Newspaper Page Text
i “Every morning I have a
bad taste in my mouth; my
tongue is 1 coated; my head
aches and often feel dizzy.
I have no appetite for frreakfast
and what food 1 eat distresses
me. 1 hive a heavy feeling in
my stomibh. 1 am getting so
weak that ‘somefifties I tremble
and my nerves are all unstrung.
I am getting pale and thin. J
am as fired in th* morning as
at ‘night. t.’
What does your doctnV ##y?
“You are suffering from im¬
pure blood.”
What is his remedy?
i 0| M .&<
. *.
t f
.nf l ... ' /
You must not ,liave consti¬
pated bowels if you expect b^ywork. the
Sarsaparilla Pills to do its
But Ayer’s cure constipa¬
We have a book on Paleness
and Weakness which you may
have for the asking.
Write to our Doctor*.
3‘efhaps you urould liko to consult
eminent pliyuitMan* about yodir condi¬
tion. Write u* tdU freelv will all receive tho particulars prompt
in yoMt fuse. a
reply; Address, DU. J, C. AYER. •
Lowell, 51as». "
.Mr. 'loin Sum ford Dcrd.
Mrs. M. A, Sanford, Miss
Della, Jordan and Ed. went up
to Greenesboro yesterday to at¬
tend the funeral of Mr. Tom
Sanford. The latter was a
brother of the late Prof. V. T.
Sanford. The news of Mr. Tom
Sanford’s death was quite a
shock as he died suddenly Wed¬
nesday evening from a stroke of
Barnwell & Vickers say
when they misrepresent their
buggies, or run down any body
elses buggies in order to sell
you. they will close their
and take their sign down.
Examination! y
The examination of applicants
for license to teach will be held,
in Crawfordville. on Friday the
1 th day , ot . Junenext, T beginning . .
promptly at 8 o'clock railroad
time, or 8:80 sun time. j
L Those who have not received
Wl of “Manual of Methods”
be supplied by applying for
same. W.M T Flynt
o . S. C. T. C.
— Horace and Curl Hoi
de'n moved into their new
and Holden handsome building. offices They in the have new
suit of front rooms. Dr, M P.
Daedwyler will occupy the ■
other two rooms. i
ards':.d£ -Mr! Washington and Mrs. Garnett R have ; ch . |
county, j
been QU a visit to Crawfordville;
this, \feek. Garnett is teaching
school down iu Washington. j :
------- . i,
P'rceMent McKinley l*;as called
for 75,000 more volunteers.
Lyons wants the yolored people
to be given a, chance. Many
others want them to have a
/ ■f . . ■ Go to tanning.
' :
-r- (i i _ v -
fo, «to 0 ™UHso. writeus bar-j for
ilescriptious of some of our
gains. Let us know what kind
of place you want, how much
vou can pay and upon what terms
von wish to bay. We can meet
your requirements. fern
-,Ve have niaL.v
tor sale m Twinnssee Noitli
Carolina and .-oun aba *” *
SSr.teWv-fvfi of selling farms bevn in
-he business ex
eiusiveU' for ten years. We lire
, hoi-onghlj familkr with value,
and conditions througliout this
If want to buy. it ’
secHo". you
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Pv,re Home batters tPiotsd 1 ') by Our
local TteVicrten
Wlitl Osr Pooj>4*> tve »«rt S.y.i*.
Thine* Our Friend* 1>U V*.
—Forget the past ami cheer
up for the future.
—Polities hits been very little
talked in this section.
—Mrs. Armer returned to
Greenesboro yesterday.
—Gardens have suffered
ly from the dry weather.
—Mrs. Eliza Retd visited Bar
nett Saturday atid Sunday.
—There hAve been • • hot times
in the old Ccwn” this week.
—This dry. May will give peo
plea good chance to got their
crops clean.
Grei.S,ro,' spent’"snndSy in
Sawed brackets any style or
shape gotten out by the Wash
ingtou Mfg. Co.
—Monday week is the day set
for Democratic primaries to nom
mate a state ticket.
Best shingles at lowest liv
ing prices can be bought of
Washington Mfg. Co.
—Miss Stella Holden went to
Atlanta Saturday last to speutl a
few weeks with relatives.
—Mr. Crof. West, of Morgan
county was here this week re¬
pairing sewing machines.
—The election was compara
tively quiet here although much
feeling was first rought up.
Get our prices on laths and
and brick before you begin your
house. Washington Mfg. Co.
—Rains have bceu partial,
\\ e are told that good. rains
—Charlie Asbury , \ and , sister, . ,
Miss Eva, went up to Greenes¬
boro Tuesday to visit relatives.
Barnwell & Vickers do a
square business. They will
you the grade buggy they sell
—The dry weather has been an
advantage in keeping rust off of
wheat but has cut short the crop
of oats.
Barnwell & Vickers are
never undersold, but if you
come to see them they will un¬
—Jas. D. Lee, was iu the city
Monday, advertising the Mill
edgcviile Baud Tounament and
Ashley & Denham, of White
Plains, are buying cows and
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
if —Mrs, Anna Weaver and
children returned to Macon M011
(lay after visiting relatives here
and at Greenesboro.
Go to J. N. Chapman for the
famoifs Columbia Buggy.
—Both the elections appointed ‘
- * th should h ye been
appointed for the same day. ' It
would have saved time.
—Mrs. E. H. Meadows, of this
county, has improved in health
sufficient to return home with her
mother to Washington county.
—Mr. Jack Hubert, of Harlem,
came up Sunday to see his sister
Mrs. Davenport. The latter has
been quite sick but is improving,
Oscar Chapman handles all
kinds of bicycle supplies.
_ M r. McDonald, a traveling
^med tacle man . and hLs wife have
rooms at Crawfordville Mr. Timherlake’p their
aud will make
home - ,i
—Miss Powelton < Lilia May bopSycung, BijafLly, of
near is at
Mr. H. H. Flynt $ this p.iice
find is under treatment of Dr.
—Forget the hard things said i
inthe recent contest and tall
into line to build up your town
countyand^omesch Qf
Augusta, came up this week to
Visit Crawfordville a few hours,
He went out to Daniel s Springs
.while. ■
—Mrs. W. F. Armor, Greenes
boro, gave a special talk “to
ladies only at the Methodist
church here Sunday. She is an
interesting lady.
__^j r Frank nlomin'gtorli J Sibley left
Wednesday it hvjme
in Atliultll aftel . prohibition s^ndln
several days making
sP^hore —Mrs. J. C Asbury and , Mrs* _
J. E. Torbert returned to their
homo in Ovovnesboro Satnrday
aftei a • isit to . ir. J. • . s
bury's in this county.
small audience greeted him.
War, War, War!
Not With Spain, Hut Agaitokt High* Prices!
I am very anxious to increase jny trade with mv Taliaferro friends
just four-fold in 1898, I appreciate your past favors ami will make a
desperate effort to secure vour trade. WINNERS.
Top Buggies $45.00. One Horse Wagons $26.00. Single Harness
5.') .00
Freight paid on all orders over $10.00. Tronipt seiVicc. Polite 1
attention. . Big bargains,
W. T. JOHNSON, Washington, Ga.
Talinfrrr© Votes on the Liquor (ptVsliou
and Goon For the Sale.
T1 J e el ?. ct ' on ber "
was a surprise to many. It was
thought the county was largely
“damp” but a small majority
turns up for that side.
There was ouly a few days
wo ,q { (tone on either side, and for
tho last d ^ s the * ue,rti< *
quite warm.
The ladies did considerable
work. After working up to the
day of election and praying for
success, they went to the polling
precincts and begged the voters
to vote liquor from this county.
At the court house they had
an or S a « aiul . a cho,r . . and , san -
songs of praise to God as the
voters tiled into the court house
to vote. Over the ballot box was
suspended a snow white pigeon
with its outstretched wings,
holding- iu its mouth a white
ticket bearing “Against the
Bale. > »
Tiie consolidated vote shoVis
the following:
For, Avrainst.
Crawfordville, 184 12H
Battery. 1)2 “8
Sandy Cross, 87 84
| Sharon, OO (i
Raytown, 11 12
jjij u | cer ’ 15 20
Springfield, ,, 91 15
Totals, 862 248
Leaving a majority of 114) in
favor of the sale. Fluker and
Raytown gave 5 and 1 majority
respectively against tho sale.
The Westfield (Ind.) News
prints the following in regard to
an old. resident of that place:
“Frank McAvoy, for many years
in the employ of the L. N. A. &
q. Ry. here, says: “I have used’
! Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years
or longer—am never without it
1 In my family. I consider it the
best remedy of the kind manu
factured. I take pleasure in
recommending it.” It is a
specific for all bowel disorders.
* P ° r s:de ^ ^ ^
—Mr. J. S. Barnwell, who was
one of the most loyal soldiers in
the confedrate army, now has
two sons . in the United States
a ,. ln y which will soon invade
Cuba. Ho is proud of the fact
that his boys wil\ fight for their
country, and wey „he may be.
Roy went with .the boys from
this plaee Pressley has gone
with a regiment from
Maryland. , -Washmgton Gazette.
Ba ruwell & honorable Vicl fdH can
meet all fair and com
petition,- and invite it. They are
strangers- to dirty methods,
VTashington, Ga.
- Ccine!^ Hup ; !) ; »-a ■ >
Comp! Ccnqdfl
We have opened a new com&ete drug
^ wlth a i>f fuil aDf ^ l ,
st i n ^ ev ythin-thah
Mso have a nice line of. com
brushes and toilet articles, of all
kinds. Our prescription depart
mentis unexcelled. We.guaran
toe accuracy and perfect satis.
faction. We call special atten
ticm tQ oul . toilet ar tj cle .s~comb.s f
J , ' ’ L ‘ b ^
- *
stationery complete and , .
is ,
We have just received a fresh
line of paints, oils, varnishes,
turpentine, gasoline, and don t
yaufor.-et wo bought then, ri*ht.
Therefore we know we arc able
to se ll you anything you
flbMperthM ever bought before,
W e ask of you is to come and
examine our new stook.
A ('rally Woman.
There was a negro woinau
■ tried ; at the house Satur
day by a jury and it was decided 1
she , insane . She , , badly ,, \
was is so
demented that she tears her
clothes off and demolishes every
thing within her reach. This
one makes the second colored
lunatic confined in m„- jail await
ing the completion ot the asy
luiufor the colored.
“It is the Host on Earth.”
That is what Edwards &
Parker, merchants of White
Plains, Ga , say of Chamberlain's
PaiA Balm for rheumatism,
lame back, deap seated and*
muscular paius. Sold by Dr. R.
J. Reid.
(food Work.
Mrs. W. F. Armer and Mr.
Frank J. Sibley and many of our
local prohibitionists did hard
work for the prohibition side
here during the last few days
before the election. Mrs. Armer
is a splendid talker and convinc¬
ed many that she was thorough¬
ly in earnest about her work.
Mr.-Sibley is speaicer and _ ,
a fine
his hearers were well
ed by his’splendid talks.
State op Ohio, City of To !_ ss
TjEdO, Lucas County. j
Frank J. Cheney makes oath
that he is tho senior partner of
the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.,
doing business in tho City aforesaid, of To¬
ledo, County and State
iuu that said firm will pay 'the
LA US for each and every case
of Catarrh that cannot he cured
by the use of Hall’s Catarrh
Cure. Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and sub¬
scribed in my presence, tliis 6th
day of December, A. D. 1806.
A. W. Gleason,
j SEAL ) Notary Public.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken
internally and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for
! momals.
Address F. J. ChhneY&Co..
;Tt»iedo. 0
g s. 1 5b.
cc Family Pills lare the
,,, Hee T. .Rih 1 Jons, Wash
qigton,. Ga.',, for Buggies and
(Wagouf, , jRe buys», in car load
lots and makes low ‘prices.
.—ftmaij uftt-g-T. T reported " . very
^ grain is
i» uh. »»■*■■*
iWesuwitWo \ fine separators / g ( >
ing to , M^xey AT . s 1 last ''veek , f ’
M essrs. Avery & McMillan, At '
S^Xn,,: I, rxJ “:
wheat bread at home.
T »' •-»—
Tim Bent Rrinrily for HUpuinatism.
From the Fairlinveu (N. 4'.) Rcjfislfir.
Mu.. James Rowland of
village, states that for
fiwjggrs bis wife has been A
from rheumatism ,
f W Tght, ago she was m
dwhpr, berL >h he had road and of instead
Pa.:. Jaiui
foi Ui. i - <
approve IT h£
of Mr. Rowland's ]iur
eha“-at first, but nevertheless
an<l ap ijed jtn the hour’s Balm time thoroughly able
»n was
to go hei'. *9 sleep. She now applies ache
w eV er she feels an
or pain and finds that ic always
give. r< „et Ho says WaJ
medico which she had useo
Dr K A fi4 . id
• s uounty hasafarmers
' reets at stated tunes
tliacux.v, . and
ir barbecues. -'
Brightest Iltms TT—;■ . Noa.r by
To fin* ('mjft of tlie Excellent County
Is from Which Wo Got
\ - Tlvoro is a larger acreage of
tVlvdat planted in Hancock than
—Hon. Alton D-Candler spoke
in Sparta last week to a largo
Pleasant, harmless, reliable,
Dr. Tjokenor's Antiseptic is the
best remedy ««»„ for won-mis, burns,
I,nuso.,. «M. .10
— Mr. Is. II. Cawthon, aud Miss
Gertrude Copelan cliurcli were married
a t Liberty J in Greene last
week. , ,
- Politics are getting wai<ni filing in
Oglethorpe and much
seems to bo arising from certain
Em- barbed wire Cut son stock
Ur . Ticbonor'a Amine,.lie,
Nothing equal to it in such cAsos.
50 cents a bottle.
The bank of Lexington
; makes one of its usual good
j ] showings of its condition in last
issue of tho Echo. !
For inflamed eyes, sore throat,
SOl’O mout h, use Dl*. Trchonor’s
Antiseptic. Pleasant to taste
and smell and will gjiVe quick
—County Line Baptist church
is 100 years old and there has
been only one marriage attd two
corpses in the hduse.
If your cow is suffering with
garget, “spoiled udder, ’' use Dr.
Tichonor’s Antiseptic freely. It
is said to bo a very fine remedy
by those who have tried It,
-Mr. Walton WW.*, offer.
i"i 1 imii.Tmoving n-u|i
in A ugusta last week and liafl
j his h j” b{l(l j y i, urt .
Don * t ypa fol .^ Viiiu Dr.!
Tichcnor's Antiseptic will cure
colie in liorses and mules. 1*5
cents a dose, two doses in a bot¬
tle. Keep it convenient.
—The general meeting of the
first district of the Georgia Bap¬
tist Association, will
with the Salem Baptist
Friday (to-day).
Accidents happen to the most
careful as well as to the thought¬
less. Be prepared of I)r. for Tidhenor’s them.
Keep a bottle
A n ti se ptic con v e n i en t.
—Willie Beman say he has six
thousand of the prettiest Elberta
peach trees in the county.
There are certainly some very
tine orchards .in Hancock.
Why suffer „ with , , that paiuful . , ,
wound when Dr. Tichcnor’s
tiseptie will stop the pain and
heal it so quickly and costs so
■ little? One application will
convince and convert you. Price,
I 50 cents.
—While riding a bicycle in
Washington, MergieGlenn had a
cross-run with a chicken rooster;
the rooster run its head into the
spokes of the wheel and its head
| was cut entirely off.
! According to the newspapers,
an Ohio husband became the
| happy father of seven children all
! not long ago. Of the seven
lived but one. It is to be hoped
'3-v!to , , • , • "&$. , f nh-unher
sure CUl e ioi I.IOUJ), whnonimr W nooping
colds and coughs, and so
j 1 insured his children
^7; “• ^ ^ Dr
,T. N. Chapman is agent for
the Marietta Marble Works.
Try the Washington Mfg.
Co. on nails and builders
---- -
W haVf toT^.^torsv i> ^ strictly
e up a
be pl«t^ ed to you with
what drugs. Ac t t you may
want: prices collect. Send us
cal1 an<1 ins l K}C t 0,11 inV « ‘‘°. to, e. y °“ '°
Andrews <fc Deadwylkk,
New Brick Building
_ — —
New ‘ Barber Shoo.
. JLXJ,,.!- f , , h .
in fim cl..-'
,„ ir ,„, avin . „„ d ............... i I
wi| , ikU v4Jtir llolll ,„. an „ do hair
rm: ..... '*-j ai,<>sUnrpcn ........v razor*, shop at Mr. 1 .g
Lucas’ store. Give uie a call.
Mils «.
.‘x E, 25 .— CTS l
CVS as CO [•
R«fttored to #»aith by pr. Miteo* Nervi**
wjf SlP r\
Y> W
L- y
'*■[ R.Eb^Xitb , —
M iiaRdy, thojoliymau
boon nick a day. In my life until lnlSOO. I
cot so bad with nervous prostration that 1
‘® k* vu up*nd commence to doctor. 1
tried our local physician* and one let toilet,
nom} gave me any relief and I thought
I was wing to die. I became despondent
' uot - eils i^ At t h end ofaixmontutwaa
reduced to but* shadow of myself,.and at
hust my heart blicaln ® affected and I was
JS* “,‘ZTl^
troth the *t an, and at last» cure, the
tint Wesslng of iny life.’* fr
Pt-. Miles' Remedies i>f.
sold by all drug- lies’
gaits under a positive 1
B^firnDtoe, first bottle Nervine
‘benefits or money re¬ Affostorto.
funded. Book on dis- '/ Health ^
cases of the heart and
nerves free. Address,
m ' miles medical 00.. Elkhart, ind.
Andl vicinity, will . c.ou«uli ,
h tmr
*• standard , TVT'“ Manufactorina Co., k
AI GI STA, <J.\„
Fur Prices on SASIT, DOORS,
HER, LATH ur niivlhfng in
(Trade ferk Ri'glstcn-d .Nov. 24, ’Dll.
The New Life-Giver.
promoto* Vigorous HcuRh By instillliig
OXYGEN from the nir into the nystmh,
toil cun** all forms of wiihunt
MwliUlne orKluclrldty. It Is us simple us
IVlce(( 0( qxydonoks irrcatiy re
dnccd. GO tin- jfonulne, inudo In Ihq
discmiovr and imentor, Dr, ilcrciilc:
Hook <>( purttcuiiifH mid price lint fret’.
Address I)r. It. Suiicfic, 201 Fifth Art".
nuo, New York.
Engines & Boilers;
Gins and Presses.
CornplutHCotton, Saw, Grist, Oil and
Fertilizer Mill outfltn: nine Gill ITe*n,Cam?
Mill and HLingle out flu.
Bnlldlns:, Brldjfe, Factory Furiiiu-e and
ssr 1
, Hi-ltiiw, Racklnif, In lectors, I*i|>«- Fit
iin*;*, Smw«, File*, oiler*. Etc. cast
Lombard Iron W ks&Supply Co.
Foundry, Machini*. Iloiler anil Gin Works.
Repairs Promptly Done.
M-CALL mr jt* a a W JuS imr
J™™™" 9 PATTERN *™**J* ” At
Fitting. Prices lO and 15 cents.
sSSSfe !S!!“J|L*2S"S
nearly every city or tcv/n. Ask for
Vitfa^Ne^York^c^Chi-a^! ‘ Shfo
Stamp9 uken . Latest Fashion
sent upon receipt of one cent to pay
postage. • >
V W’fT SO! .
--- |
|he ^ Home Literature , Household
Hints, Fancy Work, Current Topics,
Ron any time, lend two 2-ceat stomps
for sample copy. A«Jdr«s . ANY,\
-v York.
• — Oo