Newspaper Page Text
8100 per Year.
Every expectant mother hae
4 trying ordeal to face. If she does not
k i i*
I / 48 V"’
^ iS
t 4 r^/a\ 4yj\| get ready , for , it, .,
i ' j f, there is . no telling .
- what may happen.
Child-birth is full
of uncertainties if
Nature is not given proper assistance.
Mother’s Friend
I* the best help you can use at this time.
It is a liniment, and when regularly ap¬
plied several months before' baby comes,
it makes the advent easy and nearly pain¬
less. It relieves and prevents ‘‘morning
sickness,” relaxes the overstrained mus¬
cles, relieves the distended ffeeling, short¬
ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer¬
tain without any dangerous after-effects.
Mother’s Friend is good for only ere
purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of
danger and pain.
$1 dollar per bottli-'at all drug stores, or sent
by mail on receipt ofprice. valuable informa¬
F»a* Books, containing
tion for women, will bo sent to any address
Ufise application to
Atlanta, Go,
A \nr Lli
W « iiAwaim-s Ar*- fmiv restored »i*k- iIAfTf/v rgkS/(A
rlFICTAIJI.BTS. by 1-bwr, HhKtV
a? 1.00; 3 Address, boxes 62.50, by Zfl tii Y.
fiaffEam's Boscific Co., \\ J j,
ATr.AXTA.GA. if ^
Full p.'irtb'Ulnrs sent by
Dial! ou ipplkiitluil.
$2 JO Reward
TheaHaggarff Specific Co.
Will give three boxes of their Specific
TSbleis, uffed worth W-50 many ora who may
as much o*m- h, v of ihcJr
a a .thout decidStl beiu- tt. iVe have
never heard of a chh (intro, the
tablets have failed to give satisfactory re¬
sults. and if tlierc is a person *o lie found
who has used them ‘kitbout benefit we
want to know who life is and where to find
him. They never tfe to cure kidney and
bladder troubles and affections of the
genital orgaus and overcome all debility
and weakness in HetfY; men and Women.
They improve the appetite, aid digestion
and assimilation and* overcome constipa¬
tion. ‘Bhcv have vital effect, on all'of the
secretory organs and establish a-heulthy
eonditlon of the mucous and gland secre¬
tions ii*. every pan ofithe body; capillaries overcome and
all torpid conditions of the
secure perfect cirowliiition of the Iilood, so
that every organ is supplied and Being every
I unction fs normal? anil healthy.
the onto' remedy ever compounded that
fully*HM-nts tlie'logical physiological is con
ditioss of the human system, it no won¬
der that they give results unknown to
medical science.. No matter if the doc¬
tors and all remedies have failed, try the
Tablets anil be convinced that they aro
superior to all known remedies. Their
effect* onr.lm nerve centres is a complete
surprise to physicians who have used
therm- Gases that have baffled the skill
of best plivsicfans and no remedies seemed
to benent.Tmve been promptly controlled
and permanently cured by tlie fiiblcts.
Cases where injections cf morphine have
been resorted to as the only means of even
temporary relief have been promptly trouble cou
trolled by tlie Tablets anil the
completely overcome by their use.
Price One Box $1.00, cr Three Boxes
$2.r,0. If not on sale in your locality, or¬
der direct from Haggard Specific Civ, At¬
lanta, Ga.
This is the Man I
^ao sAVKraB pbop Le I
M j
y * 4 %
f a % W ^ ^
<! 5\
Ho#? Mt FREE!
f 1 I 'fflgSk**
urn s?tii Hi EGER. -!
h 1
II fiZi
^jiin txu ski e ««i ip ABE P "
teliiiS m p «if SHELL £
S at ilft jffl itts u
iiiia & m L. Si
mr< m m II. CD °
11 1 1 B wflj n £ and cured WhLkey tome Habits
tl W* f si! wSa at sv.ti
. awiBii out pain. Book of
vtM ■ HI trculam sent F8EE.
sHMtnxmsms b.m. woolley. m.d.
AUaota. ms. Office 151 M. Pryor ob
W1 at the People of that Thriving
Town Are Doing,
15V C. L. BAG BY.
They had a nice picnic on PenJridgc last
w£c/k. ,
Mr. Aleck Flyut was in our town last
Several of our farmers arc replanting
their corn.
Barnett lias elected a it wn council with
Mr. J. V. Garrett as mayor.
Easter services were held at the Catho
lie church on Easter Monday-.
Our justice court of last week was short,
two judgements and one dismissal.
Mrs. A. M. Bagby and her children
visited relatives near Barnett Friday.
M-f joe O’Brien, of Atlanta, attended
our Sunday school at Salem Sunday.
Guess who the young lady is that sings:
‘■Go bring me back my blue eyed boy?”
Miss .. Annie . . Turner, of , Elim r ,. is . ,, the guest . .
of the ,, Misses Sbel ,, tons and , Beck worth’s.
A\ T e heard one man in AA i kes county
has 4 acres of cotton np, re :.8y to chop.
Mr. Jim Griffith " ith his beautiful bride
visited Mr. Joe Griffith’s family last Sun
Jesse Brown says if there is to be war
he is ready if they will take the darkies
C. C. Caldwell and John Hill were in
our town last week trading horses ns
Mrs. James Turner and son Allen visit¬
ed Mr. and Alls. Charlie Allen last second
AVi l Wright, and Collisf Barksdale, of
Warren county, were visitors to Sharon
lust week.
Mrs. Eya Maxwell, of Augusta, Is visit¬
ing friends and relatives in AVarren county
at present.
Mr. AVillie Rocker, of Elim, is wearing
a broad smile now—a bouncing baby boy
at his home. 4
Miss Bagby, Mrs. it. AY r . Taylor and
others of near Barnett were up on Pea
ridge Inst week.
Mr Jprtf- Jesse Brown is boarding at hoijn
• k igt w" .j
morning and night.
A FRICANA will cure Sypaflla and Old
Sores to Stay Cured.
Misses Myrtie Taylor, Kate Gregory
and Missouri Bagby attended tlie Easter
picnic on Harden’s creek.
Mrs. James Gregory and son of Barnett
visited her daughter Mrs. AA . O. Stewart,
at Pearidge last Sabbath.
To Cure Ion Vorovcr.
Tnlio Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c hr 25c.
If C. G. C. fail to cure, drUKgisl.s refund moaev.
Our S. S. at Barnett Baptist eluircli is
on the improve. AVe hope she will get
back to her old standard.
Uncle Tom Moore, the mill* and gin
workman, was cubed out in tiu> country
last week to do some work.
Mr. Lewis Moore was in Sharon last
week buying fish baskets. AA'e guefes lie
is going to try the finny tribe.
J. A. Kendrick A Bro. imye turned the
G. AV. Brown store zoom into a sample
room and buggy ware house.
Educate Your It..wels XVilli CsmcaretB.
Caady Cattiartic. cure const ipation foi — cr.
tOc, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, drusxistsrefund
Guess what two ■ young men went to
Barnett to see their best girls from AVasl -
ington and they never came.
Air. Prattie Cox, of AVilkes county, was
over at Barnett Sunday. AVbat is the at¬
traction Mr. Cox; “Gray eyes?”
Gued» who the young girl was that was she
so disappointed last Sunday smiles?” because
did not get to see “pleasant
Mr. Frank Johnson, of Atlanta, is vi.«-
1 ting Mr. and Airs. Elias Allen. Air.
Johnson is in very bad health now.
Mr. and Airs. AVill Sturdivant, of Pea
ridge, visited the latter’s parents Air. and
Air-. AIcKinuy near Barnett JShster.
Colic, Xtur&lg t*tuud Toothache
n live minutes. Scur Stomach
and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents.
All above goods for s.«i .'by P. G Lucas
Thomas Johnson who has been sick for
sometime with feyer is paralyzed sympathy. on one
side. Poor boy, lie has our
OETTER E® fl ian cure is prevention.
By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla you
may keep well, with pure blood, strong
nerves and a good APPETITE.
Mrs. Sis Ellington, of Pearidge. is re
ported much ljctter in heahu at tiii;- vvrit
ing but lier daughter Ali-s Bert is no better.
Don’t Totiacn*%it a»4 Sa-olc t scur l ife Away.
To quit t-.baoco eaxlly and forever, fce ma?
netic. !u life, nerve r.nd *. :;ror, take N*»*To
IJac. the dcr worker, that mak^s v*eak men
strong. Aii SOc ?l- Cu pc’E’ namn
teed Boefcict und eamfi j free. Address
Sterling Hem:: y Co , Chicago or New York.
Major White is back with us again.
He is a clever goo-1 man we think aud lias
struck his talent ia the insurance business.
J rv
.,v. • G s .-.r.e
,f. f r .T vi---nc«
L ^ r tut. ’or it
Subscribe for your County paper. They
gvie you the news once a week and you
will find out what your neighbors are do
Airis Janie >1 chnoy and her nephew Mr
Henry Fielding of near Barnett visited
Mrs. Sallie Jones of near Washington last
Mr A. 1). Moore wefit Off witli his
family M ednesdav of , last week .
on on a
pleasure trip in the country but they bad
# bad () ..y
Elisha Moore’s fine new horse ran away
with his buggy last week and tore it up
but it was all the same with ’Fish, he still
drives him
Well we are going to have a proliibi
tion election. Alright boys 1 am as I said
before although I love dramas well as
Kev Ml . .Harrison, of Sandy
our Sunday school at Barnett
j ai .j Sunday. Come again we are always
glad to sec you,
AA’e think that some of our people have
talked and heard war talk so much that
are pretty waff-concluded that there
won’t beany war.
Mr. William and Thomas Johnson, of
AY likes ....*’ conntv, were over last Friday to
their sick nephew, Mr. .. Johnson of .
YY’Hliams creek neighborhood,
Capt. Iluutcr, of Hillman, was with ns
several days last wei k having some work
done in the tinners line. He never foigets
us when ho needs our services.
Colton that was dp is killed; the peach
crop is safe yet plumbs are pretty badly
hurt. Corn is looking bail but will come
out; gardens are not seriously damaged.
AYe learn that Itev. T. B. AA’est is in
bad health and it is thought that he will
have to stop preaching. This will be bad
as Mr. West is said to be one of our best
influential pveaehors,
J.ewis T. Moore has put him up a *%ing
at 11 iliman eighteen feet high and twelve
feet. wide. Lewis is having a good timo
swinging the girl* we expect. Henry
Flynt calls it a gallows.
Mr. J. A. Woodall was out at Burnett
Sunday school last Sunday and acted as
superintendent, it is doubtful whether
be will take the Snpt’s. place regmarlyor
not; it is so far from his home. /
J. A. Kendrick, viee-presiddftbf Tali*
fe .iBank, is a good one/ You can’t
.. ak him unless you <barn mm out an*}
tlien you would not hurt him much as he
tdways la?## hh eje« v Luskie** »hd W
* *' * '
Educate Your lloxveU XTIlh Caacnrots.
Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forcror.
10c. 25c. It C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money.
Tlie county schools rrfotind here are
about all closed up until crops are laid by.
y| iaron j j j^j,. gcliool is still In session,
AVe wcmW not be surprised if there were
some changes in school teachers in some
schools another year.
•‘How to Core ell Skin Disenw.”
Simply apply ‘‘Swayne’s Ointment’*
No internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the
face, jhauds, nose, &c,, leaving the skill
clear., white and healthy. Its great heal¬
ing and curative powers are possossed by
no other remedy. Ask Druggist for
Swayue’s Ointment.
Ve hath several attendants at Barnett
Sunday School last Sunday. Among
them were Mr. Lewis Dozier and Miss
Claud Taylor, Jim Meadows ami Mr.
Alex Wheeler, of Powelton. Come again
3 ‘ou are always welcome.
AVe hear Mr. Brantlv say that there
was cotton in Hancock county ready to
chop three weeks ago. Our people some
times get in too big a hurry. It is well
not to be too late but not I e too
soon. Haste makes w.isle.
Everybody Says So,
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most, won
and positively on kidneys, fiver and bowels, colds,
cleansing the entire system, dispel constipation
cure headache. lever, habitual
anil biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of C. to-day; J«, 25, .Mi cents. Bold and
guamnteed to cure by ali one gists.
AY’e liave a great ninn , , ;-iiors from ’
A\ arren county in our town every week
trading and a great many come liere V 1
f. sri't their bu--' rr v and wagon y w-irk done at
the temple , , of r industi}. , . TI 11m c P -
well for Stars. A. D. -Mo ire and A. I.
Barnett hail a little-boom Saturday of
iast week. A bar-room was op tied and
Air. Dink Chupman and Blake Jarrell had
a little fist and skull twist, but neither one
was hurt much in the scuffle and whiskey
was not in it. It was all on account of a
little private affair of their own.
fjensts ^ nation a fc
Vvl lOlipCUlVil
Causes fully half the sickness in the world. It
retains the digested food too long in the bowels
and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indi
oocs 3
bad coated . Brtft ,
gevuon. taste, |
s>k headache, .n- ISHJjfc * I I
som”. a. etc. Hood’s’Pills ■ ■
cur- constipation and art Its
WehoJjc our pooj^e will turn over ft
new Inf and lint go crazy' about the war.
Be nui at once and ft "lit. for your court*
try, htneand fireside. If you don’t do it
| you otglrt to move out somewhere ’else.
Any tun who won’t defend his country
and jjople ain’t much man.
Weiiave sonic young men folks in this
coutft tv ho will loaf around tie towi s
and t-icir najnes in everybody’s month.
Thertls too much work to do in the
county’ ami plenty of land lying open im
cultiyuted, and there are older men that
do th^satne thing when they could make
theniSIlves useful.
Tnli.ferro and Wilkes county young
people net at the railroad bridge on little
river otKaster Monday and lmd a nice
picnic. There was a large attendance.
It vv»s I’tven by Mrs. Sullic add Miss
Daisy Jjmos. AY e lift,! perfect order and
a splcn sd dinner. It was a day- long to
be rein inhered by those Resent.
We 1 Vt» whiskey' again at Barnett. Site
lias b dry for a long time legally speak- 1
fng, I ’'die never has been dry of whiskey.
The A A’srs O'Brien have opened t.i> *
bar roon there. YVe have not been over
to imped it jret but we suppose
thluf Is ill right as far as selling whiskey
is concerned and it is going to come very
near rilling some of the prohibitionist fiear
there (that love whiskey as well as any¬
body 1
v»» C ure Uo«>ll|mti«u Forever.
TalJi Cascurota Gaudy Cathartic. 10c or 25a
If G,jf. C. fail to euro, druggists refund inoucy
The ladies of the Memorial Assoclalion
expect s, good large crowd in Urawford
ville -fit the 80th instant. Some we learn
are si'r.iowhat opposed to having all the
soldie a exercises on that day, but we
think, ii is a good idea. It is a busy time
of th#yearruid the people can’t spare the
time (pit of their crops and we think the
ladies i ught to control the matter. They
have the trouble and all the work to do
prepaijng for this occasion and we ladies say
hands off ye men folks and let the
go abend with the arrangements they
Jiay« if? •?.
Us-markahle Rescue.
Mr*. Michael Curtain, Plainfield. Ill.,
make* the statement, that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs; she was
treated for a month by her family physl
clan,# ”* grew worse, lie told her she
was victim of consumption
oomW -,*«■> her
He, » -ngjpested Di. /ring s N"v
Disco...vy for Consumption; she tiought
bottle ami to her delight found herself
benefited trom first (lose. 'She continued
hs use aud after taking six -tiottles, found
herself sound and well; now does her own
hausework, afid is as well as she ever was
—Free trial bottles of this Great Diseove
at Dr. , 1L J. T UeiiPs _ „ drug store. Large _
bottles 50c and$1.0o.
Devil Tom Pate says that he think* I
am due him a years subscription to onr
eonnty paper for cursiag hint in our items
by calling him “Devil Tom.” AA’ell It is
Mr. Pale’s fault, lie had a dream oneo
that he went to hell and in walking around
with tlie devil he found a big old wash pot
turned upside down and Toan’cominenced
to meddle with it anil tlie devil told him
to let that alone; that lie iiad Nick Ed¬
wards under there and if he got out lie
would have tlie whole of hell under a
mortgage before lie could catch him or
get him back.
The ladder was created for one pur
pose, namely, a receptacle for the
and as such it is not liable to any form of
disease except by one of two ways. The
first way is from’imperfect acton of the
kidneys. Tlie second way Is from careless
i— »' ...............—
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid
neys is the chief ca are of bladder troubles.
ji k , womb, like tlie bladder, was-creat
ed for isluot one purpose, and if not doctored .oo
much hi lialile to weakness or disease,
except rare eases. It is situated back
of nnd Vf , ry e i oso to the bladder, therefore
any pain, disease or inconvenience mani
tested in the kidneys, buck. i>i.idiier
urinary passage is often, by mistake, at
tributed to female weakness or womb
troul ,| e o{ sort. The error is easily
made and may be easily avoided. aside
out correctly, set your urine for
or bladd.Ttrouble.' The
m | |(J an< | t y. extraordinary effect of
Kilmeri* Swamp-Root the great kidney.
and bladder remedy is soon neulizcd. It
you need a medicine }-ou should have tlie
liest. At druggists fifty cents and oncdol
Jar. You may have a sample- bottle and
phamplet, Ijoth sent free by mail, upon
receipt of tl.rec two-cent stamps to cover
co-t of postage on the botite.
Mention the Advocate-Democrat and -end
yonr n ,]dress to Dr. Kilmer & Go,, Bi»g
|,amton, N. Y. The proprietors .of thi«
paper cuarantce the* genuineness of this
An f'nc rJaln Dlcftue.
Tiiere is no disease mor# uncertain in its
nature than dyspepsia. Physicians say that
-tin symptoms of re, two islso agree. It is
t ’ . ref-,re most difficult to make a correct
diaguosis. No matter how -evere, or under
wliatdi?gai*cdy»epsia attaz-k* you Browna’
In Advance.
Correspondents’ Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
the Happening* in Thoir Keapective J.o*
cwlitlc*. All the News.
Helena dots,
BY I. N. O.
Oats and wheat look nice.
We are having some April weather.
There is a great deal of sickness in and
•round here.
The farmers are planting a good deal
of corn this year.
Mrs. S. A. Caldwell visited Mrs. Eliza
yj rs Julia Boatwright hns been quite
j, u t;» some better,
Mr. P. G. Stewart Is in Crawfordvllle
wee j< horse trading,
Mr. S. A. Caldwell made a business
trip lo Washington Wednesday.
Mrs. Sarah Armor visited her sister
Mrs. Mary Boatwright Inst week,
Mr. Aleck Johnson, from Washington,
passed through litre Friday last.
Mrs. Mary Boatwright has been quite
sick lntt is some better at this writing.
A young man in tin* place bought him
a new buggie and took his girl to the
jnciiie Easter Monday.
Miss Edna O’Neal and her brother
visited Norwood last Friday and Satur¬
Mr. Andrew King, of AY’hite Plains,
spent a few duv* of this week in our com¬
Bob Lee Andrews made a business trip
to Washington this week.
We had the pleasure of listening tq an
interesting sermon from Rev. Mr. Bur¬
gess last Sunday.
Several from Crnwfordville attended
preaching here last Sunday.
Miss Leia Lane, a charming belle of
White Plains, visited friends-at Bethany
this week and carried back with her the
hearts of some of our young men.
Mr. Paul Murden, of Augusta, wa» in
our community recently, taking orders
for Bethany picture* to be boa»t enlarged. of lieu tkat ba.-, -a j
can a
been offered ten dollar# for her.
AVe are glad to see our young people
taking so much, interest in the -Literary
Club. An intimating program was cm
r j e ,i ^ ji s aKetitig laat nig u *.
nuc'VW.n'a ArnlM l aW fc
ffc«r S«st Salve in tti« world tw On ts.
Bnii ^ Soro , lTIcc „ « alt Rhounii
tt, T«tt«r, Chopped Hand*. Chilblains
Corns, and all,Sirin Erupt ons, and posL
tlva’jr cures Piles or fnouirad. It
Is guaranteed ’o give iatisfaf\ion or
monay refunded^ Price 25 ccutt jieT box.
For sole by Dr. R. J. Rcld.
BY A. B. C.
Done planting corn.
Farmers are having nice weather for
planting cotton.
Guess what young man in our connnunl
ty spent the forenoon on Saturday last in
washing his buggy as if be had some big
trip in view, and in afternoon went to
Ha, partner, who furnished that horse
and buggy? YVe guess there are several
others in lhc neighborhood who
be glad to find some one.
Ask those three certain young men who
me , !lt a certa i n place at same time, all
<irivi» B ,,iy to* -i.» « i„
Guess what young man -helped a young
lady out of the buggy Sunday a'.' Jen
»«*¥■. '*»"*** ”» ** ^ a ’ ,d
ed her so closely until site went into the
Hon|e agtIle(1 sai( | ( j ley sfiwa voimg
lady a few days ago with all the news
papers her lather had. received . in . , two
years wrapped about her head. It seems
ahe was g up , he sty i e 0 f wearing
paper instead of liuls or boanets.
‘‘^m” is dn.Ung «p
isocn Havana he will storm,
] ttln out t jie Dons—honor Lee,
Avenge Spain anil Cuba free.
H „ sonn<1 of coming battle,!
Cm>aonH rour and milsk ,ts rattle.
VVarsl.ips plungingthrough the sea,
Avenge, bpain, and Cuba fret.
farmers are busy planting ‘ cotton,
March winds and April showers make
May flowers.
Farm work was somewhat set hack by
recent rain and cohi.
We hope there has been no serious
damage done to fruit.
Some women worry themselves grai
trying to look young.
Guess wint school teacher Air. T. f.
Combs is in love with.
NO. 9 .
Pfival mukc 5 the food pure,
wholesome and deUcioul,
- XS.
> .s Sts
Tla sweet to love but eh what pain to
loye a man and love in vain.
Mrs. S. P. Hixon visited Iicr sister Sirs.
Beltie llobbt last week.
A man of ripe cxj>ciionce is too wise to
monkey with green fruit.
Miss Coia Walker visited her grand¬
mother Mrs. Mary Luneeford lust week.
Mrs. M. J. Nash had the first English
peas this spring.
Faith without work Is about ns useless
as a watch without wheels.
Friends surf umbrellas are somewhat
alike—seldom at hand when needed.
Mrs. M. J. Armor was out vfsitng
friends lust Saturday.
It is always a great re-leaf fo the trees
when spring'Comes.
Mr. J. AV r . Reeves and faini'y visited
Mr. L. I). Sheerer lust Saturday and Sun¬
Mr. G. G. Ilixon and Otis Luneeford
made n flying trip to (’rawfordville last
Mr, Luke Moss has nearly completed his
shop. He says In a short while he will be
ready to do any tbiug from mend a needle
eye up.
Mr. Newton AVallace atul family visited
Jt,* L. M. Mom lust Saturday. Mr. AVal
^ tt thorough thtL, going man and we are
always glad to see
MW Ell(l) a very tllly young laUy of t; ,, a r
Ma , tt v Cr ««iri,ig e , w.i,» i ni,g this com
M(lly ^ l/opa fie will court
A beard can be colored brown
or block by Buckingham’s Dye
for the Whiskers.
Wonder where that trtousc colored mule
was carrying that young lady last Sunday
^[T^ eelhing
i 0hlidren
Are- gaaarally Pony. Stomach upset,
Dow«ls out of order -do not r®*t
well at night. Iho vo ry best reowdy
( for children while teething ia
< It cur*n Diarrhoea, regulate* the
Stomach and Dowc.'s, cure* Wind
( Colic, »oftorts th« Cum*, cure* Chol¬
] era Infantum, Cholera Morbu*, Grip¬ 1
J ing, for adults, and acts too, promptly. ond is a specific It is good for
vomiting during pregnancy.
[ Sold by oil Drugqi-its, 25 ond 50c. ]
•o«g<aoo***eoos<?9oaoo—a *
For s i!., at ALU ANC iSTORE.
(Trade Mark Itcgistered Nov. 24, ’90.
Tfl me Mow — I f P-(rl yw •
A 11“ P ii “W JLllC 1 VXiYtJI* VPT
Promotes Vigorous Health by instilling
OXYGEN from the air into tha. system, .
and cures all forms of ill-ease without
Medicine or Electricity. It is as simple as
Prices of OXYDONrtUS greatly r«
Get the genuine 1 ; made by the
discoverer and inventor Dr, Hercules
BoR of partfrulars an-*’ juice list free,
Address Dr. If. hktnche, 'X 1 Fifth Ave
nue, New York.
n, n
A radical, positia-e acd permanent cure
guaranteed in 5 days. Absolutely harmless.
No u tapering off" process — No substitu
uog method.
E. A. GUNN, K.D.,
41 East gist Street, New York City.