valuable woods, and
mine' als that should bo in the
exhibit. ■ ' ' These could bo gather
e( l and (*.' 1 liI>iled here ni a small
conn ly fair and then forwarded
m a body to the Omaha Exposi
Everv 1 “ U J ml men .shouldcommence
at once and help secure I he i t . urn)
to gel up a neat book calling at
teution to our water powers,
public and private buildings and
show those people in the
where I lie , call L 1
Cl v ill fate, good n schoolctmfChos
and soviet, .
l'i -t them know WV have lino
, .S'.d . .
Water p<jVttlS ol l< t inm . ’
that are valuable, and that the}
only need developing.
Mr. Wan. .do L '• was 1: troubled ^
wit h chronic diarrhoea, for over
thirl v w.'ii's. lie had become
fully sat d tint i: was only a
i)Ut 4 toil *'l a :-d u • • u i * unt u m
would In; ■■ ■ to ;:'!Vc up. I'elutt!
U b '.:te i f i I: > be
I’ll. :
•abut.;, no perumtieu ... rettet.
(hie day he ]ticked up ' :: news
paper and (’haueed to C
advertisement of Chamberlain's
Clioleid and Diarrhoea
r.%. j t ' got - bottle of it ’
the ti ,, dose helps A i him and its
{■onUmnst use Cl:red him. For
s: e by Dr. R. J. Reid.
\ ••,: & Denham o f Whitt ,
n:r cows’ amt •
p.tyt -l Market prices
for them.
o rp: ,vs on lat'cs and
atm urn ick liefore you begin your
bouse, Wash in ten M :'g. Go.
)huson. Washing
:eeksot :bc. that’s
ativ house in town
a’ the I*. S.
was blown up
S t )0uS Oi
*■ c l t'li
i srov
A Life Saved.
r and lung
a Dr. Bull's
l V NVi!!,'
1’eter ' ' , Y.*... "Mv brother
\v d, c rh and cold,
c Lud cousutnp
r .:rb. Syrup was
r> t uprise h made
him u is no
l c a: a u id than liil-5
fcyr;p l)r. Bail a Cough Syrup is
syia every vuere tor 23 ceaU
The Spectator. .
* Some Thin** lie IIgs
• Heard aod i hou^. . * >out. *
; Wr have h:wl an unu*u*l*uw mtnf war
w-rtain quartern. Of course much of all
this talk Uu.ere newspaper bluster. But
ii, c favor with which this .hiUHgerent
bragadoeio has been rceeit- I has, to
thoughtful people, moresignid ance dian
it licuring upon the strained relations
|M;tw<;eil l1ie United States and Spain
, ro , v j n rr out of the sad disaster in Havana
Tin's generation of Americans know
nothing of war. We have had a longer
period of peace in this country titan we
] I;>V 0 liud ill all our history before. For
nearly n third of a century the sound of
I. battle wonder has not then heeti that heard peopieOTlio in oujgkuid. have It
forgotten; or never le aned ».nt war is
i-hoidd „i:iiiif''St a great cap r• • - for the
fray when war seems imminent. Some
iiow tie i e ia a strange glamour ulent
to most people who know ipvmu., of
hy experience.
War is the sum all horror* and inlm
lulIli uv.. W. T. Sheniiai..»'.lio was
certainly good authority on tb« .subject,
that it was “tlio scienceofbarbariu.ii.”
It means slaughter and .rapine a;;d Ueoth
Rut a « fearful as it is, it is someiline iHe¬
vitaWe one iH forced to admit.
f-o in the case ot nations,
a- in the case of
fluting should be tho last .'-jort as a
means of settlingdiUiculties comniandmen^ andfisputes. JtaJbimling
The ten are
upon tuitions as upon individijOT; Uni" The
fact (if it is n fact) that the States
could easily overcome Spain iu.w* is no
reason why we should rush into *»r wiiii
Spain. We nrc not a bully . „ L- the
n;iU()riH of lhe carth- (or larger Neit-u^ one) ire lie wo is
m-e tite amah hoy
ready to knock down a smaller fjp.y for
i-vry oliront, real and imaginunt Now
'* ma
never nltord to be pusillanimous.? »
„^*^*^ souictiuies^Jta.iger
Letter writing is .o^^oiialiv
oi s Even piivatc letters
g ( ; candidates into trouble, aw Woniats
ni i. What one.says “in ^Hnp
b , ick lias meaning and ,
tjl lt (I() not n i wa y S atta*:kl«HBfcpkcii
words. The latter can iw
gotten or explained away. theL-riier.
is atwi k s liable to confru*
t; icii: ,
|,t tlu: public, t.u# oihnC c-r V. -s
! "V 1 '' 1 '' ,-,r ' tuspoI»*W»l and pc’ - i l ,
! LNunR. Two lessons are in ibis for u
lull Wo should bo careful about*
: wy s:l y w m, tongue and pen. An,d \vc
I should never wear a imjsque' political or
A few mouths ago, Mr. Byron
Every, of Woodstock. Mich..
W as badly amieted with rheuma
tism. Ilia right leg was swollen
the full length, causing him great
suffering, lie was advised to
ti'.y t htuubct.aius t uiu Balm.
M'iie tirst bottle of it helped him
coii-ilcrablv and the second
""" w» Ti» » and
r»0 cent, sizes are for sale by Dr.
K. J. Reid,
V/o’diliin l.;<il.r.' DHicait'.!.
The dedication of Sharon's
handsome Masonic Lodge \vas
;i tended bv many citizens from
t hi - and other surrounding coim
S M'D people listened ,
t tes. cue
tot he ( •xcellent si touch of Dept
Grand Master William E. Keener
of Augusta, in his remarks on
the occasion. YViliohin Lodge is
now in good shape, in a good
home of its own. Taliaferro can
boast of two nourishing Masonic
lodges which speaks well for
the county.
T-9 is to
sir-..s ' sr::y
*- ******
?‘VH’FIU... ”’1” ‘ " ’ , " 7-;”"‘ V’ .1'-."-.....
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“$1.4m gdg'rfluum}; w < .. 4'4 .4» . ,, 4.. .. {-111.13 quuunh-wmn.
{4 :{y wows 315nm ”041““: a mzvmt . M 31- nxmrruxrmz E233." 343355;? mr‘ a‘- mu) Haggis ‘ Q8?!“ 14 y \ 43
m w ”Wwwmmmww ,
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Fumnng Al_jnmm‘rv,
.mirm hm , ‘ .. '4. 1.44””, 1| ‘: '»)’:A ;~ry!)|: r" ' H-n'mn v 1.4.‘I'v u'rvdg‘fl‘héé',”‘A'RATLJ4:¢;;.;:ZL‘IIMANA‘L4‘H£HJ mwu ‘--"I'w‘:~€ Hm w ‘1 \‘I'mh‘ l. 4 ‘ a . mul ~'\ FrnEH,mu!hm‘l'r-szmwnwimro 4".“ ‘,A;§{ .Hy(‘e-x415p;r(513:1‘.hm,” 4 -141H,.4: \'r {rprlh’mnr ’11.: n
. n ,44 l ,t, 1M,
4 .
qurmf'wtlmuomu ~ . . ' h I mam vnzfi M m E?mmfiumn the mrvnzma «m M: mama m \‘m: mmm- N. v):
, 4:41.. llaahmgmx.
Mass Meeting.
Th 3 Populist of Taliaferro
county met in mass meeting and
elected the following delegates
to attend the State Convention
to be held in Atlanta on March
S,f 8 ' Delegatee.
1■ F.ynt, and Joe Turner.
002—T. L. Chapman and Davie Davis,
t. Kendrick and Slier. Edwards
«w>4—J. J. Lyle and Allen Edwards,
603—W. E. Wall and Geo. Bidingba,
—Jesse Portwood and Jake Turner,
607—Goo. Davis and Golden Stewart,
g ,/—John Johnson and Sheep Peek ,
172—J. .J. Moore and Ben Tones.
County at large S. II. Rhodes and Geo.
H. Mitchell.
Each delegate is authorized to
appoint au alternate in event he
can not attend the Convention.
The people in each militia
district are requested to meet on
^j avc ] 1 dQth t 0 elect a district ex
^ cotnmittee composed 1 of
the chairman _ of , these to
be a member of the County Ex
ecu five Committee.
The chairman of the County
Executive Committee ,, isempow
ored to appoint temporary dis
trict chairman when none exists.
Resolve: That delegates to
the Stiite Convention be sent un
Resolve further: That it is
the wish of this body that the
anti bar room plank remain in
our state platform. That we
favor an early national conven¬
tion. That Judge J K. Hines
is our first choice for Governor,
That we are opposed to fusion.
S. H. Rhodes, Chair.
W *C. Chapman, Clerk.
—A negro man, Cosby Mon
crief, dropped dead on Mr.
Boswell's place near Greenesbo
ro, Wednesday of last week.
ri rTTTkmrn M^in 4 . ofSffuthville.Ga.,
“A small pimple of a strawberry
color appeared on tny cheek; it soon
j, e g an t 0 grow rapidly, notwithstaud
ing all efforts to check it. My
eye became terribly
inflamed, and was so
& & swollen that could for quite
% a while I not
see. The doctors
.^2 y, _ said the most I had malignant Cancer of
hSingfhlke^ without doing
any good, they When gave in
«P the case as hopeless. had diedL f
formed that:my-father n>m
as hereditary Cancer was incurable,
“At this crisis, I was advised to try
S.S.S,, and in a short while the Cancer
a.tB di S b oXsJh,H m bi»
hea i. I continued the medicine a while
longer until the Cancer disappeared and en¬
tirely. This was several years ago
there lias been no return of the disease.”
A Real Blood Remedy*
Cancer is a blood disease, and only a
blood remedy will cure it. s. s. s.
{guaranteed purely vegetable) fails is a real
blood remedy, and never to per
tnaneutly cure Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema,
Rheumatism or any other disease of the
blood. Send for onr books
on Cancer and Blood Diseases,
mailed free to
any address. %x
Swift Specific
Cc. Atlanta, Ga. A
&& stm
2C9 Ttli St., Augusta, Ga..
GIVES FLEE EYE TESTS for all defects of
sight. KAM Srcinds the proper glasses r.:: i W.iU
- Cxev.t.
Lenses cut into vour frame while you wait.
FBEE OF CHARGE, "... i v "4 r.-td
i l-ij t#> b'.T a ^ ) V; b "u - • %
r A 1% '■>
k j
w {
. d* ’••sw turn l I
rJ m Af 'x oi
c «-ti irrr
\ . .
a I
H if* WCT I if feja isilIiHlll'3 & - hfl f W kB 3
Stricken to file Bed arid upon too Verge of Insanity—She Finds a Remedy when Hope
had Aimost Fled—The Best Physicians Failed to do Anything tor Her.
From the Ithacan^ Ithaca N. Y. m
Miss TTattie King, of 04 Humboldt
Ithaca N. Y., who was recently so ill that
little ijnpe was regained entertained her health. of her recovery, Her
has entirely unusual interest. Following is sub- ca.-«
is one of stepfather,
stantiallv the language of her
Chas. M. Burnett, corroborant! by that of
the mother, in speaking to a reporter of the
WA ij\
im ■iO
■Hi H / 4 hi B
MISS iiattiu KING.
“Hattie is now seventeen years old. A
ynar mro last August she began gradually to complain
of dizziness, suffered which became worse, of
She excessive nausea and attacks
vomitin'- TH'rc or’nothing were davs when she could
keep lit tle on her stomach. She
also was troubled with kidney disease. Her
idood was so thin that the drop or two drawn
by the prick of a needle was almost ns
less as water. She had trouble with her
heart and often fainted from the slightest
exertion, as upon rising from bed, or from
6 chair.
K22r*!E!3 rp'q. it 54 /?*% OTB
1 Sam ‘M 1 \ at w
8 Ecssa 3,
Re progressive and keep up with the age. Typewriters are now a necessity
in every tine of business.
Remingtons, Smith-Premiers, New Franklins, Dcnsmorcs, VV iffiims Cad
graphs, and all
At Astonishing Prices. Largest Exclusive Typewriter House in the South.
Best Equipped TYPEWRITER REPAIR PLANT in the South.
The $75.00 Anti-Trust Machine. SEND FOR CATALOGUE.
Southern Typewriter Headquarters,
^ 41 4 Pejactree St., Atlanta, Ga.
* T
fl gSiD fl A uomoai
a- CD 5 orifila, Green y, q CD i po LhlMU f
IT K n 7! ■S3
03 V*> i a ;; rqp
And all the splendid brands of fertilizers
made by the Walton Guano Co.
mi SJ T) test ea the Market.
— -For Sale by—
Crawfordvilla, Ga.
When Yen Need
T Lumoer, T dams, >. V Lime J
Shingles,' Mouklirg.-'. Doors. Sash, Blinds. Cement, Plaster Paris. Plastering
-.v. r I’ : p„' for y.iur well or ditehis. Jar. for y zr Lard, Jugs for your
Syrup, etc., *
Dd!; 3 , Kingas, and Screws for Your D jops or- Blinds,
A i'.s, I o s, (' t’ r lint Ho i, She f Bracket's ,.r anything else yon may
5 :tl in a CO 'IV i : iio it Confer with tne.
Washington Iianuiacturmg Co •i
i hey will ?ive you r; ight prices ever' time vert call on them
The Wonderful
•• Blood Purifier * » • *
Cures absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Old
Sores. Constipation, Coat, and AH Diseases caused by
impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED.........
Air scan a Has Never Failed
la a sin ;> t trusses out of the hutiaretL treated. Therefore, weoaerit
to the with entire confi \r and are wil ing to undertake
the itr.-'t desperate case on which other so-called infallible cares
have failed. Africans is made altogether from herbs, is perfectly da
harm , ss t.nd yet is the tn t powerful a tl surest remedy ever
covered fsr the above named diseases. Write for further particulars,
testimonies, eta
Afric he Cj., 63b Atlanta,, S. BROAD Ga. ST.
“ Another bad symptom was a
was so unremitting that it was the general
of onr friends that she was consuinp
tive. She lost flesh rapidly. Sometimes she
would be confined to the bed for tw o or
three weeks, then be around again, but only
to suffer a relapse.
“She was not affected, only a and physical times wreck she bad Put
her mind was at
no realization of what she was doing. overthrow e
feared, in fact, a complete mental
a;id consequent removal to an asylum, for
although we had two of the best physicians
in the city, and had tried several proprietary
medicines, none benefited her.
“We had read considerable about Dr.
Williams’ I’ink Pills for Pale People, and
had also heard of some eases where they
had done good and we decided to give the them
a trial. Wc k purchased some at drug
store of White Burdick, of this city. _ the
“ Hattie began to take the pills in
early part of January of this year. Im¬
provement was noticeable after the first box
had been taken. The first hopeful sign that
I noticed was that she did not complain be-! of.
headache. The attacks of dizziness also
gan <o abate in frequency, and she ceased to
cougii. One left alter her. another, She took, the in distressing a!!, nine
symptoms the pills. At the present time she
boxes of
is in perfect health. The alteration in her
mind and body is almost past belief.
“ I cannot sny enough in praise of'Hr. Wil.
Hams’-Pink Pills, for they saved the life ofj
our (Signed) daughter.” Charles Burnett.
Subscribed and sworn to before me Mays
8th) 1897. C. R. Wolcott, Notary Public,* N. Y. 1
Tn and for Tompkins for County, People
Hr. Williams’ Pink Pills Pale
are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid
on for receipt $2.50 of (they price, 50 cents a sold box, or bulk six boxes by
0) by addressing are never Dr. Williams’ in Medicina qr
the 1(
Co., Schenectady, N, Y.