Newspaper Page Text
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A woman wj/p hai suffered eighteen years , who has
been cured after a fife of misery and lives again in the
sunshine of happiness speaks to other women in words
of no uncertain meaning.
juri f. woman’s story. happens day,
Plot strange because it ever/
not remantic or thrilling, but just a story of
misery and suffering such as only women
know. Bowen, of
Cor eighteen years, Sara E.
iVru, Indiana, carried a burden of pain.
Night and day, without respite, she suf¬
fered the most o-eadful experience that ever
fell I > the lot of woman.
That she did not die is almost beyond
Ths'- • he i* well to-day is a miracle.
Mr:.. Bowen's trouble requires no descrip¬
tion beyond he symptom, which every
woman will instantly recognize.
In describing them Mrs. Bowen says:
“For eighteen years 1 suffered with
v. eaknc: “i * peculiar to down my se*. piece of human¬
war a broken
ity i a shadow of a woman.
“ IVly brain was tortured until I could re
rnca; her but little. I could not sleep skele¬ or eat
and was reduced in weight could to a mere be di¬
ton. What little I did cat not caused
gested in my weakened state, and
me untold misery.
“My skin I was muddy, all my time eyes and were to¬
heavy. was dizzy the housework.
tally “ unfit for prescribed/or even ordinary without avail.
Doctors me
Medicine was recommended and taken in
quantity but it did no good.
“ Time and time again I was .at the brink
;■ .
tot ALL
25 * 50 * DRUGGISTS
A nu AT TITPI V PTTIIPmTFn t 1 * core imjt <'»cr,rcim>(!;i.ilinn. rasenretn nro (lie Iilenl
ADiJvliUluiil uU/UUUil uulJ the. never prrip nr sripc.lwt rnuso onsy natural results.
;,fo .nn»l booklet free. /if. ST MU\<i RE’tH f»V <<h, ( ‘hirntro, Montreal, Can., nr Ann Tnrk. "17.
Perfection is the result of our long
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are the product of mechanical ingenuity.
$40.00 $50.00 $60.00
Monarch Chainless $100.00
Send for >898 Catalogue.
Agents wanted in open territory.
Lake, Hnlstod and Fulton Streets. Chicago.
Branches New York, London and Hamburg.
Sand tan 2-cent stamps for a deck of Monarch Playins Cards illustrating
Lillian Russell, Tom Cooper,Leo Richardson and Walter Jonos.
Are you Going to paint?
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Use “Southern Home Paint.”
Guaranteed the best Paint made. No adultera¬
tion. It is strictly pure and will cover more
surface than any adulterated §oods
Made in 30 Beautiful Colors!
F. J.Cooled&e & Bro. MS
Paint and Varnish Makers,
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n jj.. ... Gtj
VFl.l.< l i i: ;\ O:, Art oXIlt.SO V
v :: .X . ther : - tS.ora .ir.'.ir ;bed. Cons:. :
id c xx .. ce :,crc j. 4 Cry if . , .JaYrovil
VIC A. o; ‘ GUIDE. TV- Man’s « .-.log. ' and ' 1 i'~ ' aWT if rise-.
. ur aiycr r fall INi . „.a*art 1".fbr • -W
— » iZY.**. 1 t r.t >«.v
It- V. t Op: 1 filter cauiifhlly of SwertJPci:. ctubossed Vasinriln- ’
Vtii'Av . 1 co v. .
1 t z ■- . . irr.E ■ r -icAuoa.
ViCIi*S SEF!'^ He cheater, M YHI N. Y* ri: AiTCINT*. vOESVICKS.SOKS.
F.’F.TT-'S! Vi:k’sIiljstntsdHudily ifxiiv ^ GARPE.MNG'
!r:.-as APTHORITT,
lea vd in a. •? V 4 :"hi Frr.iu. . i.a . u» «,rcw anU care tor them
rx > .- ’£.vuauj ’ufttlv* aUractlve. mstwl t%f
l'.M* *•(»! I“l »*M 1 be f.nee o? \ -CA S iFLrsT?.AT MONTHLY MACA2INS « Fifty Cents per year tn:i if
Vim will rriui n iliia 1 •upon wiik m.\ hi o*cmv nl Mump* Yhe nx^xzzi^e ■* .. . :«e ui ailed io von regularly Y»
Sui ta luouUta Scr u*a l V\ me ai ouct w % H K Hi Rl.UHTSC H eater, rl.
of despair. Day by day my trouble grew
worse, and dark indeed was the day before
my deliverance.
“ A friend cf mine told rr.e about Dr. t57ii
liams’ Pink Pills for Pale People and what
they iiad accomplished for others in my
condition. of the of hap¬
“It was the first glimpse sun
piness through the dark clouds of misery.
“ I bought a box and took them. Even
then I felt their effect. I bought more and
continued to take them until I was well
and strong. the terrible
“ They liberated me from most
bonds that ever tortured a woman. They
brought me new life when death wai
welcome. friends, and I
“ I recommend them to my
do not hesitate to say to every Williams' suffering
woman i:i the world that Dr.
Fink Pills will cure her.”
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
are a specific for all forms of weakness.
The blood is vitalized and becomes preg¬
nant with the elements of life. The t ■*
vous system : s reorganized, all irregular cs
are corrected, strength returns and disease
disappears. So remarkable have been the
cures performed by these little pills ends that of
their fame has spread to the far
civilization. Wherever you go you will
find the most important article in every
drug store to be Dr. Williams’ Pink Pill*
for rale People.
Brightest Items from Near by
To the Credit of the Excellent County
Journals from Which Wet»et
the Creamy News.
— Philomath has been made a
money order office,
— Dr. A. W. Barnett 74 years
ol( j ’ d j 0 q j fl Washington Friday
last, ,
— Mr. JllO. S. Hall and MlSS
Emma Copelan were married in
Greene Sunday.
—Mr. E. W. Copelan and Miss
M. Thornton are to be married
in Greenesboro on April 20.
—Warrenton. has bought a
hook and ladder truck to light
lire with. It is a good idea.
—Hancock's Democrats will
meet to-morrow the lGth to set a
time to nominate candidates.
—Mr. Lee Gullaher and M
Godby, of Williams Creek, were
married m Warrenton recently.
—Three crazy negroes are con¬
fined in Oglethorpe jail awaiting
room for them at the Stale 1
lunatic asylum.
—The gifted Dr. H. H. Carl¬
ton will deliver the Memorial
day oration in Washington, Ga.
—Savannah Press.
All who have tried it, know
the value of Dr. Tichenor's An¬
tiseptic as a dressing for wounds
and will not he without it.
—Irish potatoes strawed will
he frost bit where others not
strawed will not be injured, says
the Sparta Ishmaelite.
When threatened with cholera
morbus a dose or two of Dr.
Tichenor’s Antiseptic will save
you time and suffering.
—Mr. and Mrs. S. Gunn, of
Craw lord vi lie, visited relatives
near Centeryille last Sunday.—
Cor. Washington Reporter.
Profit by your friends’ expe¬
rience and try Dr. Tichenor’s
Antiseptic when you get hurt
and you will never regret it.
—Dr. John A. Corry, of
Greenesboro delivered the vale¬
dictory at the closing exercises
of the Augusta Medical College.
Add water and sugar to Dr.
Tichenor’s Antiseptic and
tract the colic from your baby.
Very pleasant, perfectly harm¬
less and absolutely reliable.
Costs 50 cents.
—The Democrats in Wilkes
county have called a primary
election on June 6th to nominate
candidates for state house of¬
Don't you go home without a
bottle of Dr. Tichenor’s Anti¬
septic to use in case of accident
or sudden sickness. Better have
a good medicine and need it than
to need it and not have it, see?
—Mr. T. C. Moore has pur
chased a half interest in the
Sparta Ishmaelite. Col Sidney
Lewis will remain as editor.—
Washington Reporter.
Planters NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep¬
sia, Constipation and lmli
gestiou. Kegulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
—Two or three cases of ex¬
treme destitution among some
white families near here have
been looked after by kind
hearted women. — Woodstock
cor. Oglethorpe Echo.
When you stick a nail in your
foot apply Dr. Tichenor’s Anti¬
septic, and see how good it will
feel and how quickly it will get
well. If you want to prevent
suffering don’t forget this.
fiucklrn’i Amfoo Sutre.
The Rest Salve in the world tor Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fcv
ex. Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains.
Corns, nn<! a’! Skin Erupt ans, snd posi¬
tively cures Pilas or tie'pay baauired. It
Is guaranteei! f o give satisfaction or
money refunded v Price 25 rente per box.
¥ar sole by Dr. U. J. Reid.
—Mr. L. K. Smith has entered
suit in Lincoln Superior court
for $5,000 against Mr. Cooksey
Groves for damages for the part
he took in the
episode a few weeks ago.—
W ashiugton Reporter.
riiwi rtio ■: itching PUc».
form, which ofteu b.i ?r. .... T u.- t rato, t>a
conuuij verv sore. Swavt.o’s Oir,lmeat
Lcrution. stops the tind Itching in most aad blMding. c?-sos leaA the ul
turner*. At druggist, or bv mail • jof 50
cvn*. Dr. Sw»r« & Soui PUUttolphb.
Diseases of the Blood nail Verves.
No one need suffer with neuralgia. Tiife
disease is quickly and permanently cured
by Browns’ Iron Bitters. Every disease qf
tlio blovxl, nerves and stomach, chronic
or otherwise. Succumb* to Browns’ Iron
Bitters. Known sud used for nearly p
quarter of a century, it stands to-day for*
most among our most valued remedies.
Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by ail desd-rf.
: y U*.
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The popular use of a spring medicine is founded on experience.
With the coming of the spring season comes languor, debility, a “dragged
out” condition and a general lassitude summed up in the familiar phrase—*
“that tired feeling.”
-H w i A
>> 1
i* u a ii : 1
I ii § I a 1
i ?> i r 1
:a. v' ii
from the gross effects of the fatty foods of winter, there is no medicine
equal to Dr. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It not only cleanses the blood, but re¬
vitalizes it. It puts a spring into the step and a sparkle into the eye that
betoken health. It restores the lost appetite, induces refreshing sleep,and
reduces the liability to disease by neutralizing the conditions essential to
the development of disease germs.
|Bk’ Q
''.'l I
' 'V
“ As a spring medicine during the months of March, April, and May, I know of no other
preparation that can begin to compare with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It is the leader of leaders.’’
W. A. WEISER, M. D., Bourbon, Ind.
“ I cannot speak too highly in praise of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. From experience, I caa
recommend it as the best spring medicine.” ISAAC S. SPARKS, Patsey, Ky.
« I have used Ayer’s Sarsaparilla in my family for years and highly recommend it. As
a spring medicine, it has no equal.” A. B. NICHOLS, Ellery St., Cambridge, Mass.
« Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has been a household companion in our family for years. I take it
every spring, beginning in April. It tones up my system, gives me an excellent appetite,
and makes me sleep like a top. As a blood medicine, it has no superior in my opinion.”
H. It. WILDEY, Philadelphia, Pa.
« Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is without an equal as a blood purifier and spring medicine, and
cannot have praise enough. I have watched its effects in chronic cases, where other
treatment was of no avail, and have been astonished at the results. No other blood
medicine that I have ever used, and I have tried them all, is so thorough in its action, and
effects so many permanent cures as Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.” H. MERRILL, Augusta, Maine.
Dr. F.
\\f \l/ [E can show any steady going and earnest by
man how he can make good wages don't „
«v handling our publications. We 1
refer to experieuccd nicu, but to those y<
who pushing have never our sold anything. Just now we ^ *
RcvcrsiDlG Map of ti\o
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Send us your address and wo will advise
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If you get samples and don't want to en
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CSvil a Mechanical Enftceers. 5raduaUf of tha
Polytechnic School of ■ngir.eeriBg Bachelors in
Applied Science*. Laval University, Members
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P g Surveyors Aeejciaiijn. Assoc. Member Caa.
Bowrt| Of Ch ii Ea.onoers.
Orricss: f W ashixotox. D. C.
’( Montreal, Can.
STOVES IM OAU-Y oven uca iuyjljyy every eAiitnanoii. onb a I vtnia
Tliey are made of Sout’rsim Iron by Southern Workinea,
■who are sustaiaed by the products of Souticm
They last louder and mate .more homes happy than any
other Stove on earth. Fire hacks guaranteed for 15 years.
If your Dealer does not handle them, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE.
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Kactels azd Grates, Hellowvrare, Tinware, Etc.
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Let us do wi vour Job Printing