Newspaper Page Text
Oldtet Piece of Cilaao.
The British museum contains the old
wri specimen of pure glass which bears
iany date. This is a little lion’s head,
lhaving on It tile name of an Egyptian
king of the eleventh dynasty.
One Hank Failure.
San Marino, the Hide republic in Urn
[Apennines, bas proved that it is up to
iflate by having a bank failure and ar
resting all the directors for fraud.
Woman wa« born to love and bo
loved and she fights it out or. that Hue.
A man usually knows where he got
his hat, Vmt when It comes to his um¬
brella--well, that’s another story.
That TCwrloftt inf? Irritating? Itch,
describe* Tetter, will zenm and other
•kin dli# a** 5 **- 8t>e.ent» cure them “top
the itx’h at or Of. flO eentn ]»iys for a box of
Tetterine »tdnurptor«i« .f.T. or ptMtpaifl Savannah, for .TO renta
Id tAiJips t Shiiptrine, t*a.
Tho first poatafllee was op» lusl in Paris ie
H#2; in F.nsl '"<1 id f5ST> I” America in DIO.
Some royal crown** are mcr» 1 WA
Oftpn ornameDt^'d with jewels and pendant h
t Bo*’t Tobacco Spit i*d Swot. Voor l ife A w*j.
To quit tobacco esMily anO forever t«- matt
Bette, full of life, nerve sod vlnor, talc No-To
B*o, tbo wonder worker, that mail' s weak men
•troog. All drucifiate, SOcorfl. Cure guaran¬
teed Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co, Chicago or New York.
A man’s clothing usually tins the buttons
on th« right hand side,« woman’s on the left.
According to a German authority the.
human brain is composed of 300,000,0(111 nerve
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
' Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
Druaeista refund money if it fails to cure. 25e.
change Right million pounds England aro yearly computed through to
hands in
betting on races.
, Scientists aay that butter is the most nu¬
tritious of all articles of diet, with bacon a
good second.
Kits permanently cured. Notltsor nervous¬
ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great
Nerve Restorer. $2 t rial and treatise free
Du. R.ll., Ltd., ml Arch St., 1’hlla.. l’a.
Th(?re aro 1011 women to every 100 men in
the world.
The eyeball Is white because the blond ves¬
sels l.luit feed its substance aro so small that
they do not admit the red corpuscles.
'Lyon A Co’s “Pick Leaf” Kmoklm Tobacco
Is the "best of the best." 2 ounces and cigar¬
ette book tor 10 cents. Try it.
Probably few peoi >lo who visit London are
aware that one of the mo-i novel pigeons sights of
tlie great city Is that of the round
the public buildings.
To Core Constipation Forever.
Take Caeca rets Candy Cathartic. I0o or 88e.
If G. G. O. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
The presentation of the freedom of a city
or pliment, borough which in England is now a mere substan¬ com¬
does not confer any
tial or exceptional privileges.
S K L Coburn, Catarrh Mgr. Curoa Claris Irrot.t. writes: “I
find 1 iall’s valuable remedy.”
Druggists sell it, 75c.
Mrs. Win slow's Sooth Ing Syrup for children
teething,softens the gums, reduces inflamma¬
tion, allays pain, euros wind colic. 25c. a bottle.
After physicians J’lso's had given me lip, 1 was
saved by Cure. - 1Wo H*i.fh Kkikci, Wil¬
liamsport, Fa., Nov. 28,
Hip Disease
Had five Running Soros Could
Not Walk Without Crutches.
"I aulTerod from hip dlsoaso iind had live
running soros on ono of my liips, 1 could
not walk without cnitcheg. I was con¬
fined to my bed for woeks at a time. I
began accomplished taking Hood's perfect (Sarsaparilla and I it
lias a cure. am
now well and have no trouble from impure
blood.” Annie Robert, 411 Fourth Ktroef,
Fall Rivor, Mass. Remember
Is Hood’s Sarsaparilla Medicine. $1| six for $■>
America’s Greatest
Hood’s Pills cure biliousness, indigestion.
"Ibsve end your valunblr C’AM’A
BKT9 and find them perfect. Couldn'i do
without them. 1 have used them for some time
for indigestion and biliousness and am now com¬
pletely cured. Recommend them, to every ono.
Onoo tried, you will never be without thorn in
the family.’ Kuw. A Manx, Albuny. N. Y.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Tasto Good. Oo
Good* Nett*r Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, Uk\ 35c,60c.
•krltaf lt<r»ertj V’i>m|>*n>, t’liWiiro, Jle»lrt»l, Nr* York. Ntl
NO-TO-BAG St*\ii gi&ta and to I ( euarAnt^ed l K »: Ttbacoo bv all Habit. <1ru«
Is to be found in our
AXtt XJ opart xxx out.
We have purchased Hie entire output of the
largest Eastern jiant- mauiifactUrei- nt a
very low price «ud you sli»U have the bom-fit.
Al l-iN’S >ANTH
$1.50 kind go at .. .$ .98
2.(X) kiivl go ai ... 1.49
3.00 kind go at..... ... 1.89
And so on. These pants are all wei! made,
flniibed and of tn-st material. To see them i
to buy a pair.
Mail orders with cash will receive prompt
One Price
Cash Clothiers,
1912*1014 First Ave.
w. v-i Birmingham,
311 North College St., Nashville. Term,
all ast m Vw
Cough Syrup. s Ta,:es Good.
In time fWd by uruggnt*
I —]
-_’_ ,".'(.
* 1]
American Fleet May Be Sent to the
Coast of Spain,
I*o»‘ poncmcnl Duo to tbo KfF^rt* of tht
Hainy ^eauan—No Ro In force me nt Will
Ho Sent to <• neral K li«ftor (ten.
Mile* Return* to Washington.
A Washington special says : Th«
invasion of Cuba will be postponed
until fall and in the meantime the
fleets will be sent towards the Spanish
coast, seize the Canary islands and
bombard Cadiz, if Spain does not sua
for peace before then.
The postponement of the Cuban in¬
vasion is due largely to the report
made to the president by Burgeon should Gen¬
eral .Sternberg to the effect that
the army ho thrown into Havana
province at this time or during the
rainy reason thut 40 per cent of the
troops will die.
lutho meantime Santiago is to be
made the basis of operations and
thoroughly fortified and garrisoned.
General Miles said that the ex¬
pedition to I’orto Rico would be push¬
ed forward with great rapidity and
that it should be started within two
weeks. The reinforcement of ]0,000
troops will be sent next week to Gen¬
eral Merritt, which will put the army
in 11 position of absolute safety.
lirm rnl Mile* Returns to Washington.
Major-General Milos, general-in
chief of the army, accompanied by
Colonel Mans, Major Davis and Colonel
Greenleaf, of his staff, arrived in
Washington Friday, after having di¬
rected the departure of the first army
of invasion to Cuba. It had been his
intention to remain in the field, direct¬
ing the succeeding expeditions, which
will follow rapidly from this time for¬
ward, all of which it can lie stated are
a part of a well matured offensive cam¬
No HeinCon'miMMil* for Hliafter.
There is little likelihood that a sec¬
ond expedition of 5,000 men to rein¬
force General Shutter at Santiago will
leave within the next few days as has
been reported. The necessity of send¬
ing these additional forces is questioned
by lug!) military officials. The main
consideration just at present is the
equipment of an expedition of greater
dimensions than any heretofore dis¬
patched with Porto Rioo as the object¬
ive point.
Reported That Spanish Worships Are
llumlHiK fur OVsUin
Mamin). - Admiral Camara’s fleet,
said here to consist of over twenty
Vessels, is reported to have been di¬
vided at sen and to have proceeded to
different destinations. Homo rumors
have it that the warships with are now head¬
ing for Boston, Muss., the inten¬
tion of bombarding New England
towns, and others set forth that the
Spanish reserve fleet in going to the
Philippine Islands.
Work on the fortifications at the
different portsof Spain is lining actively
pushed, mid il is assorted that a third
squadron of warships is to be formed
immediately. Cadiz is to be the ren¬
dezvous of this squadron.
It is the general opinion here that a
protracted war is ahead, and it is semi¬
officially announced that the govern-*
incut does not count on the support of
any power.
^ cllow Fever situation More Hopeful*
Wasuinuton. The most enooifrag
ing nows about the yellow fever situa¬
tion in the south yet received came in
official dispatches to the marine hos¬
pital itfficcrs Friday. Surgeon Murray,
one of the experts at McHenry, Miss.,
wired an official report that he be¬
lieved the yellow fever is confined to
the town of McHenry. Surgeon Car¬
ter, who Inis been making a thorough
investigation in that field, reported
that lie had nearly completed tho in¬
vestigation of tho place and houses
along the line running into McHenry
south of Hattiesburg, and that there
is no fever at any of them. The au¬
thorities are very hopeful, but by no
means confident that the danger is
( Fleet Goins K a * ‘.
Gibraltar— The captain of a Ger¬
man steamer which arrived here Fri¬
day morning reports having sighted
the Spanish Cadiz fleet off Ceuta,
north coast of Africa, about opposite
and soventeen mites southwest of Gib¬
raltar. The warships, it is added*
were going in an easterly direction.
The fleet consisted of two battleships,
four largo cruisers and four torpedo
boat destroyers.
Mi*«stft.«<p))ifftns (ioin; to 1'atnpa.
One thousand Mississippiaus, com¬
posing the Second regiment. United
States volunteers, left Monday for
Tain pa.
Ilnbson'N Kxohanfft*.
The following telegram has been re¬
Ot’. ived at Washington from Commodore
Watson: “On the 14th instant 1 sent
Captain Ludlow on the Maple under a
flag of truce, with full power to nego¬
tiate exchange of Hobson aud the
seven pet tv omeers. Chief of staff
ansv eretl l»y letter that, after refer
eru to Ma<lriil, the captain-general
will njittiica 4 6 l»v Hag of truce.
i hip 1 ]au\U> »til, if lMjssiblc. 1'ave
i c uiaile as desired aud soon.”
It It Believed the Knemy’i Los* of Lite
Wm Y'erjr Heavy—-The Vesu¬
vius in Action.
Rear Admiral Sampson's fleet bom¬
barded the batteries at Santiago de
Cuba for the third time at daylight
Thursday morning. For hours the
ships pounded the batteries at the
right and left of the entrance, only
sparing El Morro, where Lieutenant
Hobsorf and his companions of the
Merrimac are in prison. The western
batterfeft, against which the main as¬
sault was directed, were badly dam¬
aged. One was utterly destroyed. In
others many guns were dismounted.
At first the (Span ards replied pas
sionately and wildly, but impotently.
Then most of the guns were deserted.
Not a ship was struck nor a man in
jured in the American squadron. It
is believed that the enemv’s loss of
... life , heavy.
As a 1 relimmary to the hammering
given the batteries, the dynamite
cruiser Vesuvius at midnight was given
another chance. Three 250-pound
charges of guncotton we e sent over
the fortifications at the entrance. The
design was to drop them into the bay
around Angle, back of the eminence
of which El Morro is situated, where
it was known that the Spanish torpedo
boat destroyers were lying. Two
charges went, though no reports were
heard, a peculiarity of guncotton in
water. The third charges exploded
with terrific violence on Cayo Smith.
From where the fleet lay the entrance
,to the harbor looked in the black
night like a door opening into the
livid fire of a Titanic furnace. A c a
ter big enough to hold a church was
blown out of the side of the Cayo
Smith anil was clearly seen from the
ship. gratified
Admiral Sampson is highly
w(th the rosults of the bombardment.
He thinks the western batteries are
practically demolished. It is judged
front a position near the flagship,
that probably no fewer than 5,000
projectiles were fired, of a total weight
of half a million pounds.
Vlnbnuia Will Furnish Two Battalions ot
Wash 1 siiTos—Adjutant General Cor
bin has made public the number of
additional regiments, battalions, com
panics or batteries required from each
state under call for volunteers. The
organizations from each state—the
number of which is herewith given—
will be in addition to the number .of
men which will be enlisted from the
several states to fill to the maximum of
106 men to a company, the organ’ ’a
tions now in tho field. ,
Of the 75,000 men required under
the president's second call, 43,000 will
be needed to recruit tho existing voU
unt-bFi-ingiifre'ntsAip ffi^xirinum
According to the statement made by
General Corbin, the new organization
will be apportioned among some of the
states as follows: Georgia, one regi¬
ment of infantry; South Carolina, two
battalions of infantry; Alabama,, two
battalions of infantry; Louisiana, three
light batteries of artillery; Mississippi,
six companies of infantry; North Caro¬
lina, seven companies of infantry; Ten¬
nessee, one regiment of infantry; Texas,
one regiment of infantry; Virginia, two
battalions of infantry; West Virginia,
one regiment of infantry.
Florida having under the first call
furnished in excess of its quota, will
not bo called upon to furnish any new
organizations under the second call.
Annexation Within the Next Two Weeks
Now < onsidered Certain.
A apecial from Waamugton says:
Vigorous efforts aro to be made to get
the Hawaiian annexation resolution
througu the senate by the end of this
week. Annexation within the next
two weeks is now considered so certain
that the administration is considering
plans for formally taking possession of
the islands and raising the American
flag over them. This duty is to be en
trusted to Hear Admiral Miller, com
mandiug the Pacific squadron, aud ex
traordiuary lmste is being made to
prepare the cruiser Philadelphia for
sea, «o that he will have a creditable
flagship w lieu he goes to Honolulu
It is understood that the president
w ill appoint President Dole to be the
first governor of the island.
The Hero of ............ tho Merrimac M aut* to Be a
I.ine Officer.
At tho request of the Alabama dele¬
gation and the friends and relatives of
Naval Constructor Hobson congress
has held u J> the promotion of tho hero
of the Merrimac. The president on
receiving the report of Admiral Samp¬
son on the bravery of Hobson promptly
sent a recommendation to the senate
to return a vote of thanks to him and
at the same time to advance him ten
numbers in the construction corps.
>;« 7“' - ■>»«'*»
numbers were it ju ime,
prominent I’voplo.
sam Walter Foss, tho poet, has lieen ap
pointed librarian of the putdi ) library at
Somerville. Muss.
The Duke ot Atholi takes the palmainone
British peers as a many-titled man. He
has twenty-three titles.
Admiral Fervent is an amiable and ac¬
complished gentleman, who at home is
quite u ■buy favorite.
Queen UHuokalani is still sojourning ir
Washington ,-it‘euded by it - r secretary unc
hi- wife and t'o onel John Richardson.
F. W. Ramsden. the Edglish consui al
Santiago Cuba. 15 the man who in l<7’
let the world knovr or the massacre of ?
portiosl iicip?’ *f the crew of the Virgin ins am
i thus to save the rimainder.
A Fatality Avoided.
9mm the Democrat, Goshen, Ini.
Wifen neuralgia te accompanied by a dull,
hearty pain near the heart, frequently be
coming Intense, it generally terminates
fatally. Mrs. Nancy Flynn, who lives near
Goofien, Indiana, survived such an attack
and her advice is worth heeding.
• la the fall 01**92,” she said, “I began
tc hhve trouble with my heart. There was j
8 sharp pain in my breast which became
rapidly worse. The doctor was puzzled
and put me under the influence of opiates.
Tbetw sharp attacks followed one another
at intervals and I beoame weak and had a
haggard look. I was constantly in pain,
seldom Slept and bad no appetite.
“At the end of two years I was confined
to Biy couch most oft he time and the doc
tors agreed that my death was only a mat
tar of a short time.
Sr^i!) |g| “One day
1 I * noticed in
i SgMffiiwk a n^i^em
■ |j|§SVryJ' about a
woman hav
AT A—KTss , -aY-} J- " lng cured * > . ee of “
1 } jW^^^pss^ P 1 --
== . neura i ( , la ot
Li the heart by
V** 5 ®* 'jn PI
p s {or
Pala P e °P le
u and 1 con
seri^T °
A Time, £
pQ j had flni9hed on „ bo x notioed
an j , r0 y eme nt inmy condition, and when
lha akon twelve boxes I was completely
eur< ‘Those pills have done for you
whs we could not do,’ said one of my
phy Hans, ‘they have saved your life.’
.at was two years ago and my heart
hfts not troubled me since. I believe I owe
my Jib- to JDr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale
Pecf He, and I take pleasure in telling oth¬
ers itbout them.”
A ong the many forms of neuralgia are
hea and,’ jche, nervousness, paralysis, apoplexy
jeomotor ataxia, home of these were
oon'jidered Incurable until Dr. Williams’
Ptn» pflls for Pale People were formu
lat-.fl. To-day thousands testify to huving
bea ; cured of such diseases by these pills. and
Doctors frequently prescribe them
all lruggists sell them.
Non- Zealand Colored Race Is Fast Suc¬
cumbing Before the Whites,
The Maoris of New Zealand seem to
be doomed to extinction in spite of the
fa|t that all the conditions surrounding
them appear to be favorable to their
survival. The quarrel between the
raj-es Is ended, and large tracts ot land
an reserved for them. The young inen
ar educated, 90 per cent, of them being
ab 1 to read and w'rite. Their chiefs in
m4ny cases derive large incomes from
refts of land, and are represented in
t’h legislature. A great Maori college
st| ids at Te Auti, Hawke’s Bay, aiul
a<| a few of the cleverer Maori youths
LllVe ^,**1 through the classes of the
New Zealand university. And yet the
Maoris, under that mysterious law
whicl , mates a colored race vanish be
! ftre the brea th of the .all-conquering
whites, are passing away.
4 iA conference of educated Maoris was
1 short*!me and were
if Id a ago, papers
ld on the condition and prospects of
t * race. These are now published in
t nphlet form, and make a very met
ply bit of literature. It is declared
- j | opm ^ cent of pmapi 8 m Mprlsgo *Z nJ:
Maoris declare, is lower both In morals
vitality than It has ever yet
been, and threatens to perish. Yet phy
Blcally and intellectually the Maori is
or w-as—the finest colored race in the
southern hemisphere.—New York Even
i ng Post.
Prayers Tor Columbus.
Prot. Park of Andover figures rath¬
er amusingly in the reminiscences of
the late Prof. Schaft’, just published.
In 1842 Sehaff, being a privat-docent at
Berlin, introduced Park to his German
friends, among the rest to Ivnhnis. He
relates that, under the continuous pelt
i, g of Park’s questions, Ivahnis finally
exclaimed in despair: “God forgive
Christopher Columbus for discovering
Ednoat,! Yonr Bowels With Casearet*.
lOo, Candy Cathartic, cure constipation
26c. If C. C. C, fail, druggists refund
Among flowers tho chrysanthemum is
to live the longest after being cut.
Signals used invented by ships at the sea Duke date from ltkV>.
They were by of
afterward James II.
H. B.B. Cures Mercurial Hhcumatisni (
scrofula. Syphilitic Rheumatism in its worst
form. Try it. $1.00 per large bottle, 3 fur FASO,
at druggists, or sent on receipt of price, ex
press paul, by Ulood ltalm Co.. Atlanta, Ga.
KiWftooks of wonderful cutes sent free.
The whale’s nose is on the top of his head,
J* toast his uostriis are situated there,’
only vAien they are feeding,
No-T^Bac f^ F.TQ^nt^
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure makes weak
{ men strong, biooa pure. 60c,si. All druggists.
| EigUf thousand carrier pigeons are kept for
use in the German army,
! Lourdes has been visited bv an English
j .hop‘t*ie4 t *; r —
Robt. Flouruey writes: “I can with Teeth- confl
i dence recommend UR. MOFFETT’S
am * surest medicine 1 ever used for Teethina
children and the Bowel disorders of our
Southern country.” Teeth in a Aids Digee
tion. Regulates the Bowels and makes teeth
tng easy.
It is estimated that there are 400,000,000
mummies in Egypt.
A man in Berlin has adopted a strange way
^ Md " l,s
Beauty la Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. ( ascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving ail im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 2oc, 50c.
The Chinaman can write all day. he
can work all day. he can stand for a
wo.. po.ition.
hammering gold, or cutting ivory, with
out once being attacked by nervous
ness. This peculiarity makes itself ap
parent iu early youth. The Chinaman
can bear any kind of bodily exercise.
gtport and play are to him unnecessary
labor. He can sleep anywhere and in
any position—amid thundering ma
chines, deafening noises, the cry of
children, or the wrangle of grown peo
pie: on the ground, in bed. or on a
chair. In his own innocent way the
Chinaman Is almpst a Sybarite.
Longevity Among Contemporaries
The following are among the world’s
eminent men and women born early in
the century who are still living: On.
George Sears Greene, late U. S. A.,
age d 95; Dr. James Martineau, the
ologian (brother of Harriet Martineau),
and Hon. David Wark, “Father of the
Canadian Senate," 93; ex-Senator Brad
bury, of Maine, 95; Ernest Legouve
(French Academician), 91; W. E. Glad
gtoue, Cassius M. Clay, Admiral Sir
Henry Keppel, R. N., R. W. Trompson,
e x-Secretary of the Navy (1S77), 89;
p OD0 Leo XIII., Lord Armstrong, in
ventor . and_ Senator■ <s P mtrir J T S S Morrm Morrill of or
Vermont, 8S, Samuel Smiles, author,
Charles L. Tiffany, New York jeweler,
g g. g aroness Burdett Coutts and Gui
seppe Verdi, composer, a*. 04. pHnoe Piince Bis- bis
marck, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and
Adolph Menzel, German painter, 83; ex
Senator H. L. Dawes (Mass.), ex-Jus¬
tice S. J. Field (late Supreme Court),
Rev. Newman Hall, Philip James
Bailey, poet, Park Godwin, and Russell
Sage, 82; King Christian of Denmark,
Theodore Mommsen, German historian,
Sir Joseph Hooker, botanist, ex-Senator
J. M. Palmer (Ill.), and Bishop Williams
(Ct.), 81; ex-Senator W. M. Evarts (N.
Y.), Baron Reuter, ex-Senator George
S.’ Boutwell, ex-Senator Wade Hamp¬
ton (S. C.), 80; Queen Victoria, ex-Pre
mier Crispl, John Ruskin, Lord Play¬
fair, Duke of Cambridge, Julia Ward
Howe, Bishop Huntington (N. Y,), and
ex-Senator Reagan (Tex.), 79; Herbert
Spencer, Florence Nightingale, Susan
B. Anthony, John Tenniel, “Punch”
cartoonist, Prof. Virchow, Rev. Dr.
Storrs, Ristorl, the actress, Due de
Broglie, Sims Reeves and Sir W. H.
Russell. 77.—Self-Culture.
In Italy there are more theaters in propor¬
tion to its population than in any other
country. __
^ kui r5v Fi) ihEIUi irtir lit/
is due not only to the-, originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Tig Sirup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
J the ’ £ f J h t fact will
a g t one in av( iding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
caJ pr 5 fession , and the satisfaction
w hich the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
tbe name Q f the Company a guaranty
0 f the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company —
I/afflicted sore eyes, with use > i Thompson’s Eye
Am. N. U. No. 25, 1898.
Engines, Boilers and Steam Pumps, i.J
Belting, Packing and Rubber Goods.
Write for Prices and Catalogue.
N —' ^"4 YT7HIS event in the life of a wo
~Tv_ V__y/ y J I I ^ man feeling is looked akin forward to horror—not to with
^ 1 a
** ' because the little one is not
welcome, but because the mother
dreads the direful consequences
to herself. Those long hours of
I agonizing labor stand out before
/*■ r her like a hideous nightmare. An
y/?X\ improper delivery, followed by
child-bed fever, may end the scene
in a few short days, leaving the
/ ' ' little one motherless. But there
f'spf l e
C is another side to the picture. If
A s women who are expecting to be
come mothers will commence the
use of the great female tonic,
US6 8
oflabor ___ will %w _ _______
hours be shortened, the pain lessened, and recovery
complete. If there is any costiveness, move the bowels gently with
milef doses of St. Joseph’s Liver Regulator.
- , reats upon about eTery subject ruder th# sun. It contains 630 pages, profnaaly lihtstn <«4,
wiq s9n t, postpaid, for SOe. In atamps, postal not* at silver. When reading you doubt.
less run across ref- AN ENCYCLOPEDIA srenoos to maay
tea.ter? and things which you do not
undsrstand and widen this '.'•ofe
will clear up for 50c. rOXL. It ho* t, CUE*,
is Interest! piets s rici- indiex. is mine so manner, that ef It valuable nifty and he is FOB information, referred well worth to easily. to presented any one Thu n> In i say M
times the sn-oli .am of FIFTY CENTS which ask for it. A study of this book -eU*
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Chain Wheels, $75 t w <&
Hartfords, . . 50 j
Vedettes, $40 & 35 *~~¥
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