Newspaper Page Text
8100 IF*ox* Year.
Woman's Diseases
Are as peculiar and as ^
cannot be discuss¬
ed or treated as we jj||| j&u
do those to which
the family entire subject, human JPg THgi
are t
Menstruation tains such import- sus- ipfifK JWf fj
ant relations to her vMh ll.' I 'i
health, that when/
Suppressed, Irregu- , h\
lar or Painful,
she soon becomes-1,
languid, nervous bloom leaves her
and irritable, the
cheek' and very grave complica¬
tions arise unless Regularity and
Vigor are restored to these organs.
Bradfield’s 5 cLTI&
Female most noted
of physicians South,
Regulator the
where trou¬
bles of this
:ort prevail more extensively than
in any other section, and has never
failed to correct disordered Men¬
struation. It restores health and
strength to the suffering woman.
“We hare for the past thirty years handled
Bradfiold’s Female Regulator, both at whole¬
sale and retail, and in no instance has it failed
to give satisfaction. We sell more of it than all
other similar remedies combined.”
Atlanta, Macon and Albany, Ga.
?«e Bb* 3 -ield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Sold by all Druggists at Si.00 per Bottla
$ wm feW fsi
AmAX Arn fully restored
IRwy Cll' lc TAfW.ETS. 1 box,
; TTir $1.00; S boxes $2.60, by
mall. Addiess, Spenilfc
Hazara's c—a o.,
Full particular* b 7
mail on application.
$2.50 Reward
The Haggard Specific Co.
Will give three boxes of their Specific
Tablets' worth $2.50 to any one who may
have used as much as one box of their
tablets without decided benefit. Behave
never heard of a single case where the
tablets have failed to give satisfactory found re
suits, and if there is a person to be
who has used them without benefit we
want to know who he is and where to find
him. They never fail to cure kidney and
bladder troubles and affections of the
genital organs and overcome all debility
and weakness in both men and women.
They improve the appetite, aid digestion
and assimilation and overcome constipa
tion. They have vital effect on all of the
secretory organs and establish a healthy
of the mucous and gland secre¬
tions In every part of the body; civpillurics overcome und
till torpid conditions of the
secure perfect circulation of tlie/blood, so
that everv organ is supplied and every
function is normal and healthy. Long
the only remedy ever compounded that
fully meets the'logical physiological it is con¬
ditions of the human system, no won¬
der that they give results unknown to
medical science. No matter if the doc
tors and all remedies loivo failed, try the
Tablets and bo convinced that they Ihcii arc
superior to all known remedies.
effect on thc nerve centres is a complete
surprise to physicians who have used
them. Vases that have baffled the skill
of best physicians and no remedies seemed
to benebt, have been promptly 7 controlled
and permanently cured by the tablets.
Cases where injections cf morphine have
been resorted to as the only means of o\en
temporary relief have been promptly trouble con¬
trolled by the Tablets ancl the
completely overcome by their use.
Price One Box $1.00, rr Three Boxes
$2.50. If not on sale in your locality, At¬ or¬
der direct from Haggard Specific Co.,
lanta, Ga.
This is the Man "]
S/lVES THE ?£op
£ $ £ A*
<5? £4. £ %%%
& w
how? mMm Free!
H i
i?i|2 4
eS£-g§ prtp mil #£ « <\
ttV = * . V ; itTtT SZ s| %
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t* 5 sE&hr Tf± i rhtrff
■ fed? a
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m flfiS! ttiff; . 5gg®1 >1
frtfr. feaxsSjgW c
dSJ i tf rM
kSH 2'a J ..
lie Freiifc!. 2 ^
EA lags, X acd Whiskey Habits
rlUtfvl as *01 cured sssssssk at home with
Auoau, t>a. Office 101 >. Pryor Sb
W at the People ot that Thriving
Towu Are Doing.
Tux Receiver M»oro is out with his
Hotel Jackson furnishes good rations
and lodging.
Mr. Ilartledgc, of Atlanta, was in our
town Inst week.
Father O’Brien, of Washington, was in
Bhaion last week.
Mr. L. A. Brake, the saw mill man,
was with us last week.
Walter Pittman now has no opposition
in the green meat market business.
Mr. J. A. Kendrick, will make an ef
fi dent officer of the Taliaferro Bank.
We hope we will have summer soon; we
have had the second winter recently.
Mr. L. A. Brake will move his saw mill
to Mr. Joe Griffith plantation next week.
(’apt. Hunter, the clever proprietor of
the Hillman resort, was with us last week.
Dr. L. It. Brown will occupy one of Die
new buildings to go up on Dr. Davidson’s
Thomas Johnson is no better at this
writing. Poor boy, he has our sympa¬
Mr. A.,B. Jarrell was in our town last
week settling up bis saw mill business
Mr. Geo. Fouclie and sons will finish
painting up Mr. Ed. Keatings residence
ibis week.
Mr. Dock Atchison, one of Warren
county’s best citizens, was in our town
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E-Bagby, of Mildra
jon Grove, were on a visit to our family
last Sunday.
Picnic on the river last Monday. Sev¬
eral attended from Sliarou and surround¬
ing community.
Mr. Roger Brooke is visiting homo folks
at Raytown at present. He is one of our
best young men.
Miss Annie Barm tt, of Hay town, lias
been dangerously sick for sometime past
but is thought to be better at this writ¬
Mr. Edmond Golucke, of Crawfordville,
was doing some repair work on Mr. John
P. Moore’s mill last week. He knows his
To Cure Constipation Forowr*
Take Cascavcts Candy Cathartic. 10-' ..-i-Kc.
rr i \ C. fail to cure, druwdsts refund in «<
Mr. W. P. McKeon lias made an addi
tion to his residence in the way of cook
and dining rooms.
A FR1CANA will cure SypftiH* Old
Sores to Stay Cured.
Capt. Jim Flynt says he wants thc war
to come if it, will make times any better.
He is ready and waiting.
EOucate Yoor lL„wel* XVltli Casearetn.
Candy Catlinrtic. cure constipation refund foi t-cr.
10c, 25c. Ii C. C. C. tail, druggists uk.
Mr. R. H. Jackson is rebuilding his shop
and will be ready for business in a short
time. Bob is a hummer.
No-To-Bac for rirty Cents.
Guaranteed '.obacco habit cure, mat es weak
men strong, blood pure. AU <-rngais»s.
We think Bro, Walter Ritman has more
clerks in lus than sales but I
reckon he knows his business.
To Cum Constipation Tore err.
Take Oastarets Canity Cathartic. 10c cr 26a
It t.\ <J. (J. fail to cure, druggists refund muncy
Several of our people attended court
last, week in Warrentori. People will go
to court business or no business.
Educate Your Itowela With Cv.scarcts.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation refund forever.
10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists money.
Mr. A. D. Moore fixed up uncle Billy
Moore’s new cabinet in tie new post office
last week and it is pretty sure enough.
The war news is not so exciting to some
of our people ns it has been, We never
have thought there would be much war.
Don't Tufcarco Spit and Esiofce Your Life Anaj.
To quit tobacco oanily and forever. kn»f
nctic. I all of l.fc. nerve and vigor, take N* To
Bac. tb r ; wonder-worker, that make* weak men
Btrcng. drufg'istji, 50e or 51. Curcfnaran
toed Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Kemedy Co , Chicago or ioik
Don’t expect the people to find you out
unless VOU notify them. The host way is
’ “trough county papers.
‘° tel1 thc:u your
Mr. James Battle has been quite sick for
sometime hut is better at this writing and
was up among us last Friday attending to
his farm business.
Dr. L. R. Br -wn is studying up an him
vertlscment. so he says, and we want
to hurry npand give our paper a good
one. lie will make the editor fee!
hv so doin'.'. There is nothing like
your business before the people. Let them
know what you will do.
* He’stho Wire Fence M«.n, of Atlanta, G».,AJm 2
We. had a tine rain last week.
We hear of some people putting on
speck;—their eyes are failing fast, The
war, we fear, will cause n heap of sore
eyed people if it docs come.
Mr'. Coot Elliott is on an extended visit
to her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Allie Hill, at
Union Point.
The people generally are pretty well up
with theii work.
Rev. Parks Bacon, who lost his wife
recently in this connlv, left, last week for
his home in Mississippi. lie left, his little
children with Mrs. J. 15. Flyut, their
grand mother near Raytown.
Mr. W. T. Flyut, our County School
Commissioner, was with us on Thursday
of Inst week. lie is always at home when
in Sharon.
Judge Taylor made a trip to Crawfordr
Ville last week on official business. The
Judge gets there eye ry time when it comes
to business.
Mr. Wm. Moore, Sharon’s new post
master, is going to have strict order ih the
office, ami carry out the post office law in
toto, so lie says.
Mrs. Kate Dozier, of Hillman, was in
town last week. She is the post mistress
at that place now and is one. of our best
business.young ladies.
Daye Taylor says when he goes to work
for a man he means businoss at once and
he wants him to he of the same opinion,
Dave is a good worker too.
Mr. ,T. A. Woodall will be the superin
teudant of the Salem Sunday school at
Barnett. He is a good one, having been
in that business for several years.
We now have a nice drug store in our
town which has been needed for some¬
time. The proprietor is a young M. D.
and lie understands the business and at¬
tends to it.
Dr. George W. Brown was in town last
week talking farm work. lie says he had
rather plant cotton the first week in May
than any other time. Mr. Brown is a
good farmer.
Mr. W. B. Barnott was called home
last week from South Carolina on account
of his sister’s severe illness. Air. Barncttt
is leaking well and hi* many friends are
glad to see him.
Evorvbotly Says So.
Cnscnrets Candy Cathartic, the most won¬
derful medical discovery of the age. pleas¬
ant and refreshing to the taste, act bowels, gently
and positively on kidneys. liver and
cleansing tlio entire system, dispel colds,
curb Biliousness, heiwtiiebc. lever, habitual constipation box
and l'teaso buy and try a
of U. C. <;. to-dny; if), 35, 50 cents. Bold ant!
guaranteed to euro by nli druggists.
Dr. E. E. Darden has made up his com¬
pany and orders us to all report to him or
Gen. Lee at Key West on the 18th. .Jesse
Brown says he will send them the key but
he will go west.
"How to Cure SAW DluonAe."
Simply apply “Swaync’s Ointment." Cures
No internal medicine required.
tetter- hands, eczema, itch, & nil eruptions leaving the on skin tbe
face, nose, 0 -. t
clear, whlie ami healthy. Its great heal¬
ing «nd cumtlva powers are possessed by
no other remedy. Ask Druggist for
Swayne’s Ointment.
A colored woman died on the Mershon
place last week. Blie was living with ft
colored man and he gave her an unmerci¬
ful beating about three weeks ago and she
died from the effects.
E SURE you get what yon want
S® when you ask for Hood’s Sarsapa
rilla. Unequalled in Merit, Sales, Cures.
There’s no substitute for HOOD’S.
Price Mathis and Devil Tom Pate had a
runaway near Raytown last week. Both
got hurt and the buggy torn up. Tom
says he isn’t to ride behind that horse
anymore—lie will walk.
Mr. T). A. Perkins gave us a sprig from
one of his fruit trees last week and it had
ten or twelve peaches in each bloom. Mr.
Perkins says these peaches never mature
but they come this way every year.
We make a special call on our friends to
bring in their tin work to us. Being an
old Confederate soldier we need your
work to help us out to make a living. C.
L. Bagby, the old tinner, Sharon, Ga.
Mr. Jesse Taylor has cleared up one
acre of new ground and expects to make
100 bushels of coin on it this year. Jess
is a good farmer and the best talker you
can find anywhere, especially on war
1 asy to Take
asy to Operate
Are features peculiar to Hood’s Fills, Small in
size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man
said: “ You never know you ■ ■ ■
r.-TtfflVlS! proprietors. Lowell, Mass. PlllS
The only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Dr. A. C, Davidson, of our city, is gfl¬
ing to put up two cottages on liis place,
We suppose they will be to rent out. The
doctor is always for improvement and
progress, II we had moie men in tlW
county like him we think the county would
he better off.
Thomas Johnson, of near Williams
Creek, is quite sick with typhoid fever.
We hope lie will recover but the chunt es
have been against him.
We had a pleasant trip to Crnwfordville
this week. Work on the brick building is
moving right along and will be an orna
ment to the town when completed.
Memorial day in Crnwfordville will he
on the 30th instant, also the Confederate
Veterans and the Alex. Stephens Camp ot
Veterans will meet on that, day and the
Confederate , , Monument .. , will be unveiled. „ ...
Gen. Evac-t will .... be the .. orator , of , tlm day. .
T It will be , / alhig I, , day , m . Crawfordville ,, .. , ... and .
one well ,, spent; f it being . on ' Saturday ., , , peo
pie can come out. m The , most , of , people ,
don’t , do , much , work , on baturdav. ,, . , It is .
by , request of the Ladies Memorial ,, . , Asso- ,
ciation we state in our Sharon items f- r
all to come out and participate in the
exereijres o« that day.
Alt Enterprising Druggist.
There jure few men more wide
awake arid enterprising than Dr.
R. J. Reid who spare no pains in to
secure the best of everything
their line for their many custo¬
mers. He now has the valuable
agenqjr for Dr. King’s New Dis¬
covery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds. This is the wonder
ful remedy that is producing
such a furor all over the country
by its many startling cures. It
absolutely cures Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all
affections of the Throat, Chest
and Lungs, Call at above drug
store and get a trial bottle free
or a regular size for 50 cents and
$1.00. Guaranteed to euro or
price refunded.
I am requested to state In our items this
week that t i'i£° iored people on the 9th,
instant, in .rating their freedom, had
a nice Uni<’ vibe largest crowd they
C%\3F itH. .utSiioo since emancipation,
and that they return thanks to the bar¬
room men tor dosing up their doors on
that day; and that they arc for prohibi¬
tion, and they are with Die white people
in everything that is for the best for their
race and country, and are down on tiny
thing that pertains to misconduct. They
want to live so as to elevate them-clues
and hope the young generation now com
pig on will reform and try to do
They are free and it is just as easy for
them to live right and be respected as itis
to be going the wrong road which leads
them to the chaingang and perdition
Miss Rosa Strom and Mr. Dickerson nt
tended the picnic near Washington .Mon¬
Guess who the young man is that likes
to go to Crawfordville. We know the
Mrs. Helen Chapman spent last, week
with friends In Atlanta.
Messrs. Edwin and Joe O’Brien arc
with us this week; glad to see you hoys;
stay awhile.
The ladder was created for one pur¬
pose, namely, a receptacle for the mine,
and as such it is not liable to any form of
disease except by one of two ways, The
first way is from imperfect acton of thc
kidneys. The second way is from careless
local treatment of other diseases.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid
ncys is the chief cause of bladder troubles.
So the womb, like the bladder, was creat¬
ed for one purpose, and if not doctored too
much is not liable to weakness or disease,
except in rare eases. It is situated back
of and very close to the bladder, therefore
any pain, disease or inconvenience mani¬
fested in the kidneys, back, bladaer or
urinary passage is often, by mistake, at¬
tributed to female weakness or womb
trouble of some sort. The error is easily
made and may be easily avoided. I o find
twentT^ indicates kidney bladder trouble. The
mild and the extraordinary effect of I>r.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root the great kidney.
and bladder remedy is soon realized. It
you need a medicine you should have the
best. At druggists fifty cents and one dol-,
lar. You may have a sample bottle and |
pbamplct, both sent free by mail, upon !
receipt of three two-cent stamps to cover !
cost of postage on thc bottle.
Mention tin; Advocate-Democrat and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Go., Bing¬
hamton, N. Y. The proprietors ‘of this i
paper guarantee tho genuineness of this 1
An Uaeertnln Dltuie.
There is no disease more uncertain in its
nature than drgpepeiti. Physicians say thai
the symptoms of no two cases agree, It is
therefore nu> t difticult to make a correct
diagnosis. No matter how severe, or under
whatdinguisedyspepsiaattacks you. Browns’
Iron Bitters will cure it. Invaluable in all
diseases of the stomach, blrsvl and nerves.
Browns’ Iron Bitters ia sold by ail dealers.
Tn Advance'
Correspondents’ Reports of Wliat Their
Neighbors Talk
the Happenings in Their Respective Lo¬
calities. All tlie News.
COMBS 11 i,Mo.
0rain looking fine,
3[l> M J}< W 'allaee is convalescent,
Mr , E . Mcedows is all smiles-lt’s a
bonncill<1 . lloy
Miss AViliioCombs made allying visit
^ )u , v M ;umt last week .
Plenty - of rain and frost and the , fruit
and vegetables , , . iiiinrcd .
corn • J some.
home of , our farmers had , , cotton up and
much of it was damaged , by , frost,
Our Prince Merchant , of Combs was out
walbiug oyer lus farm the other day.
Mr, 1. M. Luuceford and W.L. „ Dorsey ,, J
were the guests of \Y. O. Llincefonl first
Otis l.unceford was an the sick list lust
week, but is better so we have been in¬
Farmers were well up with their work
hut will have some of their work to do
over very likely, since the freeze and
Jlr. Walter Partridge ami his lovely
bride spent lirst Saturday night at W. 0.
Lnuceford’s, much to the joy of Die family
as they are very entertaining.
Guess what young man looked loileiy
first Sunday at church when he found his
sweetheart absent. Cheer up young man
she wid come home some sweet day,
How to Look Good*
Good looks are really more than skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
condition of all the vital organs. If the
liver be inactive, you have a billions look,
if your stomach be disordered, you have a
dyspeptic look;if your kidneys be affected,
you have a pinched look. Secure go'od
health,urn! you will surely have good
i ooks . .'Electric Bitters” is a good Alter
u ti V e Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach,
n vor mH i kidneys. Purifies the blood,
cures pimples, blotches, and hoik, and
gives a good cqmplnxioii. Every liotfle
guaranteed. Sold at Dr, R. J. Reid’s
Drugstore. 5(1 cents per bottle,
Thc mii | of q 0( j g ,jnd slowly
But (hey grind exceedingly .small;
1 hough with patience He stands wailing,
With exactness grinds Ho ail.
We welcome the nice rain.
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Moss visited Mr.
Luck Mow lust third Sunday,
Mrs, Martha Slierrer visited relative!*
last Baturday and Sunday In Combs,
Mrs. M. J. Nusli and sister, Mrs. 8. F.
Hixon, visited Mrs. W. II. Bherror last
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Armor, of Wilkes
county, visited relatives in Combs Just
Mr. and Mrs, Web Thaxton, of Helena,
visited their mother, Mrs. Wallace, who
is still not able to he up.
Mrs. Mary Luuceford has returned home
from an extended visit to relatives and
friends in Wilkes county.
Our highly esteemed school teacher
Miss Kilty Jieazley made a /lying trip
over to Union Point last Salurday.
I wonder what “Spencer” Inin been so
busy doing ever since last fall that we
could not bear from him oftener.
We are having a flourishing Sunday
school at Carter’s Groye new with Mr.
Jim Wall superintendent, who is liked by
Rev. MeBmycr filled his regular appoint¬
ment at Anthony Chapel last Saturday and
Sunday preached two fine and able scr
Mr. W. R, Nash and little daughter
Florancc arc visiting Mr. \V. A Beuzley
this week, much to the delight nl the
home circle,
Home is a the sweetest word in the
Saxon language, it has in it the bright¬
est of sunshine and the fragrance of
It suggests love and restand
!lt jnc3*. It culls up pictures painted ini.
on our hearts It speaks of
care and motherly love.
“ ~ ____ "
rxi-u-.u- CUBAN RELIEF cucjs
r|3|IRrS'' B ,:>Ut nremi.Titei. ' i<eu r‘ !sl “‘ Sour n<1To<>thache stomach
ta<1 Summer C'orapiaiou. Price, 25 Ceuta.
All above goods for sale by P, G Lucas
BY J. N. C.
We are having winter again.
Frost and plenty of ice Thurs
We had a very heavy rain Sun
Tax-Receiver Jones of Wilkes
was here Thursday.
Charlie Hardy, of Woodstock,
v.-as in Helena Thursday.
Some of the farmers have
NO. 8.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
'KGPfi @
Absolutely Pure
commenced planting cotton.
Miss Nettie Griffith visited her
father’s family Wednesday.
Mr.s W. D. Pittard is visiting
her mother at Moore’s Grove.
Mrs. Julia Griffiith spent a
part of last week with her sister
at this place.
Mrs. S. A. Caldwell, of Hel¬
mut., has been quite sick but is
some better.
Mr. J. D. Coffer aud lady spent
Thursday last with their mother,
Mrs. Fannie Boatright,
Mr. Charlie Comb?, from
Bethel, spent Thursday night
with Mr. 8, A. Caldwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Boatwright,
of Helena, visited their sister
Mrs. BobThaxtou, of Oglethorpe
county last Friday.
S. P. C. is somewhat surpris¬
ed that his best girl did not come
to Helena. Ho don't want her
to fool him any more.
Mr. a B. Mitchell spent Fri¬
day night with Mr. S. A. Cald-,
well’s family. We are
glad to have uncle .Charlie with
° ' '.A
us. f v
Mr. G I>. Short from Ogle
thorpe county, passed through
here Wednesday. He came very
near losing one of his mules with
A certain young man in Helena
has almost run his legs off since
his best girl has come here. Do
not say anything about this to
W. E. B.
Aids Digestion, Bowels,
Regulates Cholera thc Infantum,
Cholera Morbus,
Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
Teething Children,
And all diseases of the Stomach
and Bowels. It Is pleasant
to the taste and
to giv« fiatisfaotlon.
A Few Doses will Demonstrate
its Superlative Virtues.
For sale at ALL! ANGE STORE.
(Trade Mark Registered Nov. 24, '38,
The New Life-Giver.
Pr0ln0fe8 Vigorous Health by instilling
OXYGEN from the air into the system,
and cures all ^orm» o f du«»e
Meilh me or Llcctn t\. I I
Prices of OXYDONORS greatly re
( j n( . e ,j, Oe-t the genuine, made Hercules by the
discoverer and inventor, Dr,
HutldlC .
Bok of particulars and price list free.
Address Dr. [L Sanche, 261 Fifth Ave¬
nue, New York.
^“tapering tlOQ a'itboa. conS4»c»
R. A. OGNN, M.D.,
. 41 E*rt Slrt Street, Now York City.