Newspaper Page Text
8100 Per Year. “IN THE INTEREST OF ALL THE PEOPLE." In Advance.
-**w -
1 NO. 18.
Should know that the
“Old Tima” Remedy,
iK * i 1 #
X3 the beet for Female Troubles. Corrects all
Irregularities In Female Organs. Should be
taken for Change ot Life and before Child-Birth.
Planters “Old Time” Remedies have stood the
test for twenty years.
Made only by New Spencer Medicine Oo., Chat¬
tanooga, Tennessee.
Paul G. Lucas Crawtordv i "r Ga.
For information as to Routes, Schedules
and Rates, both
Passenger and Freight,
write to either of the undersigned.
Y'ou will receive prompt reply and
reliable information.
T. F. A. G. F. A.
Augusta, Ga.
C. F. & P. A. G. A.
Atlanta Athens.
S. A. C. V. A.
Macon, Ga.
S. F. A. S, V. Jk F. A.
MHledgerllle. ■ Augusta.
* i
This is the Man
m 3
9 t j
m & %*%
tf. & Mi mi
‘ i
wm t
How? FREE!
MWJ...“ By giving them best and. cheapa t
super or Steel at groom! Wire tactory Fencing price. for NC??? aha
purposes how
[.matter need, for ttlo what or how much 37911 ".to
‘ or purpose, sen
i n handuulu-tara fm- it. A
the I Freight. Pay ^
' $34 ' 5i
’98 Models. High Grade.
We .Have do Ageats bet Sell Direct
f ° R ider at V.adufactsrcr's
Prices, Saving Yob all
*: Agent's Profits.
Best material., Superb C«i?h. Eight
eleghnt mcxeeVs. We ship anywhere with
pn ilege of examinatioa, psy express
charges bath ways and refund year
money if net as represented. Every
“Acme” is fully guaranteed beftctisc against Work
all Accidents as well as
mansAip. Send for catalogue.
102 Main St.,
W- m
Mat mo4«i oC »uk eTf-!a;.a:.on *e ~ ft** rci«r* x- tw
4S-yj*&Z BfK K FUI. C r»*
u 4 tmll ft: 'NrM for SPECIAL OFFER.
be wt Bwikiuig. VtfACH1NGT0N, O,
0’ Large oatalo ufi‘n‘nyles e showing
illustrations of of teno
in’g‘ with hundreds of testimonials
from all sections. Address
1:. The L. SHELLABERGER, Wire Fence Man 1
70 g. anztb fit. ATLgfiwfim
What i the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
} C. L. BAGBY.
Sewing machine repairers arc plentiful
in the land.
Our sick people we believe are still on
m;:",;:, p i,„,,,
*« ^ «.
with us last week.
Go<kI rains have been reported from
different sections.
Mrs. A. M. Bagbv visited her daughter
Mrs. Taylor last week.
Mr. James Battl” was up last week look¬
ing after bis farm business.
Miss M. T. Bagby has been on a visit to
her brothers over at the Grove.
Our people are making blackberries hide
out. now and don’t you forget it.
Subscribe for your county paper and
get the county news and be happy.
Mr. Will Rocker, of Warren, was visit¬
ing relatives in our section last week.
Several of our people attend the
Stephens High School Commencement.
Onr gardens are much better since the
recent rains Wc can boil the pot now.
Mad dogs are on the rampant in son.c
sections. A heap of them need something
to eat.
Will Tucker don’t belioye mine and
Tom Evan’s dog stories although wc swear
to them.
We see Barnett is well supplied with
telegiaph oporators at present, about four
in number.
Mr. It. II. Jackson’s little boy is much
better at this writing. He has suffered a
great deal.
Religious services a ; Sharon Methodist
church next Saturday and Sunday by
pastor Embry.
When you beat Taliaferro for pretty
girls and smart women you have got to
get up and get.
Miss Lula Moore, of this county, visited
her sister Miss Leila Moore at Miiledge
ville recently.
The night watchman at Barnett tied up
a Degro for breaking in the cars at that
depot last week.
Crawfordville was a busv place last
week, it being /commencement week at
Stephens High School.
“I think DeWltt’s Witch Hazel Salve is
the finest preparation on the market fpr
piles.” So writes John (J. Dunn, of
Wheeling, W. Ya. Try it and you will
think the same. It also cures eczema and
all skiu diseases.
Andrews «k Deadwyler, Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Mrs. II. M. Holden and children have
returned home from Hillman much im¬
proved in health so wc learn.
?dr. James Jones has returned to his
home in Warren county after several days
visit to relatives in this county.
Mr. A. D. Moore, boss of the temple of
industry, was blessed with the birth of
another baby boy at his home last week.
The many friends of Mrs. Sophia
Hackney will be glad to know that she is
sound in tniud again and attending as
nurse at the State asylum.
The Chief Burgess of Milcsburg, Pa.,
says DcWitt’s Little Early Risers are the
best pills heever used in his family during
forty years of house keeping. They cure
constipation, sick headache and stomach
and liver troubles. Small in size but great
in results.
Andrews & Deadwyler Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Mr. E. H. Meadows, our county sur¬
veyor went on a visit to Washington coun¬
ty last week. He roports good rains from
Washington county on up.
Flamers NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep¬
sia, Constipation and Indi¬
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
The negro John Acree that was caught
at Barnett last week while breaking into
the cars was carried to Warren jail to
to await bis trial in October.
Malarion 1* raidorae.l bj brat Physician.
and guaranteed to eureChills, Fever and
Ague. All druggists or from MofHt-West
Drug Co., St. Louis.
Messrs. G. W. Brown and Elias Allen
know how to treat their friends and cu«
tomers either on pleasure or business
when they come to their mill.
Bear* the Tlie Kind You Have Always BwjM
Jcs=e Brown, our post office clerk, has
been quite indisposed the past week but
we think is much better. Whenever Jess
says sick he means something.
Cntr, Burns, Bruises, Rheu
matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents.
Closing "xercises of (he Convent School
were had this week and ail the boarding
pupil* have eft for their home? to spend
vacation. We wish them a happy time. !
H.’st* * irs Fence Man, of Atia _n,Ga.,gad i
‘.'P* v o* <tisai-i,oapcstftaci:jrir, vzfctotbse
r t.: pa-poiue. CutaiogBe frwe. Writ? for
Father Basin, of Atlanta, was with Ills
Sluiron friends this week ns happy and
lovial as ever. lie was formetlv in charge
of the Catholic church here.
I a»k fill my of friends Democrats or
Populists to vote for me for Coroner of
Taliaferro county. I think lean attend
to tiie business of that oflice. Vote for
1\ c held comt twice last week but not
in one day. Bro. Mike Taylor gets away
w , t
The school house of Mi Id raj on Grove
has been repaired from the recent wreck
it bad by a largo tree falling on it. The
good people of that section keep up with
the times.
Rev. J. A. Mershou, from Emory Col¬
lege, is spending li|s vacation with his
friends and ° relatives in this and
Warren county. It will he two years yet
before Bro. Mershcm guulnutos.
Sick headache, biliousness, constipation
and all liver and stomach troubles can
be quickly cured by Dewitt’s using those famous
little pills known as Little Early
Iiistrs. They are pleasant to take and
never gripe, Deadwyler, Crawfordville,
Andrews «fc
Dr, Lawrence Brown Sharon.
Why hold deaf ears to a poor mans cry.
Wc want your tin work nnd you should
give it to us. Wo are willing to serve
you at any time at your house or at the
shop. C. L. Bagby, Sharon, Ga.
Our marshal says the street lamps give
him a heap of trouble. Hold on, Bro.
Bob, you knew that before you
charge of them. Hold out faithful and
you will certainly receive your reward.
The edit.oi of the Evans City, Pa., Globe,
writes, “One Minute Cough Cure is
ty named. It cured my children after
other retnodies faffed.” It cutes coughs,
colds and throat and lung troubles.
Andrews ifc Deadwyler Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Messrs. H. M. Taylor and
Fielding attended the commencement in
Washington last week. II. M. visits
(Vaihington quite often now days, there
must be some attraction over that way. .
Malarion is devoid of bitter taste.
Cures Chills and Fever; acts on the liver
and Druggists. regulates th« system generally, AH
Wc were out at the barbecue last week
at the Kendrick mill. We enjoyed our¬
self hugliely but generally regret attend¬
ing such places for if you love whiskey
you will get in the slums before you know
it which I did on this occasion.
E. C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texas,
writes that one box of DcWitt’s Witch
Hazel Naive was worth $50.00 to him. It
cured his piles of ten years standing. lie
advises others to try it. It also cures
eczema, skindiseascs and obstinate sores.
Andrews & Deadwyler, Crawfordville.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
We were glad to sec Col. Malthie off to
Athens last week with his beautiful bride.
Mr. Malthie is a rising young lawyer of
our county and has got him a good wife
from Taliaferro. We wish the a byth all
the good luck in their future life.
iwS is what has given Hood’s
Sarsaparilla the largest sales in
the world and enables it lo accomplish
thousands of wonderful CURES.
When you want to trade horses, bug¬
gies or anything, call on Bro, W. J.
Ellington he is ready anytime but don’t
you cm r y him a bugle mule or horse to
trade he knows how they get about and
he don’t like their style of traveling.
Colic, ^euralgia.tufi 'i ootb*cb8
iu live minutci. bcur Ktmmich
and S-.iuiaisr (Jumplainls. Fries, 25 Cents.
All above goods for sale by P.G. Lucas.
Wilson 1$. Kendrick says they had a
big fish at John P. Moore’s mill last Fri¬
day nnd caught a heap of fisli and that
George T. Moore eat fish until they ran
out of bis mouth. George loves fish wc
all know and lie always goes when there
is a fish on hand, butwe expect Mr. Ken¬
drick did his share of eating.
Milton Gilbert visited his brother Frank
at Griffin, Ga., last week. Mr, Frank
Gilbert is a regular U. S. soldier. He is
corporal in the artillery and you can bet
your life that Frank will make a good
soldier. Milton says lie would not like to
go into such business. There is not
enough to cat in it lor him. He don’t
bef 've in short rations.
Much in Little
Is espesiaJly true of Hood's Pills, for nomedJ
eiae ever contained so groat curative power ia
•o small space. They are a whole medicine
chest, always randy, ah Pills
way* efficient, always sat
Ufactory; prevent a eold
or fever, eur* all liver ills,
sick k^adache. jaundieo, constlpatioa. etc.
Xhaooly PUla to take with Hoed'i Sartapw
I ■a
/ Catarrh of the botvale % be
cause it is most prevalent in
! the summer months, is called
summer catarrh.
I ifWllTi/atL jjpjiu' iflH)!P Itsurprises many that
■ bowel trouble Is catnr*
| rhal. Dr. Hartman's
j Medicine Co., Columbus. O., for them.
gjpn all about catarrh and how
Fe-A-na “llhaddhroniediarrlioca oures it wherever located.
* or fifteen years,'’ writes
^ r ' ®‘ ™-^ cr * l,ran tts “ vi
PraiHe, Tex. “ I tided fcffl , 38
many mediciues and v«v I
doctors in vain. At last
Pe-rvi-na was recoin- Rjc'v'Jy ''cAffv-
memfed, and and It relieved < *\W Wr/i
quved me at once.”
Mr. Join* Harting, 635
Main St... Cincinnati, O.,
| writes: “My wife and
a myself took your Pe
■ |j(i, iflj|( ru-na’for rhoea and chronic it cured dlar
ii| 11 No doctor or medicine
JR |k we tried before helped
„^ us.”
Mr. Bdward Wormaclc, (f
Ledl»Cliter, Tex., writes:
•• Pe-rti-aa for bowel '*[S f
troubles is unequalled ffll
by perienTe. anything in my ex- l| i
I owe my Ij'l
life ta Pe-ru-na, and m i:
shaH mend |t f alwaj-s recom¬ suffer¬
to those
ing ituT was.”
Altoocjli, Mr. ®ohn Edgarton. 1020 Third Ave.,
Pa., says: “I suffered from
dysentery 4nd for three well." years 1 took Pe
ru-na am now
A. Kendrick has not given us
any, detail of hi* trio to Omaha yet. I
expect lie will write it out himself and
scold it hi to our paper. We wish lie
wdhld.' Wc have all reason to believe
tttftt*.Ml.. Kendrick hud a good time and
h«* it jgriod deal to report.
.A Bruges, Bast flnt-Tden’i Salve in Arnica the world Salva. for'Onts,
Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Jfev
er, Teti j-, Chapped Hands. Chilblains.
Cort|^, tw^f |«nd “» all Skin Eruptions, and poui
T’ih's o{ nonpar Hvauired. I*
Avt '.J sadsfab^bd or
money i ufriudcd. Price 25 cents jk't box.
For aaU by Dr. 1;. J. Rdl
Uncle John Caldwell visited the asylum
recently at.Milledgcville. We don’t think
Uncle J ohn intends to he an inmate of that
Inatitutjion but simply went to see. We
stayed around there three days once on u
visit aiijd we found a good many there that
liad more sense than we had and we
returned home.
Win your battles against disease by act¬
ing promptly. One Minute Cough Cure
produces immediate results. When taken
early it prevents consumption. And in
later stages it finnlshes prompt relief.
Andrews & Deadwyler, Crawfordville.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Hon. II. W. Smith, one of Warren’s
best citizens, was in our city last week,
lie says prohibition is unconstitutional
and iyo believe lie is about right. We
know that whiskey is a great curse to a
great many of our people lint you will
have to stop the making of it before you
stop the sale of it.
Bob Mdbre. of LaFayette, ImL, says
that for constipation he lias found De
Witi's Little Early Risers to he perfect.
They never gripe. Try them for stomach
and liver troubles.
Andrews & Deadwyler, Crawfordville.
Dr. Lawrence Blown, Sharon.
Our Honor Roll.
The following kind patrons have paid
their subscriptions since our last issue:
J. D. Moore, 50c to Dec. 1, ’9S.
M. J. Taylor, 50c to April 8, ’!)8
<1 W. Atkinson 35c to A ug. 30 ’98.
Jl fin Bruce 25c to Sept 17 ’Ok.
J. E. Reid, SI to May 1 ’99,
For Tax-Collector.
I announce myself a candidate for the
FERRO COUNTY and I hereby sincerely
ask the support of my friends and fellow
ci'izens in the nomination on July 20th,
i D98. I assure you the best of service, if
e.feted to said office, and will ever be
alive to the people’s interest.
Yours Very Truly,
June 15th, 1898.
Hair Dressing.
id I will yisityoiiv horacx and do hair cutting j
.hompooing for the ladies and cliild
rin; also sharpen razor*. Shop at Mr, F.G j
^ucas’ store. Give yieacail.
Crawfordville. Ga.
A Wondtrftxl Discovery.
The last quarter of a century record*
many wonderful discoveries in medicine,
but none that have accomplished more f>r
humanity than tlift sterling old household
remedy, Browns’ Iron Bitters. It seems to
contain and neither the very element* of child K’-'aI ’•ealth, take j
it without man, woman or
Browns’ Iron deriving Bitten the sold (molest benefit.
is by all dealers.
Correspondents' Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
tlie Happening;* in Tlieir Respective Lo¬
calities. All the News.
BY I. N. C.
We are having nice rains.
Mr. Brown Nash visited Helena Satur¬
day. I
\Yc are sorry to state the illness of Mr.
Robert L. Boatwright.. ; <; ,
Mr. Jeff Gunn is visiting friends and
relatives in Elberton this week.
Mrs. W. I). Pittard. from Woodstock,
is visiting her son Prof. W. D. Pittard.
Miss Nettie Griffith is spending the
week with her parents up near Triplett.
Mr. Guilin Caldwell am,! .y,harming
daughter Miss Cunii, from Bajrdstown.
were visiting his daughter, Mix. U. M.
Boatwright and other relatives Saturday.
Thousands of persons luiyc been cured of
piles by using DeWltt’s Witch Haze)
Salve. It heals promptly and cures
eczema and all skin diseases. It gives im¬
mediate relief.
Andrews ik Deadwyler, Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
We arc sorry to chronicle t he death of
Mr. Bulger Perteet, of Oglethorpe couth
ty. lie was struck by lightning Thurs¬
day, the 10th and was buried Friday
evening at the ^family burying ground.
How sad to give him up full of hope and
promise, brave, u true friend and affec¬
tionate son and a devoted husband. He
leaves a widowed mother, .wife and five
children to mourn his death.
Grieve not dear friends, ’tin true
A precious one from you has gone.
A voice you loved is still;
A (dace is vacant filled" in your home which
never can be
Yet God in his wisdom hath recalled,
The boon hislovo hath given.
Ami though the body moulders hare
Thu soul is SHfe in heaven.
Pitt’s Carminative is pleasant to the
taste, acts promptly, and never fails to
give satisfaction. It carries children over
the critical thus of teething, and Is the
friend of anxious^ mothers and puny
.dhildudV, h>» Tillue. A E. Ldj iL Dorsey, Athens,
writes: “I consider it the best medicine
I have ever list'd in my family. It docs
all you claim for it, and even more.” For
Sale at Alliance Store.
Home refreshing showers. /•
Mrs. Rosa’laylor has u very tick
Preaching at Barnett Saturday and
Sunday next.
Mr. Brantley, of Hancock, was Lere a
few days ago.
Mr. Jona Weather and family visited
his brother at liedlick Sunday.
Mr. Jim Jones, of Warren, visited .Mr,
II. T. Beck worth's family last week.
Rev. Mr. Fortson will preach at Jen¬
nings church next Sunday. All invited.
Mrs. Coot Elliott has made application
for a pension and it bs thought it will go
Mr. II, T. Bcekworth and lady visited
the latter’s brother, Mr. Tom Atchison,
near Ellin, last/ week.
Mr. Murry Taylor says lie had his
ty struck in Washington last week, but
says he don’t think Shy one else can have
any taken until that Camera is fixed.
One of our Barnett ladies fought a bat¬
tle a few days ago, (not with Spaniards),
but with wasps. She was pretty badly
Stung. I don’t think she will tackle a
wn*p nest any more,
A box-car wa* broken open at Barnett,
last week. The Sheriff of Warren came
up, arrested aiul carried the accused per¬
sons to Warrenton jail where the can
peep through the bar awhile.
Mr*. Helen Chapman read a
essay last Sabbath at Barnett Baptist
Sunday School. Her subject
“The Church’* Duty to the Sunduy
School.” By request she will read it
again next Sunday, it being preachingday.
Some of our folks bad a good time at a
barbecue ut the old Kendrick mill last
week. They say it was the best cooked
meat they have had in a long time. Hen¬
ry Baker did the cooking and A. T. Gil¬
bert superintended the business. They
had plenty and some to spare, with red
eye and beer mixed, so wc understand.
Malarion With Malarion Tablet* :
Guaranteed Cure for Chill*, Fever and;
r * fund8d ' 50 ctnls ' AH j
For Tax-Collector.
I hereby announce myself a candidate;
for the office of TAX-COLLECTOR OF
TALIAFERRO COUNTY, subject to the
People’s Party nomination on July 20t’i >
1898. I earnestly solicit your votes and
promise, if elected, tc faithfully serve the
|>eople to the best of uiy knowledge,
Yours Respectfully,
June 13, 1898.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and ddicioua*
Confederate Veterans.
163 Marietta Kt., Atlanta, Oa,
(General Order No. 0.
You are hereby notified that (luring
your stay in Atlanta, attending the Con¬
federate Veterans Reunion, you will find
no place more pleasant, or more convenient
i at. 81i)0 per day than the Exchange Hotel
163 Marietta St. which Is kept by a Con¬
federate Veteran.
J A Civ ADKINS, Manager.
The Silver Murderers.
Sheriff Berry, of Hancock, has
brought from Albany, to Sparta
Charley Wright elias “Kid 1 9
Charley, who is wanted in
Sparta for the murder of mer¬
chant Dave Silyer two years
Wright claims that he was of¬
fered $100 to kill Silver by
Harry Butts, a negro living sev¬
eral miles from Spttrla.
Butts and Mr. Silver had some
trouble eottou, amJ f
00 k
ggvert 1
Th't! In S Hi* V\ «bfc
his way to supper from the store,
some one stepped from behind a.
fence and shot him five times,
eacii bullet taking effect, Silver
dying instantly. Butts disap¬
peared, and lias n<Jt been heard
of since.
Wright claims to know nothing
of Butt’s whereabouts, but as it
is known to the authorities that
they hvvo been corresponding,
it is thought that he will soon be
Bear!the Tltt Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature /
- Pitts’
;• r'K.
AdSs Digfeztion,
Stegfitlatcs Cholera the Bowel*, Infantum,
Ckolera. Morbui,
DUrrhoea, Children, Dyunter^
And all diseases of the SUnsMh.
and Bowels. It Is pleasant
*. to tke taste and
<- .to give satisfaction.
A Fc* Poses Trill Demonstrate
its Super La ti we Virtues.
Price, 25c., 50c. or $1 per Box.
or cotter fte.F1/i MOEO.
Satttshs free for four rents
in stamps to
pay postage.
HELMET MEDICINE CO., *s« Breadway. New Y*rk.