Newspaper Page Text
AM OPEN LET , u L*» basal s' ffe
WE are asserting in the courts our right to the
h DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Ilyannio, Massachusetts,
was the originator of “PITCHERS CASTOR1A,” the same
that has borne and docs now sf? /f<r i, —rr" - on ever U
bear ih e facsimile signature cf wrapper.
This is the original “ PITCHER'S CA3TORIA, ’ g/igd has been
used in the homes of the Fathers of A me: ica for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY cl its wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bou ght on the
and ..... GAO u
has he signature of , V .mV wrap
per. No one has authority fro m ms to u,3 my .mine ex
cept The Centaur Company of which C. cx II J'lcteher is
President. /> A
March 8, 1897. CTy
Do Not Be Deceived,
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in*
gredients of which ever? he docs not know.
“The Kind You FAC-SIMILE Have Always Bought” OF
rr imeJtiM
Insist on Having
Tlie Kind That Never Failed Yon.
jdP *
V Afr X Y, A a a I'M I fTV>. lift / / & /TATOmTE/T [A a bu h\ t M 3 B U (i
tf t
A i
? •am J il wm : i
i 6
9 2 10 <♦ ALL i
»ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED to nir<* iwy criKoof comif Ipation* Cascn rein nrr the Ideal I-.ixa-A
five*, never irrip or cripe.tuit rimeo runy naturalroatiito.
tile tin,I Im.t .le; free. Ail. STKKMMJ IMDIKDV CO.. ( hirajro, Montreal, ( an., or Now York. stv.#
v*. v •*. *,* 4* *r -y. <J» ♦«**>«»»91* 4>-0«* V*V O •&<*■ *> 4» <►«*<» »*■
I m R 1 i l l f a a L O'
0 I
4 I
0 0 0 0®
Use “Southern Home Paint.”
Guaranteed tlie best Paint made. No adultera¬
tion. It is strictK' pure and will cover niQre
surface than any adulterated ?ood n;
Mad(‘ ill JH) Beautiful Colors!
F. J.Cooledge & Bro. VJI
Paint and Varnish Makers,
Savannah. <2z JLtlaxi ta
■ S iio-n'i. } r «, Tb.e Wonderful
; t ! y ; lUiinrl, Blood Puriiicr....
a. A \ J V
c e.res absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Oht
ores, Constipation, vioyt, and AH Diseases caused by
impure Blood .... TO STAY CURHD.........
Africana lias Never Failed
itt a sinF'' instance ovit of the hundreds treated. Therefore, we offer it
to the public with entire confidence, and are willing to undertake
the 1 ,tost desperate case on which other so-called infallible cures
have failed. Africans is made altogether from herbs, remedy is perfectly dist
harmless and vet is the most powerful and surest ever
F ' VFlC 1 for the above named diseases. Write for further pcctieulars.
testimonials, etc.
p\i A :. ^4)^ i; fT -fT> ’A i 11 Co** 63b. Atlanta. 5?. BROAD Ga. GT
Up A - f' UlSi Ss^ul this impudent mav seem to
I, an
tion. wM.rd to!d however, by the l.unous
r. Disraeli, that any man is a coward, even in spite of
himself, ii his garments are ill-fitting or in a
i bv c.>: dilion. If you wish to en v the bravery
ot octant attire you should order your
UUY- i; \ ami Overcoats ot
> By! RARN e fTfSi
Y\ X M ,,
| Re 9 iB. G' ^3 3
ni Who for 20 years have KJ ailto alryin Custom
I Tailoring and never iaiicd to pUrse in
Style or Workmanship. A ‘■BORN’’ suit '. ii. cost
vou less than the kind of tailoring that makes*
! X men cowardly. Every Feature Guaranteed.
300 Patterns to Choose from.
y CJ.X.6 O.V
Holden & Co., CrawfordvlUe, Ga.
I* ri rntf-T.. k% m hi • ■i M h N B a "Xdc ,
Z'V.X ' Y l'L’ - v
* r.r.
.r. . 4
H. B. WILLSON O CO. . . t a — * *
U Until «.ag. WASHINGTON. D. C
A * a I STROM 5
Watchmaker &
lticaavil’- Snut, Crti'vfordviUe. Ga.
Eej'ttii' Work s b-,'ecia!tv.
Brightest Items from Near by
To tin- Credit of «I*c Excellent County
J.>ijr>ii:ls from Which We (let
the Creamy Nevis.
Son :- Warn m county farmers
“'*^y ;1 ^ in !, t o n thinking of
U] , town water works.
. -Tim Wn hii-gton Reporter
is growing. Had six pages last
Don't ; on forget to remember
that Dr. Tichenor.'s Antiseptic is
rood for man or beast, externally
and cost only 50 cents
at druggists.
county convicts work j in
Wilkes will be pot to on
Hie public roads commencing
—The Washington papers (re¬
port several cases of chicken pox
in that place. i
A dollar to a doughnut that
you can’t find any one who has
'used Dr. Tichenor's
mid refused to recommend it
his friends. Try it.
—Mr. Lem Smith of Washing¬
ton reports ripe tomatoes from
his garden last week.
—Mr. W. II. Harwell, of
Sparta, and Miss Lyra lleid, of
Datonton, will be married April
Do you want a remedy for
Fistula, or Foot Evil in Stock?
If so. use Dr. Tichenor’s Anti
septic as directed, it will cure it.
For sale by druggists at 50 cents
a bottle.
- Ninety car loads of western
corn wor *. 1 sold in Washington
last year, Great Ceasar, what
are the farmers thinking about?
—There seams to he a little
political t rouble in Warren coun
ty. There is dissatisf action
about the mode of nominating
No opiate needed if your
wounds are properly dressed
with Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic.
You can’t rest or sleep without
it. A fair trial will convince
y° u -
—Vivian Richards, of Wash¬
ington, left last week on his bi¬
cycle to visit his aunt in Carban
dale, Pa. He expects to return
in 3 weeks.
No grease, no stain, pleasant
odor, a clean liquid, has healing
proprieties superior to anything.
Such a compound is Dr. Ticho
nor’s Antiseptic. Cost only 50
cents a bottle. Try it.
—It is still reported that the
authorities in Tallahasse, Fla.,
have caught the right negro —the'
other Finney negro that helped
kill Julius Harty at Woodstock.
You don’t want medicine until
you need it. Next time you
hurt or have colic try Dr. Tiche¬
nor's Antiseptic. You won't use
anything else afterwards. Costs
only 50 cents a bottle at drug¬
—On Wednesday Mr. Tom
Pope shipped to a friend in Lan¬
caster, Ky., the largest gourd
we ever saw. It was grown in
this county, and measured 54
inches in circumference.—Wash¬
ington Gazette.
riles! riles: rtciilns Piles.
Symptoms-—M, i sf.jro; imensju tichtaft
stiuv tnc; mnM ail* iv. nRii.t; wer e ‘by
scratching form, Which often we blent! . t-'^-onunue notTuicerate, tnmotm
coming very sore. Siwayne’s bleeding, Okitineht heals
stops tlie anti itching ant* the ul
deration , in most eases rem^jvas
tumors. At druirgist, or Sou, by Philadelphia- nv.i,*»for
cents, l)r. Swayne &
—Mr. V. S. Allen can bring a
bucket of water from his spring.
dist ance of DM yards, in a
minute and three quarters.
brings it on a wire. If any one
in the county can beat that trpt
him out anu \ . D. will try agati.
—Wr -hirurton Reporter. |
valuable to Women,
IVye -ndiy \ .lua-’.c to women is Erowi*’
Iron Hitters. Backache vanishes, hcodac! e
bV.rn.. mv- stre-. jth takes the piece f
cnki’.e- . 0:10 ti, 1 pi.>w of i-.culth react y
ADA Oh to't'ix-' pallid check when this vro -
derfal real-' ty *» tr.Jten. For sickly chihlij a
orov rn-orkf! u on it has no ecus?. No hoi e
ji,o;:ld ■■■ v. i: i'.cut this fan:out roru. ■.
Brov. t.s ’1 .on I tiers ii sold by all deals i.
jail —A Spa- negro woman few was clays put Jin
at fa a
clm’ wecl with killing a lit le
ohil : It is said she kifled
a noth ?ra; out a year ago;
Tor Infants and Children.
TV' hs- — is
tixil* , L
clj-i-.irs t<
y 9 ki
■W-« fl .>
W w
is as necessar}’ as a broom for the house, For in the blood accumulate
the germs of disease which, if not swept away, become manifest in boils,
blotches,, sores, ulcers, eruptions, eczema, tetter, and like diseases, that
flay the flesh and scar the skin.
* v. A
A A m L
9 ■S m i
•A m m Ate ■a
S J1 % 1 m i I 1
i I H M
W tHt m i. 4 a •j m Rim SL m
of all diseases that begin in the blood. What other medicines drive in,
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla drives out. Where other medicines make a surface
show of health by cleansing the skin, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla lays the foun¬
dation of health by cleansing the blood. It is conceded that
the larger portion have their origin in impure blood. Cleanse the blood
and you cleanse the skin. Foul blood cannot make a fair body. The
shortest way to a sound body, a clear complexion, and a vigorous life, is
to purify the blood with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.
« I can truly say that Ayer’s Sarsaparilla saved my life after doctoring for years for
blood poisoning. Not one bit of help in any way, shape, or manner did I receive before,
’ and completely
by advice of a friend, I took Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It made me a new man,
cured me.” HARRY L. BROWN, 21 Hanover St., Manchester, N. H.
“Last year I was badly troubled with boils which I could not get rid of, until I procured
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Two bottles relieved me of my tormentors, and they have never
made their appearance since.” B. B. BRADLEY, Danburgh, Ga.
“Five years ago my little boy became blind from the effects of scrofula. Our doctor
failed to help him. We began the use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla and two bottles cured him.”
C. C. GOPETT, Canes, Ky.
“ After six years’ suffering from blood poisoning, I began taking Ayer’s Sarsaparilla,
and although I have used only three bottles of this great medicine, the sores have nearly
all disappeared.” A. A. MANNING, Houston, Tex.
“ I was afflicted with catarrh for a number of years, none of the doctors being able to
help me. When almost hopeless of cure, a friend advised me to try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla,
and after using only three bottles, the cure was effected, and to-day I am perfectly healthy.”
JOSEPH MURPHY, 173 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J.
iy /E can show any steady going and earnest
it handling our publications. VVe don’t
refer to experienced men, but to those
who have never sold anything. Just now we
are pushing our
Reversible Map of me
United States and World $
66 % 46 inches in sire.
11 beautiful colors.
1898 edition and corrected to date.
New railroads, new towns.
New counties.
The largest map printed on a
single sheet.
It is
A Photograph of the World
One side shows a colored map ot our grant c
country, with railroads, counties, rivers, i
towns, etc. The other side shows an equally B
elegant mapot the World, locating all count- index, p k
ries at a glance by help of a marginal dis-j,
It also shows ocean currents, routes of
coverers, and accurately locates the scenes I
of all current events, such as boundary dis- p g
putes, Cuban battles. Armeni in massacres,
polar expeditions, Alaskan gold fields, etc. &
Send us your address and we will advise/
you how you can sr-.t-re- will a, forwa-d county tyenoy; hy or ^ It
-pro a tri e a copy
prepaid Our express. clear front $ro. to S40. weekly from v |
men club plan work.
the start bv following our cf £
If vou get samples arid den't want to cn- i !
gage with us you can return same and get
vour cash back. Your newspaper or bank
will tell you we are responsible.
61 East Ninth Street. New York City
S3 i
Write for our interesting books ' Invent- <
or’*Help" and “How you are swindled." I
Send us a rough sfesteh or tnc-dal of ronr '
invention or improvement and we will tell <
yon free our opinion as to whether it is (
probablv patentable. We make a specialty l
of applications rejected in other hands, <
Kighvet references furnished. (
Civi’. i Meehsnleal Ka»iu?er«. CTrsdu^tc? of -he f
Polytechnic School of Acvu: ::Eac! ” i in '
Applied Sciences. lawal University. U- r
Patent tdiw, Atttyrienn W-:er Wcr-ts /
Association. New England Water Y. A,-nee. :
; P. society Purvey of Civil vs Eugineers. Associatton. Assoc. Member Can. ) ;
(C* i /fJSB! tfi 4 17 CVEK use AILV 200,000 r.VBKV SATISFACTION. rr QftB G IVIN ^ a
They are inadeof Sottthera Iron by Southern T 7 orkmea> -
-who are sustained by the products cf Southern ITarmerSc
They last longer and make more happy than any
other Stove cn earth. Fire backs guaranteed for Z5 years.
If your Dealer does not handle them, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE.
5 ,^fffpss;TlEfS sim f
Mir-PSMMSy :
ESS# his'#
" .A
/- ?'
bFmF 1 *LM .hrr^ro.-y
•1 ift ; s
p I
is. a Ai s pumm Jpasario & BS uttorff Mfg. Co.
Kantels and Gratss, EoUotr^are, Tisward. Etc.
China, Crockery and Glassware, Cutlery,
Everything for tlie necc; Kitchen, 3 ary ar.d Dininj convenient Room, t*/0 VOLES
Lcundry Dairy. A SPECIALTY.
Ls L 5 UO f ^ do ycurJob I t I « ' . L > 111 J ^ f*."