Newspaper Page Text
I OuluU gllU 1 1 luU
For 25 Years
—■.wnnitmaHi —i
Would you feol perfectly
m ’S„r t bMU°
havo just hoard of?
But how al ?out an ,° ld
One that haa done
business for over a quartor
of a century? One that has
always kept its promises?
One that never failed ; nevor
misled you in any way?
You could trust such a bank,
couldn’t you?
like such a bank. It has never
disappointed you, never will.
It, haB never decoivod you,
never will.
Look out that someone
does not try to make you
invest your health in a now
tonic, eomo nothing now of. njodicino
you know
,oc. *nd $1.00; *11 druggists.
SCOTT A liOWNE, Chemists, New York.
Nen Earlier Shop.
I will lie in Crmvfordviile regularly
• very day to serve the. people in fir't <:hi- u
hair cutting, slaving and shampooing 1
will yisit your homos nnu do hair cutting
and shompoi ing fof the ladles and child
rem also sharpen rn/.ats. ihop at Me I’.G
J.iicae’ store. Give me a call.
JOH N W. U I Id, I A M-S, Barber.
('rawfordville, On.
Engines & B oilers
Gins Find Presses.
< iimplcteCotton, Saw. Gibt. Oil and
Fertill 7 .or Mill mitflU; i»l*o Gin Pies*. Uajii*
Mill ami Shingle outli1 1 ,
Building, Bridge, Factory Furnace and
Pnilmad Cm-llng*; Railroad Mill, Mneliin
iNt*' anil Factory Supplie*.
Belting. Packing, Injector*, Pipe Fit
tlnirn, S«w«, Oilers, I'-tu. (,*AS I
Lombard Iron W’Rs & Supply Co.
Fpmulry Machine. Builcr amt Gin Works.
Repairs Promptly Done.
For lufurmntum to Routo*. Si'liciliilfiis
ami Buti't*. hot (i
Passenger and Freight,
wi-Hcto elthi’i nt tin' umli'vsi'.'nftd.
You will iccrlvi' prompt rrph anil
rentable infonuioti.
JU|-. 44 . 44 Hi l l . ■\. n. a ickmix.
T, l‘. A. U. I’. 4.
Augniititi <;».
S. W 44 II Kl >. II. K. S It'lltlLSON.
I F. A I*. (j. A.
AtlaiUn Allx-n*.
>4 4 V l| 4 l;l *44 ll K. s. »:. 41 Alii 1 1 .
8. A. r, 4 .
Mnvoii. Ga.
m. n. in I . \V. OOF FI N
s. F. f. a i*. .4.
M iUfdk'cvillff. Auguitn.
Zackery & Stewart,
Dealers in l’lirii. Beet. Mutton, Fish
»Eow place Of business. ’ ‘ "
t * We ff!mrintee respectfully solicit ti»« i»troun*re
l 'V\^> ,
pi>i!u’ satisfaction, low orkes
anil atn-iuinn.
Market p.i. e i».hUI for all Haw IluJes
^ s'iiar'ii. tia.
OK 1
Ksarwsws No puWiaiy injections--no
meat —no
It. A. OISVN M.D.,
’ 41 E*»t 2!»l Street. .Nee, York CUy.
Pi —tvj
A3 e.jKH
iJ m
« *>, awmlW. rvr 3CS WStN PAtrVT o ETA is la.
cr fckot. • vi „-u l. r 'r%< rtfwrtM
I M ♦FfA'i EOOE FEX.F tVaUum*
Hi ' A. for gPSClAL OFFr.!!
lJ-&'ra^&ga’^TJ. ,
M cured and Walekfj- TTCUj
ai home
outvsin. Bookotpsr
ucuinresent f'SEG.
____ B M WOOIA.KY. Si. 14.
*•». OSico li)» N. i’ryox 8b
s “ 1
Fur0 Home Matters ,p iclt ^ Up by Onr
Local Eepciter*.
What Our People Art- Doing and Savin#
Tiling** Onr Friimi* Tall U*.
- May oumo in Sunday wit!, a
perfect day.
—Mr. W R. Cunn has been
sick . . tills . V eek. .
—The (j 00 d Templars lodge
inet Tnesdav 1 uesaa y nirrht nl k' u -
W. T. Johnson, Washington,
sells everything on wheels.
-Miss Marie Stephens, of
Atlanta is visiting relat ives here.
Nice summer underwear, the
cheapest and best ut Paul G.
-Street vendor., of Jewlry
ha\e been working oui towi
Try the Washington Mfe.
Co. on nails and builders hard
Mrs. V, M. w Hi. « Moore , has re
turned from a visit to Moigan
county. .
Summer neckwear of all
styles and prices at Paul G.
For iSalc Ton fine shoats and
10 goals, very cheap. B. I. An
Mrs. Dr. Moore of n
Plains, visited Crnwf°rdville . , ,
last week.
—E. C. Gunn is riding a hand
some new bicycle which
bought Tuesday.
Sawed brackets any style or
shape gotten out by tho Wash
iugton Mfg. Co.
— Miss Mary Weaver,
Greenesboro, was visiting
forville Saturday.
mowing --Marshal Tucker the weeds has been
down on
sireets this week
There were fewer ilowers
than ever before.
—If you have not paid any¬
thing on the Monument fund,
hand in your mi to.
Wo are told that Rev. Ab.
Harris will be married on
1st to a Miss Hinton.
— Mrs. Anna Weaver returned
to Greenesboro Monday after a
visit to relatives here.
Host shingles at lowest liv
ing prices can Vie bought ‘ of
Washington Mfg. Co.
—Mrs. M. E. aud Miss ^nnie
Brooke, of Raytown have been
with friends hero this week.
Get „ . , laths and
our prices on
and brick before you begin your
house. Washington M fg. Co.
—People's Party Paper and
Advo-Democrat, both one year
for#l.r>0. Special limited offer,
—Misses Newsome, of Union
were the guests of Mrs.
Dr. Boa/Jey , T1 F relay . , and j,, batuulaj . i
Charlie haimeuu returned
to Madison Monday after spend
ing a few days with home folks
Crawfordvillo has tho
Confederate Monument in Goor
gia for the amount of money in
Ashley & Denham, of White
pavin'^ Pl tins Highest* are buviim cows and
1 ‘ 4 ” ° Market ‘ prices
for them.
-Misses ... Nellie .. 11 • Sales: o i apd ,
Matnte andDehaGumi ^e st ; ' lsl 01 near ■ town lvs0 ''’
—Mr. Elmore Barrett, of
Washington, paid his uncle, Dr.
Binns at this place a visit last
—Miss Edna Fluker. of Wash
ington, went up to Union Point
Saturday after a visit to Craw
—Mr. and Mrs. Luther Boline,
of Washington, returned home
Sunday after a visitAo friends in
tins place.
Miss Bennie Davenportcamo
down , from Atlanta l uesdaj to
see her mother at this place, wno
is right sick.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Heard,
here iaUn-dav toSfe^iuveS
u f the Daughters of the Confed
sood Show in t!.o
procession Saturday.
—Miss Eudora Dolviu. of the
Union Point Review was iu
Crawfordvile Saturday to attend
t he un veil i ng se r vices.
—Mr. Quince Johnson and
daughter came over from Wash¬
ington to attend the memorial
unveiling exercises.
—Mr. Edgar Beasley, son of
Dr. Jack Beazley. is to be mar¬
ried to Miss Hessie Baker at
on the 1 "th inst.
War, War, War!
>ot Wijh Spain, but Against High Prices!
J an» very anxious to increase my trade with my Taliaferro
just four-fold in 1898 . I appreciate your past favors and will make a
desperate effort to secure your trade.
Top Buggies $ 45 . 00 . One Horse Wagons £ 26 . 00 . Single Harness
$5 .00
Freight paid on all orders over $io,oo. Prompt service. Polite
attention. Big bargains.
W. T. JOHNSON, Washington, Ga.
—Messrs. Andrews & Dead
ou tside of the larger cities.
-M«- bn»» a
- ’ 1 h .... , *2
With , her lather , . this place.
Dr. Phillips spent Sunday here,
_Madames HnwirVl Dr Nicholson
Chas. ,,, Howaid ana md J.h^ 1 F Howard Howarci,
all of Stephens, attended the
jnenumeni unveiling Saturday
Nice straw hats at all
at Paul rj , r< G. r Lucas. nmc 1
Mr. Jno. S. Stevens, an aged
citizen of White Plains died Sun
,1-lv nul was buried Tuesday with
the lodge hero attended.
- Misses Bell and Mary
Veassey, Georgia Householder
and Miss Jackson, all of Union
Point were here Saturday attend
ing memorial services.
Just received a big lot of
children's, woman's and men's
sample shoes in Nos. from 3 to
4 ! -2 and fi to 8 which we expect
to close out in a few days at one
half factory cost,. Come at once
and S et yQ« r selections of style
—Glen Legwen and his bike
had a collision with a dog on
Brpad street Tuesday and they
all came down in a pile Result:
broken bike, a bruised boy and
a scared dog.
We are told that the law
does not require registration for
voting in special elections when
voter was properly register
ed for the last regular election
and all taxes have been paid
sinc0 -
Women are not the only ones
who sensitive about their
ages. A man does nt like to be
told that he is getting old.
Health keeps a man young. It
doesn’t make tiny difference if
he has lived eighty years. If
they have been healthy years,
he will be hale and hearty and
won’t look within 20 years as old
as j-ich, he is. Good digestion and
red blood make people look
youthful. Dr. Pierce’s Golden
Medical Discovery makes rich,
red blood. Jt makes health in the
right way. It works according
to the right theory, and in 30
years of practice, it has proved
that the theory is absolutely
correct. It begins at the begin
ning -begins by putting the
stomach, liver and bowels into
peefect order, but it begins its
good work on the blood before
it finishes with the
system. It searches out disease
wh ere V er Hiey may be
and forces them out of the body,
A|1 dru _ jsts ke(>{) the -Dis
Nuu'itlt 1 nf Rev. In in West.
Rev. Thomas West, a
ueut UnptUt mmister living
about three miles fpom I houison,
Ga.. suicided last night at his
homo by shooting himself in the
head. is supposed,
unbalanced his mind, and led
ttu> ;u . t Ho was the father of
C ol. West of Thomson and has
boPn 1K4St or of Jennings Chapel
hue since its organization oi r ,a m..ation.
U Cost.
st.l'k of'cilicoe< muslins S
mv customers have the benefit
of w cost price, and lot me
room for a new line of goods 1
have made thi* sweeping reduc
t j on Better come early and get
your share of the bargains.
Paul G. Lucas,
An ruccrluln DI»c«*«.
Biere is no disease more uncertain in its
nature thus dyspepsia. Physicians say that
the symptoms of no two cases agree. It is
therefore most difficult to make a correct
diagnosis. So matter how severe, or under
w hat disgnieedvspepsia Bitters trill it attacks InraluaM* tob. Browns'
iron cure in a’d
diseases of ti« stomach, blood and nerve*,
Urowus' Iron Bitters is e*ld by &U dealers.
The Annual S. S. Picnic.
Tl “ UnnUa ' SU ” day ^
picnic for this section will be
had at Daniel's Sprjqgs on Fri
the 13th of Meyt Onr
pie U usually J ? get up a fine and an
enjoyable . picnic . on these occa
sions and all are looking forward
to this this catherin" gathering with witn bright Dii 0 nt an
ticipation. ‘ Of course everybody
wa ls t0 g0 ,
Rents the Klnndike.
Mr. A. . n Cl rn, bourns, of „ Marys
ville, lex., has found a moie
valuable discovery than has yet
been mads in the Klondike.
,*«* bn suffered untold a*ony
ly cured by Dr King's New Dis
covory for Consumption,
4nd c 0 [ ds _ declares that
gold is of little value in com pari
son with this marvelous cure;
would have it even if it cost a
himdred dollars a bottle. Asthma
Bronchitis and all throat and
^ng affections are positively
c,,1Qt ‘ W Di- King s New Dis
covery for Consumption. Trial
bottles free at Dr. R. J. Reid’s
or price refunded.
Thrown From His Wagon.
.While hauling some of the
heavy stone bases of the rnonu
ment here late Thursday evening
of last week, Mr. W. A. Legwen
came very near having a fat^l
accident. He was in the wagon
leaning on one of the huge pieces
of marble when a sudden tilt of
the wagon threw the marble and
Mr. Legwen both violently to
ground. It was sometime
5efore he came to himself and
has , been confined _ , to his , home
all the week since, but, is getting
over the severe jolt and shock.
The Rest Remedy for Rheumatism.
From the Falrliaven tN. Y.) Register,
Mr. James Rowland of this
village, states that for twenty
five years his wife lias been a
sufferer from rheumatism. A
few nights ago she was in such
pain that she was nearly crazy.
She sent Mr. Rowland for the
doctor, buthe had read of Cham¬
berlain’s Pain Balm and instead
of going for the physician he
went to the store and secured a
bottle of it. His wife did not
approve of Mr. Rowland’s pur
ohase at first, bfit nevertheless
applied the Balm thoroughly able
and in an hour’s time was
to go to sleep. She now applies
it whenever she feels an ache
pain and finds that it always
gives relief. He says that no
medicine which slie had used
ever did her as much good. The
25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by
Dr. R, J. Reid.
Honor Roll.
The foUiming kind patron* have paid
their subscriptions since ctir last issue:
{’ J® J?', 9g>
c. M. Walker 50cto Mav 6 ’ 9 s.
What We Have.
We h:lve a11 kinds of house iUld
**887 P a ^ts. varnishes, oils,
turpentine, brushes and all
in the -painter’s line.
M e can save you money on these ;
We have a full stock of patent ■
“ Sr
prescriptions, :
Oer stationery line is complete ■
loir m Call for ««
ulce goods in tnis lino.
Andrews & Deadwvler.
New Brick Building,
A Child’s Death.
A child of Mr. Bob Reese’s]
iu Augusta and its remains
were brought up here Saturday
evening and carried out near
Carters UrOVC for interment,
The H'reaved have OUT SVtnpa
Brightest Items from Near by
To the Credit of the Excellent County
Journal* from Which We (Jet
the Creamy New*.
—Fruit trees in the counties
around are over loaded with
—Mr. Alex Rhodes' home at
Crawford, has been destroyed by
—The annual picnic at Miller's
Mill will be had on May 14th.
Many Taliaferro people Will at
-In Warren county 137 mar
-Augusta water seems to
have a sort of rambling ° effect on
th the _ legs ,„+• ol Srk bpaiU „ vt „ h boys. Ish
raaeme -
See "W. r ^' -Tohnsons, Wash
" ' tV Buggies
w ? priced ,0ad ln-iri
makes low
—Davy •’ Gray, J was found dead
. his , . bed , . clay , , last , week . at
in one
Gran5te Hill near Sparta. He
had been sick some days.
d ntn >ou sues a uai { in y oui
^ bow .uick^t will
welL 11 f y° u want t0 P revent
suffering don't forget this,
—Jas. M. Dickson, an old and
honored citizen of Hancock, died
at his home in the county on the
18th inst. His age was84 years,
When threatened with cholera
morbus a dose or two of Dr.
Tichenor’s Antiseptic will
you time and suffering.
—The freight f 5 train on the
Athens branch . has . been taken .
off and the one train making two
trips J per day does all the freight
and passenger work.
All who have tried it, know
the value of Dr. Tichenor’s
tiseptic as a dressing for wounds
and will not bo without it.
___There is little reason to
doubt that a little blind tiger
business is done in Sparta. A
second rate detective, even, could
easily ■i catch up c with it, if 80 dis
posed, T isnmaeme. , ...
Profit by your frieficls’ enpe
rienee and try Dr. Tichenor’s
Antiseptic ... ,. w hen ,^OU get , , -i., hint ,
and you will never regret it.
—Farmers in our neighboring
counties have changed a gl eat
deal of their cotton planting
lands and have planted corn in
stead ' of cotton. They are wise
as the W'ar , has already , , > brought i i.
up prices on bread stuffs.
Add water and sugar tq Dr.
Tichenor’s Antiseptic and sub
tract the colic from i your baby,
Very pleasant, perfectly reliable, harm
less and absolutely
Costs 50 cents.
—Rev. J. C. Bell, who lives
near Clifford's Grove church,
lost his barn and stables early
Monday morning by fire. He
succeeded in getting his stock
out safely. The origin of the
fire is not known.—Washington
_ Don't , home without ... ^
you go a
bottle of Dr. Tichenor’s Anti
septic, to use in case of accident
or sudden sickness. Better
a good medicine and need it than
to need it and not have it. see?
—A lady in the Centerville
neighborhood, who is noted as a
fine gardener saw an advertise¬
ment in a poultry journal, “how
to keep hens out of the
information mailed on the receipt
50 C ents in stamps.” The
lady furnished the 50 cents
received the following re
“Cut off their heads. * *
Ereo nils.
Send your address to H E
Bucklen i Co., Chicago, and gel
a free sample box of Dr. Kiug'c
New Life Pills. A trial will
Con\ inee you Oi. their lneiiu
Thaso pills are easy in action
Livor troubles they havo been
jlln^SSt^ ^
. . wmW . vegetable.! tl.oit
They do not giving by
action, bttt by toim 10
stomach and bowda greatly in- j
vigorate tlm .tysteui, Rffguiat
sb-m Sac, pf’v JO a ©old by Dr,
iv. J. Iralid DffieSi.4t* i
Be« i cofb Scrip Good. Use
I 25 io time. S»til by drugprists. J*f
Miraculous Benefit
Dr. Miles' New Heart Gtsre*
€ « M i 3
mJ U. S Ww ;
_ jR xi\nmrK r v 5
1 ap'd
veteran of the 3 rd N. Y. Artillery
for thirty years of tho Babcock h
life . from sciatica wbigji affected my heart.
to button my clothing; had sharp pains
about the heart, ’ smothering spells and
of bre ath . For three months i
was unable to Re down, and ail the sleep I
got was in an arm chair. I was treated i
the best doctors hut gradually grew worse.
About a year ago i commenced taking Dr.
*■»-*- *■——
as if by a miracle." A
Dr - MUes 1 Remedies Dr.
are sold by all drug: yMiles
gists under a positive
guarantee, first botpo
benefits funded. or Book money dis¬ re¬ ■L .'iResvorofe,'*
on Health
eases of the heart and
nerves free. Address,
DR. BULKS B1ED10A L CO.. Elkhart, Inc.
UnclSF LoCd.1 Optifin LiQiiOP
. ......
Vjr , ur F .■ u .. r ,
?‘» netl ; 8i f‘^ b y ' nor e tl-iin mu-teinh of
the voters, who are qualified to vote foi
members of the General Assembly in Tal
iaferro County, in'«crto(-daiice Georgia, for an eleetiou
to be held with the pro
visions and reqii^-ements contained iu
Sections’1541 to 1550, inclusive, of t+fe
First Volume of the Code of 1S115 and
other laws pf said State, applicable to
Uf ^3’
in Section 1548 of said Vo nine of said
Code shall be sold within the limits of
election has been and is hereby
to be held ill said County on
Wednesday ,ie p' h> the I,o| «r>. din« day elections of May, 1898, at
f a< ;f r for mem
hers of the General. Assembly ot Georgia,
Said election shall be hold in accordance
with the provisions and requirement?
contained m Secilons LMt to 1550 m
elusive, of said \ olurne of said Codo
j n accordance with the provisions
and requirements of the other laws of
atfdcction' 0 * 11516 U> fl>< ' 1,oMinir 01
All'persons voting at said election who
are against the sale of such intoxicating
hquois as are mentioned in said section
!? tlieir 48 - f.' ticket 1 ? 1 ' h “Against i i y° "'TT the Sale” ,j >rin and J c< those !, ^
W li<> fayor the sale of tlieartieles, mention
ed ill said section, 1548, shall have written
or printed on their ballots “For the Sale.”
If a majority of the votes east at said
election shall be against the sale, it shall
not he lawful for any persop within the
limits of said county-to sell or barter for
'■aluable consideration, either directly or
indirectly, or give away to induce trade at
any place of business, or furnish at any
other public places, any alcoholic, spirit
ous, malt, or intoxicating liquors, or in¬
toxicating bitters, or other drinks, which
if drunk to excess will produce intoxica¬
This the, 21st, dav of April, ls98.
Ordinary of Tatiaforro County, Georgia.
At such low Prices that thcra ex
ists no excuse why you should wear
readymade pants when
autncKlel gtisiem
t Pants € 0 .
show hundreds of “nobby”—stylish—
patterns, at 33.50.—Loads of fashion
able designs at S4.00,and innumerable
swell styles at 54.50 and 55.00—all
Made to Pleasure.
Fit and workmanship guaranteed.
at Ttie Advocat-Democrat Office
wi'J display the assortment for your
Oe^Vitt’s Witch Hazel Salve
Cores Piles, Scalds, Burns.