The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, February 25, 1898, Image 3
4 1 \ - - ■ Fifty Years Ago. Qrandfs^cr’s hat! .And within it you see, Grandfather's favorite cough remedy. Whether *twas Asthma, Bronchitis or Croup, Or baby at night waked the house with a whoop, With Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Gran’ther was sure That no cold or cough would e’er fail of a cure. In hats the styles change, but the records will show Coughs are cured as they were 50 years rjr*. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral has no equal as a remedy for coughs, colds, and lung dis¬ eases. Where other soothing elixirs palliate, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral heals. It is not a cheap cough syrup, which soothes but doe3 not strength¬ en; it is a physician’s cough remedy, and it cures. It is put up in large bottles, only, for household use. It was awarded the medal at the World’s Pair of ninety-three. It has a record of 50 Years of Cures. Mothers Read This. Ml //« For Flatulent Colic,Diarrhcea, Ssig&i v Dysentery, Nausea,Cougha, CholSra Infantum,Teeth ing Children, Cholera tMesrsj. Morbus, Unnatural Drains 4i3lillpll'i)l TOf.Sfj \\W from the Bowel3, Pains, Griping, I.oas of Appetite, Indigestion, and ail Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, Pitt’s Carminative is the stsndfird. It carries children over the eriticel period of teething, and is rec¬ ommended by physicians ns the friend of Mothers, Adults and Children, it is piott*ar.i to the taste, and never fails to give stUitfcetioti. A few doses will demon strate its 8U]ie.rltttive virt’ies. Price, 25ets. per bottle. For sale by druggists. For all diseases peculiar to women and girls. Ap It Tones up tlse Nerves, Improves the petite, Enriches the Blood, and gives Life. rrcaivu anu oucugui. w QUEEN OF MAKES THE COMPLEXION CLEAIt. riltt I A bottle of ’’ Monthly ” For Regulating sale by I Pills with each bottle. all dealers or sent direct upon receipt of price by New Spencer Med. Co., Chattanooga, Term. LADIES* SPECIAL TREATMENT : m cases requiring special treatment address, giving symptoms, Ladies Hedical l,e= parlment. Advice and book on Female Cideases, with testimonials, free. For Sale and Recommended by P. ul G. i.ufii wf riv'"'* Gr. GEORGIA RAILROAD. -AND- CONNECTIONS. For information as to Routes, Schedules and Rat:?, both Fas O’) CD n orr ' V. t-:xi .t 'rr-J reM ) write to either of the under.- igned. You will l-e;-. be promi-t reply and < reliable icfonxiioiL jok w.ivnrrz A. G. JACKSON, T. P. A. G. P. A. Augusta, Ga. S. XV. UILICS, H. K. NICHOLSON", C. F. & V. A. G. A. Atlanta Athens. vv. xv HAitmvit :, S. E. MAGJLT , S. A. c. r. a. Jlaooi), Ga. n. B. ■■’HUDSON*, F. XV. COFFIN S.F. A. S. F. & P. A. 3IiUedgeviile. Augusta. Zaekerv & T C towart, - t Ty t d O ; -♦ 'IS. an . sai (-* \v truar.Lt ori es A ZA iv & srEWAKT. Ga. A. - A** r\ q t - m, Watchmaker & Jeweler, Rich arc’- St . C fordviile, C, Repair Work a S> e.iallv. SIDE-WALK mm. Pure Home Matters (Picked Up by Our IK* Locil Eepcrters, L-v • Goins: ami Saying. What Our People Are Tilings Our Friends Tell L T s. Wool undershirts at cost at Paul Lucas. Good tea 5 cents a package it Paul G. Lucas’. —Some fruit blooms out in this section a week ago. —Mr. E. I. Anderson made a trip to Augusta Monday. Nice wool dress goods at cost, at Paul G. Lucas’. All kinds of shoes, real bar¬ gains at Paul Lucas’. —Fewor mules have been sold here this year than usual. —Mrc- iT. D. Harden made a trrikugusta this week. —A great deal of sickness has ;een reported about Barnett. —Mr. .Tim Rhodes, of Nor¬ wood, visited relatives here. All wool overshirts, 75c. dud, at 65c. at Paul Lucas'. —Col. Horace Holden is hav¬ ing Mrs. Seals’ residence recov¬ ered. All kinds of Gents nice hats to go at lowest prices at Paul G. Lucas’. All kinds of ladies and chil Iren hose, very cheap at Paul Gr. Lucas’. —The banking business has been all the talk in Crawford vilie for a week. —Messrs. O. D. Moore and J. A. Kendrick spent Tuesday in town on business. Try the Washington Mfg. Co. on nails and builders hard ware. Miller & Johnson are head¬ quarters for Ladies' Dress and Capes. —Hr. M. P. Deadwyler joined the Methodist church here Sun¬ day by certificate. —Mrs. L. F. Stephens return¬ ed Saturday from a visit to daughter at Stephens. Neckwear of all kinds, • sus¬ penders and such goods, very cheap at Raul G. Lu cas.’.. —Manj ■ffuuiks to those who have promptly renewed their subscriptions .to this paper. —Rhodes & Dolvin shipped their sixth car load of mules and horses to this place this week. Nice home raised hams sale cheap. T. O. Gunn, Craw fordville, Ga. Miller & Johnson’s new at "Washington is the store big bargains. —The cold snap this somewhat check; d the work the new Holden brick building. —Mrs. Rachel Kent returned Saturday'from a visit to Green ■shcro. She is yet right feeble. Sawed brackets any style or shape gotten out by the Wash¬ ington Mfg. Co. Best shingles at lowest ing prices can be bought Wasnington Mfg. Co. —The young people who went to Greenesboro to the lecture lust week said they had a fine time. —Some of our farmers say the ground was full hard for plow¬ ing last week. What a condition for Feb. 19th. —Mr. A. B. Jarrell, of Bar nett, was in town Tuesday. He is running a large sawmill busi ness in Warren county. Nice tumbler with two bars of laundry soap or one nice plated teaspoon with one bar at Paul G. Lucas'. -Mr. John F. Holden has to build the bank the entire length of the which will be much better. —Contractor W. J. Norton has -d the pool of the Baptist inclosed with folding butters. It is a go idea and SilO l ild be kept tnat When you wan stoves, paints buegeis don’t tOI ,V T . T, Johnson at Wash ; e ^ ii p 1 A< ) a i . (i l —ti }*Tl IS t-' . A •A t Democ t. Come early b Tor . they are all taken. ^ ? cO Uf CD u V >'4°- 1S98 lias arrived. Mv his: store F.v^Kdoparimt-m kicked with an immense stock, cover! dr 1(5,000 square feet, three floors. fowBuft: is complete. Have bought at right prices and just received the i Car White Hickory WjMns, 300 Kegs Nails, r 5 ooo lbs. Plow Hose, 1 5o Plow Stocks, ioopr. 5 Cooking Starr and Harness Heating and ^Traces, Stoves’, 25 250 Dozen Plow Axes, Bridles,' 11 Give me a rail when in Washington^;, Ton are cordially Invited to come and see my mammoth store and stock. STRIvi WE TO PLEASE! w. t. jxaHiisrsoasr, Washington, Ga: - Mr. Moore Dead. Mr. Ike Moore, 74 yearsj old, one of n ’.ell home known, Mr. yil-i- W. zens, died al t lie of H. Harrison, Wednesday. got hurt by a horse some time back and did not get over it. broke His teg. Oscar Portwood got his broken, down close to the ankle yesterday. He is attending the High School here an4 while run ning after his horse he fell ^ twisting his foot and bi'okte" leg as above stated. Postponed. The makers of the Confederate Monument to have been erected here next week, write that engine broke down and that the monument could not be put up time enough for unveiling on March 2. The services have been postponed. Notice given later as to when the mbn uinent will be unveiled. Just received another load of mules and horses. bo here ail next week court. Cali on or w rite us when in need of any stock. Will them on hand the year round. W Wjuitl Muk« - i , w* .UK firi ’ ilin ’ Dvimocrat ’'The Crawfordv seems to think that the ci \ courts,should be abolished as useless. The Democrat cannot be serious. It there were no civil courts, how could rights be enforced7 If, for in stance, some bright morning the Democrat editor should find another man in possession of Moore get him out, if the chanced to have more than Brother Moore could muster'?” The above is taken from Greenesboro Herald-J o u r n a and in answer, we only have to say that on that bright said intruder would be by us like the battleship was treated in the Cuban an d thereby we would soon make a criminal case of it and in criminal cour t s the matter . b = 0 ‘ lsl) V settled e,, *»»•' n v ' The Surprise of Ail. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowdcn, Ill., in speaking of Dr. King’s New Discovery, says that last -winter his wife was attacked witd £, a Grippe, and her case g rcw so serious that physicians do at Cowden and Pana could nothing for her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption, Having Dr. King's New Discov cry in store, and selling lots of it- kc took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all sue began ' to get better from first, dose, and kitlf d< z >n dollar bottles cureu her sound and well. Dr. rving s Aj ev> - Discovery for Consumption, ^ourfis and Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. p j 1 . : trial bottles at Dr. ii. J. f > Drurr Store. T, V, r MILLER. V. T. JOHNSON. . % V> ii ew si Ml , w rM i tp m P/Y !;"> O S'CS y' J ■ u m@r J m ■ ,y \ij iLB W V a t : V n Jj n G ; B <7 s Li i* 3 - 3 T Ti! \ ( OF THE KIM) IN MID D LY GOO O jlw\ . in 1 TI Julx4 A [i*. AC JLS E " fw ^ ^ ^ A a A j 2*3 J AJ 9 A? less PRICE than any house.tjn I Idle Ga. MORE OR BETTER GOODS i NEW i/TOEAS, hw ior same money than ■ CT •J 1 ' YES, Any i louse in Middle Georgia, ivEW METHODS • Floyd’s New Buildings.-^ j--g -W "»nri t.—xm A Curious Ear of Corn. Mr Albx H. Gunn bought in a peculiar freak in an ear of corn, Tuesday. It was almost in per shape of a hand, only it had finger-shaped ears growing from one ear. It all grew m one Shuck. K , It was a curiosi ty ~ “““ ' ‘ t)r. J. B Kobins P. K Athens districu pleached one or M*e,ceUent sermons hero at the • c IU1C 1 k " IK ,l " ' ' preached from a passage giving . real meaning of religion. is a tine speaker and lcoeps hearers constantly interest Foot Prints in a lltirh. -f Mr. Joe P. Perkins found a « peek , on his , . place , in . this county ihat has an imprint 1 in it that is a complete representation , ol , a child’s foot. It looks like track was made in the rock jfelioy. it was in a soft state and Ijlieu nature hardened it. are all ported. V. .' ~~ j / “ G 1,1 ► . V plaining mill for getting f t all kinds of moulding and 1 tl hd«d a -,,*,1 i T) 1 c sasa smfnnery is now the latest talk for our town. -Messrs. Cannon, Biigg <kCo., are looking into the D f a suitable lot for such »"*• rn . l"'»Pp<Oo , irat , . . , m #1 engine, and several of these Improvements and get up ;i good lumber yard and material R j_ 0 p Let it come. We need such enterprises. -y-Prof. Myers, a blind rnusi elan, gave a coricert at the court house here Tuesday night. A prize of a silver cup was voted to the prettiest young lady pros ent and Miss Fannie Rhodes was awarded the cup. Boh w,a,v got a cake of soap as the laziest man, in the audience. Deaftsess Cannot be Cured hy local applications as they cannot reach the diseased por tion of the ear. There is only oneway to cure deafness, and that* is by constitutional reme dies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lbihi" of the Eustaehin Tube, ” V, IK ll this tube is inflamed or'irn- you have a rumbling sound perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the resuli. and unless the infiamation can lie talced out and this tube restored to its normal-condition, hi-arir •* will be destroyed for < ver: nine cases out often are ciised by Catarrh, which is noth¬ ing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surface We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot by cured by HalJ s ('at; irrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Hold by Druggist, 75c. IIal!’£ Family Pills are the BANK OF TALIAFERRO The Mooting 1 of Citizens Tues¬ day Starts the Ball TO OFG AI'HZE TH^l BANK Everybody Wave Their Support nml Wood Wilt anti a Snbsrrrition i’opi initlee Appointed. The Hank Is Assured. A meeting was called Monday to meet Tuesday night at the rooms in this place devise plans on which to organ¬ ize a bank. Every one knows the need of such an institution and a good crowd attended. Mr. M. P. Griffith was elected chairman and 0 . G. Moore, see retary, and the meeting was called to order. Col. IL M. Holden stated tho object of the meeting in a few words iLtid ox plaiued the laws on bank organi zaLon. After some discussion it was on motion decided that the maxi mum limit of stock to any one slul , s .. lQ0 icd 'pip done e , . H was give 0V(jry hldividual j, county a clnutce to subscribe owu au inU , rest , iu tho bauk they desired. A committee consisting of Messrs, das. A. Kendrick. W. O. Holden and W. G. Chapman were selected to soiici t .‘subscriptionsof stock and to report their work to a meeting ot „ rn taliaferro i. ,■ cm zbns at the court house here on ... iue,sday ,, March . at iu • clocif, i i o, o ill. A motion was carried that it was the sense of the meeting that all citizens work io follow up the establishing of the Bank of Taliaferro with the erection of warehouses and the establishing ‘7 ^ ( , " h r .. . . A8 oinea lx „ ly tll0 ] 1 ( , art jjy. in respectfully asking the town councils of Crawfordville and Sharon to each give itC5 and the Grand Jury of the county give ft50 to get up suitable books or adver¬ tising' matter of tho county to be sent to the Omaha Exposition which opens in May next. The meeting then adjourned to meet again Tuesday March K. Why is it that one man is old {in< [ decrepit! at 15. a,rul another hale and hearty at HO? It depends o;) j]i 0 (; are Jus takes of himself. Oi'l/Mi a man's body gets out the trouble grows until j), i a y S him out in bed. Vvhen ever man feels that he is not tts well as he ought to be. when¬ ever lie is listless, without euer vy and without vitality, when '-’Vet iie finds i mil he is losing in weight ami that his ordinary v/ork gives him undue fatigue, ke nees, i)r. < ierce -• Medical Discovery. If he keeps °n working with his liver m active and Ins blood impure lie keeps his nerves and his body under a constant nervous strain, !le will not be hearty when he is old. I ho Golden Medical Dis oovery” cures many so-called di-a-ases because nearly all ill spring i'rom the same thing-->bnd digestion and cohsh quent impure blood. Tim **Dis oovery'’ makes the appcble good, the digestion strong, us siiniiation easy, and the blood 1 rich anti pure. Lost $ 80 . Young Mr. Ike Reese, of Dow¬ el ton, lost ftHG in cb'iti' casii one till and had not found aturd..y. Be had it in his nocket and upon ueeutng '; . ci l fie reached for his cast) tnd found i was gone. A Gfiob I.on:it Frcrn Clerk of tiu C; .-alt Com t. id inn, Fla., \ * r -L l 11 i \ in ; r ri I t rite e ai n contr : may t can eonscion iTU 9 Mt| it for croup and V Yours i WolW-. y, C-EOt K. 1 Sold by Dr. IL J^Rcid. & SiiaM Nervous System. FINALLY HEART TROUBLE. nestc+ed to Health by Dr. Miles' Nervine. L 3^ v <\ ,y, &s C; i 0 f k> 7/ ...4'. .. / ^ t*WS IR \ ■■ m J ^mrCW}i 1 f I jw| JJ.TI E. EDWARD HARDY, the jolly cjnn a^cr of Sheppard Co’s, great store at " “ Ilracoville, III., writes: "I had never peon sick :i day in my lifo until in 1S8Q. I j-ot so bad vith norvoua prostration that I. bad to yivo up and commence to doctor. I tried our local physicians and one in Joliet, J>, it none gave me any relief and I thought I was going to die. I became despondent .not exist. At tho cad of ox months 1 wma induced to but a shadow of myself, and at. hist my hcart became affected and I w.m truly miserable. I took six or eight bottles eat uia-winj? of my life.” M nktsunder S“£!Sj££ a positive |L I*!™? B EV3,IC ? I j tunded. nook on dL- Kfr &■ « oa",oi th-heortund V nerve.; free. Address. __ . MM .. ! DU. MILE-? MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, End. March Sheriff Sales. \\ r i!l lx; sold io front, of (Ik; door of Court House of Tidiiiforro County Geor¬ gia on the first Tuentlny in March next, oitliin the legul I........Of sale for cash, to the highest bidder, all that tract of land in«ni<l town ami County, cnnf'iiii in" one acre more or less know 1 as the Nancy McCoimvlock lot, houuded oil j,y of way of (hi. H..iir<aut; on ICaHthy Public Street. j.e,«,rating S«f.t land Irom Masonic _ Lod"e lot;on South hy i’uldic. Street, separating mid land from lands of.I. !>• Hammack amj on West by lands of King Star Society ALSO, all that tract or lot of land, - sit¬ uated in the liOTtli, Dist, G. M., said County containing 107 acres more or less bounded oil North and We t hy lands of .(no. F. Holden; oil Fast hy lands of it. .)• Kidd; and on South bv lands of Mrs. Ju¬ lius Jordan; which tract or lot of land is Imown as the Power lands of Mrs. Nancy lvcid, i i wliich she,.took doivcr, arid winch tmet of land was levied upon sold subject, to the life estate of said Mrs. Held in and to the sumo. Said property levied upon and desorb ¬ ed above, levied upon as the property of T. E. Bristow under and hy virtue of and to satisfy executions issued from the Jus¬ tice Court of the 001st, i)ist. G. M., said County ugaiust said Bristow in favor of Vannersoo & Flemming; G. "I. Todd A; Son; T. Flemming it Son; J. VV. A E. C. Atkins; W. A. Bussell: Simon Seward its Co., J. Leopold it Co; JL J. Wolf it Sons;' Thus. M. Clark it Co; Dobbs, WeyitOo.,’ and Executions issued from the Superior Court of said County against said Bristow in favor of S. 0, Dobbs; Landrum it But¬ ler; Been it Gregg Hard warn Co., Sling luff Dimcy it Co., and Isaac Greebaam it Co. WrlHicn nolitwHof *-ii<I levies given as rwiuin.d hy law. ' ll ’ ' ~ 1 ’' ''' D.’j*. IIKNHY, «j,eriiT of TiiiinforroCounty, Oxydonor! (Trade Mark H< "i.stercd Nov. 24, "M. The New Life-Giver* BroinotfS Vigorous IL alth l>y instillinjj from the; air into (lie, nntl curw nil forms of <hseui»e without flwiioiiio or Electricity. It is us simple ns hreatliiii!.'. Knees of OXYDOSTOIIS creatly re ¬ duced, Get tiic jfenuine, made hy the discoverer ami inventor, Dr, Hercules Hunch Bo k of particulars and price list free. .Address l)i . I. SaucJic, 2’5l Fifth Ave¬ nue, New Yoik. co Or And vicinity, will consult tkc:r intori -t by wrrtiiig to Manufacturing Co •J UJGUbTA, GA., For Prices on SA81T, DOOJi., BLINDS, SHINGLES. LUM¬ BER, LATH or anything in YELLOW PINE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -jmSi R 8 C f -ISBZ ; ■ BRICK! BRICK! Ogeechee BricK Co Union Point, Ga. Building i Brick of best Quu.ity. Reliable Contractors for all Kinds of Brick Work. For prices an I information apply 1 " to Advocute-Democra.. or *