Newspaper Page Text
; T;L
Id f
Under the Weather.
That is the common Spring
complaint. You feel “logy,”
dull. Your appetite is poor.
Nothing tastes good. You
don’t sleep well. Work drags.
You cross every bridge before
you come to it. There’s lots of
people have felt like you until
they toned up the system by
taking the great spring remedy
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
It’s been curing such cases for
60 years. Try it yourself.
Seed for the “Curebook.” too pag'd free.
J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
New Barber Shop.
I will be in Crawfordville regularly
«ve ry day to serve Uiepeoyle in first class
hair cutting, shaving and shampooing I
will yislt your homes and do hair cutting
and shompooing for the ladies and child
ren; also gliapen razors, .shop at Mi. P.G
Lucas’ store. Give me a call.
Crawfordville. Ga.
Engines rn~m~i~" & Boilers" nauran “*■■*■1 ■ | * ri ■ r,r
11 11 -~ 1 t~
1 ■■■■ ■miii
Gins and Presses.
Complete Cotton, Saw. Grist. Oil and
Fertilizer Mill outfits; also Gin Press, Cane
Mill and Slvingle outfits.
Building, Bridge, Factory Furnace and
Pailroad Castings; Railroad Mill, Machin¬
ists’ and Factory Supplies.
Belting, Packing, Injectors, Pipe Fit¬
tings, Saws, Files. Oilers, Etc. CAS i
I flmbard Ires Yi ksS Supply Co.
un< tf.X, Machine, Boiler and Gin Works.
RepV rs Promptly Done.
For information as tJ Routes, Schedules
ami Rates, both
Passenger aid Freight,
write to either of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
reliable infovmtou.
T. V. A. G. F. A.
Augusta, Ga.
C-E. &V. A. G. A.
Atlanta Athens.
v. s. e. magilt.,
S. A. C. V. A.
J fltaeon, Ga.
S.F. A. S.F. & 1\ A.
Zaekery & Stewart, >
Dealers in Pork, Beef. Mutton, Fish
Oysters. \Yo also keep an eating
at our place of business.
We respectfully solicit the patronage of
puhiic. satisfaction, low prices
We guarantee
polite attention.
'tfilrkct price paid for all Raw Hides;
Sharon, Ga.
S E.alka'2 a k
- secretly. no injections No "tree - no
‘-aiRt. Can be given 2&E?SSL£?- ta
umeat” scheme
4 R. A. GUNN, m.D.,
41 East 2lst Street. Nee. York City.
aSLEyj.^gjfl _ HWu m »ira wzra r.vrcra ozsAirza.
iaie&Mtion. VdXXZZ
I 1 pi: i-37“Wr*» ;-r spsciAic.-£ 2 .
j '3. WILLSON & co. i*«™t a.;.f..
|>n: BaiHiae, WASH'MGTON, O. C-
SIDE-WALK notes.
Pure Home Matters (Picked Up by Our
Local Kepciters.
What Our Teople Are Doing and Saying.
Tilings Our Friends Tell l's.
R. & G. Corsets for 75c at
Alliance Store.
—Mayor Garrett, of Barnett,
was here Wednesday.
Early amber cane seed 10c.
perqt. at Alliance Store.
—New moon brought on an
other cold spell yesterday.
Jeweled belts, the latest fad,
at Alliance Store for 75c.
—Col Horace Holden went up
to Lexington to court this week,
H. T. Johnson, Hasumgton.
sells everything on wheels.
—Mrs. Jane Ham mack has
been right sick but is better.
—Mrs. Rosa Parham, of Union
Point, visited relatives here this
Try the Washington Mfg.
Co. on nails and builders hard¬
—Agent Hollingshead, of the
Augusta Chronicle was in town
Fine lot of silk for ladies
shirt waists from 25 to 75c at
Alliance Store.
—Mrs. M. F, Griffith returned
Sunday from a visit to relatives
at Union Point
11 —There has been an epidemic
of colds in this section during
the last week.
—Mrs. L. F. Stephens has
been sick several days during
the past week.
—Mrs. E. IJ. McCauley went
over to Washington this week to
visit her sister.
—The Messrs. Fouche are
painting the wood work in the
new drug store.
Sawed brackets any style or
shape gotten out by the Wash¬
ington Mfg. Co.
—One of Mr. and Mrs. S. A.
Chapman’s children has been
quite sick this week.
—Roger T. Brooke went up to
Atlanta last week, spending sev¬
eral days in the city.
Best shingles at lowest liv¬
ing prices can be bought of
Wasiiington Mfg. Co.
Ladies novelty wool dress
goods, latest styles from 25 tc
50c. at Alliance Store.
—Messrs. G. T. Edwards' and
Millard Henry went over to
Washington yesterday.
— Our clothing samples are
constantly renewed. See them
at the Advo-Democrat office.
Get our prices on laths and
and brick before you begin your
house. Washington Mfg. Co.
—Richard Richards went up to
Atlanta on the excursion last
week and remained in the city.
—Mrs. M. A. Sanford has had
a severe spell of pneumonia at
Liberty Hall. She is improving.
If your liver is out of order
get a 10c package of W 7 ood’s
liver medicine at Alliance Store.
—People’s Party Paper and
Advo-Democrat, both one year
for ^1.50. Special limited offer.
—John Wesley Williams, the
new barber, has concluded to
spend all of bis time in Crawford¬
—The town council has bought
another mule for street service.
It was bought from Rhodes &
The Allianco Store has just
rece ived a second bbl of Scovil
hoes. We are headquarters on
Scovil hoes.
You will not treat your
pocket book right if you fail to
buy your spring dress goods at
Alliance Store.
—Miss ,_ Eclipse .. Collins ... .
spending a few weeks at Libei ty
Hall, recuperating fiom hei
recent severe spell:
—Mrs. H. T. Rhodes and
children returned to Augusta
after spending a pleas
ant time in this place.
—Dr. W. F. Hammack, one of
Atlanta's most successful drug
gists, called by to see home folks
and friends this week.
—Don’t forget the Advocate
Democrat is agent for one of
best bicycles made.—Ride a
Monarch and keep in front.
-Mr. and Mrs. Sam Caldwell
of Helena, were among their
friends and relat. - s in this
section Saturday and Sunday.
I—Jack Beazley has captured a
speakers place at Mercer for the
dfaghted «,
was caned
r to y'ashino-ton Sunday to
aneVd - Mk .’ J ‘ W Binns who
has been quite sick. .
ar * * ar!
Not With Spain, but Against High Prices!
■ >tj Taliaferro friends
I am very anxious to increase my trade with mv
just four-fold in 189 S. I appreciate your past favors and will make a
desperate effort to secure your trade.
Top Buggies $ 45 . 00 . One Horse Wagons $ 26 . 00 . Single Harness
$ 5.00
Freight paid on all orders over $ 10 00 . Prompt service. Polite
attention. Big bargains,
W. T. JOHNSON, Washington, Ga.
_ . Mrg< w D G gletree, Mrs.
Jack Chapman and children re¬
turned yesterday from visit to
relatives at Siloam.
See W. T. Johnsons, Wash¬
ington. Ga., for Buggies and
Wagons. He buys in car load
lots and makes low prices.
—Everybody who went on the
excursion last week were delight¬
ed at the smooth way in which
the crowd was carried in comfort
and on good time.
Woods liver medicine, same
size as Black Draught packages,
and guaranteed to be just as
good for 10c, at Alliance Store.
—Mr. George E. Deadwyler,
of Maysville, came down Tues¬
day and spent the night with liis
son, Dr. M. P. Deadwyler at this
--Messrs. Andrews & Dead¬
wyler are getting in shape to
open up their drug business in a
few days. They put their soda
fountain in shape this week.
The Alliance Store is packed
full of goods from bottom to top
and every article in this immense
stock represents honest values
—Mr. Ben Binns came down
from Buckhead Monday to see
his brother and was taken quite
ill while here that night. He
was able to return home Tues¬
Ashley & Denham, of White
Plains, are buying cows and
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
—Messrs. J, H. Stephens Oscar Lee
and Shad Evans and
Chapman went down to Quaker
Springs fishing Wednesday.
r* ppose they caught a plenty—
A cold.
. Do not pay 15 or 20c for
Black Draught when you can buy
just as much of Wood’s liver
medicine for 10c at Alliance
Store with a positive good. guarantee
that it is just as
—Charlie Asbury, who has
been quite sick in Macon, was
able to be brought home Wednes¬
day. He spent the night at Dr.
Beazley’s and went out tohis his
home at Lyneville Thursday.
For Sale—Extra good variety
of cotton seed • for Crawford¬ planting;
apply to W. R.'Guhn,
ville, Ga.
—Mrs, R. B.,. Strozier came
down from Greeuesboro Tuesday
and packed up,, her household
goods and moved back to her
father's .in Gpeenesboro. She
extends her thanks to the good
people of Crawfordville for their
—Judge Mitchell has called the
election on prohibition in this
county for May 25th, next. His
notice will be found in this paper.
Voters can now' make up their
minds to vote according-to their
honest convictions We hope
every individual will go into the
contest with an unruffled temp¬
er and retain it until the polls
are closed.
The Rev. W. H. Weaver,
pastor of the U. B. Church,
quills Bur" - , Pa., recognizes the
value of Chamberlain’s Cough
p^uiedy, and does not hesitate
j - 0 others about it “I have
use< i Chamberlain’s Cough Rem
e dy,” he says, “and find it an
excellent medicine for colds,
coughs and hoarseness.” So
does everyone who gives it a
trial. Sold by Dr. R. J. Reid.
War \ ^ is J rag-in" S ° between ! L the
candidates „ foi governor. i -o
is not much excitement except
with the candidates themselves.
Congress by a vote of both
bouses has recognized Cuban
government and demands that
hostilities cease at once. Now
p resident McKinley has the
matter in his hands, backed by
«h. V. s. ar my and -vy H,
C U B A N OI L cures
2 W*ll*l ▼ Cuts, Burns, hj ruises, Rheu
mutism . and , tores. v Erie . S* 2o OB - cents.
City of Barnett.
Barnett now has a full set of
city 0 ffi cerS) w ith J. V. Garrett,
Mayor, and Dr. J. J. Cooper, W.
P. Dozier, Lifit Williams and Joe
O'Brien councilmen. They will
elect a marshal to-day. The
town has been incorporated
many years and this revival of
the city government has been
talked of P&netime. Messrs.
O’Brien have opened up a bar
business in U 16 town.
We are told that a special act
was passed by the legislature
some years ago prohibiting the
sale of liquors within three miles
of the Methodist church at Bar
net. This law, it seems, would
soon get some one into trouble,
if violated.
Rubbed the Gram
A startling incident of which
Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia,
was the subject, is narrated by
him as follows : 1 “I was in a
most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes
sunken, tongue coated, pain con¬
tinually in back and sides, no ap¬
petite—gradually growing Three physi¬ weak¬
er day by clay.
cians had given me up. For¬
tunately, 11 friend advised trying
‘Electric Bitters’,’ and thd to my
great joy and surprise, first
bottle made a decided improve¬
ment. I continued their use for
three weeks, and am now a well
man, I know they sdived my
life, and robbed the grave of
another victim. ” No one should
fail to try them. Only 50 cents
per bottle at Dr. E, J- Reid’s
Drug Store.
—Dr. J. r ”pn Fancher, rep
E C. Dewitt & Co..
' c %o. was here this week and
iT^’s 4 with us to advertise
famous medicines. The
Doctor says “Blessed are "those
who advertise for they shall
take orders.
Wednesday of last week was
the 33rd anniversary of the
surrender of Lee at Appomattox.
And on this 33rd anniversary,
the Congress of the United
States took the initial steps
towards a war with Spain—the
first country which recognized
the belligerency of the Southern
Confederacy. This is the only
consideration which entitles
Spain to the sympathy of the
Southern people, says the
Sparta Ishmaelite.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured.
with LOCAL applications, as
they cannot reach the seat of the
disease. Catarrh is a blood or
constitutional disease, and in
order to cure it you must bike
internal remedies. Hall’s Ca
tiirj'h Cure is Utam internally
acts directly on the blood Catarrh ana
mucous surfaces. Hall’s
Cure is not aquack medicine. It
«« ry^'-ihe.! by one of the
best physicians in this country
for years, and is a regular pre
scription. It is composed combined of the
best tonics known
with the best blood purifiers,
acting directly on the mucous
surfaces. The perfect combina
tionof Ihe two ingredients is
what produces suc<t wonderful
results in curing Catarrh. Send
for ‘ testimonials V --rvM free
F. v J. CHENEY r*m & To Ca, Props., Prons
J J L- '
. ,
tr?,n •^U’JmHv " r ^ S Pills are J the
, best.
Augusta Carnival.
Carnival week " in
' ”
Augusta see one of our ,
me " ts ' The Merry Makers
made grand preparation to
Tl^ood for i m days
be had from here to Augusta
retum for $L5 o. The
ment tells it all.
(Juoer Weather.
Thei*e was hail, slhbt or snow
falling hevft' Tlns^sday of last
week. Sotno saty it was hominy
snow and others Chou girt it was
hail. It was rather d'dbj for
hail, though thunder was heard
soon after a good shower of ice.
We have had considerable pecu¬
liar weather.
It Was Relightful.
The excursion to Atlanta last
week was one of the best manag¬
ed excursions we over went with.
There was no more noise and
confusion than is usully ou a
regular train. The cars were
comfortably full and everybody
behaved nicely, Messrs. Tuggle
& Hollingsworth have the
praises of all, as superior excur
1( Proved Fatal.
Mr. R. 1{. Slrozier did not
rally from the stroke of paraly¬
sis mentioned last week. His
death occurred early Thursday
morning. He made signs that
he wished to get up, but as soon
as he made an effort to get up
death came quite suddenly. His
remains were taken to Greenes
boro Friday and buried. Mrs.
Stroziet* and children have the
sympathies of all our people.
Who does not know women and
young girls who are continually
in tears? Who always see the
dark side? Who have frequent
tits of melancholy without any
apparent cause? The intelligent
physician will know that it is
some derangement of the com¬
plicated and delicate feminine
organs. The young girl suffers,
bodily and mentally, in silence.
There is undue weariness, un¬
expected pain, unreasonable and
lits of lemper. Dr. Pierce’s
Favorite Prescription exerts a
wonderful power over woman’s
delicate organism. It is an in¬
vigorating tonic and is specific
for t he peculiar painful weakness, irreg¬
ularities and derange¬
ments of woman. Careless easy
going doctors frequently treat
their women patients for billious
noss, nervousness, dyspepsia,
liver or kidney troubles, when
the real sickness is in the organs
distinctly feminine, and no help
can come till they are made per¬
fectly strong by the use of Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite Prescripton.
Send 21 cents in one-cent
stamps to World’s Dispensary
Medical Association, Buffalo, N.
Y., and receive Dr. Pierce’s 1008
page common sense medical ad¬
viser, illustrated.
Attention Old Soldiers!
Memorial day will be observed
this year on the 30th of April.
Matters of the greatest impor¬
tance will come up before the
Survivors Association, and it is
earnestly hoped that every old
soldier in the county will bb in
A. G. BeazleY. Seely.
Americans are the most in¬
ventive people on earth. To
them have been issued nearly
600,000 patents, or more than
one-third of all the patents in
the world. No discovery of
modern years has beonof greater
benefit to mankind than Unam
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, or has done
more to relieve pain and suffer
j n?? J. W. Vaugh. of Oakton,
Ky., says: “I have used Cham
berlain ; s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Ilemorty in my family
for several years, and find it to
\ >e for; y>e S t medufine I ever used
for cramps in the' stomach and
; Por Mle by Dr. R. .1.
—Ben Frazier, a ! worthy cob
ored man who lived on Mr. L
L. Veazey s plaee near here died
last week. He was an honest
hard working man and his up
right life was an example to his
m 1 WOI years Vf>arf . a^o It. j Warren warrem a a
druggist at Pleasant Brook, N.
Y bought a small supply of
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
He sums up the result as follows:
“At that time the goods were
unknown in this section; to-day
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
IS H ^“^’hold word. It,s the,
same in hundreds of commum
ties. Wherever the good quail
of w wns Cough
ha fe% 0 fo in . 0 ] S e. For
^ ^ « J ' «*“•
*. mG Bofft CHSIS gb WHERE Syrup. au Ta»te» ELSE GixxJ. fails. ^ U*e Bf fgf
HjBto;. Fold by rlniggistP. gj
£ 4 ,
Railroad Engineer
Testifies td Benefits Received Pr6m
Dr. Miles' Remedies
JP* mu
XT •S#'
% ■JlkSX
t H&MKWl
\f 'it
T HERE on eer. earth On la his than no steady more that responsible nerves, of a railroad clear position engin¬ brain,
brlfiht eye and perfect; self command, de¬
pend tho’Safety pnAengers. or the train and the lives
of Its Pr. Stiles* Nervine and
other remedies aAj especially br!'., a'dVjKed n dear to
keeping the nerves steady; the
and the mental faculties unimpaired. . J?ba
Engineer P. W. McCoy, formerly ^Xtling of
Broadway, Council Bluffs, but now
at SRI Humboldt St., Denver writes tAtit he
"suffered for years from cousti'jtation, dttus
lngsick, nervous and bilious he^Vhu'hrp'ahd b/
was fully restored to health t>i. Miles*
Nerve & Liver Pills. I hearti ly .j ifoommend
Dr. Miles' Remedies." '
Pr. Miles' Ilcmodies
are sold by all drug¬ Miles’ 4
gists under a positive P^Qmeoiiasj I
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re¬ Restore A
funded. Pooh on dis¬ ' Health N* <
eases nerves of freo. the heart Address, and y U
PR. MILES MEDICALCO.. liikbart, Iud.
Under Local Option Liquor
pEORUIA Office or , Taliaferro Ordinary Countv. Said County.
signed, signed by more ll-uiiofilb-t'rnib of
the voters, who are qualified A'sseriibly to vdte for
members of the General in Tal¬
iaferro County, Georgia, for ait till’ d’Bctlon
to be liehl in accordance with pro
visions and requirements contained p'n
Sections 1.VI1 to 1150. inclusive, of the
First Volume of t|,o Code of |H|I5 and
other laws of said State, applicable to
said election, to determine whether or pot
such spirituous liquors as are mentioned
in Section I.54S of said Vo lime of said
Code shall be sold* within the limits of
w> id Cou'dly, election etc*. dial hereby
Said lots been is
ordered to be held in said County oil
Wednesday the ‘25. day,of May, 1808, at
tlio places for holding .elections for mem¬
bers Said of t he General shall be Assembly held hi of accordance Georgia.
with tlio provisions and requirements
contained In Sections 1541 to 1550. in
elm-ive', of said Volume of said Code
and In accordance with the provisions
and requirements of the other law's of
said State, applicable to tlio holding of
such an election.
All persons voting at said election who
are against the sale of such intoxicating
liquors as are mentioned in said section
1548. shall tiavo written or printed on
their ticket ‘‘Against the Sale" and those
who favor tlio sale of the articles, mention¬
ed In said auction, 1548, shall have w ritten
or printed on their ballots “For the Sale."
If a majority of the votes cast at said
election .shall be against the sale, it shall
not be lawful for any person within the
limits of said county to sell or barter for
valuable consideration, either directly or
indirectly, or give away to induce trade at
any place of business, or furnish at any
other public places, any alcoholic, spiiit
ous, malt, or intoxicating liquors, drinks, or which in¬
toxicating hitters, or other
if drunk to excess will produce jntoxieii
Tilts tin; 21st, dnv of April, MITCHELL, 1808.
Ordinary of Taliaferro County, Georgia.
May Sherii'I’ Sales.
'J rt KOUOIA, Tnliufnrro, County.
Will be sold before the Court House
In Crawfordville in .‘■aid County witli
ill the legal hour* of sale to the highest
>*«-£ “ Jytii,!"
All that tractor parcel of land situated, Dis
and being partly in theimath
trict, Georgia .Militia in T.iiiaferm County
d b‘bmdi MiiTtmet ^hmmdV.UnThe
Norm formerly owned by Win.
N. Gunn now owned by D. 8 . Stewart and
by lands of Carter Brake and othoi-iv
south bv lands of Rev. .J. II. Kilpatrick,
ontlx; West by lands of Rev. J. ll. Kii
Patrick and others, containing Two ll..n
pame! of land known as the lernigan oosth tract
situated, lying and being in the
District, Georgia Militia, in Taliaferro
j^ ZMy
ldfl of e . j. Rainwater, on the
‘s flUt i, ar „i West by lands known as the
home, or B<-i( tract and containing One
Mariah A. M. Smith to satisfy an execu
issue.! from the Superior Court of
county, Georgia, m favor of
N>w England Mortgage Security
against -aid Mariah A. M.
J"y* Ui I, ° 1 < plaintiff’s Sheriff, \t
d.’ p. HENRY,
This 7 tb day March 1898.
Per Day, SI.00,
Pei Week, S4.00, $4.50
^ aud S5.00.
A. Proprietor, J. ADKINS, 163 Marietta St.
Opposite Miller & Brady’s Cel bratd'
Stables, the Largest in the South.