Newspaper Page Text
pobushkd every tridav morninc a*
Official O. gan .... Taliaferro CO „
Blien Dewey Whipped (lie Dam.
Oh', we cracked our llnoats hurrahing,
And weduneeil a jli? for mirth,
Am! we strutted very proudly
A« If we ow/rM the earth.
Our cities looked like hedlatn.
We just made the welkin ring,
For they said In New \ ork City.
"Dewey dfd’ul do a t’ing".
We humbled the proud Castilian,
And we allowed the Latin race
That vc were Anglo-Saxons, the
And that we could stand pare.
Dewey awed tile boasting Spaniard,
For right well a ship he eons,
And be aims a gun quite nicely;
And »0 Dewey w hipped the dons.
The Omaha Exposition opened
June 1st.
The big tumble in the price of
wheat this week makes the
consumers of flour feel better
It was mostly speculation and
Speculators any way.
Schley's squadron seems to
have the key to the imprisoned
Spanish fleet )Wt at , lt Santiago S.u U.i„ > do 1
Cuba. Sampsons big fleet does
not seem to he as lucky as the
smaller fleets.
Hundreds of thousands have
been induced td try Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy by reading
what it has done for others, and
having tested its merits for
themselves are to-day its warm¬
est friends. For sale by Dr. R.
J. Reid.
The columuH of a newspaper
always picture the enterprise of
a town. If the paper has little
or no home advertising in it, that
ah own that the town has little or
no enterprise about it.
A battle was fought at Santia¬
go de Cuba one day this week,
but the results are hard to get.
The American ships poured
heavy shot into, the Spanish
forts, but as to How much
damage was douo it rs not known..
tiJvevy citizen should feel an
interest in the Stephens High
School and help make our spec¬
ial edition to advertise the
school! a success, Buy a few
copies of it and send to your
friends outside of the county.
Send in your orders at once so
wo may know how many papers
to print.
The Madison Advertiser force
lias lost sleep for a week and
pumped all its friends for all
they are worth in getting up a
mess of nothing as a reply to
our article last week. Wosim
ply say the get-up of the thing
showed the depth of the writer
and we leave him in his slime
and advise him for decency's
■wilre to go off to a swamp, find a
wet log aud thereon hate himself
to death anil let those ‘'scaven¬
ger birds,” he refers to. carry his j
carcass off out of the way of the
good people of Madison.
Perhaps you have made
up your mind to take
this summer. +
Then look for /S
this picture on
wrapper, with big a |j 5j
man a
fish on his back. A*
Do not let anyone talk to
vou of something “ just
as good. ’ *
When you want cod
liver oil and the
phosphites you You want will
very best.
them in Emulsion. only one place,
There is no other
sion . like tt; none
does the same work; and
no other has the same
record of cures.
All I'r RS « r,: $
•• OTTi v. «M, tx c Sts. V Y.
To Hein tlie Boy *
The Georgia hoys it* the ai’tny
will be looked aftef by the good
people of the state
; committee n is the purpose e^tabltetA of the army
Mon'. Cbrtatoin Association tent
with each regiment, to provide
for the spiritual welfare and
comfort of the soldiers.
These tents will be provided with
reading matter and writing facil
ities; young men's prayer
ing will be conducted, Bible
classes organized, and other
lines of religious work under
taken. A commissary depart
ment will be provided for the
benefit of young men who
sick. In this department young
men who are sick will be fur
fiislied with light diet and need
cd delicacies gratis on the order
of the army physician.
To do this work efficiently
money is needed. Every
of Georgia should have part m
providing these blessings and
comforts for our sons. We
earnestly request that men and
women in all parts of the state
will consider it a religious duty
I and privilege } to hi we part in
( din „ r this work Cash
/? . on) ril)U ? D I ons are needed at once
Friends desiring to contribute ,
vv jj| pieusosend subscrititions
ax .Q overtwr Northern,' Atlanta,
—- - —, r
M v. •** *>', Proprietor of
the Burton H us<^ h Burton,_ VV .
V., and one of the , most widely
known men in the slate was
cured of rheumatism after three
years of suffering. lie says: ‘‘I
have not sufiieieut command of
language f to convey any idea
what suffered, my
told me that nothing could
done for me and uiy friends were
fully convinced that nothing but
death would relieve mo of my
suffering. In June, 1894, Mr.
Evens, then salesman for the
Wheeling Drug Co., reccomend
ed Chamberlain’s Pain Balm,
At this time my foot and limb
were swollen to more than
double their normal size aud it
seemed to me my leg would burst
but soon after I began using the
Pain Palm the swelling began to
decrease, the pain to leave, and
now I consider that I am entirely j.
cured. For sale by Dr. K.
Ed. Young Dead.
('apt, Edward Young, well
known in this section of the state
aud who was editor of this paper
at one time died in Greenesboro
on Tuesday evening of hist week.
He was sick about one month
and died of gangrene of the
lungs. He was Mayor of his
city and assistant editor of the
Herald-Journal which paper says
of him: “The gifted journalist,
the eloquent advocate, the
knightly gentleman, the staunch
friend, the sincere christain has
lain down the burden of intense
sufToriug, and has found that rest
that awaits the righteous. ”
Uiitibi'.l t .e Gnivr.
A startling incident of which
Mr. John Ulivcrof Philadelphia,
was the subject, is narrated by
hint as follows: “I was in a
most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes
sunken, tongue coated, pain con¬
tinually in back and sides, no ap¬
petite day gradually growing weak¬
er by day. Three physi¬
cians had given me up: For
tunately, a friend advised
•Electric Bitters/ and to my
great jov and surprise, the
bottle made a decided improve
ment. I continued their use for
three weeks, and am now a well
man. I know they saved my
life, and robbed the grave of
mother victim. No one should
fail to try them. Only 50 cents
per bottle at Dr. 1\. J. Reid's
St ippcd on the ItrUIge.
Sunday Capt. Osliil brought a
large train load Ol f negroes from
do vn fhp road to attend preach
in x at Booker's chapel, a colored
church •nr Mr. O. S'. Barnett's
briolv - vur j. In order to lx 8 are
> f the
1 ,a l V ul ° ....
sagacious Gapt-un s-enp ■; his
train on the middle * Little
r j vor bridge, in order that none
. , ost . t , without paying
their duCs> —" ^ ha , . ^ ton 1 nr >n
yv. j* it 9>
— The weather has been fine
f°*" • S, 'G in o
-Some farmers sly theircrops
are not needing rain.
-The sweet girl graduate is
hom <’ to *"•
1 _CorresiK>ndents, don't forget
us during these times of
of news.
—Our new story “A Sister’s
Honor” will soon begin in these
columns ' Ho not miss it.
happy. “We told you so. » J
Jelly tumblers will soon He
in demand. You can buy them
■ at Alliance .Store for JOc per
—C. W. Caldwell and Dr. T X.
Rhodes are preparing to buy this a
new grain separator to run
_ Get roady to Stephens s ^ d a High
number 0 f our
School Advo-Democrats to your
—B. Rene Lanneaw, of Jack
sonville, Fla., has been with his
_ M isses Janie Retd and Ray
Tappan returned yesterday from
I the G. N. & I. college at Mill
1 ,-Stephens High School
I preparing for one of their best
I attainments during
i meuceinent week.
The Alliance Store
fruit jars before the fruit
j was a certainty therefore bought
| them cheap. You get the bene
| fit if you want it.
—There was a _____ large 0 ------- crowd of
lhe G N & p girls passed
|hrough here yesterday from
j Milledgeville. They were
j„«r a stuall U. S. flag,
T » ’\ <al Vi 1 ! 1 . . l lll< * *
.' *
ca 0,1 au jUcaS '
— Chandler \\ r iniberly . lost it
j hmyele J uesday night by lea\
! ‘ n rf H at the depot, home of the
| boys found t hat he had absent
miudedly left it and they hid it.
—Mr. O. P. Bonner has made
another trip to Augusta and
came buck highly pleased with
the bright prospects ahead for
his patent railroad signal. He
will put up a goodoue here soon
show and it to many from other
states who want interests in the
A. H. Patter, with E. C.
Atkins & Co., Indianapolis, Ind:,
writes: “I have never before
given a testimonial in my life.
But I will say that for three
years we have never been with¬
out Chamberlain’sColic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy in the
house, and my wife would as
j soon think of being Remedy without Hour the
as a bottle of this in
summer season*. We have used
it with till three of our children
and it has never failed to cure —
not simply stop pain, but cure
absolutely. It IS all right, and
anyone who tries it will find it
so.” For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
The Madison Advertis(meut)er
quotes from Geo. P. Rowells's
Directory a paid advertisement
to show “what a great boy am
‘It.’” Why, my dear sir. any
old-‘fossil fool”’ could got such
r.iting as yours in the Rowell
concern by paying for it. Even
Polly Parrots have long since
1 tarned that such paid puffs as
that , m . newspaper directories ,. . do ,
not fool sensible people.
___ k .. X J —
Planters CQ Oi L cares
mutism and tores. Price, US’ cettte
The serious part of the wan
question has about dawned
some iconic V who expected to
! have a l noiut . ‘ 111 . whl .. ^ mi " b , l wn .
^ ar uot Hie fun that man y
| consider it aud for that reason
W e lioped war could bf averted
before it started -
V-V f-. 2 ■ tl JB
at ^4 wi&jr- 8
Our Honor Holt.
! The following kirnl patron> iiate paid
Uicir snhseiiptlons since onr last issue:
.1 dm O : tew <Tt. .HV. to Dec 3. 1'98.
II t i ■ I. I'hai inin 50c, fo TXf. 12 8 1 '
The examination of applicants
for license to teach will be held.
in Crawfordville. on Friday tl he
17th day of June next, beginmng
promptly at s o'clock railroad
timo, or " oO sun time.
Those who have not received
copies of “Manual of Methods
will be supplied by applying for
sanu VSi. T. Flint,
C. S 1 T. C
“Wily” Lena.
Lena Wiley, a colored woman
who was raised about here, but
recently made her home down
abou t Albany, Ga., was arrested
here Saturday, charged
,or « er y- She was a nurse at a
hotel at Albany and was
ing the children of some northern
guest. She found some checks
about her employer's room and
she took them to the bank
'“ d
cash She then skipped out and
came up here. Deputy bhenft
W M; Goodwin of Dougherty
county came up Sunday and car
riecl her buck to stcUld tricll. She
had a big trunk full of fine
clothes j and was ‘ 'cutting the .
buck.” until a telephone tees
sage brought troub.eto her.
1) n
-Prof. Scarborough gave a
?® nc ®^ at the court house here
‘ ° h
If the Madls ° n boaster , , ’ 11
really wants to know if our press
is paid for the editor can come
down and wewill show him re
; ce ip ts from Barnhart Bros.,
“ 0 . showing that it is .
Sacrificed to
- Blood Poison.
Those who have never had Blood Pot
son can not know what a desperate con
dition it can produce. This terribh
disease which the doctors are totallj
anable to cure, is communicated from
one generation to another, inflicting iti
taint upon countless innocent ones.
Some years ago \ was inoculated with polsoi
by a nurse who Infected my babe with blooi
taint. The little one was
unequal to the struggle, ,, |,,'if'ji.
ipid Us the life fearful was yielded poison, Jp*E3igSrW
*p to ar
For six untold long years 1 suf- 7 jp S8p§K amf
fered misery. I wrvS'—wAl
was covered with sores
fcot. apri ulcers and from language head to
♦an express my feelings I
of woe during those long
I had the best _ jgj BB ft
lnedlt'ai treatment. Sev
eral physicians sneces v
sively treated me, but a 11
to no purpose. The mer
ci ry and potash seemed to add fnel to thi
ayrnl flume bv whloh friends was who devouring had me. wonderful I waf
JewSg seen
utade by It. to try Swift’s again Specific. W«
bar ;v. i bottles, and I felt hope revive 1 q
re \v drenst—hope for health and happiness
agaiu. 1 improved from the. start, and a com¬
plete and perfect cure was the result. S. 8. S,
is the only blood remedy which reaches des¬
perate cases. Mrs. T. W. Lsb,
Montgomery, Ala. >
Of the many blood remedies, 8. S. 8
is the only one which can reaeh deep
seated, violent cases. It never fails to
cure desperate perfectly and which permanently beyond the
most eases are
the reach of other remedies.
S.S.S.tS, Blood
^ prRKLY VEGETAI * E- and is the only
blood remedy guaranteed to contain nc
mercury, potash, or other mineral.
'Valuable books mailed free by Swift
Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
m *
209 7th St.. Augusta, Ga,,
GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defect* of
sight, grind, the proper gl*»s*9 and tV.tlt
rants them.
Lenses cut into your frame tvhile yon wait.
FREE OF CHARGE tells if you need
• meiuGiiw ot
\]if ][j[ XlJjfLi ATT I lil A Jull
Do you expect to doam papering,, ,*e
’t!. I .itie^ =,n m-w
in nnd nove up toflatc. WE PAT
FREIGHT. We want an agent in
town to sell on commission from , larp
sample books No capital required.
samples or particulars, address
8. WOLF,
747-753 Ninth Ave., N. Y. City.
- pffyr
Boilers, Saw Mills. * ottos Gins. Volvon
Presses. Grain Separators.
C isel TiH’th and Solid saw*. Saw
Tistli. Inspiiators, InjecUirs.
Repairs aud a full ffue (if Brass OiXhK
C. .x-Seud for Catalogue and Fiftr-s.
Southern Manager.?, •
i Her Boy was J .
How a child was brought back from the brink of
the graze to enjoy a healthy , happy childhood, One
, mother's advice for parents concerning the health of
their children.
notWng (, ut ^ an d bones. Then his
health turned and he became fat and hearty,
- J* £5KS
pjj-ents or friends of ailing little ones*
Fathers and mothers, who long to have
their children healthy and happy with cannot Mr.
fejj to sympathize and rejoice
*^>5£JP££.****«. because
from Damon, Ill- is happy now
the wonderful events that arc told in
words eloquent with simple truth and
gratitude, by the mother of the boy.
“Our Josie was never strong," said Mrs.
Williams. “ From his birth he was weak
and “Two puny. when
years ago, he was two
years old, he had an attack of lung fever.
Dr. N. A. Jones cured this fever, Dut the
child did not recover strength. beneath
“ He began fading away our eyes.
“He had no appetite, vomited a great
deal, coughed continually, his limbs be¬
came withered. painfully
“He became weak and ema¬
ciated. We waited for his death.
“ At this time a boarder named Asa Rob¬
inson suggested that Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People would do the child good,
“They had cured. Mr. Robinson of
rheumatism and he believed in them.
To keep our great factory busy, and introduce ear.y our
Splendid '08 models we have concluded to make a marvel¬
ous offer direct to the rider.
For 30 days we will sell samples of our swell ’88 bicycles at net
cost to manufacture and will Ship, C. (). D. on approval to
address on receipt of the nominal sum ot 81.00 (tf west of Denvei.So). This
any faith purchaser’s part; if you don t want to send
deposite is merely to show good exprOss-Sgent's on guaranty for charges one way and we
money in advance, send your
will pay them the other if you don't want the wheel.
QTDTTt?! A TJ Iligcst grade, embodying c.vcry late improvement of value,
jipr.nDU'l. -j jnc)l j ni p 0] . tf . ( i tubinga flush joints, improved two-piece
cranks, arch crowd, large detachable sprockets, handsomest finish and decorations,
.ilonran«te Wright, quick repair tires, single or double tube, high grade equipment.
Special price on sample............................ • ................$29.00
TflQQ A PV A splendid machine, equal to any for service and easy running.
bOJCmvn. j l-s inch seamless tubing, two piece cranks, arch crown,
detachable sprokets. flnolv finished and decorated, Morgan & W right, quick repair
tires, single of double tube, high grade equipment. Our special sample price
m nwnilfF Best medium grade for 1898. 1 1-8 iucli tubing, striped and
IALiUIN UirviJ vw „ r ,| t ,' ( i arell cr own. dust-proof bearinss, hall retainers, best
Indiana New Brunswick tires, standard equipment. Special price on sample $ | 9- 0()
NOTE. Choice of Color, Style, Height, Gear, etc. Fully Guaranteed.
You will lie surprised at the appearance and quality of these wheels. Don’t wait,
order now while,this offer Is open. PHce.s will he .much higher soon. A on can make
Big Money as our Agents, selling for us. We give cm agents choice of cash, the
free use of a sample wheel, or gift of a wheel, according to work done.
Do You Want Cheap Wheels?
We have numbers of 1890 and 1897 model wheels of various makes and st vies, some
a little shop-worn, but all new ........................ $ I 2.00 to $ I 6 00.
Wheels Slightly Used, Modern Types, $8.00 to$12.00.
Our business and reputation are known throughout the country. References, any
of the express companies, or any’ bank in Chicago. Art catalogue nee. Secure
ag-uicy at once.
The J. L. Mead Cycle Co M - Chicago, Ill.
Etc., Etc.
Barnwell & Vickers.
We have the largest stock of this line of Goods on
hand ever before brought to this section of the country.
We buy entirely in Car-load lots and get the
advantage in freights and car-load prices,
And we can gave you money by buying of us. We
also carry a large Stock of .hjarness, Saddles, Bridles,
&c. in fact you can get - anything you want in the
leather line. WE SELL ON TIME to ? ood par¬
ties at Cash prices, 8 percent, in notes, payable No
vember 1st.
; Barnwell Sc Vickers, Washington, Ga.
War! War! War!
Yon want ALL the news ortho war with spaiii aiid you
w ant it Ol'H'K. A hig h price daily c osts too much but
yoti want flic newsJust the same. .....- - •
The New York World Thrice
A Week
\y 1J rc von ALT. the war news cverv othtr day ’tist as ?o<k 1 as a dailj .
Ev crvb«Mlv knows the enterprise of this great paper whicii gives all the news
of the wmid in - pages every other dav or 24 pages per week. , . . .
W e will send yon that groat paper fur -til weeks or It* months (almost a
semi L t.LL for . the tune
y,. i,r for only OXL DOLLAR and will you same
yo irr, choice of
The Atlai » Weeklyt^ournal,
Xlie People s Party 1‘aper.
Mis.onri World.
Chicago Kxpress.
or Cotton World.
‘.S ? i-S2S' this advt. and mark
M .»d..v: DO.-,
miss a i J;Lssuel national paper cli p.
“ My husband bought three boxes of tfw
pills. We began giving Josie one-third of
a pill “ three times days a day. child brighter
In three the was
His appetite was better. He began to show
interest in toys and was less fretful.
“We increased the dose, giving him
half a pill at a time. He gained every day
in weight and appetite.
“ At the end of this treatment, after tak¬
ing three boxes, he was a new boy. life
“He was happy, hearty, enjoying
with his little companions.
“I have no doubt that Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People saved him from
an early grave." affidavit the
Mrs. Williams made to
truth of ter statement before David Crisp,
a Notary Public.
Dr. AvA. McCabe examined the child
and madeoath before Notary Mort Brooks,
that he isvaow physically sound and well.
The evidence is completed by Dr. N*
A, Jones, who made affidavit before No¬
tary George Rupp, that the child had been
in the condition described by Mrs. WiL
liams, as the result of catarrhal pneumonia. Pink Pills
The action of Dr. Williams'
for Pale People on the blood and nervous
system, id eliminating poisons and furnish¬
ing materials for new tissues, makes them a
sure remedy for wasting diseases an d the long
train of evils arising from disordered blooa
and nerves. All druggists sell the $2.50. pills {
one box for 50 cents; six boxes for