The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, April 22, 1898, Image 4
A Minister's Trial So This narrative from a minister is of greatest value to those whose nerves are unstrung , health shattered, or otherwise ailing. It is particularly appropriate in this age of active, nervous , endless labor. W< living too fast. " Fast as light arc nine,” expresses it, for we talk by elec¬ tricity, cook by electricity, travel by electricity and so on. CS'a hurry, hurry, hurry from the cradle o the grave. We crowd too much j crowd our work, crowd our eating, crowd our pleasure, crowd our sleeping. A " breaking down of the nervous sys¬ tem" is the way of expressing the result. If means a depleting of the nerves in diicssrf prolonged strain; overtaxing of the nervous system; a product of over¬ hurry and bustle. ® It affects all people in all walks ol life. It baffles physicians of all schools. No one knows the horrors of such a condition better than Rev. ) \ N. Mc Cready, of Elkton, Mich. Fo or years he labored faithfully and welL He was pro¬ gressive and aggressive; a leader among men, a deep thinker and a hard worker. In his real, he overworked ; overtaxed his mental and physical strength. with shat¬ The outlook was dark, health tered and recovery apparently hopeless. tried, with¬ Many means for a cure were out receiving benefit. Finally he took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People'-fhtf Was restored to health. He says'; 4 ~ r “ In April, lB%r the phyddtkos said I must itop prcAchinff or die. u I had overtaxed myself and Was suf¬ fering from a complete breaking down of my nervous system and a rfcssistent stom¬ ach trouble. ANDY cathartFc it i , CURE CONSTIPATION 10 * ALL 25* SO * DRUGGISTS __ ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED i,l« »n<l hnoklrC fr«w. Ait. STKUM.f J fU.MUlV CO.. CMrnrn. Montrrnl. Can., oYork. 217 ALL ROADS Af <E ALGKETO A MONARCH. Perfection Is the result of our tong experience. 4 g)' mm ;*• wkA mm fM A If il r m m A mwwm m/yh AC MONARCH AH DEFIANCE BICYCLES are the product of mechanical ingenuity. $40.00 $60.00 Monarch Chainless $100.00 Send for 1898 Catalogue. Agents wanted in open territory MONARCH CYCLE MFC. CO. f Lnko, Halstecl ond Fulton Streets, Chicago. Branches Now York, London and Hamburg. Send ten 2-cent stamps for n deck of Monarch Fln>lnR Card. illU 9 tr»*fng Lillian Russell, Tom Cooper,Leo Richardson and Walter Jones. Are you Going to paint? : ® ® ® ® ® Home Paint TV ' Use **Southern Guaranteed the best Paint nude- No adultera¬ tion. It is strictly pure and will cover more surface than anv adulterated goods............. Made in 30 Beautiful Colors! F. J.Cooledge & Bro., Paint and Varnish Makers, Savannah. 8z ^Atlanta. wni it: : THREE KAWiBLEW ROSES d*»i> . • . • . vi: i.i.o vr C El H SOS Wilt 111 ike a mag U 4 cr.v-.iful Je r the j-:a.-:a,pra wlwrmiRjbetL Constant 1 I, I * r -ctJv har Z *• One : v.. i • . '..oe I,coo llo-. ..3. $ Cn.y -K , .ittiienu. Garden and __ xad th? La2i« Car-.'B« n. At jCrUc-. VICK'S floral UUUD t: ■ Cgvy *»»•, I*»v:«a»ai:J 3lt«cth.«r fhr M-JTj I * -< >a!y «> <W. ,y tr. HIT Cv iX Ilf' \Vfi«* lltiiui 'for ons .. J p’Mw of • i \asiortiB! n, hi ]\\* ' i ftfl A>te^. cuiUuscii coTvr ; Hi uustj. ■ •-Uuu i l? KK upvu art'licmLofis Vicks $EteD* JAMES VICKS SONS. Boclic«:er t N. Y. v. TREEH Fo: the ) ms Ulnsirated Monlaly Magazine Ti. C.iRDESINC' V.aicst Al'THPniTT. 1 * 9 ifatl>ie idd-icw •t-jot r'dwrrs Vry.tsl ,. ard ami Pnoti. ar.,1 ;o grew M.i ,dre for th.m *• crwrtifiiiir a t > may ir Vnchime-d \ \. K ibr trtMuwb nuw»ottfrtiYt, of esw.s.t fo.i.ia<ii-ig -ni.iuKTsi virrsu.LOSTtansMCXTBLTHaaAxncsi. nnyCrau^rTwr. bstit -* ‘ p; ■'i'.TJJfi'S.I a «L“ " Several physicians treated me, but no permanent benefit was derived. " Four times I was stricken with nervous prostration ; twice with gastritis. “ These attacks would throw me into I could eat neither meat or vegetables, I “ If my bare iedt touched the floor was immediately seized with cramps. " I Commenced* to tak^Dr.^WiLiiams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. One box was consumed and I felt no better. This dis couraV^d me. pills "My wife urged me to try the some more, feeling that my life depended "PS n the result. I continued to take them. "Since then, and it has been several months, I have enjoyed life. "Have preached all summer and held revival meetinm for fifteen weeks. r J, garden, muscles hard work in my my standing this test remarkably well. " Every Sabbath I preach three time* and now think I am for another twenty years, if the Lord will*." To add weight lo hi* word*. Rev. Mc Creadymade affidavit before J. D. Brooke*, N Dr[wiUiams’ Pi&Wt’alc Pink inflows#* People exert a powerful in restoring wasted nerve power and (druggist* tin ^wffying consider and enriching the blood, them the most eifeedve remedy which they dispense. OF FOCAL INTEREST. Brightest Items from Near by Neighbors, TOLD IN SMALL To the Credit of the Excellent County Journals from Which Wc Get the Creamy.News. — Mrs. Hattie Hunter died ill Washington last week. When threatened with cholera inorbus it dose Of two ol: Dr. Tichettor's Antiseptic Will StlVC yoil time Ulld suffering. —There is more interest be ing taken 111 fruit raising 111 all the counties around than ever hpfnrp ' Col. and Mrs. XT N. r C. , Edwaid- r-i,,.., — visited Mr. J. P. Moore, oi I al iaferro county last week.—War - “ *'enton Clipper. r „. A11 who have ll'icd it, know t | 1R va J ue Q f I) r . Ticlignor’s All aseptic « - torvmvu and will not be without it. Mll%. TT , , T __, has a COW that gives nearly two pounds Of butter per day. -Jim Rogers has procured a lot Of Belgian rabbits! kbbit and says he intends to Start a farm ilt Hancock, says the Ishmaeiite. Protit by your friends' expe rienceand try Dr. Tichenor s Antiseptic when you get hurt and you will never regret it. —Confederate Monument will be unveiled at Greenesboro on Tuesday next, Gen. Gordon will speak there on that * occa sion. —A lady near Lexington has a heu sixteen years old that is doing as full time at the laying business as if she were a pullet. —Echo. Add water and sugar fee Dr. Ticheuor’s Antiseptic and' sub¬ tract the colic" from your baby. Very pleasant, absolutely perfectly reliable. harm and Costs 50 cents. —It is the general opinion of our neighbors thu' the jfruit crop las beey damaged some but here is plenty on the trees to make a good crop. When you stick u nail in your foot apply Dr. Ticlrenbi Vs Anl i .septic, and see how goocj it will feel and how quickly it will g«t well. If you want forged Lq prevent Buffering don't 's. —Miss Agnes Watson, ^ dau ter of Hon. Titos. has been on a visit WanA ton. Her health is vmy bad a iff >he was seriously * l m<- white in Warrenton. f Planters NUBIAN A cures D'rspep «!a, Constfoation and Indi (Mtios. KegulaU* the liwer. Price, 25 cts. —John Dunaway who, it is claimed, did the fatad shooting iu Wilkes county when Perry Butler fell dead iu his own field, has been arrested in Oklahoma. —-Reporter. No-To-Vu for Tlfty 0 »*lV Gu»r»nte«U'.obsceo hsbit pure. maUes weak m«a svronx, blood pure. 50c, |1. All dnicvisus From Washington Chronicle April 19 . —Mr, J. M. Wood wont to Crawfordville Sunday, returning the same*day. —Mrs. Forrest Adair of At¬ lanta, is among the quests at Capt. Hunter’s hotel at Hillman. —Mr-W. L. Kendrick. Mary O’Keeffe and Mrs. Stinson catne over from Sharon Sunday on account of the death of Lizzie Hogan. —Wilkes county's. A^uis praised by every 1 man travels them. ' and are over ■ pronounced .far ah’eiui of sister counties. Don't yqti go‘Home without Anti¬ a bottle of Dr. Tichbftor's septic to use in case of or sudden sickness. Better a <rood medicine autfiieed it than to need it and not Have it. see? —Judge SamuerTiumpkin ;utd wife came from Rutledge to Bar¬ nett on their wheels, 54 miles, but decided to come on the train from Barnett to Washington. They went out to Centerville on Saturday. Ttlei! rHe«: Itrhtoe Pile*. Symptoms—Moisture. :ntecs>. i'cltlafl xnd stmiinc; mot-v at i.iyiit; ve«tse by scratching #Klfallowed t.- i.ntinuet nuors form, whtch often bleed uicevare. be coming very sore, riwavne's Git:intent stops the iirfiln- aud Seeding. V ni eeration. and in Tiioit ren>\ 1 tumor* Al At ar«H,Srf.. drumris: or e r bv mai.< «*»•». • r * cea:a, Dt. bwavue & bon, Pbik. Ue DliftUf ot tlie Blood and Xervff. No one need suffer with neuralgia, .ids disease is quickly and permanent! cured by Browns’ Iron Bitters. Every disease of the blootl, uerv.-s and stomach, chrjuric <>r otiiertrise. sueetimbs to Browns’ Iron Bitters. Known and US-ai for nearly a quarter A a Ct*nturv. it stands to-day b'* 0 - 1V , n «r m.»«t rerusiie*. Browns’ Iron Enters i. sold by nil dea> r*. BERMUDA DOTS HY X. A nice rain Tuesday morning Bermuda school closed Monday until summer. In'sh potatoes corn were killed to lheb > • frosts. We hear that some people will have to plant their cotton over. Small grain is looking a little bad: caused from the cold snap. Mr. W. F. Cooper had his finger Badly mashed one day last week. Mr. John Akins was Bird hunting in our neighborhood a few Sundays ago. Miss Mamie Rhodes, of Jennings, was in our neighborhood one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. X. Seals visited tlie family of Mr. s. J. Jones. Sr.. Sunday. Mrs. M. V. Cooper visited her mother Mrs. Nelson of near Crawfordville Tues day. Mrs. Gibson and son, of Warren county spent Saturday night with her brother Mr. P. G. Veazey. The prospect for a fruit crop is good. Hope there will be nothing from this on to cause it to be otherwise. Mrs. Penelope Stewart, mother of I). S. Stewart is quite sick at this writing. — *..» Nr. x. B. Thomas, of neat 1 ouelton, died last week and was buned at the f-nilyburing ground on Saturday We are requested to s'ate that the annual picnic at ..Iillers Mill win be SUurday April 30 th instead of the first s ltul<1,1 -' 1,1 - Mn > • Mr. Ii. J. Cooperand s.ster Laura, and , Miss Effie Ileringdine spent Saturday night and Sunday With the family of Hr. a. S. Cooper at loueitoi.. A negro woman living on Mr. 15. F. Wynne’s place caught a carp one day last week weighing eighteen pounds. A large fish for the Ogeechee. Some weeks ago we slated that Mr. 15. F. Wynne had gone to plowing regular hut the statement raised a war, and we have been ordered to recind what we have said and we reckon it is best to obey orders. How is it Frank? Bermuda will have to put a detective after Mr. J. W. Jones, he lias been traced as far as Powelton and there lost sight of. We think however we have him shadow ed. Look out Bud you will be caught if you don’t keep a clear eye. Mr. Joe Hill Brake, who has been down some months with consumption, died Saturday the 2 nd day of April and was buried at the Methodist church in Th,* hves and friends have our sympathy, Or.r Honor Roll. The following kind patrons have paid ljvtr subscriptions since our last issue: iff (\ liinns, <?1 to Feb. 25, '09. ilrs. H. T. Rhodes, 50c to Oct. 13, *08? i. A. Chapman 25e to July 22’98. Special Notice. My son, Jolinnic Simmons, who is underage, lias left me and I hereby notify the public that Ills wages belong fo JDC and anyone hiring him will be expected to pay his wages to me. CICERO SIMMONS. Crawfordville, Gu., April 19, 1898. OS Wanted 4* "J 5 NOT \\/ E can show any steady coins and earnest man how he can make Rood wages by handling our publications. We don’t refer to experienced men, but to those who have never sold anything. Just now we are pushing our Reversible Map of tl\c 5 united srarcs and world 66 x 46 inches in size. 11 beautiful colors. corrected date. 1*^98 edition and tc g New railroads, new towns. ^ 5 New counties. The largest map printed on a single sheet. t. It is * A I NiofotiropH of the World J i One side shows a colored map of our erehT r country, with railroads, counties, river-s, 5 ( towns, etc. The other side shows an equally B ^ elegant map of ttie orld, locating all count ries at a glance by help of a marginal index, ; It also shows ocean currents, routes ot'dis¬ coverers. and accurately locates the scenes , of all current events, such as boundary dis- t pates, Cuban battles, Armenian massacres, 6 ? polar expeditions. Alaskan geld Helds, etc. Send us your address and we will adsise £ you how you can secure a county agency, by or 2 I send 5 1 oo and wc will forward a copy prepaid express. clear from $20. to $ 4 ^ weekly from £ t Our men club plan of work. C the start by following our and don If vou get samples t want to en- * gage w'ith us vou can return same and get your cash back. Your newspaper or bank will tell you we are responsible. RAND, McNALLY & co. V 61 East Ninth Street, New V«rk City f PATENTS SECURED Write for our interestuis books " Invent crsHLip" and ‘‘How vou are swindled.” r^-nd ns a rough sketch or modal wit! of your invor.tioa or improvement and we tell rev. free our opinion as to whether it is Wo a specialty at ions r ■:e-.i in other hands. Ki*aesJ references femubed. SIABsON & KASICN r atskt soLicrrcns & expeets I A iloehanlcal Eujproer? o." yt Luio School of titig. Bacfr floy AppUrd Science*- Lav i vp ilcYu^era Patent Uw Association r r Work £ Now FnarLi V W .> aakoc ur VC'S AffsOC. toevT L WAs»n\GTov. D. C. Mv’n: ■ y . C Praise for Medicine that Cures After all Other Remedies Fail Dr* Miles* New Heart Cure Restores to Health* m m m Wi ■l ■Iff V. •'ii a .JL ! m m IF m x I t.^5 V m m mm. v ft m V 44 nfly sXi M mm ■ K8 ss Sse Hi mm m mM* <4 ■ i mm l/CA \ * mm V r / // %OE 67 years Mr. Howard ^ Morgan has made Waterburg, N. Y., his home. He is known throughout that section as an honest and upright citizen, and his word is as good as his note With these quali¬ ties combined with industry and a shrewd business tact, Mr. Morgan has accumulated a comfortable fortune. He has an ideal farm home, and for¬ tunate indeed is the stranger who may chance to 6eek its hospitable shelter. For a number of years past Mr. Morgan has been afflicted with heart trouble, a disease so prevalent that it affects one fourth of our entire people. Rerid what he says: “I had what the doctors called ‘synt pathetic heart trouble, shortness of brcutli, oppressed feeling in chest, sharp pain in left side and shoulder, weak spells as if f Vtould faint. These made me most miserable. I was un¬ able to do even light work, or exert myself in the least without becoming exhausted". I was treated by our local , . , .__. ^, ^ ^ ^ bcforc tfae flwt bottle was half gone I could see that I improved. After using a number of bottles I was completely restored to health. Words cannot express my feeling of gratitude that this great medicine should have- been placed within my reach. My wife has taken Dr. Miles’ Nervine with the best of results, and she thinks it has no equal to soothe the tired and weak nerves. We both take pleasure in recommend¬ ing Dr. Miles Restorative Remedies whenever we hear 0 ? anyone afflicted as wo have been, and wc shall con¬ tinue to do so for we know your medi¬ cine has true curative merits.” ,fi daily EVERY OUB OlVItta J. : use OVER J SI I TtSFA CTfOlhP They are made of Soutlieru Iron by Southern -Workmen, who are sustained by the products of Southern Farmers. The£ last longer and make more homes happy than any ether Stove on earth. Fire backs guaranteed for 15 years. If. your Deafer does not handle them, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. & ' 5 i wMm, --1 WL El •Tl th -V -1 l\ y H8B j t 7 m :y-v. e : - v *v Phillips & ButtorfT Mfg. Co. NASHVILLE, TENN. UK. .TACTUP.IF.Q. CF COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, Nastels 3Cd -Grates, SollQ-yr-rrare, Ttaware, Etc. CEAURS Vi China, Crockery and GIass^ r are, Cutlery,' WOODEN AND VViLLCVV iVAP,E. Everything for the necessary Kitclin, .rad bininj convenient Roto, BICYCLES Lcunlry and Dairy. A SPEC!ALT'/. Let us do your Job Printing HE discovery and .-mnouncenffenf by Dr. Franklin Miles, that the health of the whole or any part of the body depends upon the state" of the nervous system very' much moife than upon anything else, has been received by many of our most eminent physicians as scientifically correct. There are many others in the profes¬ sion, who through ignorance or preju¬ dice or both, still refuse to accept the more modem theory, blit continue to treat the kidneys or other organs with nostrums, which irritate, excite and inflame them beyond their strength, whdte the heart- and brain ; are starving for proper nourishment. *>r. Miles’ Remedies restore the lost energies of life and build up?the system quicker and better and stronger than any other known medicines. Wc are glad to hear from our old friend, Dr. M. W. Shepard of Plant City, Fla. He writes: ‘T have used the Dr. Miles Mew Heart Care and 'fute Restorative Nervine* for nearly three years with the best cf results, and shall continue to use them when re¬ quired. I am particularly pleased with the Nervine, and have obtained results from it in the treatment cm insomnia and nervousprostrat&a/Diai afer® used are truly marvelous. I have your Anti-Tain Pills *© the best thing I ever tried head¬ ache and neuralgia.’* ■ i ]i _ Dr. Miles’Heine dies arc sold by ail Dr. % druggists under a positive guarantee p flrst bottle benefits ftp Restore* or money refunded, f-Seelth i Book on the heart and nerves sent free on request by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.