Newspaper Page Text
Young: Girts
Fading- A way. t
Symptoms that seem like '•gn$umJ>tion; a lack 0/
blood; friends feared one gfl, b'ouldfall dead on the
\ street; restored to health by ci sensible woman's
Many girls of sixteen years seem to
have consumption, although they have it
pot. Their and friends watch
anxious fad* parents
them slowly pallor, away.
A death-Kks transparent com¬
plexion and listlessnes- are signs of this
The body lacks blood.
MrJ.' John Tansey knows fhe pp^ining
af these symptoms, and the cure.
She lives at 130 Baker Street, Detroit,
Her advice to mother, ha:..been uj great-,
value to her neighbors. She tells thf,story
tp help others who are at a distance.
She said: • n
“When my daughter was sixteen years
Old she began to waste away,
“ Had I not known there was no taint of
consumption in the family I would have
believed her lungs were affected.
“She grew thinner and thinner every day.
She tecked only the hacking cough to show
all the outward signs of consumption.
“Our doctor called the disease by an odd
name, which I learned meant simply weak
blood. '
“No treatment sfemedtodoherany good.
“She was fading away before our eyes.
*1 was induced to try Dr. Williams’ Pink
JWiis for Pide People, and the change they
‘ made “Before was almost aft* magical. half box there
had taken a
was a great, improvement in her looks, ap
9c tit e and weight.
0 \ CO 1 I i
. « TO} % r* Etc •»
Barnwell & e
We have the largest stock of this line ol Goods on
Iland ev 6 r belore brought to this section ol the country.
W<‘ ItllV <sntiri*lv ill f!ar-l()ll(l lots and iiel tllC |
•' '
ad vanhig© in freights niul car-load prices,
And we can save you money by buying of us. We
;t|so carry a lar^'e Stock of anything Harness, Saddles, want noddies, in _ the
cYC. In fact you can yet you good par-*
leather line. WE SELL ON TIME to
Dies at Cash prices, B percent, in notes, payable No- i
v*!nber 1 st. ' j
Barnwell & Vickers, W ashin gton, Ga. ;
Perfection is the result of our long
1/ 'is j
i/ / m
\ p ' ilS in i
to -i r ID ft'
mm r i J V,
/ /
■v '
are the product of mechanical ingenuity.
$40,00 $50.00 $60.00
Monarch Chainless $100.00
Send for 1898 Catalogue.
Agents wanted in open territory.
Lake. Halsted nnc) Fulton Streets, Chicago
Branches New York, London and Hamburg.
Send tan 2-cent stomps tor a deck of Monarch PlnyinR Cards illustrating
Lillian Russell, Tom Cooper,Leo Richardson and Walter Jones.
Are you Going to paint?
® ® ® ® 0
Use “Southern Home Paint. % 1
Guaranteed the best Paint made. No adultera¬
tion. It is strictly pure and will cover more
surface than any adulterated goods.............
Made in 30 Beautiful Colors!
F. J.Cooledoe & Bro. Cr,
Paint and Vaniisii Makers,
Set-v aiiansiix £z
“She gained.strength rapidly. Soon she
was in perfect health.
“Since then I have kept Dr. Williams -
Pink Pills for Pale People in the house al
V %nelX£“ mUCh ^^ ththem *
“There is a young girl friend of my
ghter who seemed almost transparent.
She was white and very thin, wc e were
ujraid she would fall dead in the street
y/nen she went out.
I begged her to take Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People, and finally induced
her to try them. They helped her won¬
derfully, probably saved her Now life and re¬
stored her to perfect health. she is
recommending them to other young women.
“I earnestly advise m^.hers with grow¬
ing daughters to keep Dr. Williams’ Pink
Ta?ts»»s such , Mrs. Tansey’s
cause 'symptoms neglected as while they
■ daughter developing showed were womanhood. During
were into
that period of rapid development the blood
needs the highest degree of strength wasted. to re¬
pair the tissues that are rapidly by
These needed elements arc supplied
Dr.Wdbnms’ Pink Pills for Pale People. |
The vegetable ingredients of these pills act |
like mag'C in restoring strength to the mus
cles ana roses weakened to the by cheeks overwork. of growing girls
or adufta O
All druggist?sell They Dr. Williams' Pink box) Pills
for Pale people. cost 10 cents a
six boxes ‘f2.5Q.
■*«*$£ CiiGtl. 3
•« I
W, T. Johnson. Washington,
sells everything on wheels.
-- ■
The report of the fruit crop
for tjl e, state .s good. It is said
to bo hotter than for years.
A large force of American
troops will be SC tit totho PlliLp
l»inos at once to hold the islands.
If you want a nice tomb stone
f () y yt,Tif iTielids grave Call Oil J.
N chapman. ‘ He will show you
ClllS , tUKl gt e } Oil pi (Sin. .
• ,
It seems that the Spanish fleet
is a good runne.r. It is now. said
that the Americans have them
* «n< «•»-<*•«>•
HarnweU & Vickers are re- 1
coiving -weekly* car loads of
gies. II is nothing to them to
, r .( j n three gi‘ foul' Cal’ loads a
” , H '
—— -i
Thu Second peg l merit of G eor¬
gia Vo! .mteuvK iu which, the Talia¬
ferro and Wilkes coupty boys
are. left Atlanta Saturday and
are now camping near Tampa.
They are ready to invade Cuba
at command.
Our Honor Roll.
Tin-following kind patrons have paid
subscriptions since our last issue:
E. ]i. Meadows, ?1 to April 10 ’07.
11. M. Harrison, 50e to Aug 25 ’08.
Distinguish tii© ^ngiisti walnut |
sonic fioi^ tp© sap .lose senie.
Qukstion. English waln.'ut —We have scale in what orchard, is called j
How may we distinguish it from the
Answer. —A tree infpsted with the
Jose scale presents different badly infested appear-1
according ius it is
only slightly infested. When tlio
encrusted with this insect the ,
tree takes on a grayish-brown ashy ap- j
pearauce as though the trunk and limbs j
had been painted with dampened gshes.
By scraping a limb with y knife the
scales may be. removed, cohering" like a
mass of wet bran.
If. tlio tree is only slight^**' 11 Tested
the bark will be found to be (lotted here
and there with very dark gray, often .
black scales (about 1-10 of an inoli in |
diameter) surrounded by a purplish j
tinge of the bark. The blackish appear- j
mice of fhis scale is especially notice- j
able during the winter and spring, j
Later in the season, when the
overwintered insect reaches matmity
the scale takes on more of pocket the grayish micro- j
appearance. Aided by a
scope the female scale will lie seen to be
circular and conical in outline, fcenni- j
nating at the center by a minute nip -1
ple-like propiinence, surrounded by a
distinct ring. The male scales are
smaller and elongated, with the nipple 1
near the anterior end. larger; j
The English walnut scale is
(about one-twelfth of an inch in diame
ter) and more flattened than the San :
Jose scale. It is circular in outline and
of a jiale, grayish-brown color. The
nipple-like prominence is at one side of
the center and is reddish-brown. By
raising the waxy scale the body of the
insect is revealed, which is larger and
of a paler yellow color thuu that of the
San .Tose scale. "When one once bc
conies familiar with these two scales it
is not difficult to distinguish them.
Left unchecked both will eventually
kill trees which they attack, but the
San Jose, is much more prolific and less
time is required for its destruction of
the infested plant. W. M, Scott.
Bring Our Heroes Home!
Hie bountiful song “Bring our Heroes
home" dedicated to (he Heroes of the l .
S. Battieshlp Maine is one fit the finest
national songs ever written. The words
ring with patriotism and the music is
-lining and full of fire, and filling
noble sentiment to which it s dedicated.
Arranged for piano or orgai . This song
and 1(> other page of full sh ;et music will
:><* sent on receipt of 25 cent- •
Address. POITLAR jp'SIC CO..
Indianapolis Ind
■ ^
A ou can buy a duo leather
op bujrjry from Barnwell A:
Yichers, Washinsrt^ n » ba . for
4 ,yo<>. A leather quarter top
nurgv at *411.''O atufrubber top
it *40.00. i
An Old •
Every Jut strengthen-- l ‘“’ hek 'i of Pni
nent physician- «hat iptpure idoo.1 is the
cause of the raujorijr of our disonsee.
Twwitv-tive years fortfhd* ajpa'this theory Browns’ was tisc-l ire
as a l..e- Th'e » u>r tin* rcm“Aal*lr
Hitlers. uuut cun's efin.-;,si
v i is fttneus «I<1 Ignis-i>.>M It .‘iv‘ theory r.'iTs, is !y t;n
to prove correct.
^ ... dealer*.
Iran 8 a.l
Return of Heart
Was Entirely Cured by Taking Qr, Miles'
New Heart Cure*
(( i mm i ■«
v ;.Vg» ?P ktl
<;■ bM
- /ja
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W 1 ’/i
T- m rfr
f. i ,.e t\
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■7M ft
<!fP probably no other dis¬
ease which effects so large a
percentage of our people as
heart disease, The most common
symptoms are shortness of breath
after any kind of exertion; fluttering
or palpitation, hungry and faint spells,
swelling of the feet, pain in left bre.j§t
or under left shoulder blade, etc.
Heart trouble is frequently accom¬
panied with nervousness, irritability,
unsound sleep. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure
is the most reliable medicine known
for such troubles and will positively
give relief. The following letter is
received from Mrs. M. A. Birdsall, one
of the most prominent ladies in social
and church circles in Watkins, N. Y.
“About one year ago I was taken
with extreme nervousness and palpi
tation of the heart, accompanied at
times with an oppressed feeling in the
chest and a shortness of breath. I also
had severe pain in the left side and
under the left shoulder. My appetite
was-very poor and my general health
miserable . j began taking Dr. Miles’
jj oar t Cure, and after taking four
bo ttles I was entirely free from pain;
my appetite returned and Ifeltgreatly
improved. I have had no return of
the heart trouble since taking your
New Heart Cure. I'or years I had
constant pain in the right ovary. I
was unable to wear my corset without
suffering intense pain. / Fbr this trou¬
ble I have spent hundreds of dollars
em pi 0 yj n gpbysicians and buying med
j c jQ e _ Nothing seemed to do any
good until j bcgan taking Dr. Miles’
^mU-Pain Pills. They brought relief
ab once a nd I think they are indis¬
p ensab i G) an( j can heartily recommend
them to ladies who are suffering from
such troubles. I wish every woman
wbo su ff ers as I did would give Dr.
jji] eS ’ Restorative Remedies atrial.”
^ CQ B3 r £SS>
i J
1 If € 111101 ?
E can show any steady RoiHg and earnest k
man how he can make good wages bv S
handling our publications. Wc. don’t \
refer to experienced men, but to those C*
who are pushing have never our sold anything. Just now we J #
Reversible Atop of mo
United Stores and world
66 x 4G inches in size.
11 beautiful colors.
1S98 edition and corrected to date.
New railroads, new towns.
New counties.
The largest map printed oil a
single sheet.
It is
A Phoiooraph of tire World I
One si ic shows a colored map of our groat
country, with railroads, counties, rivers, ft ,
towns, etc. The other side shows an equally p
elegant map of the World, locating all count
l ies at a glance by help of a marginal index, *
It also shows ocean currents, routes of dis- £
coverers, and accurately locates the scenes \
of all current events, such as boundary dis- t
pr.tes, Cuban battles, Armenian massacres, J
polar expeditions, Alaskan gold fields, etc. k
Send us your address and we will advise C
you how you can Sf cure a county agency, or f >
send St 06 and we will forward a copy by
prepaid express. clear from $40. weekly from
Our men $20. to
the start by following cur club plan of wo* k.
If you get samples and don’t want to en¬ S
gage* with us vou can return same and bank get
ur cash back. Your newspaper or
will tell you we aro responsible,
61 Esst Ninth Street, New York City
jPROMPTLY •a m i
Write for our interesting books ‘ Inrent
Staid rr's Help" rough and “How you are swindled.”
ns a sketch or model of your
invention or improvement and we will tell
you ft-c© our opinion as to " hother it is
of probably applications patentable. Wc make a specialty
Highest references rejected furnished. in other hands.
Civit t XGc’.traicat T -S"'. strn tu.xt. ? of the
2* ehuic School of Bi »*iu?*-riuii- Bachelors :n
AppIbM Sciciio^. Laval rniversitr. Murb
ralont Law Association. American Water Works
Association. N w Kti^lai, ; Crater Works Assoc.
P. s‘ Purveyors Association. Assoc. Member Can.
Society of Civil Enirincers.
Ornccs: ' WAsniXGTOX. D. CV
< dfovruitAL. Ca.v.
EART STRAIN and irritation
if allowed to continue arc al¬
most certain to affect the mus¬
cles or subtance of the heart, causing
irregular and imperfect circulation of
the blood. This will lead to conges¬
tion and disease of the liver, kidneys,
lungs, brain and other organs. It is
useless to take medicine for liver or
lungs unless the cause of the trouble
is first attended to. Every heart that
flutters, palpitates, tires out easily,
aches, has darting pains, etc., is weak
or diseased, and should not be neglec¬
ted, lest complications arise which are
beyohd the reach of medicine, and the
opportunity for recovery shall pass by
forever. There is no remedy so good,
safe or economical to strengthen and
regulate the action of the heart as
Dr. Miles’ New Heart -Cure. 1
Mr. J. II. Dobbins, for years a well j
known and respected business man at
Richmond, Ind., says of his wife. “My j
wife was troubled with heart failure.
Her pulse at times would reach as high
as 120 beats per minute. I had the |
best doctors in the city attend her,
but they did her no good. Your New
Heart 'Sure was recommended her and
I bought one bottle. It did her more
than ail the medicine she has ;
ever taken. Sue used six bottles and
is entirely recovered. She is the pic
ture of health and her weight has in
creased thirty pounds. She owes it
ail to Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure-'whicli we
both believe is a great medicine.”
Dr. Miles’ Rome
dies are sold by all | jf j IVSiles’ nr, -j
druggists under a
positive guarantee | siCi
first bottle benefits | RostoPW ,G| J
or money refunded. heart | 1 , Health
Rook on the
and nerves sent free on request bj^the
Dr. Miles’ Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
They are made of Southern Iron by Southern Workmen,
who are sustained by the products of Southern Farmers,.
They last longer and snake snore homes happy than, any
other Stove on earth. Fire backs guaranteed for 15 years.
If your Dealer dees not handle them, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE.^
M3 . 1-1 SHI
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( J S? f
WM r ;
' M
, *^3gV --.’I-' -r- r * Sjgrg p- _ _
' c y
C2-' 1
Phillips & Buttorff Mfg*. Co.
Mantels and Grates, Hollowware, Tinware, Etc.
China, Crockery and Glassware, Cutlery.
Everything necessary and Dining convenient Room, _ C/ ^ * v/<».L. / SET w
for the Kitcbcn,
Laundry and Dairy. A SPECIALTY.
Let us do your Job Printing’
Valuable Little'Bbok of Interest
to All Women Sent Free.i
Every indescribable ivomaw leoks joy forward the vvitHfeel-.^ one mo¬
mg* of ifo,coniparea?vnt to
mentous event of her 1 insignifi¬ ,
which all otl\igffli iupud pule and mto happy sh<? wifi,
cance. wh^n How babe nestles on
be her precious the name of
her breast — how sweet
i "Mother!” And yet her happy antici¬
pation of this even if is clouded with
misgivings of the pafn and danger
the ordeal, so yiuri of it is constant impossible dread tc
avoid the. feeling The dangef
which creeps over her.
and'isuffering attendant upon being a
mother that-tjie can be entirely little prevented, sc
coming of the strangei
need not be looked forward to with
fear and trembling, as is so. often tha
case. Every woman who,reads val¬ th {*
paper-'can obtain absolutely book free a enti¬
uable and attractive httie sending
tled "Before Baby is Born, by Brndfield
her name and address to, the book
Regulator Co.. Atlanta, Ga. Tins
contains priceless information to a l
women, and no one should fail to sen(\
for it.
For information as to Routes, Schedules.,
and Rates, both
Passenger and Freight,
write to either of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply mid
reliable informion.
jok w. wiiirn, A. O. .TACKSON,
T. V. A. G. V. A.
Augusta, Git.
S. W. WIIiKES, rr. k.
C. F. & r. A. G. A.
Atlsuita Athens.
\V. W. HAlimVICK, H. K. MAGIC!
S. A. C. F. A.
Macon, Gu,
S'. F. A. S. F. & 1 \ A.
Mi^edgovUU , . Augusta.
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending a sket<y> «nd <iPBertp««i> m»s
!nyen 1 uo^t'a^x|«bnb”y prueiit?bi^*oonmimliira.
aentYree ot o'i(rSt ti naen<'v’for (
A handsomely illustrated weekly. T.nrcest cir
eelntion of any scientiflc It. journal. all Terms, $3 a.
year: four numths. Sold by newsdenlers.
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h m 31 f-i>
quickly socured. vr. E DUS WHEW PATENT OBTAINED,
Bend‘model or sketch with oxjiianrition i'or iVee report as ti
patentability. mvl full information. 4S-PAGE EOGIl THEE. Conte:.;s SPECIAL retVrcP’npa OFFER.
ST; : 'Write for
H. B. WILLSON & CO. lAviyci*,.
Le Building, WASHINGTON, D. C..