Newspaper Page Text
$ 1.00 Per Toar.
Sboul! know t'-iit tU9
"Old -im-j-’ Pcmcdy,
it i
t'n*. host for remote Troriftn. Correets all
it! is in i'OLrale G- - tans. Should be
j I taken Planters for “Oid Ciaaw Tts*” «J Life Removes arid before have stood the
y tort icr twenty > ears.
I Jfcdc only by ITcr,-rpcnccrtfocIicineCo., 'i'uuncr-see. Chat
raul G. Lucas Crewfordv 11 v Ga.
This is the Man
s^esthe pb 0PLe
£ A <5
*7 mmm w I
How 9 ? m JV. % \ Free!
By giving Steel them Wire best; Fencing and cheapest for all
summer Ho
purposes how at special factory pri cc.
5 matfier little or how much you
need, 6': headquarters for what purpose, far 111. sent; to
(h K
----AN^V- -
For information as to Routes, Schedules
and Rates, both
Passenger and Freight,
write to either of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
reliable information.
T. r. A. G. I*. A.
Augusta, Ga.
C. F. & P. A. G. A.
Atlanta Athens.
S. A. C. F. A.
Macon, Ga.
S. F. A, S. F. & 1*. A.
MiHedgeville. Augusta.
quickly rrcurod. T~ E TUTE WHEN PATENT OBTAINED.
teml model or sketch with explanation U>r free report as tj
patentability. 48-PAGE BOOK FREE. Contains references
and full information, Write for SPECIAL OFFER.
U Droit Duihliug, WASHINGTON, D. C-
$34.59. /
“Acme” Bicycles
’93 Models. High Grade.
AVe Have no Agents but Sell Direct
ta the Rider et Msnafacfsrer's
Prices, Saving A'ou al!
Agent's Profits.
Dest materials. Superb finiph. Hight
eiesrant models We skip anyvrhere with
privilege of ezanination, pay express
charrLo both •» Trays rnd refund your
’ reyre^eated. Every
meaty if jut c
is folly fjwirattievd f
1 Accidents w v. eil a? J>cf<ctive H’./
rttun-h Fend for catalogue.
102 Wei Si., - ■ Eibzn. !nd.
0* Large cataloaue afi showing
illustrations of styles .offenc
ing‘ from with all hundreds Address of testlmonials
The Wire Fence ATLAL‘rTA, Man
703. Forsytp .. st. -. , , GA, ,
wall Ya
fefci ttr 1 1
s fit :
f® jgr :
m :
I Pay N
toe Freishl.
the People of that Thriving
Town Are Doing,
Spring chickens arc very scarce.
Democratic primaries next Monday.
The water melon crop, is vciy soiry and
Air. Jim Sturdivant’s family are report¬
ed sick.
Hotel Jackson hail a big lot of guests
last week.
Miss Lilly Barnett does not improve
any in health.
Several births in our section recently—
all girls so said,
Dr. A. C. Davidson is kept pretty busy
attending the sick.
Tom Johnson, of Williams creek, [im¬
proves ve’\ slowly.
Air. and Airs. W. P. McKeon had a very
stele baby last week.
Miss Rosa Taylor lias recovered from
her recent spell of sickness.
Air. and Mrs. George Gregory were
visitors at our home last Sunday. will be
Juno, is here and we hope it a
pio>perous month to our farmers.
We visited Bro. Alike Taylor last week
and enjoyed tiro visit very much.
Preaching in Sharon last Sunday, A
very good congregation attended.
Dr. Thomas and Prof. A. B. Jarrell
were with us last week on business.
Airs. Hansom Jackson is still in very
feeble health, we are sorry To state.
We had some nice showers in Sharon
section last week but they soon dried up.
Malar Ion Malarion Tablets
Guaranteed Cure for Chilis, Fever and
Ague, or money refunded. 50 cents. All
The oat crop is being harvested and we
earn that the crop is turning out very
Mrs. Tom Taylor was quite sick la. $
week, She lias been in bad health sonie
We can’t see why it is that the colored
population is always at law with each
Miss Eifie-Stone, of Raytown, was very
sick last wci^; but is much better at Hi is
writing.. t'o Ed¬
We. give space a letter from Ned
wards,’'colored,' and lie gives some good
Mrs. John Brooks, of Raytown, is
seriously sick with no chance for liar
Children like it, it saves their lives.
We mean One Minute Cough Cure, the
infallible remedy forcoughs, colds, croup,
bronchitis, grippe, and all throat and
lung troubles.
Andrews A Deadwyler, Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon. Agents.
Major White, from Hancock, was with
us again last week and lie is one hard nut
to crack.
Mrs. Frauds Taylor, of Sharon, visit¬
ed her sick sister Airs. Brooks at Raytown
last week.
If elections did not come so often wc
think the people and country both would
lie better off.
•Malarion is devoid of bitter taste.
Cures Chills aud Fever; acts on the liver
and regulates the system generally. A 1
Farmers can do very little work on the
farms at present. Iu some places the
ground is so hard
Air, AV. F. Hill and son, Rogers, were
quite sick last week but at this writing
arc convalescing.
Wc heard they Had splendid rains at
Hillman, Powolton and in some parts of
Warren last week.
Thu farmer, tli mechanic and the bicy¬
cle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and
bruises. DeWitt’s Witch Ilazel Halve is
the best thing to keep on hand, It heals
quickly, and is a well known cure f or
piles. & Deadwyler, Crawfordviilc.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon. Agents.
Air. AV. P. McKcor. has been making
some more improvements on his place in
the way of wire fencing.
Mr.J. AV. Fallen’s oldest daughter lias
been dangerously ill. She is reported
some better at this writing.
Thirty-five years make a generation.
That is bow long Adolph Fisher, of
Zanesville, (>., suffered from piles. He
was cured by using three] boxes of De¬
Witt’s Witch Ilazel Salve.
Andrews A Deadwyler, Crawfordville.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon- Agents.
Miss Della Moore, daughter of O. D.
Moore, was quite sick last week but is
much better at this writing,
There was a negro woman adjudged in
sane in our district last week. She livid
on the Flynt place near Hillman.
Planters CUBAN RELIEF cur
Colic, seur.dtia a ud Toothache
;:i live minutes. Sour Stomach
eii ; - ::u.ner Complaints. Price, 25 Cents.
All above goods for sale by P.G. Lucas.
We think Bro. A. I). ALiora will soon
have ;ilI the old buggies painted. That is
about the only kind of work going on
He’sth Wire Fence Man, of Atlanta, Ga.,aaa
:cUitlic-t><MWa!i«lrhOApe*tfenciiiginexh»ie«e€ cvta’oguo free. Write tor it.
few r- •
No preaching at Barnett last Sunday as
was reported. There will be
there next Saturday and Sunday.
We hope everybody may be blessed with
plenty rain this mouth and a glorious
crop may crown pur labors the present,
Well, the whiskey talk is over now
we are glad of it for it got to be a bore
mill disgusting before t lie election was
AI. L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says: • 1
was a sufferer for ten years, trying most,
all kinds of pile remedies, but,
stieiess. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve was
lceo mu tended tome. 1 used one box.
it lias effected a permanent, bore ’’. As a
permanent cure for piles DeWitt’s, Witch !
ilazel Salve has no equal. Crawfordville, ,
Aiidrews A: Dfciulwylcr Agents.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon. :
Mr. Robinson, of Tennessee, was spend¬
ing his :ime in Sharon last week in the
insurance busp css. He seemed to be a
nice man.
The election in Sharon passed off last
week without any excitement at all. Quite
different from what it was in Crawford- ;
ville from what'we can learn. ■
Why yellow :
is it that there arc so many
negroes about our towns. I bey are ven
scarce through the country but in the j
towns aud cities about every other darkey i
you meet is a mulatto. I
ruetteirs Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, '
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fev¬ I
er. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. j
Corns, and all Skin Erupt ons, and posi
tive y cures Piles or no ytay featured. It
Is guaranteed 'n give satisfaction or
money refunded £ Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid
AYe had k very unruly negro in Sharon
last week. It took more than one man t,o
put him in the lock-up. He was very
drunk but had good use of himself. He
was fined ten dollars or twenty days on
the streets, not having the ten dollars* Ini
went to the street and makes a good, hand:
A little boy asked for a bottle of “gel •
c pin the. morning as fast as you (•iui,’ : j
the druggist recoginized a household riiiigiei Slid!
tor “DeiVitl’s Little Early Risers," little
gave him a bottle of those famous
pills for constipation, sick headache, live.,
andstoniiicli troubles.
Andrews Ai Deadwyler, Crawfordviilc'
E r. Lawrence Brown Sharon. Agents.
«SSb W. O. inCmvfTdviilbkst AVright’s, aUi“ Koh < Im.wX .
complimented very mucli by the people
generally. The reason we say W. O.
AVright, alias Berner, they favor each
other very much. AVe think Mr. Berner
is an able speaker beyond all doubt and
should lie lie elected lie will make a good
Remarkable Resc-.e.
Airs. Allchnel Curtain, Plainfield. Ill,,
makes the itat iment that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs; slit* was
treated for a month by her family physi¬
cian, but grew worse. Ho told her she
was a hopeless victim of consumption
end that no medicine could cure her.
Her druggist suggested Di. King’s New
Discovery for Consumption; she bought a
bottleandto her delight found herself
benefitted from first dose. She continued
its use and after taking six bottles, found
herself sound and well; now does her own
housework, and is as well a." she ever was
—Free trial bottles of this Great Discove¬
ry at Dr. R. J. Reid’s drug stoic. Large
bottles 50c and 81.00'.
Air. Editor:—The Alimlen High School
exercises at Level Hill took plate last
Friday. A good crowd was present and
everything passed off very quietly. The
election passed off with our people of the
tiodrd district for the sale of whiskey with¬
out any trouble. AYe don’t hold in the
whiskey issue that it is right for people to
get drunk and make beasts of themselves,
but we do bold that every man Ims
the right to have whiskey when he wants
it at his home and not have to go abroad.
It is his privilege. AVe do not want the
bar-room to he a stopping place for our
children but we want whiskey where we
cm get it when we want it. and we do
hope and pray that our white people will
quit laying had example* before our race
and leading some of them off from the
paths of duty. AVe hope they will *ry to
elevate our race, rather than degrade it.
[f we can just get the proper help and in¬
structions from our white people we will
be a better people and better citizens and |
have better society. Ned Edwards, i
Constipation world. It | j
Causes fully half the sickness in the
retains the digested food too long torpid m the liver, bowels indi- |
and products biliousness, |
ge it ion, had taste, coated Pills !
tongue, sick headache, in
joiania. etc. flood's Pills
cure constipation and all its i
rev :lts. easily and thoroughly. tiGe. All druggists. j
prepared by C. I. Hood & Co.. I.oweu. „ .Mass,
T]l . gll ] V jqji 3 t0 take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Correspondents’ Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
the Happenings InTlietr Respective Lo¬
calities. All the News.
BY I. N. C.
AYe bad a nice rale last. week.
Wheat and oats iutliis section are look
ing line,
Airs. Hattie Gunn visited cur section
Mbs Woodie Norman Visited in Ogle.
thoroc hist week.
There is a good deal of sickness in and
around this place.
Airs. Drake and daughter from Wood
stock spent a day here recently.
Air. S. P. Cutaway is going to get
ried now soon: thats right, old boy.
Thousands of sufferer*from grippe have
been restored to health by One Minute
Cough Cure. It quickly cures coughs,
colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe,
asthma, atui all throat, and lung diseases.
Andrews A Deadwyler, Crawfordviilc.
I)r. Lawrence Brown, bharon. Agents.
Air*. Mamie Norman spent last week
vilh hcr T Iln!U,S > Mr - 11,1,1 Mr3 -
Messrs. H, A. Caldwell, W. 1>. Pittnrd
»«(! J. R. Evans have quit trading horses
!lutl teaching school and gone to plowing.
That is right, old men.
Pitts’ Carminative aids digestion, regu¬
lates the bowels, cures Cliolcn Infantum,
Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Pains, Grip
in*;, Flatulent C’olic, l 11 -natural Drains
from the Bowels, and all diseases incident
to teatiling children. For all summer
eomplaints it is a specific, ... Perfectly ,, r ,,
harmless and free from injurious drugs
and chemicals. FoPsaleat Alliance Store
The hot dry weather is causing some
M H j i* almor , „f Union Point, spent
iSniulay nt '> bite 1 lams.
Several of our citizens attended prencli
in ; «t Bethany last Sunday.
® V ' J * W ‘ 0tRMn 8pe,,t SfeVC, ' nl ° f
ast week in Alaeon and Atlanta.
Mrs. Joe Grant, after a long illness,
died and was buried here last Wednesday.
Airs. Young Lewis has returned from
Atlanta, where she spent several weeks
with her daughter.
Mr. II. II. Slack returned from Decatur
Saturday night where he attended the j j
trial of Muidcri r Flanagan.
Prep rgtious are being made for a big
commencement at the close of our school
which will be about tlie 17th inst.
MalJirion 1ft enclorn«(l l»y l*liyftlcl»ii»
and guaranteed to etin*Chills Fever and
Ague. Ail druggists or from AlolHt-West !
Drug Co., St. Louts.
Rev. II. L. Crumley, agent for the
Orphans Home, Meihodixt interested church a large Sunday iiu
dienee at the
night from the subject "The cost of your
Messrs. .Moss and Eley, former citizens
of this place, but now living in Jefferson
Co., have tuul the sad niisfnrtunc of losing
grown sons each. The death of each hav¬
ing resulted from fever.
Planters NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep¬
sia, Constipation and indi¬
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
Raid muc li needed.
A marriage reported now soon. |
Mr. Ed. McAlpin, is very sick at this j
writing. j
Hot and dry; hops we will have tome i
raid 1
Pay train was a week or more behind
time this round.
Airs. Joe O’Brien is visiting her parents J
in Atlanta this week. )
Mr. John Lynn, of near Mlldrnjon, w,.s j
at Barnett last Saturday.
Mr. AV. P' Doziei wan quite sick ln*t
week but is much better now.
Mr. Ned O’Brien, of Atlanta, was visit-!
ing Barnett section last week, '
There was a good many visi at Bur- j
nett Sunday school last Sunday
Mr. L. L. Obii tilled Mr. J. A Wood- ,
alls, place last Sunday by acting as Supt. t
Gae.s who the young man i-> that i so j
deeply in love with one of our Bornctt i
girls. j
yj,._ \ |Jarrell and Dr. AL 11. I
^.j yj on business !a*t j
week. I
A vVond'rfnl Iltrcovvry.
The last quarter of a century records
many wonderful discoveries in raedh ine,
but none that have accomplished more for
contain thr* v«*ry «■!<merits of pofxl ^**altb, * !
and neither man, woman or child take
j f witnout deriving the greatest bMient. j
Bro*ub* Iron Bitters is told by ell dealers. '
Preaching at Harnett, Metliodist church
next Saturday add Sunday by pastor L.
P. Winter.
Airs. Emma Reese, of Washington, was
visiting her father Mr. G. W. McAlpin
last, Sunday.
Mrs. Reid, of Crawfordville. spent last
week with her daughter, Mrs. L. E.
Osbn, at .-this place.
Mr. \\ alter Hay. of Miltlrajon, was at
Barnett, last. Sunday. A pair of “gray
‘‘yes'’ was the attraction.
Mr. and Airs. ,I.T. Taylor had their iirst.
disli of Irish potatoes last Friday and the
writer enjoyed them very much.
Mrs. Triplet is lying very low at her
daughter’s home near Barnott. Mrs. Wili
Jaeksou. We hope she may soon recover.
A torpid liyor robs you of ambition nod
ruins your health. DeWitt’s Little Early
Risers dense the liver, cure constipattoil
and all stomach and liver troubles.
Andrews As Deadwyler, Crawford villa,
l)r. Eawrence Bnnvti, Sharon. Agents.
Air. W. P. Doziei, is doing a good
mercantile business at Barnett now. He
is the only merchant at Barnett now and
we wisli him success.
One cf our young men who went to the
war says he wishes he was hack at Barnett
now. Wc expect there are lots of boys
that wish they were at home.
News is scarce this week. If nnvloly
has been visiting 1 have not, heard of
them, Mid “AI" lias been visit ing th<-. cot ton
patch and have'nt been able to get much
AD. Alva Chapman, of Alildrujon, favor
od our Sunday school last Sunday with 11
pleasant call. There must be some at¬
traction as In; was soon carrying a certain
girl home.
It is a great leap from the old fashioned
doses of blue-mass and nauseous physics
to the pleasant little pills known as I)e
Wilts Little Early Risers. PI icy cure
constipation, sick licadaclie and hilhms
i Andrews A Deadwyler Crawfordviilc-,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon. A gents.
Rain Is much needed.
Peaches are drying up on the trees.
Air. J. W. Rives family is a I! on the
sick list, this week.
| Mrs. Martha Slierrcr visited her son Mr.
Will BhcrrerJast week.
Airs, M. J, Armor and daughter were
out visiting friends last, Saturday.
Little Floyd Lunccford is suffering a
great deal with arising on her finger.
Guess who Air. W. G. I’rady, (the show
mail) called on last, Sunday evening.
Master Charlie Sherrer of Wilkes eoun
'} visited little Antwin Shcrrci last week,
Air. Ed. Sherrer, of Wilkes, visited his
“i""' 51 's. AV. E. Wall last Saturday night.
Let ;;s all pray and pray in earnest for
rain or we will all starve to death. Every¬
thing is drying up.
Air. E. Al. Moss and Air. Bill Lunccford
presented themselves with new buggies
last Saturday. Lookout girls for Bill is
Mrs E. Combs was on the sick list Kun
<I;iv, not able to attend Sunday school.
Hope she will soon be up again as she is
missed by all.
Air. Overtoil Lunccford gaye a musical
entertainment last Saturday night. The
music was made by two line musicians,
Airs. Lave Ltincel'ord and Mr. W ilkes
Wall. They all report having a good
The little son of Air. AV. U. Nash died
last Saturday morning and was Imricd in
the old Meadows burying ground. Wc !
extend our heart felt sympathy to the!
bereaved. The Lord givetli and the Lord
taketh; blessed be the mime of the Lord.
Complimentary to Our Readers.
Our readers will he pleased to learn that
the eminent physician and specialist, Dr.
Kilmer, after years of research and study,
has discovered and given to Hie world a
most remarkable remedy, known as
Swamp-Root, for the cure of kidney, liver j
and bladder troubles; the generous offer !
to send a bottle free that all may Prove, I
wonderful merits without i
its expense , hi
>» itself sufficient to give the public coil
tidence and a desire to obtain it. Swamp
Root has an established reputation as the
most successful remedy, and is receiving!
Hie hearty endorsement of all-up-to-date;
physicians, hospitals and homes. If our
men and women readers are in i of a
medicine of this kind no time v J be
lost in sending their name and ad dies
to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. A • !
and receive a samp e bottle and a book of
valuable information, both sent absolutely j
free by mail, upon receipt of three two
cent stamps to cover cost of postage on ]
the bottle. The regular «iz< jS may be
1 ohtfdned at the drug stores, When writ
inir please sav you read llii- generous offer
in tli- Adw-Democrat.
Stand last.
The election i over but we w ish to <:
'!>"«" " ***«*»«
ro county to the fact that wc who voted
t t | 1( . ua ),. of whiskey feel encour
.hatbu^j* a small majority . voted . f 01
In AdLvonoo.
NO. 15.
Royal makes the (oodfurs,
whole5ome and delicious.
ms m
Absolutely Pure
the sale. We arc certain We, are light.
A strong man holds his palace until a
stronger one comes. Wc voted agaiust,
tin* sale to do away with the temptation
s«t I). fore the rising generation, and to
remove the evil out of the way of the
habitual drunkard, the moderate drinker
and to get rid of the home destroyer.
Good people, faint not by the wayside.
The Tight will take place of wrong some
day certain. Wo ask a nation to free
themselves of the evil of intoxication and
then be S hiH n « i S>‘ bor 10 do 80 t00 ’ M v
dear people of Taliaferro countv, let mo
bog you to stand steadfast on this ques¬
tion and not become discouraged in a
righteous cause. E. H. M.
Merit Means .Money Made.
You cannot advertise money out of
people’s pocket all the time; you may do
it now and then, but if you don't give
them something of absolute merit in
return, advertising will never prove suc¬
cessful. The kind qf advertising that pays
is advertising a good thing. As it has
merit the people will use it again and again.
Never ims this been better illustrated than
in the grout success of Cascarets; candy
cat hartic: that we have been lately adver¬
tising in this paper. AH druggists calJL
Cascarets, repeaters, that is, people buy
them, like them, and buy them again ant,
recommend thtm to their friends, Cos
carets nre guaranteed to cure constipation
or money refunded, and are a delightful
laxative and liver stimulant; the best
medicine ever made. We recommend all
our readers to try them.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters remain in the post
ofllice atCrawfordville, first of this month
uncalled for:
Al II Blown, (card) lion Jesse J Bull,
All A li Cason,' (card) Mr J C Crawford,
Mr.J C Crawford, (card) Win Davis to
(thus Patterson, Miss M L English, Air N
G Frady, Ilcv K Johnson, Rev G W
Johnson, Thomas Mitchell, Air J S Porter
Mr Peek, Miss Elisebeth Runnel,
Mrs Amy Reid. Miss Ulatra Stewart, Air
Cleve Tyler, Hon .1 L Van Duron, Dr. AV
M Willingham, Mr J B Walker.
^T* eethang
Childre n
Are generally Puny. Stomach upaet.
Bowels oat of order—do not reet
well at eight. Tho very he»t remedy
(or children while teething ie
It cares Diarrhoea, regulates tha
Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind
Colic, softens the Gums, cures Chol¬
era Infantum, Cholera Morbus, Grip¬
ing, sad acts promptly. It is good
lor adults, tco, and is a specific for
vomiting during pregnsscy.
Sold by all Druggists, 23 and 50c.
For sale at ALLI ANCE STORE.
; •
Price, 23c., 50c. cr Ci per Eor.
satisfaction cci'ncrrzco
di :.:oi Ci iicrv*nEo.
Sampia? for four cents
in stamps to
pay postage.
HET.MET MEDICINE CO., !'<■ Brumlwav, SewYork.
rr._. v_r