Newspaper Page Text
$1,00 Per Year.
Ladies Who Suffer
prom any con)plair)t peculiar to
their sex—such as Profuse, Pati)
ful, Suppressed or Irregular Men¬
struation, are soon restored to
health by
Bradfield's Female Regulator.
It is a combination of remedial
agents which have been used with
tfje greatest success for nyore than
25 years, arjd known to act speci¬
fically with and on tk>e organs of
Menstruation, and
recomnyended for
such complairyts
I I oijly. It tyever fails
Jrg \ to give relief arjd
g | restore the health
j | of the suffering
■ womaiy. It should
f\ AV A be takeQ by tlje
V ■ girl just budding
i iiyto womanhood
0A wheq Meostrua
tion is Scant, Sup-
11 pressed, irregular
Jf 1 *. or Pai q f u 1, aryd
all delicate worpeiy should use it,
ds its tooic properties hove a won¬
derful influence in toning up and
strengthening the systeri) by driv¬
ing through the proper channels
dll impurities.
menstruation “A daughter from of one of my customers and cold, missed and
arriving puberty exposure her health completely on
at was
wrecked, When until she was twenty-four years of
ago, upon my recommendation, she used
one bottle of Bradlleld’s Female Regulator, com¬
pletely restoring,her J. W. Exllcms, to hoe Water 1th.” Valley, Miss.
The Bradfiecd Regulator Co., Atlanta, Qa.
jk \ym v£» MEN
//ft FA Are tully restored
• tv hagqaktvs si'M
c ri lw C'lFIC TA 1 :i.GTS. 1 Pox,
SSi'T I [11 ky «1.00; mall. 3 Address, hose* $2.6U, by
Hanaro's Specific Co 1 J
Full partifulfiFS »ont by
mail ou nppthjaUoa.
$2.50 Reward
The Haggard Specific Cp.
Will ttuve boxws.oL.tlvOA’; Specific
TaW "‘ ........ as oi„itw%f VVeliave iWf'r
•ab.ets without decided benefit.
m ver heard of a single case. [■•'•*•*■’- ;
tablets hwve failed to giTO satistactory found re
Stilts, and if there is a person to lie
who lias used them without benefit we
want to know wlio he is and where to find
him. They never fail to cure kidney and
bladder troubles and affections ot the
genital organs and overcome all debility
liiAl weakness in both men and women.
They improve the appetite, aid digestion
and assimilation and overcome couslipa
tion. They have vital effect on ail of the
secretory organs and establish A healthy
condition of tiie mucous and gland secre
tions in every part of tiie body; overcome
all torpid conditions of the capillaries and
secure* perfect circulation of tiie blood, so
that every organ is supplied and every
function is norma? and healthy.- Being
fho only remedy ever compounded that
fully meets the logical physiological is con
ditions of the human system, it no won¬
der that they give results unknown to
medical science. No matter if the doc¬
tors and all remedies have failed, try the
Tablets and be convinced tlrat they are
superior to all known remedies. Their ^
affect on the nerve centres is a complete
surprise to physicians who have used
them. Cases that have baffled tiie skill
of best physicians and no remedies seemed
to beneut, have been: promptly controlled
and permanently cured by the Tablets.
Cases where injections of morphine have
been resorted to as the only means of even
temporary relief have been promptly trouble con
trolled by tiie Tablets and the
completely overcome by their use. Boxes
Price One Box 81.00, rr Three
82.50- If not on sale in your locality, or¬
der direct from Haggard Specific Co., At¬
lanta, Ga.
This is the Man
XAjftO S ^ /E |i KE
SSp rA V.’S ,
- «2r rtf FA- ^
« -®T,S «! A • Free! -j;
,-N'V f £ ;
^ ^"8 ) ■ Oi
I t
tjku I ant m nr: u 2 -
nml r
\ nrH 4=S
m ga-g-S
w ttll Ejffij tffl '. c g S §
L. ?|
tlm if3| ^ S'S K. * «•
p !!l l > ^2? tie i?iy Freiffc!.'«=so “v. o
^9 and TThiskey Habits
cured at home w:th
__tknlars oatpain. Bookofpr.r- EE.
sent Fa
AUnubt, OSee l&i N. Pryor St
GA.. FRIDAY. MARCH 25 , 1898 .
Wi at tlse People of that Thriving
Town Are Doing
11V C. 1.. 11 AGIIY.
Mis. Hull Kendrick made a visit t > her
parents last week.
Wo were quite sick last week for a day
v>r so and are not feeling well yet.
Mr. Ed. Keating is still making im
provements at his residence near Sharon,
Mr, W. F. .McKeon intends making
some improvements on his residence soon.
Mr. anti Mrs. G. AY. Brown were visit
ing relatives and friends Imre last week.
Miss Sarah St Clair, we are told, of
near Barnett, will move to other sections
A FRICANA will cure Syphilis and Old
Sores to Stay Cured.
Elisha Moore is running a farm on the
Dr. Kendrick’s old plantation this year
near Sharon.
Jesse Taylor says he aiut going to take
stock in next court week. He will retire
to private life.
Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation' forever.
10c.‘Sc. HC.C.C. fail, druggists rtf uwdmoney.
Mr. L. S. Jackson bus life hotel finished
all but the guttering and painting.
looks nice too.
Bro. Mike Taylor says he lias sweet
potatoes so plentiful that lie is feeding
them to liis cows.
T.> Curt. Ot»»isU\mlitr.i forever.
Take Casearets Ca nity Cathartic. 10c or 25a
If C C. C. fait to cure, clrug(-;istn refund money
Moore & Flynts saw mill was broke
down last week bat they have got it fixed
up alright again.
Mr A. D. Moore had a big job of
wheel work this week for Mr. Ellick’s mill
engine at Hillman,
To ( uro Ct.iistipuMorl forever.
Take Casta rets Candy Cathartic, 10c (T 25c.
if C. 0. c. fail lo cure, druggists refund mcnev.
AY hen you want any tin work don’t
forget to write or call on 0, L. Bagby,
tire tinner, Sharon.
Mr. George Pouche and sons will do tiic
minting ou Hotel Jackson and G. L.
Bagby the tin work.
No-To-tlac tor Fifty Cants.
Guaranteed ' obucco habit cure, wakes weak
men strong, blood pure. 5Uc,fl. All UniKBists.
Mr. K. H. Jackson was doing house
work at the Convent ias ?ek. Bob 'is
8,,^* ■y. ^ylor ’ end family miVe
.Major Jack
moved from the liockei place back to
their old tramping, ground.
Kducuto Your n..««i* with i'«*cnrots.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation fou-cr.
t0r,25c. if C. C. C. fail, druiissistsr-ifnud!».>■
vVhen you go to Ciawfordville call on
•,, (lom ho will te ]l you some funny
stones . and se.l goods cheap.
Mrs. Emma Croak has had some "<>ik
j on( . 0Q her premises the past week. Mr.
M- J Muhci vr-.lie.-doinctiie Ooing tnc work, no
A large crowd attended preaehm = at
Jennings last Saturday and Sunday to
h R( , Vi T. B. AVest preach.
lfM****££ BlwlHiwSv maNUBIAN TEA cures Dyrpep
gia, Constipation and Indi
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
Mr. David Taylor is now pulling the
bell line over Dr. A. C. Davidson’s plow
horse. Dave is a good worker.
Mr. AVhite, an insurance agent of Spar¬
ta, was with us hist week He is a goto!
talker and a jolly old gentleman.
Planters CUBAN OIL cures
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu
matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents.
\V > learn that our future postmaster,
Air. AA’iliiair. Moore, lias made his bond
and will take charge of our post office sorn*
0 -NeuralgiaaudTootliaclie
v i: ^|.. e )n i n utes. Sour Stomach
and .Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents.
All aboye yoods for sale by P. G Lucas.
Sharon Masonic Lodge met on Friday
night of last week. Dr. R. J. Iteid and
Mr. J. AV. Tucker of Crawfordville
Lodge were with us. ,•
cyvs , roniA.
The fes- —• Is on
lisiile evety
tlgESSUM ^ vraypes
Major Jack Taylor and his son Will ;«rc
in the beet market business now. It looks
like every body is going into the beef and
Inrse trading business
The fae- Is a
simils S,
Bleiaturs , ^
Of *
All letters pertaining to court business
in the 602nd district Taliaferro county
should be addressed to me at Sharon. C.
L. W-»y. X. P. Ex. J. P.
He’s the Wire Fence Man, of Atlanta, Ga., and
telUthe utk-tand cheapest fencing :n Vj.i omcc
tor all purposes. Catalogue free. Write for it.
Mr. A. I. Strom was in Sharon last
week looking up dock tud wbteh w -rk
but tiie business of that kind was too dull
for him and he did not tarry long.
Tt-'hi- h a
iiaiis erery
tijEi-one jr vr.y/ii.
Je-se Brown savs it is a 7 od time now
for him to form a lazv - club. He has’nt
much else to do as he is out of a jotr an i
don’t care whether he works or not.
No Gripe old-fash
When you take Hood's Fills. The big,
toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to
pieces, are not in it with Hood’s. Easy to take
and easy to operate, is true Rills
of Hood's Pills, which are
up to date in every respect.
Safe, certain and sure. All
druggists, ace. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass,
The only fills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla .
M « understand that Mr. Bud W right
l«w quite the saw mill business. Bud
is a g ood bushiess and is co mpctent
to attend to most any kind of , business. ,
Mr. Owen Rickerson, of Warren, was
with us last week buying up beef eattlc.
Owen is a hummer on that liue and if you
don’t mind lie will cle m you up every
We have a bantam rooster that will run
every other chicken that comes in tire
yard ai d it is a pretty bird. I believe lie
could be educated so he would fight any
Jhm't Tobacco Spit and Smote lour l ife Away.
To tjuit tobacco easily and forever, bo mag
netic. lull of tiro, nervo and vigor, take .N't-'i'o
Bar. the woudcrworlsur, that makes weak men
strong. All drugBitta, 50c or SI. Cure guaran¬
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
starling Romedy Co., Chicago or New York.
.Miss Lillian Arnett has some of (lie
prettiest made bonnets we ever saw. She
got her pattern, we think, from Atlanta.
’The ladies all should go and take, a
pattern from them.
Mr. Felix Taylor lias not got him a wife
yet but is still roving about to get one.
He is with Devil Pale this year near Ray
town. Tom will pick him outa wife if
Felix will accept one.
“How to Cure all Skin DtsenAo.”
Simply apply “Swayne’a Ointment ”
No internal medicine required. Cures
fetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the
face, hands* nose, <fcc.., leaving Its the skin
clear, wldto and iicaltliy. great heal¬
ing and curative powers are possessed by
no S other Ointment, remedy. Ask Druggist for
Messrs. Crawford Walker ami ’To
Howell, of nenr Powelton, were with n~
last week. They talked ve • v\f<
bushiess -ft* /eye.§ ,* 1 M**
jrAdy about tne vuu m their section of
the country.
All parties due Mr. A. 1). Moore, Sharon,
for work for 1897 in the 503nd distriit
Taliaferro county will please come for¬
ward and settle with me. As I mil au¬
thorized to collect said accounts. C. L.
Cuejilen’* Arnica Salv*.
*Plio Best Salve in the world for" Ctita,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fev¬
er, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains.
Corns, and all Skin Erupt ons, and posi¬
tively cures Plies, or nn 'pa v faauired. It
is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded @ Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Dr. E. J. Reid.
Uncle Billy Burke, who has been sick
with cancer so long, lias moved to Sharon
and is occupying the home of Mrs. Kate
Burke, Jiis daughter-in-law. Ills
daughter Mrs. Marion Johnson is attend¬
ing him and no doubt wifi do her duty
towards him in his sad afflictions.
We made a pleasant little call on Dr.
Arthur Beazley and his most excellent
wife, Mrs. Beazlcy’s school at Mildrafon
Grove has clesen'for the present. Slie is
a most excellent teacher and has much
experience as a tutor and gives her
patrons general satisfaction.
THE WHOLE system feels the
■ effect of flood’s Sarsaparilla—storn
ach, liver, kidneys, heart, neives are
strengthened and SUSTAINED.
AVe liated to see the boys of Crawford
ville so stirred up about the war last week.
Some of them have got all the afflictions
and ailments allotted to mankind. Now
hoys don’t cross the bridge before you get
to it. There is no fun in war until y-'i
get into it then yoiv will see the monkey,
tail and all.
Everybody Says So.
Casearets Candy Cathartic, the most won
dei ful inxdica.1 diseoverv of tiie age, p eas
ant and refr-shimr to the taste, act gently
and positivHj-on kidneys, fiver and t-ov'em,
cleansing the entire s; •; m. dt- '.c!_ • '■ yh
wiiirW^ndw'rbS Bold and
of C. V. C. to-<l«v; 10,25, wi druggists. cents.
guaranteed to cure by ail
On the evening of the loth instant at
the Barnett Methodist church Miss Kya
Wlieelcr of Warren county was niled
in marriage to Mr. Ben Maxwell o. »»
gust a. After they were united they -eft
on tiie fast train for Augusta. Miss Eva
is one of AVarrencountysprettiest young
ladies and a daughter of the iatc Bartocy
Wlieelcr known to mobt of people in t.his
and Warren counties.
litseascs of the Blood and Nerves.
No one need Buffer with neuralgia, 'i iti
disease is quickly and permanently disease cu ri jqf
by Browns’ Iron Bitttrt. stomach, Every chronic
the blrKki, nerves and
or otherwise, succumbs to Browns’ ir&& .
Bitters. Known and used for nearly a
qaarter of a century, it stand- to-day for4i
most amon^ our most valued rem^i iq&.
Browna’ Iron Bitters is sold by all deal' rs.
Without A Rival.
A a positive cure for sprains,bruises,
at •] pains of all kinds, Salvation Oil
hai no equal. Mrs. Frank Juif, 518
Gi iiot Ave., Detroit, Mich., writes :
“I used Salvation Oil in my family
and Ah say it has no rival as a Uni¬
mex, it certainly cures pains. I
Spn ted my ankle and it cured me
and ince then I have always used it
for any rains and bruises.” Salvation
Oil’s so.d for only 25 cents. No other
remedy n wil do the work as promptly.
, ,3Y I. N. C.
Spr fig weather.
Mrs Willie Aimer visited Helena Sun¬
day. Jy
Mr, Griffith am, family spent Thursday
in lb ismi;
Fai* iers plant'ng corn and will plant a
big cotton crop.
MivF-M. Akins, of Helena, is on the
sick Hstthis week.
Mr. .tflPBk Richardson, of Triplet, has
complains! his tine house.
Mrs. Eliza Norman is haying some im¬
provements done outlier homo.
Mr. ‘. A. Caldwell went down to Tlg
nal on business Wtllnesday hist.
Mr! jjl. T. Raylc’s littitt daughter, Jellle
lias hefts quite sick hut is some better.
Mr. a id Mrs. Billie Boatwright visited
their ..'htndmothcr at this place <■
Mr. a id Mrs. D.rye Walker, from near
Taliafncjq passed through Helena Holiday.
Miss lEggic Boatwright visited Misses
Mat and Mas Strozier Saturday uiglit and
Suudjy^^ A. ,
Mr, '. and Mrs, P. G. Stewart and baby
of Hi eteikiYe visiting relatives in Taliafer.
ro eouiq -—f
Mx-m Ernwiil has gone , to Anon , on
■ |fdU
"W go to Newton before he
C0B *W jl Eg.
Aft.; Mack Bently and children
from® hereJB i|iircvisiting ft: their parents
MLMik Mr. s. [>. o. why lie
Mn’t because* be may tell
b« wmiu.
j of* v.cfTir<iK(; ? - .>*v/A. i bey
wiilsi ■i did’j wheat mpl.
Lmvy. t tyfl Maltbie, of'Cntwrordville,
was In” Ilolpja this wuelc - visiting his
sister Mr.^ M| j q Evans and Ids grand
mother r .y Eliza Norman, and friends.
W’e are -rjad to lia\e him in Helena.
A 1 Bents the Klondike.
Mr. Teju,, C. Thomas, of Marys
ville, has found a more
valuable .discovery than has yol
been maejs j n the Klondike. For
years he buffered untold agony
from consumption, accompanied
by hemorqrres; and was absolute
ly cured l^y Dr, King's Now Dis¬
covery foil< Consumption, Coughs
and ColdtL. 4jttl© He declares that
gold is of value in compari¬
son with (this marvelous cure;
would havil. it even if it cost a
hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma
Bronchitis and all throat and
lung affections arc positively
cured by Dl'. Consumption. King’s New Dis
covery for Trial
bottles freest Dr. R. J.* Reid’s
drug store. Guaranteed ’ Regular size 50c.
and $1.00. to CiU’O
or price refunded.
In the year 1'7 <>o there was vy one
newspaper in fink country.
---t— —Z. -
A five acre erojpof tobacco was ohl in
Kentucky the othU ,i a y for 5768.07.
The ladder waL created for one pur
pose,namely, a ts refeptapie fov the mine.
,, nf j as gucli it m',t liable to any form of
isease except liy n, ne 0 f two ways.
first.way is The front second imperfect acton of
kidneys. of way iH from careless
local treatment other diseases'.
Unlmalthy urine f rom ml i K .aithy kid
ney* . is tiie . elilef , . , caa eofldadder ,. , , , troubles, . . ,
the womb, like tin; bladder, was creat
for „nepurport'. • ; ; it not doctored
-»-<••• » not lMIe - weakness ordtoq
except in rate cases p situated back
of and very close to U JC 1,bidder, therefore
any pain, disease or q.cmrenienee man!
rested in the kidm-yq > i nK fc, bladoer or
urinary passage is oft „, by mistake, «'
tributed to female Vrakneni or womb
trouble of some sort. The error is easily
!lia de and may i«s en '.1 avoided. To find
out correctly, net yot r urine aside for
twenty foftr hours; a stdiment or settling
indicates kidney or blunder trouble. The
^ KjimerV ^ theextraor( iry effect of I)r.
S\vam|)-R<k,t ie great kidney,
lui (l bladder remedy i- on realized.
111 need a medicine yo mould iiave the
At druggists fifty ;nts anti one do!
jar. You may iiave a s ,f, bottle and
pliampict, 'noth sent mail, upon
receipt of three two-c saps to cover
cost of postage bottle,
Mention the Advocate -!)<
yotir address to It. Kihr kCo
harnton, N. Y. The 1 let l " r.t
t);l 1 . )( . r .ruamntee the g- enes s 'of this
u< -' r '
Correspondents’ Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
tlie 11 it openings in Their Kespective Lo¬
calities. All the News.
Mildrajon dew drops.
BY A. II. C.
in IXCCt; MIL'S.
The beautiful spring-time has come.
With all its birds and flowers,
And may both young and old
Spend’ many joyous hours.
Vi. B. Mitchell .spent Tuesday here.
Dr. Lunsford is iking dental work here
this week.
’There are two schools near here, both
having a good attendance.
Mr. Arris Hobbs, of Riverside, visited
friends hero this week.
There was a party at Mr. 1!, li. Dixon's
Tuesday night; all had a nice time.
Farmers have commenced planting corn.
It is a good move in the right direction to
raise plenty of corn this year,
Mr. Charles Googer, of Crawfordville,
was here Sunday to see relatives at this
place. Come again young man we are al¬
ways glad to see you.
Free Fibs.
Send your address to II E
Bucklcu & Co., Chicago, and got
uiToe sample box of Dr. King’s
New Life Pills. A trial will
convince you of their merits.
Thmjti lulls are easy in action
and art) particularly effective in
tho cure of Coiisfypution and Sick
Hoaduolio, For Malaria and
L -; V ov troublos they have been
iuv ,iluablo. They urd
guaranteed Aopj deleterious to be perfectly SllbsUuce free
OVOTy pUTtjly Vegetable.
r< . u j | Q
They do R0t wectlfffli by thoir
action, but by giving fyne to
fliOttlftch CWrt bOWtiltt
KofjuJ tXV
f^oid by X)i*.
Mr. Jim Moore Ins a very sick baby.
Mrs, Nun Lunceford visited Mrs. L. M.
Moss this week.
Mr, II. E. Wall made a Hying trip to
Robinson'this week.
Our vicinity is on a boomr Mr. AV. O.
huncef«trd is hauling boards,
M ™ tV ' Lunceford vM * on
halier Mr. J. W. Rieves this week,
Mrs. Cannon Is visiting her daughter
0vL> Lunceford who is quite sick
Yirs. Mary Lunceford is visiting ho r
daughter Mrs. C. II. L. Shorrer of Wilkes
Our accomplished school teacher
Kitty Iieazley spent anight with Mrs, Lee
Beazley of Greene county tills week.
Miss Kate Rivers loft, this week to spend
awliilu with Mrs. Martha Luiiccfsrd.
Don’t stay long Miss Kate for yon know
his heart feels lonely while you are no
far a way from home, Cheer up old boy
you can go down there and carry her to
Sunday school just tiie same.
New Burlier Shop.
I will be in C'rawfordville regularly
every Friday to serve tiie people of this
section.' First class work in hair cutting
shaving and shampooing. Stiop at Mr.
Lucas’ Store. Give me a call,
JOHN W. Wild,CAMS, JAiirbcr,
Crawfordville, <?a.
It seemsf that quilting is the talk 110 , 7 .
y V( . r trthin«' looks sweet like spring now.
Some of th<- farmers are through! ...
111 ^ corn.
Mr. Clmrlie Ogletree and wife spent
Sundav ouiiaay at at .hi Mr . J C. • Lunceford’s.
Janie and Annie Cary were visit
*«* 111 u >" netglilwrltood . last week.
Some of the people from Crawfordville
Wf . re out at t jj e m iU last Monday enjoying
themselves , fishing. .
Mr. J. C. Lunceford and wife spent
ftatiirdaV and Sunday with Mr. E. If
Ogletrecund fami.y.
A[,.c Sr .. Prior Chapman and Virgil
lV * , « undav . last with Messers,
’ ' '
Oscar and ilobcit . Moore.
Mr. A. S. Lunceford ha* two hogs to
kill yet, but it don’t look like now he is
going to ha-.e any suitable weather for
AVe are sorry timt WC caused a young
man to quit passing by hem in the day
time and go the other way and then
hack this way at mght. Come on
>»v herein the day, young man. if you
wish; wc will try not put it in the
In Advance*
NO- 5 .
Royal makes the iood pure,
wholesome and delicious.
S @
Absolutely Pure
Some men give most of their attention
t) things that never happen,
A numbei of submarine mines are being
placed in the Savannah river.
The Atlanta women are making a strong
effort in behalf of Mrs. Nobles.
A traveler can get around the world in
fifty days.
Save The Children.
When children are attacked with
cough, cold and croup, Dr. Bull’s
Cough Syrup will prove a quick and
sure cure. Mr. Elmer E. Baker,
Blandon, Pa., writes: “We have
used Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup for cough,
cold and croup, and found it the best
cough medicine and cure for these
affections. We never run out of it,
but always keep it on hand.” Dr.
X til’s Cough Syrup is sold everywhere
for 25 cents. Insist on having it.
Our Honor Roll.
Tlie following kind patrons have paid
their subscriptions since our last issue:
A. Ogletmi 35e to May ‘Jb. ’98.
J. II. L. Hill 50c hr July I, ’98.
Miss Kate Daily 50c to Aug. 4, 98.
If, L. Berman 81 L> Feb, 11 Till.
A. Avery96e to Jnlj 'UH.
Who Would pres, ribe only
tonics and bitters for a v/eak,
puny child ? Its muscles and
nerves are so thoroughly ex
hausted that they cannot he
whipped into activity* The
child needs food ; a blood
making* nerve-strengthening
and muscle-building food.
8LflHii$tOlH .
oCOtl S
of Cod-Liver Oil Is all of this t
and you still have a tonic in
the hypophosphites of lime
and soda to act with the food.
For thin and delicate children
there is no remedy superior
to it in the world. It means
growth, strength, plumpness
and comfort to them. Be sure
you get SCOTT'S Emulsion.
50 c. «nd $ 1 . 00 , all druggists.
SCOTT & HOWNF., Chemists, New York.
ll women
Should “Old know that the
Time” Kemedy,
1 A.
I mm
1 1
Ts the bent for Featle Trouttn. Corrects
t rr.-Lrulart: I'-s!;; female Ox ‘:unr. Slioula
taken forChan;or.(Lilean«i before
klerterx ’-Old Vi.-ne" l>;a;edns have stood the
test for twenty years.
only by IT; y; M/nlicineCo.. Chat
» k;:*; T'-nnc -at-;.
Paul G. Lucas Cr.twfordv :, v da.
, 1
!nt Ays» % ... , .. .... cure
js{ 0 “tapering off” process — No suhsbtu
tion method.
41 East 21st Street. Mew A ork City.