Newspaper Page Text
i£ ^ Mag as5 ™
if winter
[ So the the approach falling of the of hair age tells find
I dining power.
No matter how barren the tree
r how leafless it may seem,
ou confidently expect leaves
I igain. And why?
. Because there is life at the
i oots.
So you peed not worry about
/he falling of your hair, the
threatened departure of youth
and beauty, And why? of
Because if there is a spark
fe remaining in the roots of
e hair
1 9
c m
r 'X:
will arouse it into healthy activ¬
ity. The it begins hair ceases to and come the
put: to grow:
glory of your youth is restored
|. to you.
we have a book on the Hair
1 and its Diseases. It is free.
Tho Best Advice Free,
, If you <lo not obtain ail tho bonefiU
you expected the doctor fronj $he about use it. of (he l^robably Vigor*,
there is some difficulty with your gen¬
eral system which may ho easily
■ removed. Address.
DU. J. C. AVER, Lowell, Mas;.
# New Barber Shop.
S II be in Crawfordville regularly
a Jay to serve the people in first class
> S itting, shaving and shjimpoolng. I
j St .sit your homes and do hair cutting
ft .hompooing for the ladies and child
I also sharpen razors. Shop at Mi, P.G
icns’ store. Give me a call.
t Crawfordville, Ga.
r mines & Boilers 1
■ — n ana——
fins and Presses.
• omplntoCotton. Saw. Grist. anil
I tili/.or Mill outfits: also Gin Press, Cane
.11 and Shingle outfits.
Building, Bridge. Factory Furnace and
Railroad Castings; Railroad Mill, Macliinr
isfk’ and Factory Supplies.
Belting, Packing, Injectors, Pipe Fit
tiigs, Saws. File*. Oilers, Etc. CAST
Linbard Iron irks & Supply Co.
Foundry, Machine, Boiler and Gin IVorks.
: Repairs Promptly Done.
Fol J Information as to Routes, Schedules
and Rates, both
""O i i senger and Freight,
Wl’il to either uf the undersigned,
5 u will receive prompt reply arid
rely Jo inforiirion.
4<u IV. WHITE, A. G .IACKS<)V.
e. i*. a. G. P. A,
AiiRUSta, Ga.
' S. H] WII.KKS, ,, K.
c. ■ * * e. a. "\theu
fl Atlanta
IV. V nyitmvjcK, . ■ , i ;
■', 8. A, r
Macon, Ga.
M. trnsox, v. w. corn <
F. A. s. r. a r. A.
edgcvillc. August*,
II Ihriifik ^
xzoi* ennes;
fcy a 5 *^“
men T°ir£*Z
restrJ *
treat TTci^t Nev^yWk
ist street, city.
mu out cared snC piir. a; B Solic .ole Hsbltj of witii- par-
Pure Home Matters iPic)t&j Uu oy Onr
Local Eepcrtei*.
want Our People Are Ooiec nnA Saying.
Tiling Our yriumls Tell L*.
Tan slippers for ladies at
Paul G. Lucas’.
—Mayor Claud Holden, of
White Plains, was in town Fri
See those nice neck ties
from 5c to 50c at Paul Lucas'.
—There was some prohibition
speeches at the court house Sat
W. T. Johnson, Washington,
sells everything on wheels.
—Mr. Ira Farmer, of visiting Thom-j
son, was here this week
Try the Washington Mfg.
Co. on nails and builders hard
—Miss Maggie Weaver of
Greenesboro spent Monday in
Sawed brackets any style or
shape gotten out by the Wash
ing-ton Mfg. Co.
—Messrs. Fouche are finishing
the painting on the offices in the
Holden building.
New 1 lot fancy bosom shirts, St
stylish and pretty and cheap 1
Paul G. Lucas’,
—Paul H. Chapman, of Cov
ington, spent Sunday with his
home folks here
—Remember those who can’t
resist liquor when you get ready
to vote next week.
Best shingles at lowest liv
,ng prices can , be , bought , . ot
Washington Mfg. Co. | j
—There will be another pro-1 i
liibition speaking at the court
house here Saturday. i ;
w Lev. r L. P. rv -ixr- niter . pleached , t 1
some logical sermons here Sun
day and Sunday night. i
—Mr. Ed. Sanford is spend
mg few weeks with his mother s
family at Liberty Hall.
Get our prices on laths and
apd brick before you begin your
house. Washington Mfg. Co.
—Mrs. W. A. Legwen return¬
ed Monday from a visit to her
daughter at Buckhead.
—War nows is getting a little
tame now, and some political
talk is taking the place.
—Jt is a wise man who raises
his own corn hfffj wheat and war
prices do not reach him.
If you want a pretty dress
at cost call at P. U. Lucas’.
—Miss Mamie Moore, of White
Plains, went down Wednesday to
commencement at Stellaville.
—L. N. Gunn, formerly of
this place, has enlisted in the !
Georgia volunteers from Savan
See W. T. Johnsons, "Wash¬
ington, Ga,, for Buggies and
Wagons. He buys in car load
lots and makes low prices.
—If a dry May has anything
to do with making a good crop |
this year will make a good
Everything in the mercantile
line at old time low prices, at
P. G. Lucas, No war prices
—Mr. and Mrs- L. L. Oslin re
turned to their home at Barnett,
Wednesday after a visit to Craw
Full and complete line
f-nicv and stick candies fresh G.’
sweet f, and cheap at Paul |
uca .s'
-OH„ Hubert had charge pYiday of .
.be telegraph office here
while E. C. Gunn took In the
annual picnic.
Barnwell & Vickers are
never undersold, but if you will
come to see them they will un¬
- Sidney Johnson came over
from Washington on his bike
and attended the picnic Friday '
Wirt, the hoy S .
—Cotton is looking tolerably 1
are not suffawnff from,
dry weather.
Ashley &-Denham, of White !
Plains, are buying cows and
Highest Market prices
for them.
—Col. R. L. Berner, candidate
r Governor, will^-speak in
at 10 o’clock next
—Miss Gussie Johnson, of :
=« tws
pi, >-e first of this treck.
Mr „ Jun T . v ! n , T L * D i? . n
~- ' !
ry Point, was badly hurt on the
Monda Monrbr' . w'hile^-li^ w nile co.i<.lin, cws cars. ^ .
Planters CUBAN OIL cure*
Cut*, Barn-. BrnDf-a, Rheu- |
matlsm ar. * So *■<-?. Vti - 2 > -tn*?.
War, War, War! i
Not ^Vith Spain, but Against High Prices!
I auxins trade with ny Taliaferro friends '
am very to my
just four-folcl in 189 $. I appreciate your past faors and will make a
desperate effort to your trade.
Top Buggies § 43 . 00 ). One Horse Wagons # 6 . 00 . Single Harness
$ 0.00
Freight paid on all orde>s over 510 00 Vompt service. Polite
. .
attention. Big bargains,
W. T. JOHNSiN, Washington. Ga.
—Crops between Crawfordville
and Pentield are growing off
very well considering the 1111 -
favorable weather we have had.
—Mrs. Anna Weaver and chil¬
dren, of Macon, have been
spending a week with her sister
Mrs. H. M. Holden at this place.
-Mr. J. H. Jackson and his
excellent lady called by to see 11 s
» fo ' v days ago. We were glad
to see him in good spirits and
improved iu health.
Barnwell & Vjpkers are re¬
ceiving weekly car loads of bug
rP eSi It is nothing to them to
get in three or four car loads a
—It would be a good idea for
our people , to turn their atten
tion to raising wheat. With im¬
proved drills and raised, separators it
can be profitably
—We gladly give space to
Mrs. Adkins’ warning tp the
voters of this county. \ Our
^ { 1 &tm
tors of important local interest.
According . _ to , the newspapers,
Ohio husband became the
happy lather of seven children
ot long ago. Of the seven all
lived but oue . It is to be hoped
he laid in a supply of Chamber*
Iain's Cough Remedy, the only
sure cure for croup, whooping
cough, colds and coughs, and so
insured his children against
these diseases. For sale by Dr,
R. J. Reid.
—We are preparing to got out
a special Stephens High School
edition of the Advo-Democrat.
We want the help of our people,
Advertise your school upd towu.
—Send us in orders for extra
copies of our High School edl
do., ot ac Katul
to all your friends in other sec
tions. It will not cost you
The Westfield (Ind.) News
prints the following in regard to
an old resident of that place:
“Frank McAvoy, for many years
in the employ of the L. N. A. &
Ry. here, says: “I have used
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years
longer—am never without it
in my family. I consider it the
best remedy of the kind manu¬
factured. I take pleasure in
recommending it. > ■> It is a
specific for all bowel disorders.
sale by Dr. R. ,T. Rojd.
Murden returned
Monday from Charleston where
he went on the excursion Batur
night. He says he did not
see Schley's flying squadron
down there.
Barnwell & Vickers can
meet all fair and honorable com
tn aV1 dfrtv mSods 6
vv ‘ lslini ^ ro111 ' ,ltl
-The friends of Capt. Ed.
Young, of Greeneshqt'Q are sorry
to Jem, of hie wriouu Ul.**,
r^ver ^th f ^l H siclt
sl of la
Come! Come!! Come!!!
line consisting . . ,, of r f avorvlhim^lh-it eveiy thing that
belongs to a drug store. We
also have a nice line oj cornba
brushes and toilet articles of all,
ment kinds. ig Our prescription i Ie fl. Wegtwnm- depart- j
toe accuracy and perfect satis
faction . We call special atten
Ll ° ‘ octoiutortiniac mmhc A
brushes, etc. < >ur . line
nice o j
stationery is complete and cheap.
We have just received a fresh
line of paints, oils, varnishes,
turpentine, gasoline, and don't
y TherefL, 01l f or o- P t we bought them right.
,ve tog wc urn ublu
‘“.sell you anything yo *® ntl
cheaper than ever bought before. j
Ail we ask of you is to come and
f . xam ine OU r new stook.
Soda water tickets. 7 for 25c j
Qr -jq ^ or & j
New Bri
Th Pi*«ic Friday.
The picie at Daniel's Springs
Friday wa pretty well attended !
from this faction. All report a
good time but the distance made ;
it quite trublesome to get con
veyances, iid the long ride made
sick ......... l their trip. L Several i .
of the boVf went out Oil bicycles ’,
find _ had , CJltti it spill . OVOl* tliosoj
hilly \ road. Think next timej
the ,, town feme should be had .
closer to tun.
Barnvdl n ", n & 'i xriut" Vickers , do 1 , a
Square , bllf neSS. rm They Will toll , ,,
you the *rtde 1)11 —V they ‘ sell
you. '
IiDortmil .Mooting 1 .
A meeti g of importance to
the Sons <f Veterans Camp No.
70 is calle at the court house
Sa turd ay ‘vening, at 2 o'clock
May lie meeting concerns
our visitfp Atlanta July 20th to
23rd and -very member who can
should bepresent. Be ready to
report tl- company and regi¬
ment to ,vhich your father be¬
State 01 Ohio, City of To ss
i, edo, Lucas County.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath
that he is’the senior partner of
the firm F. J. Cheney & Co.,
doing business in the City of To
ledo. County and State aforesaid,
ahd that said firm will pay the
LAiiS for each and every case
of Catarrh H .5 cannot be cured
the Frank J. ^ Cheney. Catarrh
Sworn to before me and sub
Ycribod in my presence, this (5th
day ot December, A. D. 1 H£»f >.
A. W. Gleason.
i SEAL, I Notary Public.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken
internally and acts directly on
tho blood ana mucous surluees
of the system. Solid Jnr test i
Address F. J. CnK^Co J.OUAIO, \J
Sold by druggists. 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills are the
Their Fat Melted.
Some cattle men bought some
^ cowg bero distance' recently and drove
then a gooi sta 3 , and a one * of
them died It is said that its fat
melted which caused its death.
said that fat horses
driven severely in hot weather
cause their fat to
liquid and cause death. That is
rather * queer, 1 but is thought ”
be reasonable.
viKSw, K
live years his wife has been a
sufferer from rheumatism. A
few nights ago she was in such
octo ? 1 h‘ had leadof h.uu
berlain s Pam Balm and instead
going for the physician hn
wantto the atora
«rst.' f w mn-ortl.e\.«s
at but
tho Balm thoroughly wusTtble
in an hour's time
go to sleep. She now applies
whenever she feels an ache
pain and finds that it always
relief. He gays that no
me dicine which she had used
did her as much good. The
and 50 cent gi ze s for sale by
«• J j
Died in Atlanta.
Mr. Henry C. Randall, who
was raised near Robinson, died
Atlanta last week after a.short
illness. He moved to Atlanta
some years ago and was succeed
ing in business in that >> '•/•<
and his fri rds in i
Brightest Items from Near by
To the Credit of die Excellent Gnintv
Journals from Which Wo (Jot
the Creamy News.
—Miss Mary Appling, of
Oglethorj S-J 6 , C- iod suddenly in
Athens la C
—Mr. W. F, Winfrey lost his
barn, crib and other out houses
by weelc. tire near Stephens,
—The building of , a new court .
house for tne county is being
seriously cousiderod in Wilkes
—Ml*. Charles M. Barksdale
and Miss Gertrude Garwood
were married in Warronton on
Thursday last .
Dr. J. B. Robins will deliver
the literary address at the clos
mg . . ot the . tty Washington 1 •
school Oil June 15.
jy u ^t . oi i litis tl , Ht.icl cii Ot r
y* ' d ,
oa, \ s whichH 10 is confident will
make a, hundred bushels per
a(JV „ i _ 8parta i s hmaelito.
Pleasant, harmless, reliable,
Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic l is the
best . . remedy , for r wounds, . , burns,
, bn,lses . Stln f 1USeCtS . . 0lCl ,
> ”' S °
—Mr. Albert Thornton, of
bert:, and Miss Ellen Goolsby,
wero married at the home of the
latter in Wilkes on May 8 .
For barbed wire cut son stock
use Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic.
Nothing equal to it in such cases.
50 cents a bottle.
—Col, J. J. Hickman organiz
ed Good Templar lodges at
l'enton, Lexington, Crawford and
Wintel’ville with largo lists of
For in (lamed eyes, sore throat 1
SOl’H moiltll, use Dr. J. ichenor S
Antiseptic. Pleasant to
ami smell and will 0 give quick 1
reliet. ,. „
—Mr. George Agee, of
ta. returned to Washington ^ on tl
sad . mission . . on lir Wednesday, 3 coin
ing to biu-y his wife at the old
family burying A** ground iu that
county. Mr is well known
Ul tills county.
If your COW IS suffering
g.Uget, I "cuoilod Spoiled UClUi.l ndflor " iwp - sc U l)r .
Tichonor 8 Antiseptic freely,
is said to be a very ‘tried tine
by those who nave it.
—A . farmer , who , recently ,
from Sparta to White Plains by
one road, and returned by
reports that cotton
about 7.) per cent of the crops
both loads. Cotton is a
; poor war crop, when provisions
; an 3 climbing the price ladder,
. I three rounds at a jump, lsii
i Tichenov’J Don’t van fanrpf llmr T)r
Antiseptic will
j colic in horses and mules.
I cents a dose, two doses in a hot
... II le. Keep •, it convenient. .. •
—Tile following county ticket
nominated in Warren on
May 11: For Legislature, J. T.
Combs; For Sheriff, J. H. Robin
son; For Clerk, J. C. Evans; For
Tax Collector, H. H. Kitchens;
| Fu r Tax Receiver, W. T.
| p or qveasurer, 'w‘ H. 11. Gibson! Hull,
Coroner, 'V.
j Surveyor. Wia. M. Neal.
Accidents happen to the
! careful as well as to the t hought
s ’ B <! ^ lh, T
Keep a bottle . of Dr, Tichonor
i Antiseptic convenient.
i 1 u«B
, three has'been’ years and during
; this tim(! instrumental
in ad( | in ^ umn y new members to
tion i« very much regretted by
; ^people of our town. -Lincoln
. fon j 01irnal .
Whysstte,- wit!, that polo/ol
wound when Dr. r J ichenor s An
' p'py sl ^ "-™ 1
’"a 1 ;t so quickly and cost, so
llttl( ’/ will
5 1 ncc '
•’ "
To TheMuctwr*.
We have opened up a strictly
tirst class ' l)ru<^ T’ Store and would
^ ^ ^ . . , . ,
»Jcf hat you
in an order. We invite you to
call and inspect our store.
Andrews <fe,
j New Brick
.31.. JIM ‘=‘-
3%.}? s '~ _‘
U tike
!U i 'tl
»r. Miles’Heart Cure
Core* a Prominent Attorney.
*1| h
m & i
#.3r V/y.Jk A
/ Sat--.
id* ,\
Am v.
TK /y| Jff R. R. C. PnELPS, the leading pension
attorney of Belfast, N. Y.; j, rites:
"I was discharged from the army on
i account of 111 health, and suffered from had
heart trouble ever since. I frequently
fainting and smothering .spells. My form
was bout as a man of SO. I constantly wore
an overcoat,, oven In summer, for fear of
taking cold. I could not attend to $jy busi*
ness. My rest was broken by severe pains
about tho heart and left shoulder. Three
1 commenced using Dr. Miles’
Heart Cure, notwithstanding I bad used so
much patent medicine and taken drugs from
doctors for years without being helped. Dr.
j is Miles truly 1 Heart wonderful Cure restored medicine me and to health. it affords It
m emuch pleasure to recommend this rem
edy to everyone."
Dr. Miles 1 Remedies Dr.
nro aU d .™*- ! Mite®’
guarantee, flrst°bottio
benefits or money re- Rowtoro*
IunneQ funded - u«)k on fiis- ^ Health
, cases of the heart and j
norvrsfree. Address,
mt. miles medical 00 .. Elkhart, ind.
Under Local Option Liquor
: Law.
G _ ... .. , Liniy.
‘ ( ’, r o n i ilur '! Slli( |
v petition has bkion nwiiED
! , TO aN'» RECEIVED BY THE l iuler
Higncd, signed by more qunlitlnil thmi one*tpiiili of
I the voter*, who nro to vote for
j niimihei'H of the GeiiiTiil Assembly In Tal
laferro held County, Georgia, with for an election
to Iw in iicronluiu'o the pro
i Section* ""'J 1541 to 1550. inclusive, t-ontnlnt-d. of tlus in
First Volume of ll.c Code of 181)5 ami
Other laws of sold State, applleahle to
; eaM oloeilon, to determine whether or not
! such spirituous liquors nw nrc uictitioucii
p, Scealon 1548 of said Vo nine of said
Code shall ho sold wltldn the limits of
said County, etc, JtflfiJTlZ
Wednesday es’fm- the 145, day elections of May, 1808, at
the Plui holding for meiii
hers of the General Assembly of Georgia.
sm<I olectlon he held In accordance
vith ltll , provisions Sections ami requirement*
conndned in 1541 to 1550, ip
"elusive, or Nfiid Volume of said Vatin
and in iiccordunce with the provision*
a „d requirement* of the odmr law* .>1
said State, election. applicable i<> the holding of
*» f 'h an
lupiois a* are mentioned la said section
154#, ahull have written or printed on
; their ticket “Against the 8iil«”nmi those
or printed on theirli.dlois “For the Sale."
If a majority of the votes east at. said
''leedon slnJl he against the siile, il shall
oonsldcrntlon, 1 ^aVtSceZ either direi fly
'•almildo or
Nlwf«y. aWi W toindue.s trade at
nay Diner, nf business, or furnish at any
.other public places, any alcoholic., spirit*
I on*, malt, or intoxicating llcmors, rtrtnu*.. or which in
I I ;^ 'Mfcatlng UDk hitter*, or other imnhwe mUM
to vxveaH
This the 2ist, day «&>• of April, MITCHELL, 1808.
<'n|i«.aryof Taiiaform County, Gcugla.
A „ ^JL -
I j
3l !
listic. Fashionable. Original. Perfect- '
Stamps taken. Latest Fashion Sheet !
“"‘“P 00 ***** o f ,^ c tnt ,0 pay j
" 1 * ^ ‘ *
IWWlAIrlflfe Hktu
Brightest Udle/magatfae pohlishei.
Hints, Fancy Work, Current topics,
Uoo , ime . ,g J« a uun,p, J
ample copy. AAte, IPANyX
H2-J46 West </ York, f
139 Fifth o. 5
i emma" m
209 7Hi St., Augusta. Ga.,
GIVES FREE EYE T c i TS ^ i d free ■ f
"VMf rrrf-iA- t* i* *P ; *«* iriti W.L!L
• v.-h;ie you wait.
FREE OF CHARGE il yy\ nestl
1 aTfC*u .. T<3 3f