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What is
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libdyi •LJiifr Getfil jg_ifam_.jrr B
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and < hiidren. It, contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance, It, is n harmless snhstitnte
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use hy
Millions of Mothers, Castoria destroys Worms and
allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour
Curd, rul es Diarrluea and Wind Colie. Castoria relieves
Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach
and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria
is the Children’s Panacea the Mother’s Friend,
M ("attorlsi h an ixucUcut medicine for
children. Mother* liavr repeatedly told me
pf its good rfl< i i upon their children.”
In C (hJ.O Aj, kowcll, Mass.
“The use of Castoria is so tmivemd and its
merits ho well known that it seems n work
of supererogation tpendot sc it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within cany resell.”
Carlo* Mautyn, D.D., New York City.
‘ I preftet the Castor ia every day fot children
who arc tuffepitig from constipation, with
better effect than I receive from any other
combination <>f drugs.”
Dr. J.. O. Morgan, South Amboy, N. J.
“Castoria i > m> well adapted to children
that I recommend it as superior to any pre¬
scription known to me.”
If. Archer, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" For several years I liave recommended
Ca-torin, and shall always continue to do
so ns it lues invariably produced beneficial
Kn win F Pardee, M. !>., New York City.
“ We have three children and they 1 Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.' When we give one a dose,
the others cry for one too. I shall always
take pleasure in recommending this best
child’s medicine.”
Rev. W. A. Cooper, Newport Ky.
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
Till r r. NT A on COMPANY, 7 T MU" Y STHttT, New YORK CITY.
tzmmmmamssaammm m ■
He progressive and keep up with the age. Tvpewt iters are now a necessity
In every line of business.
llcmingtons, Smith-Premiers, New Franklins, Dcusinons, Wilburn, Cu i
gmplis, and all
At Astonishing Brices. Largest Exclusive Typewriter Mouse in the South.
Best Equipped TV I’KWMTEU KEl’A 1 It MEANT In the South.
The rta.oO Anti-Trust Machine. SEND FOIi CATALOGUE.
Southern Typewriter Headquarters,
41 Peactreo St., Atlanta, Ga.
Perfection is the result of our long
ydKSK&L/' ¥1
•v 3.m sSfpf ■if *u At rts
L -
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ft/ i ■y
EE .4, pv-'V
are the product of mechanics! ingenuity.
’ ■ $ 40,00 $ 50.00 $ 60=00
iSlonarch Cheintess SI00.00
Send for I80G Catalogue.
Agents wanted in open territory.
Lake, Hatstod and Futtcn Streets. Cliicago.
Cranchcs New York, London sr.d Hamburg.
S?r-c1 ton 2-cert for a deck cf Mcnorch Pla^inc: Cards illustrating
L ’ an Ruscelk Y ::*i Cooper,Leo ‘.'it*arc!con and Walter Jones.
Are you Going to paint?
0 ® 0 ® 0
Use “Southern Home Paint.”
Guaranteed the best Paint made- No aduitera
tion. it is strictly pure and will cover more
adulterated . . goods
surface than any
Made in JU) Bountiful Colors!
F. J. Cooledge d Bro. ^4
i’aint mid Varnish Makers,
Savari..;io,Ii & JLtlantgi.
>__• * -> »
Reduced Cotton Area and Corn Small
Throughout the State.
This crop somewhat retarded by high
winds and cool nights in May. Acreage
less than last year. Stands not gcxxl in
many counties on account of dry
weather. Some fields have had to bo
replanted. Plants small. Cultivation
good. Will improve with the advent of
warm nights and hot suns.
Small throughout tho state, on ac¬
count of cool weather in April and want
of rain. Stands fairly good. Some dam¬
age from cut worms.
Have suffered greatly from drouth,
particularly in South Georgia, where
many fields have been ruined.
The crop is so injured by dry weather
that the yield will not bo np to the
average. *
I ingest acreage planted in yearn. At
least twice as much as last year, Pres
pects fine for tho best crops in many
years. Very little rust reported and tho
crop is almost assured. The good price
will lx; a great boon to the farmers of
North Georgia.
Acreage greater than last year. Stands
not good on account of the unprece¬
dented drouth through South Georgia.
Increased acreage and plants doing
well were irrigation is used. Upland
rice small and backward.
Minor crops, such as potatoes, hay,
etc., have suffered in many counties for
want of rain.
The peach crop promises to be one of
the largest ever made. All other fruits,
except apples, promise well. The straw¬
berry crop, though somewhat injured
by the cold snap in April, rallied later
on, and an immense crop will be mar
keted. Blackberries and other small
fruits are promised in profusion. Mel¬
ons are doing well.
You can buy a tine leather
-op buggy from Barnwell &
Yickers Washington, Ga., for
$45.00. A leather quarter top
,uggy at sill.oii and a rubber top
it *40.00.
To Develop Tomatoes Evenly and Give
Them a Uniform Color.
Question. — Although I have sue
ceoded in raising very large crops of
matoes, I have had great difficulty n
ripening them uniformly, and while
some are smooth and rough evenly and de veloped
a large per cent are uneven, market
which, of course, injures their
qualities. If you can give mo some
hints to enable me to overcome these
drawbacks, I will be greatly obliged.
AxKWF. 11 .—While tomatoes will grow
and produce abundantly on any medium
soil, there is one essential to tlieir sue
cessful cultivation, and that is very
thorough preparation. If the land is
subsoiled so much the hotter, and it
should then bo harrowed and rebar
rowed until not a lump remains. It is
not necessary to broadcast the manure
if a complete commercial fertilizer, with
a preponderance, of potash and phos
phoric acid, is used. Use a handful of
this, a handful of wood ashes and a
tablospoonfnl of nitrate of soda to each
plant, being careful to mix thoroughly
with the soil, and to prevent any of
t.heso ingredients touching the plant.
After the plants are set, that is in two
or throe days, give them a thorough
working with the harrow, or cultivator,
and, of course, the weeds arc to be kept
down throughout the growing season.
When the fruit begins to set repeat the
application of fertilizer. By this plan
the plants are strong and stocky and tho
fruit abundant and evenly developed.
Stable manure may be used, but it
should be thoroughly decomposed, made
fine and mixed with the soil. If the
plants are troubled with insect enemies
they should lie sprayed according to the
directions we have frequently given.—
State Agricultural Department.
When Riiby was slek, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When sho had Children, she gave them Castoria.
If you want a nice tomb stone
for your friends’ grave call on J.
N. Chapman. He will show you
cuts and give you prices.
IV. T. Johnson. "Washington,
sells everything on wheels,
Barnwell & Vickers are re¬
ceiving weekly car loads of bug¬
gies. It is nothing to them to
get in three or four car loads a
“I«we my success to the newspapers,
and to them I free! gi r e a cut n prott
of my yearly business,'’ snys John Wan
An Old Idea. I
E"?t day strengthens the cf of emf
neat physicians that impure ood is tho
vaiiM Twenty-live 1 of the majority this of theory our liison.'X'.-i. usctl
has for years tho formula ago of Browns’Iron vras
i a
Hitt»rs. The inatty romar’caWe cures effected
><• ihis famous old household ixmcdy are
-utni : eut to prove that the theory iseonxv:.
Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold hy , J 1 dealers,
. !■ STROM.
& Jeweler,
Ilichard’t Store, Urawfordville, Ga.
Ke;«ir Work a'ispecialty.
YOU will not c satisfied until you
Hungry Hair
is the beginning of
Baldness ..
Protracted hunger means starvation, and starvation means death. When
the scalp is starved the hair dies at the roots. What’s the matter with
your hair? It gets dry, harsh, brittle, dull of color, the ends split. You
wash it and brush it, but it still comes out. It’s hungry! If washing and
brushing would stop starvation, then all the expense of a horse’s keep
' would be a sponge and a currycomb. Hunger needs bread, not a bath.
That is why
lair O Vigo * t
Prevents Baldness
It supplies the requisite nourishment for the hair, and the hair grows.
It restores the tone of the scalp and so induces the secretions of the fol¬
licles that the coloring matter is renewed and fading hair regains its
natural color, dandruff disappears, and the hair becomes thick and glossy.
Men and women whose abundant hair is the envy and admiration of
4 friends, admit that they owe it to Ayer’s Hair Vigor. —
“ Last winter I discovered a bald spot on my head as large as a silver dollar. A few ap¬
plications of Ayer’s Hair Vigor started a healthy growth of hair, and in a short time the
disappearance of the bald spot was a subject of wonderment to my friends and pleasure to
myself.” A. M. ALLEN, No. 3116 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo.
“ I have used your Hair Vigor for a great many years and know of Nothing equal to it
as a hair dressing and restorer. It has given satisfaction among my customers who speak
highly in its praise.” A. E. ETELDS, liarber, No. 45 Princess St., Kingston, O.
“ I am sixty-nine years old and have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for fifteen years to prevent
my hair from turning gray. It is an excellent preparation for that pqrpose and I shall
always use it.” JOHN HECHTMAN, Osseo, Minn.
“ I find Ayer’s Hair Vigor to be indispensable. My hair fell out for five years, but a few
applications of the Vigor stopped it. It gave the hair a beautiful glossy appearance, and I
also found that it did not affect curling or crimping.” M, E. SNYDER, Brantford, Out,
$! Wanted
m VI/ y #E can show any steady going and earnest A 1
man how Iie can publications. make good wages don’t by
handling our We
refer to experienced men, but to those %
who have never sold anything. Just now we v? ft
are pushing our
Reversible Map of the 5
United Sfafcs and world I
66 x 46 inches in size.
11 beautiful colors.
1898 edition and corrected to date.
New railroads, new towns.
New counties.
The largest map printed on a
single sheet. 0
It is
A Photograph of the World ,,
One side shows a colored map of our great
country, towns, with The railroads, other side counties, shows an equally rivers, J S
etc. 5
elegant map of the World, locatingidl couat- j
ries at a glance by help of a marginal indcr, ^
It also shows ocean currents, route s of dis
coverers, and accurately such locates boundary the scenes 2 >
of all current events, as dis
putes. Cuban battles, Armenian massacres, P
polar expeditions, Alaskan K old fields, etc. &
Send us your address ana we will advise k
vou send how you and can secure will a forward county a agency, by or £
Si 00 we copy
prepaid express. clear from fso. $40 weekly from
Our men to
the start by following our club plan cf work.
If you get samples and don't want to en¬ t
gage with us you can return same and get
your cash back. Your newspaper or bank p
will tell you we are responsible. *
61 East Ninth Street. Naw York City
Wrile for our interesting l»ook3 “ Invent¬
or's Send Help” rough and "How sketch you are swindled.''
us a or model will of your
invention or improvement and we tell
you tree our opinion as to whether it is
probably of patentable. We make a specialty
Highest applications references rejected in other hands.
Civil A Mochanle.-.I Fngtnoew. Gr.dn.tes of the
Polytechnic School of Br.ctn-.-nng. Bachelors in
Applied Sciences. lava! rnivirsnv M - ! -a
Fiitent Law Association. American \ViVr Wots
Awociation, hew England r. at.-r Works A-soc
P I). Surveyors Associ.ittos, Assoc. Mcmlcr Can.
Society of Civil Engineers.
Offices : • Montreal, WAsnivcrov. T). CL
( Can.
STOVES "ST 200,110 E'JSKV SAnsr^onon. CSS CSIV)«Q
The-/ arc of Sod them Iron By Southern Worhnien,
who are sustained by the products of Southern Tamers.
They last longer and make more homes happy than anz
other Stove on earth. Tire backs guaranteed for is years.
If your Dealer does not handle them, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE.
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Phillips & Buttorff Mg. Co,
Mantels and Grates. Hollowware, Tinware, Etc.
China, Crockery and Glassware, Cutlery,
Everythicg necessary and convenient Q SV*- ’ o
for the Kitchen, Dining Room, J
Laundry and Dairy. A SPECIALTY.
Let us do your Job Printing