Newspaper Page Text
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Retiring • • • •
take Ayer’s Pills, and you will
sleep better and wake in better
Condition for the day’s work.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills have no
equal as a pleasant and effect¬
ual remedy for constipation,
biliousness, sick headache, and
all liver troubles. They are
sugar-coated, and so perfectly
prepared, that they cure with¬
out the annoyances experienced
in the use of so many of the
pills on the market. Ask your
druggist for Ayer’s Cathartic
Pills. When other pills won’t
help you, Ayer’s is
E ngines & B oilers *
Gins and Presses.
Complete Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil and
Fertilizer Mill outfits: also Gin Press, Cane
Mill and Shingle outfits. and
Building, Bridge, Factory Furnace
Pailroad Castings; Railroad Mill, Machin¬
ists’ and Factory Supplies.
Belting, Packing, Injectors, Pipe Fit
tinivs. Saws, Files, Oilers, Etc. (.ASi
Lombard Iron WM Supply Co.
Foundry, Machine, Boiler and Gin Works.
Repairs Promptly Bone.
fry letter our new heads. LitIiogra They yllrc are stylish. note and
For information as to Routes, Schedules
and Rates, both
Passenger and Freight,
write to either of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
reliilbld informion.
T. E. A. G. r. A.
Augusta, Ga.
C. F. & P. A. G. A.
Atlanta Athens.
S. A. . C. F. A.
Macon, Ga.
S. F. A. S. F. &F. A.
Millciigeville. Augusta.
Zackery & Stewart,
Dealers in Pork, Beef. Mutton, Fish
and Oysters. Wc also keep an eating
saloon at our place of business.
Wu respectfully solicit the patronage of
the public. satisfaction, low nrices
Wc guarantee
and polite attention.
Market price paid for all Raw Hides;
Sharon, Ga.
w eimess
Absolutely and permanently cured in 9 days
by a new scientific and invigorating treat
ment. No publicity - no injections-no
restraint. Can be given secretly. No free
treatment” scheme. *
R. A. GUNN. M.D.,
' 4i Eait 2lst Street, Uev. York City.
Exchange —RATES:—
Per Day, $1.00,
Hotel. Pei Week, ?4.00, £-4.50
* aad 55.00.
A. Proprietor, J. ADKINS, 163 Marietta St.
Opposit Miller A Brady's Cel brafd
Stables, the Largc-st in the South.
Pure Home Matters IPicked Up by Our
Local Reporters,
What Our People Are Doing and Saying.
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
Early amber cane seed at
Alliance Store.
—Angus Richards spent Sun¬
day in Madison.
—John H. Stephens has been
ailing this week.
Ladies Oxford ties from 50 c
up at Alliance Store.
—Easter Monday was no t
much observed here.
W. T. Johnson, Washington y
sells everything on wheels.
—Dr. H. F. White has been
right sick a part of this week.
Remember the Alliance Store
is the place to buy Straw Hats.
—Miss Stella Holden returned
Monday from a visit to Macon.
—Col. Horace Holden has
bought a nice surrey for his own
Try the Washington Mfg.
Co. on nails and builders hard¬
—Messrs. W. B. Barnett and
R. T. Brooke were in town
—Mayor T. C. Holden, of
White Plains, was in town Tues¬
day night.
—Mr Jim Rhodes, of Norwood,
spent Saturday ami Sunday in
If you do not want gray hairs,
use Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian
Hair Renewer.
—Messrs. Denham & Ashley
shipped a care of cattle to Au¬
gusta this week.
The Alliance Store’s line of
10c lawn will satisfy the most
fastidious taste.
Sawed brackets any style or
shape gotten out by the Wash¬
ington Mfg. Co.
—Mrs. Dr. R. J. Reid has
been quite sick but is better we
are glad to hear.
—It begins to look like those
who want to tight Spaniards will
be disappointed.
—There was a big picnic at
Jordan’s mill Monday and a
dance that night.
Best shingles at lowest liv¬
ing prices can be bought of
Washington Mfg. Co.
—Paul Chapman Sunday came down
from Covington to spend
the day with relatives.
—There are as many bicycles
in Crawfordville as in any town
of its size in the South.
Get our prices on laths and
and brick before you begin your
house. Washington Mfg. Co.
Do your pocket book justice
by doing your trading at Alliance
Store, it will pay you every time.
—People’s Party Paper and
Advo-Democrat, both one year
for § 1 . 50 . Special limited offer.
—The court house yard is now
green with grass and it is grow¬
ing more beautiful as the seasons
—Mrs. Henry Rhodes, of Au¬
gusta, came up Saturday to
visit relatiyes and friends at this
—-The Easter colored people wound
up with a big dance at
the King Star Hall Monday
Ashley & Denham, of White
Plains, are buying cows and
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
—Miss Susie E. Peek left here
her sister.
The Alliance Store has just
ordered a big lot of bedsteads, at
extra low prices, and you get
the benefit.
For Sale—Extra good variety
of cotton seed for planting;
apply to W. R. Gunn, Crawford¬
ville, Ga.
—Mr. W. Cohen, lady and
son, of Madison, sjient Sunday
here with the family of Mr. R.
L. Berman.
— Mrs. J. A. Kendrick and her
sister Nil’S. Bethune, came np
from Sharon and attended church
—A great many of the fai
mers began planting cotton seed
Monday. It was a beautiful day
for such work.
—Oscar Chapman’s bike had a
collision with another wheel Fri¬
day last and demolished his front
wheel completely.
—Mrs, W. J. Norton went
down to Augusta Friday to visit
her daughters, Mesdames Chap
man and Thompson.
See W. T. Johnsons, Wash
ington, Ga., for Baggies and
Wagons. He buys in car load
lots and makes low prices.
ObJL ar 9 ar,
J W T itll . Spam, . -..I l)llt A^&llist • , xlia,ll tt • i L
I am very anxious to increase my trade with my Taliaferro friends
just four-fold in 1898. I appreciate your past favors and will make a
desperate effort to secure your trade.
Top Buggies $45.00. One Horse Wagons §26.00. Single
Freight paid on all orders over $10.00. Projnpt service.
attention. Big bargains.
W. T. JOHNSON, Washington, Ga.
—Messrs. F. B. Taylor, W.
W. Bird, Alva Rainwater and
Bob Portwood all bought new
buggies here Monday.
—Mr. G. T. Edwards got in a
car load of buggies a few days
ago. Crawfordville is fast put¬
ting on city proportions.
Oscar Chapman handles all
kinds of bicycle supplies.
—The farmers have made
great headway with their work
to date. Their ground is better
prepared to plant than for years.
—Mrs. Johnson, mother of Mr.
J. P. Johnson, of this county,
has returned to her home at Nor¬
wood after a visit to this county.
—The band instruments have
arrived and the beginners will
make the night air vibrate with
hideous sounds for a while at
—Dr. H. F. White is “Sur¬
geon” of the Taliaferro Camp of
Sons of Confederate Veterans
instead of “Sargeant, I 1 as was
erroneously stated last week.
J. N. Chapman is agent for
the Marietta Marble Works.
—Mr. Edmond Golucke lias
returned from Moore’s mill north
of Sharon where lie lias been do¬
ing some millright work. Mr.
Golucke is a good workman on
that line.
—Mr. Thomas Evans has
made us a splendid garden hoe.
He is one of the best workmen in
his line in this part of the coun¬
try. But he says he has had
enough war and will not fight
the Spaniards.
If you want a nice tomb stone
for your friends’ grave call on J.
N. Chapman. He will show you
cuts and give you prices.
—There will be preaching at
the Methodist church next Sun¬
day, forenoon and night. The
night services will be specially
for the .young people. There is
a gratifying increase in the
attendance upon the
ings at thatchurch.
He Was Run Over.
Little Frank, son of Mr, and
Mrs. If. M. Holden was run
over by a surrey Tuesday. Mrs.
Holden and children and Misses
Maud Stephens and Mamie Ham
mack were out riding and as
they returned on a back street
near Mr. Holden’s barn, Frank
fell out of tho vehicle and the
hind wheel passed over his
shoulders. Dr. Beazley was
called in and soon found that the
little fellow was not hurt much
yet he was considerably excited.
New Barber Shop.
I *will be in Crawfordville regularly
every section. Friday First to serve the people of this
class work in hair cutting
shaving and shara-poofng-. Shop at Mr,
Luca ’ tore. Give me a call.
Crawfordville, (in.
Is again on American soil and is receiving
great ovations.
My handsome line of Spring Goods is receiv¬
ing great praises from ali v/ho see it. \ hey
are ail low in price and of the latest figures and
are up-to-date in style.
A Had Runaway.
Mr. Dickey, the North Caroli¬
na horse dealer who has
here several days, had a horse
to runaway with him Tuesday on
Broad street, while driving.
The buggy was thrown against
Dr. Beazley’s yard fence tearing
up two pannels of fence and the
buggy, throwing Mr. Dickey
across the fence. He was not
badly hurt.
I Good Offer*.
Mr. O. P. Bonner lias been
receiving some flattering offers
for interests in his patent signal:
He has received letters from far
and , near enquiring •• into its work
ings and much interest is being
taken in it. As soon as he gets
some of the instruments in opor
ation he may find a ready pur¬
chaser for the entire patent at
a handsome price.
Air. Strozier Paralyzed.
Mr. R. B. Strozier was sudden
lv naralvzed J Tuesday night at
the ,, court house. He tt was wb with i,
the boys teaching them band
music and just as they were
breaking up their meeting it was
discovered that somethin* was
wrong with Mr. Strozier. A
window was raised and he was
taken out into the air thinking
lie was only fainting. It was
then found that his case was
nectee serious and Dr. Deadwyler
was summoned. The Doctor
found that a rupture of a small
blood vessel had caused paraly¬
sis of the right side and of his
speech. Wednesday morning he
was conscious but could not use
his right side. He has spoken
but little since first taken.
Catarrh Cannot he Cured.
they cannot reach the seat of the
disease. Catarrh is a blood or
constitutional disease, and irt
order to cure it you must take
internal remedies. Hall s oa
tarrh Cure is taken interna, ty,
acts directly on the Mood and
mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh
Cure is not a quack medicine. It
was prescribed by one of the
physicians m this country
for years, and is a regular pro
It is composed combined of the
best tonics known,
with the best blood purifieis,
acting directly on the mucous
surfaces. The perfect combine,
tionof the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful
results in curing Catarrh, hem
for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 75 c.
Hall’s Family Pills are
Saturday’s Jubilee*
The dai'kies celebrated email
here Saturday last, and
while the crowd was large, they
all seemed to be in a good humor
;ln( i no fussing was heard. It
was remarkable. The bars clos
ed from 7 to 3 o’clock and by
the time their jubilee spirits had
its effect, the crowd was
sing, and trouble was avoided.
A Card of Thanks.
The sadness of giving up my
home and friends and going to
Charlotte causes heart pains that
are only soothed when I remem¬
ber the kindness shown me by
my Cousins, Mr. W. W. Moore,
and family, Messrs. Parker,
Simmons and all my dear friends
in that neighborhood. I espec
iaUy remember the kindness of
Mrs. W. Moore and the cousin
wllO , brought , lllO , birds; • i and i also 1
111 y pastor aiul friends at Craw
fordville , W , no SO kindly , ■ ii cared i
for me and the much needed
present I received of them. Al
so do I so much appreciate the
favors of Hon. Thos. E. Watson.
They all have my earnest pray¬
ers. Words cannot express my
appreciation of these noble peo
pie. Susie E. Peek.
The old story of Prometheus is
a parable. Prometheus was on
terms of intimacy with the gods,
From thuul ho slolo tiro. and
„.. ive to me n. For this sin he
V vas bound to the rocks of Mount
Caucassus, and vultures were set
upon him. They only ate his
liver. This grew again as
fast as it was pecked imagined? away. Are
his sufferings to be
Take a modern interpretation
of the parable. There IS no
cooking elting without fire. In cooking
„„d tho mUohiof Ii*
1 he stomach is o\ci tasked, tin
bowels become clogged, they
di of tho food that is
• them Tho impurities
back up 0 n the liver. Dr.
Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis
every vultures of dyspepsia and ^ its
kindred diseases, there is no
more need of suffering from dys
pepsin than there is of hanging
one’s self. Sold by all medicine
dealers the world over.
Politics Simmering.
There is some political talk in
the county. Some of our prom¬
inent officials are being spoken
of in connection with the legis¬
lative race. We are not at lib¬
erty to give names, but enough
has been said to notify the peo¬
ple that the pot is beginning to
boil. Our columns are open
announcements whenever candi¬
dates feet disposed to ask
people for the office they want.
Americans are the most in
ven tiv 0 people on earth, To
th{jm havo been issued nearly
^qq^qqq patents, or more than
one4hir d of all tho patents in
the world. No discovery of
modern years has been of greater
bouefit ^ mankind than Cham
berlam - s Colic, Cholera and
D j arr }, oea Remedy, or has
Uloro to re ii e ve pain and
in<r j. \y. Vaugh, of Oakton,
f ,’ says: “I have used
b( r ;|;in ; s Co j iC( Cholera and
Dj arr hoea Remedy in my family
fot . sevora ] years, and find it to
^ best medicine I ever used
[ or cramps in the stomach and
bowels. For sale by Dr. K. J.
.. . .
Will Lecture Here.
Prof. Chas. Lane will lecture
here on Thursday night April
21st, at the court house. I he
Professor is too well known
make any comment on his
tore. The subject of
will he “ 1 alks and I alkers
and will be for the benefit of the
Confederate Monument. All
should attend.
Two years ago R. J. Warren, a
druggist at Pleasant Brook, N. ‘
bought a small su]>ply Remedy. OI
Chamberlain’s Cough follows:
He sums up the result as
“At that time the goods to-day were
unknown in this section;
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
is a household word. • I It is the
same in hundreds of commuui
ties. Wherever the good quaii
ties of Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy become known the peo
pie will have nothing else. For
sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
CURES wHtHt ALL cLbt cn
Eec _
Betjt Ojtufh Hyrup. Taste# o
in ti/i/e. Snld hr druttitis tu. ■ -I
A Shattered Nervous System.
Restored to Health by Dr. Miles’ Nervine.
Hi ft
% 5 h. &
a: ; -' Hfe -
111 , Iff 5
It. EDWARD HARDY, the jolly man¬
ager of Sheppard Co’s, great store at
BracevlUe, Ill., -writes: "I had never
been sick a day In iny life until In 1890. I
got so bad with nervous prostration that I
had to give up and commence; to doctor. I
tried our local physicians and bee in Joliet,
hut none gave me any relief and I thought
I was going to die. I becamo despondent
and suffered untold agony. I could noteat,
sleep nor rest, and it seemed as if I could
not exist. At the end of six months I was
r od«ceU to but a shadow of myself, and at
last my heart became affected and I was
truly miserable. I took six or eight bottles
of Dr. Miles' Nervine. It gave mo relief
from t he start, and at lost a cure, the, great¬
est blessing of my life."
Dr, Miles’ Remedies
are sold by all drug¬ Mites* i
gists under a positive L Nervine:
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re¬ Restores j
funded. Rook on dis¬ Health AS
eases of tho heart and
nerves free. Address,
1111. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
May Sheriff Sales.
/~t ^ EORGIA, Taliaferro, County.
' Will bo sold before the Court House
door In Crawfordville in said County wiiff
in the legal hours of sale to tie* highest
bidder for cash on the first Tuesday wit: in
May lHils, the following property to
All that tract or parcel of land situated, Dis¬
lying and being partly in the fiOSth
trict, Georgia Militia in Taliaferro County
and partly in lianeoek County, Georgia,
known as the Mill tmet; bounded on the
North W lauds formerly owned by Wm,
N. Gunn now owned by I). S. Stewart and
tract ti ie wheeler tract ami others, on the
south by lands of Rev. J. JI. Kilpatrick,
on tho West by lands of llev. .1.11. Kli¬
Patrick and others, containing Two il.;n
u„,/ a „a place, all that tract or
puree) of land known an the lernigun T,VS'i tract
XJS; ; 1
(M1 „„ N „ r ,|,
ijy . |. ln( f 8 ,,f r. l. Veazy, on tho East by
hinds of Mrs. E. .1. Rainwater, on tho
Month and West by lands known as tho
home or Boll tract and containing One
Hundred and Eighty acres more or less.
Said lands levied on as tin* i>ropertjr of
Muriali A. M. Smith to satisfy art exeeu
llcn issued from 'the Superior Court o r
Taliaferro county, Georgia, in favor of
The New England Mortgage Security M.
Company against said Muriali A.
Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s At¬
torney. D. P HENRY, Sheriff.
This 7th day March IS98.
Boilers, Saw Mills, ftotton Gins, Cotton
Presses, Grain Separators,
Chisel Tooth and Solid Saws, Saw
Teeth, Inspirators, Injectors, Engine
Repairs and a full line of Brass Goods.
g£i)’"Sen<l for Catalogue and Ibices.
avery & McMillan
Southern Agents. ATLANTA, GA,
Nos. rti & fin S. Forsyth St.,
\ m
; fliu
a-j ta
MvlIIv Apwia” RlfVPSp^ liivjVJvO
Models. High Grade.
same obade as agents sell for $7 S.oo.
Have no Agents but Sell Direct
to the Rider at Manufacturer’s
Prices, Saving You all
Agent’s Profits.
B^?st materials, Superb finish. Eight with
elegant models. We ship anywhere
priviJege of examination, pay express
charges V>oth ways and retund your
money if not as represented. Every
‘Acme” is full y guaranteed against Work
all Accidents as well as Defective
manshift- Send for catalogue.
102 Main St., - • Elkhart, Ind.
; A. I. STROM,
& Jeweler, .
Richard’s Store, Crawfordville, Ga,
Repair Work a Specialty.
quick!? wiured. FEE I)~E WHEN PATENT OBTAINED,
Send model orrketch »ieh explanation for free report aa
pat nubility. 4% ?A,*E BOOK I2XF.. Contain* referta<s«e
and fall iniormacioa, for SPECIAL OPFBR.
H. B. WILLSON A CO., p *' La, z e ‘**
1* Dtvit WASHINGTON, D. C-