The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, June 24, 1898, Image 4

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know NVhy it? let your neighbors
And why give them a
chance to guess you are even
five or ten years more?
Better give them good the
reasons for guessing
other way. It is very easy;
for nothing tells of age so
quickly as gray hair.
k 9
Ha i
is It a youth-re the newer. under
hides age a
luxuriant growth of hair the
color of youth.
It never fails to restore
color to gray hair. It will
stop the hair from coming
out Also. bulbs.
Jt feeds the hair
Thin hair becomes thick hair,
and short hair becomes long
It cleanses the scalp; and re¬
moves all dandruff,
prevents its formation.
We have a book on the
Hair which we will gladly
send you. tho *
If you <1<» not obtain all b*rm
fit* you ajfncrtcil from Uimum* of tint
Vigor. writ« tbo doctor about It.
Probably Omro I* •ftim* diffbiiltv
wftlj your uMtorkl »y*trm which
nmy ho « anilv removed. Addre**,
l)r. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Maas.
Bid Some Damage.
The recent wind and rain was
very heavy over towards
Malear's bridge and the. Edge
place. It blow douhi fences,
uprooted trees and felled many
dead trees in farmers’ new
Special Xotlre.
All wanting Ico for Sundays
will please get it on Saturday
nights. I will not deliver any
moro ou Sundays after this date.
' W. R. Reid,
•_i ,
Crawfordvillo, Ga., June 24, ’98.
—Mr, Thus. Kendrick
Double jth Branches, died Jj&ffiday
30 nit., und,.'tfj Sunday
^ followin'/ <v-mf nv ,i the death of
his wife, Mrs. Francis Kendrick.
Mr. Kendrick’s age was 86 and
that of his wife 76. Washington
Every Mother’s Sou
Who has used Dr. Tichenor’s
Antiseptic says it is a good
SeeW. T. Johnsons. Wash
ington. On., for Buggies and
Wagons, lie buys in carload
lots and makes low prices.
Barnwell A Vickers are re
ceiviug weekly car loads of bug
gies. It is nothing to them to
get in three or four car loads a
Go to Farming.
Do you wvnt to buy or trade
for a farm? If so, write us for j
descriptions gains. Let of know sortye of hat our kind bar- j
us \\
of place you want, hmv much,
you can pay and upon what terms (
vqu wish to >U\. \e‘ can meet
your requirements.
l\o have many farm bargains
for sale in Tennessee North
Carol i lift and North Alabama.:
Our places range in price ironi
to8-e> W e nave >een ill
the business of selling farms ox->
clusivel.y khvroug for f:’mi.: ten year- We .alncs are
e>' ar w
and eon !<’ 1S - 'om.- ’ Dus
section k > “ > ''in. to >>uy. it
IV, 1 !,,. LL
' 1 V, v ■ ^ un
sale. Sente flee to au iddress.
Ckabtih - Farm Afif.wv,
l . m mown). '»’>•»». •
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is of
Edwards, (': Id.- vV ..Ami- •ecu dis
•olved by tnmiw •i.M'til, Mr. t,\ U . Uald
well withdrawing. The remaining i Mi¬
hers of the ll continue li<e ca-inc-s i
under the i '
I h » a nuu \v
Edwards J- t r new tii in a:
liabilities of m.
Cr*wtordvi'.lf. Ga.. June ir. t
Pure Horce Hauers likcied It) by Our
Uocal Reporters
What Oar I’oojilf* \r«* »nrt
1 birtf* Our Vr ipn«1* Tftll I’m.
“I owe my success to the newspapers,
ami to them I freely give a certain profit j
of niv yearly business," •‘•ays John AN an
—Cotton has had a growing
season this week.
—Not many gardens in a con
dition to brag on.
—Jack Beazley went up to
Union Point Tuesday.
—The base-bail fever is about;
to strike some of oar boys. |
-Misslenme Andonjen h “.
beenq,Ute —Mrs. " ^n,. and
mother , were here , Tuesday. r n i
-It seems now that water- :
melons will bo few and poor.
-Glenn Logwen went down
to Harlem yesterday on a visit.
—ltumor is talking of a new
mercantile house for Crawford
—Mr W. H. Stewart is walk¬
ing faster this week—and feels
—Mr. O, P. Bonner has gotten
up another invention to put on
the market. !
A large stock of fruit jars at
Andrews & Deadwyler going at
60c per doz.
—Paul H. Chapman, operator
at Covington, spent Sunday with
relatives here.
that , Judge _ . J. _ ]
Sorry to know
D. Ham mack has been somewhat I
feeble this week.
—Messrs, Eonsaville, Will
and Jordan Sanford went up to
Woodvilie Tuesday.
—Miss Eugenia Chapman, of
Plymouth, Fla., is visiting rela¬
tives in this section.
—The special train to Mill
edgevillo Monday was slimly
patronized all along the line.
—Our farmers have made good
time in putting in peas and late
corn in grain fields this week.
—Mrs. VV, K. Gunn, of this
place, went over to Milledgo
ville this week to yisit relatives.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Reid
w if b Mr.
antj^irs. L. L. Osliu. at Barnett.
Pink Hanna returned
to Buckhoad Monday after a
week’s visit to Mrs. W. A. Leg
wen s.
—Mrs. Dr. Puillips and Miss
Rica Hicks returned to Harlem
Monday after a week’s visit to
—Fitzhugh Flynt returned
home Wednesday from the Tech¬
nological school in Atlanta. He
will spend vacation here.
The splendid weather for
work yesterday caused a small
vote to bo polled nomination. in the primary J
for Judges
—No citizen of the town and
community should spare their
efforts and means when the mat
^ x schooi is in ques- 1
t ' ou ’
—Miss Ella Hall returned
Wednesday from the Normal
at Athens where she has
been taking a special course in j
-Yolo for those men who .
aunom ,ee in your county paper,
r p| u >y Hiihk enough of you and
V u om-vote IO to ask for ° it openly 1 M 1
and public y
Chandler Wimberly returned
to his home at Waynesdoro yes
t j v> He made many friends
‘ \
’“/V "
“) see 1111 ' lUt '
— .Hr. Jack Adgius. m Atlanta, |
calls six'cial attention of the
>“ ^
Ro id hi- command and call on
him while m . Atlanta. j
-Some of tl.o Oontederato
derails iu this section do not;
nl- “ (m.kl ' t 1 Kip to ‘ in, 0(1 the
Atlanta reunion while the 1
Ameriean-Spauish war is going I
— Rev. L. P. Winter and Judge
Mitenol! and daughter,
Maude, are attending the Dis
trict Conference of the M. E.
cluirch at White Plains this ;
_ The thjril and |a8t victim „f
pl the aoled DeKalb
......ty murderer, Mr. DUon E.
Allen, died at the home of his
son-.n-law, Itev. J. T „ H Sorrow,
Oea.ngton Sunday morn
in» lest —Oglethorpe E cho,
Fine Peaches?
There are being sold here now
some very line peaches raised
right in this county. This dem¬
onstrates what we have said be¬
fore: that there is no section or
soil better adapted to fruit-rais
ing than through this county.
Only a few days ago the first
shipments of South Georgia
peaches were sent north, and
now Taliaferro peaches are on
the market plentifully, Fruit
raising ou a large scale would
pay here,
Mr. Isaac Honer, proprietor of
the Bnrton House, Burton, W.
v., and one of the most widely
known men in the state was
cured of rheumatism after three
years of suffering. He says: “I
have not sufficient command of
language to convey any idea of
what I suffered, my physicians could be
told me that nothing
done for me and my friends were
fully convinced that nothing but
death would relieve me of m.y
suffering. In June, 1894 Mr.
Evens, then salesman for the
Wheeling Drug Co., reccomeud
ed Chamberlain’s Pain Balm.
At this time my foot and limb
were swollen to more than
double their normal size and it
seemed tome my leg would burst
but soon after I began using the
Pain Palm the swelling began to
decrease, the pain to leave, and
now I consider that I am entirely
cured. For sale by Dr. R. J.
—Dr. A. C. Davidson was in
Crawfordville Monday on busi¬
Sawed brackets 'any style or
shape gotten out by the Wash¬
ington Mfg. Co.
Try the Washington Mfg.
Go ou nails and builders hard
—Prof. J. D. Bradwell, of
Athens, will conduct the teach
ers institute here next week. It
is said that liis father. Pres,
Bradwell, of the Normal school
will attend the institute here,
Best shingles at lowest liv¬
ing prices can be bought of
Washington Mfg. Co.
Barnwell & Vickers are
never undersold, but if you will
come to see them they will uu
—There are a few—and very
few too, who are due us small
amounts on subscription and wo
a re needing it, Don’t let us
Mop > our paper_send paper us that
small amount
V. r l Johnson. W ashington.
soils everything on wheffis.
Get our prices on laths and
and brick before you begin your
houge- Washington Mfg. Co.
__-q r an d Mrs. J. W. Farmer,
M a " d d *. yj rs ‘ r e L Harris, L
Miss Cattle Earner, Mis. T L ^
• • j
Stephens and Miss Maude, Mrs. |
j anQ Hammackand Mrs. N. E, i
ii .,11 n r place are -
Barnwell & Vickers say
,vhan they misrepresent fteirl
buggies. 01 inn down any body
el SOS buggies iu order to sell
vou. thev will close their doors'
: md free their sum down '
Gen. Shatter and 16,000 U. S. j
soldiers have arrived at Santiago'
Cuba and as soon as they laud
some good news is expected.
More troo P s wiU be seut
Bain well A \ ickers do a
square business. They will tell
you the grade buggy they sell
“Man wants but little here below,
Nor wants that little long.
Please come and buy that little here
And bring your friends along.”
Washington, Ga.
Killed by Lightning.
Mr. Befiure Perteet was killed
by lightning in Oglethorpe coun
tv Friday last. He and his son
were driving a wagon when the
stroke came and killed Mr.
teet and both of the oxen, that
were pulling the wagon, stunning
the boy who soon recovered.
Wants a Regiment of Sons.
Commander W. W. Davies
writes from Atlanta to know
how many of the members of the
Taliaferro camp of Sons of Con¬
federate Veterans want to enlist
in a regimentof Sons of Veterans
to offer their services to fc h e
United States. We found very
few , of *■- the <i boys j , to say C nxr they
wanted to go, Col. Maltbie being
among this number.
llefiG the Klondike.
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marys¬
ville, Tex., has found a more
valuable discovery than has yet
been mads in the Klondike. For
years he suffered untold agony
from by hemorages; consumption, and accompained absolute¬
ly cured by Dr. King’s New Dis¬
covery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds. He declares that
gold is of little value in compari
son with; this marvelous cure;
would have it even if it cost a
Bronchilis hundredfdollars and a all bottle. throat Asthma and
lung affections are positively
cured by Dr. King's New Dis¬
covery for Consumption, Trial
bottles free at Dr. R. J. Reid’s
drug stofe. Regular size 50c.
and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure
or price refunded.
A Good Start.
A number of citizens met at
the court house here Tuesdajr
evening to arrange, for funds to
make Stephens High School
practically a free school next
year, commencing of course with
the next term. Those present
subscribed liberally. Mr. H.
M. Holden, the chairman of the
meeting, according to instruction
by motion of the body, appointed
W. W. Bird, W. R. Reid and W.
O. Holden on a committee to
solicit subscriptions from all in¬
terested in the school. Every
one should see these gentlemen
and put down a liberal amount,
especially those who have chil¬
dren to send. It is the cheapest
way to pay tuition, besides build¬
ing up our school and communi¬
ty. Mr. M. F. Griffith, secretary
of the meeting, reported a nice
sum to start with.
B.'waro of Oint • vents for Catarrh T.iat
Contain Mercury.
thesanse^fsmellandcoxuplete- as mercury will surelv destroy
lydehmge the whole system
^q ian entering it through the
mnoOTls surfaces. Such articles
should never be used except on
ascriptions ?jhysicians. from reputable
as the damage they
will do is ten fold to the good
rou can possibly derive Cure. from
'hem. Hall’s Catarrh
manU factured by F. J. Cheney & 1
Go ., Toledo. O., contains no mer- j
cury, and is taken internally,
acting Lco directly irfU, upon the blood |
and tern. In buying r Hall of s ^ C atarrh
Cure be sure you get the gen- j
u j ne . It is taken internally and
We in Toledo. Ohio, by F. 3
C/ieney & Co.
- ree
Sold hr Druggists, price 75c.
Wa-a, Vwvttlp ■
Fills arc .ho
— Miss Mamie and Mrs. J. E.
Howard won, down to Crawford
ville last Tuesday to beat the
commencement exercises of Prof.
Sanford’s school.—Stephens cor.
Baby Carriages.
Brightest Items from Near by
To the Credit of the Excellent County
Journals from Which We Get
the Creamy News.
—Miss May Turner and Jno.
Oweu Moore were married
Sparta last week.
Ashley & Denham, of White
1 Plains, are buying cows and
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
—Miss Daisy Culver and Mr.
• Lyman Hearn were married in
Hancock Wednesday.
If you, your baby, or your
horse has colic, Dr, Tichenor’s
Antiseptic will cure it and “don't
- you
—Mr. , . TIT VV alter , Hopkins and Miss ,.
Nellie Martin were married in
Wilkes on June 8.
When your little boy " cuts his
foot apply Dr. Tichenor’s Anti
septic. You will be delighted
with the result.
—Jesse Beall, of Hancock,
sowed J bushels of wheat and
harvested 48_16 to 1.
—Maxey’s Mill Co., say they
are selling meal to Crawfordville
S:loam and White Plains mer
c hants \ '
A pemu to to a a peanut neanut that that if it
you give Dr. Ticnenor sAntisep
tic a fair trial you will be pleased
uith it. Cost only 50 cts.
—Mr. B. H. Ivey, of Sparta,
has been called to pastorate
Long Creek church in Warren
H — _ your , horse or mule , has
Fistula or Foot Evil, Dr. i ich
enor s Antiseptic will cure
For sale by druggist at oO cents
a bottle.
—About a quarter of an acre
of cotton was killed by a stroke
of lightning over on Little river
last week.
You take no risk when you
buy Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic.
If it fails to give you satisfaction
for its claims you can get your
money back.
—Jim Griffith and wife, of!
Sandy Cross, visited F. N.
Brown’s family Sunday.—Ty¬
rone cor. Reporter.
“There’s no use in talking, ,,
says W. H. Broadwell, druggist,
La Cygne, Kas., “Chamberlain’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy does the work. After
taking medicines of my own
preparation and those of others’
I took a dose of Camberlain’s
and it helped me; a second dose
cured me. Candidly and con¬
scientiously I can recommend it
as the best thing on the market. • ’
The 25 and 50 cents size for sale
by Dr. R. J. Reid.
—The Athens district con¬
ference of the Woman’s Foreign
Missionary Society will be held
in Washington next month.
A. H. Patter, with E. C.
Atkins & Co., Indianapolis, Ind.,
writes: “I have never before
given a testimonial in my life.
But I will say that for three
years we have never been with¬
out Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy in the
house, and my Nvife would as
soon think of being without fiour
as a bottle of this Remedy in the
summer seasou. We have used
it with all three of our children
and it has never failed to cure —
not simply stop pain, but cure
absolutely. It is all right, and
—Miss Damaris Moore, one^
of Fffivtown s sweetest young
ladies, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Wade Griffin—Tyrone Reporter, i
For Bite* or Stings .
Of insects, use Dr. Tichenor’s
Antiseptic. It gives immediate
relief. 50cts. a bottle at your
^ — —
_ u e ‘ t „„ foot u
to have a prohibition , „ . . election m
Wilkes countv If not prohibi
tho; . Kanta dispensary.
A small “ Hole
A . ,
Mav sink a great ship.
.nayresnl, in your death,
The use of Dr. Tichenor s
septic will prevent intlamation,
supperation or soreness.
CoBgb Symp. Tas:es Gwd. _ Uee
in time by tirocjrisia.
u. —' I
2'5 CTS.
I .- I
Suffered 20 Years,
m mtw&m a
mi s" $
■ J ‘
I!3. MARY LEWIS, wife of a promts
A nent farmer, and well known by aii
' old residents near Belmont, N. Y,.
writes: "For twenty-seven years I had been
a constant sufferer from nervous prostra¬
tion, and paid large sums of muney for doc¬
tors and advertised remedies without bene
fit. Three 3 -ears ago ray condition was
alarming; the least noise would startle and
unnerve me. I was unable to sleep, had a
number of sinking spells and slowly grew
worse. I began using Dr. Miles' Restorative
Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills. At first
the medicine seemed to have no effect, but
a * ter taicins a few bottles I began to notice
a change; I rested better at night, my appe¬
tite began to improve and I rapidly grew
better, until now I am as nearly restored
to health as one of my age may expect. God
bless Dr.Miies'Nervine." ?w
Dr. Miles' Remedies Dr.
ars sold by all drug¬ Miles*' ^
gists under a positive t Nervine l
guarantee, first bottle
benefits funded. or Book money on dis¬ re¬ &-V Restores s.J J
eases of the heart and Health
nerves free. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind.
Attention Cofnedcrate Veterans!
The veterans of Alex Stephens
Camp ^ No. IOoO Taliaferro Co.
Ga ’ are hereby requested to
mee t at ttie court house in Craw
fordville at 9 o'clock a. m. on
Tuesday the 5th day of July
next to attend to important busi
The 1st Tuesday in July is our
regular quarterly meeting under
our Constitution, This will be
last meeting our Camp will
hold befoi’e the reunion of old
veterans in the city of Atlanta
in July. All necessary arrange¬
ments looking to this reunion
must be made at our next meet¬
ing. If you old Soldiers desire
to take part in the reunion in
Atlanta you ought not to fail to
attend our next regular meeting.
S. J. Flynt, Commander,
J. A. Woodall, Adjt.
And vicinity, will consult their
interest by writing to
Standard Manufacturing Co.,
For Prices on SASH, DOOI’S,
BER, LATH or anything in
(Trade Mark Registered Nov. 24. '96.
The New Life-Giver.
Promotes Vigorous Health by instilling
OXYGEN from the air into the system,
and cures ail forms of disease without
Medicine or Electricity. It is as simple as
Prices of OXY'DONORS greatly re
dneed. Get the genuine, Dr, rnadp Hercules by the
discoverer and inventor,
Book of particulars and price list free.
Address Dr. H. Sanche, 261 Fifth Ave¬
nue, New York.
New York World,
IS Pages a Week . . .
. . 1 156 Papers a Year
Published every Alternate Day except Sun¬
rii-a-Week day,
Th Edition of Tbe
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k??*R?53S,S5IU! Its political
dollar we. kly. news isprompt
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having special correspondence from all im
portant news points on the globe. It has
brilliant illustrations, stones by great au
thors. a capital humor page, complete
J artmcnts of this unusuaI unequaled inter est. and
w e offer newspaper
Advocate-Democrat together one
t |WL ^JSSS.S!* cHtton
P8UM and Wbirtov Habits
cured paia. al home Book witiv
out of par¬
ticulars sent TREE.
ftUsuata, ba. OSce 101 N. Pryor 8 b