Newspaper Page Text
H «it ESaESSB s
I to.-rjFi 61i@n
prom the Dtmcrrctt'Meisagc, Ml Sterling, III,
When Richmond had fallen and the
commanders had met b-neath the historic
apple true at Appomattox, the 83d 1 enn
eylvaitia Volunteer*, prematurely aged, clad
in utters and rags, broken in body but
dauntless spirit, swung into line for the
»vruy to begin life s tray an
the dread oMhe south . , rn
and shell, miasma wearisome
swamp, sleepless nights and
l ad depleted their ranks until only a
f d remained. Among the numb^ Asa !1 ’mb
tnsoti cairn ,irt "
Sterling, Ills.; that he had led at -he tin call
r.rmr four years previous. He went way in
the first flush of vigorous manhood; he came
back a ghost of the s«lf that answered to
>>., ’-fit Lincoln’s call for** jrjO.OOO more.’
yyijj, ]ns return to the old homestead
tl-.eie came to him the knowledge that war
with him was only begun; that he must
firot the battle tvifli disease to the end of his
. that the glare of a southern sun and
«l,e polling fire of n southern soldiery were
nmi.jn;/ compared to the on-inught of an
....... . (Ini fought under cover and dhire
n|. .1 all the rules of civilized warfare,
s : h i i eutnatisin fastened its fangs upon and
j u | aeiiuting him for mannul labor
him ar’an inueli of the lime, physically passed
1 infant. The years
f, • mflerings, with increasing age,
,, , jr-emed rather than diminished. He
.,n fortune for doctor’s mcdielne.
fin:yir.? tor even temporary relief, but it did
not come. alert, , . of . fifty- ...
To-Urv he n an native man
five veaif. Him rheumatic pains have de¬
parted lea and while there are traces of hi*
s of sallerinir in his fa.-e he walks with
o......I- nrin-.; und springy step of a
healthy ** tile voiinc llnnncrul-!Ur.'. man. reporter he talked
To 3 nge i*a
freely in—oil about his eoi' efil... Mr Hot.iitson mutt
Of more average education and
S 1 . fi \j
i B
? fm
25 * 50* !HP r . DRUGGISTS ALL
k [GAT linmr u fT!«n/I wmppp, to cure ;\:>y case of cniixfinnfion. Cnsenrota nr« tho Idrnl
fllU'VliU l ii/J I U U 11 i\fill 1 uui/ in,., |)#«r*.»r ktripc.Lnt rnus ,k i'i,uy unturairc^uitA.
suit tionl.Iot free. Ail. vn ?:uv; !; a:i. l>V ro.. 4 ‘hirn 3 »« MrHtrcMl. ( bii., or Now York.
Perfection is too result of our long
* &
' i j r ■
. ."ii
I I. • Y<,r ii
are the product cf mechanical Ingenuity.
$40.00 $50.00 $60.00
Monarch Chasr^ess SSD 0.00
Send for 1890 Catalogue.
Agents wanted in open territory.
Lnko, Hoisted end Fulton Streets, Chicago.
Br.incltos Mew York. London and Hamburg.
Sand ten ?-cent Btnmi'S f ir ' I'n k cf r- nnerev Pluyins Cords Illustrating
Lillian Run ell. Ten Cooper,Lt :; 1C >ir con and Walter done*.
CD i ^ rrt*. - n
j U u f N O' I iU I
® ® @ ® ®
Use “Southern Home Paint.”
Guaranteed the best Paint made- No adultera¬
tion. !t is strictly pure and will cover more
surface than anv adulterated goods.............
Made in JK) Beautiful Colors!
F. J.Oooledg;© & Bro.
Paint and Varnish Makers,
S J a,vreirLrLeli ^tlstntsu
I . i - V ss. 1 51 v
' 1 , OTa vkarr.-.k bed. C -ns.
m r-\. .y ■* .-A-.- ,
Ylf f n r.B.d W. I'- :.i»'s Cv. aa-.X ' ■ I-.'::-.' Ot: ' H.-J ¥ Af7
1 * v i; fMP. IV? ^ v a«xid T:rcc:k . >' : l
. .
• : 1
ft' J plate' rf S(ttct.r."~ v*str.
mt A ti.suiiftitlv cmcossoi c . .
11. r» kk i . ' ICSUOIi.
vic:i*3 r.t xrv: ^HS’-'ICKSSC:..
•rw— F w—- -r f--—— •;5-, vj (; t* 'G TiH C* uDtjt.u/
• .nib, - *.*■ o . . ; AtTHOHITT,
If 9 VS-. : t r r ;o;; c « lt i •.arm 1
A <«rot ■ i ■ _ : r- . '.i-our.d' ics: rid of i
to re anti 10 # mo<h?i« i n* ?nc* or . JCX s IL LTS7RATED KCX72LT K + CI HNS J 5 Fifty Onli per year bat if
L u »Uf rrim n I)il* l v* iih tu a»ccrtt ntamp* ’■ e r-.+x&n se n.U tusYte U? ron re^y)hr)y
»U DsO&Uu lot m&l. \>n»»lonc<w %I«K l»l HI KiM-hMtcr. N. \.
was wrought by Dr. Williams’rink Pills for
HB J a p-eat sufferer from sciatic rben
matjsrrl almost from the time of my discharge almost
f ro „, t he army. At times I was bent
and got around .seemed with only the greatest
difficulty. Koth:ng to give rue per
e ur es effected by Dr. 'Williams’ Pink I'ills for
j j People, ' ,j and I made up my than mind to try
, lia not takel , more a half a
|, (jJ w lion 1 noticed an improvement in my
condition. tobeUer^nl
dition than at any time since the close of my
j^Led ■, Hinee then I have never been
with rheumatism. Hr. Williami.’
pjofc piils for Pale People is the only remedy
that ever did me any good, and to them 1 owe
my restoration to health.
Asa S. Robisson. „
Siib.eeribed anil sworn to before me this
the mb day of July. A. >>., 1697
Medical Jolts < 1. evidence <• l Si.V.^ is Juettre added of in the the C™*- foiluW*
lug physician’s certificate :
This is to ceriily that I have this dny ex
aujined Asa Robinson and hud him enjoying
o healthy physical condition and free from
rheumatism. A.M.,M. T I).
Hl.sitY M. CnwKN,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
lOtb day of July, 1697.
( nunty Jut. f/c, Brown County, til,.
.All the elements -leecssary to give new life
and richness to the blood and restore shattered
nerves are contained, in a condensed form, in
f)r. Williams’ Fink Fills for Pale People.
They are an un foiling specific for such dis
eases on loeomotor ataxia, partial paralysis,
St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica neuralgia, . rheuaa- of
ti**n, uervnuH headjiche, the after effect la
phppc, palpitattosr of he heart, pale and sal
low complexions, all forms of*
either in male or female. I>r. A\ llltams
I’ink Fills sold by ml dealers, or will be
Brightest Items from Near
__ I
the Credit of ... the Excellent « «*iU ,
, j f rom xyhicli We tM *
...... ho Clnma J nc furled home “ ‘ f tUTlf*l’S *
planted cotton 4. _ O.
0 \er ■■ -o- “
thick . Candidates and fast in are trie fttmounj a-.ljOllf Ug Ug
counties. /ri ,• „
All who , , Bat e , I • t i a , u, « V
tho VflluC Of Dr. J tenOLOr r> .n
, > ■ .■ - «*• * (Irossin"' ' for WOU ids ’
• 1
be Without , Jt. - t !
and Will not.
—Cut worms are playbg
Spaniard with the garden C 1 W>)S.
__Sparta Ishraaelite.
—A Spuria Sunday school hid
a picnic last Saturday.
cold for spring chickens.
Soy, W aithclol, ■;
I* at - i * >> ; •
was cured <n gl&y h toy dfiii
Renewer. ^
Mr P S. Hill, of M^con. ration
will deliver thememoi b*.
at Warrenton on April . Grejaes- v I
—The merchants of
boro will close general up Monday and
all have a picnic. , ■
When threatened with Cijoh i a
morbus a dose or two will of hi
Tichenor’s Antiseptic sa ;o
you time and suffering.
—The negro caught in F Soria ‘
proved not to be the negrf T::
lor Finney, wanted in of)g
—Frank White gave to
Sparta Ishmaelite the lirst rb
.strawberry of that section A.' U
day of last week.
Profit by your friends' ex -
rieuce Antiseptic and when try Dr. Ticljtemf geit h 11 s
and you will never regret it.
— The docket for Oghd hoi jA
Superior court, third v eek in
April, is very short and no cases
of inucii importance.
Add water and suga '
Ticiienor’s Antiseptic )
tract the colic from yc
Very pleasant, perfect ’
less and absolutely
Costs 50 cents.
—Clarence Hr<
sou, has gone m. x „ • ^
\la., as stenog-isnui
Southern Bell Tele r” p? tart
Don’t you go home 1 ! 9R1 Gut u
bottle of Dr. Tichen -saiAni
septic to use in ease off 9 q f kleit
or sudden sickness. Bt; M , ‘ 11 m''e
a good medicine and r, ( a
need and have /M ‘ s 'le'r
to it not
irr w
—Mr. John F. Holden,
Crawi'ordville was here Tuesdj* ! vi.
He is organizing a bank for t IF
place.—Washington Reporter it
When you stick a nail in
foot apply Dr. Tichenor’s At re
septic, and see how good it v'
feel and how quickly it will get
well, if you want to prevent
suffering don’t forget this. i
—Mr. J. S. Barnwell of tihe
large buggy and wagon firm 'of
Barnwell vk Vickers, went ojver
to Crawi'ordville Monday ad a
ousiness trip.—Washiigton
Arnica f
The Best Salvo in the world fdr Cut*,
Fii-nAan, Sores, doers, Suit R! eiAn, Fcv
or. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains.
Corns, and all.Sidu Erupt ons, 8 po3!
tive y cures Bites or give tto'pay h'ouijred. It
is guaranteed to satisftujfeon or
money refunded.® Price 25 cents tier box.
Ft>r sale by Pr. R. J. ReiA
—The bank of Crawforciville.
with a capital of ^25,000 wiu or
ganized in that place on Satur¬
day. Mr. John F. Holden
president, Mr. J. A. Keuddck.
of Sharon, vice president, kind
Mr. M. F. Griffith, cashier. The
new bank starts out under very
favorable auspices and its suc¬
cess is assured. — Washington
rwc»: n;«: itcxj as rus*. t
Byrapt.'tn*—M« isiuru. iic’.ia®
v.i;l St in ::d t> o at '.i'i ft-ut: vcorte by
-cvatchin i If sia»\vefl : ••outinso turn ore
orm, tvu.c.'t often biere. ulcerate, be
. omiag very sore. Swayne’s Dkitmelit
tbo ib-hing usd bleeding, he..i« ul
censliOB, end in moss cases removes the
utnors. At draggist. or Soui by FLililolrliia. maS*‘.fcp 50
Dr. Stvtvne &
The so called soliUera ho,„o in
Atlanta was not sold this week
AS OXpOOtt'U. 1 HO Dff.lC .lterb OI
tile Confederacj ~ , J ......... axe , trying to „
, Xt.
O :v to Women.
Especially valuable to women is Browns’
Iron Bitter*. Backache vanishes, headache
disappears, strength takes the place ot
weakness, and the glow of health readily
c.-rful ivines rtse.h to the pallid cheek For when sickly this children won
c.-overv-.>rk..i men s: has noetjaai. X: home
should Iv with or. t this fernoBS remedy.
iron x. liters is field by all dtaieit.
American Weed PiTers.
Mr. Editor-—
When a man attempts t> correct the
wrongs of his neighbor he is sometimes
called a -‘weed puller.”
We now have on hand a case of National
weed pulling. I would not induce anyone
to tlilnk slightly of Spanish cruelties in
Cuba but the American, the anli-prohibi
tio un „ natj , n "> is hvDocrit’callv njpocm.caiij struttimr strutting
through the deadly hemlock of religions,
moral, financial, political, physical and
»« » m
weeds around Spain’s door. Spain i»
butchering i u ■ her 1 rebeiious , subjects to bung •
them to submission while her gimitess
young sister, America, is butchering her
peaceful subjects * for tax money. Inlay
mg , her side-walks . ,. with ... blood-stained ,, , , . ,
Belgium blocks. The municipal block
^ sh(J k building the town.
hut she tears down , jho ,, count} to , do . u.
When she impoverishes y the county she
stops the growth of thetowu, She.strains
and ruins 1 lie back-bone to polish and
decorate, the arms, but when the back is
broken the arms are useless. She’s like a
nigger that eats bis seed ’taters instead of
bedding them.
But some say Spain is butchering by
brutal force. The American Ifquor traffic
don’t force any man to destruction. Then
the difference is in crime by persuasion.
Suppose brother anti, you meet a man
fiat’s lost his mind and he is willing yea
even ai,iio,,sto vwyou to kill him. you
lli,i ayt force il u P° n Uim - Uo ^ <)U sliiud
bcforc ' lI)y court huma “ or
l ‘ U g^ pose x trade nhorse that will
QCt on(y refUbU t0 work but wili ruu away
doubtless break your neck. Am 1
clear of swindling? In vain we attempt to
wash our hands in the pool of financial
political iustification tor they still run
red with the blood of murdered
Fro, 2A yi—Solomon says, Look not upon
tho wine when it is rid. The antis
tell us that if it is not fermented it’s not
wine. Buck I admit is Webster sdefini
tion but Webster the best human uuthori
ty don’t clearly define btbie words, ihe
Bible culls ail kind of food meat. John’s ,
sv.o.vt was locust and wild honey.
But I professed to prove that grape
juice, whether fermented or unlennenled,
is in scriptures called wine. Look not
upon the wine when it is red. It is red
when it ferments. It is less red when it
comes fresh front the grape. This fresh
wine or grape juiee was doubtless tlie kind
Paul told Timothy to substitute for water?
He could not have told him to drink fiery
in place of of water, because it would
created a thirst J. T.-AGREE.
Discovered by a Woman.
’ -
severest tests, but , her vital , orftins were
Undermined and deatli seemed imminent.
For three months she coughed incessantly,
and could not sleep. She finally discover¬
ed a way to recovery, by purchasing of us
a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for
Consumption, and was so much relieved
on tailing first dose, that she slept all
night: and with two bottles, has been
absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs.
Luther Lutz. Thus writes W. C. Ilam
tiiek & L’o., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bot¬
tles free at Dr. If. .1. Iieid’s drug store.
Regular size 50c and SI.00. Every
bottle guaranteed.
\\J f E can show any steady going and earnest
\i/ *V man handling how he can publications. make good wages We don't by
refer to experienced men, but to those
who have never sold anything. Just now we
are pushing our
RcversiDlc Map of the
United Stales and World
66 x 46 inches in sire.
11 beautiful colors.
1 S 9 S edition and corrected to date.
New railroads, new towns.
New counties. printed
The largest map on a N
single sheet.
It is
A Photograph of the World 1
One side shows a colored map of our great S
country, with railroads, counties, rivers, V
towns, etc. The other side shows an equally R
elegant map of the World, he4p cf locating marginal all count- index, c
rics at a glance by a of dir.- ^
It also shows ocean currents, rentes c
coverers, and accurately locates the scenes .
of all current events, such as boundary clis- S
putes, Cuban battles, Armenian massacres, 0
polar expeditions, Alaskan gold fmids, etc.
Send us your address and we tvii! advise
you how you can secure a county agency, or :
send $ 1.00 and we will forward a copy by £
prepaid express. clear from $ro. to $ weekly from
Our men 40 plan . of ork. u
the start by follow ing our club w £
' If you get samples and don't want to eu
gage’with us you can return same and get ^
your cash back. Ycur newspaper or bank p
will tell you we arc responsible.
<H E**t Ninth Strcst. New York City J
an" -
X-B f 1 L m
or's Help’' r suid -Eowyouswi^lS?
Send us a rough S&otcfl or sncdcl of your
iaver;:oa or iair ovement and vre will tell
To:, ft-ee our opinion as to whether it is
of Ptobably application* pp.tcatablo. rejected XVe mat. a sp-ci.ihy
in other hands.
Highest references famished.
rt T Mechanical 6 radnates cf the ?
rolyvctude School cf Bnpr.tsrtcu Pact -: j:s in (
Arpiic-I sciences. Lara! scab'.t.
P.iicnt haw Aeecc'stica. An ericfin V, - V,, ,
Society Asscciatton. P. «J. Sartreyor* of CiTii £n tssoctatton. tac .ncers. sU e. Asscc \v ;«.a.b:r . . Can. i
0.-FICC3: Hontkeal, W-AseixoTos-.D.C- i
t Ca:;.
Almost DIstr
Restored to Health by
r & Miles 9 Nervine -1
4 .
-A Slip.
\ //.
M m
fSp 5 -
fects mind and body. It
sleepless nights to be passed
a?ony. The sufferer becomes J
distracted, enduring .. i -
rest that is always seeing
to do, yet accomplishes nothing. Dr.
Miles’ Kestorative Nervine
the nerves to quietness by
strength and new vigor to the
diseased and weakened nerve
of the brain, ’ supplies LL the nerves
healthy tissue to •
the so necessary
normal condition and creates in the
blood the healthy red corpuscles filled
with pure oxygen that send life, ener¬
gy and vigor throughout the body;
stimulating the brain to its old time
action of youth and health.
Mrs. Wm. A. Thompson of Colum¬
bus, Wis., says of I)r. Miles’ Nervine:
“For many years I suffered from ner¬
vousness that frequently culminated
in prostration. I could not concen¬
trate my thoughts and was unable to
confine my mind to one line of thought
or my efforts to one occupation. For
SSlt™,. r r »«*» «* ^ ,“ r
During these
1 years there was not one night that I
slept more than one hour at a time, I
was that nervous. My stomach was
very weak and I had frequent severe
headaches. We spent hundreds and
hundreds of dollars with doctors and
medicines. Was taken to Chicago and
treated by two prominent physicians
without benefit; I became discouraged
weak and almost distracted. As a last
resort, as it seemed, I commenced us-
Dr. ^SZS-St. o Y Restores Health.
STOV^*^ /L-33E& \r-“ f.S DMUf CVCff CSC 3 201,11 EMBRY sa t:sfa OKE or/oiv.
They made of Southern Iroii by Southern ’Workmen,
•who are sustained t»y the products of Sotithcm Farmers,
They last longer and make more homes happy than any
other Stove on earth. T Ire hacks guaranteed for 15 years.
. if your Dealer dees not handle them, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE.
f A |
i :
w -Af
IlC 1 | & m
r r
ManteU and Grates, EoIIowwars, Tinware, Etc.
China, Crockery and Glassware, Cutlery,
Evervtbing far the necessary Kitcken, end convenient Room, BICYCLES
lams irv and DcLy, A SPECIALTY.
I et us do your Job Printing
ing Dr. Miles’ Nervine and Nerve and
Liver Pills, and at the end of the
seventh bottle I was about the house
in full control and complete manage¬
ment. Sleepless nights are a thing of
the past and I have been fully restored
to health. I cannot say too much for
Dr. Miles’ Nervine and Nerve and
Liver Pills, nor recommend them too
highly for they have put me where I
am today; in good health and spirits.”
Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine re¬
stores health to the invalid by build¬
ing up the .strength of the exhausted
nerves, gives new hope and confidence,
drives away melancholy and the blues,
leaving the mind in its normal reas¬
oning state that prevents all worry
and precludes all idea of nervousness,
permitting peaceful sleep, perfect rest
and sends people about their duties,
bright, cheerful with buoyant spirits,
renewed energy and old time vigor.
Mrs. Kathrine Puerner of Jefferson,
Wis., writes of nervous dyspepsia. “I
was troubled with nervous dyspepsia
for over twenty years. I would have
weak, hungry, faint spells, yet no ap¬
petite and could not retain the food I
forced myself to eat. These attacks
always brought on nervous prostration
and I had no rest night or day. I tried
many physicians and remedies without
relief until I used Dr. Miles’ Nervine.
It is the only thing that helped me.”
Dr. Miles’ Remedies are sold by all
druggists under a positive guarantee
first bottle benefits or money refunded.
Book on the heart and nerves sent
free to all applicants by the
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.