Newspaper Page Text
I ft
$1100 I*or Year.
Should Enow that the
“Old ilma” Uci-'.ctly,
s 1 1
Is the best for remats Trouble*. Corrects all
In Female organs. Sliouldbe
taken lor Charts cf Lite and boiore
Planters “Old Time” Remedies have stood the
test for twenty years.
Mado only by ITcr/ fJpeneor Medicine Co., Cka,t
tr.noi)CA, TonRcr^oo.
Paul G. Lucas Cr:iwfordv ilv Ga.
This is the Man ]
^v.O S*- VE |™ E
& § & 7r. Z % -A
(if *• 1
& je> * es
Haw? ? wii mm - • FREE!
By giving them .best and cheapest
supemor Steel Wire Frncing for Ml .
purposes at special factory price. No
matter how little ' r how much you
need, or headquarters for what purpose, for send to
m it. ,1:
(Trade Mark Registered Nov. 24, ’90.
The New Life-Giver,
Promotes Vigorous Health by instilling
OXYGEN from the air Into the system,
and cures all forms of disease without
Medicine or Electricity. It is us simple as
Prices of OXYDONORS greatly re¬
duced. Get the genuine, made llcicules by tlio
discoverer and inventor, Dr,
Book of particulars and juice list free.
Address l)r. II. Sanelie, 291 Fifth Avi
nuc. New York.
OF— ’
And vicinity, will consult their
interest by writing to
Standard Manufacturing Co.,
AUGl'STA. GA.,--
For Prices on SASH, DOORS,
BER, LATH or anything in
// .jgHf
$34 ’ 50<
’98 Models. High Grade.
We Have no Agents but Sell Direct
to the Rider at Manufacturer's
Prices, Saving You all
• N Agent's Profits.
Best -.rmterialc, Suprrt, finish. Eifflit
; cle^Ant models. \V« ship anywberr with
privilege of examination pay ex pres?
charifes both ways and refund your
money if not ag represented. Hvtry
“Acme ' is fntfy avaranterri fVvrk*
ail Accident* as well f.s J>*{trine
Mamfiifj. Send for catalogue.
102 Mam St., - - cikh^rt, «..a.
Wu Large cam}. aofi up . shoin n3 ‘ ‘3‘, x§
illustrations of styles of felec
mg ‘ with hundreds of tastimomals
from all sections. Address
‘ The Wire Fence Man,
70 8. Forsyth St. ATLANTA, GA.
Wl*at the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
\ c. 1 .. BAG BY.
Rain is much needed on the farms.
Mr. G. It. Gregory was quite sick part
of last week
«... »im — Ton,
the scat ot war.
The little shower of rain last week was
thankfully received. :
Sharon High ", school had a picnic at
Hillman last Friday. I
\\v leave two sir shops in Sharon now. 1
We need a barber next.
... ... buck" „ R „ m j f amilv ] mv ,,
moyed Ta,C. in Slrtron
Davidson has one of his new I
buildings about completed. j !
Mr. W. U. Reid was in our section last
week. He vwvttvSharon often. 1
Some of the Hilhuan hotel guests spent
sometime in our town last week.
But one house vacant in Sharon and
that is the Croak old store building.
Mr. J. S. Chapman, of Mihlrajon Grove,
WHS in our city last week on business.
Several of our people attended the Ga.
it. U. Convention in Augusta last week
Sharon gardens are looking fine for
the amount of cool weather we have had.
The nearer the time comes for Die
whiskey election the hotter the light gets.
Nice phonographic entertainment, at .1.
T. Taylor’s home one night, last week.
Mrs. J L. Turner is still quite sick. Dr.
Andrew Cooper, of Powelton is attending
We lvear that tliere are some colored !
people who are anxious to enlist for the j
Busincs is very dull in our town. Mer¬
chants are doing a pretty fair time busi¬
lesso Drown, our postal clerk, was olT
011 a visit last week. Hope he Intel a nice
Mrs. C. L. Baghy and daughter Doodie
visited in Mildrnjon Grove settlement last
A great many farm supplies are being
hauled away from our town the presant
Mrs, Welcome Stone and daughter of
trad ng.
Mr. Jim Johnson, of Greene count}, ,
was Visiting his sister, Mrs. A. T. Gilbert
and family last week.
Mr. Tillman, of near Raytown, was in
this section last week doctoring sonic j
cattle for Mr. W. P. McKeon.
Judge J. L. Turner and Dr. M. If. j
Thomas of Barnett district was in Sharon 1
last week attending to business,
Mrs. Kyler, of near Sharon, lias been ;
quite sjek. She is quite an old lady and
has been very feeble for some Hum.
The wet and dry men are having a
pretty tough fight. We expect from the !
present out look it will he a close race.
The 602nd district lias a wet ticket on
hand so we have heard but It has always
had that so far as our information goes.
Children like it, If saves their lives.
Cough Cure, the j 1
We mean One Minute
infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup. !
bronchitis, grippe, and all throat and |
lung troubles. Crawfordville,
Andrews X Dead wyler, Agents. I
Dr. Lawrence Drown. .Sharon.
Messrs Cannon and Brown have finish-1
ed the job of cutting out the rocks on the
public roads leading from Sharon tc
Boy. R. E. L. Ranis delivered a tem¬
perance lecture in out district last week
a so one at Sandy Cross. Other speakers j
were abo on baud. |
M. L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says: “I
was a suffeivr for ten years, trying most j
all kinds of pile remedies, Hazel hut Salve without j
success. De\\ itt’* W itch was ;
reeo in men (led to me* I used one box.
” As '
It has HTeeted a permanent tmre a
permanent cure for piles DeWitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve has no equal. I
Andrews X Dcadwyler Agents.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Several people from this section attend- |
ed the picnics at Hillman last i nday and
on Saturday at Millers Mill and
pasture Warren county.
Love Merslion has painted a nice saloon
sign f"r Joe. O’Brien. Love can bt
"ensign” when lie gets to Hie war tih4 !
won't iiav e to paint signs.
Flamers, CUBAN RELIEF cures
Scur Stomach
aad S-jiu.-eer Com plaints. Price, 25 Cents.
above goods for sale hv P.G. Lucas
' (.'laud Stone and Will Moore made a triji
to Crawfordville last week. Tliere must
j,.. Mjme attraction up that way. They
were fixed up mighty nice just to he going
to town.
Our town council met on Thursday (f
last week and elected R. If. Jackson,
marshal. Love Merslion having gone off
to the war. Wc think Mr. Jackson will
make a good officer.
He’S the Wire Fence Man, of Atlanta, Os., and
! There was a public meeting hold at tlie
! court ground of .the 002ml district on
Tuesday night of last, week also one on
Monday night at Sandy Cross. Speeches
were made on the issue “wet or dry”
We were out on Williams Creek last
wet k doing a little job of tin work for
Mr. llenry Smith, Crops are looking
better in that section than hi this; much
better stand of cotton and larger weed,
The farmer, tli mechanic and the biev
the | )es t thing to keop on hand. heats
quickly, and is a well known cure for
piles. Crawfonlvil,-.
Andrews A Dead wyler,
Dr. Lawrence Drown, tsharon. Agents.
1 " 0 <>f our > <>un k r *M<liers who wen
oil last weak were not received. Mr.
Stone is . deaf , , ill . one ear and Mr. Ivealy s
eye sight is dcticienVtrtherwise we guess
,h< \ v '^mld have passed the examination,
Religious services at Sharon Methodist
church next Saturday and Sunday. They
have reorganized their tiimday school at
this church and elected new officers. Wo
hope it may prosper in the future.
It is a great leap from the old fashioned
doses of blue-mass and nauseous physics
to the pleasant little pills known as De
Witt’s Little Early Risers. They bil’oue- cure
constipation, sick headache and
Andrews A Dead wyler CrawfordviJle,
Dr. Lawrence Drown, Sharon. Agents.
The recruits that went forward last
week to Atlanta were not the Irwin
Guards of Washington. They were coun¬
try hoys of Taliaferro, Wilkes and Lin¬
coln counties. The Guards are still at
The war so far has been no benefit ; ns
far as the circulation of money is concern
ed and all kinds of produce and good s
have advanced at a terrible rate. This
is all on account of speculation. There is
plenty iu the country.
Fitts’ Carminative aids digestion, regu¬
lates Hie bowels, cures Cholera Infantum.
Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Pains, Grip¬
ing, Flatulent Colic, Un-natural Drains
from the Bowels, and all diseases incident
to (loathing children. For all summer
complaints it is a specific. Perfectly
harmless and free from injurious drugs
and chemicals. For sale at .Alliance Store
The young soldiers from Washington,
Sharon and Barnett left on the 12 instant
of our citizens incliuliju? the ladies saw
them off at Sharon depot,
A long train of Gypsy wagons passed
through our section lust week. If these
roving, lazy, idle people were put to work
it would be better for the countiy for
they are nothing hut swindlers- They
cheat a heap of our ignorant people out
of their hard earnings.
ftuc2cleir* Arnlra SaIt,.
The Best Salve in the world for Outs,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fev.
cr, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Erupt ons, and posi
tive'y cures Piles, or no'p a i r foauired. It
is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded^ Price 2.1 cents pter box.
For sale by Dr. L. J. Reid.
Cotton crops are not doing well in this
section, People could not gel a stand
an( j some liave plowed up and planted the
] am j jn ( . onl Corn crops art only tolcra
hie. Cool weather lias made it sick.
The giain crops are hue and with no back
** there will be a good crop made.
Flamers NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep¬
sia, Constipation and Indi¬
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
What is the matter with the Washing
tull Military Company heretofore it lias
enjoyed Hie hospitalities of the State en
cumpinent at the State’s exjiense hut it
**">■ their services are really need
ed they failed to respond and the Sharon
j M) y S hud to help out the company. Oi*r
^ nPVC r had the pleasure of being en
Retained for a whole week , at . the States .
expenses. Hurrah for the brave boys of
Sharon who have gone to the front.
The origin of the fire which destroyed
Mr. A. D. Kendrick’s bain last week is
^ known T , 1C b;lrn wus s , mic distance
from (>t „ er huildidgs. All hi* fodder
aIJfl corn av;lS 1>tIrI1 oU ,-xcept a fow bussbelft
of corn. There was 1 lirec horses and one
mule burned, all valuable stock. Mr. L.
W. Kendrick’s fine young horse was
among the lot. This is a sad loss and we
sympathize with him vor\ much. One
thousand dollars they say will not cover
tlili damage.
Liver Ills
I.Ike biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti
pation. sour atomaeh. indigestion arc promptly
cured by* Hood s Pills. They do their work
i easily and thoroughly. “HIS JJ | 9 M
j, rJ^ fcd b c j & j^well. Mass.
y m***.w.u,uood*.
Correspondents’ Eeports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
*)«« Happening* in Thetr Respective I.o
cnlltles. All the Mew*.
BY I. N. C.
We are needing rain.
Everybody, busy this week.
I'here is not much war talk around here
dr. Dosen Slierrer is all smiles- it is a
fire boy.
vlrs. S. A, Caldwell has been quite
sitk with la grippe,
We are having very windy weather: it
Ui.'Jfes the cotton look sick.
Jtlie! Stewart, from Fear idge, visited
hi: iferotheitSunday last.
j§t. P. G. Stewart and family are visit¬
ing Mis parents at l’earidge.
,'r. Pink Norman from Irvin court
gi. snd visited the family of Mrs. Web.
F. ltiiug Wednesday.
.wlittle hoy asked for a bottle of “get
upjp t he morning reeoginized as fast household as you can,”
tin (druggist a name
tor gads “DeWitl’s him bottle Little of 1lu»se Early famous Riser*.” little »"d
pi I If for constipation, sick headache? liver
am'stomacli troubles. |
mlrew* X Dcadwyler, Crawfordville,
I)r, Lawrence Drown Sharon. Agents.
MrgC. M -’eJp A. Slack will fill the Methodist
pulpit next Sunday night.
%',T. C. Holden and family spent last
Friday and Saturday in Crawfordville.
e hope after next Wednesday to he
aide |o congratulate Taliaferro oil being a
dry county.
Mrs. H. Slack spent a*past of this
week in Bethany community visiting her
Miss Lela Lane lias returned home
aft*Expending a fev; days with her sister
neaf Si team
We learn that Wesley Broome, of the
Bethany neighborhood, is rejoicing over
the arrival of a son.
.Thousands of sufferers from grippe liave
Ilf "©stored pi healtli hv One Minute
C • Gnrn. It quickly eur^ coughs,
irews X Deadwyigr, v’rawfoW\%!e.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Wiaron. Agents.
believe some of our young men
would enlist in the army were it not that
tlic.r love for their sweethearts over
balances their spirit of patriotism.
White Plains is on a building boom at
present:. Messrs. Z. T. Walker and J.
Grant are having erected elegant dwel¬
lings, and a nice library building isgoing
Miss Mamie Moore, who has been
teaching in Taliaferro is now at home for
vacation. More and better teachers have
gone out from White Plains than any
place of its size in the stale.
Yellow Jaundice Cured.
Suffering humanity should he supplied
with every means possible for its re ief.
If. is with pleasure we publish the follow
ing: “This Is to certify that I was u ter
nlJe sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for
over six months, and was treated by some
( f tlie best physicians i 1 our city and all to
no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recom¬
mended Electric Bitters; and after taking
two bottles, I was entirely cured. I now
take great pleasure in recommending them
to any jteraon suffering from this terrible
malady. I am gratefully yours, M. A.
ilogart v 1/x ugt m, Ky.”
Sold at D', If. L Reid's drug store. 50
tents per bottle.
Mr. W. R. Reid, of Crawfordville, was
ilt Barnett last , week. ,
y Irs> p, Gregory has been very sick
;,ut is much better.
Mayor Garrett visited Craw fordville and
Sharon a few days ago.
Wairen county lield PHmary election
m Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Elliot visited Mrs. Henry Shelton’s
family last week near Barnett,
Miss Willie Lee Walker, lias hewn very
sick but is better at thia writing.
Mrs. Moilje Taylor,and daughter visited
J. 'J. Taylor last week near Barnett.
Mrs, Harris is visiting the Seven
Springs on Die old Flynt place near Ray
Mi s Katie Lee Moore, of Pcnridge, vis
ited Mias Myrtio Taylor last second Sul
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chajiman, of Mildra
jon. visited Mr. at.d Mrs. J. L. T timer
Messrs. Sam Chapmen and son Claud,
W- T. and Lee Hill, was in our reetion
last week.
Mrs. Joe Ellington and chihlren of
Mihlrajon. visited Mr«. Buniie Turner.
last Tuesday.
Prof. J. A. Woodall thinks the present
war will he a much larger affair than peo¬
ple think for.
In Advance-
Mrs. Bunnie Turner who was reported
last week quite sick is able to be up we
are glad to statu.
Mr. Ewell Jackson, one of Sharon’s bus¬
iness young men, wes at Barnett last
week on business.
Mr. and Mrs. (!. R. Gregory and chil¬
dren visited tlie latter’s parents Mr. and
Mrr, (’. L, Bagby last, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, James Gregory and fami¬
ly visited Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. \V. ().
Stewart’s family last Sunday on Pon-
1 Idge.
< The writer and mother visited Mlldra
jon last week and we found everything in
apple pie order.. Crops are in good con¬
dition in that section.
Mr. Lewis Dottier, and Misg Claud Tay¬
lor and Mr. Murry Taylor ami sister Miss
Emmie attended the picnic at Ray’s pas¬
ture last, Friday near Norw od.
A torpid liyer rolls you of ambition and
ruinsyour health. DeWitl’s Little Early
Risers dense the liver, cure constipation
and all stomach and liver troubles.
Andrews A- Dead wyler, Craw lord vi lie.
Dr. Lawrence Drown, Sharon. Agents.
Miss Emmie Lou Deck worth, one of
Harnett’s sweet girls, with her brother
Loyu, visited A Hie and Jennie Atchinson
last, Saturday at Mililrajou Grove.
Mr. Aaron Kendrick, of Sharon, lost
his barn, stables and three horses and one
mule last week by tire. The loss is about,
$1,000. It is a gloat loss to .Mr. Hendrick.
W'c stated in our last letter that eliil
dren’.s day aj M. E. church would be on
the 3rd .Sunday in this month hut, we learn
since that it will lie on the 1st Sunday in
Mr. J. E. Bagby lias plowed up some
cotton and planted the land in corn.
That’s right; plant something you can eat.
Don’t plant so much cotton and you will
get a better price for it.
That Thirty-five years make a generation.
is how long Adolph Fisher, of
Zanesville,!)., suffered from piles. lie
was cured by using three boxes of De
Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve.
Andrews X Dcadwyler, Crawfordville.
Dr. Lawrence Drown, Sharon. Agents.
Old aunt Mariet Wynne mi old colored
woman who lived near Barnett died lust
Friday Morning. Slfe was nearly 100
years old and was a good and faithful
old servant. 8he lias a good many cliil
dren grand clhldrt-n great grand children
and great great, grand cam# (fldliiret) 4er
M r. A. T. Gilbert to Barnet.
Um }V „ k t() „. hitl ^ hoysoit*© wnt.
ffe cdtlld 1 . vf bfit Jie
g»‘f (( i
he would far as l,<- could with them.
Memorial services will ho held at. NeW
Providence church on the fifth Sunday in
tliismontli commencirg at 10 o’clock and
ending at 1. It will ho held in memory
of Rev. T. [1. West. All are Invited to
attend. *
Discovered by a Woman.
Am He r great discovery lias hern mftdr
mid Unit too, hv a lady In this country,
"Disease fastened Its clutches iqiou liei
arid for mv.-u years she withstood its
sevrrest tests. Imt her vital organs wen
iiudermii.ed and death seemed imminent.
For three months she roughed incessantly,
aril could not sleep. She finally discover
' d a way to recovery, l>y purchasing of us
a Lottie of Dr. King’s New Discovery for
j Consumption, and was so much relieved
on taking first dose, that she, slept ail
night: and witli two bottles, has been
absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs.
Luther Lutz. Thus writes W. C. Ham
nick X l'o., of Shelby, N. 0. Trial bot¬
tles free at Dr. If. J. Reid’s drug store.
Regular size r»()c and 81,00. Every
bottle guaranteed.
We are having warm weather.
Farmers are rliopjdng out their cotton,
j There Is eomkleruble complaint of buo
vyorni killing corn.
Mr. Iiu> Haminack, of Norwood, was ii>
I Bermuda Saturday night.
! Messrs. Ike Recsso and Pryor Rainwater,
of Powelton, was in our neighborhood
Saturday night.
j Those wlio attended the picnic at
Millers Saturday report a jileasant lime.
Very few tliere till after 12 o’clock.
Iftv. J. H. Kilpatrick will preach at
Bermuda school house next Sunday eve¬
ning. We boqrcak for hint a good bear¬
IV1 at lias become of our state politic:
we luar very little of it now. The wat
excitement seems to he the all absorbing
Mr. VV. T. Johnson and charming lady
Mists Nannie, of Poerelton, spent the day
with us Sunday attending Sabbath scltoo.
in the afternoon. *
Mrs. Boyd Aldtnan sister of Mr. C. I
Oglelree and iter husband sjvent several
days last week in our neighborhood, re¬
turning to their home in Conyers Iasi
Wednesday 11th inst.
A Wondrrfal ntycoverjr.
The last quarter of a century records
many wonderful discoveries in medicine,
Imt none that have accomplished old household more for
humunitv ’Browns’ than iliat sterling
reinedv r» rneiiv, I .row n Iron i ron Bitter. r.. r It i seem. -eerie to 10
contain the very elements ot good “eaJtlt,
11ml neither man, woman or child c„»i take
it witliont deriving the greatest benefit.
Browns’Iron Bittern is sold by all dealers.
NO. 13.
Royal makes the food pure.
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Rev. It. K. L. Harris, of Grawfordville.
acc'impained by Mr. S. II. Rhodes, dellv.
ored a temperance lecture at Dcrmuda on
Tlm 1 s,lay night of last week. The meet¬
ing was very poorly attended. Why so
my Denmula friends?
Can a consistent rlmrch member lie In
favor of or vote for bar rooms? This is a
question that each one must answer for
himself, remembering at the same time
that we arc individually responsible for
our acts to a Judge who never makes a
mistake or passes an unrighteous judge¬
BETTER than cure is prevention.
Dy taking Hood's Sarsaparilla you
may keop tvcll, with pure blood, strong
nerves and a good APPETITE
Ri ' in ,,uich needed.
Gardens are poor in this vicinity,
We’d like to meet a girl who is pretty 1
nnd . does . not know tt. ..
Mrs. Luke Moss visited Mrs. Mana
Slierrer, of Wilkes, this week,
Miidam rumor says there will be a big
wedding this week near Phillips church.
A K real many more people are infiti
fer, ced to good by caution than by virtue.
Having to please all kinds of cranks is
the dark side of astreet car conductors
Little ZeU SI,errer visited little Ger
tnute Walker and Alace Pammig’ U**;>
Watches and candidates are very
much alike— if they don’t run they are
no good.
’ Miss C. L. Walker visited relatives in
Wilkes this week and reports having a
pleasant time.
Keeping your husband in hot water
does’iit make him a bit more tender to¬
wards you.
Mrs. J. W. Rives is spending this week
with her mother Mrs. Martha Sherrer of
Greene county.
We liave had enough lectures to make
11 s all hute to see a thunder head rise for
fear the ground will he wet.
Some say they will have to dig their
spring oats as there is none 011 top the
ground they must be under the ground.
Mrs. Martha Wright, a much loved old
lady, visited Mr. W. A. Bea/.ley’s family
recently. We are always glad to see our
old friends.
Mr. W. T. Combs our highly esteemed
merchant and family visited his brother
Mr. Tom Lunceford’sfamily near Lynt
ville last Sunday.
Show. Show, Mr. \V. G. Trade
showed at Combs recently. He could eat
tire and spit out ribbon and do several
other tricks too numerous to mention.
Mrs. Jim Hendrix passed away last
Thursday eve after a long suffering. Line Her
remains were carried to County
church for interment. We extend our
heart felt sympathies to the bereaved
^fl^ 1 eething
i Children
Are generally Puny. Stan-nrh op*ot.
Cowelt out of order—do not rest
welt at eight, the yery bo*t romedy
tor children while teething b
It rmrtm Dtarrhaea, requlotc* the
Stomach and Boweta. core* Wind
Colic, aoftona (ha 6 om». cures Chol¬
era Infantum, Cholera Morbus, Grip¬
ing, and act* promptly. U is good
for adalts, too. and Is a specific fsr
vomiting during prsgnancy.
Sold by all Druggists, 23 and 30c.
j :?
tuiaWy »«wr»d. FTE net whin patxxt ____ obtaikEH.
g nd ra , Klel or , k . tch .its « P Wtiea for fr-r rc,^n u ts
48-PA0E BOOK FRSE. Contaim* re ferent
%nd foil infoTtoatioh. ®*.5 Writ* f«r SPECIAL OFFER.
Dn>1 * * 3l, ‘ ! ' 11 '’S> D.