Newspaper Page Text
9100 Per Year.,
S-iouTd'.v 1
‘•Ui ai him” i:ciuluj/, E
m 3L» -wwi ■M X f-%
I'Xmbl £>■ fiM
*?’.cC-oCo., Chat
Sifcce omy wiucssae.
Liiil O. LucaU Cxnwfonlv'” - Ga.
FOR [ '
JsJlNE-TErmtS off—‘ 0 '.pvex J-yg,
all the pain
alfesicknessfrom Jj
suffer is caused
by weakness or
derangement In /Wtrl'
the organs of
Nearly always r.FSiglSsl —iSi
when a woman is not well these
organs are affected, But when
they are strong and healthy a
woman is very seldom sick.
Is nature’s provision for the regu¬
lation of the menstrual function.
It cures all “ female troubles.” It
is equally effective for the girl in
her teens, the young wife with do¬
mestic and maternal cares, and
the. woman approaching the period
known as the “Change of Life.”
They all need it. They are all
benefitted by it.
Booga. Tens.
THaS /. COOPER, Tupelo, HIM., *»TS!
fi'fcuTrfrhd "WSrsSiS'a 1 "*
k ol Cardul
through the Change el fxi. L«e. »>
iis is the Man
6.0 S ^VESIHE PEQpig
£ if pi %i \ %
£ vi %
O %
.—-——~——....._..-.-—W—-—w-~ I By giving themfbergc Land cheapcat A- -<—.-——w
Iaupemor dteel Wire Fencing for ail
- purpvm C m: npeciui factnry x_arine. No
matter hcw little (1‘ how much you
need, or for what purpose, sean ’to
m headquarters i333: 3c. .4
i r
Trade Marks
Designs Ac.
sent free. OMest agency for securing A Co. receive .
Patents taken through Munn
tfrtial notice without charge, in the
, American.
risSlEsst.wJi.fess; Scientific
MM 1 Co.*”**—>• How York
& wm m 1 F>
3 Are fu.-.y rrs-r
IM'-Aby HfIC HACr.AP.D’S r ■
7AB1.HT5. Its.
j ,jax 3 bores i2.r0. ty
Yd I V ir,all. pnaii. Address. xtz--. ^ ji,
I l ulj it Haz&Tn’s m atuvta. ati.avta. oa sa. . !■- j- :>
jAu ” Fu.; par’.t-u,a-9 appUeaUaa. eent hy >. ij
Bali or.
<m$ B
§j m Si
1P8 ^ ^
W Large catalogue showing ‘1
illustrations of all stylespf repe
mg 1 with hundreds of testzmonlam
11mm K. all L. sections. SHELLABERGER, Address
The Wire Fence ATLAfirA, Man
79_§. Forsyfib St. GA.
What the People of that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
Mrs. Kate Dozier, of Hillman, is quite
Mr, Bud Wicker, of WMrentou, w & in
our town last week,
Wc made several visits last week among
our friends and relatives.
The i-illow slip-turner agent was in our
* »*•«*■ k
--as in
' c 1 ■ i- *•
. .
Brown; \ Mrs. Kate Do/.ier.
Mr. 1 of Sandy Cross, was
withjjlj ess and trading.
^T, Gilbert says he is ready for
the® and willing to go Hurrah for
Lon: GJ SifcWiW
unself to a brand new top
’‘FVoacliing next Saturday
Barnett Methodist church by pastor L. P.
We heard they had a jolly time at Bar¬
nett the night after the bar room opened
up there.
We were glad to meet Messrs, Greene
and Thomas Leadbetter in Sharon last
week trading.
Religious services at Sharon Presbyte
rian church next Saturday and Sunday by
Pastor Simpson.
It is foolisli to say you are not going to
the war You will have to go
of what you say.
Jesse Taylor says he 'is going to Cuba
if they want him. He will go any how if
he takes a notion if helms to pay his own
way. dis
Frank Gilbert ard John Ilill have
solved copartnership. Frank is now in
Atlanta and will probably go into business
Wc hear some of the young bloods no
doW t will have some trouble before the
grand jury vg pistols on public
Prof. Mooc> turned out school last
day at uoon and" took liis largest boys out
fish on tire ^ river. The girls and little
on a fit.
hoys spent thV holiday, as they saw
Mrs. Rosa Tkylor and Miss Hyrt Tay
lor visited Mrs, Chavlic Johnson last Sun¬
Mrs. Johnson is the mother ^ of
Tina Johnson, who has been sic*..
A heap of our men folks stand about on
the street and talk about the hardships in
war service and they don’t know any
more about them than a liltle child.
Try us on your tin work. Wc will give
you satisfaction if you can be satisfied
with good work and low prices. C. L.
Bagby, the old soldier tinner, Sharon, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Sturdivant, who
recently married have gone to keeping
house on his father’s piaee near Sharon.
Mr. Sturdivant will run a farm there this
year. of the
Mr. A. D. Moore carried a crowd
little fellows down to tiie old Kendrick
mill last Friday to enjoy the holiday,
We, uppose it was as nice to them as &
picnic. W
IVe will go to war if we haye any, e
could help out in the government Shops
making canteens and cartridge boxes.
We can’t do field work for wc are phys.cai
lj r disabled.
If you want to fight don’t you insist on
man that don’t, if you do you will get
a Wo have
cleaned ip beyond a doubt.
made a test of that thing in our time but
we never expect to try it over.
A FRICANA will cure Syphtli* ° 1(i
Sore# to Stay Cured.
The 18th, has passed and Captain Dar¬
den and his company are still here. We
would not be surprised if they did not
stay, but the captain is so duck-legged
that it will take him some time to get
SURE you g‘-c what you want
when you ask for Hood’s Sarsapa¬
rilla. Unequalled in Merit, Sales, Cores.
There’s no substitute for HOOD’S.
Mr. Will Bird, of Crawfordville, was in
our nt Sghborhood last week trying to buy
up cattle but that kind of stock is very
scare and what are here are in a very po° r
conditiim and not fit for beef.
Planters cusan relie? ■««
All ixiye goods for sale "j P. G Lw a>
31 r. .Jim .Meadows, Ji.,bf Pv-aridge had
his leif cut pretty ad v but it has got
well again we are glad to state.
wko’s snauBsaats? .
tor a;, purposes. Catalogue free. Ante 'or li.
We hud it itshafg frolic last week, the
first in many years and the last tor a long
time. We had no luck at all although we
went oyer a good deal of land.
Mr. Thomas Johnson, of William Creek,
was very little hotter from the last report
from him. He has the good attention of
Dr. W. II, Pilcher and wo hope he may
have a speedy recovery.
We received several copies of the
Georgia Reporter to be distributed last
week, This Is a nice weekly paper pub¬
lished in Washington by Messrs. Ficklin
and Williams. It gives all the county and
general news.
were, told while in Crawfordville
last week that the old soldiers were,
to have a uniform and md.musknt pgissr
JuA, ..........
oh n,jren at ho
arc ; n the T > m Hi
War nm “" rf ,T*'
Wliat good iWlfPdoing either
in parlving fightfhd abfut it. ifthey are going rtoi« to
be done will. it. and
Cep the country stirred up so. l°bg f°
Mr. R. H. Jackson had a nice young
in town to sell last week but the beef
offer was so small Bro. Bob said he
would drive her to-before he would
take that for her so he drove on. We
don’t think he got there though w-e saw
him in town the next day.
Some people are trying to climb the
ladder of fa me politically *° t,w top round
and when they get \here they hark and
kick up the deyil apd at tlie foot of the
ladder lies the old hound dog who howls
and moans at them for making such dam
fools of themselves.
We think if the white people have
go to war the colored people should go
too. A great many of the darkies don’t
think they should go, Tilly say that
they have nothing to fight for. If they
let them Spaniards get hold of them they
will think differently.
We bear there will he some trouble
among some of the people In Barnett djs
trict about opening tip whiskey there.
This is what wf thought at first. Barnett
has been dry ft long timey But far as we
. 4
<•<• w#have nothing to
„ .. ^
• '- w - “* g.
npiotiuw A
The Hehtniti- 8 but. „p
graph poles . on th Washington branch
last week near Mr. Jesse Tavlor’s layiors. Thi,
; nriliickv sectfon for lightning. It.
struck there a few years ago and tore up
the telegraph poles for half a mlie
killed a good horse for Mr. Taylor in hi. ;
stables It is thought there is someth inf
, f
- j
We notice in our fishing trip last w, ■ t,
a grp. at deal of real good .aw ) 111 -
The last time we passed over that section
a few good years baek were it was gathered all in cultiyati'.n ’ )eT ‘‘ 11,111
and crops
This land could bp bought cheap now.
So many of our people have moved to the
towns that there is no one to cultivate it.
We heard a man say the best way to do
the little folks when they eat too many
ground peas was to set them up c-n top <
the stove and let them parch. They would
digest better. We don’t think they would
stay on top of that stove long enough for
the remedey to take effect in the way
digestion but we think their mothers
would have a good long job useing huru
weec i-grease on the afflicted parts.
0’^t»#AI*C NUB,AN TEA cures Dy,r)ep ‘
B B ia, Constipation and Indi
gestion. Regulates the Liver. I'rice, 25 cts.
There was a dance at Mr, G. W.
Brown’s store house on Tuesday night of
last week. There was a good crowd in
attendance and they all had a gay time.
Some of Professor Moore’s pupils attended
which the Professor does not allow, con¬
sequently they lost their play time for the
balance of the week. We don’t know but
what the Professor is right. It takes
their minds off of their studies and they
miss their lessons the next morning gen
\Ve hear some of our people are down
on able bodied men and men of means
holding offic, ,„d tawing
when there are plenty of weak men
who could fill the office. We have noth
ing to sav on this issue.
—~ __ “
---------- -
Is caused by torpid livirn which prevents dhjes.
tlon and permits food to ferment and putrify in
the stomach. Then follow dizziness, heada .ne,
H (o d s
insomina, nervousness, and, ^ B ■ f|
if not relieved, bilious fever gjQj a | i i
or blood poisoning. Rood’s ■ K g t.j
j •«**»
ust this is the last cold
We hop ave,
spell we \\ ackson visited liia sister
Mr. Lin Friday. She is danger
at Ilillmai
ously ill. hopes that there would be
We wet .seems now that we are go
no war In
ing to ha- who went from here and
The cr Little River fishing did not
Ray tow- h.
catch iu» old gentleman from Cuba
We sat' Crawfordville and from liis
last week « are distressing in Cuba,
report tii iRibition election on the 25 th
in r i ope all voters will turn out
of Me ir vote and let us know how
'Bud r stands on that issue. Every
; r on, so let’s all express it
f b >x and it will put at pest
t- trsy in our county about
Mfe 6 Sure La Grippe Cure.
H f ho use suffering from tliis dread
M mal "" ’ 1 ” 1 ,l " ' ■ M
r( ^ tr; ' ■ an- hav in-, pain all Ibrough
j\>ur bp your liver is out of order,
no life or ambition,
have a yad,colii, in fact arc coinp!ctcl\
Uhell Electric Billers is tin' only ivm
w il; grig you prompt and sure relict'.
a it iiin-i In 011 \ our Lin r. Sloma.h
and Kid’ ' J - tunc up the w tide n\ Fern
and nuj’ - vou feel like a new being.
TiwA e guaranteed to cure or price re
fundcj- For sale at Dr. It, L Reid's
drug :orc. Only 50 cents per bottle.
jjljoeClemmons, of Sharon, is visiting
hm cane Clanton Garrett.
jyfmid Mrs. George Wright, of Oak
Q. r ,J*, were at preaching Sunday.
jjy. 1 T. J. Cummings filled the pulpit
8 , ^ ictt last Sunday. He preached a
-j 1 .Editor, will you allow a Barnett
• ( space in your valuable paper? [Yes,
w! - banks.—Ed,]
bonder what lias become of Mr
M glit,ifWhceler? lie has just quit com
• E> .or Sunday school now.
f ,cc £s. tu,u f i>, ft
. •* - *
(the latter's parents, Mr.
n^ton pretty often now; a pair of
MndsUme / b V^k eyes is the attracHon.
Alva Chapman, of Mildrajon,
/Jed j preaching at Barnett last Sun
day. Whnder if there was any attraction?
Miss.Daisy Jones, of Washington,
^nded preaching at Barnett, lust Sunday.
Miss Daisy is one of Washington's most
)i. iiiliful young ladies., Charlie Dozier, of Hillman, is re
^ ycjy low ttt hor home. Mis.
, er j JiAS a rrood many friends wbo wish
•*'Lot Oslhi/Villy Dozier, Clan
to,a Garrett, Ruben Dozier, Clarence Field
i' g and Will Surdcath went over on the
Ogelchce river fishing Friday night.
v Ths Claud Dozier, one of Barnett’s
, m i charming young ladies lias returned
hoi i from Ililhnan where she lias been
visiting, her brother Mr. Charlie Dozier.
The Adder was created for one pur
pose, and aJ :/amely, -a receptacle liable to for the form urine, of
]• such it is not any
•ii-ea except by one of two ways. The
first kidneys. v jiy is The from second imperfect isfroin acton careless of the
local reatnient of other diseases.
Un icalthy urine from unhealthy kid
neys i s the chief caase of bladder troubles.
So tii| womb, like the bladder, doctored was creat
ed fojone purpose, and if not too
mnr As nov iiaoie to weakness or disease,
-in rare cases. It is-situated back
very close to tho bluddcr* therefore
any-{, disease or inconvenience mani
festedjin the kidneys, hack, hladoer or
urinai ly passage female is often, weakness by mistake, womb at¬
tributed ' to or
troubl pf some sort. The error is To easily
made ,(t may be easilyavoided. urine aside find
out cc rectly- sot your for
twrnt; four hours; a sediment or settling
indica /kidney or bladder trouble. The
mikt a/fi the extraordinary effect of Dr.
Rfitnef’s bladder Swamp-Hoot the great kidney,
and remedy is soon r. -alized. K
. jet/, jju may have a sample bottle and
phanr both sent free by mail, upon
receip Wf three two-cent stamps, to bottle. cot cr
cost o' postage on the
Menticfi the Advocatc-'Democrat and send
your a<idre,-s to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Biag
hamtoii, N. Y. The proprietors ‘of tiffs
paper inarantee th# genuineness of this
| Therj {g An disease Uncertain more D1 uncertain sense. in its
L,an n<>
nature dyspepsia. Physicians say that
the sy-f.rptoms of no two cares agree. It is
1 .ere* ,, moft difficult to make a correct
diagicHis. No matter how severe, or under
‘ whstdi-^isedyspepsia Iron Bitters will it. attacks Invaluable you. Browns’ in all
disease- 0 f the stomach, blood and nerves.
Browns' iron Bitters is sold by all dealers.
T< Cure Coostlpatlon Forever.
Takot? Scare ts Candy Cathartic. 10c cr Kc
If C. C. f fail to cure, drugeist* refund tnuacr
Odfrespondents’ Reports of What
Neighbors Talk
the Happenings in Their Respective
calities. All the News.
We are not needing any rain in
Mr. Sam Swann, after spending several
days in Atlanta, has returned home.
School at this place will close next
Friday, for a Vacation of about two
Several gentlemen from here went to
the Oconee fishing last week, and caught
one lone minnow.
Several from ofir ’’community attended
the unveiling of the monument in
Greenesboro Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Slack, of near
White Plains, visited the family of
Wesley Broome recently.
Miss Floyd Dolvin, the teacher at
Hickory cossing, but now having vaca¬
tion spent several days visiting
here this week.
The Bethany and Robinson schools
will picnic near the home of Mr. Geo.
Davis next Friday. Everybody is invited
and expected to bring a well filled
fluo’/lan'i Arnica
The Best Salve in the world for Out a,
Bruise*, Sore*, Ulcer*, Salt Rheum, Fev¬
er, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains
Coras, and all Skin Erupt f us, and poai
tive'y cures Piles, or ijojiay Vwiuired, It
Is guaranteed to give sntisffff\iou or
money refumk-i'i ^ 1 Price 25 cent* per box.
For sole by Dr. R. J. RehL
We hail a nice rain last Saturday.
Mr. Joe Wheeler and son. Lincoln, went
over to Washington Saturday.
Mr - anJ Mrs - 1 l"Rl> VVI eeler *P PHt Su,1 ‘
with Mr. J. I). Mooie s !amil\.
Miss Pearl Lunceford spent a uiglit lari
week witlwMisses Ellaan^ * Luoy Lunce
Mrs ? P w
fa> , ......... M»
Whcck , r .
Hcveval of the young J men went over or.
Little River fishing , last Monday, ,, return
ing home Tuesday.
’Ac are glad that peaches were not hurl
much by the c-Id but sorry to say the
peats were injured.
Look out girls: a certain fellow lias got
......f»“ 2 * Tte
you know he will come out a'most a
young man.
Wo heard a girl say not long ago, that
she did not expect to keep young men’s
company until sir-) was 18. You can fix
to wait awhile hoys,
Mrs, Ross Gunn and Mrs. Sum Gunn
spent one day last week at Mr. J. C.
Luneeford’s, oil a visit to Miss .Margaret
Luncefora. We are sorry t< say that
Miss Margaret is very sick hut hope she
may soon be well again.
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart, of Groton, 8 . D. “Was taken
with a bad cold which settled on my lungs,
cough set In and finally terminated in
Consumption, Four Doctors gave me
up, saying I could live but a short time.
] gave myself up to my Savior, determin¬
ed if I could not stay with my friends on
earth, I would meet my absent ones above,
Mv husband advised to get Dr. King’s
New Discovery or Consumption, Coughs
, ulll Q 0 j(j F _ l gave it a trial, took in all
eight . Iwttles. It has cured me, and thank
God 1 am saved and now a well and
healthy woman. Trial bottles free at Dr.
K, J. Reid’s Drug Store. Regular siz:
50 c. and $1.00. Guaranteed or price n
1 here is much war talk nowday*.
Some sickne -8 in out neighborhood.
There was no Sabbath school at Ber
Mrs. W. T. Nelson visited in White
jqains Mondav and Tuesday,
' „ ' Charlie I. O -fctree went up to
Conyers last J riday on his ...... whem.
Mr. J. TV. Farmer says the rain Satur¬
day washed his lands very badly.
Our neighborhood was visited Saturday
by heavy rain and wind doing some dam
Miss Effie Ileringdino went home Sun¬
day to stay during vacaiion of Bermuda
Mr. Henry Googer and family spent
Sunday in Crawfordville with
and friends.
Our neighborhood will Ire well repre
-.enteil at the unveiling of the Confederate
Monument and Memorial services at
In Advance.
NO. 10.
Royal make, the food pure,
wbolesosie and
Absolutely Pure
We stated last week that the picnic at
Miller’s Mill would conic off next Satur¬
day, the 80th, lust., hut have learned since
that the time has been changed' to some
other time.
We are told that Mr. 0.1. Oglelree has
several acres of land, that can ho gone
over on foot, and never slop upon 1(10
ground, so many trees were blown down
by Saturdays wind.
Mrs, Penelope Stewart, whom we re¬
ported last week as quite sick, died Fri¬
day morning and was buried at Poweltou
Sunday. She leaves seven sons and two
daughters to mourn her departure but not
as these without hopes. The bereaved
ones have our.sympnthy.
T. B. Rice, a prominent drugguist of
Greenesboro, Ga., writes as follows:
‘‘I have handled Dr. Hilts’ Carminutiyo
fur eight- years, and have never known of a (
single instance where it failed to give per¬
fect satisfaction. Parties who once use it
always make permanent customers. We'
sell more of 1 his article than all lho other
Carminatives, soothing syrups and colic
drops combined,” equal. For teething children
it lilts no
For sale at Alliance Store.
—Stephens High School has
been taking holiday this weojt on
account of Mrs. Sanford’s sick¬
ness. She is much better.
"How 1 ® c»w til ntor«N,»
np#ly -SwayaPn OhffmeM."
Uitra-ual Tiiodlclna wajuiredv Oom
clear, white and healthy. Us great he»L
•»» curative remedy* powers are Drasutm powd by
no other Ask wr
Sm y. u0 >„ okiiment.
A poor man never knows how
many relations he has until ho
becomes sundenly rich.
Aids Digestion. Bowel*,
Regulate* Cholera the Infantum,
Cholera Morbus,
Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
Teething Children,
And all disease* of tho Stomaoh
and Bowels. It is pleasant
to the taste and
to give Batisfaxstion.
A Few Doses will Demonstrate
its Superlative Virtues.
[Trade Mark Registered Nov. 24, ’SO.
The New Life-Giver.
Promotes Vigorous Health by instilling
from the air into the system,
cures nil forms of disease without
or Electricity-. It is as simple as
Prices of OXYDONORS greatly re¬
Get the genuine, Dr, made Hercules by the
and inventor,
Boa of particular- and price list free.
Address Dr. H. Sauche, 2 b 1 Fifth Ave
ttue, New York.
A -aJIcal, positive zed ^er-Aanent cure
guaranteed in 5 days. Ab 6 °lutay harmJes.
No “uprrii^ of* £? r $££??;.w
^ r I
A 1 ,'
t ' 41 East ai*t Street, New Ycrk city. -