Newspaper Page Text
If you are young you nat¬
urally If appear so.
so? you are old, why ap¬
Keep young inwardly; ’ we
will look after the out¬
wardly. You
need not worry longer
about those little streaks of
gray; advance agents of age.
V A. ii .1 ■>
will Purely restore color to
gray Ijair; and it will also
give your hair all the wealth
and gloss of early life.
Do n$>t allow the falling of
your hair to threaten you
longerWith baldness. with Do not
be annoyed dandruff.
We will send you our book
on the Hair and Scalp, free
upon request.
Writes to. t!sa Dootor.
If you do nut obtain all the bene¬
fits Vigor, vou expected the frt» doctor m tlie about use of
the write it.
Probably there is some difficulty
•with your general removed. system which
may be Adtlresfc, easily DK. J. C. AYER.
Lowell, Mass.
The Beef Swelled.
Chas. Goober, Alex Beazley
and Frank Henry went out on
the river fishing Tuesday night.
They set out a number of hooks
and caught something like a
terrapin. Their horse got away
came home and left them and
the buggy in the swamps.
Frank said the beef which they
their’hooks swelled, so it
raised the water in the river so
high is the reason their efforts
at fish-catching failed.
Sawed brackets any stylo or
shape gotten out by the Wash
ington Mfg. Co.
Try the Washington Mfg.
Uo. on nails and builders hard
See W. T. Johnsons, ..Wash¬
ington, Ga., for Buggie§- !; and
Wagons. He buys in car load
’lots and makes low prices.
Barnwell & Vickers are
never undersold, but if you will
come to see them they will un¬
Barnwell & Vickers can
meet all fair and honorable com¬
petition, and invite it. They are
strangers to dirty methods,
Washington, Ga.
Barnwell & Vickers say
when they misrepresent their
buggies, or run down any body
elses buggies in order to sell
you. they will close their doors
and take their sign down.
A Fast Trip.
Engineer Thomas, the fast
funner of the Georgia Railroad,
made • lri >; *«•*.
.to Augusta a short turn! ago,i
^making the distance of 171 miles ;
|in 194 minutes. He was running j
k special freight train to make
(connections in Augusta for
Go to Farming,
Kescriptions tuns.!-Let of some of our bar
us know what kind
pt • ffrltoe joa wvrt u-ohf van,, fov muc much
vou can pay and upon what toi-rhs
vou wish to buy. We can meet
your requirements.
We have many farm
for sale in Tennessee. North
Carolina and North Alabama,
Our places range in price from
$300 to 825000. We have been in
the business of selling farms ex
clusively for ten years. We are
thoroughly familiar w. th values
and conditions throughout
section If you want to buy,
sale. Sent freeto lutv a, Ires,
CiuBTPEF'sFjra Ch,.Rg.:, \... ‘Tenn. ;c\
Pitte Home ifaners JPiofcad to cy Our
R>cal Reporters !
What Oar Psoplw Ire Doing »ud Sayirjr.
Tilings Our Friends TellTs.
Two tin plates 5c at Paul G. i
Lucas’ j
—Pratt Cox, of Hillman, spent
Sunday in Crawfordville.
500 palm leaf fans Iceacli at
Alliance Store.
—Mr. W. O. Holden has bought
a new piano for his daughters.
Standard can pears regular
10c size for 5c at Alliance Store.
—Rev. R. E. L. Harris preach¬
ed at Washington Sunday last.
Two tin dippers for 5c at
Paul G. Lucas. ’
—Miss Eva Asbury returned
Tuesday J from a visit to Greenes
. boro.
All sortvs of nice Hosiery
cheapest and best at Paul G.
—Col. Alien D. Candler is
among his friends when in Tal¬
iaferro county. ,
Extra good Turkish bath
soap for 40c iioz at Alliance Store.
—Mr. John O’Keeffe, of
Sharon, was in Crawfordville
Tuesday on business.
—Mrs. Susie Peacock,
Tenniile, is visiting her father’s
family in this county.
Neckties from 5c to 50c, the
prettiest lot in towu, at Paul G.
—Flower gardeners are dis
couraged by the dry weathers
drying up their plants.
—Col. J. W. Renfroe, candi- ]
date for State Prison Commis-'
sioner, was here Tuesday.
Two cakes nice toilet soap
for 5c at Paul Lucas. ’
—Crawfordville now has two
barber shops and each one try
mg to fix up the best shop.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Holden
and daughter Ora, returned
urday from a trip to Atlanta.
Another big lot of narrow
white lace just received at
liance Store from 14c. per yd up.
—Miss Ora Jackson, of Union
Point, visited her brother W. J.
Jackson near here first of the
All sorts of fancy and stick
candies at Paul Lucas’.
—Com. Flynt has appointed
the teachers’ institute of Talia¬
ferro to begin on June 27th. See
his notice.
—Mrs. B. M. Lanneau went up
to Madison Sunday to spend a
while with her daughter and son
at that place.
If you want something extra
nice in toilet soap, try Crush
Violet Soap 15c, or two for 25c
at Paul Lucas’.
—Col. Bob Berner's speech
here last week made the boys
laugh themselves hoarse. He is
a fine —Miss debater. Maude Stephens went | j
Mrs' ‘'weaver LT^ond'The ]
commencement of Mercer.
If you need anything in Cal
icoes. Percales or Muslins, you
will find the prettiest and cheap
est at Paul Lucas’.
—Mrs. J. H. Chapman and
children of Augusta came up
Saturday to join Mr. Chapman in
attending Daniel’s Springs.
If you want a straw hat go
t 0 the Alliance Store. We have
a few left and prices will cut no
n L ‘'
Messrs. , Charlie „ Rhodes and
Bob Anderson have returned
from the , Lawrenceville school , ,
and will spend vacation at home. j
Xd“;ch tS?“ ha«
about u| , thcir m i„ds as
to w ho they will vote for Mon
Galvanized Iron Wash Tubs
35ahd 40c at Paul Lucas’
H M H 11
den will spend some weeks for I
her health.
Big f lot imported organdie ,. |
|jfe . ured and " just th , h thm
tor commencement, at Alliance ;
‘ t01 e j
nice —Tom'Wynne net-wire ^ fence ^ has in put front up of a |
his residence and has done some
much needed repairs on the post
office corner.
_T 0 n n McCauley was here!
thig week on his way to casHior Tenniile, in j
wh^ro he Has a. jok> as '
a bank . H e has been connected !
Wi«b a bank a. LawrenceviHo. |
ECONOMY t in takia* Ilood’, Sar
.apanii., because “ 100 dose, one.
fco^S'SLoOD SfflS!
War, War, War!
Not With Spain, but Against High Prices!
I am very anxious to increase my trade with my TaliaRvro friends
just four-fold in 1898 . I appreciate your past favors and \\AU make a
desperate effort to secure your trade. -
Top Buggies $ 45 . 00 . One Horse Wagons $ 26 . 00 . Single Harness
Freight paid on all orders over $ 10 . 00 . Prompt service. Polite
attention. Big bargains.
W. T. JOHNSON, Washington, Ga.
—Messrs. Andrews *& Dead
wyRr. John P. and OaH
nd W ' B ' ra each
bought . roller top desks . ,
which arrived this week,
—The negroes cah have a
chfinCe to enlist in the army now.
We are informed that 'a recruit¬
ing station has been ‘openad in
Ashley & Denham, of White
Plains, ai‘G buying cows and
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
—Cut worms sections are reported very
bad in all this season,
)U ^ as the warm weat'her has
about turned them into grass
hoppers, it is said they have
about quit their mischief,
Double width white organdie
at Alliance Store for 50c per yd.
You naturally would not expect
to find as nice goods as this in
Crawfordville but it is here.
—James J. Chap than, a Talia¬
ferro boy, who has been a suc¬
cessful business mmi of Sanibel,
Florida, for several! yeaim, came
up last week 'to see his old
friends, dim says there is not
much war excitement in Florida,
“Lot parents not live for their
but with them.” The
ino ther should allow no false
modesty to stand in the way of
her daughter’s knowledge of
herself, of her possibilities, of
her perils. For over <10 years
Dr. Pierce has used his
“ Favorite TTI Prescription” as a
strengthenev, a pu Vi tier, a regu¬
lator. It works directly upon
the delicate, distinctly feminine
organs, in a natural soothing
way. It searches out the weak
spots and builds them up. A
woman who would 'understand
herself should send 21 cents to
the World's Dispemsary, Buffalo,
N. Y.. for Dr. Pierce’s Medical
Adviser, a book of 1008 pages.
—We are in receipt of an in¬
vitation to attend the marriage
of Rev. John Albert Harris to
Miss Stella Iduy Hiltbn. at her
home in ‘Jeffersonville, ind ; )
Thursday afternoon, June 2.—
To The, Doctors.
We have opened up a strictly
first ( q. ilss Drugstore and would
*> '•» *■»** J™ with
what drugs, &c., that you may
wan ^ : prices corredt. Send us
in an order. We invite you to
call and inspect our Store,
Andrews & Deadwyler,
New Brick Building
—In regard to tne statement of
our Sharon correspondent in Irwin the
last Reporter, one of the
guards requests us to say that
Sharon only furnished three
volunteers, and two of these were
^ urnet i down on account of their
infancy. The one accepted, they
sa y. is so old that he is forced to
crum b food.—Washington
Koporter -
Gome! Gome!! Gome!!!
We have opened a new drug
store with a full and complete
» uiffntovpmmmnnar
also have o line of combs. we! |
a mce
brushes and toilet articles of all!
tee accuracy and perfect satis- j
faction iacuon. We vy i . call c<m special speum atten- I
tion to our toilet articles—combs, ;
brushes, etc. . Out nice line ]
stationery is complete and cheap. 1
We have just received a fresh
n ne of paints, ’ oils, varnishes,
*•’ » " ” J !
y° u forget we bought tnem i lgln. . j
Therefore sell we anything know we are want able j
to VOU you
cheaper than ever bought before, and j
All we ask of you is to come i
examine our new stook.
Sod, water ticket, 7 for
.,0 foril.
.ASDKBtre 4 DeaOwyleh.
Brick Building.
To tho Asylum.
Sheriff Henry carried his crazy
boarders over to Millcdgeville
Mondayto put them into tho i
J 1 l
asylum. He had male and ,
one female. The
been m jail hero several liidWhs ;
and has been quiet, but the lakfeer
has been here only a short K#io
and made the nights hideCffes i
with her yells. It is a relief to ;
the towu for them to be away. i
( j
State of Ohio, City of To As
LEDO, Lucas County. j
Frank J. Cheney makes oath
that he is the senior partner, of
the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.,
doing business.' in the City of To¬
ledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay tho
LARS for each and every case
of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of Hall’s Catarrh
Cure. Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and sub¬
scribed in my presence, this (5th
day of December, A. D. 1890.
A. W. Gleason.
i seal l Notary Public.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken
internally and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces
of tho system. Send for testi¬
Address F. J. Cheney A Co .
Toledo, O
Sold by druggists. 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills are the
Teachers’ Institute.
The Teachers' Institute will be
held in Crawfordville beginning
at 8:<10 o'clock a. m. standard
time, on Monday, 27th day of
June next. The colored teachers
will meet at the court house at
1 -.30 p. m. on the 27th.
All teachers holding license,
who have not permanently retit
ed from teaching are required to
attend the Institute.
W. T. Flynt, C. S. C. T. C.
The Jennings School.
The closing exercises of Miss
Ella Norton’s school at Jennings
school house in this county was
largely attended last Friday
night. Those who went are
loud in their praise of the exhi¬
bition presented on that occasion.
We aro glad to note that Miss
Ella is pleasing her patrons and
gaining the love of all her
pupils. , !
Barnwell & Vickers do tell! a
square business. They will
you the grade buggy they sell
Get our prices on laths and
and brick before you begin your j
house. Washington Mfg. Co. j
Best shingles at lowest liv-!
ing prices can be bought of |
Washington Mfg. Co. i
_____ j j
—J. W. Brake showed the
Sparta Ishmaelite, recently, a
fine collection of relics in the J
srrsssssti. . Ti - ■> i n
a cent shinplasters to 20 do lar
La Cygne, Kas., “Chamberlain’s j
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea 1
B r .* D flno do 4a*hp work After i
- ^
medWines of .,«■ m.y tnv own
p r(i p ara tion and those of others’
Camberlain’s >
j took a dose of i
and it helped me; a second dose
cured me. Candidly and con
scientiously I can recommend it
as the best thing on the market. ;
o", and 50 cents size for sale 1
by Dr. R. J. Reid. ;
—--- ? U 7~ZZ~ .
vv P to /L anI } last'
- ‘
, to « Gt a horse and buggy :
trip in the country. The horse
wa « dead and the man h»d gone,
Mr. Hill found only tho buggy
Brightest Items from Near by
I» the Credit of the lAcollrnt County
Journals froia YVlileli >Ve (let
(Iu> Cream) News.
—Mrs. Martha Dorough died
in Oglethorpe county May 15»
—Mrs. W. E. English died at
her home in Warrenton on Tues¬
day of last week.
—Rev. L. McConnell and Mr.
Mackay are running a teut meet¬
ing at Warrenton.
day evening WObk.
Ne<d.,, 1” 1,1 .* -ill Winds of
scasonaoio ~ Still 1 . to . at lowest 1 . pi ice
at Paul Lucas'.
Blackberry crop is said to bo
hue. We will soon be indepen
deut of war prices.
Coin n \aiious sections of
tho neigh boring counties lias
been ruined by cut worms.
_Tliort* ineie has nas boon oeen n a vorv \cij
noticable thinning out of the
English sparrows in Sparta.
hor barbed i wire • cut . son stock . ,
use Or. Pichcnor S Antiseptic,
Nothiug equal to it in such cases,
50 cents a bottle.
—Cool weather first and
weather iate has caused corn aud
cotton to be small for the time of
—■ Jennie Trigger, a colored
woman said to lie 102 years old
died in Greene county Tuesday
of last week.
Pleasant, harmless, reliable,
Dr. Tichonor’s Antiseptic is the
best remedy for wounds,
bruises, stings of insects etc.
—Mrs. Linton Lewis went
down to Barnett a few
to see her sister, Mt,
who is quite sick.—Washington
In can goods I have a fresh
lot of Salmon, French and
American Sardines, Vienna
Sausage, Tomatoes, etc. Cheap
at Paul Lucas’.
— When Bob Lewis goes fish¬
ing and the fish refuse to bite,
he frequently goes into the water
after them It is just a way he
has.—Sparta Ishmaelite.
For inflamed eyes, sore throat,
sore mouth, use Dr. Tichonor’s
Antiseptic. Pleasant to taste
and smell and will give quick
—Seamore Mapp, colored, was
riding a mule near Powelton a
short time ago, and the mule got
frightened and threw the boy to
the ground, killing him.
If your cow is suffering with
garget, “spoiled udder,” use Dr.
Ticiieuor's Antiseptic freely. It
is said to be a very fine remedy
by those who have tried it.
—It is probable that Dr. J. H.
Kilpatrick will be called to the
pastorate of Long Creek Baptist
church iti Warren, Mr. T. B.
West was pastor up to Ids death.
Don’t you forget that Dr.
Tichonor’s Antiseptic will cure
colic in horses and mules. 25
cents a dose, two doses in a hot-;
tie. Keep it convenient. ;
From tlie Union Point Review.
—Mr. Jordan Sanford, of i
Craw ,, lord vi lie, was ,, the guest , ol ..
his cousin, Mrs. O E. Flukor
last week.
Accidents happen to the most,
careful a# well as to the thought
less. Be prepared for them.
Keep ft bottle of Dr. 1 ichenor s
Antiseptic convenient.
—Mr. R. A. Ogletroe, a former
of Union Point, but now j
of Crawfordville, is on a visit
tins week to his brother-in-law *
Mr. L. F. Jackson.
Why suffer with that painful
wound when Dr. Tichenor's An
£ 5 R^ C the pain and
W and costs so
j itUe v One application will
convince and convert you. Price,.
non in ana . dos.. . { j
about 100 head of cattle _ from ;
this place to Cincinnoti, Ohio, j
last Monday .nuauay evening. e»umi g .
- —--- i
New Barber Shop.
i will he in Crawfordville regularly
day to serve the people in first class
bair’eutting, shaving and shampooing 11
w iii yisit your homes ana do hair cutting t
;l ,„l shompooing for the ladies and child
ren; also sharpen razor*. shop at Mr. P.G ]
Lucas'store. Give me a call.
J0HX W ‘ WILI ;. 1A T’
Crawfordville, Ga.
<n ggrni ui a -n ra-M
UBKts amt ail else fails.
Ik»t Co'ugh Byrup. T Cio-xl. U»c
In tinw. S«»id by dnir yUta._j
E ._‘ I
:- .l
I _ I
I — I
Dr. Miles’ Remedies.
■*%!V '0.
mL ' J*
Jl XL;
,V %
# 4 ^ m i
eer. Onhlsglilridy nerves, clear brain,
bri sht cyo and perfect self command, de
pend tho safety 6 r tho tram and the live*
0 f J, s passengers. Ur. Wiles' Nervine and
other remedies aro especially adapted to
Engineer F. w. Rt-Coy. formerly of 133 ;
Broadway, Council bluffs, but now residing
.. su(re red for years from constipation, c*us
Ing side, nervous and blhoug headaches %. and
was fully restored to health by Milos *
Nerve & Liver I'llls. I lieUrtily recommend
Or. Miles' Remedies.”
are ]>r. sold Milos* by Homed all Urug- lea IP ^ ‘ Milojfc’ Dr.
gists Under a positive ;
KUliriuItee benefits , first „ ott i 0 3Rem@$es
or money re- J. Restore '
funded, nook on dts- Kr.. Health J
eases of t ho heart and
nerves free. Address,
nu. milesmedioaloo.. Elkhart, i.hj.
! OF
' j Crawfordville
And vicinity, will consult I heir
Interest by wri ting to
MatinfaCtUrillg CO *)
For Prices on HASIT, DOORS,
BER, LATH or any tiling in
(Trade Murk Registered Nov. 24, ’9l!.
The New Life-Giver.
Promotes Vigorous Health liy instilling
OXYGEN from the air Into the, system,
and cures nil forms of disease without
Medicine or Electricity. It, is ns simple as
Prices of OXYDONOUS greatly re¬
duced. Get the genuine, made by the
discoverer and inventor, Dr, Hercules
Book of particulars and price list free. Sanelie, UOl Fifth A*<>
uue, New York.
Engines & Boilers )
Gins and Presses.
(JornpIf'.U'Gotton, Saw, Grist, jrlil kml
Fertilizer Mill outfits; also Gin Press,Cams
Mill and Shiriglc outfits.
Building, Bridge, Factory Furnace and
H i( ji,,,ad Castings; Railroad Mill, Muohin*
ists’and Factory Huppltes.
Bolting, Packing, Injectors. Pipe Fit'daV. work iao HANDS,
, ..... „ „ . «
LOfflDSFu lEOI] if KS a olippJy 10.
Foundry, Machine, Boiler ami Gin Forks.
Repairs Promptly Done.
The New York World,
18 Pages a Week . . .
PuUItoLed #w , Alternate D«y e«* P t
publication, and the freshness, accuracy
atul Viir j et y of its contents It has all the
merits of a great So dailv at the price ol a
dollar weekly, its political news is prompt
complete, accurate and impartial as all it*
readers will testify. It is against the
monopolh s and for the people.
^n^g^'-^i-oracs^nLneefroinalUml globe. It
portant n.-ws points on the has
brilliant illustrations, stories by great au
thors, a capital humor page- complete
',.( t ,ii] < ,{’ij I U and°othcr
v a \ V ork special de.
partments of unusual interest,
Wc offer this unequaled newspaper and
Th^Sar^riptfon $2.0o.
p rlC(! 0 j t he two papers is
! AUMto, Ouca p m wT^ixETjEn:
hft. 104 N. Pryoe »W