Newspaper Page Text
The Same...
Old Sarsaparilla
That’s Ayer’s. The same old
sarsaparilla as it was ruade and
sold by Dr. J. C. Ayer 50 years
ago. In the laboratory it is
different. There modern appli¬
ances lend speed to skill and
experience. But the sarsapa¬
rilla is the same old sarsaparilla
that made the record —50 years
of cures. Why don't we better
it? Well, we’re much in the
condition of the Bishop and the
raspberry : Doubtless, " he
said, “God might have made a
better berry. But doubtless,
also, He never did. ” Why
don’t ire better the sarsaparilla?
We-can’t. We are using the
same old. plant that cured the
Indians-aud the Spaniards. It
has not been bettered. And
since -tec make sarsaparilla com¬
pound out ox sarsaparilla plant,
we see no v.ay of improvement.
Of course, if we were making
some secret chemical compound
we might.... But we’re not.
We’re making the same old sar¬
saparilla to cure the same'Old
diseases. You can tell it’s the
same olcl sarsaparilla be¬
cause it works the same old
cures* It’s the sovereign blood
purifier, and— It’s Ayers.
Engines & Boilers,
....... . . -i irrrir---n-rrr---- «bbcih*biux«
Gins and Presses.
Complete Cotton. Saw, Grist. Oil and
■Fertilizer Mill outfits; also Gin Press, Cane
3Iill and Shingle outfits.
Building, Bridge, Factory Furnace and
Railroad Castings; Railroad Mill, Machin¬
ists’ and Factory Supplies,
Belting, Packing, Injectors, Pipe Fif
iflno-s, Saws. Files, Oilers. Etc. CAST
lombard M Fits § Supply Co.
Foundry, Machine, Boiler and Gin Works.
Repairs Promptly Done.
m our new Lithogravure note and
X ry letter heads. They are, 6 iyysl}
For information as to Routes, Schedules
ami Rates, both
Passenger and Freight,
write to either of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
reliable informion.
T. P. A. g. r. A.
Augusta, Ga.
C. F. & P. A. G. A.
Atlanta Athens.
8. A. C. !•;. A.
Macon, Ga*
S.F. A. S.. F. & P. A.
Milledge ville. Augusta.
Zackery & Stewart,
Dealers in Fork, Beef, Mutton, Fish
and Oysters. We also keep an eating
saloon at our place of business.
We respectfully solicit the patronage of
the public. satisfaction, low orices
We guarantee
and polite attention.
Market pike paid for all Raw Hides;
Sharon, Ga.
fjrtink emsess
Absolutely and primanenily cured in 9 days
by a new scientific: and invigorating treat
meat. No publicity — no injections—no
restraint. Can be given secretly. No “free
treatment" scheme. “ j
R. A. GUNN -.D.,
** 41 East 2131 Street, Ne-.. York City.
| ;
Mange - r\t::
Per I) SI.00, ;
Hotel. Pet Week. S4.00,94.50
& and S5.00. j i
A. J. ADKINS, 100 . r.n M iff ! Oil', ru
Propriemr, ut.
ATLAN’i * 1 ’ e * GA*
gS Oppoite Miller & I Ud hr.:td , •
• y
Stables, the Largest in ti e So ^ .
SIDE-WALK botes.
Pure Home Matters (Picked Up by Our
Local Reporters.
Wliat Our People Are Doing and Saying.
Tilings Our Friends Tell Us.
—We welcome our Betliany
Straw’hats from 5c to £1.25
at Alliance Store.
Nice fancy tumblers 15e set
at Alliance Store.
—Oscar Chapman sports a new
and fancy bicycle.
—Monday is Easter—no pic¬
nics close about here.
—Miss Ella Norton went down
to Augusta Saturday.
-Even clover was badly frost
bitten yesterday ‘ morning.
w W. m 1. Johnson. t i Washmgton, ir 1 • . „
sells everything on wheels.
-—The cold snap came on full
moon in April as scheduled.
—If your cemetery lot needs
cleaning off don t fail to see after
Spring dress goods, lawn,
etc., from -Sc up at Alliance
—Mr. C. A. Moore, ofSiloam,
died a few days ago after a long
—See notice of first class
cheap excursion to Atlanta in
this paper.
Buy your Oxford ties ac Al¬
liance Store if you want value
—Alois. Horace and Carl Hol¬
den have been attending Warren
court this week.
—Miss Mabel Nelson spent a
part of this week visiting rela¬
tives in the country.
All sorts of fancy and box
candies fresh and cheap at Paul
—Oscar Chapman and Lee
Evans took their bikes with them
to Augusta last week.
—Miss Stella Holden went
over to Macon Wednesday to
visit Mrs. Anna Weaver.
Sawed brackets any style or
shape gotten out by the Wash¬
ington Mfg. Co.
—The colored people have
made big preparations for eman¬
cipation celebration to-morrow.
—Mr. U. S. Gunn reports hav¬
ing English peas for dinner
yesterday, from his own garden.
Get our prices on laths and
and brick before you begin your
house. Washington Mfg. Co.
—For a limited time we will
send this paper and the People's
Party Paper both one year for
Best shingles at lowest liv¬
ing prices can be bought of
Washington Mfg. Co.
—Get your ticket in time for
the cheap excursion to Atlanta
April 14th, only $1.55 from this
—Gardens looked like they
were tilled with ghosts Wednes¬
day night—all sorts of vegetable
covering's were used.
Try the Washington Mfg.
Co. on nails and builders hard
—Mrs. U. S. Gunn has a new
and handsome $75 Monarch bi¬
cycle. Mr. Gunn gave it to her
as a birthday present.
—Rhodes & Dolvin have ship¬
ped another car load of mules
and horses to this section. They
are doing a good business.
Ashley & Denham, of White
Plains, are buying cows and
paying Highest Market prices
for the “u
—Misses Sallie and Carrie
Sherley, of Norwood, returned
home Saturday after visiting
friends out at White Plains.
—Rev. J. H. Alexander, of the
Atlanta Presbytery, preached at
the Presbyterian church here
Sunday morning and evening.
For Sale—Extra good variety
of cotton seed for planting;
apply to W. R. Gunn, Crawford¬
ville, Ga.
—If you miss getting your
and don’t get it, send us
—Mr. Norton’s hands are put
ting . on the inside . work of . uie ,
new Holden building and hopes
soon to have it ready for occu
See W. T. Johnsons, Wash
ington, Ga., for Buggies and
. in carload
lots and makes low prices.
—Mr. Thompson, of the South
Eastern Tariff Association, made
a map of Crawfordville
week for the purpose of fixing
Insurance rates.
—All the lists calling for the
election did not
get in time enough for the ovdi
nary to call the election this
Wait War, War!
_ j -
Not With Spain, but Against High Pjjees!
fl*am ivery anxious to increase no trade with my Taliaferro friends
just* four-fold in 1898 I appreciate Vour past favors and will make a
desperate effort to secure vour trade. -
Top Buggies 845.00. One Hors Wagons 826.00. Single,Harness
Freight paid on all orders over > 10 00 Prompt service Polite
. .
attention. Big bargains.
W, '. JOHNSON, Washington, Ga.
□ Messrs Brown, Wright and
several others from Sharon v ill
soon go ” v down near Charlston on
au ex ended fiishing tour.
—Mr. Albert Chapman, of this
county, who has been clerking
at Jewel’s, passed through here
Monday, going to Augusta to
eil t er a business college.
—Raising money to establish
a bank and cash to equip a cornet
band is pretty good work for
Crawfordville in one week—that 's
what was done here last week.
—Better see the clothing
samples at the Advo-Democrat
office and order you a nice, cheap
spring suit before the weather
gets hot. See notice elsewhere.
—The Boards of Education and
Coiuity Commissioners held
were no matters of very
interest before them.
—If correspondents’ locals
not appear in this paper
they have been sent in, it is
causae they came in too late
Don’t let them reach us later
than Wednesday.
—Mr. Seab Barnwell, of Washi
ington, was here Tuesday.
is selling all kinds of
wagons and buggies on reason
able terms and at low prices
See his advt. in this paper.
The Rev. W. H. Weaver
pastor of the U. B. Church,
Dillsburg, Pa., recognizes
value of Chamberlain’s Coug h
Remedy, and does not hesitat
to tell others about it “I have
used Chamberlain's Cough Kenn¬
edy,” he says, “and find it /an
excellent medicine for colcls,
coughs avid hoarseness, 11 So
does everyone who gives it
trial. Sold by Dr. R. ,J. Reid.
—Now our town is getting on
the right kind of move. Follow¬
ing the bank we should have an
oil mill, variaty works, canning
factory, warehouse and other
such enterpnees.
Every Day in the Week.
From now on I will be prepar¬
ed to grind or exchange meal for
corn every day in the week. My
mill has just been sharpened and
otherwise overhauled and will
furnish only guaranteed first
class meal, fresh and good.
C H. Golucke,
Crawfordville, Ga.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters remain in tlic post
ofiiice at Crawfordville, first of this month
uncalled for:
Rev G Y Flemister, John R Hendrick,
Mr Thornes Jones efo M A T Clyatton j
Miss Polly Moore, Mr A W McCiellcn,
Messrs C & D Mendle, Miss Rosy Ann
Peek, John W Swan, Maj *Y E Simmons,
2; 3Iisi Jane Thomas.
Yew Barber Shop.
I evil] he in Crawfordville regularly
every Friday to serve the people of this
section. First class work in hair cutting
shaving and shampooing. Shop at Mr,
Lucas’ tore. Give tue a cal!.
Crawfordville, Ga.
The 9th day
Of April, 1898, finds PAUL Gr. LUCAS
the same old stand with a fresh line of
Candies, Apples,
Raisins, Sardines, Vienna and Bologna
Sausage,Parched Peanuts,cheese and crack
ers. Also a full line of Dry Goods,
$} loeS and everything 111 11 general
mercantile llTlC at tllC ,, T LOW AWTCT XiSl i DDTC 17 C
Onmft aNU and Qpp IVil^ r%p.
\nd you will not regret it. My prices
the lowest tor ... the liest goods. 1
New Bridge.
TRc town authorities are hav
iiig a new bridge placed over the
luge gully near the railroat' in
font of Liberty Hall. It has
teen needed sometine- and the
jew structure will be quite au
Ilo, For Atlanta.
Those veteran excursionists,
Messrs. Toggle & Hollingsworth
w itl run one of their first class
excursions from Augusta to Al¬
lan a. on April 14th, returning
ou ,i iC 15 th, giving a part of two
da ^ in Atlanta. The fare will
be < nly $1.55 from here and re
Tickets sold at all stations
on % the line, i lie abov e yen
m being managers, gives
J le assurance of good atten
u and good order. Now is
0l ir time to go to Atlanta cheap,
A Good Chance.
0 P* Bonner, the inventor of
omuchta. ked of danger sig
Is for railroad crossings has
p U f, and tested some of bis
i r s jg m ds an d they work
alright. He desires to have
;ome manufactured and placed
, rent p i aces , and to do
says it will take a good
i and in order to clo
1 ins decided to sell some
t Any of his friends who
t *ioney will do well to
once. He says that
go on, and if he
Ujjarew snares at a reason
»hjIM price he can put forward
t aterest of one of the best
tp't??s out. Some roads cor
r , l13l onding with him as to the
of his signal. We hope he
y sell to some road soon.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured.
t ty cannot reach the seat of the
d iease. Catarrh is a blood or
c istitutional disease, and in
o ler to cure it you must take
ii ernal remedies, Hall’s Ca
t&rrh Cure is taken internally,
acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh
CfpreYj W-tS prescribed not a quack by medicine. one of the It
best physicians in this country
for years, and is a regulyi |iie
sqription. It is composed combined of the
best (onics known,
with the best blood purifiers,
actin ' directly on the mucous
surfaces. The perfect combina¬
tion what* 4 f the two ingredients is
produces such wonderful
results in curing Catarrh. Send
for tdstimonials, .4 free.
F. Cheney & Co.. Props.,
Toledo, 0.
Soi jail’s d by druggists, price 75c.
Family Pills are the
air. Bausrlrfi’fyDcatli.
Mr. J. FosteriB.uig'hn died in
Athens and was buried at the
old family burying ground in
Oglethorpe comity Tuesday of
last week. Foster was a strict
business young an an, loved by
all. He married Miss Jessie
Hubert, at Barnett, some years
ago. The bereaved wife, two
little children and relatives have
the sympathies of a host of
Hie Rii.'il: .Officers.
In electing officers for our
bank, tlic stockholders made ex
cel lent selections through out.
The president, Mr. John F. Hol¬
den. is one of our most success
ful business young men, who
has started business in Cruw
fordville, succeeded here, and
invested . nis here,
nils money
thereby making the town and
lior people the gtliner.s, . Phe
vice-president, Mr. J. A
dl'iciC, has in like lus.uucr sue
ceeded and has invested his
, lus town and
money 111 own
county. Ami soon all through 0
the , list, including . cashiers , . and
directors, they have proven to
be good business uien and will
make the Bank of Taliaferro an
up-to-date enterprise.
When they put a man in jail,
lie cannot follow his natural m
clinations. He cannot eat what
lie wants to | he is limited to a
very frugal diet. Is it not
equally true of a dyspepticy For
all of the real enjoyment he gets
out of life, lie might as well be
in jail. H cannot eat what he
likes, nor enough. Ho suffers
much, gets little sympathy. At
first perhaps a little heaviness in
the stomach, a little sourness,
windy belehings arid heartburn;
headaches and billiousness and a
foal taste in the month in the
morning. Chronic constipation
is almost inevitable, and means
that the body is holding poiso¬
nous. impure matter that should
be gotten rid of. The poison is
being reabsorbed into the blood
and the whole body. Impurity
in the blood may lead to almost
any disease. Constipation is the
start of it all. Dr. Pierce’s
Pleasant Pellets cure constipa¬
tion, cure it so it stays cured.
No remedy in the world will do
Send 21 cents in one-cont
stamps to World’s Dispensary
Medical Association, Buffalo, N.
Y., and receive Dr. Pierce’s 1008
page common sense medical ud
yisor. illustrated.
The Imdnimeuls Secured.
Enough money hys been sub
scribed to buy a full set of in
struments for the Crawfordville
cornet band and the
will be ordered at once. There
will be nine instruments and the
boys tire ready to take hold and
make music for the public. Mr.
R. B. Strozer will loach the
band and we hope soon to be
chronicling the events on which
occasions the Crawfordville
Band furnished sweet music.
Americans are the most in¬
ventive people on earth, To
them have been issued nearly
fiOOJXX) patents, or more than
one-third of all the patents in
the world. No discovery of
modern years has been of greater
benefit to mankind than Cham
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, or has done
more to relieve pain and snfier
mg. .]. W. Vaugh. of Oakton,
Ky., says: “I have used Chain
borlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy in my family
for several years, and find it to
be the best medicine I ever used
for cramps in the stomach and
bowels. For sale by Dr. R. J.
The cold snap this week was
severe, bat we do not think if
entirely destroyed the fruit
is a household word.” It is the
same in hundreds of
ti(!S , Wherever the good
ties of Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy become known the peo
p l. ; will have nothing else. For
4ale i>yDr - ]i - ,L
< X»ugh Syrup, 'i'Ci‘Bid.
in time. Sofd by druggist*.
A Shattered Nervous System.
Restored to Health by Dr. Miles* Nervln*
- A ^ i/
(Mm vs
\ h
0K3L w// V V -
It. EDWARD HARDY, the jolly man
nper of Sheppard Co's, great storo at
Braceville, Ill., writes: "I had never
been sick a day in my life until iu5«n. I
KOt so had with nervous prostration that I
bad to Civo up and commence twdo<*or. I
tried oumocal physicians and one in Joliet,
but none grave me any J*dief»iU)4T
1 v:ia noinn to die. U became despondent
mid sulTtfflplvntold agony. I could act oat,
sheep and It -seemed as if 1 could
SiOt exist. At 'tbo end of six months I was
last my 'heart'became affected and I was
truly miserable. I took six or eight bottles
of Dr. Miles' Nervine. It gave mo relief
from the start, and at last a core, JJao great
ust blessing of my life." *
Dr. Milos’ Remedies H ^ Dr."
are sold by ail positive drug- g| V Mile*'
gists under a ^*QI°VSfl© „
guarantee, first bottle p-
benefits or money re¬ (Restores
funded. Hook on dis¬ y, He>ar4h v
eases of tlie heart and
nerves free. Add rest, t.
m:. MILKS MRDICAL.OO., Elkhart, Ind.
May Sheriff Sales.
p Y* EDjtKjjlA, Ttiliaferro, Comity,
Will 1 )C sold before the Court House
<t< , or j„ Crawfordville ill Mild County Willi
in I lie legal Hours of sale to III" highest
bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in
May 18118, I lie following property to v. it:
All tlmt tract or parcel of land situated,
lying and being partly in the OOStli Dis¬
trict, Georgia Militia in Taliaferro County
and partly in Hancock County, Georgia,
known as the Mill tract,; bounded on the
North by lands formerly owned by WVm,
N, Gunn now owned by I). 8 . Stewart and
iikio by lands of Carter Brake and other?,
on (he East by lands known as the Bell
tract the Wheeler tract and ollmms, on the
South by lands of Rev. J. II. Kilpatrick, Kil¬
on the West bv lands of Rev. J ■ II.
patrick and others, containing Two Hun¬
dred and Sixty acres more or less: also at
the same time and place, nil that tract or
parcel of land known as the lernignn trai t
situated, lying and being in the fioHtli
District, Georgia Militia, in Taliaferro
County, Georgia, bounded on the .North
by lands of K. fi. Votv/.v, on the,East by
hinds of Mrs.'-E. .1. Rainwater, on the
South and West by lands known as the
home or Bell tract and containing One
Hundred and Eighty acres more or less.
Said lands levied on as the properly tf
Mariali A. M. Smith to satisfy an exeeu
lien issued from Pm Superior .f 'oijrt of
Taliaferro county, Georgia, in favor of
The New England Mortgage Security
Company against said Mariali A. M.
Smith, Plaintiff’s At¬
Property pointed out HENR by Vi SheriiT.
torney. D. 1’
Tills 7th 'day March .1888.
4ta :
At such low Prices that there ex¬
ists no excuse why you should wear
ready-made pants when
Zb<« model Custom
a * a * CHICAGO
show hundreds of “nobby”—stylish—
patterns, at $3.50.—Loads of fashion
able designs at $4.00, and innumerable
swell styles at $4.50 and $5.00—all
Made to Measure.
Fit and workmanship guaranteed.
at The Advocat-Democrat Office
wjfl dispky lhe assortRlent for yo ., r
. .
Dl -i j
** *
a mi victnitv wmi'.g will consult their
mtenst by n>
- , . , «
oiRIluRru IflflllUIaClliriljg CO..
um - STA , GA Prices . f
For on sash, doors,
HER, LATH or anything in