Newspaper Page Text
mnp iuu AlllUuAiu*yuiuvvuAi. inrnrATk' lOTP-fRiT
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rtiumomny muday Mosmxc »i
Official . . O.taD . Taliaferro _ .. - n
CRAWFOUDVII.LE, Al*K. 22, 1803.
Stewart county wen try I I >y
about 100 majority last WCne,
Georgia's ,„ato o, State troops
is ,,perns, to lie U» .0 If.
sent to Clio.t. ten. • uttson as
....... ...... “ yshe
go ""1, til,t boys.
About 70.000 volunteers will be
called for soon to put in force
the late resolutions of Congress.
They will also want 80,000 of
militia. All the state companies
are call mg for recrui ts.
The soil of Cuba is 17 feet
deep, no fertilizer is used, Her
annual sugar crop is worth
$15,000,000. Tobaccb $0,000,000.
Anything llmt grows under the
tropical sun can bo grown in
Tuesday the Mouth will honor
its soldier dead, by decorating
their graves with beautiful fhAv
ers. On account, of the unveil
ing of lli<‘ momVinont ij liero on
the 80th the memorial services
will bu Imd here on the latter
Mr. Hardy CaldwclL of
Siloain, has a hog that has sevtm
feet. The three extra feet u're
well formed, and grow two* on
throe of its legs The foot on
its fourth leg nl Jo came near be¬
ing double, it having live divi¬
sions. Thu hog’ is thrifty, and
bids fair to make a large poker.
—Greenesboro HeraUl-Journal.
> Mrs. A. luveen, residing ad
7L’0 Heavy St., Alton, III., suf¬
fered wHU sciatic rheumatism
for ov(*r eight months. She
doctored for it nearly tho whole
of this time, usin 0 various reme¬
dies recommended by friends,
and was treated by the physi
eiktrs. but received no relict.
She then used one and n half
bottles of Chamberlain’s Pain
Balm, which effected a complete
cure. This is published at her
request, as she wants others
simiarlv uffiieiod to' know what
cured her. 'l'lie L'5 and 50 cents
sizes for sale by Dr. K. J. Keid.
The following twoitems from
the Washington Reporter show
two important facts that should
be studied by our home mer¬
chants. The first says: ‘-There
was a delegation from Taliaferro
near Crawfordville in Washing¬
ton last week." Why are these
people going to Washingtom to
trade? The other item throws
outlie light; “A good many
Washington merchants a r e
reachinr’oul after more trade.
Several have placed advertise
monts in the Crawfordville Dein
3 -
the tlood loses its
red grows thin and
a anemia, there is
njt ice-mg of exhaus
t '.icKoi energy—vitality
spirits depressed.
:l.' Z£-T~ 72. Tdki TA3
- Oil with Hvdto
. -y t.imc and Seda
♦‘1 “-'-E£T* . l0C <°f rCC . ‘
the cod-Uver
enters ' u the Ti blood direct
. , js its exert corpusde,
the natural color and
f ‘ > v/iity to the whole
. I*he hypophosohites and
* the brain nerve
-viacJ their strength- efftC
i r cs l I hiVC nt IC f left L y? ur
chi V i ^ou arc growing
thi . ixuausu e irom oyer
to ^--c S ,C i FS Emu.
S'CTT? Fe-U»L>n
; *>o-. id- f ' .<
Th« MoSt Mvorab,e SeM0B
t 0 cure catarrh is in the spring-,
During the winter the patient is
li (rely to take fresh cold and
a set-back. But if treatment is
begun in the spring and coptin
uedinto the summer, noting
need be feared for the succeed
ing winter. Of course, it all de
pends on the medicine. There
• .,rp fl .rrpat ‘ manv citarrh mec jj.
, f ,
partly Pe-ru-na cures more
s,o»,ybu, a,so store perotaneoUy
eatarrlt more
quicbp ^ than ut any othcuseason.
Wil u,, r „ Tt ,e U -,. ri Concord,
N. IT., writes Dr. Hartman as
follows: “When I began taking
your medicines four years ago!
was suffering with chronic
catarrh! I had taken nearly
two dozen bottles of so-called
catarrh cure without much re¬
lief. Pe-ru-na cured the night
sweats and dizziness; it cured
the cough I have had front my
cradle; I can say it saved ray
Dr. Hartman has published in
book form a series of lectures on
various phases of chronic catarrh
which he calls “Winter Catarrh. ’’
This book will be sent free to
any address by The
Drug Manufacturing Company,
Columbus, Ohio.
The Public School Books.
Progress is tlte watchword.
The nation that shuts its ports
to modern advancement puts her¬
self at a disadvantage. Witness
Japan and China. This is a
restless moving ago. Many
things that were new only a few
years ago, nay even a few
months j ast are crowded out for
something better, and later. The
farmer that does not replace his
old farming implements by those
of modern make, gets behind and
works to a disadvantage. The
teacher who ridicules and re¬
fuses to adopt anything that is
now w dl soon lind himself with¬
out a school.
The county that hesitates to
adopt books for the public
schools, that are up with the
tiinfk will find herself behind
her uio a progressive neighbor.
\V« are now as a county er
titled to a change of school
books. Five years ago t&ore
was i change made in the Histo¬
ries and perhaps the Geogra¬
phies. We are now using the
same Readers and Grammars that
were in use here when Prof.
Boggs taught, say 15 years ago.
h may be longer.
Now even ware we to admit
that the Readers thru were as
good as tluA’ are no\v, is it not
reasonable to suppose that all
the pupils would be benefited by
having new raiding matter.
Tho children have had nothing
new. The same old stories.
Tin* mind of teacher and pupil
say nothing of the parents who
try to help , , their , . children, , , would ,,
bo refreshed by something new.
A change at least. But this is
not tho pi 1UUpal mason toi ‘ l
changer ill many respects.
Let our Board of Education
examine for themselves some of
the new Readers, and note
due arrangement throughout,
the lesson, the Roman characters.
the script, pictures of familiar
VuTtUci^ t'o'thechiUl in°obtainicg
a ready nse oi the hand m wit
in ^ l \' u l \\ iu V
1 ’hms i > ie ics,i . o siii e. in \\
Sm-r to-&,er tuS
Wo have a much belter spell
inj? book offered us than the; and our elementary gram
niar is not giving satisfaction.
From the standpoint of
■ rs 1 Aviito. L ■»- us hoar from
other teachers. ..
Oar Board oi Education has
this matter in hand of saying
what is best for our schools,
Xo; now onlv . but for 5 years to
come. Thev ought to grve the
:, ooks uow in pse and those of
t - or0(4 for examination, a faithful
comparison one with another,
.‘pjk . the most careful involving study.
- is a grave su.'cessful m:\tter teach
^"Ld ,
the welfare of the chil
ren of Taliaferro. As educated
,H*n. capable of judging, let
-toui not treat this matter light
. They ought, of course to
hun the or necessary expen
ditures of the public money, there at
-arc time ^member that
av be such a thing as
economy. TSkCHER.
We are a great many rfolc
who want to go to war and iere
are'others—who do no*. (t is
said fljat there are voluatA: 1,0 »,< t of
Americans ready to
The war resolution nas 1 en
signed by the President and he
* ent his ultimatum to *p.m
giving that country until baur
day noon to evacuate Cuba, he
Spanish Minister left Washag
Mloiator W«*
ford will remain in Spain until
West antf armies 'of troops hoe
beea ordered to Tampa, FI It
t» DOW thought that war '• Ibe
Sunday unless Spain
iu some way. The Officers of
the Spanish navy have taken a
vow to never return to their
native land unless they v -e
I Told You Ha, T
Tiiat the anti prohibition excuse n< lory
would start in a few days. They f_’\. if
you inalie it a State law they will vee for
if. That's what It's* for my brotlijt It
ia a stepping stone to the anti bar^pom thelenuse
bill. We. lacked 14 votes in
o I.msr , in the .seimte. !, If we can °° m gut ; u <hJK fe\^Borc _ , y
wmntien dry w*stand a bolter
get the legislature to pass the hill tpPvill
Kwecp the state. When Taliaferro pouuty
was drv from the election of 1885 ve had
liquor in Greenesboro and Washington,
rcmalnu. Taliaferro and Wilkes counties
stand ns cess pools of moral and ihianunl
slouch counties. ia the midst of the surroundih|^Jry
L Many may be-cut o!T failing to rogi elec-ion ,cr.
you vote at this or any other
Ellis register ’
year you must this year.
Harlequin ling. ,
Question - .—P lease find enclosed some
bugs, thing which that they are eating find. up There every gixjen
can wera a
few on my cabbages last fall, and now
there are thousands of them on my
turnip greens and they are sucking And
killing the salad. If we don’t get ria of
them we cannot have any vegetables
this year in our neighborhood. dcstrudflve- Then 1
is great complaint of their
ness from all sides.
Answer.—T he bug Font is tho much
dreaded “Harlequin Bug,” the wijirst
known insect enemy of cruciferous
plants. They live through the witter
hidden under leaves or trash of any
kind. All rubbish, under which the
bugs can take refuge during the winter,
should be carefully burned, pud infected
fields or gardens should hare clean cul¬
ture. These bugs are very difficult to
deal with, us they canuo 1
by »nv f> the fefSSi
TV hen the are ysre iM
insect powder in decoction, or
will often prove effectual, Hand
picking is often resorted to, throwing
tho bugs as picked into pans or cups
containing kerosene. Cabbage growers
plant? mustard between the row's of cab¬
bages, The bugs prefer the mustard
and it*detracts them destroyed in largo with numbers.
They can then bo pure
kerosene. IvsAher than let them live
and multiply, if nothing else can be
done, apply kerosene. This will, of
course, ruin tho turnip salad, but better
that than to allow them to continue
their ravages.—State Agricultural De
part men t
T. B. Rice, a prominent drugguist of
Greenesboro, Ga., writes as follows:
‘ I have handled Dr. Piits’ Carminative
years, and have never known of a
single- insUtueo where it failed to give per- it
feet satisfaction. Parties who once use
always make permanent customers. Wc
(,. lrln j w tives, soothing syrups and colic
drops combined.” For teelhiug children
it has no equal,
For sale at Alliance Store.
Hens Laying Soft or Thin Shelled E**s.
Question.— Some of my hens are lay
ing eggs with soft or very thin
S ~ rit *» j 'Y ira f
^ i8 any remody for this. '
Answer.—P erhaps the trouble is iliat
our j lens are j u too fine condition,
H™, wMcU.™ too,.,,
eggS ' Try shorter rations and a 4ttle
Epsom salts every other day. This may
bo given in the drinking water. .Let
A know that‘the
• '3U Tlruo” Kcmedjr,
K ^
1 i
Tsth? b?st L'r F-ate-leTretUes. Ccrrbcts all
lrreauIantieslnFoinsleOnrans. be
taken jor Ctae9 •» Lite and :ore c
Flsatcrs "Oid Tioe" E.-nwiics have steed the
test for twenty years.
y en’.v by New e-r Kodledne Cs..
Paul G- Lucas Cmwfordv :, V G&«
gB f§
8 ta»
It id true wisdom for every
body td take a thorough course of
Swift’s Specific just at this season
and impoverished, and the system
it “ °^
be e. — 0
thorough* g the Mood,
and tuning up the system so as to
avoid loss of apatite and a
eral run-down feelmg in t he
spring, S. S. S. so strengthens a
builds up as to fortify against the
many forms of dangerous illness
that abound during the hot sum
mer season, It is a very small
matter to take this precaution but
it insures health and strength all
gammer. Swift’s Specific
So S. S /The Blood
is far ahead of all other remedies
for this purpose. It is a real
blood remedy which * promptly
the blood and , thoroughly , ,
renovates the entire system, tones
and strengthens the stomach, and
renews the appetite. It is the
only safe tonic, being purely vege¬
table, and the only blood remedy
guaranteed to contain no arsenic,
sulphur, mercury, potash or other
mineral substance, which is of so
much importance to all who know
the injurious effects of these drugs.
Naturo should he assisted by na¬
ture’s remedy, S. S. S. Take
S. S. S. and be well all summer.
M mm • -V %
m \w?m A IT* W&ffl m m
m «Lc!|s !k 5 S
ib® m
L& 41
$ 31 . 50 .
a Acme 5 ’ Bicycles
’98 Models. High Grade.
We Have no Agents but Sell Direct
to the Rider at Alamifactorcr’s
Prices, Saving You at!
Agent’s Profits.
Best materials, Super!, finish. Eipht
elegant models. We ship anywhere with
privilege of examination, pay express
charges both ways and refund your
money if not as represented. guaranteed against Every
■'Acme" is full’/ well Defective Work¬
all Accidents as as
manship. Send for catalogue.
102 Main St., - • Elkhart, Ir.d.
/ ■/
Hollers. Saiv Sills Cotton (iiiis, ('oftoil
Presses. GraurSeparators,
^ Chisel Tooth and Solid Saws.- Saw
Twth . Inspirators, Injectors. Engine
Repairs and a full Hub of Brass Gomt-.
fca-Send for Catalogue and Pii a--.
ayery & mcmillan
Southern Managers.
Nos. 51 * So S. Forsyth St., ATLANTA, GA.
And vicinity, will consult their
interest by wrrting to
Standard Maimiactnriag Go M
For Prices on SASH. DOORS.
BER. LATH or anything is
EXPERT LABGB combincdwith 41
ABTsSTie &mms AND ?
fie Cai &■
uimm i
High Quality— -L©w Price
Agent at Crawfordville.
n 9 3 II 5
••m rillII Etc., Etc.
Barnwell & Yiekers.
We have the largest stock of this line of Goods on
hand ever before brought to this section ot the country.
Wo buy entirely in Car-load lots and get the
advantage in freights and car-load prices,
And we can save you money by buying; of us. We
also carry a large Stock of Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
&c In fact you can get anything you want in the
leather line, WE SELL ON TIME to good par¬
ties at Cash prices, 8 percent, in notes, payable No¬
vember 1st.
Barnwell & Vickers, Washington, Ga.
Be progressive and Keep up with the age. Typewriters are now a necessity
in every iiuo of liusiness.
t>y pawF jj aratai& i QtlakS Frantlin^ 1 5 .00 up. Williams Cal?
Remingtons, Srnitk-Premiers, New ilc-asmores,
graphs, and all
At Astonishing Prices. Largest Exclusive Typewriter House in tire South-;
Best Equipped TYPEWRITER REPAIR PLANT in the South.
The 875.00 Anti-Trust Machine. SEND FOR CATALOGUE.
Southern Typewriter Headquarters,
41£ Peactree St.. Atlanta, Ga.
When You Need—
Lumber, Laths, Lime,
Shingles, Mouldings, Doors, Sash. Blinds, Cement, Plaster Paris, Plastering
Hail-!Sewer Pipe for your well or ditches, Jars for your Lard, Jugs for your
Syrup, etc.,
Belts, Hinges, and Screws for Your Doors or BIinds r
Nails, I.ocks Coat or Hat Ilooks, Slic'f Brackets or anything else you may
need in a COMPLETE HOUSE, Confer with tne.
Washington Manufacturing Co •?
They will give you right prices every time you call on them.
AFRICAN; The Blood Wonderful
Cures absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Ofd
Sores, Constipation, Gout, and All Diseases caused by
impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED.........
Africana Has Never Failed
In single instance out of the hundreds treated. Therefore, we oaer it
a and willing to unaertase
to the public with entire confidence, are infallible
the most desperate case on which other so-called cures
have failed. Africana is made altogether from herbs, is perfectly
harmless and yet is the most powerful and surest remedy ever dis¬
covered for the above named diseases. Write for farther particulars,
testimonials, etc.
Africana Co.. 63tt Atlanta, S. BROAD Ga. ST,
Dii you expect to do any paperBSgr ->
wifi send von free a larsre : selection
samples from S per roll up. date. all new \\E color; PAY
KHI*‘f- r.nt tvjvelU- ^ ^ s up to ‘ .rent iIT i\ -2
£ k
town to «cil oa e-.numisslon frea ,lar^e
sample books No capital repute, 'U. For
sanicies or parti Ears, address S. WOLF.
54T-753 Ninth Ave.. N. Y. City.
. : ;7:
209 7th ■it., Augusta. Ga.,
g iVE § F3 gg <y£ JESTS for ai! defects of
ejebt, ryrintis tiic j>rc*>i*r as es and WAR
Lenses cut into •- :re tvliHe vou wait.
OX* wftAtoVw,*-*! *-r : f vou ared
q^.q.wtL.c ox