Newspaper Page Text
rtauiHDHVERV TRIDAV morwikcw
Official 0;gan Taliaferro Co.
Mr. Wm. Jarvis, one of the
oldest Masons in the South,
died in Atlanta Sunday age 80
Mrs. Clark Howell, Jr., wife
of the managing editor of the
Constitution, died in Atlanta
Sunday last. Mr. Howell has
pur sympathies.
Gon. Lee should have charge
of the army of the invasion of
Cuba. He knows more about the
people and the country on that
island than any other general in
the American service.
Blanco refuses to allow the
exchange of Hobson and his
comrades for Spanish prisoners,
and the U. S. government has
refused to allow 200 Spanish
prisoners leave Key West whom
the Americans had released.
The negro soldiers who kicked
ed up such a disgraceful fuss in
Tampa Florida say they do not
want to tackle the Georgia boys
again. That those Georgians
who quieted them wore thoworst
men they ever met up with.
The June number of the Cos¬
mopolitan magazine, published in
New York, is one of the best we
have seen of that publication. It
contains, besides many articles
O.f interest, finely illustrated de¬
scriptions of Cuba and Havana.
Hon. Wm, M. Howard made a
telling speech in congress a few
days ago against the annexa¬
tion of the Hawaiian islands. It
now seems that tho United States
will sure have those islands un¬
der her protection.
Hon. Wm. H. Fleming’s good
work in congress is pleasing his
tinf asflf
w n
Fleming. He will have no op
position in his own party.”
Hundreds of thousands have
been induced to try Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy by reading
what it has done for others, and
having tested its merits for
themselves are to-day its warm¬ R.
est friends. For sale by Dr.
J. Reid.
Secretary Gage, of tho United
States Treasury, has the courage
to send out about a double
column article advertising tIn*
new bonds for sale and asks
poor, half rationed county
newspapers to publish same
free. lie surely is a narrower
Gage than we thought he was.
If he would attach oue of the
$100 bonds to bis request it
would he more like business.
Perhaps you have made
vour ) mind to take
this summer.
Then look for
or wrapper, a
man with a back. big
fish on his J,
Do not let anyone talk to
you of something “ just L
as good.” cod
\\ hen you want r
liver oil and the hypo
phosphites you want the
very best. You will find f
in only one place,
Scott's Emulsion.
There is no other emul
sion like it; none and
the same work;
other has the same
record of cures.
AU Druggists S 00 - * ! ’ < 5 1 1 -
ouw,« & Uownc, Chstnist*. H.V. ,
v ,'sAAA.*'V A v A
Talk Up YonrTown and County.
There are a bushel of facts in
h f , ° f f 1 W'mhi’no’ W ^
ton Gazette:
“More towns and counties die
for the want of confidence on the
r » rt „ fits cm™* ha*
men than from rivalry of neigh
boring towns or anything else,
Whon a man in search of a busi
ness location goes to a town and
„ n , s 1 C l >X)1 ' iVta mn „ a
brimful . of enthusiasm . an ud -1 l«o.s
peels of their business enter-;
prises, and endeavoring to build
up their town, he at once drives
down his stakes and gets into
the hustle himself. But when,
however, he goes to a town and
finds the people sitting around
talking about how the govern
should , ,, , be •
merit run, moping
about, talking about imaginary
evils, its citizens divided and
pulling in opposite directions,
a, once t* « ta.
Ins loot and ^ocs to ano hci
There Are Others.
Ed i tor A d v o - Domocrat:
•‘Time hath my lord a wallet on his back
Wherein he puts aims foi oblivion.”
As some one strikes the chords
of memory in retrospect of the
Stephens High School, “our
thoughts are linked by many a
hidden chain, ’’and tbo’mournful¬
ly sweet and sad at times, the
notes, there is a golden drift
thro’ all the song. ”
And there were other bright
and happy faces—ah, mental
jewels in the classes thatclaimed
the teachers’ love and pride.
Attending our commencement,
recalling the happy days gone
by, rejoicing in the happiness
around them, and ready to drop
a tear to the memory of “auld
lang syne,” might be seen as no¬
ble examples of womanly digni¬
ty and grace, quietly tilling the
pliice that God and nature in¬
tended them to fill, consecrated
to duty, with the seal of Divine
approbation on their brows a
chapkff prouder than Deborah's
pal m yet green thro’waning years
and cycling ages—filling deserv¬
edly the proudest place of all, as
wife and mother, Mesdames How
ard, MiiljjiiJanie Peacock ^ f\nd Phillips, nee i
* 1 :
Matin and Luu,a Legwen.
Sadly turning to those “not
lost but gone before,” wo recall,
bright, happy, joyous Joe
Brooke, tho schoolboy prank
scarco finished, the merry rip¬
pling laugh scarce dead upon the
air; and John Mann full of quiet
dignity, loving others as others
loved him, energy and business
part of himself, already the bat¬
tle of life half won, laid down
as a tired child, and as the morn¬
ing star melts away in the sun¬
light, ho passed from among us.
While we felt that
••Life was all the sweetertlmt tic lived,
Ami all lu> loved more mu red for l^ sake."
A“'“S *'•
Cobby Chapman. C.ruott lucli
Bristow, O ‘ L Ella , ,s Hall. r,, Annie r"' Brooke r T°
and E Notron, who , , have 4 taken .
a l
“educo for . their , motto , and , en
tonujt the school , , room are
tra,m n sthotw.gtor tho
Frank Mitchell, Howell Lea/,
ley and I rank Reid, as ghulia
tors, have stepped into tho arena
of law and is making, each one
his mark, as ho for the legal con
test forges the ••ground
uiug from Olympian brain,”
And last, not least, nay
e-t of them all—for all must
homage to i 1 k> bravo amonffth.'
first to offer himself to
v nation's flag—wo see
v, unn. Not from blood-thirsty
impulses—' not to for.s; his eves
upon a carnival of slaughter; but
with the modesty of a boro, the
IT' title tender heart of a school
eI ho answers bore to tlie pa
1 > O'll and WOOS forth from
: nfort'of i:,. .ic. tho low of ,
ki ...... <i.t to bravo
“pestilence tll'lt \va' COlll ill
darkness.” no Iess l,Ui . l ,, T! l ,
: ruction thill wastotll at
t G.
Bear, th* Iff l. id You H.:,: X.
S .:“.a'.sre
■r ometimes the most careful
women are the most careless.
Many a woman bundles herself
up, to keep out sickness—when
she is neglecting the very worst
sickness that can conn to a
woman. She all, ’ v 1 a slight
l ’•••* t
Uft pain a nd the oV ier s ;ht in
dications of trouble seen, to her
unimportant. She gotoVn. until with We
increasing suffering,
itself becomes a drag. Nervous
ness, “sinking spells,’’ d gestive
disturbances, and fifty other
complications may arise from
the derangement of the organs
distinctly feminine. Ovm thirty
^medy for so-called recognized “female by
complaints” V. was then,
Dr. R. Pierce, as now, the
chief consulting physician and Invalids’ to
World’s Dispensary
Hotel, at Buffalo, A. Y. He
ared Dr P j erC e's Favorite
p resC ription, the most wonder
fully effective remedy the*, has
ever been used for such maladies.
page “Common Sepse Med
ical Adviser,” illustrated,
The land fighting in Cuba by
th,e Americans and Spaniards
has not amounted to much yet.
France is preparing no secure
peace Spain. between America and
Col. W. C. Glenn, one of At¬
lanta’s prominent laiffyers and
Flanagan’s leading attorney,
died in Atlanta Tuesday night.
Wire-working, political pull¬
ing, high office grabbing and all
such practices in tim® of war
excitement have a tendency to
rna,ke the real patriots feel that
this world of ours isgjietrograd
ing- P
TemperiiHce Ihiiou O^rani/ed.
Some of the womeiA off Craw
fordville met at the Methodist
church some evenings ago and
organized a Woman’s Temper¬
ance Union. Mrs. L. P. Winter
presided over the meeting.
After devotional exercises, the
following officers were elect¬
ed: President, Mrs.. L P. Win¬
ter; Corresponding I Secretary,
Mrs. A. G. Beazleyw Recording
Secretary, Mis* f'v^JjL Farmer;
Treasurer. MP'- i&H/l pTj. " Rhodes;
Mrs NT Nor
Tho Union, through the secre¬
tary, requests all the women of
Craw ford ville and surrounding
country to meet with them at the
Baptist church Monday, June 27,
at 4:80, join their oi-gauization
and assist them in thejr work for
the Master and humanity. \
C. H. Farmer, R’cord. Sffc.
Y'oii can buy a fine leather
top buggy from Barnwell &
Vickers, Washington, Ga., for
8 ! TOO. A leather quarter top
buggy at $42.00 and a rubber top
at *40.00.
Sent Him a Token.
Gunn ‘ s frien ds
he,,, sent him a present of §14.00
oI tllis weelt . other
towns ;ire sending their soldier
bovs some cash , with ... which , . , to ,
, buy extras 4 ^ that , the ,, government t
does , furnish and Crawford- n t ,
, do not ro e t0 bc bc .
Ma ,. stal Tucker got op
(he money and sent it to Lee. It
svd j much appreciated by Lee,
from his old friends at
• home.
j Free Pills.
Send your address to II L
Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and go.
a free sample box of Dr. King -
js'ew Life Pills. A trial will
convluce you of their merits.
Tha. o
Cormiipadon and Sick
Headuviio. For Malaria and
j Liver double* they have been
proved invftiu&bla, 1 /cy are
guavfttUcud to be perfectly fret
ii-oia every deleterious substance
and to ba notL«W purely u»:>
Vi. f y <-.o by
aetioff. bill by * giving v tone R
Stomach ftttu , OOWCi , .6 gre:l-.y in
j*’ ..; r , v ,. , 8 jv t-Bie-i' ^ pf'-ulut t
Yfigi Ul ,
u . artsai.fc .
- Ar. Yob Weak!
Weakness manifests itself in the loss of
ambition and aching Kvnes. TkelMood is
watery: the tissues are vrasting—tile door is
being opened for disease. A bottle res^re elBrowna’
7r.>n Bitters taken in time will your
e:reng:li, soothe your ’serves. nttlM your>i rich and red. Do yon tcoitl csxl
than an expensive ’ iron I'itters special is sold course 1 ofracjioine. al! Jahri.
>• '-U y
He Stole Clothes.
Holsey Blizzard, the young .
..j 6SSe ’* thatstarted out with
f lsto1 , . la f . week> , evadm di S th
town authorities was captuied
Sunday by Mr. J. W. Tucker
and br0 “* ht blck ,0 !aiL H,i
was caught near Hillman in
When he ran away from , .
street work here last week,
broke into Rich Mercers house
near t0W11 and took therefrom
. . , th and ir of
a r ^
shoes _ These he had . when .
caught and he admitted taking
th ®“
He was tried before Judge
Evans and bound over to August
court. Judge Reese will be
very sun-to give him “time to
repent of his wayward start on
the sea of life.
If you have children to educate
do not be holding back your
liberality when subscriptions are
wanted for the school. If you
had to pay regular tuition the
amount per scholar would sur¬
prise you compared to the pres¬
ent proposed plan of Stephens
High School.
Crippled by
Those who have Rheumatism find
themselves growing steadily worse all
the while. One reason of this is that
the remedies prescribed by the doctors
contain mercury and potash, which ul¬
timately intensify the disease by caus¬
ing the joints to swell and stiffen,
producing a severe been aching Rheumatism of the bones.
B. S. 8. has ouring
for twenty years—even the worst cases
which seemed almost incurable.
Oapt. O. E. Hughes, the popular railroad
Conductor, of Columbia, S. C., had an experi¬
ence with Rheumatism which convinced him
that there Is painful only one dis¬
euro for that
ease. He says: “i was a .
great sufferer from mus- for / ;V
cular Rheumatism *,
two years. I could relief get r? g
from no permanent medicine k
any physician. pre
eorllied by my R
I took about a dozen hot- ra
ties of your 8. S. 8., and
now I am as well as I
ever sure woe that lmuy your life. medicine I am aHx 3.
oured reeommendit me, and to I any would one jSSsssstsiB' ' ■ 3 ’”~ IiliPrt
suffering from any blood disease.
Everybody knows that Rheumatism
Is a diseased state of the blood, and
only a blood remedy is the only containing proper
treatment, but a remedy
potash and mercury only aggravate!
the trouble.
being Purely Vegetable, goes direct to
the very cause of the disease and a per¬
manent cure always results. It is tho
only blood remedy guaranteed other to dan¬ con¬
tain no minerals. potash, mercury or
Company, Books mailed Atlanta, free Georgia. by Swift Specific
209 7th St., Augusta, Ga.,
GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects of
sight, grinds the proper glasses and \VAK
BANTS them.
Lenses cui into your frame while you wait,
FREE GF CHARGE. medicine tells if or you glasses need
Eclipse Engines
___ _______ .
Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton bins, Cotton
Presses, Lrain Separators,
Chisel Tooth and Solid Saws, Saw
Teeth, Inspirators, Injectors, Hoods. Engine
Repairs and a full line of Brass
Bsi^Send for Catalogue and l 3 i ices.
Southern Managers.
Nos. 51 A 5SS. Forsyth St., ATLANTA, GA
* -
-—-— -;-;—— -
» or'skelp’ W rue f->r our liceresuns books Invent
> - and “How you are swindled."
> us a rough sketch or model of your
{srftS^ssrSt-K'irSi^cia s^jssarrfftsaM
\ ) Hifltee: references fnrnished.
Ow. Jt Mechanical SnMnoars. 0radaatM« e/the
Polytechnic School of Baoh^iers :a
Applied So*~nce«. L’-vai University. Mejr.Vra
Latr Association, American Water Works
Asfr'Ciation. New hug'.and Vattr Warks A «*ow
P. «^. %-n-\-eyra-a Assooiatiaa, Assoc- Member Cas.
Society of Civil Biuj.uccrs. '
i Off. css: • WAiHissroy. D. C„ <
t Moxtreac, Can-. t
DR. G. W. Shackelford, Dentist.
I take pleasure in announcing to thepeople from of Crawford
ville and vicinity that, commencing Crawfordvi'de July fhe 5th, until
July 16 only, I will practice at at following
prices, work- which I do to meet the people and to introduce myself
Amalgam or Cement Fillings, according to size, 50 els. to § 1,00
Gold Fillings, according to size,...................£ 1.00 up.
Best Set of Teeth, Either Upper or Lower Set,..........$ 8 . 00 '.
A Good Set of Teeth for..................... 7.00
Solid 24 K Gold Crowns,...........1........ 6,oq.
Porcelain or Logan Crowns................... 3-50
Teeth Extracted Positively'Without Pain...... . 50 .
Childrens’s Teeth regulated. Teeth inserted without
plates. Bridge work and all work the best known to the
£) erda | profession, and fully warranted or money refunded.
; j ^j s me thod of letting the people know 1 am here
an d w j]j for, a short time, Give Special Low Prices, and invite
mos { critical j examination of my work,
Q a ]j anc have vour Teetn examined. No charge,
Office at Hotel. D.D.S.
O To .Splendid ous UR keep offer our direct ’98 GRAND models great to factory the we rider. have busy, concluded and OFFER introduce to make early a marvel¬ our $100
For 30 days wo will sell samples of our swell ’98 bicycles at net
cost to manufacture and will ship, C. O. I). Oil approval to
any address on receipt of the nominal sum of 81.00 (if west of Denver, 55). This
deposite is merely to show good faith agent’s on purchaser's part: if you don’t want to send
money in advance, send your express guaranty for charges one way and we
will pay them the other if you don’t want the wheel,
SIBERIAN IHgestgrade, embodying every flush late improvement of value,
1 1-4 inch'imported tubing, joints, improved two-piece
cranks, arch crowd, large detatchable sprockets, handsomest finish and decorations,
Morgan* Wright, quick repair tires, single or double tube, high grade equipment.
Special price on sample, $ 29 . 00 -
COSSACK ^ splendid machine, equal to any for service and easy running.
Best 1 1-8 ineii seamless tubing, two piece cranks, arch crown,
detachable sprokets, finely finished and decorated, Morgan &: Wright, quick repair
tires, single or double tube, high grade equipment. Our special sample price $24-. <,l)
KLONDIKE u Best medium grade for 1898. 1 1-8 inch tubing, striped and
‘fippnr^tpii. arch crown, dust-proof bearings, ball retainers, best
Indiana ar New Brunswick tires, standard equipment. Special price on sample S ) 9-00
NOTE. Choice of Color, Style, Height, bear, etc. Fully Guaranteed.
You will be surprised at the appearance and quality of these wheels. Don’t wait,
order now while this offer is open. Prices will be much higher soon. You can make
Big Money as oilr Agents, selling for us. We give our agents choice of cash, the
free use of a sample wheel, or gift of a wheel, according to work done.
Do You Want Cheap Wheels?
We have numbers of 1890 and 1897 model wheels of various makes and styles, some
a little shop-worn, but all now $12.00 to $16 OO.
Wheels Slightly Used, Modern Types, $8.00 to$12.G0*
Our business and reputation arc known throughout the country. References, any
of the express companies, or any bank in Chicago. Art catalogue free. Secure
agency at once.
The J. L. Mead Cycle Co., - Chicago, Ill.
Haws, Buggies, Wagons
Etc., Etc. Yv. * «
Barnwell & Vickers.
We have the largest stock of this line of Goods on
hand ever before brought to this section of the country.
We buy entirely in Car-load lots and get the
advantage in freights and car-load prices,
And we can save you money by buying of us. We
also carry a large Stock of Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
&c. In fact you can get anything you wgn 1 in the
leather line, ' WE SELL ON TIME to good par¬
ties at Cash prices, 8 percent, in notes, payable No*
vember 1st.
Barnwell & Vickers, Washington, Ga.
PRINTING Of Any Style neatly
Executed at the
War! War! War!
Von want ALL the news of the v ur with Spain and yon
want it Q UICK. A high price daily c o>t< too much hut
you want the news just fhe saiu<. . w . -
The New York World J welk
Will trice you ALL the war ne'.ve every other day jtof as good as a daily.
Everybody knows the enterprise of this great paper which gives all the news
of the world in s pages every other day or 24 p;gt- per week. , . . .
We will send you that great paper for 40 weeks or 10 r ont’is (almost .
year) for only OXE DOLLAR and will scad you FREE .or the same time
vour choice of
The Atlaa^a Weekly’Journal,
The People’s Party Paper.
>Iif?*ou4 i World,
Chicago Express,
or Cotton World.
CUT tliis out giving ths name of the paper containing this advt. and mark
v hat pap'er you want FREE. One Dollar pars th > full bill. Send today! Don’t
miss anjissue! NATIONAL PAPER