The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, April 01, 1898, Image 1

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Sioo Per roar.
Baby Mine!
Every mother
feels an i n d e -
j> scribable dread
of the pain and
V ant danger upon attend¬ the
most critical pe¬
riod of her life.
toS£.; Becoming a
mother should be
a source of joy
to all, but the
suffering and
danger of the ordeal, make
its anticipation one of misery.
is the remedy which relieves
women of the great pain and suf¬
fering incident to maternity; this
hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made
painless, but all the danger is re¬
moved by its use. Those who use
this remedy are no longer de¬
spondent or gloomy; nervousness
nausea and other distressing con¬
ditions are avoided, the system is
mad&re U event,
and the Tj so com
mon to the critical hour are
obviated by the use of Mother’s
Friend, It is a blessing to woman.
51.00 i*ER BOTTLE at all Drug- Stores,
or sent by mail on receipt of price.
BOOKS Containing i invaluable information will of
core Tiitfc n t® rest to all women, be sent
to any address, upon application, by
/MtX fir. J 'v\ by » « HAfiOAItn’S Ate fully restored Si*d- ,
fclM’// sXVvV <;1 00; FIC 8 TAI5I.ETS. boxes $2.50, t box, by W 'L|
\\l TIllV Address, Speilfls F .1 Y
l fiam.’s GA. c - '•j ilf
j U Fuli ATLANTA, parti,'U','ii-9 sont by
n nit tn application.
42.1 Reward
Tte -lagged Specific Go.
Will giv - tin*!"'boxes of their Specific
Tablets v., th 92.50 to any one who may
jiave used as much as otic box of flicit
tablets without decided benefit. We have
never heard of-u single case where the
tablets have failed to give satisfactory re
suits, and if there is a person to lie found
who has used them without benefit we
want to know who he is and whereto find
him. They never fail to cure kidney and
bladder troubles and affections of the
genital organs and overcome all debility
and weakness in both men awl women.
They improve the appetite, aid digestion
and assimilation anil overcome constipa¬
tion. They have vital effect on all of the
secretory organs and establish a healthy
condition of the mucous and gland secre¬
tions in evorv part of the body; capillaries overcome and
all torpid conditions of the
secure perfect circulation of the blood, so
that every organ is supplied and Being every
function is normal and healthy.
the. only temedy ever compounded that
fully meets the logical physiological is eou
ditions of the human system, it no won¬
der that they give results unknown to
medical science. No matter if the doc -
tors and all remedies have failed,.try the
Tablets and be all convinced known remedies, that they ritcir are
superior to is complete
effect on the nerve centres a
surprise to physicians who have used
them. Cases that have balded tint skill
of best physicians and no remedies seemed
to bene it. have been promptly controlled
and permanently cured by tlie Tablets.
Cases where injections cf morphine have
been resorted to as the only promptly means of even
temporary relief have been con¬
trolled bv the Tablets and the trouble
completely overcome by their use.
Brice One Box 51.00, cr Three Boxes
S2.50. If not on sale in your locality, At¬ or
der direct from Haggard Specific Co.,
lanta, Ga.
This is the Man
£ £ A tsv V) Y^
£ g & %
> ■- <i -
Ay ^
d* |
How? , jit * m ,
0. ii j '
r ■ f
?s It, No ^ o2 -- Ly&4-Hr*mriWi i J
-sfis: m tZ slt^gS t rt ' 1 I' . _ c - S |gf to W p« m I |Jg p |®I« k°f. l SHELXiABEllGEB, Man Fence Wire The J£, $ <| Forsyth <! St,
fg«ss- Pi 555 s 1j.
m LT;: K.
fflll - & the I Freufei- lay ____ sssaa Z.’jo an Q 7 H.
■: p
People that J . .
AVI at the ot waving
Town Are Doing.
ime. L. BAG BY.
AAV certainly think that spring is here.
Vegetation is putting forth with a vim.
Wc have beau having some nice sum
■iter weather.
The grain crops through the county
ire looking fine.
,4 I-RICAN A will cure SypfilH* and Old
r\ sores to 5tay Cured.
When a barber’s razor lias teeth in it, it
don’t shave well.
Mr. William Burke is no better. Ills
suffering is great.
We want your tin work. C. L. Bagby,
the tinner, Sharon, Ga.
To Cure CoastipntKBi Yovcvfr,
Take Cascarets c'aiui.v Cathartic. DAe or ' .V;
( C. C. C. full to cure, drfcj^isfcs rcfur. J -y,
If people would curtail tiioii expensi 1
they would he better off.
Dr. liay was called to Sharon lust week
on professional business. '
No-To-Uae for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit, cure, make* w@*lc
men strong, blood pure. K»o;*l. AU druBS-St*
Frank Gilbert and Elisha Moore hate a
good time wherever they go
Will Barnett left last week for South ^
Carolina on his drumming business.
Educate Tour iw.weis TVttfi Cascaretsg
Candy Cntliartir. euro Srusuistsrefund eo-istipatlon toi • or.
lOc.-SSe. It,
All kinds of tin work - done on short
notices C. L. Bagby, Sharon, Ga.
Air. Charley and some, of the young
bloods were out on a fish last week.
Educate Your IlowHB tVllli Cuscurcts.
Candy Cathartic, euro constipation fovevor.
100.25c.. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund r.-oney,
We had several young lady visit irs in
our town last week from the country.
Dr. A. C. Davidson was called to
Ficklin last week on professional business.
Corn Constipation Forever.
Take Oaacarc'ts 'Candy Cathartic. 10c nrSto.
If C. O. O. fail to cure, Urunaists refund Kioat-v.
Mr. Geo. T. Aloore is Mr. J. W, Fal¬
len’s helper thAMs bar whet !w -is one.
ri-adm's ‘ plentiful now days
Horse are
and about all the company our Purge has.
Planters CUBAN OIL cures
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu
mat ism anu fiores. Price, 25 cents.
Dr. At. H. Thomas, of Warren county,
was with us last week on professional bus¬
Mrs. Carry Gregory and sister visited
friends and relatives at the Grove last
Planters NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep¬
sia, Constipation and Indi¬
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
Aliss Alary Lou Gilbert and her aunt,
Miss Gilbert, of Pea Ridge, were in Sharon
last week.
Air. and Art's. AV. P. AIcKeon’s baby
was quite sick last week but is Letter at
this writing.
bW2$SVj si ??§*<? Colic, Neuralgia and Toothache
E <V m j, v - e minutes. Sour Stomach
m’.u* Summer Complaints. I'rioc, 25 Cents.
All above goods for sale by P. G Lucas.
Air. Brantlv, the horse jockey from
Hancock, was in our city last week with
1 ]is fine station.
We understand there will he a new
business firm started up in this section in
the near future.
tor all purposes. Catalogue free. Write for it.
We learn that Dr. Stsndifer. of this
county, is very sick with cancer and will
never get well again.
Preaching at Barnett Alethodist church
next Saturday and Sunday by Rev.
Winter pastor in charge.
The fe> ,mM^ > J; 53
jr r . George Four he and sons are painf
in" Air. Ed. Keating's residence and still
the improvements go on.
Mr-.Ma.J- Croak is making some im*
provements on h •" home ia the wa» of
UP h2r PiCkCt fenCC '
(SCROFULA m . Us xvorA i form ,
O yields to the blood cleansing power
of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Thousand'of
cases have been perfectly CURED
Miss Settle Eilington and Mrs. Eddy
Bagby. of Alildrajon, visited Mrs. J. L.
Turner last week near Barnett.
Z‘,l 3 t ca '-pit aed Ssioae Year l ife Arraj.
" 03 :* haceo ea* ilv tore; t:r. t e
Vi?. lUli fc
>w t makes weak let r.
us- t’.rafi are gaaraa
in ■ l :> t '-C free
" U.O • 1/iiiCa-O CF -’C 1 f L o . E
Our farmers have heed turning over the
dirt in a hurry the p.n-t week. They are
making things count sure enough.
Much in Little
Is especially true of Hood’s Pills, for no medi
cine ever contained so great curative power in
g0 sraa]1 S p ;ice . They are a whole medicine
chest, always ready, al¬ Pills
ways efficient, always sat
isfactory; prevent a eold
or fever, cure all liver ills,
sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 25a
Thoonly Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Alessrs. Caldwell and Melton were in
Sharon a few days ago horse trading and
cracking their jokes with the boys,
Devil Tom Pate was in Sharon last
week. Bio. Tom is quite a curiosity and
m ' ,st everybody him and his talk.
ffis f«- ts 65.
sisUe every
tiglitUTD wrapper.
Air, ,T. T. Moi ^ 1 putting him in a
fl.-Ji trap last week. Uncle Josh is cue of
them when it comes to the fish business.
A good barber would do a very good
business in Sharon, provided ho would
carry on some other little business with it.
“How to C«ro all Skin OIg€a«e. M
No Simply internal apply medicine “Swayue’s required. Ointment Cures ”
f-tteri .eczema, itch, all eruptions on the
f !i( > ei hands, nose, &e,, leaving the skin
clear, white and healthy. Its great heal¬
ing and curative powers are possessed by
po Other remedy. Ask Druggist for
SWatue’s Ointment.
Uncle J. P. Moore and Air. Jim Bill
were in Sharon last week working on the
Bonner Rail Road Signal which they have
had patented.
Jimmy Burke, of Augusta, was on a
visit to his parents in Sharon recently. Mr.
Burke is always a welcome visitor and lie
has many friends here.
Everybody Says So.
Cases;rets Candy Cathartic, the most won¬
derful medical discovery of the age, pleas¬
ant and refreshing to the taste, net gently
and positively on kidneys, ’Ivey and bowels,
cleansing curt*-headache, the entire fever, system, habitual dispel constipation colds,
anil biiionsue**'. Pioaso buy ami try a box
Of O. O. C. to-dnv; 10, tin, fi(t cunts, boldautl
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Mr. JAlui Stone is makiiJg sonic Im¬
provements on his residence near Bay
town. Mr, Stone is one of Taliaferro’s
best farmers.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Taylor, of Jennings,
was in town last week trading. They
don’t come often and when they do you
may know they mean business.
Bon’t Ncgles# Tonr Liver.
Liver troubles quickly result in serious
complications, and the man who neglects his
liver lias little regard for health. A bottle
of Browns’ Iron Bittern taken now and then
will keep the liver in perfect order. If the
disease lias developed, Browns’ Iron Bitters
will cure it permanently. follow Strength and
vitality will always its use.
Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers.
AVe suppose they nominated Wat on
Weil that should not have 'been done. He
told you he did not want the office and
that should have satisfied everybody.
AVe hear some merchants and business
men say they are not making anything
and at the same time they have two or
three men hired to Help them do nothing.
Our railroad section bosses are getting
along better with their work tin's spring
than we ever knew them, The weather
has been very favorable for that kind of
fiiictileji’a Arnica*.
The Beit galvo in the world for" Outs,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fev¬
er, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains.
Corns, an;! el! fc'kiti Eruptions, and posi¬
tively cures Piles, or ne'paV famdred. It
is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Df. K. J. Itei(L
People tell a good many lies apont cred¬
it. business. They say or tell you they
don’t credit when they are doing that
very tiling all the time. It is you that
they don’t want to credit and they should
tell you so and not lie about it.
Religious services at Sharon Presbyte¬
rian church next Saturday and Sunday.
We learn this church will have a new
pastor in the near future, the present
pastor, Bey. Air. Simpson' is getting old
and infirm and not ablefo serve them
Hotel Jackson is new completed in
toto and ready for the traveling public,
Air. and Airs. Jackson, the proprietors,
spare no money nor labor to make their
11;: , , !i)ein „ ]v( ... y . y<
pic meet there and enjoy tin ir hospitality,
AVcsawa darkey splitting rails last
**■. skipping He —<••«»*»?)’ about cutting down
plir,g=. lie was afraid to tackle the big
tree:, u here he could make his time count.
It looks like laziness in the fu-.t,
and there is aheap of people in this
country who work that way, white s:.d
AV r e hope the Sunday st bool of old
3 tlem Baptist church will o: •;:r/c scr-n.
AA’arm weather is almost here and there
is plenty or material around Barnett to
ave a go oi school* if they fire nil women
A Life Saved.
Marvelous cures of throat and lung
affections are made daily by Dr. Hull’s
Cough Syrup. Miss Annie Swan,
Petersburg, Va., writes: “My brother
was attacked by a bad cough and cold,
and it was thought he had consump¬
tion. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup was
used, and to our great surprise it made
him well and hearty. There is no
better cure in the world than this
Syrup.” Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup is
sold eve ywhere for 25 cents
and children with a few men thrown in
for good i|ieasure; short, the men their though number gener¬ is
ally dmc 'ut as
limited. w
We m le a short trip to Crawfordville
last weois'jund found our militia is becom
lug. more feconcikd to the powors that
be. We 1 >pe our newspapers will quit
talking s much about the war for
county aiji’t able to build a hospital and
stock it with medicine and doctors. There
is more invalids and sickly men folks
now than we thought our county could
get up it: such a short time.
i A Clever Trick.
It certainly looks like it, but there is
really n>» ( trick ' About it. Anybody can
try it wlfo lips Lame Back and Weal:
Kidneys, Malaria or Nervous Troubles.
We mean he can cure himself right away
by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine
tones up the whole system, acts tvs a
stimukjft to the Liver and Kidneys, is a
blood purifier and nerve tonic, it
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Bpells,
Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is
vegetable, a mild laxative, am
restores the system tc its natural vigor.
Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that
they are a.miricle worker. Every botth
guaranteed Only 50c a bottle at Dr. It.
J. Keid’s%rug Store,
Mrs. I5ncon Deafl.
Airs.if’a-ks Bacon passed away W.cdncs
day moftl£ig nttlie r^lte home died of Iter parents in the in
this bay tor s|gtUm. *%<*■ great trusting sulterer but
r as a
«jr,Ai “
Should w rmi
ings are at an end as she rests In the arms
of th * great giver cf all good tilings.
BY A. B. C.
ATr. and Airs. J, 3. Chapman, attended
preaching at Powelton last Sunday.
Air. Love Brake lias moved his saw mill
to Air. W. A. Hills place.
Air. Charlie Hill am! Aliss Hattie Chap¬
man attended preaching at Barnett last
Air. and Mrs. W. T. Chapman spent
last Saturday night with their daughter
Mrs. G. B- Stewart.
Air. W. J. Ellington and family spent
last Sunday with Air. and Mrs. J. W. Mc
Kenny near Barnett,
Messrs. Clarence Rhodes and Tom
Jackson, visited Guess our Sunday school
Sunday. there must be some at
traction. Come again young men.
Wo ncctl a tremendous arousing of con¬
science all over this land to the
havoc of the drinking usage. Ii is tune
that all people who claim to h ive a elm: -
tain conscience to face that d<clai’ution of
God* book that It is good neither to eat
flesh nor drink wine nor do any thing
whereby thy brother stumhlelh. Young
men beware Of your first drink and take
warning. I say let not the sun go down
upon your whith hut flea from this great
demon for at last it biteth like a. serpent
and sting' th like nn adder,
The ladder wa* created for one pur
pose,namely, a receptacle for the mine,
and as such it is not iiaMe to any fonn_ <
disease except by one of two ways, The
first way is from imperfect acton of t he
kidneys. The second way is from ( arcless
local treatment of other diseases.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy
neys is the chief caareof bladder troubles.
80 the womb, like the bladder, was creat
ed for one purpose, end if not doctored too
much is not liable to weakness or disease,
except in rare cases. It is situated back
of and very close to the bladder, therefore
any pain, disease or inconvenience
festod in the kidneys, back, bladacr
urinary passage is of: n, by mistake.; ”'
tributvd to female weakness or
trouble of some sort. The error is easily
, I 5 a<le and may be easilyavoided. To find
out cor-zeetly. set yo-r urine aside for
gral the extraordinary effect of Dr.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root the great kidney,
ar.d bladder remedy is soon rt tdized. D
voa need a medicine fifty yon should itave the
At drlI ^p ls cen ts and one dol
j. ir Yon tr.av itave a sample bottle and
_ bt/Jt
phantplet, sent free by lati, upon
tin >s to cot er
L, on the bottle.
1 1013 the A* • o' lib-Democrat and send
your .adwi* to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing
ha in ton, N. A. pro, victors jof tiii«
* 1 ..** 1 ■•arantee the ge uireness of mis
Correspondents’ Reports of Wliat Their
Neighbors Talk
tin? Happenings in Their Ilespoetive Lo¬
calities. All the News.
Warm days and cool nights.
Trees have pul on the appearance of
The small grain crop of this section is
looking nice.
Miss Lizzie Waller, of Wilkes, is visit¬
ing her sistei’ Airs. T. J. Johnson.
Mr. Crawford Morris has bought him¬
self a new buggy. Look out girls.
Lev.,). C. ill'll preached ;l very able
sermon at Carters Grove church last Sun¬
The Sabbath school at Phillips church
is in a flourishing condition we are glad
to say.
We are sorry to learn Unit Mrs. M, D.
Will lane is in very feeble health. Wo
hope she may soon recover.
Mrs. M. 1 ). Wallace has been quite ill
but ir better at this writing.
We are glad to know our prince mer
ciiuut is doing such lively business by the
“Spencer” beys forgivne.s.s for his si
lenee, as lie has been quite busy, but hope
lo be more punctual in the future.
Mrs. Alaiy Liumcford is visiting her
daughter Mrs. Lucy Sherrer oyer in
Wilkes. Hope she will soon return
Rev. Jim Bell filled his appointment at
Carter’* Gtovo lust Saturday and Sundav
ilud W(! (hink u , , s a (iiu ,
j n g from his congregation,
Mrs. D. W. Luuceford spent last Satur
tiny atMr. W. (>, Lunceford’s much to
the delight of the family as she isacharrn
most estimable lady.
VVe have been having beautiful spring
weather for the past two weeks and tlm
farmers hayo taken .advantage of if, as
uLey are progressing finely with their
Millions Given Awny.
It, is eersatnly gratifying to the public
toknovv Of one concern in the land who
are not afraid to be generous to the needy
anti suffering. The proprietors of !)r.
wing's New Discovery tor Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, liavy given away over
ten million trial bottles oi this great med
“"d have tiie satisfaction of knowing
a has absolutely cured thou.,unds of hone
less cases. Asthma, Bronchitis,
ness and all diseases of the Throat, Chos t
and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call
on J)r. R. J. Reid, druggist, and get a
trial bottle free. Regular size 50c and U 1 ,
Every bottleguuranteed,orpriee refunded.
BY L N. C.
Grain Is looking fine.
N"vcra! have set out cabbage plants
Farmers arc. about through planting
Borne have commenced gardening in
this section.
Mr. Thomson was in Helena Thursday
talking linrnc-s oil.
Mr. 8 . A. Caldwell went to AVashington
Friday on business,
Mr. Walls and bis best girl passed
h( , r(J Sll „,|„ y .
Miss Maggie Boatwright is visiting her
.sister in Oghlhorpecounty.
Air. lien Akins and family visited his
mother at this place this week.
Mr. Alex Johnson the machine agent
passed through Helena Friday last.
Mrs. Fannie Boatwright and son, visited
her daughter near Bethel .Sunday last.
J. W. B. and I), R. H. went to see their
(,,.4 g\r\s Sunday. M ust had a big time,
There was u huge crowd at ,Sardis
church Sunday. Rev. (tala way preached.
Mrs- Afattie Boatwright and sou John,
spent Friday last with Mrs. Fannie
Mrs. Ann Thaxion ami daughter, Mi
Casvic visited Airs, Rohu rt Boatwright
Messrs. John Griffith and . Roat
wngld, of He ~ , went to Ada In
stitute Sunday in.
Mr. Ed. Boatwright, of Helena, went to
Wa-hington Frida last on a bicycle, He
bought him . a whet , VV11}" there.
A!i*s-s AVeodie Norman, Rosa Boat
v/1 .|, rjlt ari(1 y fr> yfortic Lai.drum visited
.................. . . “ a-*.
Farmers arc planting corn.
Mr. J. Hill Brake is Vill very low.
Mr. James Alcfvenny, of South Caroli
visited Itis bri/tlier .!>? last week.
AVe are giad to stc so m 1 h etrn being
planted. Hope it ii d ea'e, belter times,
Miss Ida .Tones w • are pl.»d to say is
mnch bettor. Hort she 1 ill oon be well
In Advance-
NO. (5.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Dr. ,L 11. Kilpatrick filled his regular
appointment at I’owelton Saturday and
Mr. R. J. Cooper is much improved in
health \vc are glad to know. Hope he
may soon recover.
Our Sabbath school was largely attend¬
ed Sunday much to the encouragement of
those who tire trying to farther the good
Air !!. F. Wynne is our boss fisherman.
Last Saturday week lie caught two carp
one weighing,' 15 and the other 1 -f p"und.
Who can heat that?
Mess s. Inc Bus, John Williamson and
Flicker Brake, of I’owelton, and Air. II.
W. Crenshaw, of Warren, were at Sabbath
school Sunday week. Come again boys.
There is considerable excitement oyer
the much talked of war with Spain. We
hope the trouble will he satisfactorily ar¬
ranged without hood shed. War is no
child play.
Ai rs. S. N. Chapman who has been sick
so long breathed her last Friday morning,
She leaves many relatives and friends to
mourn her departure. Though we mourn
not as those who have no hope for she
left us evidences that our loss is her eter¬
nal gain. The family have our sympathies
and may we all Imitate the christft’n life
of our departed friend and sister.
General Debility
Sfl(l « I LUufl /hf PIacH I IWolE
Scott's Emulsion has been the
standard remedy for nearly a
quarter of a century. Physicians
{.gadfly admit that they obtain tc
suits from it that they cannot get
from any other flesh-forming food.,
There are many market other prepara
tions on the that pretend
to do what
docs, tot they fail to perform Ori It.
The pure Norwegian Cod-liver
made into a delightful cream, Hypophos- skill¬
fully blended with the
phites of Lime and Soda, which
J? are such valuable tonics,
/T A makes this preparation an
fiikxJx ideal one and checks the
4 wasting tendency, and the
' ’ almost immediate¬
ly commences to put on
r;,| v, flesh and gain a strength
which surprises them.
Be sure you ge, SCOTT’S Emulsion. See .h« ,he
nun »mi fish are on the wrapper,
* oc - and L- 00 - all druggist?,
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
Oxvdonor! 9
(Trade Mark Registered Nov. 24, ’90.
The New Life-Giver.
Promotes Vigorous Health by instilling
OXYGEN from the air into the system,
and cures nil, forms of disease without
Medicine or Electricity. It is as simple as
Prices of OXYDONORS greatly re
dneed. Get the genuine, made by the
<ii-eoverer and inventor, Dr, Hercules
Sane he.
B» k of particulars and | rice list free.
A'MressDr. I!. Sane lie, 261 Fifth Ave
nue, New York,
A radical, positive arj permanect curs
raraitced ir- 5 days. Absolutely harmlecr.
)\o l ’ tapering off” procevs — No suostitu
tioa method. address ui
R. a. GfkN. y..n.,
4t East gist Street, New York City.