Newspaper Page Text
Official O.taa Taliaferro C« ‘
A ( amp Organized.
The sons of ( Ion federate
Veterans met at Craw ford ville,
Ga., April 2nd. ’98 for the pur
pose of organizing a cainp with
the view of attending the Re
union of Confederate \ eterans
at Atlanta in July’08, and -for
other purposes. By acclamation
C. G. Moore was elected chair
man and Wm N. S. Maltbie .soc¬
retary of meeting.
W. H. Murden after staling
object of meeting moved that we
organize a camp of sons of Con
federate Veterans, said camp to
be known as ‘ Taliaferro Camp
of Sons of Confederate Vet
erans. ”
Moved and seconded that
Chair. appoint committee to
draft Constitution, the following
com. was appointed: W. H.
Murden, .) II. Stephens and Or.
H. F. White.
Proceedings of said meeting to
be published in Ad vo-Democrat.
Meeting adjourned to meet Sat¬
urday April 9th, at com t house.
Following is a list of officers
and members.
The following officers were
permanently elecled: ('. G.
Moore, Commandant; W. H. Mur
den, 1st, Lieut.; Dr. M. 1* Dead
wylor, 2nd Lieut.; Win. N. S.
Maltbie, Adjutant; Dr. 11. F.
White, Sargent;Rev. L, P. Win
tor. Chaplain; J. S. Jackson,
Quarter Master; J no. II. Steph
ens, Treasurer; C. 1!. Googer,
Historian;.). T. Overton, Jr. Col
or Beaver. A. 11. Beizley, O. II
Murden, J. T. Heard, Jr., R. L.
Veazey, M. T. Wynne, Angus
Richards, F. G. Mitchell, W. C.
tlad Dost Killed.
Marshal Tucker declared war
on mad dogs Monday and extiu
gmshetl on e at lea s t. It % had
jumped on VgjA. . 11 j Flyut’s
and whit’J’fiTU mil and was
giving Col. Horace Holden's dog
a pretty fair race when the
Marshal opened tire on it near
the bridge leading to Liberty
Hall and leillod it.
The Baptist Convention wound
up its work al Augusta first of
this week and will hold next
mooting in Savannah.
Ujis 1’uuimllug.
Wo found Father Reid down
on tho ground near the public
well Tluu' .iiay morning all wrap
ped up with a bike. Wc offered
assistance but ,, I* at , her sum • , l m*
was till right, but the darn thing
had torn a part ot his trousers
and he laid down on t lie ground
to unwirid muisoli 1 tom t' , ^
wheels to hoop (lit* bike from
getting the rest of them.
Modem Treatment of
RODS mnflOli
The latest work on the
treatment of diseases, written
by lofty eminent American
physicians, says: “Cod-liver
oil has done more for the con
sumptiv'c than , all ,, other rem*-
dies put together." It- also
SA Y . *< The ‘ hvoonb'wnliries
of r lime . and , soda arc regardeo
bv ' many English observers as
specifics ,r. r for consumption. »•__ it
Scott’s Emulsion
contains the best coJ-Iivar oil
in a portialiy digated form,
comhmcdwith the Hypophos
phites c; L - r and Sada. H ms
remedy, _ — stand tsd 1 8 a
quarter of a c ixntury,
CX5. i accord Wifi the Ltf-St
views 01 the mco:77 V
Bo stj x C yoa g;-' CO
Em v
kCN* Yotk.
Crew Rapidly Worse— Doctor* Did So
Mrs. Adam Staats, Mequon,
Wis., in a recent letter to Dr.
Hartman, writes: ‘T write this
letter because
of my sym- v;
pathy for the
suffering peo- Jr
do. For six
y r ‘ ;irs 1 - suf - / / j/k
chrome fered with j I l \M%'M ’J
e a
»en Y
ever I caught a little co E T 1
would have a severe spell of
sickness, I used different ca .
the doctors
, but the relief
was only temporary. In Decem¬
ber, 1897, my condition became
very bad. I could not speak
aloud; I had a terrible couf-h,
Lilly profuse expectoration and Ire
spit blood; night sweats
and extreme emaciation. I was
sure I must die of consumption.
The catarrh seemed to have
spread till over my body; my
head, throat, nose, bladder and
womb. At this time I
tt book concerning Pe-ru-na. I
immediately wrote to Dr. Hart
man, v, ho prescribed Pe-ru-na
and Man-a-lin. I followed his
directions strictly. I began to
improve with the bottle, and
( luring the time that I took the
medicine I gained twenty pounds.
I feel its well now as anyone
could possibly feel, I am -suro I
would have been dead long ago
had it not been for Dr. Hartman's
advice and medicine.”
Every woman should have a
copy of Dr. Hartman's lalest
book entitled “Health and
Menuty. ” Sent free by The
Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing
Company, Columbus, Ohio.
The war news is about the
same it was last week. Congress
is waiting for the President’s
message and the president is
waiting for Gen. Gee to get all
the Americans away from
Havana. Spam is stilt lirm, but
late reports say she is about give
under and come to terms with
the expect United there State's. will be anvj VV^do ^htin not g
at least after so much t
I X. 11. ft Ur, u proniiiH-iit liriiggiust nf
Grenm'sboru, (ia., writes ns follows:
“i littve handled Dr. I’iKs’ Unr ml native
fur eight \ cat s, and have t.i ver known of a
single instance where it fftilod to give per
leei Niilisfai tion. Parties who once u.e it
always make permanent customers. Wc
sell more of this article t han ail the other
(larmt atlves, soothing syrups ai d colic
drops combined.'* For teething children
it, lots no equal.
For sale at A li nice Store.
Threatening War.
The threatened wars in the east^ and
between Spain and the United States
are a serious menace to the cotton plant¬
ing interests of the south. On this sub¬
ject the report says:
"The planters of the south have no
encouragement to plant cotton largely
this year, with the Anglo Rusoan-Dhi
nese complications existing in the cast,
which might before the new crop could
be marketed greatly reduce the value of
cotton, and the strained relations of our
government with Spain, which possibly in
might result in war, staring them
the face.
“Even with porumiiont peace existing
all the nations of the globe, the
consumptive demand for cotton would
not he sufficient to warrant the produc
tion of another such large American
crop as last year. An inevitable loss to
Hie whole sot a it, in our opinion, would
surely follow.”
Tin: r t'Tt UK urosfects of cotton.
From a recent , of , Mo^s „ KU
thorifv on e! utoi i ’ eon m nupt 1 > 1 n m the
world" we make the following extract as
h) future propels:
of American cotton in the ports of the
United States, Euroi>o and the surplus
mil , 6 wouUl l)0 about i.jhio.oco bales,
against onlv 800.000 last year, and wc
remarked that in regard to the future of
prices everything would depend upon
prosjiects of the new crop.
"With as great a reduction in acreage
as took place ^ in the spring of 1895, we
ghould a values ropotition 0 f ,ho upward
uiovement in witnessed in that
year: but. if planters are satisked with
vuvsent prices and do not reduce the
aml plajiteB. then cotton will K\‘ume a
greater drug than it ever haslvcniu the
history of the trade, and planters prices." will
not get anything like present
In their report Messrs. Ellison A Co.
hased Mmir ealeulatiep.s upon a crop «>:•
onlv py 750 .OOO >ales. v. lten 9.955. ’.18
Isilvs have already U en nwived. and
the indications favor 11,000.000 l>ales or
The present tnifavomble oatUvk for
prices ot ne y cur's cron should in
every mob a. in the south to r.-*e Lis
influence with the planters to cause whi a
war it. tion in aim age, 1
would Is* surely followed by belter
prices and greater confidence in general
business ojteraticms tlucoughont the
; south. K. T. NEsarrr,
A Great Days Work fop jTalia
ferro County.
$25,000 in Stock Taken.
President, . \ lee-I „ rest -i.f e i,
Board of Directors Elected. ^ Bank
to Open September First.
The meeting of citizens here
Saturday to organtze the. Bank
of Taliaferro was a success. Mr.
H. M. Holden was made chair
man and Mr. M. F. Griffith see¬
A list of the stockhol
ders was read and the meeting
proceeded to elect directors. J.
A. Kendrick, O. D. Mo one, Geo.
N. Wright, John F. Hoifjen, W. YV
C. Chapman, W. W. Birujand
R. Reid. Mr. Jno. F. fflylden
i elected.president . m Mr. J.
A. Mr. M. P. Gnflith, vace-pres^mt, easflef and and
Mr. Roger T. Brooke, {assistant
cashier. I'
A finance committee se
leeted, composed of IS J .
F. Holden, W. W. Bil Kw. o.
Holden, J. A. KendriclfBhd Jno.
O'Keeffe. This comm* e
the cashier shall have tfintrol of
all loans of less than $M0
The Board of Directors were
elected for one year and it was
decided that elections for this
purpose shall beheld //early.
It was decided to proceed to
get matters in shape t,o open the
bank, to get the money paid in
by July 1st, 1898, and that the
bank shall bo opened ‘ for busi
ue.s.s by September 1st, 1898.
Messrs. Jno, F. Holden, W.
W. Bird and J. A. Kendrick were
appointed to look after furniture,
safes and vaults for the bank.
Vice-President Kendrick will
look after business concerning
the bank in his part of the coun
The Board of Directors were
advised to rent the new brick
building of Mr. J. F. Holden for
the use of bank.
The following Is 1st of stock
holders and num ba^EkM iares of
stock taken by
Chas.Tf* HovaccM. GoiutfilaR'... 1|„}. ■}. .10 5
W. J. Norton,...V, .... 3
E. S. Gunn,......T^T 1
M. P. Deadwyler,. 1
W. R. Reid......... 10
S. J. Jones, Jr.,..... .. 1
Paul G. Lucas,......
R. J. Reid........ rH
G. T. Edwards,... 71
W. o. Holden, ... V
Gunn & Hadaway....
K. Ij. Hadaway,...... rH
S. H. Rhodes,........ rH
Wm. N. Maltbie,.....
D P. Henry, ........ t-H
Chtts. W. Gee,........ rH
W. C. Andrews....... rH
K. O. Taylor,........ 17
Thus. Akins,.........
C. C. Caldwell....... ^
W. A. Lcgwen....... O
C. I. Ogletree....... -f
J. W. Farmer......... O
Miss C. H. Farmer, . »r5
John F. Holden,..... 8
Geo. N. Wright,.....
Jno. T. Wright.....
Juo. O’Keeffe,.......
M. F. Griffith......... . .ilO
W. W. Bird,......... io
J. A. Kendrick,..........$5
W. C. Chapman 5
rn„, Total. n i -< on A
The business was arranged
and all concerned will lend every
effort to make the Bank of Tat
i.xU>rm<m^onb« tending iu<ti
^ xh., T
puny is doing a great M oi k loi
t iq s section as well as entering
into a >asmess that will be pro
triable ;o all.
a if eiivc. n •; I :,v n
t.nov,- tl:at tUe
’ Uc'-UHly,
i \ *3^ IT' !
- .
N ■s u
1 ;
- !
rr-itbTncMrt. Corrects nil;
Id be]
7c NJ3
. i
Paul G. Lucas CrawfordvO'- Ga.
The desire at the beginning
was to get $25,000 subscribed
and as the above list shows
shares at $100 each, the limit
was reached and all the stock
Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at
”20 Henry St, Alton, Ill., suf
fered with sciatic rheumatism
for over eight months. She
doctored for it nearly the whole
of this time, using various reme
dies recommended by friends,
and was treated by the physn
cians, but received no relief.
She then used one and a half
bottles of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, which effected a complete
cure. This is published at her
vor.nnst request, oc as she cbe wank wants nthprs OtneiS
sitniarly afflicted to know what
cured her. The 25 and 50 cents
sizes for sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
—There was a train load of 33
cars containing 6.00(1 Monarch
bicycles sent from that factory
in Chicago last week. They are
the best wheels in the market.
Clem Moore is agent here and
will sell you a wheel cheap.
Dr. .W. H. Young, of Athens,
will lecture at White Plains on
April 7th for the benefit of the
Georgia Congressmen are cor¬
rect in saying that the southern
people are not itching for war.
Its burdens will fall heaviest on
the south.
—John W. Williams has mov¬
ed his barber shop next to Paul
Lucas' store on the Square.
Oar Honor Roll.
The following kin I patrons have paid
their subscriptions since our last issue:
U T II Sheerer, SI to April 25 ’99
A If Giiiiii, 25c to Aug. 20 ’98
W T Stewart; 25c to Oct 25 ‘97.
5V It Nash, 81.35 to April 7th 55,«.
T 1 j Bently, 25c to July 23 ’93
O P Bonner, COc to Jan 1st '98.
flrSSrS flWP
.. Tt ia impossible for the system
to withstand the demands made
upon it just at this season, with¬
out the assistance of a good tonic: puri¬
fying and strengthening decrees
The changes which Nature
shall take place each spring are
so severe that a breakdown is
almost sure to come. It is wise
that all possible assistance be
given during this period, depends as upon the
this purifying the process entire
health for summer. take
Everybody just now should a
thorough course of Swift’s Specific
&S.S& Blood
which thoroughly cleanses the
blood of all the accumulated im¬
purities, tones up and strengthens
the entire system, and aids Nature
in renovating and renewing the
body so as to render it healthy and
strong. Those who purify their
blood with S. S. S. at this season
are well fortified against the many
forms of disease so prevalent dur
ing the dreaded heated term, for
it has been demonstrated that the
system that is thoroughly purified
in the spring is well prepared to
resist disease all summer.
No other remedy on the market
« equal to Swift’s Specific aa a
8pr i ng medicine, because it is the
only purely vegetable blood rem
edy and is guaranteed absolutely and all
free from pstiwh mercury
Jusist on B. S. S., for there is uoth
ing half as good.
pHi i ; u:- i K 8
iteit: V-s. m- i i
rb A i I* S i ROM,
Watchmaker & Jeweler,
Rielia;.:'- re, Unr.vf
Retxtir 'A ork a fit • .
-V =rsr
mam n
M i gA 8
s-xsif? V.-'-A ^3 1 ,VAS:- o fiai-nt IT’-11 L»*r«s, CHTn D, C
Only $1.55. Only $1.95 .
Atlanta and Augusta
Base Bail s earns.
1 ne w vvar Resins April f 14th, at 4 P. M. at Base
Ball Park, Atlanta. a,, i
We will run a special train from Augusta to Atlanta and return to accomodate
those desiring to see the opening games between the two giant dubs of the league.
The special will leave Augusta at 8 am., City t'uie. AprU >• •*'
12:00, noon. Return leave Atlanta at (» p. m , April lull. Aimeat of the Au„usta lo.rfo
Tiiis will give you a chance to witness the first two games season, also
' .: usi ^ or pleasure. See the following low rates and schedule:
Leave Round Trip Rate.
5.00 a. m. (Oi.v Time) ____Augusta . ......SI 95
b .30 a. m. (Ga. R. It- Time)--------Camak .. .......1 75
H.37 •• “ _........Norwood-------------- . .......1 «5
yr ; l “ “ ...............Barnett......-......... _______1 05
ij 0*2 ** “ ............Crawforilville............. _______1 55
jj .15 “ “ .............Robinson............... .......145
9.30 “ “ _____________.Union Point ............ ...... A 95
943 “ •* ____________Oreenesboro_____________ ........125
12.00 noon (Ga. R. R. Time,) Arrive at Atlanta.
Return leave Atlanta 0.00 p. m. April 15th, Augusta 10.30 p. m. Reserve Seats
50 cents Round Trip. Ticket at Union Depot and all Station Agents, or
5 Km
Etc., Etc.
Barnwell & Tickers.
We have the largest stock of this line of Goods on
hand ever before brought to this section of the country.
We buy entirely in Car-load lots and get the
advantage in freights and car-load prices,
And we can save you money by buying of us. We
also carry a large Stock of Harness, Saddles, Bridies, _
&c. In fact you can get anything you want in the
leather line, WE SELL ON TIME to good par¬
ties at Cash prices, 8 percent, in notes, payable No¬
vember 1st.
Barnwell & Vlckers 9 Washington, Ga.
Re progressive and keep up with the age. Typewriters are now a necessity
in'every line of business.
Remingtons, Smith-Premiers, New Franklins, Densmores, VVilhams Cali
graphs, and all
At Astonishing Prices. Largest Exclusive Typewriter House in the South.
Best Equipped TYPEWRITER REPAIR PLANT in the South.
The $75.Of) Anti-Trust Machine. SEND FOR CATALOGUE.
Southern Typewriter Headquarters,
41 i Peactree St., Atlanta, Ga.
When You Need
Lumber, Laths, Lime,
SfoingTea. Mouldings, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Cement, Plaster Paris, Plastering
llaiig Sower Pipe for your w*H or ditches, Jars for your Lard, Jugs for your
Syrup, etc.,
Bolts, Hinges, and Screws for Your Boors or Blinds,
Nail?, Locks, Coat or Hat Hooks, Shelf Rrackeis or anything else you may
need in a COMPLETE HOUSE, Confer with tne.
Washington Manufacturing Co •»
They will give you right price: every time you call on them.
ftrRIGflSlR A 9 The Blood Wonderful Purifier.,..
Cures absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Old
Sores, Constipation, Gout, and Alt Diseases caused by
impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED .........
Africana Has Never Failed
In a single instance out of the hundreds treated. Therefore, we offer it
to the public with entire confidence, and are willing to undertake
the most desperate case on which other so-called infallible cures
have failed. Africans is made altogether from herbs, is perfectly dis
harmless and yet is the most powerful and surest remedy ever
covered for the above named diseases. Write for further pcrticulara,
testimonials, etc.
Africana Co,. 63(4 Atlanta. S. BROAD Ga. ST.
ainY %MAs Bji FA PER
Do vou expect to do any " paperiu.? ’ e
’ electioa
all new ,
an >v , c y/ E p v Y
1 ! HIT. 5Ye v, ::nt a in TV
tewutosea on ,nur from large
> No err : a! required. l or
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"V -A
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GIVES FREE EYE TESTS fir all defects of
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Lenses cut into your frame while you wait.
FBEE OF CHARGE 1 m *.xioc :e 01 veu glasses nerd