Newspaper Page Text
r\ SI
,1 m 11
Fifty Years Ago.
President Polk in the White House chair
While in IyOwell was Doctor Ayer ;
Both were busy for human weal
One to govern and one to heal.
And, as a president’s power of will
Sometimes depends on a liver-pill,
Mr. Polk took Ayer’s Pills I trow
For his liver, 50 years ago.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills
Were designed to supply a
model purgative to people who
had so long injured themselves
with griping medicines. Being
carefully prepared and their in¬
gredients adjusted to the exact
necessities of the bowels and
liver, their popularity was in¬
stantaneous. That this popu¬
larity has been maintained is
well marked in the medal
awarded these pill3 at the
■World's Fair 1S93.
50 Years of Cures.
Engines & B oilers J
Gins and Presses.
Complete Cotton. Saw, Grist. Oil and
Fertilizer Mill outfits; also Gin Press, Cane
Mill and Shingle outfits.
Building, Bridge, Factory Furnace and
Pailroad Castings; Railroad Mill, .Machin¬
ists’’ and Factory Supplies.
Belting, Packing, Injectors, Pipe Fit¬
tings, Saws. Files. Oilers, Etc. CAST
Lombard Iron \Tks Supply Co.
Foundry, Machine, Boiler and Gin Works.
Repairs Promptly Done.
m onr new Litliograyurc note and
1 ry letter heads. They arc stylish.
For information as to Routes, Schedules
and Rates, both
Passenger and Freight,
write to either of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
relial'l’c informion.
T. P. A. G. P. A.
C. F. -UP. A. G. A.
Atlanta Atliens.
S. A. C. F. A.
Macon, Ga.
S. F. A. S. F. * I*. A.
Milledgeville. Augusta.
LabiiCljr fthom, Ou 9r ulCVi Qtowcs ai rt G
Dealers in Pork, Beef, Mutton, Fish
and Oysters. We also keep an eating
saloon at oar place of business.
We respectfully solicit tlie patronage of
the public. ,
We guarantee satisfaction, low onces
and polite attention.
Market pi ice paid for all Raw Hides:
Sharon, Ga.
Absolutely and permanently cured :n 9 days
by a new scientific and invigorating injections treat
ment. No publicity — no no
restraint. Can be given secretly. No "free
treatment" scheme.
R. A. GUNN, .M B.,
41 East 2Sst Street, New York City.
At ^
2 7th St. Augusta, Ga.,
GIVES FREE EYE TESTS f,r sC ' uecis of
»i£ht, grinds the pr.-tp«r sla; v i - -E J VTAK
li- V XT V Li mi.
Lenses cut into veur frame v hue you r/art
Pure Home Matters IPicfced Up by Our
Local Reporters.
Wliat Our People Are Doing and Saying.
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
_April is here and our people
are still hauling guano.
Ladies belts all colors, styl¬
ish and cheap at Paul Lucas’.
—Don't forget to clean off
your squares at the cemetery.
Don't miss seeing
Lucas' nice spring dress goods,
—Several of the boys went
fishing last week and reported
splendid luck.
—Miss Cattie Farmer has re¬
turned from a visit to Oglethorpe
—Mr. John Hill, of this Washing
ton, was over here week
horse trading.
All sorts of fancy and box
candies fresh and cheap at Paul
—Mrs. M. E. Moore went up
to Morgan county Tuesday to
visit relatives.
Club ties four-in hand, and
scarfs from 5c to 50c at Paul G.
—Dr. Charles Lane is speak¬
ing of coming to Crawford ville
soon to lecture.
Heinz’s and other be’st brands
of mixed, plain-and sweet pickles
at Paul Lucas’.
—Miss Annie Brooke, of Ray¬
town, is visiting Col. H. M. Hol¬
den and family.
—Mr. John O’Keeffe, of
Sharon, visited Washington
Monday on business.
—Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Lucas, of
Washington, spent Sunday wii'h
relatives in this place.
—Mr. Lo-vell Taylor, of At¬
lanta, is visiting his parents and
many friends this week.
Pitchers, bowls and all sorts
of crockery ware, best and
cheapest, at Paul-Lucas’.
—Why not organize a good
string band in this place if we
cannot get up the cornet band?
—Roger T. Brooke came down
from Atlanta Wednesday night.
His friends are glad to see him.
.—The young people’s Sun
Beam Society was re-organized
at the Baptist church here Sun¬
—Fruit trees bloomed and
shedded . their blooms quicker
this year than ever known be¬
—Miss Emma Beazley, of
Union Point, spent a short time
! wfith relatives here the first of
the week.
—That excellent sewing ma¬
chine has not been sold yet. It
is a bargain, at the Advo-Demo¬
crat office.
—The fine of one of the jail
has been paid. It is
supposed his beneficiary knows
Where he is.
—Rev. R. E. L. Harris attend¬
ed a prohibition meeting in At¬
lanta this week, returning to the
Baptist convention.
—Messrs. W. J. Norton, Oscar
Chapman and Carl Holden will
attend the Baptist Convention in
Augusta this week.
—Mrs. James Ingraham, of
Union Point, visited the fam¬
ily of her brother, Mb. Bob Me-'
Gibony at this place,
—Sunday w r as a typical sum¬
mer day and> our streets were j
filled with the usual-buggy, car- j
riage and bicycle outings.
—<Col. H. M. Holden is having
a nice flower side yard of his fixed handsome up on j !
the west
res id ence G n Broad street.
—Mr. J. H. Rhodes, of Craw
ford, returned home Sunday
after atteu ding ° Mrs. Chapman's L,
U-F-al . . at , „ Powelton ,, Saturday. a , „
— Mrs. W • G. v-ont
to Atlanta Tuesday where .
she will spend several days with |
friends and relatives, and having |
her eyes treated.
—The Bonner-Moore railway
signal was tested here W ednes -1
day and it performed its duty
very well, A laige ciowd \,it
nessed the operation,
— -Miss Essie . Stone, a charm- ,
young lady of Sharon, i,s
here on a visit to the hospitable
home of Mr. Linton Lewis.—
Washington Chronicle.
—Miss Marie Peteet. of
Wilkes, who has been visiting
Mrs. Maltbie, returned to her
home Tuesday, Miss Kattie
Maltbie accompanying her.
his residence on Broad street,
Mr. J. W. Timberlake and Em¬
mett Henry doing- the work.
—Stick to home
and they will stick to you, mak
ing a town at the same time.
War, War, War!
Not With Spain, but Against High Prices!
I am very anxious to increase trade with my Taliaferro friends
just four-fold in 1898 . I appreciate your p'A'st favors and Will make a
desperate effort to secure your trade.
1 $ Single Harness
Top Buggies 845 . 00 . One Horse Wagons 26 . 00 .
Freight paid on all orders over $ 10 . 00 . Prompt service. Polite
attention. Big bargains,
T. Ga.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Chap¬
man. of Augusta, returned home
Monday. They came up to at
tend the funeral of the former’s
mother at Powelton Saturday.
—Mrs. Lonnie Reynolds and
Mrs. Bethune, of Milledgeville,
won t up to the former’s home in
Greene Saturday after visiting
their sister. Mrs. Flynt mt this
For Sale—Extra good variety
of cotton seed for planting;
apply to W. R. Gunn, Crawford
ville, Ga.
—The club met last Friday
night at the residence of Mr. W.
A. Lcgwen. The many present
had a very enjoyable time. It
will meet Friday night week at
Mr. Melton’s.
Sawed brackets any style or
shape gotten out by the Wash¬
ington Mfg. Co.
—We have some of the pret¬
tiest samples of clothing ever
shown here and if you want a
nice suit cheap let us send for it
for you. Fits guaranteed, at
Advo-Democrat office.
Ashley & Denham, of White
Plains, are buying cows aud
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
—Mrs. M. A. Sanford returned
from South Carolina Saturday
where sire had been attending
Miss Eclipse Collins who has
been very sick. We are told
that Miss Eclipse is better.
Get our prices on laths aud
and brick before you begin your
house. Washington Mfg. Co.
—Messrs. T.- A. McManus and.
Zack Walker, of White Plains,
were in Crawfordville Monday
The latter was inspecting Col. H.
M. Holden s residence with a
view to : building; one for himself
like it.
Best shingles at lowest liv¬
ing prices can be bought of
Washington Mfg.- Co.
—Our friends and patrons will
confer a favor upon us if they
will report any irregularity in
receiving their papers. We, as
any one else, are liable to mis¬
takes and if you do not get your
paper regularly please report it
so we can find whose fault it is.
It is some consolation to know'
that there are some level headed,
men in Congress who do not
want to rush this country into a
bloody war just for the sake of a
little “bully talk, 11 Generally
speaking the men who urge war
are the ores who do not expect
to do the fighting. We do not
see that the United States has
the right to demand Cuban in
Every Day in the Week.
From now on I will be prepar¬
ed to grind-or exchange meal for
corn every day in the week. My
uffll has Just been sharpened and
otherwise overhauled and will
furnish only guaranteed first
class meal, fresh and -rood.
f , w f ,“ T li¬
' ’
Crawfordville, Ga.
W.J I 1
f i
Lav/ns, Muslins, Perales, Calicoes
And everything ii, Spring D reS s
Goods, the latest fq-m-cs and very
Pretty. Will sell 1 Jieni at lowest
prices, consistent p j, price
Cotton and Scarcity ,.<• money. . .
Prettiest Croeke P y j n Town.
A Good Lady Gone.
This entire community was
silddened Friday last at the an¬
nouncement of Mi’s. S. N; Chap¬
man’s death which occurred at
Powelton on that morning. Her
dgath was not unexpected as she
Iliad been a’ long sufferer. Her
death remoyes ene of the purest
ahd mostdevoted ebristain ladies
in t his section as the large as
sembly at her grave showed -
she was loved by all who knew
her. The funeral occured Sal
urday, at Powelton, aud several
from this place attended. The
bereaved family have sympathies
of all our people. She leaves a
husband and a large family of
children and grand-children who
by their steady lives show the
superior training of upright
—Cotton is still coming into
this market.
See W. T. Johnsons, Wash¬
ington, Ga., for Buggies and
Wagons. Ho buys in car load
lots and makes low prices.
Try the Washington Mfg.
Co. on nails and builders hard¬
W. T. Johnson, Washington,
sells everything on wheels.
Bank to Organize.
The Bank of Taliaferro is on
foot and a meeting will be held
Saturday to perfect aii organiza
tion. There has been a list cir
this week and )
natnes with goo d numbers of
stock , snares , taken, , . The need
of a bank is fully realized and
our people will have one, and
probably two. Let the good
work go on. We hope the peo¬
ple will harmonize fully and
make the business a success from
the start.
State of Ohio, City of To ! -ss
LEDO, Lucas County. j
Frank J. Cheney makes oath
that he is the senior partner of
the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.,
doing business in the City of To¬
ledo. County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the
LARS for each and every case
of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of Hall’s Catarrh
Cure. Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and sub¬
scribed in my presence, this 6 th
day of December, A. D. 1890.
A. W. Gleason.
j SEAL f ) Notary Public.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken
internally and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for testi¬
Address F. J. Chunky & Co.,
Toledo, O.
jpold by dru ggfists. 75e.
best. Hall’s Family Pills are the
Big Fish;
Mr. Frank Wynne was in
town Monday and he says he
caught two large carp in the
river on his place last week.
One weighed 15 and the other
1- pounds. This is good fishing
in these parts.
Miss Ellens to Murry.
The marriage of Miss Rubye
Edens and Mr. A. M*. Martyn,
both of Atlanta, is announced to
occur at the home of Rev. J. F.
Edens, 880 Woodward Ave., on
April 10th. Her friends here
wish them much happiness in
their married life.
Memorial Services.
Memorial services and the ira
veiling of the Confederate mon¬
ument St this place have been
deferred until April 80, which is
the last Saturday in April.
Gen. C. A. Evans will be here
ou that occasion and a great
moot ing of the old veterans and
their friends will be had. The
i a( ik>s m charge have worked
hard and secured a nice monu
meat to perpetuate the memory
of our ex-soldiers and everything
j s expected to be in readiness to
honor the 80th with their pres¬
ence here to do honor to those
brave friends.
The two most critical times in a
woman’s life are the times which
make the girl a woman, and the
woman a mother. At these times
Dr. Pierce’s Fayorito Prescrip
tion is of incalculable value. It
strengthens , ,, and i invigorates the
organs distinctly feminine, pro¬
motes regularity of the functions,
allays irritation and inllamation,
checks unnatural exhausting
drains, and puts the whole deli¬
cate organism into perfect con¬
dition. Almost all the ills of
womankind are traceable to some
form of what is known as
“female complaint.” There are
not three cases in a hunderd of
woman’s peculiar diseases that
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip¬
tion will not cure.
Clean Your Squares.
Our people should get their
squares in the cemetery cleaned
off for Memorial day services.
The ladies who have here-tcK
fore been looking after such do
not feel able to continue in that
capacity and it is earnestly de¬
sired that the cemetery have as
good appearance as possible and
and if each owner ofsquares will
clean off and put their individual
squares in order, all will look
Do not delay the matter as it
is important to have the cemetery
looking all right on tha 20 th.
Americans are the most in¬
ventive people on earth, To
them have been issued nearly
600,000 patents, or more than
one-third of all the patents in
the world. No discovery of
modern years has been of greater
benefit to mankind than Cham
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, or has done
more to relieve pain and suffer¬
ing. J. W. Vaugh. of Oakton,
Ky., says: “I have used Cham¬
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy in my family
for several years, and find it to
be the best medicine I ever used
for cramps in the stomach and
bowels. For sale by Dr. R. J.
Caught in Putnam.
The Sheriff of Putnam county
caught Julius Jordan, colored,
one of the negros who escaped
from our jail here some weeks
back. He is the one who fox¬
like secured the keys and liber
ated the others. There is only
one more of the escapes at large,
Sheriff Henry went over
Eatonton Tuesday and brought
the prisoner back.
Two years ago R. J. Warren, a
druggist at Pleasant Brook, N.
Y bought a small supply of
Chamberlain s Cough Remedy.
He sums up the result as follows:
“At that time the goods were
unknown in this section; to-day
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
is a household word. ” It is the
same in hundreds of communi
ties. Wherever the good
ties of Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy become known the peo
will have nothing else.
sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
to S
Ini Beat (Joogh Syrup. Turu* Good. Vee n
£2 in time. Held b j draff UrtO- to
on n “
Dr* Miles 9 Heart Cure
Cures a Prominent Attorney.
m: m A
sr- ■O
/ R
m \
p ttorncjr of Belfast, N. Y., vrrttesi
"I was discharged from the army dri 1
account of 111 health, and suffered from
heart trouble over since. I froquontly had
fainting and smothering spells. My form
was hent as a man of 80. I constantly wore
an overcoat, even iff silfnfner, for fear of
taking cold. I could not attend to my busi¬
ness. My rest was broken by severe pains
about the heart au'l left shoulder. Three
years ago I commenced using Dr. Miles’
Heart Cure, notwithstanding I had used so
much patent medicine and taken drugs from
doctors for years without being helped. Dr.
Miles’ Ileart Cure restored me to health. It
Is truly a wonderful medicine and it affords
tno much pleasure to recommend tills rem¬
edy to everyone."
Dr. Miles’ Remedies 'Dr.
aro sold by all drug¬ fo "Wlila*’ „
gists under a positive p-McfliiCL
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re¬
funded. Book on dls- W/l Health
eases of the heart and x
nerves free. Address, VV,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind.
New Barber Shop.
1 will tic In Crawfordyillc regularly
v, ry ,, * r| W to-m-e the , people , of , ,,, tins
slmmpoolu^. ' clnss 7* 8ho;, lfllr «t Mr,
Uncus’ Store. Dive nU a call,
Oriuvfordville, Ga,
The report of the investigation
of the Maine disaster is that the
ship was blown up by a subma¬
rine mine but they failed to find
evidence to show who did the
touching off of the mine. If they
can’t prove who did it, how can
anybody be responsible. Wo do
not doubt but that some of the
friends to the Spanish cause did
it, but where is the proof?
ShouM know tliat tlie
“Old Time” liemedy,
I « Li k
Is tho host for Tcmclc Tmablcn. Corrects nil
liTeffularltles In Female Organs. Should he
taken for Change o! Life find before CfciM-ftlfth.l
iMfidlem “Old Time” Remedies have stood the
toct lor twenty years.
Mtvdd only by Nov/ Spencer Medicine Co., Chftt
tanoofiA, Tcnnewo.
Paul G. Lucas Cri>,wfordv* | v Ga.
Do you expect to do any papering? Wo
will send you free a large selection of
samples from ;j<- per roll up, all new color¬
ings and novelties up to date. WE PAY
FREIGHT. We want an agent in every
town to sell on commission from large
sample hooks No capital required. For
samples or particulars, address S. WOLF,
747-753 Ninth Ave., N. Y. City,
And vicinity, will consult their
interest by writing to
Standard Manufacturing Co.,
Fyr Prices on SASH, DOORS,
BER, LATH or anything in
Ogeechee BricK Co.,
Union Point, Ga.
Building Brick of best Qua.ity.
Reliable Contractors for all
Kinds of Brick Work.
For prices and information apply t<>
Office Advocate-Democrat, or write the