Newspaper Page Text
SlOO For Year.
to which the Expectant Mother is
exposed and the foreboding and
dread with which she looks for¬
ward to the hour of woman’s
severest trial is appreciated by but
few. All effort should be made
to smooth these rugged places
in life’s pathway for her, ere she
presses to her bosom her babe.
allays Nervousness, and so assists
Nature that the change goes for¬
ward in an easy manner, without
such violent protest in the way of
Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy
forebodings yield to cheerful and
hopeful anticipations—she quickly passes and
through the ordeal
without pain—is left strong and
vigorous and enabled to joyously
perform the high and holy duties
now devolved upon her. Safety
to life of both is assured by the
use of “ Mother’s Friend,” and
the time of recovery shortened.
“I know one lady, the mother of three
children, who suffered greatly in the
birth of each, who obtained a bottle of
‘Mother’s Friend’ of me before her
fourth confinement, and was relieved
quickly and easily. All agree that their
labor was shorter and less painful.”
John G. Polhill, Macon, Ga.
si.00 PER BOTTLE at all Eras’ Stores,
or sent by mail on receipt of price.
DftftgO Containing invaluable information of
uuim\» interest to all women, will bo sent to
FREE any address upun application, by
© WERK UBl /•;i| 1
us Are fully restored m
HAfiflAKb’S SFK- I
,■? fi/ Cl Fit. 3 TAIU.itT-i. Pesos t’2.50, 1 box, t>7 Ny- |-'/G
Td . . <11.00;
USf 5Y mall. Address, Snecifid
I lj\j Haffffsra’s 'ATLANTA, GA. Ci,
Full particulars sent by
mall on application.
$2.5® Reward
The Haggard Specific Co.
Will give three boxes of their who Specific
Tablets, worth $2.50 to any one may
have used as much as one box of their
tablets without decided benefit. We have
never heard of a single case where the
tablets have failed to give satisfactory re¬
sults, aud if there is a person to be found
who lias used them without beuefit we
want to know who lie is aud where to find
him. They never fail to cure kidney and
bladder troubles and affections of tlie
genital organs and overcome all debility
and weakness in both men and women.
They improve the appetite, aid digestion
and assimilation and overcome! constipa¬
tion. They have vital effect on all of the
secretory organs and establish a healthy
condition of the mucous and gland secre¬
tions in every part of the body; capillaries overcome and
all torpid conditions of the
secure perfect circulation of the blood, so
that every organ is supplied healthy. and Being every
function is normal and
the only remedy ever compounded that
fully meets the logical physiological it is con¬
ditions of the human system, no won¬
der that they give results unknown to
medical science. No matter if the doc¬
tors and all remedies have failed, try the
Tablets and be convinced that they ^ are
superior to all known remedies.
effect on the nerve centres is a complete
surprise to physicians who have used
them. Cases that have baffled the skill
of best physicians and no remedies seemed
to benefit,"have been promptly controlled
and permanently cured by the 1 ablets.
Cases where injections cf morphine
been resorted to as the only means of even
temporary relief have been promptly trouble con¬
trolled bv the Tablets and the
completely overcome bv their use.
Price One Box SI.00, cr Three
$2.50. If not on Haggard sale in your locarfiy, At¬ or¬
der direct from Specific Co.,
lanta, Ga.
• -
i. d.1 ’.(.J i ’1 the Man
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Wl at the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doing,
Major White is still sticking to our
eommuni y.
Miss Dodio Bagby visited Mrs. Joe
Griffith last week.
Mr. Will Rocker, of Elim, was visiting
at Barnstt section' recently.
A FRICANA will cure Sypuilis and Old
A Sores to Stay Cured.
The war news still presents a gloomy
aspect to a heap of our people.
Mrs. Sallie Jackson and Mrs. Fraius
Taylor visited Hillman last week.
T.i Cure P'orswr.
Take (.’.iscarct® CMiCy Cr.t-hnrtlo. rev or25c
If c. o. C. fail to eare^Uruggisis refund money
Tin work clone on shoit notice by C. L
Bagby, the old tinner, Sharon,'Ga.
Mr. 11. II. Jackson has finished Ins nice,
picket fence in front of Hotel Jackson.
Ke-To-Kuo for PI fr.v On is.
Guaranteed tobacco habit core, real cs weak
men strong, blood pure. 60c, SI. All druggists.
Miss Murty Tayibryisited her sister Mrs.
Charley Gil filth last week on the Ridge.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McKeon’s little
child is well again, we ai e glad to report.
EducateXonr llwwels ’With Canon rots.
Candy Cathartic, euro constipation refund lower.
10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists hksl}\
Come out to Salem Baptist Sunday
school every Sunday. You are welcome.
Religious services at Williams crack
Baptist church next Saturday aiul Sun¬
Educate Your Iloxvels YTilU CasciiTcts.
Candy Cathartic, euro constipation torcror.
10c.25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
Dr. M. H. Thomas has been doing some
dental work lor Mrs. W. D. Pittman at
Fair Flay.
R. H. Jackson and W. B. Kendrick are
still making improvements at Hotel
Cures fUiaoUpa!ion Forever.
Take Casearets Candy Cathartic. :tl'c or Pace
if C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund usoaev.
Rev. Mr. Embry wiil hold services at
Raytown Methodist church Saturday and
Sunday. sociable
Mrs. ft. W. Taylor had a in the
way of a quilting at her home dear Bar¬
nett last week.
Planers CUBAN OIL cures
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheti
matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents.
Deacon J. L. Turner has a good Sunday
school at Mildrajon Grove. We wish him
much Success,
Misses M. E. and M T. Bagby have
been sick tlie past week but are much
better at this writing.
pimmZT^JrJrr Indi¬
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
Wc have had same pretty cool weather
the past week, with some frost but no
damage done we hope.
Miss Missouri Bagby spent the better
part of last week with her sister Mrs. J.
T, Taylor near Barnett.
Colic, Neuralgiaaud toothache
S v in (jyg miautes. Sour Stomach
and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents.
All above goods for sale by P. G Lucas.
Wc certainly have a good prospect for a
fine fruit crop, which will be a great
blessing to the whole people.
Bro. Mike Taylor we believe is well
again aud able to take his rounds regular¬
ly to Raytown and Crawfordville.
yie’riho WireFenceMan,of Atlanta, Ga.,
f. • • :,M ■r.t.d cheapest fencing inax&bence
for... purposes. Catalogue fre®. Writ 3 tor it
I'ncle John F. Moore is pretty certain
he tuts the Bonner railroad signal all
right. H " ill no doubt, do the work.
Mrs. J. T. Taylor and children of near
Burnett speut the day with our family last
SultditJ We were glad to see them.
OETTSJ? than cure is prevention.
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla you
may keepwell, with pure blood,.st rung
nerves and a good APPEY1TE.
John Hill, of Washington, was with us
• u 1 '.... trading horses as usual. John
1 um*n Cfwv „ in Sharon community.
Ari'.nu’s nn « tlu tv w;is not un
world, cqu’chilh' In our
m so »'<it t’ll^lvi*.
( > fm L' ttttt-ly wi‘U
t! AI t I t- at work,
The\ \\ I l‘|* tv’l farm
1 f, , n* t >
Hr. Murry Taylor lost his case with Mr.
O’Brien in OrawfordviUe on the law suit*
This was a strange case from what
learn about it.
Mr. Tom Akins says he knows by
oldest count ho is sixty three years old
ami consequently the war is not working
on his mind much.
Mr. and Mrs. .1, A. Kendrick’s crystal
wedding was quite a success. A select
party of society people were in attendance
from different sections.
Mr. Charley Zackory has moved to
Eatonton. Fie is clever and made many
frioeds here who wish him well though
they hated to see him leave.
Uncle Jessie Darden is still holding his
own in the way of arguments and talking.
Ha thinks Bryan is the great man. Well
he is the second Tom Watson.
Mr. Shed Cosby, now of Washington,
formerly of Sharon section, is'getting on
very well. We hope he may soon be
restored to his usual health and mi d.
Don’t Neglect Tone Liver.
Liver troubles quickly result in serious
complications, and Ihe man who neglects his
liver has little regard for health. A bottle
of Browns’ Iron Bitters taken now and then
will keep the liver in perfect order. If the
disease has developed. Browns’ iron Bitters
will cufe it permanently. Strength and
vitality will always follow its use.
Browns’ Iron Bitters ia sold by all dealers.
The Methodist church at Sharon only
had lour male members in attendance at
its regular services on last 4th Sunday.
We learn that tlie pastor was much dis¬
Last Friday and Saturday was ration
day in Sharon, with a good many of farms,
especially the colored people and a good
many supplies were handed out, guano
Everybody Says So.
Carcarets Candy Cathartic, the most won
depfid medical discovery of the age, pleas¬
ant and uud positively refreshing kidneys, to Ihe fiver taste, and act bowels, gently
clean sing the entire system, dispel obstipation colds,
euro headache, fever, habitual <
S>ml bUionv.Tusys. Please, buy uud try a box
of O. C. C. to-day; 10, 35, IjO cents, Soldand
guaranteed to euro by all druggists.
On Tuesday of last week the horse
traders generally took in Sharon to the
full extent. They took iu lager beer and
everything thatcame to linrnl to make fun
aud have a good time.
Wc think that the Baptist church grave
jail’d «t Barnett should have some atten¬
tion by those who have relatives buried
there Our dead are soorr forgotten ah<T
their graves too. This should not be the
“How to Core all Stria Disease.”
Simply apply “Swayne’s Ointment "
No internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the
face, Jin nils, nose, <hc.. leaving the skin
clear, while ».vd healthy. Its great heal¬
ing and curative powers are possessed by
Swayne’s no other Ointment. remedy. Ask Druggist for
Tlie Sunday School at Barnett Baptist
church has been reorganized, electing Mrs.
Helen Chapman superintendent and Mrs.
A. M- Bagby assistant. The male mem¬
bers of that church are getting very
Tie fss- ««“> ts
cimile every
sigtMure 4 Viajpa*.
Col. Moore, of the Advo-Democrat,
was smiling in Atlanta last week- We
did not get to see him while in town but
Charles Googer was in charge and every¬
thing was moving along all right about
the office as usual.
We know a man that cleared up several
acres of land near us and this is thr fourth
year he has been cultiyuting it and we
guarantee he iias not made a bag of cotton
on it during the whole time and he had
plenty other land open.
Dtn‘t TokaflC*3pit nnd SaaoVo jfour Life Away.
To quit tobacco e:;s ; : y c-.i/i forever, lemur
fictic, lull of life, nerve \%' r, iake -
iltc, t has wc niter-worbRr, iUzz makr* w«r.Ic rz.
strong. All 'J.ruggy/r*, * ■'' r ?>'. CV o >/•. <r ■ ’ -
i€f?« Booklet n.r epic free. A'-lCrzsr.
SivrVir.z Remedy Co ., Chicago or Nc .r York.
Mr. -I™
clerk for iSharon postoffice. Mr. AVilIlain
Moore is the post master and he has
bought him a nice outfit for the office and
the office wii) be moved into the J.
Kendrick office building, so we have been
March, at the residence of Mr. J. \v . »c
Iveiinv', Sr., his youngest daughter, Miss
Cora Lee, to Mr. William Sturdivant, all
of this county. Judge T , J. T I*. o Kendrick I*
officiated. We v/isn the joung cou^.Ie a
happy and useful life.
Liver Ills
Like blliousnea*, dyspepsia, headach*, consti
pation, sour stomach. indigestion are promptly
cured by Hood’s Fills. They do their work
H ood’s
Mt lie,*! centa. ’.y after and All dinner thoroughly, druggisU. pills. Pills
”!: ,«rcd by C. I. Hood & Co., Low hast.
The only pin to take with Hood’s 3 *r‘
j^. Parks Bacon, was buried llaytown at the
odist church grave yard nt
mfsday morning of last week. Dr,
A. Davidson conducted the funeral
services, A large concourse of relatives
and friends attended the burial. She left
a husband and some children.
Milton Gilbert, bar tender for Mr. V> .
It. ilcid, nt OrawfordviUe, was in Sharon
Bundin',’ visiting home folks. Mr. Reid
could i ift have gotten a man more suita¬
ble fo Ills business than Mr. Gilbert, lie
is filw \ sin good humor ami very polite
to*!!. We wish Milton much success.
Tic fas- * ft OB
simift / ewy
»1 gestae 1 4 VrsfjMW
V ere in Crawfordville last week and
we. hid they are, going ahead wiih hn
pro t nts. Judge G. If. Mitchell is
rnnkh line additions to his residence,
also I iteid. 1 tell you old Taliaferro is
gettin ihump on her. Any way you go
in the inty there is something going on
in the y of improvements and really it
don’t lo £ like we are going to have wav.
Chart’ •!' Caldwell, Frank Cain, J. F.
Chambers and others passed tnrougli
Sharon.lastweek for Washington. They
will have,to start two or three wars to stop
tiie ho Ac trading fraternity; nearly ' every
other mmr you meet is a horse trader and
1 believe,if it keeps on like it 1 ms in a
year or pore it will become such a largo
business that all engaged in the business
will have Jaf.'J tjo pay state thinks and county have taxes. slight¬
Mr. Stewart we
ed him in not giving him a word in regard
to his meat market. We never intended
any harm to him. We thought the Edi
tors of Crawfordville would do 1dm full
justice in his business but uncle Jack
Taylor has left our parts and we won’t be
able to say anything more about his moat
market and Bro. Stewart will boon an
equal looting In the competitions to sell
fresh meat as far as our item goes.
BY J. N. C.
We Iigye'buil a nice rain.
Mrs. F;"" le Boatwright visited her
mother Tu
Mrs. ley, of Ccntersville, was
in Helei ” last,.
f wout^ilA'n taAnon
Tuesda.; judness.
Mr. Me iftiidrum visited liin parents
at Woods c,c Wednesday last.
Mrs. S. ,1. Caldwell visited her mother
Mrs. Mur./ Boatwright Thursday lust.
Mr. Bio Johnson, from Oglethorpe
county, W ’,3 in Helena Friday on business,
Mr. ruri/o K.fL. Boatwright, of Helena, It; r
been sick but is some better at this
writing./ jinttie
Mrs. Boatwright spent Saturday
night with Miss Rosa Lunceford. She is
yery Ion)'.
Mr, j/din Amerson the postmaster of
Triplet had liis brother from Oglethorpe
were injHelena Saturday. Rindie Armer, Airs.
Mrs.ISilyey, Miss
Rossic/Fanning and children all visited
Mrs. Vreb Fanning's family Monday last.
Miss Katie Maltbie, of Crawfordville, is
visitinfg her sister Mrs, Bertha Evans and
her g/nnd-mother. Kate is a sweet girl
and vie arc glad to have her with us.
Mr. Dave Walker and lady spout Satur¬
day with Mr. S. A. Caldwell’s family.
They spent the night with their father,
Mr h, D Short in Oglethorpe county.
Messrs. W. F. Harper, Billie Boatwright
and J, W. Boatwright went up on Dry
fork fishing last Wednesday. The hoys
had I bad luck, it rained and they got wet.
Tty it again boys.
j Tlie ladder was created for one pur*
j 1 ! pose,namely, Lnd a receptacle for the mine,
as srn-h it is not. liable to any form of
1 ;,;„i n( , v ... The second way is from careless
: local treatment of other diseases,
j Unhealthy urine from unhealthy
j rauc .|, j. s no t liable to weakness is situated or disease, back
, except in rare cases. It
of and very close to the bladder, therefore
any min, disease or inconvenience
ff , 8te( ] in t | 1( , kidneys, hack, bladder or
1 :rimirv passage is often, liy mistake, at
tributed to female weakness or womb
trouble of some sort. The error is To easily
made and may be easily avoided. find
out correctly, set your urine aside for
twenty four hours; a sediment or settling
indicates kidney'or bladder trouble, the
mild and the extraordinary effect of I)r
Kilmer’s Swani>Root the great kK # ,
| and bladder ren edy is soon r alizcd. If
you need a medic'ne you sbouid have j ho
best. At druggists fifty cent and one col
You may have a sampi! bottle and
phamplet, both sent free by maii. upon
receipt of three two-cent stamps to cover
of postage on the ( bottle.
ffLSt and scud
Mention the Advocate-Democra,
your address to Dr. Kilmer * Co., Bing
hamton, N. Y. The proprietors of tins
pajierguarantee the genuineness of this
00 er.
Correspondents’ Keports of Wliat Their
Neighbors Talk
the Happen !ngs In Their Kespectlve Lo
calitieK. All the News.
Mrs. ill. D. Wallace is much improved,
Miss E. J. Nosh visited her sister Mrs.
W. It. Sherres recently,
Mrs. I). IV. Lunceford spent a days re¬
cently with Mrs. W. O. Luncefonl.
Mr. and Mrs. I*. Goffer, of Wilkes coun¬
ty visited relatives and friends in Co«.bs
Mr. F. P. Hall has tlio nicest garden in
this vicinity; line plants and lettuce large
enough to use.
Rev. Jim Bell preached two tine ser¬
mons at Carters Grovi church last 4th
Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. W. E. Wall lost forty eggs last
week by a starved out dog. Yv r e think thi*
county ought to pass a law to get rid of
all such dogs.
Miss Sallie Sheerer, of Wilkes, has been
visiting her uncle T. F. Combs. Miss
Sallies is a folly trirl and we hope to have
her to visit us often.
Guess who tlie young lady was that saw
her sweetheart last 4th Sunday and said
lie must,hayo stayed In u bee gum last
week as he seemed to bo swelled and
looked so sweet.
One of our neighbors bus a sewing ma¬
chine that they say is like a horse when
plowing. You can just put your work
down by it and say go along, gee. whoa,
haw and it will sew the seam straight.
Yellow Jaundice Cured.
Suffering humanity should be supplied
with every means possible for its re ief.
It, is with pleasure we publish the follow¬
ing: “This is to certify that I was a ter¬
rible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for
oyer six mouths, and was treated by some
or the best physicians in our city and all to
no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recom¬
mended Electric Bitters; and alter taking
two bullies, I was entirely cured, 1 now
take great pleasure iu recommending them
to an; • • k’-on suffering from this terrible* i am gnu*fully yourff M. A.
Hogarty, Lexington, Kv’."’ « t
Sold at Dr. It. 1, Reid’s drug stove, f>0
cents per bottle.
Cotton planting seems to be the orde
of the day with the farmers,
Bethany is slill in the ring, though she
has remained silent for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Finch, of near Peniield
visited Mr. J. C. Jlrooks and family last
Mr. Dan O’Neal lias recently establish¬
ed a store in this community, which is a
great convience to our jieople.
Sunday school, after slaying in winter
quarters from last August to, the present
time, is now running in full blast at this
The school at this place, under the
management of Mr. A. W. Strozier is
flourishing—having an enrollment of 37
Miss Maggie Copeland, who recently
spent a week in this community, lias re
turned home, much to the sorrow of a
certain young matt.
Our young people are anticipating a
rare time Easter Monday. Some will go
to Flat Rock, though the majority will
probably go to Jordan’s mill,
Rev. B. E. L Timmons preached to a
large congregation at Bethany church
last Sunday night. We are always glad
to have Bro. Timmons among us.
It seems that the railroad is quite an
attractive place for some of our young
men, as some of them may be seen
S“‘Z. ,im<M>! W " k "' a ' IinS
sp ^
R ev . Mr. Shaw will preach at {‘ :e
Academyi Saturday night next.
Mr. W. T. Fluker and lady after a visit
here for a short time returned to Wash
jj>gto n on tlie 3 rd mst.
Rev. James Beck preached for us last
night the 5 L 1 at the Robinson Academy.
A good crowd was presnt.
sons 0 f Vets, will turn out i:i full
force from this . pUc., . .. and anf i p be e in in Law
fordville Saturday efcenmg.
y; r p y. Murden lest one of his blood
ds ,j. at cost J S 27.50 a few days ago.
1 9
He ;s navingb-dt^ca . •“ ' roistered
jpgs and jerseyfe, representing
JTr ^ Tj0ve> f ron i Athens,
. Iiugfritiau &Sons and Mr. Streeter, of
firm of Brannau Rros.- Atlanta, M.ffel virited
Robinson this week,
Miss r •loyd Dolvin, teacher of Hickory
Crossing School, i* quite sick and was
Tr> Ad.vanoe>
NO. 7.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
B f |k
& k°j
not able to teach school last week. She
is a good teacher and liked by all.
We had a good rain Monday night.
Those that conceived the idea that the
world was drying up, and that it would
never rain any more were somewhat
disappointed when they stirred around
on Tuesday morning and found the creeks
up and the ground miry: It will be an¬
other d:tjf before any plowing cAn be
We had a nice rain Monday.
Oscar and Robert Moore spent Sunday
with Virgil Henry.
Mr. A, S. Luneefcrd and family spent
Sunday last with Mr. and JJrs. Arthur
Mr. J. C. Lunceford and wife spent the
day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wheeler spent
Wednesday of last week with Mr. J. D.
Moore’s family.
Dr. W. II. Harris was in this neighbor¬
hood last week doing some work. H®
certainly is a fine dentist,
A certain young man says he has been
all over the State of Georgia and a certain
young girl not very far from bore is the
prettiest one he ever saw'. Girls that
speaks bad for the
Mfsses Mary Ogletree and Leila Lunce«
ford attended Su^(li^Ji'.y'',n':' urwirliing at Ma{garatyf
Grqve last r T.rfi ermon
by Mr. fl&viij. t£ ' .Jilt" ! r ■-' h
again the 5,fhi?d 1 ft y May. ’ ,, <
There was a heavy Lost In. 1 Hattmlaj
morning. I\ f e heard a young man say
that he went to plowing that morning 5t
i o’clock and his plow stock was so white
with frost that lie thought It was snowing
and unhitched his horse, lint young man I
think you are mistaken.
I! I Children
Are gonerntly Pony. Stmnncli upset,
Hotvels oet ol order do not rest
well ot nioht. Hie very (jest remedy
foe children while teething ia
It cures fllsrrfioes, requloten tfi.
Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind
Colic, softens the hums, enree Chop
ern Infantum, Cholera Morbus. Grlp
log, and acts promptly. It Is good
for edults, tea, ond is 0 specific for
vomiting during pregnancy.
Sold by ell Druggisto, 25 and 50e.
For sale at ALU VNCE STORE.
(Trade Mark Registered Nov. 24, ’90.
The New Life-Giver.
Medicine or Electricity. It is as simple as
Pric< of OXYDONORS greats rc
( |nced. Get tin genuine, made by the
discoverer and inventor, Dr, Hercules
Bo!: of pprf.lculars and prim list free.
Address Dr. H. Sanche, 2tjl Fifth Ave
imc, New Y ork.
21 R IW»P €
mffi |8 i ; f Ul’A
opium, mjti m cacAiHE
A radical, po::ave -d «»e
eu aranteed hi 5 d tys. "tbo’ute!7 & r~*kss.
No “tapering off” procecc — T :o Ecfcstttu*
tion aieth >i. ad ;Z:*!t —1
P. A. at V N, ‘
41 Hast 2Ut I-"--*-, f . V . vr- C uj.