Newspaper Page Text
SlOO Per Year.
Woman's Diseases
Are as peculiar as
unavoidable, and
cannot be discuss¬
ed or treated as we A
do those to which r/
the entire human
family are subject.
Menstruation sus
tains such import- «
ant health, relations that to when her ^ 5 :/ 1
1 !
Suppressed, Irreg-u- - f. li
Jar or Painful, I
fhe soon becomes
languid, nervous her
and irritable, the bloom leaves
Cheek tions and very grave complica¬
arise unless Regularity and
Vigor are restored to these organs.
Bradfield’s 5
Female most noted
physicians South,
Regulator of the
where trou¬
bles of this
cort prevail more extensively than
in any other section, and has never
failed to correct disordered Men¬
struation. It restores health and
strength to the suffering- woman.
, *We have for the past thirty years handled
Bradfield’s Female Regulator, both at whole¬
sale and retail, and in no instanc^haa it failed
to give satisfaction. We sell more of it t ha trail
Other similar remedies combined.”
Lamar, Rankin & Lahak,
Atlanta, Macon and Albany, Ga.
The Braofield regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Sold by all Druggists at $1.00 per Botttat
VJEIKMEH W© Are fully restored /i71 J Ss
t;y HAGGARD’S TABLETS. SFF.- 1 box, U ft’
■Y CIFIC *2.50, IT
It *1.00; 3 boxes l>f fci
mall. Aridress, 1
r \ H a, ga. '
Full particulars sent by R
mall ou application.
$2.59 Reward
The Haggard Specific Co.
Will give three boxes of their Specific
Tablets, worth $2.50 to any one who may
have used as much as one box of their
tablets without decided benefit. We have
nciver heard of a single case where the
tablets have failed to give satisfactory re¬
sults, and if there is a person to be found
who has used them without benefit we
want to know who he is and where to find
him. They never fail to cure kidney aud
bladder troublos and affections of the
genital orgaus and overcome all debility
and weakness in both men and* women.
They improve the appetite, aid) digestion
and assimilation and overcome- constipa¬
tion. They have vital effect on all of the
secretory organs and establish a healthy
condition of the mucous and gland- secre¬
tions in every part of the body; capillaries overcome and
all torpid conditions of the
secure perfect circulation of the blood, so
that every organ is supplied and Being every
function is norma! and- healthy.
the only remedy ever compounded that
fully meets the logical physiological is con¬
ditions of the human system, it no won¬
der that they give results unknown to
medical science. No matter if the doc¬
tors and all*remedies have failed, try the
Tablets and be convinced that they are
superior to all known remedies.- Their
effect on the nerve centres is a complete
surprise to physicians- who have used
them. Cases that have- baffled the skill
of best physicians and no remedies seemed
to bene it, have h een promptly controlled
and permanently cured by the' Tablets..
Cases where injections cf morphine have
been resorted to as the only means promptly- of even
temporary relief have been con-
trolled by the Tablets and the trouble
completely overcome by their use.
Price One Box SI.00, cr’Tbree Boxes
82.50. If not on sale in your locality*, or¬
der direct from Hacgard Specific Co., At¬
lanta, Ga.
This is the Man
^ $ A. if t%% it
Hew? Free i
A i ®1
Pjfi ttS'B §4 . uf
; l.Sfi
•44 Sfflffl m
S|ll»s ■ mm iii
mf ! fry X — iti ^ ~
the Freitht. “
laPiuMI M | fl| B ® and saisisawa: Whisker Habit*
ailBBHE'SySS B H 1"| tieaiarssent FREE.
AtUuas, (is. Office 101 >' Pryor St
What the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
BY C. L. BAGtit.
The schools in Sharon are progressing
finely. »
Mrs. Betsie Moore has greatly improved
i i health.
Mr. und Mrs. George Gregory spout last
Sunday with us.
We see some of the bird hunters are still
ou the war path.
Mr. Chai ley Rotli lias his railroad sec¬
tion in apple pie order.
Mr. John Shields has been selling guano
this season at Barnett.
Mi. Gabe Kendrick has returned to his
home in Duffle county.
Finney Suns will work with Sidney
Fouclie this year on the farm.
If the war does break out what will be¬
come of the horse traders?
Cotton still comes in to our town. We
think people had better sold at first.
Master F'aust Smith, of Williams Creek,
is a sti:dent at Sharon High School.
A good many of our Sharon and Bay
town people attended court this week.
Senator W. T. Flynt was in our town
last week attending to his school business.
Messrs Caldwell and Melton passed
through our town last Friday from Wash
Mr. Jacob Rocker has recovered from
his recent spell of sickness wc are glad to
If the roadi stay in good condition we
: think some people will be haulilig gubno
till July,
Rev. T. J. Camming spent last Saturday,
night and Sunday morning wAh Bro. J.
L. Turner.
Small pox was reported at Dr. Browns
place last week near Sharon but it proved
to be false.
Mr. Paul Fouclie has been assisting Mr.
A. D. Moore at the temple of industry for
several .days,
L. 3. Jackson will soon have his house
done. Jackson is one of these get-up-and
get sort of men.
Mr. M. T. Maliare had his hand mashed
so badly that he Could not do any
for several days.
We think there miist have been 50,000
pounds of guano passed on hello road from
Barnett last week.
Mr. Elisha Moore has been with us_for
several days past. Elisha is a favorite
with the Sharon boys.
When people lay in bed until sun up
they won’t succeed in their days work if
they have got one to do.
When ever you have a true friend he
will help pou when you haye no money as
quick as if you had it.
Mr. Gabriel Kendrick from Wrights
boro was up last week visitin'? bis rela¬
tives as well as cn business.
A FR1CANA will cure Sypztilta and Old
Sores to Stay Cured.
Uncle Billy Burk, of near Sharon, has
been confined to hi r room and bed for some
time with a s .rious cancer affliction,
To Cure Constipation 1'orover.
T:tke Cascnrets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
IT C. C. C. fail to cure, dru££i»ts refund dqokcv.
Miss Missouri Bagby has returned to
her home near Barnett from a two weeks
visit to her brothers near Mtldrajon Grove.
Educate Your Bowels With f iiscarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c. 25c. If C. C- C. fail, druggists refund laonej.
Mr. John T. Wright, of Raytown, was
in Sharon last week for first time in three
months. Air. Wright’s health is very bad.
Xo-To-Utc for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, nt’.es v-eah
men strong, blood pure. 5«c, gl. All drueeiats.
Mr. Jesse Taylor who has just returned
from the asylum at MiUedgeviUe informs
us that Mr. Doc. Stone does not improve,
EducateTonr TWwets with < --.KcuretB.
Our marshal is haying ofir side ., walks „
fixed uo in goocf- order. We think Mr.
Mershon will irate us a very good mar¬
]Di!-*4t4A**NUBIAN rluHIvitf TEA cure* Dyspep
“ **”*•»■* v Cn.iatination Uon«ipation and ana Indi- inai
gestlon. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
Unci* Jim Sharp, of Uarrenton, , has
been o:i a visit t ''h .s daughter Mrs. K.
M. Jackson- and funky in Jacksonville
this count; .
ii Cut*, Burns, Bruise., Rheu
E * al - Bm aad £ol es - Urice, 25 cents,
lt]ooksliktl wbimthem'-reh^ts all
ff the o d s-idlers pension money they
have no further business with them until
All above goods for «e by I. G Luca*.
We see our road commissioners have
■fcecn hauling lumber to r-n-ur the bridges
on onr publ:--roads whi'i was very much
neededin WHO some SHELLABEnG^H placet. r
* H6*»tbe Wire Fence Man, of Atlanta, Ga., and
£ asy aSy to TO . _ Take \/perait?
Are features peculiar to Hood’s Pills. Small in
size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man
jgg Umil 59 B| jp
® ™ Jit §L M mr J I
said: *• You never know you
have Over.” Proprietors, taken 25c. C. a Lowell, pill X. IIood& till it Mass. is Co., all Pills
The only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla,
111 Mrs. at her Pa mother ks Bacon s, Mrs. is lyirnr Johu danger^ 1>. Fl\n l
below Raytown. It is thought tliere is no
chance for her recovery.
Be sure you pay up all the aneais you
are due the Advo-Democrat and renew
your subscription. You can’t well do
without you i county paper.
Mr. Jesse I aylor has returned home
from MiUedgeviUe. His job was not
ready for him. He expects to go back
sou.elimes in the near future.
We see some meat and bread going to
the country from Sharon but not like it
has been going heretofore. We think our
peoj le are going to do better.
George T. Moore says he ain’t going to
the war. lie says lie loves everybody and
is at peace w ith all mankind; he rather
stay at home and make ax handles.
Mr, Tolbert Taylor’sTittle boy, Bennie,
was sick again last wqek with those
spasmodic afflictions. lie brought him
over to Sharon for the doctors to attend
to him.
We heard from Emanuel county last
week. Our colony of men folks speak of
it in glorious terms but the women give it
a back handed tick every time they- speak
about it.
We saw an old darkey walk a quarter
of a mile to his house to light liis pipe
and there was fire in the field in fifty
yards of him. That is the way a heap of
them make their crop.
To Cura CoMNtip:ttioa Fopavsr.
Tabe Casearets Candv Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money
Mr. Rantz Jackson has a horse with the
biggest leg we ever saw. He says it was
givei* to him and that said horse made
fourteen bags of cotton last year^ The
caiisc itThts uig leg was fitsfli snuke bite.
PURE BLOOD is Hie foundation
■ of health. Hood’s Sarsaparillamakes
the blood pure, rich and nourishing and
gives and maintains good H EALTH.
• The pastor of the colored Methodist
church of Sharon had his horse to run
away with his buggy last week. Nothing
was hurt but the buggy. It cost the
parson a few dollars to have it fixed up.
Tis ht- —It Vi
simile every
6l£UUU« y wiappM.
We think our people should quit quar¬
reling over school matters and stick to the
old plan by haying two sessions per day,
teaching eight hours and let the children
carry their dinner with them if they so
I desire,
! Ths fac- is go
slmilt every
| stg&a-.ure m&pyos.
j Mr. James Griffith was married to Miss
Abel Brown at Sandy Cross church on the
evening of the 27th instant. We wish the
young couple happiness and prosperity in
their future life. Di. A. C. Davidson,
Don’t Tc'.jiieco $pit and Smoke Your Fife Awitj.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be maff
netic. lull of life, nerra and vigor, take N®-To*
Bnc. the wonder-worker, that maker, weak men
| strong. All druggists, 50c or $1. Cure guaran¬
i teed Booklet and sample free. Address
i Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
We see some people are very can Uss
their stoves and stove pipes. That
j s tl,e reason we have so many destiuitive
I fires thmugb the land. Stove pipes and
chimneys should be kept clean of soot and
■ in good repair.
Evoryhody Sayo So.
Case.irats Candy Cathartic, Ihe most won¬
derful iruHlical discovery of the aye, pleas
ant and refreshing to the taste, and act bowel*, gently
and .^ positively ^ on kidneys, liver disjic-l colds,
| clf sjng lh cnUre 8V *tem,
C ur« headache, fever, habitual constipation box
j | and btlionsness. to-day; Please 10, 35. r.0 buy and try (ioldand a
0 f q cents,
j gharanteed to cure by all druggist*.
! If we do have war a great many that go
affection, heart failure, etc. War is no
pleasant thing and no body don’t know
what it is until thfcy try it
«Ho, u s«* n w
ftt her remedy. Ask Druggi* tor
flw »T lw • «»«M0L
ienrn that some of our c ur4y
pie are sending their children ?wy to
“hool. Yon cannot build up your county
, ^ ^ doin^. V*e have^cd schools
sc iro s SO
here and competent instructors. Keep
your Children and your monty h -re.
A Truthful Statement.
An excellent and invaluablb'Yemedy,
f or the cure of cofigh, cold andhdarse
ness, is Dr. Bull’S Cougll Syrup, and
Mr< j a8> Hatfield, 350 West St., New
York City,' verifies this statement.
He wr ‘ tes : pDr. Bull’s Cough Syrup
is a must excellent remedy for cough,
co y and hoarseness, and I take great
pleasure in recommending it to all,
who require such a valuable household
medicine.” Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup
j g every vhei’e for 25 Cents.
Thcfe „ negro that lias beon
living close to us for five years and he has
cleaned off a Certain piece of ground every
year and never has cultivated a foot of it.
jj j ie keeps mkria will wear it out cleaning
it off. He fixus him a garden every year
and never plants a seed,
Mr. E. S O’Brien and Murry Taylor
i iat j a little k .'last Friday. Mr. O’Brien
sued Taylor fur debt that Taylor made
with him while he was a minor and Mur
ry’s father tol 1 O’Brien that lie would
not be respoqs’bla for same. The account
was out of date. The case was put off
to be tried by & jury next court,
fiool.teti'a Arnica Salve,
The Best in the world for" Out*,
Bruises, Sonjjg Cjj| leers. Salt Rheum, Fev
er, Tetter, icd Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and al 1 n Erupt ons, and posi
Vive y cures Tq ? or noyifV fstmired. It
Is guarantee p give satisfaiRion or
money rafuufto ji Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by i J. Reid
Sometime a |n our items we said
that nothing^ pore disgusting than a
woman an o,d pipe
in her mouth cooking and we still
stick to it. 1 one of our eorrespon
dents has mat Hiark. I don’t know
whether he M Eitas a slur at iny
item or not fy ||d,lie did not see that
a woman ivifl <}H3 in her mouth was
any more djl Ethan a man praising
up bar roorffl p. If tins item was
intended fofil Prfiter better get his
mother or hit p^he has one to put
him to bed f* fie-the bottom of his
feet with dr Kgiva him a dose of
Pitta medi- BW>,>-g<>od- ale
lj,a>-'.? n *•
’’l -UlL . ,
C<msutn$!iin;i Positively Cured.
Mr, R. ii. jJreeve, merchant, of Chil
howie, Vanywi rtiflea thut he had consump¬
tion, wag giypu up to die, sought all med¬
ical treatm ni that money could procure,
tried all cough remedies he could hear of
but got no relief; spent many nights sit¬
ting up in a chair; was induced to try I)r
King’s New Discovery, and was cured by
use of two .bottles. For the past three
years has been attending to business and
says Dr. King’s N6w Discovery is the
grandest remedy eyer made, as it has done
so much for him and also for others in his
community. I>r. King’s New Discovery
is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Con¬
sumption. It don’t fdll. Trial bottles
free at Dr. Ii, J. Iieid’s Drug Store.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters remain in the post
ofiiice at Crawford ville, first of this mouth
uncalled for:
Mr. Jessie Rolins. Miss Lily May Jones,
Miss Sarah Jones, E. T. Jones, J. D. Mc
Naughton, Richmond Peek, (col.) Mrs.
Lizzie Peek, T. J. Robinson, S. M. Rhodes
(dead letter) Rev. F. L. Simmons, C. S. C.
Alex St- wari (col) Mr. JanettEllss (card)
Mr. Richmond Peek.
A oougfe which seems to hang
On in spite of ail the remedies which
you have applied certainly needs
energetic ano sensible treatment.
For twenty-five years that stand¬
ard preparation of cod-liver oil,
wW* T
haS proved its effcctivsncss , m , . COf
ing the trying affections °t the
throat and lungs, and this 1% ths
reason why t the cod-liver oil, par
| |\ P j\ / Lai* Slarbc 7^thes and
|.J the irritation. Can
( t you think of any combi- this?
nation SO effective as
B , scgTT’S Hr. -.uion.
mar. fish »e on ^*re wrappr
, 5 ■* *.kI.$..oo, »! Jrugnsu.
^ 4 ^ E ’ Ch *** ^ Yo *
Correspondents' Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
tl»© Ifapppiiinun in Their Respective To*
call ties. All the News.
March came in like a lamb.
Several from Bermuda are on the jury
this week.
Quite a small crowd at Sabbath school
Sunday owing to bait weather.
Mr. Childs, representative of the Ciiris
taiu Index, was in ^owelton Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. B. F. Wynne claims that be lias
gone to plowing himself and making a
great effort for a crop.
Hon. W. T, Flynt, county school com
missionei, was out in our district lust week
visiting the different schools.
Wo bad the pleasure this week of shak¬
ing the hand of many of our old friends
from different sections of the county.
Dr. 1. H. Killpatrick was able to fill hi 8
regular appointment at Poweltou Saturday
and Sunday after several week's sickness.
N'iss Clara Nelson is spending several
days with her sister MhIk-I, and the fami¬
ly of Mr, J. N. Chagmaii, at Crawford
Charlie Hill and sister, Della, and Miss
Hattie Chapin,'iii, of Mildnijoji, were In
our neighborhood Saturday night and
BY I. N. C.
Mr. tVill Calaway is quite sick.
The farmers have commenced preparing
their corn ground. j
Mr. Martin , Landrum lias moved ids
blacksmith shop.
Tliere is a good deal of sickness in uml
around this place.
Julius Bentley, of Centerville, was in
this place Friday last on business.
Mr. Ran Btrozier, of this place, has
beon quite sick but is some better.
#,’» Mivliau Btrozier is going to open up a
.a -..a -ugahqpiutM jrimn
Guy have been quite sick hut is some
Misses Sallie Fanning and Mary Btrozier
of this place is visiting Mrs. Homer
Mr. J. V. Iftanett, of Burnett, was in
this place with his patent mop Wednes¬
day night.
Miss Annie Short, of Oglethorpe coun¬
ty, is tiie guest of Mrs. S. A. Caldwell
this week.
Mr. George Hess, of Oglethorpe, was in
this place Monday last trading horses witli
S. A. Caldwell.
Frofesor J. R. L. Evans has a nourish¬
ing school in this piace. He lias about
thirty odd pupils.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Boatwright and
Johnnie speflt Saturday night witli Mr.
and Mrs. Drozier Nash.
Miss Annie Short lias returned to her
lion, in Oglethorpe. Wc are sorry to
give her up she is a sweet girl.
Mr. F. M. Akins and liis mother. Mrs.
Fannie Boatwright, of this glace, spent
a day witli Mr. John Griffith and his sis¬
ter Miss Nettie last week.
Mr. Tap. Short and Miss Woodie Nor¬
man, of this place, spent the day with
Miss Ella Short, of Tyrone Sunday. Miss
Ella lias a good school in Tyrone neigh¬
Mr. Gus Harper, of this place, happen¬
ed to bad luck last Saturday night. Ilis
mule runaway and broke his buggy and
skinned his head. He was on his way to
see liis best girl. That was had for poor
Mr. Sim Parker Calav. ay, the drummer,
was tiie guest of Mr. S. A. Caldwell’s
family last Thursday night. He is selling
tobacco and patent mops. He says lie
will be in (J aw&irdville soon as his best
girl lives tlier*.
Hon to Look Good.
Good looks are really &rrr& than skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
condition of all the vital organs. If the
liver be inactive, you have a billions look.
if your stomach be disordered, you have a
Lu-Itli ' ’ und you will sur-ly hate
)o( kt ; --£ ,.; le( . tr j ( . Bitters” is a good Alter
^ To Ar? , ,y on the stomach.
mmz* llv( “ rand „ un'fd
Don’t Segl.ct Tonr Liver.
Liver troubles quickly result in serion.
of Browns’ Iron Bitters taken non- and th-n
w ;jj rtfrc . Jt permanently. foll'cv Strength and
vitahty will always it* ^ use.
Ir °“ ^ ^ ^
In Advance-
NO. 2.
Royal makes the food pure,
-wholesome and deUcJoue*
s 55 m
Our Coutt House Soliloquizes.
1 have seen many winters ail! summers.
Wax and wane, for my age is
Threescore years and ten. * Now my
l.ocks are gray, my body filled with
Pains, mi l I am hastening to the grave.
Several years ago an earthquake shook
My sides, Me; and iron rods were put do
Through Septuagenarian but that good. won’t It would a
any help
Take a A real fountain of youth to
Me. good many important events
Have taken place during my life; let me
See—yes: I remember when the last
Seminole war occured. Osceola dld’nt
Want to be removed but fate was against
Ills tribe and it had to go. About ten
Years after that Hie Mexican war came
Along. Uncle Sam got mad with the
Greasers, and Scott and Taylor fought
’Em to a standstill. While after that
Uncle Sam’s boys go* to quarreling
About the slaves, and a tremendous
Fight followed. The blue hoys had
Their way, hut I’ll tell you,the Dixie
Crowd made a bully light. Since then
We’ve had peace, but there have been
Humori of war a number of times, T
Thought we would haye trouble in 1870
About ihut Hayes and TMden affair. lu
1884, we elected a democratic
President and 1 yelled myself hoarse.
We elected Cleveland again in 1892, but
1 g^t sick of him before long. Now
Spain has her back up, and 1 sometimes
Feel some of my old war spirit, and
Sometimes 1 feel the need of an
Allcock’s porous plaster for my old
Buck: The Taliaferro Soldpnno. court house
* iounty was fin if m.
v-WruvJ (foods for ,5c. at
Miller & Johnson
Should know that the
“Old Tlmo” Romcdy,
t mm
I $
Tstho best for Female Troubles. Corrects all
Irregularities In Fomale Organs. Should he
taken for Change of Life and before Child-Birth.
Planters “Old Time” Remedies have stood the
test for twenty years.
Mado only by Now Rpennor ModlclneCo., Chat¬
tanooga, Tennessee.
Paul <>. Lucas Crn.wfordv 1 "'* Ga.
This pleasant and perfect remedy, to
delig’Mful to Sake, so refreshing and
exhilarating, stands in. highest favor
wa n -who know it best, as the great¬
est of all medical remedies for both
sexes., of all ages and in all condition*.
It Will gi¥6 you APPETITE.
:'::rr re!# ";™ l£EP '
M WlH StHWrfate lOW D | GEST!0M.
It will restore fOUT NERVOUS ENERGY.
itwHI put jour KIDNEYS in perfect order.
«»'» P“ r,f » » our 0 B,00d , ,
The Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta, Gt