Newspaper Page Text
m.ushkd BVKRY FiunAY morning
Official Organ Taliaferro C*.
CRAWFORDV'Il.LE. MAY 30, 1808.
Democratic Mass Meeting.
A mass meeting of the Demo- :
trull, of Taliaferro county will bo
held in couri house in Crawford-j !
vine, (in., on Saturday, the 21st
day of , May, w at . 11:30 0 ,s a. m. . All, A 11 i
I lie democrats of Tatiafurrooran. j
tv are requested to 1st present,
The object * of the mass meeting
to elect-a . new „ Executive ... Com*
1 n*iay rt .
biisinessas proi»rly cotne
before the meeting.
John R. Kknduiok.
Chair, of Dom. Ex. Com. I
Dr. Warren Candler has been
made Bishop.
Wm. K. Gladstone, one of
England's greatest statesmen,
died, Wednesday.
Gov. Atkineon ban the appro
m «". T Of .he way
managed the enlistment () f
( .M.nn'-I V ' volunteers If he had
enlisted the companies .... as a WHO., wonld Imvt. .......
who did not wanl to go and as it
the war were given a chance.
Program of Mercer Cnii entity Coin*
Friday evening, .lutie 3. An
nual tioliale between Phi Deltn
;tntl Gieertmiiui Litorary Kocii*
t ies.
Saturday evening, .June 4.
Freshman prise Declamation
Sunday morning, .lunef>, II
1 1 'clock. Baccalaureate sermon
a', tho fust Baptist church, by
Rev. F. H. Kerfoot. D. I).. LL
I)., Louisville. Ky.
Sunday evening, June 5.
Sermon before the Missionary
Society by Rev. J. A. Wynne,
iY l).. Gainesville, Ga.
Monday evening. June tt.
Sophomore , prize . n Declamation . ..
Tuesday morning, June 7, 11
o'clock. Junior exhibition of
original spcochoH.
Tuesday evening, June 7. An¬
nual address before the Alumni
Association by Rev. A. A. Mar¬
shall, Atlanta, Ga.; and Annual
address before the Literary Ko
cietioN by Rev. F. G. McGonncll,
D. 1).. Lynchburg. Vu.
Wednesday morning, June H.
Comnuincoimmt day.
Wednesday evening. June H.
Moot court by the law class.
Miss Irma Humphrey and
Mr. Arthur Junes wore married
Sunday at the home of the bride's j
father in this county. Wo wish j
them u happy life.
Miss Della, a twelve year i
tiid daughter of Mr. W. J. Ed¬
wards, fell from a tree last Fri¬
day and rt c ‘ived a serious hurt
b i is improving.
Drs. J. A. Rhodes and B. F.
Daniel were in consultation yes¬
terday concerning sonic patients i
of the former near Hillman.
1 j
Arc You m
Tired? !
.Tuat remember that nil your
strength must coma from vour
fool.' Did you ever think of
thatP muscles need *
I’trhnps your
more strength, or your stomach nerves; is
or weak perhaps your digest what
and cannot
you oat.
If you need more strength
th-'n take
of Cod-Livt r Oil with Hypo
phosphites. Tho oil is tho most
easily chan/red of all foods into
strength; aud tho hj poplios
phites are tho Ixwt
tonics for the nerves.
SION is tho easiest
uud quiokost euro for
weak throats, for
i cou ghs of every kind,
I anr" for all cases of do
/ i . v,n ‘loss'of r «re»*tr nerves.
>n ’ flesh
Jog. id >1.00; *11 draggtws.
SCOTT ft •;-.»» NT. Chemists, Nsw York.
Why and Why Nots.
I.s not the Athens dispensary
ayj4toni wHh all its mora i occurs
edness better than the common
drunkery? !
Is a barkeeper more likely to
fair than a dispenser a]>
pointed by law receiving, salary
whether he sells or not?
Would noc adispenser with all
his moral accursed ness be less
likely to noil to minors? ;
Would not a dispensary such
as Clarke county has in Athens,
paying Ain biu.uuu (W)intn 11110 tlio tin tre-Knrv iroasuiy
go a great deal farther towards
trying the crime it would pro-. than the tax from the com
mon ivtr bar-i viumwV ooms.
If the men of Taliaferro eoun
ty will put their money into j
liquor would it not be better for
them to abolish a dispensary?
But as I am a christain. must I
n#it not shun nverv e\ery 'iimmriincp appoai ance <»f Ol
evil oven to banish intoxicating
drink not only from my town hut i
f roin n iy communion table?
If there is as much liquor sold
in dry counties as in wet ones,
why do liquor dealers batve
^i;? d " yu " d
to wet ones to sen. 1
If is so ninch lu l uor 111 u ,
drv count v why do the wet men
• nii'ibit
”' y 1 .^"r ion carries t rudci
ll ' va J 1,0,11 11 •
^. ;i ^ J ^
for other purposes? !
If we put lifty million into
tighting material does that put
more money into the hands of
the people or does it leave it in
the hands of the manufacturer? !
Does the #900,000.000 we spend |
yearly in the United States cir
dilate among the people or does
it merely circulate among the
liquor makers and liquor sellers ?
Does not the dollar you pay
into the liquor dealers hand slay
there except the amount paid
out. to the town councils which
goes only to the town and not to
the county around it?
The camel is a beast Ajf great
strongtli and endurance; the Noth
j n ^ bm-ts if until proyerbiiF '
“last stritv. ” is added to i!.,»»»*•»
TTrehutnau digestive s,vs-'
tom is very much like a camel,
It i.s really astonishing how I
much abuse it will stand. Some
times, however, something worse
than usual will he oaten, and will
go through the stomach into the
bowels, and there it will stick
that's constipation. Nine-tenths
of all human sickness is duo to i
constipation. Some of the 1
simplest symptoms breath, are coated
tongue and foul dizziness,:
heartburn, Haluletico, sallow-'
ness. distress after tutting,
headaches and lassitude A
little thing will cause thing eonstipa
tion. uud a little will re
lieve it. Dr. Bierces Pleasant
Pellets are a certain cure for
constipation. They are tiny,
sU gar^-coated granules, mild There and
natural in their action. ;
is nothing injurious about them.
Sold by druggists.
Address with IT cents in one-'
cent mailing stamps, only. to World’s cover Dispensa¬ cost of)
ry Medical Association, Buffalo,
N. V.. and get a free Copy 01
the “People s ( ouunon Sense
Medical Advisor. "
Satnrdav Lvenlng.
Yottr presence is requested at
tho court house iu this plate
Saturday evening at 3 o'clock*.
There will be matters of interest
Up COtU’Cruiug the cotu
illg duct loll “for or agaiust" ;
the sale of whiskey in this eoun
ty. It i.s a mutter of your tndL ,
victual responsibility and you
should come out and express
your dosin'.
Pros. P. 1). Pollock, of the i
(J ,'ortria Teacl.ers Association,
request*, us to state that the' 3rd
annual moating of tlie* Assocta
tion will be held at Cumberland
Island. J une L’lHh to July 2. 1
A snlcnd.d itrogram litis beo'.l
arranged tor every day. Spieti
did and reasonably hott-1
accom iiadati iu and t nuisiyort.
;k>u have boon provided for.
Barnwell A Yickei'S SUV
" , t hcV misronresout their
buggies, mi (H*" . n any , body
v ises bugs S . Older to sell
\ ( >i:. thev will close their doors
ud take their sign down.
Married at PeuHeltl.
There v.-as a most interesting
and beautiful marriage consu
‘Hated at the Presbyterian church
in Pen tie Id Tuesday night a 7
o'clock. Mr. Ulpian S. Chartip
if >n. one of Greene'county's best
young men. and Miss Lucy Kate
Moore on. of that historic old
towns prettiest young lauies,
vvere married by Rev. Mr.
‘Smith of Greenesboro. The
<*««* handsomely
«d ™ evergreens and white
dowersart.sticallyarranged with
SUCh taste as Pentield ladies
usually dis[,lay.
rl ‘e attendants were: Miss
»««*« »a' isou and Mr. £ R.
Boswell; Miss Bertha Kate
Dav ison and Mr. Edgar T.
^^eU. do, s and Jr^; Mr - Miss C. AnnieSau- Golclough;
Miss Lila Golclough and .Mr. R.
L. McCommons. The sweet lit
tie flower gills W'ore Emily Bos
w,c * 1 111111 Ktt.i trn.L f Lolclough. Y,„rh rph„ Hi
IJ-t ef prosents was large, in
eluding many Jmuusome ana
valuable articles. For iack of
space we cannot give the list.
1 Y v m-irehed
A A reception ..
most sump, urns
vvils given at the brick residence
of Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Boswell.
rpi... ...... f^eu (r .. an( i'
shmv , d that they fully enjoyed
the feast and hospitality so lav¬
ishly bestowed. Mr. and Mrs.
Boswell know well how to enter
tain as this brilliant occasion
We never saw guests enjoy them
selves better and appreciate it
inore -
Go to Farming*
Do you wmii to buy or trade
for a farm? If so, write us for
descriptions of some of our bar¬
gains. Let us know what kind
of place you want, how much
you can pay and upon vvliat terms
you wish to buy. We can meet
your requirements. bargains
We have many farm
for sale in Tennessee, North
Carolina and North Alabama.
Our places range in p^D- * nn
«.qbo to<P2&ij(X>. We Ijiia P*** in
uie business of selling farms ex
elusively for ten years. We are
familiar with values
and conditions throughout this
section. If you want consult to buy, it
will pay you to us.
Write for our list of farms for
sale. Sent free to any
Crabtree's Farm Agency,
Chattanooga, Term,
Hon. W. H. Fleming has our
thanks for copies of his speeches.
He is making a tine record in
“It is the Best on Earth.”
That is what Edwards it
Darker, merchants of White
Plains. Ga . say of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm, for rheumatism,
lame back, deap seated and
muscular paius. Sold by Dr. R.
j. Reid,
Engnnings of American Hemes Will Ik
Sent Free.
H'e have just p'ublishetl the most hand
some ,ngrnvi„gs ever issue,, of
«l'*re Dewey who won the great naval bat
tie ill llu* I’hillipino Islands. Rear Ad¬
miral Sampson who 1ms charge of 11
licet of American warships at Havana '
Commodore Schley commander of the
Flying Squadron. Captain Sigsbec who
was eommantler of our Battle Ship Maine.
An 1 of our brave consul general at Hava¬
na who is now Major General Lee
whe will command the volunteer fonts
that will invade tuba. To any one who
" m s, ' lul ,!S :i Hst ” f
ladies of their neighborhood and si\ two
cent stamps we will send anv one of the
,,hove large engravings free of charge, or
if the entire collection of the five Ameri
c..n Ilerees is desire,1 -end usn list of
twentv names of different ladies and
twenty iwo cent stamps and we will send
you the five engravings In return mail.
These engravings are the most beauti¬
ful ovet pttiilished and art- handsome
emmgh to go into an\ home. Send is
tli • iki of nmuesand st.tmps to- ia\ t:« the
edition is limited. There is no advertising
on any of the engraving-. In sending
tlate wlto-e engraving yon J. -sir.
Address, PastelotviH* i'-.. 2 ! Duane
Stret!, Xry Yoikfiiy.
Arc You U taL’
\Waknfs< mmiitVsts it- AC i tlic loss c.f
gn.Mii. a und aching hones. TIk* blood is
w..tery: th-tGs„ev are rasting-t!... d...*r is
;ng open* . tor d •«•*»<«'. A f- t tie et Brown*’
t •• a Bi:t. rs in time v. • rr.' v-'iir
yr-ngm. >..y.r rt.-rv-.«. muke year
blond r;rh an? r.-ti. Pi yon more c-r;
than a.: rtpeieiv,-- speoird course of medicine.
Browns’Ir. ' Hitters is sold by ail dealers.
Foul ^Smelling
Cftarrh in one of the most obstinate
iiseises, und hence the most difficult
to g-t rid of.
j Tie re is but one way to cure it.
rhe lisease is in the blood, and all the
tprii s. washes and inhaling mixturpa
^^^r?,. jfj T Catarrh permanently, n0 sSTp:! for it is
e c . u reg
the smy remedy which can reach the
iieetse and force it from the blood.
M- B*P. McAllister, of Harrodsburg,
*J ( %£XSj\MX2. Mg. a {SSK
<>»ch winter I was «orM
PWlR Motif,'uij tt»n the ve»r preriotir ‘iSoui!
,73m J\t& totxyct tob-rured br
rename* which ont I
MBm, j Then r ** ch< ’ t decided ! ,h r durfnee. to try
8. S'. S„ «»ia af.jr a few bottles were used. I no¬
ticed a ptroeptllMe improvement. Continuing
the re met y, the dl nowio mtm forced out of mj
system, n d a complete cur<* wft* th»* result,
laciris© it.; wiio bftve this dreadful disease to
Abandon tf*eir local treatment, which has never
(Voj>«* thw any good, and take S. b. b.. a rem
»dy that e* r n s-S.+ch the disease and cure It.’
To omtin te the wrong treatment for
0at«rrhi8 to continue to niffn. Swift’s
it R real blood remedy, and
rejre dtewjre.
{v j iatevel upon. It promptly reaches
to cure even the
S.S>.5. £ , Pq** 1^| DlOOU _ J
ifcw-ja The
dangers minerals. Specific
Books mailed free by Swift
Company, Atlanta, Georgia,
pecial Notice.
My st,n, Johnnie Simmons, who i
underage, lias left me and I hereby notify
llie public that his wages belong to me
and any off hiring him will be expected
to pay iiis wages to me.
C’rifwfordville, Ga., April 19, 1898.
Do yoii expect free to doany large papering! selection i oi <
will send you a
samples from 3c per roll up. all new color
i'ngx and novelties up to date. WE PAN
FREIGHT. We want an agent in every
town to sell on commission from, large
sample books No capital required. Foi
samples or particulars, address WOLF.
747-758 Ninth Avo., N. Y. City.
U?iuB. VIlHL -dD COW HAoiTo
A, positive and permanent cure
2 uartkcitc^t‘ in 5 days* Absolutely hanxi-csi
No u tapering off" isstssLiir* process —No subsUtu
Hon *>at.c£
r. m'-t a. ounn, m.d.,
41 Eft <■>- * v - .y, rn**
j Exchange —RATES:—
j . Per Day, 551.00,
Hotel. Pci Week. 54.00, $4.80
j * and 55.7.00,
A. Proprietor, J. ADKINS, 163 Marietta St.
Opposite Miller «te Brady's Cel braid
Stables, the Largest in the South.
I|o Suw MUts. Cotton Gins Cotum
Presses, Grain Separators,
Chisel Tooth and Solid Saws. Saw
Teeth. Inspirators, Injectors,
i Repairs anil a full line of Brass Goods.
Lr/s'Send for Catalogue and l’l ices.
Southern Managers.
N°s. .-.t ,V V3 S. Fbrsytl, fit.. ATLAMA.JJA,
The New York World,
IS Pages a Week . . .
. . 1 15(1 Papers a Year
,>n,,,is,M ' a ev *’»y Alternate Day except
The Tiiriec-r.-Week Edition of Tin*
New York World is first among ai!
••weekly” papers in size, frequent y of
publication, and the freshness, aeeiint y
and variety of its contents It ha* ail the
merits of a great $5 dailv at the price of a
dollar weekly. Its political aud impartial news is prompt
complete, accurate e.s all its
readers will testify. It is against the
monopolies and for the people.
It prints the news of all ti:-* world,
having sp-. c al correspondence from ai! im¬
portant news points on the globe. It ha>
’ori’ iilU'trations, stories by great au¬
thors, a capita! humor page lie hou-eboid complete
market, departments for l
and woman's work and other special i •
psrtmems of unttsna; interest.
We ofier tiiis muapialed in-wspaper aud
'fite Ad'*pe«te-rKmncrat together ne
vear for 8l.t5*». The regutov sul>seription
price of tin' two papers is 82.0a.
artistic genius AND /!
fine tailoring
High Quality—Low Price
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Agent at Crawfordville.
O To Splendid UR ket'p offer our direct ’98 GRAND ijreut models factory the we rider. have busy, concluded and OFFER introduce to make early u marvel¬ our $100
ous to
For 30 days we will sell samples of our swell ’08 bicycles uf net
COSt to manufacture and will ship, C. o. D. on approval to
•my address on receipt of the nominal sum of 81.00 (if west of Denver, So). This
depositc is merely to show jvood faith on purchaser’s part; if you tlon’l want to send
money in advance, send your express agent’s guaranty for charges one way and we
will pay them the other'if you don’t want the wheel,
STREPIAN >310LlU Digest grade, embodying every late improvement of value,
1 1-4 inch imported tubing, flush joints, improved two-piece
cranks, arch crowd, largedutatchable s irockets, handsomest finish and decorations,
Morgan & Wright, quick repair tires, single or double tube, high grade equipment.
Special prieeon sample.............................................$29.00
mSSACK A splendid machine, equal to anv for service and easy running.
vu rr Dost 1 1-8 inch seamless tubing.'two piece cranks, arch crown,
detachable sprokets, finely finished and decorated, Morgan <fc Wright, quick repair
tires, single or double tube, high grade equipment. Our special sample price $24. 0,1
KT ONDIKE Best medium grade for 1398, 1 1-8 inch tubing, striped and
n.LiUr u 1 iWm-Ht.ed arch crown, dust-proof bearings, ball retainers, best
Indiana or New HrunMwick tiros, standard equipment,. Special price on sample 8 | 9 00
NOTE. Choice of Color, Style, Height, Hear, etc. Fully Guaranteed.
You will be surprised at the appearance and quality of these wheels. Don’t wait,
order now while this oiler is open. Prices will he much higher soon. You can make
Big Money as our Agents, selling for us. We give cut agents choice of cash, the
free use of a sample wheel, or gift of a wheel, according to work done.
Do You Want Cheap Wheels?
We have numbers of 1890 and 1897 model wheels of various makes and styles, some
a little shop-worn, but all new ........................ $ I 2.00 to $ I 6-00.
Wheels Slightly Used, Modern Types, $8.00 to $12.00.
Our business and reputation are known throughout the country. References, any
of the express companies, or any bank in Chicago. Art catalogue free. Spoqre
agency at once. - ->
The J, L. Mead Cycle Co., - Chicago, 111.
War! War! War!
Yon want ALL tlu* news of Hn‘ war with Spain and you
want it OFICK. A higli price daily c osts too much but
you want the news just the same.........
The New York World Iwelk
Will give you ALL the war news every other day just as good as a daily.
Everybody knows the enterprise of this great paper which gives all the news
of the world in 8 pages every other day or ‘24 pa^es per w< e';. ....
We will send you that great paper for 49 weeks or 10 months (almost a
year) for only ONE DOLLAR am] yyill scut} you FREE for the 3 anie time
your choice of
The Atlanta Weekly".Journal,
The People s Party Caper, 1
Missouri Wpyhl,
Chicago Kjtpreffiffi,
or Cotton World.
CUT this out giving-the name of the paper containing this advt. and mark
what paper you want FREE. One Dollar pays th • full bill, pend today! Don’t
miss anjissue! NATIONAL PAPER CI-UP,
Be progressive ftnq keen up with pie age. Typewtiters are now a necessity
in even* jiqti of Imsine--.
T Y P EVt/R IT E R S FROM $15,00 UP.
Remingtons, Smith-Premiers. New Franklins, Drnsmofes, Williams Calk
j graplis, aud ail
At Astonishing Prices. Largest Exclusive Typewriter House fit tjja South,
lle-tEquipped TYPEWRITER REPAIR PLANT in the South,
The875.00 Anti-Trust Machine. SEND FOR CATALOGUE.
Southern Typewriter Headquarters,
41 I Peactree St.. Atlanta, Ga.
When You Need
Lumber, Laths, - Lime,
Shin des, ?Iot;idings. for Duors. Snsh. Blim!«. t’ement. Plaster Par’- Plastering
llair”8;-w r Piue v,.:,r well or dilebes. .Jam for your Lcirti, Jugs for your
Syrup, etc..
Bolts, Hinges, and Screws for Your Doors or Blinds,
Nalb, Locks, Coat or Hat Hooks. Slic'd Brackc-’s or anything else you may
need in a COMPLETE HOUSE, Confer with the.
Washington Manufacturing Co •»
They will give you right prices every time you call on {hem,