Newspaper Page Text
I 4 «« DiIops 9 5
111 n ■ *' ri r i: t
.'it "T "T | ■jiMM' '
AVcgelnWc Preparation P.c^ufa¬ for As
slmilating the Food and
ting line Slomadis and Bowels of
Promotes Digcstion.Chccrful
nessandRest.Contains Mineral. ncidier
Not Opmm.Morphine Nakcotic. nor
Kct^t or ou n-xwuurjnznzfi
J \rmpfnn Stotl"
AU Smnn *
fhnAtlU belts ~
/IniSt Jtpprmunt Sr* ft *
//i Curtonak Soda *
f Utm Seed -
(Inrihsd Suatrr fpnw: -
Ancrfed Remedy Stomach.Diarrhoea, forConslipa
tion. Sour .Feverish¬
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
JFacSimile Signature of
hi on lh% v olcl
•/A M 3 a
io . —___ |-|—rwnii -- -- --- -jam
Are you going io paint?
® §> ® ® ®
Use “Southern Home Paint.”
Guaranteed the best Paint made. No adultera¬
tion. It is strictly pure and will cover more
surface than any adulterated goods. ..........
in r\0 Roaut iful Colors!
F. J.Cooled,ge & Bro a ■
Paint and % amisli Makers,
Savanaali Ss .A.tla,xxta.
P. B. Tobin Cotton Co.
No. 5 Warren Block.
A1'(H STA. GA., October U, 1897. TOBIN Is this dav dissolved by mutual conse nt. 1*. B.
TolMn h iving sold out his interest to Aslnu v Hull. Each juu tno'- will transact
ness on his own account. All tho assets of the late firm arc the property of Asbury
Hull, who assumes all the liabilities. ^ 1
1 . lit 1 Ulllo t
Al'GCSTA. GA.. October 21 st. ,s„ 7 .
Mr. P. 1J. 1 ohm announces that he has sold Ins interest in»the An
gusta Cotton and Compress Co.. retired from the him ot Hull sV lohm.
and organized the P. B. 1 obm 1 ottou O)., of winch lie will be 1 resident
Ha ving thus disposed of-all his otl or cotton interests Ins entire time and
attention will be devoted to that of lis o.» friends, and planters and nier
chants generally, who may favor h m with their patronage.
The firm have ample means at 1 facilities for advancing CASH up¬
on crops during the spring and run met , and on cotton in store, at reason¬
able rates.
Mr. Tobin’s eighteen years ex rcri nice as a Cotton Factor and Im¬
is a guarantee of very best re ult;> to his patrons.
No man can tell when it will <~s si yV
come along. Often it starts ’• - AS *"^7. v > -
np before «* in uv.cxjwctcd r 1 'y. ■ ■ I
ernes and places. Even ml ‘ V
tfteruoon stroll with a friend am] n chance V\ » Y'
introduction may shape a'.l the course of t ^ f V H * '
one’s after life. To be always at your best \ | | V ^ . - . • V ljf A K
x j\ \
and not ashamed of your destiny you must . | ; .' * .< k ^ j
4ma like a true jfcntlmaii. Th caa = \ \ • : \ / f i
be done by ordering vour Saits and Ovcrcaau of j VX ,. > ' . ’ ;/ j
M. BORN & GO., i J \- ' ••W--’ ' *
1 r
The Great Chicago Merchant Tailors ly
Who tir^ unrtvnllofl ct
the Tailoring Art. I H.,
300 NEW Pattern- Finest Materia! Perfect ;l V ■ 'J
manship. Fit. New Stock. Thrifty Latest Prices. Styles. Best Work¬ brea I k*■ N A i J] .V 4
A Cheery Guarantoe With All. 'is
C*u *» & Co., Crawfordville, Ga.
\h7jy Wi\ArrL,I\ _ A PPFk
Castor!* It put up ia , one-size . , bottles „ only. , Tt It
not Bold In bulk. Don't allufT anyone to sell
m anything else on the plea or promise that jj,
"just M good- and “will narwer every P nr
0 ." »*■&*« that you got C-A- 8 -T- 0 -R-I-A.
cf wrapper,
Brightest items from Near
To the Credit of the Excellent County
Journals from Which Wc Get
the Creamy Notts.
—jSmall grain in Hancock is
loolciiJg well.
Lfe.SS Western corn lias been
.Sold iti Oglethorpe to date than
in several years.
—Miss Henrietta Berry died
this week and was laid to rest
indite Sparta cemetery.
— Numbers of horses have died
of blind staggers in Hancock,
recently, and the epidemic is
When yon get hurt, use Dr.
TicI.enor-s Antiseptic. You'll
never know just how good it is
until you try it. Only 50 Cts. at
your druggist. wise,
—Joe colored, has beeq
sent up for 11’ months in Wilkes
for drawing Ills pistol on and
( tursing some white ladies recent
Ly- ,, Antiseptic *
Dr. Tichenor’s
like pepperment ‘ candy
and ,s just , as ,, good^ but hnt foi a ..
different purpose. ItJ it next
time YOU get hurt Of have a COllC.
°»ly , . , M -,. ^ ntb
Some of tlio Oglethorpe road
commissioners say they are go
ing to make every hand in their
section work lu days on the
There can be no in faun at ion or
supporation in tiny wound
erl v dressed with Dr. Tichenor
Antiseptic. 11 yon don t
it just try it,—then you 11 know.
—Grecnesboro is talking
getting up that factory again.
Two of her citizens propose
raising $40,000. TbnV. the
to do business.
Why don’t yem dress
wound wild Dr. t ic.ieiiois
an( j j s much cleaner and [
—A chunk was taken from
ruins of the Simpson building
Tuesday which was still kindled
from the tire which
on the ilrd pt
ington ite porter. "
Ji’rom everywhere come
of jiraise for Chamberlain’s
tough Reined} . Allow me
congltitillate } on on the
ol youi Ketned.y. ltcuied 1U<J
chronic btonchllis \\ len ^ if -
doctOl could do nothing foi me.
-Cuas. Ig Hemel Toledo, O
For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
—Warren county jteople
discussing the question as
profitable farming at present and
in the past. Times have chang
ed, gentlemen, and you will have
to adjust yourselves according
—Tho Union Point Review
says that Rev. Sim Shaw will
soon deliver a prohibition ser¬
mon in Crawfordville and says
he is confident that ho can
vinee people that it is wrong to
deal in liquors.
riles! rsic»: Itclilnj rn.».
Svmpt -ms —X i.-.tu:e. intense kohiaH by
and KtiU n_- iim.rt at ;.i ;ht; \ror-«
atciiinc ^Iialiov.-e ; io euutineu tumor*
form, often bleed unit ulcerate, b*
coming very sore. Swuyne’i O.itmniit
slops tho it hing and bleeding, heals ul
cerution. und in mot', cases tein^vos the
tumors. At druggist, or Son, by PUilidclpUi*- naili<,for o0
cents. Dr. Swayue &
— The Hancock grand jury
aoprivod of tho use of convicts
1;l!fen froni them by said county
Iast year bofolv tbe time had ex
. ^ for which Messrs. Griffin
biped them,
For Infants and Children.
^ is
sisllo _ on
— evt-y
a ■i4 rnjfet.
Our Honor Roll.
The following kind patrons have paid
th. ;r >’.;bs. riptii.ns since our last issue:
i>'. . F. Wilite. SI, to Feb. 25.
Gnr.ii it Hadawav SI to “ So. ’99.
\V u. Hifideit. SI to Fcl). 2L ’99.
M. F. Grid th SI t» Feb. 95. T9.
A. H. Gunn. 25c to May 20. *98.
E. D. IL.daway SI to Feb. 25, '99.
A H'onderfel DiaeoTcry.
Tiip last nuarter of a eentuty rfcorda
mans te'isiwassisaustss wonderful discoveries iu medicine.
remedy. Frowns’ Iron Bitter*. good It aems to
contain the very elements of K --alth,
ami neither man. woman or child e..a take
it without deriving the greatest U-nrfii.
BrowM ’ lron BiUere “ 501,1 by
Masonic Items.
Ur. James W. Taylor, of Lutherville.
Meriweather county, was in Sharon last
Last Friday was a gala day with the
Masons in Sharon. There new Masonic
etnple was dedicated in due and ample
form, by Dr. James \V. Taylor, Grand
Master of the Grand Lodge of Georgia,
assisted by Hon. Wm. E. Keener, Deputy
Qrand Master, of Augusta. The follow¬
ing lodges were represented: Social
Lodge, So i. Augusta; Lafayette Lodge,
^ ^ Washington; Jno. H. Felts
Lodge, So. 29 . Reynoldsville: Hiram
g 0 ^g C| >; 0 . 5 l. Dunburg; Hamilton
y; 0 5 , 3 . Sandersviile; Dawson
Lodge, No 57 . Crawfordville; W. P.
Arnold Lodge, So. 82 , Wriglnsboro;
Andrew M. Wolihin Lodge, No. 132 .
‘sharoti; Webb Lodge, No. 166 . Augusta:
Andrew J. Miller Lodge, No. 2 O 4 . Thom
son; Lutherville Lodge, No. 236 . Luther
ville; W. P. Haynes Lodge, No. 253 .
Jewells. Mabel .Lodge, No. 25 a. Macon.;
HU1 City Lodge, No. 1 S 3 . Lynchburg, Va;
State Lute Lodge No 375- Black vtlie, Nj
Jhere were I 24 Masons in the proces
sioy and quite a number of the Sharon
"ere so engaged (hay they could
»«t # nter.
The following were here Friday: Hon.
Albert A. liarnett. Clerk of Court Wilkes
^bounty; Mr. \V. A. Wolihin, of Macon, »
Grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of
Geor « ia ’’ Dr ’ R ; Rei f; " 0 rsh l P ful
Master Dawson Lodge, and Ins . wife; f Lon. T
J ^ Neal, Banker, of Thomson
1 osjmas.ei . . of , A. J. . A a
Itev. *7\ R. B. O. England, * Helena, at
tcM “ e * ‘ ■ b Friday
Rev. N. W. P. Bacon, pastor of
Baptjst church, Hernando, Miss., attend
ed .Masonic meeting Friday.
Horn Wm. E. Keener, Clerk of Court
Richmond Co., attended Masonic -.nesting
Mr. L. F. Goodrich, of Augusta, was
sharon l-riday, and assisted in ihe
deilicjt ion ceremonies.
jjy. w. c. Davidson, of the firm cf
Davidson & Malliewson was ill .Sharon
Frjday and „ ssisle ,i „,e ,M,cation
Dr. A. A. Davidson, of August., was
j in the proc ess,on today.
Colneko of this
macic nas one i o years oiu. lHcIl
.was her mother’s. Mrs. Ham
mack, 70 years old, has worked
17 counterpanes 1 and is on the
. ^
-Bring _ . along , . a lew . dunes ,. for ,
the printer.-text week. .
Estrftf Mule.
One Wg black mare mule estrayed from
u , prgm | 3CS on the R. B. Rhodes’ place
'I’KlIaferro ounty, Fob, 6. Has a long,
nai row scar on lower part of left hind
white spot on back size of hand,
vubbed off by saddle; hold, a high head
and is shotl ln front
LIBERAL REWARD for return of
j above described mule or information as to
where she is. WILLIAM COPELAND,
Crawfordyille, Ga.
1100 To Any Oaa.
Of Weakness In Men They Treat and
Tall to Cure.
An Omaha Company places for tho first
time before lue public a Mmucxl Tkeat
ment tor the cure of Lost Vitality, Nervous
and Soxual Weakness, and Restoration of
Life Force in old and young maa. Sc
worn-out French remedy; contains nc
Phosphorous or other harmful drugs. It is
a \Voxr)EJ*?vi. Treatment— magi ml in its
effects—positive in its cure. All readers,
who are suffering life, from a that weakness mental that p.mj
blights physical their suffering causing peculiar Lost Man.
hood, should write to the STATE MEDiCAL
COMPANY, Omaha. Nob., and they will
send you absolutely FREE, a valuable
paner 'oa these diseases, and positive proofs
of their truly Magicai. Treatment. Thous¬
ands of men, who have lost all hope of a
. cure, ore being restored by them to a per¬
fect condition.
This Magical Treatment may be taken
at homo under their directions, or they will
pay railroad fare and hotel 1 -ills to all whe
prefer to go thero for treatment, if they
fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable;
have no Free Prescriptions, Free Cure,
Free clrtnple, or C. O. 1). fake. They have
f‘350.000 capita], and ref guarantee) und to dollar; cure
eve ry case they treat or deposited every in
or their charges may bo s
bunk to le paid to thorn when a care if
effected Write them today.
“*•“ Engines & Boilers J
—u*b— awaffn* n’t* ui—
Gins and Presses.
Complete Cotton, Saw. Grist. Oil and
Fertilizer Mid outfits: also Gin Press. Cane
Mill ami Shingle outfits.
Building, Bridge. Fac tory Furnace and
railroad Castings; Railroad Mill, Machin¬
ist.-’ and Factory Supplies.
Belting. Packing, Injectors. Pipe Fit
iin ,r a. Saw*. File*. Oilers. Etc. y AS;
Lombard Iron \V'ks&Supply Co.
Foundry, Machine. Boiler and G;n A cries.
Repairs Promptly Done.
pp our new Lithogravure note and
X I y letter head*. They are stylish.
Surprising Results
Prostration and Heart i rouble
Cured by Dr. Miles* Nervine.
u mm tv llllSfci
m 1
' 1
/ m s f!
\ *
m %
r ^ • S '\\ h !P
¥ A f -nw.v HEN the nervous system . „ be- ,
VI/ comes exhausted, the entire
body is unstrung. Like a ship
without a rudder, it drifts about at the
mercy of disease, which, if unchecked,
will soon result in ar total wreck. The
nerves are the controlling power direct
ing the action of the various organs,
according to their condition. Keep
the nerves vigorous, healthful, and all
he well with you. Dr. Miles
Nervine is a remedy solely prepared
for diseases of the nerves, such as ner-
7°™ prostratron nervousness, Bleep
lessness ncuralg.a, dyspepsia, head
“"t; a ° d a11 .”"1?“. »
centers of the brain, renews the nutri
tion of the tissues and gives strength
rible sufferer from nervous prostration
which ...... later brought , , heart . . trouble. . ..
I had frequent dull heavy sensations
with a feeling of weariness and unrest
that made life miserable. My heart
became affected as a result, and any
unusual exertion or excitement would
cause sever? palpitation. I began
taking Dr.- Miles’ Her vine and the re¬
sult was indeed surprising; I improved
from the first. I continued it and
gained rapidly, and now feel as well as
ever. It is truly a marvelous remedy
and surpasses anything I have ever
seen fot promptly and permanently re
storing to health, a weak, exhausted,
worn-out condition of the nerves.”
Dr. Miles’ Nervine Restores Health.
They are made of Southern Iron by Southern Workmen,
■who are sustained by the products of Southern Farmers.
They last longer and make more homes bappy than any
other Stove on earth. Fire backs guaranteed for 15 years.
If your Dealer does not handle them, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE.
r V
: t._>5 RSSS MMWWW BIiW m
mmsm „
W’lf ■■ Wt- xr --
1 Ms
Ml a m •"" _ SI
al&i ...
gfn» v*' : \
r /
i J «s
M.> tost I, $
v: x
xo 1 y
r ij hillips & Buttorff Mfg. Co,
Mantels and Grates. Hcllowware, Tinware, Etc.
China, Crocker> r snd Glassware, Cutlery.
Evervthine necessarr and conveEtent LmJt O/ V s /» W
for the Kitchen, Dining Room, *^
laundry and Dairy. A SREOIA^T.
Let us do your Job Printing
R OY E. BERTHOLF, leading
druggist of Cherokee, Kans.,
writes as follows: “Close
confinement to business together with
over-work, brought on a severe case of
nervous exhaustion. I could not sleep
nor rest. Had frequent attacks of
sick headache and was wholly unfitted
for anything. When in that condi¬
tion, I began taking Dr. Miles’ Nerv¬
ine and soon noticed a change for the
better, and continuing the remedy it
restored me to my former good health.
When over-worked or feeling out of
sorts, a few doses of the Nervine never
fails to bring about the desired relief.
I sell more of Dr. Miles’ .Remedies
than any other in stock, and it is a
pleasure to handle them, because I
know them to be scientific prepara¬
tions, and can guarantee them to my
trade with the fullest confidence of
their efficacy in restoring health.”
The success with which Dr. Miles’
Restorative Remedies are crowned in
restoring to health thousands of men,
women and children annually, lies
solely in the merit of the remedies
themselves. They have been hut lit¬
tle advertised, except by those whose
gratitude for their cure, has prompted
them to tell their experience for the
benefit of some other similar sufferer,
who might thus be restored to health.
Dr. Miles’ Remedies are sold by all
druggists under a positive guarantee
that the first bottle will benefit or
money refunded. Book on diseases of
the heart and nerves sent free by the
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.