The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, April 08, 1898, Image 3
5 You ehave yourself and I’ll cut your tiair.”—Harlem Life. She Did you see that bird of 5 f, ^ nan n r3- tjrlefl> hat at the theUtet n, Iffht? n He—That wasn’t what reiiow who thd sat behind her called it.— Yonkers Statesman. Mrs. Passay—Everybody says my Sot her beauty from me. wnat do you say to that’ Mr. Witts— Well, I think It was Very unkind of her to take It from you.—Up to Date, tsf^MSd«SSPtl^K» Urtm. v ft -^ onSp o s 'cal Notion. i^toe^aVanmah pSSSSiKl ?- r by mail ■' —_ , mottv?power* street railways e of road. UJ °" ns l4UmUes Beauty, Ia Blood Deep. Ltean blood means a clean skin No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candv Cathar liLt puS 64 * 1 “fomVhTbodf y ft r ^ lo odand a keen )Wn'1 it nS clean, a 11 S by Lnish pimples! boils, d iiotchS"bl^kheai d rt m and that sickly biliou* complexion by taking Eiatefsatisfactim!ciuftn+ 8 ^ °° 8Uaranteed n Ttil lQc £ 2 5c n ’°° £r*' c ’ ’ ’ Frozen meats will be exported from Panto ond^O'.OCKlmuttonft^reasse^wS?'be°the^hii shipment. b6 the trial Stats op Ohio, City op Toledo | Lucas County. 1 ss * Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the cfftdoine^nsfn^ tbe ih rn /'o f Chat . salt! C ? i?rm°vui ENEY * ty and state aforesaid, and each «nd U ^«ft theftse ft E H V N ' UKEU Ball’s dollars for not be cured by of CATAitim Frank j. Cheney. presenoefthis f I 8 C p^cembeis ‘ ■ i fith day of A - D - 188# - A. ty. Gleason, HalTs Catarrh Cure is tokemintoraallyand acts directly on the hlo°d and mucous surfaces ° B S>S cu j.°Cn en-Ij: C coftToiedo!°o! f. v & ^ , 1 b V* rU gi 76e ’ H a n s ami u j m®ii s arc - the best. uoftdftSL r ^ ore men P have Xn died a al ftf^ and arc iLft^ buried h in the ;m e pr “j territory the world. q u nt in Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoko Tour I.ifo Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, b* ms* netio. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men teedft”Booklet U ^ud tS 'samp^ b free Ure Address sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. - thunder vmieftftthftftfts^crms^nhVhe'worl'd. is almost dcafemug, in uick and the peals come q succession, i _ To Cure a Cold In One Day. ! Take LaxativeBromnQuinlnoTablets. AU I iruggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. A hotel keeper in a Bru-ools liot-l was for obligeri his the other day to buy 80 pairs decamped of shoes guosts. The porter had with that number placed In his charge. To Cure Constipation Forever* Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 1.0c or 25c. ^ ^ t0 ° Ule * < ^ ru}: ’ gists refuntl moae 7 Hubert Morris’ bank of North America, founded at Philadelphia at the end of the r fg®otfaie Amefic.Tu; *^ -u*.— Star ToW - Bert. Chew emokeS’*_lft gai ' ett0S i ’ . j. mule patrols the beach at St. Augustine, ‘Fla., in quest of turtles. When she has found one she turns it on its hack and then ambles off to inform her master. * Fits permanently cured. No fits or norvons iiesfi after first das-’suse of Dr. Kline’s Great Verve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free 1JR. R.H. KLINE, Ltd., ail Arch St.. Phila., Pa An old Roman tub well has been discover¬ ed nt Silchester. It is in a comps ratively p si¬ lent state of preservation, though made. ,"nearly 200 years have elapsed Binee it was No-To-Ban for Fifty Cent*. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, $1. Ail druggists. It Is estimated that greater quantities In the of sold and silver have been sunk sea than are now in circulation in the world. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething.softens the gums.reduci wind colic. nginflamma¬ 35c. bottle. tion, allays pain, cures a Dtsyepfu, BiTnorSTiON and all SP.mocb troub’es cured by Tab** l* 8 Pepsin Compound, bempie bottle m&iledfree* Write Dr. Taber Mfg- Co., Savannah* Ga. A new toy for the children is a bowling end of al¬ ley, in which the pins are set at one a long wooden gallery, with a spring gun to propel the halls against the pins. Educate Tour Bowels With Cascarets. 10c, Candy Cathartic, C. cure constipation refund rorover. 25c. If C. C. fail, druggists money. The well-known orientalist. Prof. Ahl wardt, bis at last completed his task of cat¬ aloguing and describing ail the Arabic man¬ uscripts in the Berlin library, a task to which he has devoted twenty-four years. Lvon & Go’s Pick Leaf Extra Smoking hand Tobacco without a rival. For pipe or made cigarettes beats the world. A ry it. PiBo’s ‘ Cure for Consumption has no equal ns a Cough medicine.—F. AL Abbott, «B Sen eca St.. Buffalo, X. Y., May 9, 1831. Spring Mcine A Good Blood Purifier a Neces¬ sity Now Hood’s Sarsaparilla Unequalled for Making Sich, Red Blood The necessity for taking a good Spring Medicine to purify the blood and build up the system is based upon natural and un avoidable causes, In cold weather there has been less perspiration and impurities have not passed out of tho system as they should. Food has consisted largely of rich, fatty substances, and there has been less opportunity for outdoor exercise. The result is, the blood i3 loaded with Im¬ purities and these must be promptly ex¬ pelled or health will be endangered. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the best Spring Medicine because it is the best blood purifier and tonio. It thoroughly purifies the blood and gives vigor and vitality. Hoods Sarsa parilfa $-). Is America's Greai ,est Medicine. $L six for m — -- .« HOOdS PIUS ft e Ail druggists- Socts. B SSC-TS | 5 SH 5 | IL« a . in tirua Sold Py Orogglaie-_ illS MW OF THE j _ Has Now Taken Active Form in the , i Courts of Europe. ‘ mi lino skies mi sot usrts i | To Mediation of Any Kind That Does Sot Lead to the Acceptance of Our Condi tion, Which is Independence for Cuba—Dope Offers to Mediate. __ 2 ft ZSZ * 2& tT, a "r r? '“ l ” S eml ’ aa8ie ®> though au proffer has been made to the United States. td the Pope, Me Kinley’s friends and members o li s cabinet declare that these material and moral powers must exercise their sua f io ? 011 y P ain . f or tins government w^fi. lnsls t°a the independence of Cuba as al1 ultimate Bine qua non unless them ? ur « ent « themselves shoni.I consent to ft!* bpeakiug on tins point, di fe <‘. t fft ,p ' f Saul Monday: “loncaii Sfl y for “u tl \ft n } 1 t he Ift' vers faf E u : lop8 and tje “dads Of i all the churches , T? Pi'oposd media !dh to Span! if they f eal , re ’ b ft l^teii he Umted to mediation Sf f te ® Wl11 of P° any sl - kind that does nut lead to the aceept , condition, .... which ...... inde ftllce °* onv is pfemletlce for Cuba;” Notwithstanding the many assumed reports of European mediation, they their first tangible form Monday afteV- ! noon, when at least two of the foreign 1 sstablishments in Washington received official information that an exchange notes between the great powers was i now in progress with a view to arriv make at a joint basis proposal on which for mediation, they cofild j a j It is dvident that thd exchange has hot , vet been productive of a common mi ^standing, as the ambassadors and ministers at Washington have not yet leceiwtl instructions to initiate the “ftT ' ° nl / informat !on * “ ,1B 19 „ that tin? notes are passing . ; by telegraph between the capitals of I I™ France 0 **' and ^} Austria la \ hi)6n understood most active that j were j in bringing about this movement, and j that Great Britain lias held aloof from | 1,4 1 ^ ^ aa Lle\elopecl that the, British government was also taking j P art iu tb « ^change, and that in case , of concerted action by the powers Great Britain probably would act with the others. France Will Not Wait lor Request. A semi-denial has been issued at Paris to the report that Jules Cambon, I French ambassador to the United ! had intimated to the American j jjmeiW'’Dn&iM.-va.'JO. w.o.nld.vwt.»n - g f w-i unless askod is to significant do so by in America. The denial view of the report that th i European governments are exchanging notes. Pope Oilers to Mediate. Madbxd, (Special.)—Senor Capde non minister of the interior, states officiallv that the pope has accepted the teskof mediating between Spain and the United States at the sugges¬ tion of the latter, both nations accept¬ ing his mediation. Official Denial. Washington. —Assistant Secretary of State Day lias authorized an official enia of the statement that the pope is to mediate between this country anil Spain At the white house the dis patch paten was was promptly p R J and emphatically 1 llem6a ’ AKRTAL TORPEDO j.'ircdl Prom a Terribly Destructive Ma¬ chine Invented by Hudson Maxim. Hudson Maxim, of Wayne, Me., a brother of Hiram Maxim, the inventor of tho famous Maxim rapid-fire gun, has just invented a guu that in its awful destructive force goes far beyond Hiram’s. It is called the Maxim aerial torj edo, and is designed for coast de¬ fense and naval work. As its name implies, the torpedo is fired into the air, instead of being shot along the surface of the water. The gy.n from which it is fired has a bore of 26 inches. It will throw a ton of dynamite a dis¬ tance of five miles, and if the torpedo strikes anywhere within 200 feet of a warship it will shiver it to atoms. Mr. Maxim has invented a smokeless powder to use with the torpedo. The Pope Proposes an Armistice. The Rome correspondent of the London Daily Mail says: Archbishop Ireland lias calileil deprecating a for¬ mal offer of intervention and explain¬ ing that the pope could only intervene successfully by recognizing the Mon roe iloctrine, which would pe impolitic. The solution the Vatican proposes is an armistice to save the Spanish troops during the rainy season, allay excite¬ ment on both sides and prepare the way for Chilian independence in the autumn. There is little hope that the Cuban insurgents or their American sympathizers will accede to the pro¬ posal. Making Arrangements to Decamp. The Spanish minister, Senor Polo y Bernabe, it is learned, is making all arrangements to leave the United States should his position liecome un tenalile, and has notified a local mnsic house to call for his piano and organ. Fire at Rock Hill, S. C., Sunday morning destroyed twelve buildings, involving a loss of 8250,000, upon which there was au lusurauce oi - $150,009. Clyde O’Hara, the infant son of J. C. O'Hara of Birmingham, fell into a tub of water and was drowned Monday, GEORGIA STATE NEWS. ! lion The will Bstilssvillo bo peTiiiaufintly Chautauqua organised associa- in ! a few days and a ohautauqufl ht-Td about the first of July. Atlanta’s courthouse oily hail ileal lias hefen declared Unconstitutional by ihti suprfenfe court. ftild the pending trade between ihfe citf afiil ctiiiiitt hah bfeen declared off. This decision is srtid to he a feoniplete surprise to' everybody interested in the litigation. * * >£ \ «S>“ contract Jf lias U,,"Lrgil been authorized for toiMing feSB, (kdoMicrtis ^ dn th6 ^ e tM will tict bo (Jedtgiii pine. It Js pf#« S bF thp commdsehVa to hidkfe the 6xUibH of G ia prodll ,. ts s]l(nvn Hon. Martin V. Calvin, of Augusta, has given out to the press (i signed sUtc;neut declaring that lie will not h& a candidate for commissioner of agri «»Uure. He declares that while ho rtpereciates ihft{ llltve the assurances of support beeu giveu him by numerous friends hi f all rfegioils of the state, ho ts 8nriot iV jow his ntatfe to he presented f y r fhe )ric , becrtns6 d f , ert(t iu busi Hess engagements he has mftde of a more or ]ess pemanent natur d. Judge Lumpkin at Atlanta has granted an injunction in the case of tne i-lty against the International Trading Stamp Company, which will make the ordinance to prohibit the Use of the stamps ineffective. This is a victory for the Company that has Come only after a hard fight by both of the contending parties, and the stamp people are satisfied with the re suit of the case. It lias not yet been decided whether the case would bo taken to the supreme court or not. * * * From the flag-pole of every school in Atlanta a United States flag will soon «oat to the breeze and tho school chil dren of the city will salute the liatiou colors as they enter the buildings in the morning and leave for their homes in the evening. At a meeting 0 f the committee of ‘public buildings atu l grounds « resolution was intro duced recommending tbe j)urchlise of a fi a o- for eaeh of the twenty-one pub He schools of the city. The action of the committee was the result of a pe tition signed by tax payers, patrons and pupils of the city schools. Better prospects never lent encour¬ to the farmers of Georgia tho hopeful vision of prosperity by the conditions that now ail over the state. Four hun VuA. ivpvtxJuojU' >‘ ’ r.seetious of Georgia to J. B. Marbury, iffe chief e. the Atlanta section of the United States bureau of weather and crop service, show that the promise of prosperous times was never so bright aa at present. Farm work was m-ver so far advanced at this time of ye r as it now is and at no time in the agri cultural , , history . of .. the ,, s . a . e , m- , lc been n better outlook for good crops. The prison commission has made the awards of convicts to the successful bidders. The aggregate bids for the 1.800 convicts foots up to $178,450 a 7 ™\ wl »xch is nearly as much per month as the state receives net under *no preaent system The three coin Fames which now lease the convicts P»7 $25,000 a year for them, but he expenses of the department cut that down to less than $17,000. The actual av’e v age price to be received during the next five years will be $99.48 per head per year. All the new leases are made on five-year bids, which is the maximum time fixed by tbe law. The state will begin to receive the magnifi¬ cent sum of $178,450 per year on the first of April, 1899, when the old lease expires. Tho commissioners have roughly estimated the cost of main¬ taining the department at $ 00 , 000 , leaving an actual cash balance of $118,- 450 to go towards reducing the tax rate that is just now being talked about so much. Ungranted I,and* Discovered. Secretary of State Clifton has been apprised of the existence of 6,100 acres of land in southwest Georgia between the counties of Baker and Mitchell which has never been surveyed, and which lias never been granted. This land is in two tracts of oblong shape and was found by Mr. B. F. Johnson, draughtsman in the secretary of state’s office, while preparing maps of these two counties. Mr. Johnson found that the surveyor who surveyed the lines between the counties of Baker and Mitchell for the eighth ilistric when he reached the Flint l iver went up the l iver fifty chains and then con tinned the line. The surveyor sure eyed the line for the eleventh dis trict began at the Flint river, when' the first man had left off, but failed t< ; , go up fifty chains, leaving an uusurL veyed tract of land eight miles ami fourteen chains in length and chains in width j Just before this tract, also the counties of Mitchell and Baker, ijs another space which has never befoft been accounted for and which Tib v. a <. caused in the same manner, tract is Yietween the eleventh afti twelfth districts and is four miles »,nd fourteen chains long and fifty ch:i|; c g wide. >» which has never been granted by ],o State and which still belongs to tu. state. Whether or not tins lan/d is C*eent>ied or claimed is not kr Pi me the investigation Lias not \u t that ,ai pf,m*n and th« Wheel. JVow 1 * ffazette, Delaware, Ohio. Tho he-upfulness of bloyclo ruling for women is st» a disputed question between eminent pb’siolaas and health reformers. U-.od in Efoderaiioa it su roly creates for Wtfafdfl a ufaup of out-door exercise, tho benefit of IfUMil all physicians conoode. Used to exews. like any c*l*w pastime, its affect is 111 -dy to be dangerous, Mrs heed have experienced fond some of concern wheel for tlieif d Vghteft- Who am had in - In tl* fail M ’#0 Miss Bertha who ridden a rent deal, begun to fall In an alarming runner. She gi’dw (deadfly paler sftgsss'iai* eons tarsi . . absolutely A no j. good. physi w r 'm With' found her ; te£tl P) pulse high nt lf> fate. 4 —» U very this 0 Thinking may have been due to tempo¬ t rary nervous ness when he Ms Hides Well. examined her, jhoseif, he watched hei fiTjl t>Yff her pulse continued JL* jit t ha: rate felt" Weeks. Jie - Was satisfied then, Iron! fe’Af' high pulse and steadily wasting condition Thai? she was .suffering from automiaor a blood ft’- 1 ' ""ndituV 1 °f and th< * body. could She not became stand the ex¬ tremely exciti tVe-tf In this condition loaat lvoise or wetfa?iwr»<l«xl - by of affairs Ui iy were an old irieud t get some of that tiuu.eVs* blood medicine 1 r. Williams’ Pink rills fo< Futo People. T ey did eo, and almost from the" first doss Utha began td improve. She continued to take the pills an> was h’y means of bo«fl pills made entirely yen, and wore i fateful people than her permits Camlet be had lathe whole State of Ohio. I)r ft)! he’ Pink Pills hare proved n boon to a *|idflU!iid ; Acting directly on the blood -d nertfe's, flier restore ai tho roty uisitu vit tty to ah parts tb ? body; oreatin-f mtlonal regularity and pettiest harmony rougliout the nervous system’. The bailor o lf the cheeks Is changed to the delicate museii's bln- h of health; the eyes brighten; the grow elastic, ambition is created and! sood health returns. WISCONSIN'S YOUNG JURIST. futlse JohW haunter, 23 Toufeu of Old. Chippewa p a U, but The yoiiiWcst Judge ill Wisconsin, the cOun and probaPly the youngest in Iry, Is Job® E- Pannier, elected County Judge tit Chippewa Falls, Wls., lassl spring. e Is 33 years old unit sue ceednl J Ige Beidefl,- e< Rnclne, who ten yeai ago, at the time of hW sloe tion, Wf the youngest judge on tin! bench. Judge annier was born in.Chippewa Falls ai Is a product of the public ichools, hieh he attended until he was graduate ' from the high school In 1892. jaAJ l f |Mp m ft 1 M i :,at l\o. A a * m % ^ 0 ^ 3 =3 V * JOHN E. TANNIKB. He tl 4 tyspent a year or more mnklns the of his time and opportunities In stud jpg lu the law office of Colonel L. J. -usk, after which ho went to Madls« j, w’here he entered the law course ,nd was graduated with honors In 189 Shortly after he began th« . praetb . of his profession. At the tlms of tht ,pring election he secured th« nomiiy, tion and was elected to the of¬ fice of County Judge. The . I r Department fias ordered 100,000 new ‘ffuiuigtou rllles for volunteers. OUR/MOTTO: Once Always a Customer a Cu -tomcr. HP We try to please in Rapidi y, Chargot and Quality of Work 0^ Our repair shop is <-c.\ compete; tho largest > T )n the south, covering \y/ gg.,000 square feet of floor .pace We make the “Bi f mingham” $4 >.-Cuiaranteed. elol I Order* Kerri re 1'roiept Attention. hie Loosiey Cycle Company, J A e., P. O.) UlUMINOBAM. Al.X ,i> Corn rp jsponds readily to proper fer* til.,ration. .arger crops, fuller ears and j, grain are 9 Ufe to result fc>^ & huh , d. jj uucicii b j use u Q f fertilizers coitaimng . . at . least 7 ft 0 . actual o^r„ol j Potash, Jur books are free to farmers. german kali works. S3 Nassau St., New York. Advertise in tills Cper and y est.Fo liberal ft V | nter r r£t “ A fft- * V . , ptlbHcatu.’i O...CU Of till S fMp SHOES " S SHOES We have them in up-to-date styles and PRICES that wii! interest you. Royal Blue $1 C? QQ Fair and Square 47 Shoe cut to - $1.00 and $5.00 Shoes. Cordovan Calf Cl v<- ()C O and Russia. Odds and Ends - - - Agents for STACY, ADAMS & CO.’S Hen’s Fine Footwear. We have an— Up'to=date Line of Low Cut Shoes Come in anil see our $2.98 line styles. of Tan, Rus¬ sia and Yici Kid in up-to-date I. SUCH & SINS. One Price Cash Clothiers, Ui m — jkfj up 7 -iqi 4 First Ave. BirmingStam, Ala. mm eoTra PLANTER Should send at one* for FACTS con¬ cerning the Jackson African Limbless Mon. Positively ND genuine seed of this wonderfully prolitlo varioty has been gold this year. All aiH»H‘»<!<’«*«•’^ imruiiuiNiMl »>y »H^ <tiaipanr ami iTsmnI fur iilmiling thip present season. WRit E I’«r «nr <»reat offer MOW to PLANTUBS. IT WILL,PAY mi TO DO SO. $5000 I'rcmiunM for lliose CASH gvSiinf )ug genuine JiM’liNoii African LlmlilUB CeUoff Seed next year. BEWARE osr Spurious Seed offered by otlicrs. Send for particular* of our great Co-operative offer to planter* of guaranteed seed to be delivered n«-*t rail. LIBERAL TERMS^JO AGENTS for Immediate every cotton growing stuteT ADDRESS Sh> JACKSON AFRICAN LIMBLESS COTTON^CO 9a. ■» OH J,»olitr*» 8 troot, Atlanta, mm n Al *.,*>*>,■ Hobitcurcil hi 10 to ilW Aejt No pay ilii enroll. Dr.J. I»8tophen», Ohio. A, Lebanon, CANDY CATHARTIC k tl a 0 CURE CONSTIPATION 25c JOc 50c MR V druggists ALL w*. JI|E MILNER & KETT^U CO. Engines, Boilers and Steam Bumps, * Belting, Packing and Rubber Goods. MILL SUf*FLIf-:S OF FiVFRY DESCRIPTION. Birmingham, Ala. Write for Prices and Catalogue. S HEALTHY USE IS I HAPPY ONE. j!|jL, • j(. yr H VERY woman is under oYiligations lt ,t}|,| A r to herself andthe man she mar Jljf „L|![|I j! , I; Ilil,;!! "V '.ft ' •*“* ries possible. to be in the She most should healthy bo free con- of ■ i| dition and menstral ||(| : £ jV“ K l"l all uiarities, female because diseases the condition of irreg- tho il iililw'* 1 W WAY,h [. makes the home. Don t // / - wi to or mars dread consult f J 111 fi delay Imcauee you consultation to unnec- a doctor, for a is -■ essary. Get a few bottles of . I JJ GERSTLE’S S %7.i ft- M lV ftftlqij \ a]/ ' Tra*le( yourself Q-, F. in !P. the ) privacy 5,srk ' of i/ftft-yi] \ and treat If there \ your home. It will cure you. K ft 1 V ft 0 M ' \y is any coftivencss with few or mild indigestion, doses of St. re¬ .> Joseph’s move it Liver a Regulator. Write us Jt A y complicated, and ili 1 ’ ' if vour cane is we w tiSGT*™:. ^^^ft ftftft/ instruct you, famous free remedies. of charge, how to use these MY WIFE HAS SUFFERED FROM WOMB TROUBLES lift fey ‘jt’tem&tSfr Tift‘Lifts'-^ftfthift.'Ala. L m.RSTLB 6: CO.. Proprietors, Chat Jf ^°^ftT enn ' JUST THE BOfti Wii ViMITHS COKDEKSED 5 NCYCLOP 6 DiAOF d ”” M ‘ KSSf-SS i\rf UlJali flltl** Pl«® rich !»«**• min» so ^ ot “ vamftb.* “ ar ^ S |p fi sift XJ/ ■ taformatioa, printed An u I* a H well worth to any on* many »“t«re<.t;ng m». ner. and t» ask for it A.tudyof this book will times th* n ‘ * i '•° 7 0 L , ch we * 7 ’ .mcatii.n ha. been neglected, while the -rolttm* SS'ZlMhjSil > % ^eat m.e . 'ot rain, to tho ‘"° M who HOuat cannot readily 134st_ command the knowledg*tt^ ;3 ' V3K PU3U8H ‘ GEORGIA LADIES TELL THE TRUTH. ^bm. Bulwrds, Ga., writes: Eight years ago 1 had Slow I evor !: months. Five Doctors at tended me, but I continued to grow worse until I com¬ menced taking Dr. M. A. Siramana Liver Medicine three times a day, and X was ft well before one Package Vf was taken. Have taken a few doses “Blaclt Draught,” cleansed B&k'e-£&W$jbm' JBViistfl. but did not think it a *7 Elver as well uOblL Femslo Complain!*, 4 There arc two critical and when even the danger greatest ontr periods In female life, care is necessary. cmla Tho first, when the girl passes from Iiood to womanhood; if through development ignoranca iet Interfered Or neglect this with tnyctcrious thwarted, in tb« or even smallest degreo, they aro liable to some ouch malady hysteria, frequently tits proving most consumption serious, ; as or even of whiio lifo," at the there second oiieu period, much called distress “chango and is periods life Dr, danger. At both these of Siiamonn Squaw Vino Wine is invalu¬ able, audit ioroeomuicnded that a dose of it bo taken twice a week for some time, be¬ tween and during the menstrual periods, and lor strengthening tho system A. Stale WQ Strongly nitre the use of I>r. M. bedtime. Bairns Liver Medicine, a dose: at Seville, Ga., says: I hav« th used Dr. M. A. Simsaona 'm Liver IVtcdidno In my vgte.' f® I family for 20 ycarswtth ruc 'r w cess In many canes of Xndl ■* /J.k IW gestlon and Sear Stom afQ$h feat# m ach. ttbink it superior to “Tliedford's Black Drought” Stf^SiraSsandl n " d “ZeHln’s recommend Regulator,” shall Dr. A. ti. L. M. as Jons «I natural Hysteria aeqnircd feoblenesa) 13 cansoil by or mifforingnud, chiefly, ct constitution, mental such derangement a of the scxnal system, aa menu vual Irregularities, delayed too dovclop- etrong mOE t of 1 propoiiHitieH. ho goncrr.ti vo oriTans, During or lit, tho sexual clothes should bo loosened; a Blio patient’s should bavo abundance of fresh air. an and appli¬ Tho sudden, copious continuous cation of cold water to tho head and face will cut the lit short. Between Medicine tho paroxisms, should Dr.lVI. A. Simmon* Diver bowels, be taken to correct torpidity of tho and n course of treatment with Ur. Sim¬ mons Squaw Vino Wltio which disorders. is specially adautcii to remove the uterine fy»nt to learn a!l about a aa Horae? How to L’lcJc Out ft A Hood One? Know Imi>erfec-£/ , "V \ *** - *^\. i^l Hour and so Guard against Fraud? Detect DlseaNe and 11 Kfifect a Cure when same is / \ \ i V possible? Tell the Age by M \ tho Teotli? What to call tbe DJ/Terenfc Parts of th» \uiniftl? How to Shoe a Horse Properly? All this iud other Valuable Information can lie obtained by reading our lOO-l’Al.i; ll.I.I/STKATED MO Its K HOOK, which we will forward, post¬ paid, on receipt of only 2.) cents in stamps. BOOK PUB. HOUSE, 1X4 Lim»iiiu-i 1 Hi.. N. V. Cl or. SEND FUR 8 BICYCLE b IHch tirade ’UK ?J«d«U, K14 to 440. . GREAT CLEARING SALK of ’Olf and ’•( i niod*?lH, bout makes, f}0.T& to $18. Bent on i approval of * cWutiit ogents. a cant payment. Write for Free use fflfK j $vheel to our our new Hiini (dan “How to Earn AITTUIKW h Blwi’le” EKk'-tO and maks hlffh motley. HP KOI rslight)jr |hopwoml,$I$.l» ixJlKvMrada ^ L’wfwlaaeb. ’97 model* “Wanderlnuce Awheel,” while a wonTenlr last. uoolcotact, FKEE for stamp they It. F. TUKAD (JVCLK COMPANY* Ckiccuro. PJEN AND WOMfN WANTED ,.I*,w K '•£ w-fJW ^ o <m«V«t.,Pb ))a. 11 Am. N. 0. No. I t,