Newspaper Page Text
Official O.’fian Taliaferro Co
Atlanta is to have a *400,00"
shoe factory in operation soon.
Georgians have sent five car¬
loads of provisions to the buf¬
fering Cubans.
Gen. Lee has arrived safely
from Cuba and he is now one of
America's greatest men.
People’s Party people met in
Atlanta this week to set a time
and method of nominating a
gubernatorial Candida* e. It is
said that W. L. Peek will be the
The Washington Reporter says
a regiment of Wilkes county
negroes, armed with “hot sup¬
per billies’’ and razors would
gi ve t he Spaniards a warm ro¬
ception at close range.
A large regiment of the United
States army will be stationed at
Chickamauga this week, Geor
gia will soon be alive with sol¬
diers whether there is any light
ing to be done or not.
G us Fumbles’ sentence of
death has boon commuted ter life
imprisonment for killing old
man Nobles. Mrs. Nobles will
* mo her life .sentence beginning
iy Elbert county, It is well not
to lmng her.
E. S. Small, a Well known
negro in Dodge county, has
tendered his services to the
Governor and says in ease of
war with Spain he can raise a
regiment of 1000 among his race
in Dodge, Telfair and
err counties.
Mrs A. Invenn, residing at
T'o tTflrn* St, Alton, Ill., suf
ft ed with sciatic rheumatism
for over eight months. She
doclorud for it nearly the whole
of this time, using various reme¬
dies recommended by friends,
and wus treated by the physi¬
cians, but received no relief.
She then used one and a half
bottles of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, whitdi effected a complete
cure. This is published at her
tequost. as she wants others
simiarly afflicted to know what
cured her. Tim 25 ami 50 cents
sizes for sale, by Dr. R. J- Reid.
The President sent in his mes
sagfc to Congress Monday, 11c
docs not favor recognition of tile
Cubans as belligerents, nor does
he want to demand their indo
pendenee. He wants Congress
to give him the power to use the
United States armv and tiavv. il’
necessary, to brim- about «
peaceful settlement of thet’ubau
war. He makes no recotmnen
elation concerning the blowing
up of tho Maine.
in Children
ca* F overcome in almost all
by tbit use of Scott's Emulsion of
Cocf-j-ivcr C l and the Hypey
phites of Lime and Soda. While
it is a scicntiii: fact that cod-liver
oil is the most digestible oil in ex¬
istence, In
it is not only palatable, buf it is
already digested and made ready
for immediate absorption by the
cystem. It is also combined with
the hypophosphites,which food only fc-r
r^, j&g&r !S supply the tissues a of the not body,
/ /
ff.-v-T for the bones and nerves.
s ; rr and will build up the child
, when its ordinary food
jV docs not supply proper
*-» nourishment.
-e v Em: t. See that th.
A”, or
New York.
Hi* Wife Hod lle«. a rhroulc .
Cured at Vast.
Mr. •). T. Scott, Cherokee,
Texas, in writing to Dr.
man, stated: “I had
disease for about fifteen years
and had got so bad that I could
n0 t perform a,nfy kind of labor. L
doctors and had taken nearly a
wa gon-load of patent and pro
priefarymedicines, but continued
to gradually grow worse, Albo ’
my wife had been an invalid for
about sixteen years, and you
doubtless remember when I
wrote you about her, there was
hardly ever a day that she could
sit up all day. Me tried a gieat
many remedies, but neither of us
was ever benefited, only ttiln P 0 '
rarily, till we began taking
your Pe rn na and Man-a-lin, : s
instructed in your letters to us.
It has made a healthy man of me;
I never felt better in my life and
my wife is almost like a different
person, she is so much better,
The Pe-ru-na is the most won¬
derful medicine I ever saw; for
ia grippe it is a sure cure. I
know this and have bad my
neighbor to try it. ’ ’
Hundreds of similar testimo
nials may be found in a little
book entitled “Facts and Faces, 1 1
which will be sent free to
address by the Pe-ru-na Drug
Manufacturing Company, Colum¬
bus, Ohio.
It is said the Chinese cultivate
av oderless onion Can't Arneri
cun onion eaters get some of the
seed. We hope so.
tun Supply You.
In another column will be
found a notice of Avery & Mc¬
Millan's superior stock of ma¬
chinery. They have
needed through the country in
the way of supplies for gins,
threshing machines, reapers
all farm machinery. They can
supply your wants at
moderate prices, furnishing
best goods in their line.
to them for what you want.
Planting cotton seed.
Miss Floyd Dolvin has returned home
near Siloam.
C. B. Mitchell was here Tuesday.
Miss Nobia Hurt spent Raster at Flat
Quite a crowd from here attended the
picnic at Jordan’s mill Monday.
A certain young gentleman Y'isits Un¬
ion Point very often now.
Rev. J S. Callaway will preach at the
acodemy here Saturday night next.
There was a sociable at the residence
of Mr. R. C Monk Monday night.
Mr. A. M. Williams of Juliette, Ga..
was here Wednesday.
A Sunday School was organized at this
place last Sunday with 2,8 pupils. M>
James W. Asbury was elected Sup: . I,. C
assisbmt and Mr J. M. Murden,
The freeze last week dal very little Jam
age t*S th* fruit crop.
Small is looking unusually fine,
mul we are glad to sen such ft large average,
in this auction.'
Mr. Sain Swain, who has been traveling
j,, south Georgia for somo Rang* compu¬
nv te at homo sick with eh ills and fever.
Mr. Paul Rhodes, a student at the M.
G. A'A. College at Milledgeville is at
home on account Of i^ness.
Mr. C. U. Jordan end Prof. lvd. Rhodes
ttended die Presbytery at I’enfield last
F fit lav.
Miss Nobia Burt, the popular and effi¬
cient teacher at Robinson, visited
at White Plains last Sunday and attended
the picnic at Flat Rock Monday.
Mis Susan King, of Y\ kite Plains, visit
sd her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Andrews.
. the first of the week.
Several from this Community attended
1 aching at Robinson Saturday
:nl haerd a fine sermon from Rev. Sin
Most of our young people attended
party at .Mr. Monk's Monday night at
Robinson. They report a fine time.
We arc kid to know that Miss Floy.l
Dolvin lus almost recovered- from a sc
vere spell >f sickness.
Go to J. X. t hapman for th
famous Columbia Butrirv.
Evcrv Day in the Week.
From now 01 I will be prejNir
:o rexchaugo meal ft )!*
corn every any in the week.
mill has jus! been V. lutrpened and
'j itherwise overl id X .1 and will
famish only truti nfeed first
class meal, fix sit and. good.
G H. Goi.Uc
Craw fordv iiie, G a
Sous of Veterans*
The Taliaferro Camp <i Sons
o£ Confederate Veterans met
April g t h. Comdt. C. G. Moore
v>eing absent 2nd Lieut. Murden
aeted as chairman of meeting.
Committee appointed to draft
Constitution, reported, and Con
stitutimi was adopted and appli
cat5on blanks for charter tilled
Mesart Stephens, White \nd
MaUbie were appointed to
obW „ ,opnate badges toy
memorial day exercises and
oth(} £ like occasions. After
transacting ail other business
meeting ajourned to convene
April 30th ’98. All who wish
become a member of said
Q am p are requested to report
lo the commandant or Adjutant
at an ear jy date so that their
a ppp ca Uon may be acted on at
our next meeting.
W. H. Mukden. 2nd Lieut.
VVtn. N. S. Maltbie, Adjt. .
The Rev. W. H. Weaver,
pastor Dillsburg, of Pa., the U. recognizes B. Cfi'ureh, the
value of Chamberlain’s 'Cough
Remedy, and does not hesitate
te tell others about it t 1 I have
U ged Chamberlain’s Cough Rem¬
edy, ” he says, “and lind it an
excellent medicine for colds,
coughs , and , . hoarseness. ,, So o
does everyone who gives it a
trial. Sold by Dr. E. J. Reid.
Mr. Wm. Jewel, of Ogle¬
thorpe, has an old carding ma¬
chine that belonged to his
father. It is remarkably well
preserved and it does its work
perfectly. Seed cotton is fed to
the machine and the lint is sepa¬
rated from the seed and comes
out in perfectly formed rolls of
lbo s jze desired by the operator.
The machine has probably been
in the family 75 or 80 years.
Planters CUBAN OIL cures
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu¬
matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents.
It seems that congress wants
to declare war in spite gf the
president’s mild rnessaj*
Two Beautiful Pictures Free.
Two large beautiful colored pictures
for fran. ing free; also four copies free of
the famous illustrated magazine, UP-TO
DATE, to anyone who wants them.
Each issue of UP-TO-DATE, has
beautiful colored front and hack, and
from forty to fifty- large humorous pic¬
tures by the famous artists of Amiriea.
Will keep alt the family in good humor
for a whole month.
Your two pictures or any other two of
six you may select, set in gold frames,
will be sent you free of charge if desired
after seeing them. Enclose 10 cents in
slumps or silver to pay postage and pack¬
ing. Address- UP-TO-DATE, Chicago.
Here is a human being’s histo¬
ry in a nutshell: Born, welcom¬
ed. caressed, cried, fed, grew,
reared, studied, loved, engaged,
married, quarreled, reconciled,
suffered, deserted, taken ill,
died, mourned, buried aud for¬
gotten.—Biakely Observer.
T. B. Rice, a prominent druggiust of
Greenesboro, Ga., writes as follows:
“1 have handled Dr. Pitts’ Carminative
fur eight years, and have never known of a
single instaneo where it failed to give per¬
fect satisfaction. Parties who once use it
always make permanent customers. We
sell more of this article than ail the other
Canni. atives, soothing syrups and colic
drops combined.” For teething children
it has no equal.
For sale at Alliance Store.
Oar Honor Roil.
The following kind patrons have paid
j their subscriptions since our last issue:
T. F. Cain, SI to Jan. 1 '99
i W. T. Coclough. ooc to June 17, ’9S
1 G. E, Bird, 50c to April 1, ’98.
; Should know that tlie
3 •'Old . tmo” UesneOy,
j j
i i
j ■v*
. NS
I ts ’70 Mr r:vri: TreeS!s*. Corrects -'.cutiihe* all.
nl cm.-UeorcaBS. - 1
in x\ 1 : v.-.—f cv i ar.d b More CatVI-Btrta.
IN’": r •O.j r c .c eetKiOs have stood the
i T 1 XUS
Xt-Doclj-t? Gp, Co., C-—t-
1 *
I*aul G. Lucas Crawford' "r Ga.
m 1(11 should take a
jjB spring tonic to
s TO strengthen the
M system and pre¬
pare for the extra
demands of Nature. Every spring
the system is thoroughly ovor
hauled—there is a general houae
impurities that have been acemnu
latin 8 for a y ear must be got_
““Jtnd ^ 7ol the ”°gi
samme Unless ‘ Nature is as
, ■
sisted . in this task, the strain on
the system is too severe, and a
, breakdown is tne resuiv. & °
people neglect to supply this as
sistance, and as a result they are
overcome by an enervating, de¬
pressed feeling, their energies re¬
lax, appetite fails, and they are
totally disabled for a season.
Everybody just now needs a tonio,
and Swift’s Specific
S.S.S.i r M Blood
j s logically the best tonic on the
market. The general health needs
building up, hence a tonic is needed
that is entirely harmless, S. S. S.
is purely vegetable, and is the only
blood remedy that is guaranteed
to contain no potash, mercury, or
other harmful mineral ingredient.
it is mature remeuy, d being » made
from roots and herbs gathered
from Nature’s great storehouse. It
thoroughly cleanses the blood of
all impurities, tones up the gen¬
eral health, reneYVS the appetite
and imparts new life and vigor to
the entire system, Dangeroua
typhoid fever and other prevalent
summer diseases seldom attack a
person whose system iff thoroughly
cleansed and
toned up S. in Yvith the m mmma fts
S. S. i
spring. Get S. .
S. pared. druggists. S. and Sold be by pre¬ all specific
'T'housands of :~y
women are
troubled at S
monthly inter- w
vats with pain3
in the head, V
back, breasts,
shoulders,sides ttgSB2 p 3- S Bfig||j
hips and limbs.
not But suffer. they need fjfiBI
These pains are symptoms of
dangerous corrected. derangements The that
can be men
strual function should operate
makes menstruation painless,
and regular. It puts the deli¬
cate menstrual organs ill condi¬
tion to do their work properly. pain.
And that stops all this
Why will any woman suffer
month after month when Wine
of Cardui will relieve her? It
costs $t.oo at the drug store.
Why don’t you get a bottle
For advice, in cases requiring
special ing directions, “The address, Ladies’ gi\’
symptoms, Department,” The
Advisory Medicine Co.,
Chattanooga Term.
of Oenavitla, Texas, say*!
11 1 v»s$ troubled at monthly Intervals
with terrible pains in my head and back,
but have been entirely relieved by Wine
ot Cardui.”
And vicinity, will consult their
interest by writing 1 j
Standard Haanfactnring Co M
For Prices on SASH, DOORS,
BER, LATH or anything in
For Infants and Children.
Ths !«- ** is ^
siMii* « ' ere Tf
'A ,i44
Only $1.55. Only $1.95.
Atlanta and Augusta
Base Bali 1 earns.
The War Begins April ! 4th, at 4 P. M. at Base
Ball Park, Atlanta.
We will run a special train from Augusta to Atlanta and return to accomodate
I Iiose desiring to sec the opening games between the two giant clubs of the league,
The special will leave Augusta ut 8 a. m., city time, April 14th. Arrive at Atlanta at
1 ^: 00 , noon, Return leave Atlanta at 0 p. m , April ,15th. Arrive at Augusta 10:80
p. m. This will give you a chance to witness the first two games of the seasofi, also
uny other business or pleasure. See the following low rates and schedule:
Leave Round Trip Rate.
£.00 a. m. (Cky Time) ________ ____Angiista _______________ _____ U 95
S.30 a. m, (Ga. I>. R, Time 1 )___ _____C aimak____________ .. ______1 75
8.37 “ “ ______ .... Norwood________________ ______1 05
8.51 “ _____Barnett________________ ______ 1 65
9.02 “ _____Crawfordville_____________ ______1 55
9.15 “ _______Kobinson_______________ ______1 45
9.30 “ _______Union Point____________ ...... 1 95
9.43 “ • < ______Greenesboro.._____ ______ ______1 25
12.00 noon (Ga. R. R. Time,) Arrive at Atlanta.
Return leave Atlanta 0.00 p. in. April 15th, Augusta 10.30 p. m. Reserve Seats
50 cents Round Trip. Ticket at Union Depot and all Station Agents, or
m*» Etc., Etc.
Barnwell & Tickers.
We have the largest stock of this line of Goods on
hand ever before brought to this section of the country.
We buy entirely in Car-load lots and get the
advantage in freights and car-load prices?,
And we can save you money by buying of us. We
also carry a large Stock of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, _
&c. In "fact you can get anything you want in the
leather line, WE SELL ON Ti!V!E to good par¬
ties at Cash prices, 8 percent, in notes, payable No¬
vember 1st
Barnwell & Vickers, Washington, ca.
Be progressive and keep up with the age. Typewriters are now a necessity
in every line of business. .
Remingtons, Smith-Premiers, New Franklins, Densmores, Williams C.-ili
graphs, and all
At Astonishing Prices. Largest Exclusive Typewriter House in the South.
Best Equipped TYPEWRITER REPAIR PLANT in the South.
The §75.00 Anti-Trust Machine. SEND FOR CATALOGUE.
Southern Typewriter Headquarters,
41 £ Peactree St., Atlanta, Ga^
When You Need
Lumber, Laths, Lime 9
Shingles. Mouldings, Doors. Sash, Blinds, Cement, Plaster Paris, Plastering
HairrSewer Pipe for your well or ditches, Jars for your Lard, Jugs for your
Syrup, etc.,
Bolts, Hinges, and Screws for Your Doors or Blinds,
Nails, Locks, Coat or Hat Hooks, She'f Brackets or anything else you may
• need-in a COMPLETE HOUSE, Confer with tne.
Washington Manufacturing Co •1
They will give you right prices every time you call on them.
flFWCANA The Blood Wonderful Purifier...,
Cures absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, OIA
Sores, Constipation, Gout, and All Diseases caused by
impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED . ........
Africana Has Never Failed
In a single instance out of the hundreds treated. Therefore, we offer it
to the public with entire confidence, and are willing to undertake
the most desperate case on which other so-called infallible cures
have failed. Africana is made altogether from herbs, is perfectly
harmless and yet is the most powerful and surest remedy ever dis¬
covered for the above named diseases. Write for further particulars,
testimonials, etc.
Africana Co •, 63* Atlanta, S. BROAD Ga. ST,
Do yoa expect to A nnr paperin,? A
*Till send you free a lanie selection ol
- iinpie? from 3c per roll up. all new color
insrs an! novelties up to date. V, E P 14
FREIGHT. We want ar. agent in every
town to sell oa eommi&iaa from large
sample books No capital required. For
- .mplcs or BKrticulars. t .1 dress
747-753- Niuth Ave.. N. Y, City.
o 51., Augusta, Ga.,
GIVES FEEE EYE TESTS for all defects of
sight, thi proper gLtsses anil WAIt-
2SAXTS tiicai.
Lease ; cut into your frame v bile you wait.
FREE OF CHAE2E *«As if you n *td
9 s«Ciciae or